remain politicians remain activists are trying to get young people out and they get trying to get them to vote so we've been out and we've been talking to young people let's listen what they've had to say. at this point ok so let me give you one of those thank you so grant is going canvassing for the 1st time in her life for the breaks of party she doesn't think britain needs a divorce to do with the european union hammon priority is to get out of the us quickly as possible just as the breck said patty as promised i really believe that the parks party right now is there a party that's offering a clean break. tories for 3 years here failed to take us out and i think there are spotty and very nasty but in the affluent part of central london where alice lives most people are pro e.u. . think the practice of parting can hear people the struggle action. on the backs. for 18 year old alice and her