Steinmeier just people to address tensions in society by engaging with each other and not drifting from our pocket. Money thank you for joining us we start in indonesia where the number of dead has risen to four hundred twenty nine after the tsunami swept across the coast of java and on saturday the death toll is expected to rise with people still missing in more Remote Island areas almost fifteen hundred people were injured in the disaster. But. Its not easy returning to what was once finding the ruins of her life but soon you know from the town of much good to look in north west java survived and that makes one of the lucky ones along this coast of destruction. Yeah now i heard the volcano krakatoa erupting and i could feel the ground shaking. But i went to sleep as its been active for days. But then i was woken up by the sound of the neighbors screaming theres a tsunami theyre going out so i grabbed my mother and children and we ran out. Of. The death toll is rising as workers saw through the rubble some fifteen hundred people were injured when the huge wall of water knocked them off their feet rolling past beaches and into the coastal villages. I didnt have time to run earlier. When the waves came i was tossed around in the water for two minutes. I continued to pray knowing god have mercy on me god help me. I held onto a cable i found so i wouldnt get carried away by the waves. Then finally i found a coconut tree and hung on to it. Along with the physical damage theres the trauma and feel is of another tsunami. Pocono to just say im not krakatoa is likely to continue to erupt for months if not years to come. Now to some of the other stories making news around the world opposition candidates in the democratic republic of congo have demanded cell phone operators deactivate sim cards. Machines politicians say the electronic transmission of ballots could lead to inaccuracy is in the countrys president ial election on sunday some forty million voters will choose a successor to president ial stuff officials insist counting will be done lying in. Clashes in the sudanese capital have continued with police using tear gas and warning shots to break up protests the Human Rights Group Amnesty International says Sudanese Security forces have shot and killed at least thirty seven people in the past five days demonstrators are calling on sudanese president Omar Al Bashir to step down. Syrian state media say the countrys defenses have opened fire on quote enemy targets west of damascus witnesses there and the Syrian Border told International Media that theyd heard explosions and planes overhead no further details were available but israel has been blamed for past strikes that targeted Iranian Forces fighting alongside the Syrian Government at least two people have been killed after a suicide bombers stormed Foreign Ministry in tripoli three of the militants also died ten people were injured in the attack that began with the ministry Libyan Security authorities a. Socalled Islamic State fine the Foreign Ministry is internationally recognized government. A journalist working for the Associated Press now joins me from benghazi in libya rami thank you for joining us there any more details that have emerged about this attack. The attack was this morning around nine thirty when a car bomb went off near the ministry of Foreign Affairs in tripoli. Signaling the. Backpack where three. Men who believe the isis fighters they exchanged complies with the cause. Of a later on they managed to get through the gate with him going into the bill think the second will. Need to commit suicide bombing. In an exchange for five change with the. Signal the end of at the camps i know you speaking to me from benghazi where the rebel government is can you tell me about the internationally recognized government which is. Where todays attack took place. In the conflict of interest and it was an article differences between the two sides but the main issue is the who controls the the the the use of violence coming up over the is a for the eastern part of the country is more unified where there is a Central Command of all the armed forces and the armed groups. Like the the western part of the country at the dishes just stole the country and control most of the day and they have been in some instances in the conflict with the increasing number of as a sound government agents and the whole of the all unified all of them each of these different groups have different. Loyalties and different markets quite a full of different. Groups from all the the any centralized control over the security situation in tripoli. Joining us from benghazi thank you. Thanks. To tunis and now where protesters and police have clashed on the streets of the capital tunis and other towns following the death of a journalist. Was buried today his suicide on monday in protest against the countrys economic problems has sparked and rest across the country. Once a death. Death became public some of the residents of his hometown of kasserine took to the streets blocking roads and throwing stones police then used tear gas to disperse them. Had spent years trying to find work in custody in on monday he posted messages online describing his desperation and calling for open opposition to the government. To all the Unemployed People in kasserine we will revolt and anyone who would like to join and support me is welcome to join. Demonstrate on my own and i will set myself on fire. He then did exactly that a spokesperson from the Tunisian Interior Ministry said several people were injured and arrested as a result of the demonstrations tunisias Journalist Union is considering holding a general strike citing the state of the country eight years ago a tunisian Street Vendor set himself on fire in protest over poverty that death sparked what became known as the arab spring with demonstrations that then spread across the arab world was also one of the first cities where people took part in those protests. U. S. Immigration Authorities Say an eight yr old boy has died in custody this is the second death of a child immigrant in the u. S. Detention this month the boy fell ill and was taken to a hospital in. New mexico where he was diagnosed with a cold and fever he was free to pick medication and later discharged but his symptoms became worse than he was readmitted to the hospital where he died a few. The childs death comes during an ongoing dispute over Border Security in the u. S. A partial Government Shutdown is underway over president Donald Trumps demand for photo war funding from Congress Democrats say there is no support for a bill that would help pay for the walls. Trump says the shutdown will last until agreement on funding the war has been reached i cant tell you what the governments going to be up to its not going to be open until we have a. Sense whatever theyd like to call it whatever they. Are in Rome Pope Francis has given his for additional or be at or be Christmas Day a blessing to the city of rome and the wider world the head of the Catholic Church people to put aside partisan interests and seek Peaceful Solutions to wars and conflicts communication and togetherness. Pope francis called for tolerance and cohesion in the face of global crises our differences should not harm a supposed danger we should see them as something that could enrich our lives. The pope said and indissoluble bond brings together people of different ethnicities languages and cultures the universal message of christmas he said is that we are all brothers and sisters. With the Kindred Spirit that jesus bestowed on us we wouldnt have been cure and to continue our efforts for a more just world. Project would be in time jeff losing good spirit since. The pope reminded everyone of the worlds ongoing wars and conflicts especially in the middle east he expressed hope that israelis and palestinians would resume dialogue to end their decades long conflict with International Support and brotherhood he also hopes the civil war in syria can come to an end. May the International Community work decisively for political solution that can put aside divisions and partisan interests so that the Syrian People especially all those who were forced to leave their own lands and seek refuge elsewhere can return home to live in peace in their own country. He then gave the traditional blessing known as or be at or be the city and the world but. It. Could speak. Here in the german capital of germany as president. Has urged people to address tensions in society by engaging with each other and his christmas message recorded at bellevue palace steinmeier said the nation must not be allowed to drift apart christmas for the german president. Or is the time to talk to one another with family with friends and also with those who have political leanings other than your own. Christmas is a time not only for carols but sometimes also for quotes i believe its good for us to engage in debate its good for us to talk to each other if i had one wish for our country then it would be lets have more debate. Steinmeyer things germans are spending less time actually talking to each other and more time in their own social bubbles. However no matter how upset we are about others wish they just didnt exist one thing remains true we are all part of this country regardless of our origin skin color approach to life or favorite sports team. His Christmas Wish this year is that people enter into dialogue with one another other countries he says are showing us what happens when societies drift apart. We have seen burning barricades and powers deep political rifts in the United States and anxiety in the United Kingdom ahead of threats it europe i speak to the test in hungary italy and other places we are in the heart of europe of course not immune against these developments the president is convinced german democracy is strong and to make sure it stays that way we all have to work together. Its a Christmas Day traditionally a day of fun and a lot of eating and so we leave you with a look at how its being celebrated across the globe happy holidays. Im scared that the blame or not and in the end its i mean youre not allowed to stay here anymore we will send you back. Are you familiar with this. With the smugglers what alliances. Whats your story. With the numbers of the women especially in victims of violence in. Part

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