Tactical advantage. And surviving californias biggest wild fire of the year. This was on fire. That was on fire. My Iron Mountain communities evacuated, leaving behind a child landscape. Fy cruz continued to battle the blaze. Yosemite National Park. Ah, im been fossil and welcome cooperation and containment. Thats what the u. S. President is reportedly asking of his chinese counterpart biden. And she had talked to the phone for the 1st time since rush are invaded. Ukraine by jing has failed to denounce moscows war instead, its threatened taiwan with invasion. China considered it part of its territory. The island governs itself democratic late. Biden has offered to come to, ty, wants defense, if she tries reuniting it with the mainland. Us how speak nancy pelosi is said to be planning a visit to the island that its in aging, has warned of consequences if the high profile visit takes place. You do both. Filmy gender if Andre Michelin griffin is following the story for us from washington. So michelle, a, how that phone call go . Well, were still waiting to learn some details from that folk or a so far weve just heard from the chinese side that there was a Frank Exchange there. And both sides will certainly be trying to coin their very own rhetoric because this was already a stand off going into the conversation and coming out of it, it is the stuff of potential new crisis it could be made of. Because as you briefly mapped out, that is the issue of nancy pelosi, the speaker of the house, who can work and decide completely independently of the u. S. President to buy it and where she travels. Well, she says she may be traveling to taiwan and that is already being seen in itself as a pro vocation by china. So this is something where joe biden will have to appear strong, not backing down while at the same time, not provoking what could be a real time crisis of a taiwan which receives military support. Also Political Support from the United States, but which also in the United States is not recognized as an independent state. And some would argue the buttons already provoking bay ging by saying it would. He would defend taiwan. While he was asked that by a reporter recently, whether he would also do that in military terms, and he said yes. And that did not go to town well in beijing. And we already saw that in the mid ninetys, where we saw a real escalation of relations of the 2 sides. Now this can only be seen as a greater risk today to see some kind of escalation with a stronger economically stronger, but also more well armed at china. And the United States. Eager to demonstrate that its fear of influence does very well stretch into asia as well. And taiwan is the Pressure Point there. Its also the heart of the global tip manufacturing industry. And if there is an issue with that in taiwan, that has implications on the global economy. So its at the same time and a hillis heal, but also a bargaining chip when it comes to Global Economic power. And one thing hanging over all of his bargaining between the 2 sides is the word containment, both. As youve told us before, both sides would like to see the other content. Yes, well this is what were seeing, mapping out in real terms there. The struggle between the system of democracy where the United States needs to prove that its successful. And the autocratic and chinese leadership style and both leaders are currently on the defensive biden. A lot more. So i dare say, because his opinion, polls are pretty low, only a quarter of even within his own party would want to see him run again as president and she didnt pin faces. What is more of a formal reelection, this autumn at the general Peoples Assembly in china . None the less. And he needs to demonstrate that he is worthy of such kind of absolute power. So do expect strong rhetoric from both sides and experts watching this are very concerned that this potential stand off is the stuff another crisis could be made of in the south, tennessee. And 2 very different people, leader whos running out of time and one leader whos a in there for good, by the sounds of it. Michelle cruz. Thank you very much for the analysis. Russian forces have seized ukraines 2nd biggest power station. The booklet hisco power plant is the latest set back in the east and on bass. The area around the capital keep has come on to be solid tact for the 1st time in weeks. But in the south, ukraine says a counter offensive is gaining ground. From the ruins of this hotel, rescuers pull a man from the rubble alive. Not every one was so lucky when russian rockets hit buck moved on thursday. The city and the donuts region has been hit again and again. I indiscriminate russian shelling part of moscow stalled efforts to claim ukraines east for but in the countries south, keith says a counter offensive is moving forward. The city of her son fell to Russian Forces early on in the war. Ukraine is now stepping up efforts to retake it. Keep says is knocked out the strategic antonio ski bridge. This would help isolate Russian Forces on the rivers west bank, away from their supply lines. You said you enjoy that there is a significant damage to the bridge and its structure. We think that the enemy will try to repair it again, william of office. We are prepared for this and you will soon hear about our next steps or not about should you move this on most of these posting on telegram, an official for the russian appointed administration said the bridge was still functional, while referring to Ukraines Armed forces as nazis as is common in the pro russian camp, still with most of the sword, one sealy group, the bridge is blown up with every one rejoices. But these are just allusions. None of the nazis will ever enter have song. So, but the destroyed bridge, which you can see behind me, you still exists and objectively speaking this hysteria by ukrainian nazis wont change the outcome via aggressive growth. Is though the fighting over this strategic crossing is more than just a war of words. Ukraine says its forces will repair the bridge eventually. But 1st, the aim to liberate her son. He w. Mathias. Boating a is in odessa. I started by asking him about russias taking of the 2nd biggest power station in the country. The booklet hiscock plant in the ethan dumbass region. Yes, so this power plant has been under attack for several weeks. And it seems now that the russians have been able to take it, that fits with pretty much the pattern that weve seen during the past few months. Actually in the east that russia concentrates its fire power and, and, and its soldiers on one object and they keep shelling it, they keep attacking it until at some point they can take it, they are making gains, theyre making gains that seem incremental at the moment. A few months to take one power plant, but of course theyre adding up. And this is why russia has been able to advance in that region in other regions and other parts of the front, the north east, harker region, and the house. Its not the same that swear ukraine is exercising more pressure on the russians and where they have been able to make some gains. Also, these gains are relatively small. They are some villages at the front line near the front line, but they have been steady and what weve see been seeing in the past few days. The past few weeks actually. Since these high mars multiple rocket launchers have arrived, they have systematically taken out some of the russian supply lines quite far behind the lines, ammunition depos or a bridge, very important bridge that connects the city of hassan to the southern shore of the nipper river. And to crimea, the main supply route, basically for the Russian Troops there. And that looks very pretty much like a preparation for a counter offensive that ukraine has already announced. Okay, on another front, ive asked you this question every time this week, but the well really wants to know when those 1st grain shipments are going to leave ukraine. Youre in odessa, yesterday we saw the opening of the Coordination Center in turkey to get those ships out. But its a dangerous operation, isnt it . I talked to an official from the Port Authority before and he said theoretically they are ready to ship to morrow, the ships already the loaded and a lanes that need to be de mine. They have been de mine. There is the possibility for the ships to, to go now and to, to, to sail on to turkey. But theyre waiting for the go. And we do not really know how and when this decision will be taking ukraine says its ready. Sports operating it ships are loaded, and the mines are clear from that from that lane. The latest they from mathias building a new great, thank you. The war is kill thousands of soldiers and civilians. Battering the Mental Health of many ukrainians psychologist struggling to help adults and children deal with the impact dw corresponded expire, so that the devastated town of bar duncan and found that even reminders of historical violence can trigger you wangs id for shell shocked ukrainians during the occupation somebody put a bullet hole through the head of ukraines national poet, terra schiff, jenko psychologist, tenure sauce, go tells of a patient who walk past it with her son who is children long. He is poems and begin in from their 1st grade till 11th grade. And the boy said, mom a little glue. Whats in what state . Oh its. He holds in his head. Hes, she didnt say, oh no, maybe they didnt know that jen goes. Nasha is our national hero. The boy like, you know, it was his pain. There are painful reminders everywhere, including right across the street from the market on ship. Jenko square does nigi. Everybody in bar jacket seems to know the story of this building. When russian shelling started, people took shelter inside its basement as theyre supposed to do, but they were trapped by the rebel. For around a month they cried out for food and water and people tried to bring it to them. Snipers held them at bay. So there are feelings of helplessness and the fear that the war is following you. When it started this couple thought it would be over in days and never get close. But celine with that, i do eve, what apple is shelling from the russian multiple launch rockets system hit the playground where my wife and child were leave watching were so helpful. She got fragments in her leg. Shell hola moscow. The 3 or squall of yellowish i was sent to the hospital in jer, tamiya, and then she told me it was bombed. It was very difficult, psychologically difficult to for those who cant even express their fear with words yet my child is scared now. Even the words air alarm he understands and he trembles any noise. My son he is, he runs to me and starts hugging me. Margaret tanya takes me aboard what she calls the psychological brigade, van town. We use this car for visit in to this more villages. Busy called us several times a day and explain about the problem especially. You know, its very difficult situation for mothers with many children when they dont have father. Their father is a soldier and goes there and use a book to people. The russians destroyed the building that used to house tanius communities, psychological support service. Now theyre set up in a school. The biggest challenge she says is grief. Its really difficult to find the words how to say that you should leave again. But yes, we are trying to find because they, you should, they should leave because it will be the memory was them will live the memory of those people and so on and so forth. Its difficult but, but we do this every day outside the school. Children wait for their parents, tanya and the other psychologist said the big job is going to be helping kids make sense of what they have seen and heard and continue to see around them. Only then can healing and bore jenko truly begin. And lets bring you up to date on some of the other stories making headlines. German foreign minister on alina babel has visited athens, talks with the greek government, shed like flowers at the sight of a former nazi headquarters, where german occupies tortured thousands of greek resistance. Find it. A Russian Court has convicted a journalist of discrediting the armed forces and find her the equivalent of 800 euros arena on any cova and International Attention when she protested against russias invasion of ukraine during a news bulletin case relates to her later social media posts in which she criticized the whole of korean liter. Can john says hes ready to use Nuclear Weapons in potential conflicts with the United States or south korea . Was speaking on the 69th anniversary of the end of the korean war. Known in the north as of a 3 day residence at the northern philippines are assessing the damage after a powerful quake. It struck the island of zona wednesday, at least 4 people were killed and over 130 injured hundreds of aftershocks have hit the region with many residents saying theyre too scared to sleep in their homes. Youre watching d. W use still to come. The ta gary and its coming dragon riding royals from game of thrones. Get their own pretty cool bands. Get in early games at the end. In hollywood, Massive Wildfire has burned all week along the border between germany and the czech republic. Its destroying huge swathes of parkland on both sides. The play seem to be contained about is spreading again. One village on the check side has been destroyed and hundreds of residents evacuated. The fund started during a heat life. Scientists, a extreme conditions are being made more frequent by climate change. Those conditions are also being seen across the us. Severe droughts combined with strong winds and high, which is a fuel wildfires in 11 states in california fire cruise is still working to contain the biggest blaze this year. The oak fire, which threatened the sanity National Park has been partially contained, but is not yet fully under control. The w correspondents evans humans is in the Sierra Nevada mountains. Why fi fi is a still hot of work . Driving through the hills and into the mountains surrounding small town mariposa on the Southwest Corner of Yosemite Park feels almost like entering a different world to Fire Fighters. We accompany liking it often to wear lunar landscape. Some fire crews are swarming the chart grounds. The oak fire left behind their mopping up, as they say, reoccurring hotspots, attending, smouldering tree trunks. Others are assigned to check on, establish so called lights, or to expend them jo amador, a fire captain from san diego, and the press inflammation officer assigned to us explains what theyre trying to do. Theyre trying to build a parameter around this burn here to keep her from spreading. And thats what this protection line is doing. So theyll leave that here. They leave that here in case this come to fire. Another fire, exact come in there, common that connect, they go up there and they can find and i all ready, ready to go is will make you know, way deeper into the mountains and to whats the front line where the oak fires actively burning. We are passing sides of utter destruction, examples of destroyed property, and in many cases, last lively. The interesting thing here is that this side of the street where we are now here is, as you can see, totally destroyed. Now, if we look at this side of the street there, the neighbor got spirit. I asked jo, our press Information Officer who is with us. Why that is. Its very usual to see a fire come through and, and destroy whole blocks of, of homes and property. And then maybe another house completely untouched. So thats the thing about fire has no respect for who it destroys what it destroys. As much as that is true firefighters. All some say that fire, education and preparation are most critical. Some residents, like nick smith and his fiance, she and michelle took matters in their own hands successfully. As soon as the fire came for them, they have the necessary tools to protect their home though a dozer and other heavy machinery. This was on fire. That was on fire hyde, im fire and it was starting to wrap around, so already is fire everywhere. The reality for many of the 3000 deployed Fire Fighters who still fight the oak fire at its frontline. However, a day without strong wind helps, they can use every les, this is front line Fire Fighting right there. Theres the active fire oak fire. You see the smoke in the background. And thats why we have the staging ground here. Fire fighters and helicopters, they go to a what is called a dip. The dip is a pond in the back yard of a resident who have been evacuated on this day. 3 choppers get water from here and dumping over the fire. If everything works out, california is largest wildfire this year, to date is expected to be under control in about 2 weeks or so. In ra wonder, its not illegal to be gay or lesbian, but Society Still doesnt accept many l g b t q. People. Many say they frequently faced discrimination, but against this backdrop, one church has decided to trade another path and open it stores. Sunday morning for most rwandans means going to church and theyre spoiled for choice and where they can go to worship. But many l g b t 2, people say they didnt feel welcome and rwandas churches until they found this one on the outskirts of the capitol kigali. Where in focus yet there fidel is conscious. If i heard about this church, a place that accepts us unconditionally and accept any one, i keep sac victor. Jack 5th to put in and i jumped for joy because this is something new in rwanda city. At the moment. I feel at home here because this is the 1st time i can freely saying, dance or talk with other people. If anyone not from the l g b, t, q, community on a jack on lacy, elijah in sante. Com love. Yes. And in on the same amount of money on it, christians from other churches criticize us, a number of opinion. They judge us because of our sexuality thing, saying we are cast a similar but a sheet a whole lot in their eyes. We will go to hell of a 100, so it is not easy for us to stay here and gone. The law of the whole the churches leadership made a conscious effort to open up its membership, which is currently at about a 100 people. They say another 5000. 00 from around the country follow the teachings online. Or korea, harold squad to multi head towards coma. The decision to integrate l g b t q people into our churches came after we saw that they were undesirable in any christian church. Daniella cuz we looked at the scriptures and saw that they are acceptable People Like Us and what that is, why we welcomed these people of god. A warmer con billy month. Other churches have distance themselves from that stands, maintaining that true christianity cannot be altered behaviors. Laker di maria, and do more sexuality and some of those other things that then portrayed as a thing for behaviors of what munitions actually for, for as a matter of fact, why, because every interdiction you finding the bible is the protection for the community. Its a common view in rwanda, which has over 15000 churches but with only one outlier providing the unconditional welcome l g b t q. Christians seek in some sports news. Germany have book fair play in the final of football, 02022. They beat france to one in a thrilling clash. Japanese women kept their cool and fiercely contested match. Captain alexandra pop netted both goals and is now the joint top score of the tournament. Aside takes on england on sunday. Sebastian federal is to retire from formula one at the end of the season. A 35 year old german is currently driving for asked martin having previously been at ferrari and red bull. One for straight championships. Families used his platform to support environmental causes, but admits the feeling like a hypocrite over the Climate Crisis while driving in top level motor sports. Only this and boredom during pandemic locked down, or a big rise in pet sales in many countries with restrictions easing, many new owners finding the novelty of looking after a pit wearing off in germany, Animal Rescue centers around a growing pressure. Oh, its loud and its crowded. In berlins dog shelters, not a single space is still free, so theyve had to refuse to take any more pets in the cat shelters. Its the same story. More animals than ever before was surrendered. This summer, the wave of people giving up their pets started when the vacation season did as hopefully not too late. People want to go on holidays, but they dont know where they can go for 3 weeks with a pack. So they just surrender it. When we say we cant accept them at the moment, it doesnt mean we never will. But right now we just dont have the space. Animal rights activists had warned that people who adopted pets in the last 2 years may end up giving them away in better times. And now that time has come, even germanys largest Animal Shelter cant cope with the sheer amount of pets coming in. Lesson had like the negative effects of the pat boone that happened during cove it. We have a lot of animals who are bought online without much thought. Some specialty stores, hardware stores, or from shelters abroad to use them. Also, people just didnt think seriously about the important questions before buying that. They havent looked for a dog trainer, and now the animals are actually out growing them. Thank you by the co workers here, worry that pet owners could soon have another reason to give out their animals the cost from october. The fees for veterinary treatment and germany will rise, meaning that even more people may choose to say good bye to their pets. F r o u game of thrones fans out there. The fantasy drama is back as a pre call series. House of the dragon. Producers have stage and eagerly anticipated premier in los angeles. Ah, story about a family divide. It is a full time in which dragons fly, the skies and their turn. Garry and riders grew. The 7 kingdoms at the house of the dragon depicts of bitter and brutal civil war that took place roughly 200 years before the original serious they called it the dance of the dragons. The makers of the series says it has its own tone. Where is the ring . The original series is very much like the odyssey. I think this is, this is more like a greek tragedy, as it is about a single house. Terry itself, apart from with them, based on the novel fire and blot the spin of willing to dozens of winged blizzards. There are so many dragons in this one youre. You wont be disappointed if you are just as if you dont lie dragons, you shouldnt watch the show. Its been freezing since game of thrones reached is very much disputed and the new team hopes to recapture the magic. The original game of thrones was about multiple different families and it was spread over multiple confidence as a much more intimate story. Its really about the dissolution of one family. And so in a why it wasnt hard for it to be different. But the fight was how can make people feel that they were in a familiar world, make them feel content, give them what they want, but knowing the way theyre expecting. House of drive them will feature 10 episodes the show begin streaming on august 21st. So thanks, look forward to and something to look forward for you parish vantage eat with use asia to ground. Ill be back next, else. Ah ah, [000 00 00;00] with ah ah, its the end of the pandemic in sight. We show what it can look like. Will return to normal and we visit those who are finding it difficult with success in our weekly coping 19 special in 60 minutes on d w. They want to know what makes with love and batting thing away. But im not going to have to watch my own car and everyone with later holes and every day getting are you ready to meet the german can join me. Rachel stuart on d. W. I making the headlights and whats behind them. Dw news africa. The show that was the issues in the continent. Life is slowly getting back to normal here on the streets to give you enough reports on the inside. Our correspond that is on the ground a reporting from across the continent. All the trends doesnt matter to you. T w, lose africa every friday on d. W a is a journey across the entire continent, a variety of cars. So were on this, so we focus the movers, shake as visionaries, and make it when by the, the meaning of modern africa is actually us august on the dead. Mm hm. If it did have the news aisha coming up to date, north koreas latest warning of a nuclear showdown. That victory Day Celebrations either came, jungle warns he wont hesitate to use Nuclear Weapons against his enemies if the threat is made before. But this time, its at the moment of increasing economic hardship,

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