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a warning crane co bid and divisions here and berlin will look back on what's been a tough year for him and his coalition government ah, i'm the gulf really it's good to have you with us. iran has executed the 1st to of the protestors detained after participating and recent anti government demonstrations or censure car. he was hanged on thursday morning after being accused of wounding a security officer during the protest and september reigning courts have passed more death sentences just this week. 5 more men have been sentenced to death accused of killing a member of a rounds revolutionary guard. behind these walls and to ron's even prison, a young man was reportedly executed. iran's judiciary claims he injured a police officer during the protests of him. but observers say this was a show trial. it was broadcast in installments on state television, the 23 year old at neither an independent legal defense nor the opportunity to challenge the verdict. that regardless of protests against the iranian regime, are still going on for 3 days across multiple cities. many businesses have been on strike people on the streets report, a massive deployment of police and malicious store owners preferring to remain anonymous. say there have been targeted intimidation, attendance and, and with. we were severely threatened if we left the store closed, they would shut down our cafe completely. the rules, iran's president r e z continues to blame other countries influences for the ongoing protest that's getting done. he reiterated that point when he address to pro regime students that are to run universe. what does that work? yeah. that, you know, west thinks we'll just hand the country over to the protest this, you, donna, but no, no, the reigning students would never let a lot of applause from his supporters. but the majority of students are his fears. his critics cellphone footage shows them protesting against easy and the regime outside the university. you have no honor, they shout repeatedly, not only in the capital, but at universities all across the country. and the demonstration show no sign of dying down around martin is a senior lecture on international relations at the university of sussex. and i asked them earlier if he was surprised by the quick trial and execution. no, i actually, i'm not, i mean, various officials of those lima group public and even a large number of m. p. 's and they are in, in parliament have been calling for tougher action against a protest. in the case of the, in peace. they specifically ask for the use of the death sentence against protest. so the government has been preparing this for a while. but we should remember that this is not something new in the islamic republic of iran. iran has already executed around 500 people during the course of 2022. and since the inception of the islamic regime in 9079, execution has been one of the main instruments of intimidating society and suppressing the position. and there has been dramatic instances, for example, in summer of 1988 over the course of a few months, several 1000 political prisoners were executed. so this was all as expected. but i very much doubt this would actually change much on the in terms of the protests. you as basketball star, brittany greiner has been released from custody and russia. the to time olympic gold medalist was arrested in moscow in february and sentenced to 9 years in prison . on drug charges, she recently had an appeal rejected and was transferred to a remote penal colony, her release and transfer back to the us as part of a high state prisoner exchange that sees the us hand over a notorious russian arms dealer. scenes of joy. the oval office was brittany greiner. she has a phone call with her wife sharelle, and preston, joe biden, following confirmation of her release from a russian jail. she safe. he's on a plane. she's on her way home after wants to be known just as detained in russia. hel, owner, and tolerable circumstances. brittany will soon be back in the army of her loved ones and her, and she should have been there all along. over the last night, nancy all had dan, i'm so privy to one of the darkest moments of my life inside to day. i'm just standing here and overwhelmed with emotions. bay. the most important emotion that i have right now. she is sincere gratitude for president biden and his entire administration. back in october, such scenes seemed unimaginable as greiner appeared, via video link from her prison cell, to make an appeal more in hope, the next dictation. oh, he was more severe. then we're here to do with her as it all those 2 trainers mistake was being caught with cannabis. oil in her baggage at a moscow airport. in february, in august, she was sentenced to 9 years in jail for drug smuggling and possession. the backdrop to this, of course, is russia's war in ukraine. diner, a. u. s. citizen is one of the world's best basketball players, or supporters considered her upon in russia's political game. this man was seen as grinders, best hope of being released. and so it proved victor boot a russian arms dealer serving a 25 year sentence in the u. s. had been considered as part of a prisoner swap, but russia was apparently unwilling to negotiate. while greiner, trial was on going, after her appeal was rejected, craner was sent to one of russia's notoriously harsh penal colonies to serve the rest of her sentence. no, she's on her way back to her loved ones in the u. s. were according to her wife. she intends to do all she can to free fellow american citizens, imprisoned by russia. more arrests are expected in germany, after dozens were detained and raids across the country. on wednesday, the targets are suspected supporters of a far right movement that rejects the legitimacy of the german state. the alleged leader of the group as a descendant of an aristocratic family and the german state of to ring. yeah. and police are currently searching his home there for evidence. the long arm of german law reaches as far as italy, italian police arrest a former german army officer who was suspected of being involved in an attempted coup in germany. he's one of 25 suspects, arrested in the biggest anti extremism operation in modern germany. most of them belong to the so called rice burger movement, whose members reject the authority of the german state. and believe the german empire never collapsed. um enough, a gun i checked marita in the past we had repeated cases where i will go use violence against police. police is a police officer was shot dead in bavaria and grinning 16 by mom. and this year, the 5 shots against police guy was several of whom were injured. she was again plead cyber for the violence among these groups has to be taken very seriously devoted his uncle, possess. ounce knew the attempted career may have been planned at a hunting lodge in eastern germany, sir india. it belongs to hind rich royce, a descendant of an aristocratic family, who still calls himself prince heinrich, the 13th. he was the group's ring leader and planned to make himself head of state if the crew was successful, local residence here a disturbed by the discovery ripped in laden, i and the boss majority of people who have absolutely nothing in common with these people is to die muttering gall mix, i don't care what he called himself fish near the 13th or the 18th. i really don't care. we don't want anything to do with it. i english in nixa juno. the police are also looking for a weapons depot on the property. the fact that the group apparently obtained a large number of weapons has alarmed investigators and ultimately triggered the raid and fumes and in yearning. we must show that those who take up arms who want to harm our country, that the rule of law is strong and cracks down hard disciplinary proceedings are also underway against berlin. judge b, a gets mouth suck of in common. it was royce, is choice for justice minister. she's a former member of parliament for the far right alternative for germany party or 30 say, then not ruling out that more suspects may be out there. and more raids may be on the horizon. chancellor, olaf shots and his government were sworn in exactly one year ago, ending 16 years of conservative rule here and germany. the coalition, he leads of social democrats, greens, and free democrats, came to power on a platform of change. but russia's full scale invasion of ukraine and february men's. they had to abandon some of their core principles, not least regarding power generation w's politics team has this look back at the chancellors challenging 1st 12 months. for 16 years, she was the face of germany. anglo marcal felt solid, dependable, safe, until 2021. when this guy took over all of so it's bruton coalition government of left wing, as liberals and greens. they promised big changes. but with the government, just 77 days old, russia launched its full scale invasion of ukraine. they've changed everything you were experiencing at turning point. the need some sla laid out a series of major promises to deal with a new political and economic global reality. for decades, the mighty german economy had relied on cheap oil and gas from russia that had to change and fast. so gave renewables a big boost, hunted down oil and gas deals abroad. and built l. n. g terminals at home. he even extended nuclear and coal power generation, although the government's green element prevented them from going as far as the opposition wanted. our business when it comes to nuclear and renewable energy, he stayed way behind germany's capabilities. the government also spent $200000000000.00 euros to protect german customers and companies from price rises. the ukraine war also meant germany had to decide what to do to help that we will deliver 5000 how mr. ukraine. and even though he later dramatically expanded this, many remained critical of sorts. his efforts just kind, there is no german lead european coordinated support for ukraine, for example, with battle tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. on a major problem, the german armed forces didn't have much to give away. in that same speech, swords authorized a $100000000000.00 euro special budget for the armed forces. none of those things were on the agenda when salts was elected. he and his partners came to office with a raft of progressive policy. they abolished an article in the criminal code banning doctors from advertising abortion services. they introduced the 1st ever l g b t q plus rights commissioner. and they said to make immigration to germany easier and even legalize recreational cannabis use. it was the baptism of fire, so we'll have so, and his new government, all that came from the war in ukraine. the ongoing pandemic and the economics fall out from both. but some of the lessons learned are already being applied to the next major challenges, such as how to deal with germany's dependency on china. there's still a lot to do. and a reminder of the top story we're following for you. iran has carried out what is thought to be the 1st execution in connection with recent anti government demonstrations. wasn't your car, he was hang for participating in the protests as raining court sentence to find more men to death for allegedly killing a member of the revolutionary guard. coming up after dw business, an exclusive interview with israel's ambassador to germany, ron pro store recent events in germany, have shown that the country is facing extreme as threats from various quarters along with rising levels of anti semitism prose or told d w that the answer is education, but just think of the abnormality of the fact that jews, not just in germany, in europe, everywhere, synagogues, in the year 2022 have to be protected. and god, schools, jewish schools. and it's this element that we look us normal, is really completely abnormal. and we have to change it and work together in order to really and that's to education who understanding the other it because at the end of the day, this is the only answer to fight right wing extremism left wing anti semitism, an education education education, a full interview coming up in 15 minutes, but 1st route. what's what the latest on germany's biggest financial fraud scandal article for the him, berlin for me and the entire team. thanks for watching. a melting ice. a reporter tracks down the arctics. major players with.

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Germany , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , United States , Israel , Iran , China , Italy , Lima , Peru , Berlin , Ukraine , Italian , Russian , Iranian , American , German , Brittany Bellinger , Brittany Greiner , Martin Isa , Nixa Juno , Joe Biden ,

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