Entire World Economy will collapse. And there is a risk of a lot more people dying of starvation around the world than are dying in the fighting itself. And persistent floods in thailand that simply wont go away. How are people coping . Ah, i melissa chand, thanks for joining us. Well, beijing has kicked off its communist Party Congress, which will ensure a 3rd term for shooting ping. He will enter his 2nd decade of rule with a less robust economy, but more control over china and its citizens, which has also meant a more nationalistic country, fueled on more propaganda. So far, the actual events of the congress have been pretty dry, with no clear surprises from his speech. Though overseas analysts are parsing and debating every word. One need to keep an eye out for whether hell even hint at a possible successor, one of the worlds most powerful men does not appear to have a succession plan, which is always a challenge for any country. We have journalists, sewland wong, joining us from the economist. She and her team recently put out a multi part podcast series about sheeting pin entitled the prince, which i highly highly recommend. Its very engaging so soon. Why dont we start by asking if viewers are to take away anything about she ging ping, what are the key things we need to know . Whats important to understand about c, g ping is that hes driven by paola. Hes incredibly ambitious. He has the sense of entitlement and an understanding of chinese history and hes also motivated by chinas future. So what do i mean by this . He had an incredibly traumatic childhood, even though he was born into communist potty royalty. Ready when he was 9 years old, his dad was purged, and he was attacked and given 5 minutes to live by moussa dongs mobs, he was then sent to leave in the country side for 7 years in a cave. So he had this really scarring childhood. And that has really shaped who he is, because while millions of his generation thought thats it, im done with china because they had that or that, that similar experience. What makes you shipping really interesting is that he had a different takeaway. And what he realised was, what he decided was that in most of the Chinese Communist party in and of itself was bad. Even though it had inflicted all that trauma on to so many millions of chinese, what he decided was that the party had lost control during his childhood. And so he ever rose through the Chinese Communist party name he evers to the very top. He would make sure that that kind of chaos wouldnt be repeated and he was going to make sure that he would prioritize control above all else. So understanding his childhood, but also understanding his um, family helps us understand why hes doing what he does to day. And certainly explains things, although some people can interpret it as massive stockholm syndrome. So how would you rate . Shes performance as a leader the past decade. What would be his grade when he even came into power 10 years ago, the communist party and china were in crisis. That corruption was rampant. There was political in fighting at the very top of the party and seeming seized control, all the nearly 100000000 members of the party through his signature corruption crackdown and really by ramping up ideological discipline. Once he sees controlled the potty, he was able to use it to seize control of china. And what weve seen is seeming, develop incredibly sophisticated censorship surveillance and propaganda machines. And china itself has become a lot more repressive and a lot more authoritarian over the past 10 years. So from his perspective, hes actually being incredibly effective at achieving what he believes is right for the party and the country. But of course, whether its actually a good thing for the chinese people, whether its a good thing for china and the rest of the world is an entirely different question. And i would argue that actually, what c shipping has done to china is incredibly dangerous. Not just for the country itself, but for the rest of the world. And that really leads to the question about what chinas and neighbors should expect as he enters his 2nd decade empower. What did they need to worry about . What were seeing from cg and ping is he wants to create a world that is safer for the Chinese Communist party so that china can go about doing what it wants to do, both domestically, but also in the rest of the world. And what the main tool that theyre using is their economy because chinas economy is growing, sorry, much, you know, over the past few decades. And also since eating ping came to power. And increasingly, what were seeing is china is wielding its economic might to bully other countries to coerce of a governments and businesses and individuals. And as china becomes Even Stronger and even more powerful, were going to see more and more of this type of economic. However, in, in the whole of asia and, and around the rest of the world. And thats going to cause a lot of tension, hostility, distrust, and conflict soon. Wong, thank you so much for joining us. And once again, do check out her podcast. It is absolutely excellent. Thanks. Melissa, mongolia, landlocked and sandwiched between russia and china, has had a difficult line to walk over the past year, dependent on both powers, yet needing to hedge one against the other. As a result, it has generally opted for whats called a non aligned position on the international stage. In other words, dont make us pick sides. He doubly had the chance to sit down with Prime Minister with some strong oh, you know, darren and ask him about the countrys position on ukraine. Heres an excerpt. Some also saw inner vessels that are from the very beginning, mongolia has held the position and policy that countries should resolve their issues in a peaceful way by diplomatic means, with minimal damage to each other in person ah, model. So it is clear that mongolia stands against war and for peace. But this is an extremely important challenge all heads of government around the world, as well as for the United Nations and the Security Council members who play a key role. It is a historic challenge to river to little so as i said earlier, if the situation continues, my biggest fear is that the entire World Economy will collapse. Gibson will horse endless. And there is a risk of a lot more people dying of starvation around the world with loss than are dying in the fighting itself. Yield to straw kitten sir william henry. I am an ordering some or if the situation stirs up even more chaos, hitler if the trust in governments weakens around the world because of it than that might lead to utter chaos. Miss owen, if thing friendliness of mongolia, thank you so much for this interview. Thank you, lou. It can be difficult to predict how quickly floods come and how quickly they will go. Sometimes they received a fast but in thailand as not in the case, more than 200000 households impacted by typhoon. Nora rim are weeks ago, remain submerged underneath this highway, customers are having an unusual dining experience. People in the province of not con patton are eating at this noodle, stall, knee deep in flood water. Its one of nearly 30 provinces that are still reeling from last months typhoon heavy rains. And the release of water from dams have led to many areas being flooded. But that hasnt stopped people from coming here for a bite to eat, even though theyre not alone in the flood waters. The stalls owner says thats one reason customers keep coming back back at me. I know i didnt think i would open the shop at 1st with the rising water. I thought whos going to come here to east looking and but the customers kept coming. Oh my god, it gave me the strength to keep going. Look in. Yeah, we got a lot of customers now because they look forward to feeding the fish. And its like getting a foot spot the same time too. Although people are doing their best to carry on as normal, the situation is serious. The navy has helped evacuate elderly and bedridden patients from partially submerged homes. The Bang Ban District in i had 2 year province has been struggling with intermittent flooding since the typhoon. It sits near a river basin and floods every year. Excess rain, water flowing down river is diverted here to protect ancient buddhist temples and ruins in other areas. But the villages here pay a high price. Oh, out of my mouth, we are all suffering. Putting food on the table has been difficult. Tyler, we have to rely on boats of transportation. We cant even use the toilet properly by me for this house is higher than everybody elses. When so other houses are suffering more as they were completely submerged. Young. Think about the elderly and small children. Its like a forgotten village. There really is too much water in our direction every year. You cannot even tell me why the government has earmarked the equivalent of 618000000 euros to help flood victims. But with Climate Change making disasters like these more frequent and severe, that money is unlikely to go far enough. And the big news out of south korea is that yes, k pop jones, b t s will be starting military service. Their Management Company made the announcement on line without giving any time frame for when their duty would start. The press release effectively decides the debate over whether the benz, artistic achievements would exempt them from joining the armed forces, which is required by south korean law. Because of the threat from north korea, b t as say they quote, look forward to reconvening as a group again around 2025, following their service commitment. That is way too long for bts fans out there. And on that note will leave you with pictures of the boy band. Thanks for watching i ah, 3 for im you can that. I think thats hard and in the end is a me, you are not allowed to you anymore. We will send you back. Are you familiar with this with the smudges with lions as of the whats your story with. Ready women, especially victims of violence in a labs and take part and send us your story. We are trying always to understand this new culture. So you are not a visitor, not a guests. You want to become a citizen. In phil migrants, your platform for reliable information. With ah, nothing to see here yet. China decides not to release a batch of economic data. Expect that this week it will only come after the ongoing communist Party Congress and whats likely to become doing things historic amazement of power. Also, youre a was trying to break its dependence on china will have a look at Raw Materials mining in scandinavia. And portugal is moving away from fossil fuels. But the Countries Energy transition isnt quite as clean as im critical. Welcome to the program. It seems like nothing is to distract from gigi pings moments. China on monday, delayed the release of 3rd quarter growth figures along with other Economic Indicators expected this week. The likely reason . Well, the 20th the congress of Chinas Communist Party is underway in very beijing and ditching ping is expected to win a 3rd term as the parties. General secretary, amassing more power than any chinese leader since miles of dawn. But to mister, she must take on some difficult tasks, especially the economic instability of the country. The chinese economy is facing extreme turbulence

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