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Morning subject commuted means spending a lot of groping men women in japan i think times out. Alone of a warm welcome to you im under. Do not take freedom of democracy for granted a warning from a nato secretary general against start and back whos been given a keynote address in berlin the speech is part of an event marking the 70 years of nato the military alliance between 29. 00 north american and european nations that was set up after the 2nd world war stoltenberg is in berlin for a 3 day visit to commemorate the fall of the berlin wall lets have a quick listen to what he had to say the born between europe and north america made it possible to integrate germany into an International Community. To end the cold war without a shot being formed to create the conditions for european integration. All germany. United states. In joining me now is our chief Political Editor in berlin and on me 2 experts based in brussels. Welcome to both of you terry let me start with you some historical dates 30 years off the fall of the berlin wall 70 years of nature how to solve all of that up secretarygeneral stolzenberg actually started with some personal notes explaining that his grandfather had been a prisoner of war in germany and that his father had also been a soldier but yet that when he became secretary general one of his 1st visits was to germany he wanted to make the point that it germany is a strong and valued member of the alliance that all the grudges against germany work time grudges are not held and that all of the l. Is due with germany as an extremely trustworthy and strong member of the alliance at the same time he went through all the challenges that face nato at 70 and made it clear that nobody can be complacent just because there has been peace on this continent since the 2nd world war he said they need to stay very vigilant and fight for the values that have sustained the alliance for these 70 years and talking about vigilance mischler jim is defense minister on a great crown cotton bow has been presenting her vision for the jim jim an armed forces today what did she have to say. Yes is very interesting particular because major secretary stoltenberg also said that european unity wouldnt be able to replace trans atlantic unity and here we heard from the German Defense minister that she wants to see a structure like the socalled 3 this close coordination between france britain and germany to become a permanent structure to talk strategic defense which could be seen of course as a potential competition to nato as it struggles to keep it all together in one line particular with a view to Northern Syria and turkey the German Defense minister also proposed Something Like a German National Security Council which would see economic interests and development interests taled in with germanys Strategic Interests more she sees germany as much more of a strategic player weve heard this rhetoric before she seems to really mean it she also said that germany would have a role to play in the in the pacific to push back china which is also something that stoltenberg saw as a future challenge the big question here though is whether that will really resonate within her own government because our just 2 weeks ago when she proposed an internationally controlled zone in Northern Syria this doesnt really seem to be agreed upon by all members of the German Government security a lot of new challenges in terms of International Security for nato what it did secretarygeneral stoltenberg have to say on that. The secretary general was both urging members of the alliance to stop complaining stop being nervous about the future and simply do more together and he said that in fact despite all of these these fears that nato may not have a future that it may not see its 80th birthday as it celebrates its 70th this year he said on the ground the facts dont hold that up he said he said that more is being done among the allies than ever before all of these these threats that the u. S. May pull out of nato may stop supporting european allies he points out are not true when you look at what the u. S. Is what the u. S. Commitment is on the ground he says next year is going to be the largest presence of u. S. Forces in europe for 25 years in an exercise hosted by germany so this is what i hear all the time at nato headquarters they say forget the rhetoric skiff the tweets whats happening on the ground is a lot of cooperation stronger than ever before and basically the people doing the work just put their nose to it and nato future is not in doubt micheline how does. Any military plan stein with its need to obligations. Well im going to come combo the defense minister and the woman who wants to succeed under the knuckle eventually as chancellor did stress that none of this would be a competition to nato at the same time she sees a much stronger role for germany which different tales and also with the expectations from nato allies the 2 percent spending targets on defense just to mention one issue at the same time she said they. Kept being questions about how willing germany was to do the heavy lifting and here theres a sign that she defense ministers potential future chance of would be willing to do more but now we can count to 3 until we hear all the pushback here in the political scene in berlin. Now here in berlin and to shoot russias thank you both very much. Let me not being ya to some other stories making news around the world iran is resume your dream in richmond at an underground Nuclear Plant in the fall of the significant step away from his 2015 nuclear deal with bile as it comes off the United States we drew from the agreement and reimpose sanctions on head on. Chiles president Sebastian Pinera has pledged to raise the minimum wage an effort to quell mass protests against his government but the move appeared to have no immediate effect in the capital Santiago Police again clashed with demonstrators angry at economic and social inequality. The International Criminal court in the here hands a sentenced a convoluted swallow to 30 years in prison for walk crimes and crimes against humanity last go into gonda was found guilty in july of murder and sexual slavery during ethnic conflicts in 20022003 hes been denied the charges. French police of being clearing to makeshift refugee camps in paris officials estimate the tent city is a home to as many as 1200. 00 people including children about 600. 00 Police Officers is core to the refugees 2 buses to take them to Reception Center as. Jelly celebrating with 30th anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall which took place on the 9th of november 989. 00 festivities began on monday with 200. 00 events exhibitions and artworks like here at Brandenburg Gate throughout the city of the light installations of historical sites reenacting the events of 989. 00 in a special Virtual Reality to tourists going to experience the 989. 00 through their own eyes. And one bad who doesnt need a Virtual Reality tour because he was there 30 years ago is with me yes. Welcome to you miss. That i saw you were the cofounder of off the new form Civil Rights Movement in eastern germany which played a key role in the events which led to the fall of the berlin wall there you are a scientist a molecule a biologist 1st of all tell me what was it like living in eastern germany as a scientist and what hurdles did you face you know scientists we were all dissatisfied because of the isolation from the from what was going on in the great of new developments we learned or these things have a year or a year later best. You know. When did you 1st become critical of the east German Government and what consequences did you face as a result. Critical we were all over that time but in private and more openly and gathering people to discuss matters that came up. In the late seventys. When when we realised and i realised for instance that. The east bloc. Would come down economically and ecological the end and the political situation burst and you said it started in the seventys that the wall actually fell in 1909 so how did you channel this discontent in eastern germany in the zia. By retiring into private life. And i did my work at the institute for Experimental Work and later on this here reticle worked with computers there was a profession and then we had family life were very young and this was very much in private in the shell of a of a. Of isolation and. Active isolation from from the great of from the communists of roundings and so but that changed in 1989 because you took pot in the biggest protests that essentially had feed on alexanderplatz 5 days before the warfare you spoke to tell us what was it like. I felt awkward then and there and. When you address a crowd of 500000 people and you hear every word you say dozen times coming back from from overwhelming loudspeakers and you didnt know whether to to speak more slowly or more quickly and more loudly and well and that i slip of paper and just looked at it and tended to Say Something important for for the 5 minutes i was or was allotted to me i had to look at it and open exit machine yesterday at alexanderplatz just on that specific demonstration the mood from the pictures i could see that looked electric yes the population was was happy it was common of all but those who spoke you must realize that we were the most diverse politically oriented people and looked at where enclosed in sort of coral like like boston its that go out to their odio off the road scent and there were people who were not your friends anyway only part of them the others where where the communist leaders sitting around having coffee. It was a very vocative very intimidating in a way since if you do anything once you ever scared that the army might move in because at that point the communist regime was still trying to contain these protests yeah that was a real danger and it was not sure that even weeks later it was ensure that they would not strike back at some occasion and we were very eager not to trigger the military reaction from the soviet troops which half a 1000000 soldiers were after all in germany and around the linn so one had to be very circumspect in what to do what to demand how to behave. And probably so did you realize during that protest or shortly after that that the blood in wall would fall within 5 days and that that is the last days of the communist. Or of that day the people obviously were happy or open minded and hope that now would become free east germany. Would feel this reforms and with the new law it and having the possibility to speak openly we concentrated on the issues that were attacked and nobody thought at that moment strangely enough about that devolved compound of few days later. I was surprised as well yeah we i think as everybody was so taken aback by the unexpected and suddenly fell off the floor of the war 30 years later and now mr nash what are your feelings were still hearing there is a degree of ambiguity among eastern germany about what happened and the consequences how do you see it. After all in my opinion it was a great day that germany would become moree unified as a greater german cultural nation would come together again this was a great part of it but of course it was everything happened so quickly without proper preparation and economically it became a complete crackdown afterwards and many people were not satisfied with this content and about but about but that it happened so quickly that the make of side of it that part of the role its now over united and we have to come to terms with the problems that still are around. One of the prominent activists who took part in protests which led to the fall of the berlin wall fell to pleasure to have you with us on d. W. A. There was pleasure. Now after the fall of the boat in war the 2 geminis are quickly really fired on a political level but socially economically reunification has been difficult and major differences remain the devotees linda few eka has this report feel. This is ben i watched last in the middle of berlin the wall is still here but as a memorial the citys physical division ended long ago but there are still great differences between east and west incomes remain higher in the west thats visible in each paycheck. The income gap may have narrowed over the past 30 years but on average westerners still earn a lot more. Reunification brought with it the collapse of almost all industry in east germany virtually nothing came along to replace it it wasnt for lack of money the government invested 1. 6 trillion euros in the former east. But high paying jobs are rare in the east mind and 3 percent of Major Companies are in the west in another key difference in the number of leadership positions in the east where says west after reunification the top jobs in politics education and commercial were filled by westerners what started as a quick solution to replace eastern germany executives has stayed almost entirely in place. Federal judges University Chancellor senior government officials Corporate Executives Decision Making positions are rally filled by easton is. Only 1. 7 percent of top leadership jobs are held by eastern germans and theres also a lingering feeling of dissatisfaction in the eastern part of the country 57 percent of easterners according to polls consider themselves 2nd class citizens that discontent also comes to the surface in elections the far right populist alternative for germany is twice as strong in the east as in the west. Recent Election Results have shaken the political establishment bringing east and west together is proving much harder than expected Great Strides have been made since 1809. 00 but experts say theyll take decades more until the differences dividing germany acutely overcome. And all of this is bringing you special coverage and reports on the events leading to the fall of the berlin wall 30 years ago we also have live coverage of saturdays ceremonies and commemorations that of course is the 9th of november the actual anniversary of the event. Now for many women in different parts of the words taking crowded bugger transport is a nightmare because the risk physical and Sexual Assault women in japan have now decided to take action or almost every woman in tokyo is busy subway has some story to tell about unwanted touching and groping like in some other countries transferred officials in japan have now started designating women only carriages but that has not totally eliminated the problem as we hear in our next report. Tokyo in the morning rush hour the japanese capitals trains are jam packed bodies pressing against bodies for some these are the perfect conditions for she can fork roping. I have been touched a lot of times around here and most people i know have had the same experience. Using the adult smartphone function this pav at 70 a picture of his thing that of the big city. Continent has been part of japanese pop culture for some time cartoon films showing schoolgirls as helpless groping victims have a large fan base in a country where some couples do not even dare to hold hands in public. Situations like this one where a croaker is chased are rare. Most victims suffer in silence. Victims like ramon. Who was sexually harassed as a schoolgirl in the train she kept silent out of shame and because grope. Seemed socially acceptable for so long in japan. She recently developed a program that you can read or an Early Warning system to combat groupers 40000 have already registered. When you got the a feeling of powerlessness comes from the fact that brokers are perceived as being completely normal it goes so far that the victims fear that the train will be stopped by their cry for help and that their fellow travelers will arrive late for work out of some kind of consideration they prefer not to say anything. Wants to change that she was sexually harassed when she was at Primary School the blogger has written a book about her experiences and demands that women talk about theres. Still so much i used to travel to school on the train with my male friends their experience of that environment was very different to mine so i realised that men can really only understand the problem if we talk about it clearly. And that is what ogawa does now. She takes us to an event of women who dont want to put up with it any more. The flower demo takes place once a month its for people who have been victims of groping or who have experienced Sexual Violence that its only the demo is a very important place for us a place where we gain hope and the feeling that our voices can change something. That is here. In japan a country where few are outspoken these flower demos are almost a revolution. To me and i thought that will cause some of the women talk about their worst experiences and seeing that gives me the feeling that were moving together not. Only. Intel something changes in japan a governor will be coming back here every month. In a. New zealand spy limited sparse and all that aims to guard korean house gas emissions to net 0 by 2050 Prime Minister just in the turn praised the measure which was passed with the support of the main conservative Opposition Party the law allows some exceptions for emissions associated with animal production. The german air land of transit has canceled 1300 flights on thursday and friday affecting down 180 passengers is because of a 2 day strike my cabin crew over pay and conditions be industrial action mainly affects flights leaving the german airports. To former trichet employees have been charged with spying for saudi arabia a complaint from the u. S. Justice Department Published in the Washington Post details of the saudi governments effort to recruit the 2 men and use them to obtain buffel information of government critics including a journalist with ties to the murdered writer jamal khashoggi. On to football and match day full of the Champions League Dave Bronczek from the sports desk is here to talk us through the action welcome dave not to a games left in the group stage and weve already had a couple of a few teams which if qualified any favorites among them yes so p. S. G. Eventis and byron munich are the 3 1st teams to go through and some of the biggest teams in the world so of course you always expect them to be in the mix but im not sure if i call any of them really favorites byron got through for instance and they are in in the midst of some complete chaos at the moment theyre really struggling actually just last weekend they let go of their coach. And have had interim coach the flick run the show for the 1st time last night so theyre going through a lot and still manage to get through and we actually have a quote from him see about that as its been made allies and im very pleased with the foremost the team puts on its not been an easy week for the players and stuff comes off the coaching change and of excellent weve reached the last 16 of the Champions League and we have very happy feet. So one fee flick the interim coach is very happy but it was after all a lack enough to performance by buying music is that enough to reassure fans that mines back in form for the season can save the season yeah byron really werent very convincing in their 2 nil win over the be. They displayed a lot of the kind of issues that theyve been showing over recent weeks their defending was really out of sorts and once again they were bailed out by a goal from robert the dostie he keeps scoring but if he wasnt around you hate to think what theyd even look like and as far as the flick goes hes only been there a couple of days and i dont really expect him to be very long so things are still in flux and at the end of the day its biron minute there are always you know title favorites or at least in that discussion absolutely the bines been was obviously a big guy live as we said but there was plenty of action Champions League and theyve also some surprises it was truly a wild night you had rodrigo an 18 year old for real madrid become the 2nd youngest player in the history of the competition to get a hat trick you had to shocked hard to mask have a crazy last minute comeback from 31 down against you know but for me what really was the highlight of all this the most interesting thing was Manchester City right back kyle walker who you see there behind us had to throw on the gloves and getting a goal for 10 minutes which is really a very rare thing it only happened because the 1st keeper was injured and had to come off and then the 2nd one received a red card so walker saw him self behind the between the sticks and actually he counted pretty well for himself he didnt do too bad though he might want to stick to his usual position. Thank you very much should we get up to date with all thats floating action. Thats it for now and next we have focus in europe but before that lets look at some of the celebrations of the iconic effed gallery here in berlin as the city mark 30 s. Since the fall of the berlin wall if. d the. Teachers in rural areas its a big problem for russia and a huge problem for children. Our son yon isnt a teacher but he wants to do something positive. In terribly travels to remote areas in teacher. Kids to open doors of opportunity for them. Next on t. W. Into the conflict zone with Tim Sebastian if hong kongs prodemocracy movement imagined it had be unqualified support of the International Community it would better think again i guess this week here in berlin these joey soon a prodemocracy activist coutinho movement now charged to make a deal with the Hong Kong Government because that becomes impossible conflict zone. In 60 minutes on t. W. Its time. To take one step further. And face the council. Moment here on this side of love really the time to search the on the playground fight for the truth is out of play. Time to overcome pound dreams. And connect the world. Can sometimes feel our. D. W. T. Is coming up ahead. Minds. Of the. Low and a warm welcome to focus on europe. Thanks for joining us today. They are terrorists who tortured and killed for their own caliphate the Islamic State jihadists many brought their wives and children to the war in syria or founded families there some 5000 came from europe and after the fall of the terror group many

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