Of the left leaning anti austerity parties populist e. U. Finns party also looks set to make to be again. Im called aspen thanks for joining us today was supposed to be the day for a United Nations backed conference and of bringing peace to libya instead the u. N. Is warning the lives of thousands of civilians including refugees or a brisk and the death toll is already mounting the World Health Organization says fighting near tripoli has killed more than one hundred twenty people and wounded nearly six hundred that since strongman khalifa hatari launched an offensive earlier this month to take the libyan capital. Fighters from libyas u. N. Backed Government Back to live for this is the general highly for half a tower. The government has offered an end to the fighting in exchange for half dollars with rule. Two looking for the government of National Accord would welcome a ceasefire but that does not mean it welcomes the continuation of this Current Situation the invading forces must return to where they came from once and for all. The humanitarian cost is rising on the day of a planned peace conference the un instead warned the thousands of civilians could be caught in the crossfire including refugees who have escaped conflict elsewhere only to find themselves again in danger some civilians have taken shelter in a school. My children and i had to leave our highways because i was afraid wed get bombed yeah the flat babbled the. Government fighters are trying to hold their positions but they are faced with how fatahs heavily armed Ground Forces boosted by as support. On saturday and strike hit a schoolyard on the southern outskirts of tripoli where fighting between the factions has been fiestas images of the damage are a stark reminder of the threat also facing those seeking refuge in this school according to the u. N. At least eight thousand people have fled the fighting for those who remain food and medicine are increasingly should supply earlier we spoke with. The director of the institute of policy think tank focused and we asked him about the humanitarian situation there. Destruction of. Ten thousand people who are being displaced in the numbers that want to roy is coming to. Boston. That might spread this month this would be the war for five years since the beginning of the civil war. Thats the story should be on the fuel supplies are working to im sure most of us as it were struck that much since its a cause you dont want much but its the humanitarian support system the hospitals the places that host displaced people also be targeted ambulances for them because. Its very damaging that was there in london in sudan the interim military council held its first meeting today after seizing power from veteran leader Omar Al Bashir the new head of that council and a general abdel fatah hahn chaired the meeting in the capital khartoum earlier he responded to protesters demands by promising to form a civilian government within two years but the sudanese people they are keeping up the pressure they presented a list of demands to military rulers including immediate civilian control of the government. Outside the military headquarters in khartoum protesters are making their voices heard fed up with decades of autocratic rule theyve been calling for democracy for almost four months. We will only accept a real change satisfying the revolutionary people who are looking for a good future. With. The sudanese people reject the military chiefs who ended the thirty year regime of the veteran president Omar Al Bashir but the army is still very much in charge the shia successor even who fled general link to the genocide in darfur lasted just one day in the top job before announcing his resignation many are unhappy that he was replaced by another commander although abdel fattah han is not wanted for war crimes the home immediately sought to appease the crowds on the streets he announced the end of a curfew imposed by his predecessor and promised that a civilian government would be formed within two years but the demonstrators want a clean break with the old regime. That will never leave this place we will shout it out together shout it out to our great liberals and do our good do it it does this or this is the least we also give her word just as we all sit in her freedom what is it in for another new government representing by out by by out by our own so there is be able protesters say the First Step Towards a new beginning is to replace the military Transition Council with a civilian one the. Polls are now officially closed in finlands parliamentary elections after a campaign dominated by debates over Climate Change welfare and immigration social democrats until brinner are favored to win and if they do will become finlands first leftist leader in over twenty. But hes facing stiff competition from the right wing party which has promised to cut Immigration Center right coalition has led the Northern European country for the last four years. And here now to talk more about the finnish elections as you have us on the roster who is from finland youve of course been following those elections closely first of all what do we know about the results of our so right now one third of the votes has been counted and indeed it looks like the democrats are coming out with a very strong lead. Followed closely of course by the National Coalition the True Finns Party the. Right wing populist party. Indeed i mean its quite interesting because these especially in the social democrats they have been in the opposition. The whole vote seems to be. An expression of discontent over the prime ministers reforms that he has for instance. Cutting Unemployment Benefits worth and people now finland has just over five Million People on is the elections there dont often make the news so can you convince our viewers why they should be paid paying attention this time wrote well indeed. It is a small country a small nordic country it is though also a member of the European Union and it will hold your presidency starting in july which is a very interesting phase because this is just a couple of months after the e. U. Elections in may also that they can commission will still be formed and of course finland hopes it will be able to also influence in some way the policies that are going to take place on an equal level especially when it comes to Climate Change in the next couple of years ok so we should be paying attention the visible action lets talk about this right wing populist party the finns part. As you mentioned theyre on track to become the second Largest Party now in finland tell me about the party whats it like and how does it compare to other popular parties weve seen gaining power in other European Countries well its actually very similar to many of the parties that we would count us right wing populist it is quite. Immigrant its also has a lot of. Whats quite interesting actually is that they have already been in the Finnish Parliament since two thousand and eleven and they have had a very strong representation there. Now also for the first time they were actually complaining with a agenda that has to do with what they call the climate hysteria so they are also taking. Something that other parties are having a very well if they they are saying that they want to fight Climate Change and the finns they they indeed want to stop the climate hysteria and have people come back to things that matter and theyre what they say matter most are a lot going on there during this lunch and thank you for that update. Thanks very much well the seychelles are one of many countries threatened by rising sea levels its feared many of its islands could soon disappear below the waves thats exactly where the president of the seychelles made a dramatic plea for action on Climate Change you also called for Greater Research into the worlds oceans adding that we know more about the surface of mars than we do about the seabed. Seychelles is on a mission a mission to save the ocean and thereby the very existence of this string of one hundred fifteen islands off africas eastern coast the islands are among the places already feeling threatened by Climate Change and in march a team of scientists launched the next Ocean Mission to explore the secrets of the indian ocean. On sunday president danny for a drop down below the sea surface to make a plea for greater International Conservation for more than one hundred twenty meters deep. The sea how does the special relationship with all of us. It gets the planet. It keeps us alive and it is clear to me that it is under threat like never before. The Marine Special plans are an initiative put forth by seychelles to promote long term management and create a sustainable Economic Zone around the islands if implemented it would be the first large scale Marine Management plan in the western indian ocean and the largest such plan in the world the indian ocean is the least known at least protected of all scientists estimate as much as ninety five percent of it has yet to be explored. Scientists with the seychelles next on Ocean Missions Say International help is needed to decrease the greatest threats to the region including global temperature increases coral bleaching overfishing and the widespread use of plastics choking out our Ocean Ecosystems worldwide. Sports now and the latest blunder sleeper results are in the big news byron munich has returned to the top of the table with a convincing win here they are the defending champions cruised against fortuna dusseldorf kingsley coma and scoring twice in a dominant four one victory earlier on sunday hoffenheim defeating hertz a berlin two mill and the standout match from saturday was of course dortmunds two one win over mines which keeps them within striking distance of bahrain and we have one result still to come frankfurt are currently in action Lewis Hamilton goes to the victory of the chinese dragon prix with mercedes dominating formula ones milestone one thousand race any World Champion hamilton lead home member sadies one to finish ahead of his teammates all terry both Ferraris Sebastian Vettel was a controversial third place. China had the honor of hosting groom pretty number one thousand miles stone race ready made for a man whos used to setting milestones of his own new is hamilton on the left was beaten to poll by miss avies teammate found three process by the first corner normal order had been resumed. Behind then things are a bit more messy to me of credence toro rosso getting tangled up with the two mclarens. Messi could also have described ferrari strategy by lets put up. A particularly ten laps in charlotte crash. Statesman sebastian france all three it was supposed to allow fettle to attack them a sadies pass between states he came under pressure from red bulls max. The grand plan appearing to backfire. At the front miss sadies were running away with the race hamilton with between him and us. Prost left away even another over the line. Going to. Result for us so proud thank you so much for the ticket work. So more success for the brit hamilton seventy fifth race win and its. The top of the drivers standings. A super six engines two fuselages and the longest wingspan ever created has completed its maiden flight take a look at the socalled stratolaunch took off from the Mojave Desert in california it flew for two hours the aircraft is designed to launch satellites attached to rockets into space from high up in the air rather than on the ground and that should make Space Missions cheaper its the brainchild of paul allen is the late of microsoft. Youre watching the news from all the latest news and information around the clock on our web site. Thanks for watching. Sometimes books are more exciting than real life. Raring to. Go. Once theres no escape. List one hundred german most straight Quadriga International talk shows its been a tumultuous week in german politics and europe resolve bitter divisions over

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