Targeted the police. This is the news africa coming up in the next fifteen minutes the perpetrators of rape in conflicts are the victims of these atrocities go unnamed those seeking justice on their behalf have today gone before the u. N. Security council seeking a resolution to combat Sexual Violence. And making millions for amputees in south sudan how prosthetics are giving victims of the countrys conflicts a new lease on life. They have been taking conservation to the concert in africas villages we have a report on efforts to save the endangered wild dog in zimbabwe. Im christine window while come to africa im glad youre today and the issue of Sexual Violence against women has taken center stage at the United Nations today germany as chair of the Un Security Council and several of the countries pushed a Draft Resolution combating the use of rape in conflict zones to noble nori its all there to raise awareness about the issues. That is a woman who was kept as a sex slave in syria by the socalled Islamic State and dr dennis he is a gynecologist from congo whos treated women whove suffered injuries off to being raped in the d. R. See rape and sexual abuse have been used as weapons of war in several african countries for example south sudan the Democratic Republic Of Congo the Central African republic and morally all countries torn by years of conflict when it comes to rape in Conflict Impunity is still the. Home the perpetrators of those who carry out and direct violence usually escape justice or even sanction im now joined by dr chu say to me a big issue hes an author and specialist on gender based violence and shes based at the University Of Stanford in the United States well come to you dr what perpetrates is i want to begin by asking you that we weve often observed Sexual Violence being used as as a weapon of war as a tactic in war in conflict zones in africa what in what ways do we see this being manifested. Well there you undefined Sexual Violence in conflicts as rape forced marriage forced prostitution forced abortion forced air and i think. And any type of Sexual Violence that compared comparable gravity looking for example at their own to conflict i think the definition that came out of the u. N. Tribunal prosecuting genocide in rwanda well that Sexual Violence doesnt even have to include touching so for example dont want to hire on inmate with convicted essential as the crime against humanity in one instance he forced women to strip naked and to parade in front of a mock that was defined Essential Items again in the african context one of the recurring feature of Sexual Violence congress actual and its forced marriage frankly seen fourth marriage and the magic case that in Northern Uganda that the action of girls from schools that she woke early to nigeria the direction of growth and in syria on with the revolutionaries for a united front of women girls right these women and girls are forced into relationships which parity african managed and within both forced marriages you have Sexual Violence you have great you have forced tendencies forced abortions so you can see just how egregious social violence is in Armed Conflict in our continent and were seeing and im understanding from what youre saying that there is there is there is there is sort of a methodology to this in some cases way way that these militias go into areas that they are attacked and they are using Sexual Violence but what do they hope to achieve by doing this and what is the result perhaps. Well its a major strategy and the Mission Strategy is different wings the unfit so in the case of a tank which we saw just this past year probably the technique and the Democratic Republic Of Congo the strategy with him to to terrorize communities you have had twelve communities riggleman from the different ethnic groups in a conflict such as southern sudan what you have is forced displacement Sexual Violence being used to force communities to flee in order that you can capture the resources on a territory yourself or have whole company who provide evidence of conflict you have people who are detained experiencing what youre genital torture genital mutilation and we saw that in berlin after the elections minds will feel that an election by and in kenya what Divonne Guinea Political Opposition and their Family Members and their supporters being experienced both Essential Violence and why is it so important that this Draft Resolution is passed at the u. N. Security council. The Draft Resolution in sight and germany should be commended and its vital when we look at nigeria nigeria has been attempting to prosecute member the book her arm and that terrorism not convicted over one hundred about a hundred twenty. Members but none of these people have been charged with the crime of Sexual Violence despite the fact that its well known that Sexual Violence is a key strategy of their Military Strategy of their militant their Militia Strategy right so the resolution by germany is stating that state we recognize that you national governments are failing to take full responsibility training the culture of impunity and that Sexual Violence must be elevated to the level of the Security Council at the highest political level in order to be enforced and monitored ok doctor to say chair author and specialist on gender based violence at Stanford University thank you thank you for five years of civil war in south sudan has left possibly tens of thousands of people without limbs some directly as a result of on conflict of this have lost on the lake simply through lack of medical treatment for other conditions as youre about to see in this next report the International Red cross is now trying to fit prosthetics for as many people as possible. This is the consequence of a snakebite five year old mate all lost her leg in the war torn country of south sudan her mother Couldnt Get Medical Treatment for her in time so the infection worsened until no one could see from land. Here shes trying her Prosthetic Limb for the first time. Its hard work but she knows shes not alone here. And the law we could as i was leaving my house on a rainy day to go to the field i got bitten by a snake. But i think i was taken home. But there was no car to transport me to a hospital right away. In addition to the physical problems most patients are traumatized many have been injured by landmines or fighting during the Civil War The Red Cross doctors have to counsel patients struggling to accept an artificial limb. Then. The process is provided until the this is part and parcel of you is going to be part of your is going to let you walk get you back to be a business us use of. That means manufacturing the artificial limbs to make them look this natural as possible. Last year they treated hundreds of people in this center in juba but the need is much higher. South of the story of africas wild dogs which may not be as glamorous as some of the other species under threat but theyre just as important in keeping ecosystems stable but their population has shrunk dramatically from off a million in the middle of the last century to only around six and a half thousand now a project in zimbabwes Survey River Valley is aiming to put a horse to that decline. As the day cools down life in the bush in Southeast Zimbabwe begins to reawaken. Leaving the african wild dogs spend the hottest part of the day sleeping in the shade. Now in the Late Afternoon the pack comes together ready to go out hunting. Its the perfect time for Jessica Water Maya to check up on them she heads a Conservation Project for wild dogs in a Survey Valley conservancy. Its a protected area covering Three Thousand square kilometers. They are incredibly social pack animals so just the way that they interact with each other the way they take care of each other where they take care of the pepes how all pack members pull together to look after each other and very different from other social convoys for example line when wild dogs are to kill the adults with the papacy first they will look after the injured they will take me back to the injured while dogs are among the most endangered carnivores in africa with population numbers of around Seven Thousand at most the Souther Valley Conservancy provides a large area for them to roam freely which is exactly what they need to survive. They prey on games such as in parlors. The Survey Valley conservancy was originally formed from an amalgamation of large private ranches that finances itself through tourism and controlled sustainable hunting. Outside the conservancy little of the original bush remains the local population has grown on more and more land has gone over to farming leading to increased contact between wildlife and humans. Was picked up here by a of the African Wildlife Conservation Fund is responsible for the School Based Education program. Whatever to do was buy a teaches the children about the food chain and explains what happens when one species dies out the idea is to help the children learn the importance of conservation was no Photos Example i think its great to learn about protecting the animals no were not going to go no no i know that if poachers come i need to report it to the police or my teachers know when they were going to do. Doesnt do this weve never kid you are is that for pushy thanks but african wild dogs are still exposed to danger even inside the park as we discover the next day two dogs got caught in a Snare Trap Jessica Water My is at the scene when the ranger arrives. So we rest as soon as possible within twenty minutes of the report but im forty bucks on the gotcha the dogs had already struggled themselves and suffocated. Its a senseless killing the dogs werent even the poachers target the traps were set to catch antelopes. The dogs had tried to free themselves by biting through the wire but the copper was too tough were still its the alpha male thats been killed along with another adult dog the best hunters of the pack. Why a snap traps are almost invisible in the dense bush and the area is wast but the rangers have still managed to find all around fifty of them. The rest of the pack will stick together until the juvenile is a fully grown fortunately the alpha female wasnt lost otherwise the pack would have broken up but with her make now gone hopes of gaining a new litter of puppies this year look slim. And thats why we needed. Is that because today as always you can catch our stories on our website and Facebook Page now we need it with images often enough so wild dogs which chose to run and ultramarathon in morocco recently told me its time i found out

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