some of the win to start the season and despair for cologne as their blues leader return sees them lose to a look trucks. now air force one the jet carrying u.s. president donald trump to the g. summit has just touched down in france trump and his wife melania just getting into that car you can see there and driving off and then meeting at the trump is meeting at the garrett get gathering in the results of barrett's deeply divided from the other leaders on a wide range of issues in particular the e.u. is basically opposed to trump's proposal to bring russia and president vladimir putin back into a group of 8 russia was thrown out of the group after an exchange crimea. it watching the news life from that lead up next we're heading to a chemist a nice jenny but the 1st time the right wing populist a.s.d. policy could win the most votes in states elections that's reporter coming up for now thanks so much watched you telling.

Related Keywords

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