What South Central station today i am in dirt county, a region in the federal state of north ryan westphalia that is shaped by its Industrial History a 100 years ago. For baton was dirty lout and drought it. It was the center of the textile industry in germany, a working class city. Well, the cities, no beauty at 1st sight. If youre planning a city trip in germany, you probably think of munich, berlin, or hamburg. But potter, i dont think that many people out there know about the city and to be honest, neither do i. So lets just discover papa thought together. Ah, the city has something very special, a Suspension Railway. It has been the number one means of transport here for 120 years. The construction of the Suspension Railway has to do with industrialization. The traffic increased fast at that time. In order to release the streets, people had to move in the air. The suspension railroad follows the river voip up and over the by a factory premises. Some of the few companies that still exist here for me is something very exciting because this everyday life to be over that tree. This is crazy. So close to the houses and this is particularly worth, see the churning maneuver at the full vehicle terminus. There are 20 stops, each one is different. I like this one best, the purplish cause it looks like a small castle art level. When it comes to architecture, boycott is extremely diverse. There are so many cool places to discover old ones with tradition, but also some that are brought back to life with good ideas. Ah, the vizier hope a former gas boiler gets a new interior utopia city viewport. Our residents are committed to the future of the city in a disused trade station and loans than bridge germanys pious railway bridge. And the only one that you can climb on today. Ah, the out, the hustler is the city guide and has promised me insights into the history of a baton and great views. Here we start the vizier dorm, a decommissioned gas boiler that is used inside as an exhibition space. With precisely composed projections, a great feeling of space in here. One floor up youll find the sky walk with a 360. 00 degree panoramic view. It was not until 1930 that the individual industrial places along the flippa merged into one city and they named themselves after the river that connects them for part time. Every other shall be out. I heard that vo button is rein whole. Thats true, right . Is it always like that . It is, as it was all i as a vip, itll always gets a lot of rain here. The children are born with umbrellas and rubber boots, so 1 may go missed different combos. Though what, why did the textile industry choose to set up shop here to fish that young visited the gun and theres services due to the water of the look, the river and the plate you have the yawn. He had, which was already practiced here, back in the 16th century link. The text on industry developed count of that. The bleaching required the sun and rain and whip a tad was the path at place for that size. Oh, long playing toughness. What my thought, im for perfect 150 years ago, hoopa to a group to one of the largest industrial sites in europe in the 1970s automation and competition from low wage countries led to the decline of the textile industry. Scott, its i have as they will have as follows, and sign in hearts. Unemployment was very high, him, but the medium sized businesses here are very well connected. And afterwards they were able to create lots of jobs that then the university came along and its boomed for the last 20 years. Says it is a wound in an, as the fans in the old factories in their chimneys still shape the cityscape today. Yeah, and heres this, i and i, lets, this is one of the last remaining places where textiles were once produced. Dana, i bet they made ribbon when he been down here, the stabs lehman everything still as it was fun while back. Ah, the highlight there are still original looms on the 1st floor. It seems like a lost place to me. You can walk through history here and you can even touched it. Ah asked if the workers had just gone home. All the machines stopped thus far and as far loud, it was ram allen, loud and ha jeeps doing the looms with steam driven. So it was an incredibly stressful place to work. As the ange tightened yet for our boy, ah, the splendour and misery of the Industrial Revolution was experienced by this gentlemen 1st hand in proper time, feeling its textile, entrepreneur, philosopher, revolutionary and leader of the labor movement. Obviously to weiss, the text here in germany and chinese instead of english. For instance, if thats a sign of saying call for faculty keana. This statue is a gift from the peoples republic of china. A thing of an author blancos is of great importance to the chinese duties. Communist ideas and com. Hello, jeremy. Yes, they come here in big groups to visit angle statues and take home a bit of this states industrial culture waco, swa o san ave made for lets take a look at angles house in this house and found that ill come on. Lucas, you came by. The grandfathers house where its grew up is now a museum. Angus wrote the communist manifesto together with callmax. Hes famous for that english found his 1st inspiration in the familys textile factory, which he later took over the english. I was a boss and entrepreneur himself and had many workers. How did he actually treat them, bonded on those keep that went out in the system as of as his had his new stella. There are different visa, she suddenly wasnt the most progressive boston guy that definitely werent any found building exercises as we know them today as, as a hellish math. But what he did, and his enterprises, without a doubt, was to abolish child labor, which was still common at the time thus far him down again before these outside the rich angles families still lived in the immediate vicinity of their factories and workers. Ah, it was not until the beginning of the 20th century that the rich moved away from the dirt of the city up into the heads of baton. Here they built their villas. Ah ah. So the bottle is really city, full of contrast for new york has got the highlight and book with us has got the north bond profit, a former railway line across the city, me at 22 kilometers. The not bon tulsa was the longest in a city train, rude. The people here for 3 years to turn it into a bike path. Now the route is, theres shot or utopia. City is right on the bypass. It is a citizen project, Something Like a Test Laboratory for urban change. You can rent containers here and try out ideas from coffee roasting to urban gardening. People meet here and discuss what good life at the city of the future could look like. The. Center piece is the train station open workshops and event rooms are being built here. Busy its another big construction site and he hasnt been here in the fast cost waiting room. It was the jewel of the entire station and will be once again. Right now its the construction site. The woman is boston, what im telling me is here in terms of their stuff behind utopia, city is designed to create possible space, physical ones like room, but also idealized space of mental spaces for a long exclamation of listen. Who came up with all that . Thats going to offer that, does this good . Good question. I was going who comes up with such an idea of lots of people from the creative and technical sectors. I bought, i bought neighbors in the next. I want to help the city start superstars. We continue outside, theres 40000 square meters of playground, for ideas financed with loans, grants, and donations. Its from citizens for citizens of f. I 1st it looked like a huge construction site. Whats going on here yet . Isnt both. Now its a Bay Construction site. You max, some are a big student, competition will take place and it is a free week out. 18 buildings made by teams of students from 11 countries whilst idea form after theyre gone and the ground has been leveled again. Thats the containers will probably for come back. Right now were holding a competition seeking ideas for the development of this whole other than the concept of absolutely wrong can be made of it in thinking. Hes a hollow here. I will. Its about bringing up as much space as possible my experimental, urban development. I have all the movies through experiments and his stuff in the gloom sam hung off that when i can i see something finished here looking at been m if it were up to me it had never be truly finished because experimental oven Development Needs development, be kil, patel is the city that has been reinventing itself since the decline of the textile industry. You could feel it here. Ah, this is exhausting. There. Over 500. 00 stairs involved. I thought more than in any other german city. Each one has its own name. As some are designed by artist, like the hosting stairs, if the people have up a thought when it leaves the city and see some nature, they can go to baggers lunch or burke county. It lies at the gates of the city, and its just half an hour away. Over on weekends, not just the looper toddlers, but also people from clone and dusseldorf, head to the hills and forests of the bag ashes land. This region of north rind, westphalia offers a wide variety of recreational activities. Each extensive forests are a great place to explore on height and even cyclists will also find well sign posted roots. But a hot air balloon ride, its tough to top. The bare gushes, land is also rich in waters. There are many small rivers like the ripper. The dune and physique and countless reservoirs created to keep the annual floods in check. No other place in germany boasts as many man made lake in summer. They are popular with water. Sports enthusiasts. Bag is german, 4 mounted, but the bag of sugar land. Is it named for its hilly terrain . The name comes from the counts of bag, who ruled this county for centuries. Many castles and palaces here date from this period. Now they provide the perfect destination for relaxing weekend to get away. Ah, oh, do i dare to go up there . Louise bridge spans the flippa river near zoning and it is the highest railway bridge in germany, 107 meters high. The crazy thing is you can climb up 777 steps. Lead up along the gigantic arch of the bridge. I want to try to go up there to 1st there are belts, walkie talkies, who do you copy yet and secure it jackets. Good, else, perfect. Done. The stuff i month i work with here we go with 15 minutes to send through the forest. Were not even at the bridge. And my hearts already beaten faster. Mm. Oh, yes. Once you hook on right up here were, im standing, youll only exit the securing system once you reached the, on the side. It was actually clear to me that this would happen. My fear of heights kicks in. My mouth is dry. Im starting to stutter. Im not enjoying this at all. So the groove is almost at the top sewland phase with me. I want to go up to the group is already taking pictures when were on the east coast, but if you want to and day 2, you can look over here and ill take a picture of your emotional cuz its, its, yeah, he every step as a fight oh man, ah, and the others are already on their way back at me. Im done with it. With i all made it, but then i was just too afraid. Anyway, im proud of myself, and i think i need a breakdown of this to you. Gloria owned memoria hollywood with what that mean. That actually performed a glorious feature, went above and beyond, and almost reached the time oscar delivered. Yeah, the all, the, all the ill drink to that. And ellis, though, honestly, im glad to be down here again. Because i mean, how long did it take from the idea to the moment when you actually had people up there . Mentioned because it up the link is longer than expected. And in our night we thought maybe one for 2 years. I thought in fact or 10 before we cleared away the roadblock. The authorities, i wouldnt say put in our way, but we want a test. Theyd never dealt with anything like this before. Mike, im kind fall optimal b 15 content give. You have been very, very surprised how many people have contacted us and said they want to climate. We promised ourselves that if we should alter 1000 ticket on between the press conference in the openings and it would fly to las vegas to celebrate. And then suddenly i noticed we sold 7000. 00 tickets for coal. We had to open up many more time slot that i pay for buying a voucher. Wouldnt have to wait until march 2025 to use me. So theres lots of work ahead. The 5 good days we can guide 200 people across the bridge and we have our hands full and we are really happy about the tool and follow up on your guest. Mostly come from germany or also from broad outlet from from also get you my most of them come from germany g to the travel restrictions. But we do have foreign visitors, especially railroad enthusiasm on now that they finally have the chance because the scale a railway bridge. Yet folks from all over europe coming here, look at best buy because its some extraordinary and passion osland you. But youre here as opposed to, ill think of english, so they look at the rivets, not the view. Exactly, all feel how it vibrations, when a train passes over it with their, its like a climb of the bridge. Only here, one as a docile. Its one of a kind in germany and europe to globally. Its comparable to sydneys hobby bridge. What . But for those for whom sidney is too far away, besant, winston bridge would stop quicker. So this day to day, i will not forget it all my life. Ill stay a little longer in burke county. By and book is one of the most beautiful counts here. I need to recover from the adrenalin rush. This is really pretty. The houses are all clad with slate and have a uniform color combination. There is a name for it. The vert try it. White 3 as black blue by and look also has a reservoir. I think its perfect for an autumn walk, freely relaxing here. Even in the countryside, you can discover Industrial History. You can book a tour on the former vip of Valley Railway with a hand car. This section of the track was laid in the upper valley in 1880 to service the textile industry to day hand cars run along the line past former cloth factories dating back from fried rich ingles day to fill. The tours highlight is the old voting textile making complex. Perfect for thought is of course, both and complex is germanys largest remaining industrial ensemble from that period. We reached the former factory town visits of havent aveson sir. 4 of us are touring around enjoying the landscape lessons. Yes, now lets see what theyll tell us about wolfing and angles in earth. Yet this art is quite interesting to gain some insight and learn what industrial life was like a century ago unfold. Oh not youre welcome. So the thing was Something Special back then. It housed not just textile factories and workers apartments, but also shops, daycares, and sports facilities. In vip or towel, a person in a working class household had just 2 to 3 square meters of space. Here, doors they had 12 loans on thats via the nation were injured voice. It wasnt just a humane gesture lloyd. They had to do something to draw city folk out here to the middle of nowhere. This today. Voting is a museum. Voice gang masonic was the factory manager here for over 30 years and witnessed 1st hand how jobs were lost was at one time, 300 looms stood here, shoshua felton harden in it. We had 60 weaving machine that one weaver would operate 18 machines. Each of these power looms ran 10 times as fast as the single line run by just one week by end of our shield. Despite the automation in the 19 ninetys voting could no longer compete with cheap textile imports. From the far east to day, the looms are only operated for the museums visitors to zang at her. Im quite impressed. Hungry with a time they take and how precisely they explain things. So its very good regarding the food offer. Whats now history still has an effect on the present, our name, irish to which our physician workers rights and your Social Security Health Insurance on all these things came out of in store. So we unhook the towel can be proust. The whole angle is one of our own law, and on to him, so denying and or from from angles day right through to the present. This tour leaves you with plenty to think about. Ah, i am in the hotel again in the hot facilities. This is one of the oldest city parks in germany. Also an example of citizenship created by citizens for citizens. In cathy elisa, a specialty of the region is waiting for me. I take a look at this, the burg coffee table. Waffle rice pudding. Black bread, cold meat, raisin bread scrambled eggs. Jeez cherries whipped cream and liquor. Oh okay. I need support. Subpoena from coffee. That keeps me company sending him over an order here. Hm. What do i have to start with a waffle or . Or maybe i can say he knows all half the raisin bread, the cheese or is it a rule that you have to start with a wash and theres no set order, but i really like to waffle and set him up on we can start with them if you like the damage youre stopping. Okay. So then lets get to the waffle for mr. Mrs. Good. I mean to, so that the waffles lights down smoothly. You definitely have to drink something. Whats that when a biography to offer that sort of a delicious coffee, of course, a version of it shown angelica a nice coffee from the top to mina top amendment, an unusual name anomaly. That annoyed, very german looks unusual. Where does come from the theater film of and how it looks unusual because it originally comes from the netherlands form. So its called cuppa by it because it drips out a little bit. As you can see here to upgrade to not been tall, topped norma. Now thats why theres also a little dish underneath this. A next round at a coffee table like this, you sit with friends and family for hours. We can do it to a when youre not to recall that is there a neighbor on id say sinful. That very, pretty develop it kind of issues. Im just getting into it. The appetite is coming fun. Comes with the game you. Thats true. Well then i think sabina ah, i would say this is like a grand finale for my day in bought the city. It may still be an incentive, but it shouldnt stay that way. So if you want to get away from the usual tourist roof, you should consider a trip to what i thought by the next time. Ah ah, ah ah ah, ah, with ah with the best rum and the best to god best cuba and sell a food shortages, inflation, isolation to cuba. Fidel castro, socialism has failed, and cubans stuck without a fading revolution coming on dw, eternally controversial. And yet to pillar of state and society. In many ways, i think taxation is one of the most extreme actions by a government, but its also the definition of government because without taxation theres no good. But what happens when the power of taxation is undermined . Co pay wont to pay in 75 minutes on d, w o n a has no limit. Love is for everybody. Love is live. I love matters and thats my new podcast. Im evelyn char, mom and i really think we need to talk about all the topics that more divide and deny that this i have invited many, dear, well, i guess, and i would like to invite you to an end. Oh, okay. And they get all the harvesters, are immigrants, dolock, if they come in, every thing you enjoy eating at home with your family, was harvested by people who are being exploited. If the dc and were going to need dora, we cant keep doing what were doing is i need to become a sustainable as possible. And thats why youre green revolutionaries. Its absolutely necessary europe review the future thing, determine now our documentary series will show you how people, companies and countries are we thinking everything thats making later changes were made on ford, cuba, if a massive cyber attack or Something Like that happens and we can reboot our country from the outside of a, its our future after all. And if we dont do something, our children wont be able to enjoy fresh air with no want to sit on. Europe revealed starts november 3rd on d, w. Ah, this is dw news and these are our top stories. Italy has sworn in its 1st far right leader since wold war to ga, maloney is also the countrys 1st female prime minister. Brothers of italy party has formed a

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