we are coming and coming and always going home early in the times. it hurts is horrible. you know, in germany or some other country like germany, what can you like germany can be losing 2 times in a row or data rando who's wrong. somebody and also coming up ukrainian officials want russia is gearing up for a massive aerial attack. our team visit a medical facility coping with shortages that could be made worse by a new assault. and in washington, d. c. leaders of the united states and france bow to hold. russia are accountable for war crimes in ukraine. but president biden says his prepared to talk to vladimir putin, but only if the russian president is willing to discuss ending the war ah and lavonne it welcome to the program. we start with football when germany are out of the world cup in katara, despite beating costa rica for 2 in an exciting game. germany took the lead, then lost it, then rate, okay. but it was cold comfort as their faith was decided on another pitch. costa rica and germany lined up for one last chance to move out of the group phase. as stephanie for par became the 1st woman to referee amends. world cup match germany, play the 1st half, swarming forward and got the games 1st. go on 10 minutes through surge cannot breathe. one mill late was days past half time, but they soon came to regret not having more on 58 minutes. wilson tahita put costa rica on level terms, the underdogs and their fans riding an unexpected emotional high. and soon on cloud 9 when the ball was squeezed, past germany, goalkeeper men will know it. as costa rica took the lead, was that a big limit? the l. betty stadium, a sudden costa rica breed the place in the last 16. germany settled down though, and struck back another 3 times at the atmosphere fell flat as would spread. the japan were beating spain. the wind was in vain, and germany hitting his how that result went down with german fans who followed their team all the way to katara. i can't describe, i fear nothing is like empty. they're like 30 minutes. so just looking him up and hoping o things been with score, but unfortunately not i'm and i'm going to i'm so very disappointed. jeremy. it was a great game. so dramatic. i were very disappointed that jeremy's out again, it was video, nice of you know, speed actually of material. if you said one of the fears, right, you can compare these to 10 is heartbreaking as a football fan, but you can compare this to which i think or not, but i need to go, oh, look at us, we are coming and coming oh, going home early in the times it hurts is all, you know, in germany go country boy, it's over country like germany, football can really, germany can't be losing 2 times in a row, and ada rando who's wrong some little well, japan pulled off one of the great world cup performances adding spain to their list of major scalps at this world cup and top in group e in the process. everything seemed to be going to plan for spain. when alpha murata made it one mill early on. but a stunning goal from ritz who de one made it 11. the substitute had only been on the field 3 minutes that her shot was too hot to handle. and able to knock her seal the latest world cup shock with the winning goal on 51 minute japan managed to hold on dumping germany out and then sending their fans in to rochester. on the let's take a look at the final standings in group e. r. that topsy turvy night and soccer on the dogs, japan go through off the top in the group, having beaten both germany and spain. spain qualify for the knockouts too, but germany joined costa rica in the making the trip early home. earlier i spent t t deadly sports correspondence, jonathan hardy hiding in doha, where he's been covering the jan and national team and how i asked him how much of a disaster this world cup has been for them. but absolute disaster, i don't really know how better to explain it. what we saw in 2018 was bad enough. we thought that was probably the worst it was gonna get. there were signs of improvement. last summer. the euro's. but this really takes the risk as they say, i can't think of a worse situation for german people to be and you know, back to back well cuts where they've gone on the group say just this is germany, is a 4 time woke up winner and they find themselves in the situation. embarrassed going home again despite having one and ultimately because they left it out of their own hands. you have to control your own destiny at ornaments like this, and germany pay the price. we're not doing that. and for playing bad football a key times. so what's been behind this rather dismal well cup campaign? well, an inquest so follow, and i could probably write a dissertation about how many problems have been on displayed here for germany. i think you've got to look at the structural issues in youth football, not producing a number 9. nicholas roku played a role here. should have perhaps made a bigger one. you've got issues in certain positions as well, such as wing backs. that's been a major issue for germany over recent years, ever since phillip lam retired. so there are issues on the field. there are issues off the field, the dfi and their approach in recent years has been arrogant. not really connecting . think about the fact that germany of had their base camp here in the north of the country completely far away from everybody else. isolated, you might say, so there are a number of issues. but the bottom line is that germany just not very good, and they haven't produced good enough players in certain positions for a long time. and that's why they're out of another welcome. and a japan now go through after topping the group and beating germany and spain. could anyone have predicted that no, i don't think so. i think people, so the stain would get the job done and, and taught the group and be comfortable. but this woke up a certainly show now look at the number of teams had gone through already. morocco, a really exciting sore, even though saudi arabia to make it through. they be argentina. there been a lot of upsets or this woke up. so maybe we should have expected another one tonight, but full credits of japan. they delivered under pressure and germany didn't. and that's why germany are going home. why that is jonathan harding speaking to us from doha, thank you. and and group f star studded belgium are also going home early with crecia progressing at their expense after a golden straw. morocco advanced to the knockout rounds as surprise winners of the group after they beat canada, who were unable to pick up a single point. belgium managed for, but are also heading home crash or go through in 2nd place to others news now under it cranes military says russia has pulled some of its troops back from the front lines near the southern city of hassan. but cave officials said on thursday that 2 civilians were killed, bike continued shelling of the area. they also warned that a russian aerial assault is being planned and could worse than shortages of water, electricity, and heating across ukraine. w. e. n. philips schultz visited 2 towns in the countries east to report on how dire the situation has become or where people were . he operated on the injured down here and he helped women give birth at times. surgeon, rudy quits near. so was the only doctor left. as is you and was under heavy fire, he was in charge of everything. this is upstairs. patients still arrive and medical staff have reclaimed some of the less damaged rooms. but the coming months are weary. mothers move good, good. we've got to survive the winter period, now monument, we've got to somehow maintain our medical care at a higher level during that time or more the new way. unfortunately, we cannot rely on the hospitals, centralized heating system anymore and that in the zone. but we've started to buy electric heaters with known to do it. at least an easy on the attacks are already weeks old. it's a different story and coupons around for to kill homage us north. several people who were hurt by artillery fire. the morning we've visited. this is where they would normally go, and the tag ruined the local police clinic just a few days before the injured have to leave town. the head doctor shows us what is left off his office, provided for your finance only put in their mores. there's simply no excuse for this or they, it looks like they want to destroy the civilian population. there is never been military personnel at the poly clinic. only civilians know what maybe we just provided medical treatment to normal people in need of all those movies. the hallmark workers not saving them, roads on them. hewing at one of the few 80 ends in the town that still works. those normal people see their home being destroyed or wrong them and that the temperature draw cushion been recorded, but you should, every day, when you leave your home, you see new devastation. and this was such a flourishing city. once i get no room, what's of my village, i to time had a very nice medical center, but it doesn't work anymore. but sometimes doctors visit us, but we don't have any doctors of our own anymore. little children. dr. sinclair says he's looking for a place to set up a temporary clinic, but he says the russians didn't just damage the building viet blue, the keeper of the people who work in our medical facility have to come under fire 3 times. now, imagine a 3 time, frankly, people are frightened, so on the grounds, russian destruction of civilian infrastructure fields increasingly like a strategy for other people living here. the other front could become a matter of life for you as president joe biden has welcomed his french counterpart emanuel macklin to the white house in the 1st state visit over biden's presidency. the, to spend the day together ahead of a lavish white house dinner talks are focusing on the war in ukraine. but president micron also wants to discuss trade. he accuses biden's, us focus, the climate policy of hurting frances economy. a to agree to work closely on energy and climate issues moving forward with or directly is washington correspondent, mikaela cooper is following microns visit to the white house. she has her assess assessment of the leaders meeting, the key signal coming out of him on her. my call heading to the white house for the 1st state visit of the buys and presidency, is that joe biden perceives him as a leader of europe as he put his almost swallowing the a quite clearly. there are very close ties, a to all european capitals, but particularly to the french over the ukraine war here. the symbolism was key that the west remains aligned against russia in its war on ukraine, that vladimir putin should be held accountable. but the overarching theme were economic concerns. emanuel mccoy had heavily criticized to biden in the lead up to this visit, or for his policy of only allowing for u. s. companies producing in the united states to get the kind of tax breaks and public funding that everybody craves in the drive for greenow mobility. this is not just a so point, this is a potential rift. as a mano, my call put it here in man, or am or call, couldn't get completely what he wanted, although joe biden said yes, he wants to create jobs in the united states, but not at the expense of the european. so there's a pledge to think of tweaking his i r a, his investment drive here in the us. but the europeans shouldn't hold their breath . they also clearly got the signal that they to need to do their homework. so a bit more than symbolism, but little concrete commitment that amount of our court can take back to paris and brussels, or his look at some other stories making news around the world. nato secretary general yen stolberg praise germany's increase. emerging spending after meeting with chancellor olaf shoulds in berlin. both leaders reaffirmed their support to fort ukraine in the face of russian aggression and stressed the need to protect european infrastructure against a possible sabotage. through the con, spain has increased security at public buildings and embassies after a number of letter. bombs, devices were sent to targets, including the spanish premise at pedro sanchez and the ukrainian embassy. according to the interior ministry, similar packages was sent to a spanish arms firm and an air force base. protest is blocked traffic in south africa's capital pretoria after the pearl paroling of asia, right, we extremist janish wallace. he spent nearly 30 years in prison for killing a prominent anti apartheid eda cris hani in 1993. his release has been temporarily postponed his reminder of our top story. germany out of the world cup and the group stage for time champions beat costa rica for 2, but it wasn't enough to advance to the next round it watching dw news live from berlin stick around because coming up next is doc film, which is looking at the inside of the gulf, mit known as the party capital of the middle east. it can find much more the website, the w dot com as well. i'm really mohammed and for watching all season. ah . the world cup into exciting in sports in terms who version in political terms, we are here for you with reports and background information.

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