Batiks yet many Animal Welfare organizations are convinced that young elephants in captivity are subjected to a whole procedure to make them tame. The management of the elephant camp would rather not talk about whether ning and his fellow elephants have been tortured in this way. Its early in the morning just after 7 oclock. Restless maybe the bull elephant is waiting for his working day to finally begin but maybe he just wants to break free of the chain which keeps him tethered to his Sleeping Area every night. For Syrup Chemistry the vet at the camp there is no cause for concern either way but i think he have a problem because ive been in the last 2 shots than now all i have been last night i hear you walk are our hand made their share and its not. Fairly and then they share and was really just to shock them no longer. Mr sawyer gets ready for his working day at around half past 6 every morning too he lives in this house with his family barely 50 meters away from an area. For over 10 years hes been in csma whos as the thai people call the handlers of the working elephants. As im a hoot mr sawyer is responsible for feeding and taking care of me but his chief role is akin to that of a tamer even if he prefers to see himself as a partner. Or rod for me what inning is like a member of the family. And ill tell you that god our relationship is based on love and Mutual Respect. He. Living with me now for over 10 years just like you would like with family or a good friend. Day begins with a decent breakfast an Adult Elephant eats about 200. 00 kilos of food per day preferably grass and leaves. His eating mr sawyer takes care of business from the previous night. He then finally frees the elephant from his Twisted Shackles but even during the day its a life in chains for all of the 79 elephants in the camp ning is obviously used to the routine. Does not like being rushed in the Early Morning and ive. Got. Over. Before the boat hook has to be used decides to get moving after all his daily shower awaits he can always eat his breakfast on the way. Its almost an hour until the 1st tourists will be sitting on the back before they come he has to go through the Elephant Wash as he does every morning. For a little. Only a few commands are required for his Morning Grooming and mr soy are a close knit team. So. After his early scrub the elephant is saddled up a daily feat of strength for mr stewart. The riding seat alone weighs around 40 kilos mr sawyer says that ning scarcely feels the weight after all as an Adult Elephant ning weighs about 3. 00 tons himself. And mr sawyer making their way to the start of the ride the 1st guests are eagerly. As is mostly the case the visitors are nearly all chinese. Most western Tour Operators have long since removed traditional plants like this one from their catalogs as many Animal Welfare wrists in europe or the usa consider writing operating the elephants as cruelty to animals. The Camps Marketing Officer sees no fault with a traditional concept. Like. If you do a pro wine their culture way their way off life about thai people and ill often walk how do the how do we live with the people read the amman story of the people from the outside how to ride on the elephant how the people use the elephant in the past in the past really really go on that often we use the elephant as a prize for patients until the forestation was banned in 1909 elephants in thailand were also used in forestry. Now they only stock heavy logs to entertain 2 arrests. Out around 5000. 00 elephants in total live in thailand today with around 3000. 00 of them in captivity. Nina orphaned brassicas a Danish Biologist she advises elephant camps on how to combine 2 or isnt better with Animal Welfare she thinks that in a Perfect World elephants would be free not held in captivity but the reality is a different one in thailand now its about maintaining certain basic standards at least. So good welfare can easily be done in a riding camp if you provide the elephant with aid enough good enough water enough rest and and otherwise free from discomfort also. Knowing whose name means number one in the thai language is the star among the elephants in the town it has the longest tusks of all the elephants. The camp has been his home for over 20 years. Prior to that he lived in a Mountain Village on the border to me and mark as a working animal. Has never known a life in the wild and he knows what the guest expect of him. A young couple from china gets to riding 1st the elephant doesnt seem to mind who sits on his back as long as he has the right snacks for the journey. The shortest. Id last almost 30 minutes and costs around 20 euros longer rides are also possible. Ning knows the route by heart in a normal day he gives 5 rides the visitors are usually thrilled. So you know what it was already wobbly at the beginning but then its a pretty good feeling on. What. Some guests are bothered by the ball the most important tool of every man. I dont like because he. He picked the stick and the like. I like all good thats. The cant manager tells us that in some situations it takes more than the soft touch to control an elephant no one and no one. Cares i think its too dangerous because our. Animals imagine it when you wear. Some days we have lists rights even the dog yet you have Something Like that but often they are quite. Big standoff so we mean that in a storm in need to be strong. Lunch time in the camp time for ning to do what he always does for mr sawyer its his 1st meal since breakfast but he doesnt need 200 kilos of food predated keep up his strength. Mr so explains how important it is that the elephants have enough food also to control the animals. While winning is obstinate and doesnt react to my commands then i give him something to eat. If hes still in a bad mood i have to use my bull hook just a little pack is usually enough to calm him down love all we have a little high called the union lake on. Mean or thin brask tells us that a lack of transparency constantly impedes her work. In particular The Camp Management refuses to talk to her about the training of young elephants. Historically they have used. A very brutal way of training the young elephants to make them listen to them hooks. And actually due to this very brutal Training Method that is now in what is deterring many tourists from going in to check the much additional camps because it is a firm belief that all elephants and 2 riots do show as they do any sort of entertainment for guests and tourists. Can only do so because they have been through a brutal training let alone. Busy are available on the internet showing the cruelty involving breaking in the elephants as it is called it is not known exactly where and when these films were. Not the brutal procedure can take up to a month the animal is only freed once it stops fighting back. This method was practiced for centuries in the entire region today there are laws against cruelty to animals in thailand but if no one complains it seems not to be an issue. Is unclear to what extent the brutal Training Methods are still practiced today. That at the camp remains vague when asked about the assured. Him now as we tried to use the combination of post and make it he reinforced men. They dont know about the naked men the father make as he has been many just a really as some ratio to them and when i found doing the right thing to remove. A lot of the hooded being. He had hinted that it in fact is not that. A nice long drink at the end of the day after a good 7 hours with the writing seat on his back working day is over so just mr sawyer has to work hard. So. That. One of the things i notice about this is the length of this kind of very close and almost so respectful relationship it had with his hands last and i think its all so its all in there like the management of that animal is based on on a Mutual Respect and not so much. Whos who whos got a weapon or not. Named mr sawyer on the way back to the Sleeping Area. Suddenly the elephant stops in his tracks he needs to have a scratch these concrete pillars are just the thing to relieve his it. Its one of the few moments when one can simply do as he likes with no drills or commands. And then its shackle time again and. Will spend the next 14 hours tethered to the spot. Later on mr sawyer will bring him fresh food. And tomorrow the whole thing will start again. After. The bomb supply the time to come and im not too distant future. If america has everything. Moved by a kid who knows everything. Welcome to the realm of a mystic amazon. 50 d. W. Im stranded and alone. Desktop is maybe as far as their children all or who tell stories about their dead parents and siblings since all. The miners who were. A few g. s in greece on the mainland assume a Psychologist Hiking Funds for the youngsters writes every day what hope does she see for the forgotten children. 90 minutes d. W. Some time in the 26th. My great granddaughter. What would the world be like in your lifetime in around half a century. Your world would be around 2 degrees warmer. Inevitably sea levels rise by at least one meter in this century. Referring to have some climate impacts we turn greater the more we see oh. Thats really frightening book

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