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Takes, policemen follow with w. Fire made for mines. Boost nicky stuff. D gone nally even. Yeah. Oh no sky and she dont have any body. Yeah. Oh. I was with fun tuition guy. Lucy, gone fine. Not take them on z. I bit on dont day in line. Oh, were they in the mid th versus ange . Type this to be took right. I was possibly sterilized in the medical experimentation facility of vesta vince hawk. Bison and myself, they said it was because we were anti social must be on this. My father was a conductor, my mother worked from home and we had a fixed address. My father was late to band, from performing and had to work in a factory. So anti social was known, so he says i people shouldnt just think of gypsies as People Living on caravan sites. I want them to see the human beings who even now 35 years after the war a still feeling the pain are not complete. Can teeth alleging thanks juanita one vargas, one against mine, warner with nights must stay on time and i live in a completely normal apartment is not some trailer enough and of course i pay taxes dinged 99 percent of what ive experienced in the 32 years ive been around so good has been feeling good as if you were standing 2 steps down. Existing people just look at you differently. Yeah, and what ive done thus far along. Ah, my poor alana york. Apple has poems of, thats melanie gala. This my po, rural, many for grandfather fam, lashed together with lamar new alsa during their Hunger Strike, endow art. And he said we had to go to the place where our people had suffered and we had to go on Hunger Strike. There dies. The point was to show that the injustice you discrimination and ostracized ation hadnt ended carpenter does come in your home with dolls pencil. It was the 8th of april, 1980 day, 5 of a high profile Hunger Strike. 35 years after the end of the 2nd world war, the mass murder of europe, cynthia roma, had still not been recognized as a genocide before tyler. The prejudices that had been built up against us during the hitler erupts and justify our persecution and extermination were never dismantled after the war people hears. Theyll think the injustice as we suffered at the hands of the 3rd reich were legitimate under the nazis systematically murdered, cynthia and rome. Are people with estimated figures of up to half a 1000000 individuals in total among those taking part in the Hunger Strike protest at the former concentration camp. And da, how was the grandfather of julie halle lich . To accept spanish. And he hadnt himself been imprisoned in a concentration camp. It at his parents had been which of us and if of course, that affected him treatment and its a pain that you carry with you for i minced and especially when society hasnt fully acknowledged that this genocide took place here in germany for alongside died against the jews hired and its still being suppressed to a certain degree. Dashed english. Beacon vert. Ah, she minute of mountain ish, does ish mit diesel lied to me, didnt call my mother didnt want me to grow up with this anguish and drama house so. So she didnt tell me about it until i was about 10 years old. It, it really upset me. Um, i was completely beside myself for about a we had advised on iraq. Her languages also cannot in hm. As well as fight does monica rives . Last week i can cause ed ton knowing that my own grandparents studies and it wasnt just my mothers parents but also my fathers parents just yet as kinda oh cool. So were you knowing that they had been in an extermination camp in their childhood or youth and that people had wanted to murder them and were too that was extremely hard for us to shun extreme for aunt ah ah, the to here pitt. This ceiling stands for the goin on a minute gypsy, and that was my number. I tried to erase the number. You can see it crew back, and the number reappeared. The n. Cook a thing that i wanted to get rid of disease via a story. Then ted, take martha. Silly schmidt is one of the last survivors who can still recall the genocide 1st hand. She was born in the thir india region of germany in 1924. Her meander van that keno gabbed, my family had a traveling cinema kia and thats where we earned our money with. Ah, everybody in the village would come running a good movie time. No, go. There were always so excited. I love great. Though, were death. Mindy lee, belle grove acton. We grew up surrounded by love. Under our family was close. Neither diva though, the rad, those neat, dont like this good, like this. And he had, we were a happy family. I me a gap. At 1st, when the nazi ceased power in 1933 delish smiths father didnt suspect they were in danger. My father, my father, hadnt ever committed a single cry, not even j walking, not one. My partner that i gala alisha man. My father was an honest rule abiding man. He said to me ive, ive the dont worry batch going to. Its only the criminal who hitlers after night. But now he adds any gal, it was asked, he picked up and took away cuba. He dont need to put the criminal z of and if we were the criminals there being nosy for. But i have a give her by her mia. The nazi stigmatized. Cindy, and rama people as criminals and anti social elements. They were systematically identified and registered the questionable justification for this practice came from the racial hygiene and demographic Biology Center run by Robert Richer and his colleague, eva justina. He hums was located in iceland, when they try to identify every single one of them. If rudolph lit up was determined to be able to identify cindy and roman individuals as such, even were those people were not themselves aware of it. What is it . They took a look at people who his parents and grandparents could be counted as cindy or roma. They compiled huge family trees for america. They took blood samples to blue port, examined the color of their hair, and tested their speech, faculties half age. And it certainly involved physical coercion, o g a while to to cause 14, the so called racial scientists called these family trees genealogies, any one who had even one grandparent falling into the nazis race. This concept of so called gypsies was at risk of persecution in extermination. The racial hygiene and demographic Biology Center examined practically the entirety of german roma and cindy. In 1943 the leash mit was deported to the outfits birkenau, extermination camp along with her parents, her siblings and her 3 year old daughter gretel. She was imprisoned in what was called the gypsy camp. W van mir canino then emptied from where we were. We could see the gas chambers come breton would run up to me saying, mamma, theyre burning people back there as its id say no gretel the baking bread that she said. No, john can imagine all sorts of things they had. She was telling the truth of a death mamma, theyre burning people over there. Mamma, theyre very dementia. Barbara, and on august the 2nd 1944. Felicia met was moved to the havens. Click camp north of berlin, as she was considered fit for work. That night, all the remaining, cynthia and roman auschwitz were murdered, including silly, schmidts parents, her sister and her now 4 year old daughter gretel. In the class, when i was little while i was falling asleep, i would always think that if my parents die, i would die to. I didnt die with them, but i would have died with my child came today michelle. Her Julie Schmidt managed to escape from gardens pike and survived by going underground until the war ended around 5000 german roma. And cindy survived the genocide. Hundreds of them had been forcibly sterilized after the war. They tried to return to their homes, thus by india lips and young in modesto, and oak, the indian, liam of lucas to funder by little and his hopes let become. Thus lun. Father laga invention shine. Hosen, z m. Z effect. Also anybodys and shun flic gallagher depends it up for by full noun about emilys analysts to student nish, logan, you know, your flu, cosmos, glasses, bunch, bodies, and clubs. The alice, under the under kind of men, should go to google, introduced this engine thomason after 945 log on the surviving center and rama left the camps and returned home punkish where they did not receive a particularly warm welcome dish theatre throughout west germany. Grange dust, you could observe the same phenomenon. What im on that rama. Uncertainty were only tolerated on the outskirts of cities, checks and temporary housing and homeless shelters that were pitifully furnished before they were displaced to the periphery. Everywhere and guns witness will pick succor from. Ah, this footage is from the west, german state of baton, virt and bag. In the late 19 fifties, the coin family had bought a house in the village of macos. I am the quite to this number 9 family members and were cindy aroma. Mr. Murray, i would assume youve made every effort to another sales and contract between the gypsies and the owner of this town until visits of these houses here working tomorrow. Indeed, ive taken every action. It was possible to take the meanwhile, but the mayor was unable to reverse the sale. The night before the quiet family planned to move in. Other villagers completely destroyed the house with a local pub serving free beer to those responsible. The 100, im sure they didnt intend to commit a crime here. They were just taking a stand for their homeland to defend it from the gypsies, from seattle to run. The villagers were charged with breaching the piece. They received political backing in the Regional Parliament from the conservative christian democrat, politician to bailey, as fonder, if a tired eagle. These is land freedom, blue, or black meal. I was responsible for defending this breach of the peace in the parliament and stood georgia. It was among the hardest charges and the greatest, and most rewarding success ive ever had ever. Not one of my defendants was sentenced to more than 9 months. One valley and all were released on parole. Our citizens all got off more or less without a scratch, that phone get coleman. Even the chief prosecutor said it had been the most he school breach of the p. So hed ever st. Unfreezes pro in fine, a country long and blacks escalation with their house. Now in ruins, the quite family was forced to live in a barn. 9 people sharing a single space under a table just in general. The displacement of anti and rome are from urban areas. After 945 is a good example of Mainstream Society making a bogeyman out of minorities it by creating circumstances that force people to live marginalized lives or an offer d o. And in the end, this reinforces the prejudices. Theyve gone with it. I mentally to stein back and of money advice, grew up in west berlin in the 19th sixties and seventies with they put them on a gulf model of gibson. I grew up with my grandmother. Exactly. And she always tell me the keep it down when i was playing. She was worried wed be thrown out of our home because of people complaining nika, but it was in the middle of the day, or why the whole, well young sense of to say about from the me i had, she was scared that some one from Mainstream Society would come and tell us to be quiet recently and that we werent allowed to do these sorts of things in germany in what have you thought that she was afraid of that because she still had the same fear. She had an outlet from from, from the house i young and against among the tuscan, wont. Will we lived in an ordinary apartment building. We were the only since theyre coming from, but we drew attention because we looked a little different. Nobody my mother and my aunt didnt stand out too much, but my grandmother did almost with her. She was the only dark looking person i was and she wore long skirts. But otherwise, we always tried to blend in and not reveal who we really were often bundled. We were reserved anxious and cautious. You know that he wasnt, we tried not to attract attention to not to do anything wrong with and to always be upstanding in schools. Oh, fun is angeline own design. Ah, the west german media selectively portrayed roma and cindy as destitute in the sixtys open racism was still no exception on public television. That slim star alexey gallaghers hunting view induce both no income. This book knowing come talk to dauntless oscar sheets, wendy, to go. Not yellow, rhinoceros of gibbon briefing. This folder for ben newman underwood, adults, yolande elementary. Oh, these are kinda big and beautiful. In these millions egan swung soldiers from publishing that song. One finished north from one to help look up for little the notion of cindy and rome are becoming anti social elements or criminals because they had abandoned, their racial purity, was adopted from the self styled racial scientists of the nazi regime. As was the terminology after 1945, the physician hammon, i know it became a key adviser to the west german authorities. Essentially, he built on the Research Work conducted by the nazi era racial hygiene and demographic Biology Center. In a book published in 1965, he still referred to cynthia and roma as bastardize, primitive and devious. His claims were based on files compiled by the nazis scientific racism specialists. If i use theme, the scandal, news is thus de awesome for short, outrageously, the so called race scientists were not among those prosecuted after 1945. And its equally scandalous that these files, which have rightfully been termed as documents for planning a genocide act, were not turned over to archive authorities even, but remained in use by the perpetrators of the time. In dawn, they basically picked straight back up from where the allies had forced them to seize their work for a couple of weeks. Or pablo lunk, its one of 200 she earlier today, those records compiled by nazi scientists are stored in the federal archives and berlin in the 19th sixtys hammond, arnolds records were passed on to sophia, had at the university of tubing in a i had had likewise once worked at the notorious racial Hygiene Center with state backing, she used these not the accounts to published a study about the creases on the hands of cynthia and roma. And what they supposedly revealed this race, a pseudo science, was put to an end in the early 19 eighties, albeit not voluntarily on the part of air had on september 1st 1981 survivors of the genocide in their descendants occupied the basement of tubing ins, university to secure the release of the incriminating files, they found genealogy trees that stretched on for several meters, featuring degree of mixed blood alongside the names of individuals and romani. It was the 1st time they had physical proof of their peoples persecution. The bella to julia bellowed. This is veronica rest his soul. Bernhardt who was in our streets when every one was ghast your conscience and he we have did his too much so much you deserve rest. Is old austria oh, spell bound to my father. My father took less good issues. Thats me. And oberst ponds. Ill go stammered fee as you mama, mamma is my mom doesnt get and thats me. Is i stop. This is my eldest brother. This is my new law. And this is not my younger brother. An archive documenting a program of murderous persecution, family trees, photographs, so called anthropological examinations. All records of a systematic sensors and genocide. They go mama. Oh, i hence revised became one of the most popular since musicians in west Germany Valley they go they go in the guitarist and the medalist as nephew romani. Oh okay. Oh, cant ship them in. We have been muggy briefly when i was desperate to perform on stage with my uncle, other i admired him so marcia, so i really gave it my old and put in a lot of practice. And in the late 19 seventies romani vice went on to join the famous, hence she vice quintet. This person was, it was, it was a way for me to cruise myself and to express myself with the new on the vic slide. We were on tour in our trailers. People would say things like that, but look, he come the gypsies or hide everything away. But once they realize we would those 20, the famous group who were there for performance. Then they loved us off with tv on radio. The press one, everybody showed up them with that that really drove the difference home to me. Here i was just another gypsy bit. There. I was the star. And once i left the stage i was the gypsy again. Ah, in 1979, the hints shouldve eyes quintet had a performance and damaged that. The citys Church Authorities were hosting a sim, t and realm a Music Festival and event aimed at fostering intercultural relations. And the 1st of its kind of a michelle, not an im, thats it also, ha, ha ha. I recalled an old saying that bears a great truth in a country in which gypsies rome is one where freedom reigns for a country without gypsy, is one without freedom. And lets see, going like it all kind of like a blind young and so welcom moment, not just to day, but always harder on an emma. A more than 10000 people attended the Music Festival. Money at the consultancy. Only people were looking for new encounters and meeting new people. They were ready to open up when im there were a number of boots with non since the people to who were engrossed in animating conversations with a shuttle. As i mentioned to me, it was a milestone. We were being seen and heard, and not only on a musical Level National movie college. Why . Oh well go not just a day, but only several weeks after the Music Festival, a number of roma families moved to down that damn stuck, stunt in my good woods oquendo. And as under my birth certificate sided darmstadt as my city of birth and listed camping ground, as my address in my family had experienced displacement and persecution in serbia in the former yugoslavia to a photo. That was one of the reasons why they came to germany back there myself in storage and good comments. And they were looking for a better lives and thinking that germany would be more open towards them to live until. But it wasnt her design can was a bar in it. The local authorities assigned gianni or van if its his family, a house, then a middle class residential area weve on his i dont put a finished and wont bother me. Well mostly my family of ive had 1st, they were grateful that they didnt have to live in a trailer anymore. Hm. My family was simply glad to have a solid roof over their heads and Running Water just finished, that for their basic sanitary needs were met. They were able to wash and eat normal meals and have a room for themselves. Home for this. Have them come. So that was a relief and i had oakland lesson but the neighbors were not so happy to see the Family Moving in. There were soon official complaints and the police were repeatedly called in, while the media reported on issues with what they called bay grants. Those i just absolutely come. Well, why didnt you come and see for yourself what we do and who we are and why didnt you sit at our table and get to know us and glam . Instead, you just hold a black curtain to and told yourselves we are, the bad guys is act doesnt to person in 1982 local opposition to their presence turned violent when a bomb went off on the night of january, 2nd, right outside their house. If you live here right . Yes, sure. Nice. I used to live here too. And that house is live. Yes. My family lived there. When the attack happen, perhaps you remember as conditional button. Oh yes. Of course. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And im one of the people who were seriously injured back then. That was you. It was so many years ago jobs. Were you aware of what happened back then . Yes, i was. But what did you witness . As all i know is that if someone had been standing in the kitchen or in the hallway, they wouldnt survive gung. Elizabeth originally. Lets see. Name is a blast. Work us up to. Thats my bedroom window right there. Like if the window was broken and there was glass in my curtains, that was the song of beaver doesnt. Miasca laughed. The explosion blew the front door of the van of each family off its hinges and took the windows out. Shards of glass flew through the house. Oh, hes a lot at night. I remember the smell. Hm. And the loud bang. The sound of my mother screaming and the children by. I dont think the men were around. We ran outside. I remember it like it was yesterday i heard yelling with him set for the g word, all sorts of things like gas them and burn them. But and she a t stuff. And then then stone started to fly bunstein. I think theyd been hold out of the sidewalk. One of them hit me and i know this, it hit me hard, risky get hoffman. The individuals responsible for the crime. Were never identified. The crap we were lucky. Just lucky my family group up in the 1970s west, german, 70 and rama formed their own Civil Rights Movement. The Hunger Strike in tahoe with their 1st major campaigns guided through even by the yahoo. Woodcock afternoon. Sky was a musician who made the journey to the concentration Camp Memorial site boat, etc. Oh, yeah. Finally. Yeah. Can we change delivery to an old song about the gypsies life being the life for me . And then it became the anthem of the Civil Rights Movement in germany. Shock more slide it let jeannie. Oh wow, hold it. Why does it still not have to pay the human on mine . Cuz were just, oh, right. Wow. Yeah, well, not this woman. A runner. Anybody over the river, we were a movement i phone except at the time we went organized in associations. We were musicians. Whats it . I prefer to going out and offering to what you was dead. What i said is that for see going on gypsy, the record was subtitled, german gypsy songs. We had to refer to this term back then in order to raise awareness, to ensure that it was clear what we were talking about. If wed named the album songs of the german romance, people would have thought we meant german romanians. It wasnt a common term back then. There were a lot of things that had to change, but that doesnt happen overnight time. It would take a while to establish it in the public consciousness and answer. Thanks. Nancy. Nancy. Good items, are you guns in for us to dine lane gates lane . Mm hm. Oh oh no, no. It wouldnt be any small diner slide. Oh, good. With mileage on a gun in the after the war, the police and west germany continued to single out roma and 70 people for attention. Woodcock, have chince. He remembers what it was like in humbling standing. We were constantly being pulled over. And as a young man, youd get a slap from these offices in plain clothes. For uncle interview. And burkes Police Forest had one department dedicated to the city santian roma. They delivered their reports to a national vagrants registry in munich. In 1953, it essentially took charge of monitoring all cynthia and roma, living in west germany. Jeffersons on the source of the scope of the candles on visor, the school intensely registration when Something Like this right over there were directed to conduct regular raids on so called gypsies. Theyd write down which pets people had. If women were pregnant, they were constantly checking cars for all sorts of things like 10, whether they had ariels it, it all got pretty bizarre for it. Of course. They also registered her deaths and marriages. But whats the point of keeping track of pregnant women or of writing down peoples concentration camp numbers and treating them like a special feature like any other tattoos. Its this dead forest, goinna gypsy from outfits im it of and the number that came with it. However, it was a deal alongside police files kept for criminals, were records of cindy and roma, even if they hadnt done anything wrong. There were orders to destroy the files when the vagrants registry was dissolved in 1965. But the Hamburg Division continued using its records into the early 19 eighties before transferring them to the state archives where they were exempt from Public Access to the im. None knows that he, most of them was a dollar and we did what we done and done so in order to make this issue public, we went to the noise gum a camp and went on Hunger Strike until we were given access to the documents weve pay the high enough price for those files to the authorities were uncompromising when they persecuted us, and they should be equally thorough in disclosing our past. Now to work, i dont have to. Luckily, the Hunger Strike only lasted 2 days. Then the hamburg government, more or less, relented on and we entered into long negotiations with the courts and local governments and the state archive. In the end, we were given permission to view the files are subject to all sorts of restrictions. The files that woodcock have chikavsky and his fellow campaigners uncovered and hampered state archive in 1983 are still being evaluated to this day by their organization the realm. And since a union the sink is true, says as daylight shelves of prescribed books, which i rarely touch on the more you work on earth like the more you and come as things that are simply incomprehensible. And its how these things continued after 1945. That are the truly shocking part of the story, the finance wishing. In september 1945, the hamburg authorities calculated that 1628 cent he and rome i had lived in the city prior to 940. Of those 1135 were to ported, murdered or disappeared. That meant 493. 00, still had to be alive, so a police unit was formed to watch them. On september 3rd, 1959 Hamburg Office of criminal investigations made an internal note about what it called the gypsy index destroyed during the war and had now been recreated with the help of federal and Regional Police authorities in west germany. The index was based on police files gathered during the nazi regime, but the documents were not enough for investigators. In august 1963, the Hamburg Police visited ham on i know it in order to view his files from the center for racial hygiene. Their subsequent report contained the following comment. We received a total of 7 micro films with about 2600. 00 genealogies that are now being turned into legible, copies and hamburg disk a few months. It is ok, it might sound silly, but looking at those files, the 1st feeling i experienced was a sense of relief there. We had it in black and white explaining why things had been the way they were. How fears im how suspicion hadnt been unfounded. So it hadnt been a simple routine check when they searched their houses and rated our homes, called the police showing up at our workplaces to talked to our bosses of all take the problems we had when applying for a drivers license, which took a lot longer for us for them to cover all the extra question and this explained Everything Else out of poverty or kill. Dawn asked her as the defeat of nazi germany, italy schmidt towards the country with her husband tony and his band. Me of an yoke. Me a voice lame. We were young lad that though i mean we wanted to live by dag and so we did me a voice. We wanted our lives back man, the live i had the will to live and to have a nice live man. Thats all i wanted mine. My name dorothy, who but the trauma of auschwitz kept haunting her day to day life, benjamin came dank whenever i think about my child it gets awfully bad is a shame denture, and i cant sleep at night. They spend the entire night in outfits. I cant look at that picture of them. I just cant look daft anakin day in 1950 silly schmidt applied for compensation. But officials questioned her story while using the nazis race. This terminology. After 943. 00, she was told only so called mixed blood individuals had been deported to auschwitz, where as so called pure blooded gypsies were only deported to camps if classified as criminals rides about the he that them, you know what they said to me, one they did most reichman. I went by reichman back then did the misses right when you couldnt have been sent to a concentration cramp if youre a pure blooded since eva not mixed blood. So, but she said only mixed race. People were kept there by. Thats not true, its a lie. We will all sit there while i live there. The office for reparations requested an Expert Opinion on felicia smiths accounts of her persecution and entertainment, and contacted the vagrant registry center. The official in charge was gay gaia, a former s. S officer silly schmidt was subsequently told that she had been persecuted, not out of racist motives, but due to her having been a work shy, vagrant and an antisocial element. Her application for compensation was denied dancing disfigured message. They only people who regularly wait in on what had happened to the cindy had roma during the nazi regime or the perpetrators themselves ciscano jesus. Or of course, they showed this very narrative device that they hadnt been to ported out of racist motive. Awesome. But simply for reasons of Crime Prevention and i this help them achieve to goal of that. Once zia did 1st easier to prevent compensation for cindy and roemer and 2nd ending of to protect themselves from criminal prosecution. In 1956, west, germanys highest court ruled that up until 194370 and roma had only ever been persecuted on the grounds of allegedly being antisocial elements and were as such not eligible for compensation. By the time the ruling was overturned in 1963, many survivors had already passed away. To lee schmidt spent 19 years fighting for compensation. In the end, she would be awarded nothing more than a paltry sum. Dont that 19831 year after the bomb attack angenie of an of it is home. At the time his aunt and uncle lived in the center of town. The city had provided them with the house to in the summer, both families went on vacation together. When they returned to darmstadt, 2 weeks later, the authorities had demolished the house. The gianni of one of which is relatives lived in it until who comes and says, i never heard from one or 20 link. Theres this picture of my aunt lanka standing barefoot in front of the rubble, trying to dig out something or anything to take with her from it. They destroyed everything even personal belongings as they took everything from us. I humbly once cannon over the cameras in there, what was the reason behind the city taking what some people would consider to be monstrous action, but dashed up their quarter want. The immediate reason was a risk of the house collapsing, as well as the danger of an Infectious Disease outbreak here and in the immediate neighbourhood, in their own gabe lowndes. As ours. The demolition turned into an international scandal. The newly founded Central Council of german santian rome are called in a lawyer, law kind is weeks the again, the job as a full court. There was no excrement or such liking as had been claimed till 12. On the contrary, it was in a perfectly normal, habitable condition or the other. I think they claim that this house posted epidemic risk was fabricated, published on. And todays the 1st time ive heard that there was a risk of the house collapsing. Yeah, that sounds really dubious on her bygone will the office rock tom that really made us wonder what next as it was, what was this country doing to us and what is going on for future. Ange carty it is organ when we started worrying that if they can take away the home they had given up, then they could do whatever they want us to. While the family was assigned a new home and darmstadt on wasteland at the edge of the city. Genuine of edge has come a long way since those days. He now runs his own successful business and lives in cologne. This been there, man, devoid and asia. Mazin goiter. Theres been there, john. Ive become the man ive always wanted to be and johnny and she, ive become the johnny who can offer little johnny the protection. He might not have always hands which oh, crown. And ive had to learn how to control my inner child and well as the who is severely traumatized and vulnerable all but he doesnt control me. The hassle diminutive, the adult, me lives with my inner child. And yet the man in he is still a child at heart delete with him on hudson to hi this mrs. Kent mother lou ah. In 198237 years after the end of the 2nd world war west germany finally recognized the mass murder of cynthia roma as a genocide, a major victory for the community Civil Rights Movement among its proponents was bologna. Gag. The grandfather of julie halley, lich ah. The technician had to finish complete. Basil madden and worse. I was inspired by what he and other civil rights activists achieve for us in the early days. Right. They laid the foundations for us that much which of course he had to stop eventually, and its always been a personal issue for me as fast to continue what he could my finish much to it. But theres still so much to set right on the awareness for you off clarence. But daph julie halle lodge is one of the co founders of the center realm. Her pride initiative. Their aim is to make this major ethnic minority who are often overlooked, more visible among permission to put a barn when we want to build a bridge and reach out and us social media enables us to immediately boulder, even if its only dated ally and they can get to now as well as abeline on skin tissue. Its been an a dime a german sunday, sir. Feel as a lot of people wonder whether they should still say that i personally believe so. I have to say it over. Otherwise, people will never learned that were not just some of the stereotype for a stigma. My as they get to know who i am and learn about my identity as a st. Aysa, we just want to show who we are isnt mm moon. Ah oh um heaters and its lead worse of compose a little harder where adult hitlers obsession. Aah has ever been and background music, full megalomania, ferguson arts, 21 in 3 minutes on d. W. O. In a red alert for the blue climate. Ah, this isnt just drought is a red if occasion i think were going to have some epic fighting over the word or is becoming a scarce commodity. Hes just getting dryer and dryer and we need more and more water somewhere earth dying of thirst. Theres no water at home then its like be a pod with global struggle for water and nothing can be done with thirst starts on august 10th on d, w ah ah, this is dw news live from berlin, ukraines president ordered all civilians to evacuate from the Eastern Province of donetta, the lot of mister lensky warrens fighting will intensify as russia continues its advance into ukrainian territory. Declaring the time to leave is now

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