Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20181102 08:00:00

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There challengers. This seventy seven percent. Platform for security. This is news coming to you live from berlin the dangers of being a journalist in myanmar more and more reporters in the country are being locked up simply for doing their job why is de facto leader aung san suu cine so determined to silence her critics you have a special report from myanmar also coming up young people have traditionally been reluctant to vote in the United States but as the parties ramp up the rhetoric ahead of next weeks midterms it seems that may be about to change we ask whats motivating americas millenniums. And spanish football Giants Barcelona are opening three. In china as they look to recruit the asian. And boost their friends in the reach. Hello im terry martin welcome to the program to journalists in myanmar jailed in connection with their reporting of the written crisis are expected to file appeals this week the reuters reporters wall alone and. Were sentenced to seven years in prison while investigating the massacre of revenge of muslims during a Military Crackdown last year many countries condemned the trial but as d. W. Southeast asia correspondent boston Heartache Reports as part of a wider push by the government in myanmar to stifle freedom of the press. A workers strike on the outskirts of yangon. Things get heated when protesters confront the police and. Lying to us and why is right in the middle reporting it live on facebook. But situations like these are not the dangers journalists like him fear most its criticizing the powerful which has once again become a present danger in me and mark a Risk Blankets and why has to weigh up carefully whenever i. Have to publish a news and story i need to think. Three times. That this story and heart my security of this story can love me in the deal was in many kids that i told you when to when to hide the real situation the true information so. So they also had the authority of also tried to address the threat alone and just so only too well the two reuters journalists were sentenced to seven years in prison after investigating the involvement of me and maher Security Forces in mass killings in Rakhine State these are the walls of yangons Notorious Insein Prison Back in the days of Military Rule that housed many a political prisoner nowadays more and more journalists have to do time here not only well known and also whose case to International Attention there are many more just recently three journalists were arrested and brought here because they reported on Shady Business deals by the end on Regional Government and its head human tame a close confidant of State Councilor and Nobel Peace Prize laureate aung san suu chiefs three journalists have been released on bail but the Incitement Charges so far have not been dropped if convicted they face up to two years in prison. De facto leader on sense to cheat was once the figurehead of the Democracy Movement in her country a symbol of resistance against the decades long oppression by me and mars Military Rulers now she heads a party into government that alongside that same military cattails Press Freedom in intimidates critical voices. They are lying runs me in march first investigative magazine he says the laws like the Official Secrets Act the two reuters journalists were charged under need urgent reform as things stand he says journalists remain under threat. Even when we use in our phone we very nervous who are sent which if a mission to my for everyone can sense so if a mission for to me if some official. Fall some secret if. It will be valid into the say secrecy very we have very nervous not only me but also my family also very worried about that the last threatening journalists like they are lying are currently under review a spokesperson for citys party told us but its not only the interests of the media the civilian leaders are considering they are also careful to avoid confrontation with the countrys powerful military. Harty who filed that report joins us now bastion as we mentioned we are expecting a reuters journalist to appeal their Prison Sentences this week how likely is it that their sentences will be overturned. Well terry its very hard to say how the court is going to rule in that second case should it come to that in that second trial should it come to that the credit fact of the matter is that the first trial was widely criticized also for example because one of the witnesses a Police Officer testified that the police basically set the two up they lured them into a trap gave them documents and then immediately after they were arrested and thats only possible because of this law this Official Secrets Act which dates back to colonial times and it makes it a crime to possess State Secrets you dont even have to do anything with them its just the position itself is already punishable under that i under that law and state house uncensored she said that this conviction is according to the law but the problem really are these laws theyre so broad in this Official Secrets Act is not the only one there are others as Well Defamation Laws Telecommunication laws then they easily lend themselves to intimidating and silencing critics and as long as they need to be amended thats what critics are saying and as long as theyre in place like this theres theres little chance of things changing fashion you mention Aung San Suu Kyi the former prodemocracy activist who is now myanmars de facto leader some say that Press Freedom has actually declined since she took office was it naive to expect an improvement under her leadership. Was definitely a surprise to many that things developed in the way they have many expected things to get better with a sense that she and her party the National League for democracy taking power that they expected to things were going to improve freedoms were going to going to improve and things were going to go more towards a democratic system but the fact is that it seems that the opposite is. Actually the case many journalists in myanmar say that they feel they have more freedom under the previous president to taint same who was a member of the military or a former general and so the question is why is this happening and many are pointing their fingers to the military especially within the government saying this is the militarys fault but its also true that its not only the military because if we consider for example that case that we heard about in the report of those three journalists who were recently arrested they reported on the Regional Government of yangon and thats headed by an n o d a member and theyre the ones who press charges indeed they wouldnt have to do that so it is a surprise and also disappointing for many that things are developing in this direction terry bustin thank you so much d. W. Southeast asia Correspondent Bustin Heartache there talking to us from bangkok now to some of the other stories making headlines Around The World Today german chancellor Angela Merkel will be in warsaw today for a joint session of the polish and german cabinets bilateral relations are tense in germany of the European Commission are concerned that the polish governments controversial judicial reforms are undermining the rule of law. Police in china say an on Board Quarrel between a bus driver and a passenger is to blame for a deadly accident in the countrys southwest the bus plunged off a bridge in the city of Chong Chain Thirteen bodies have been retrieved have been retrieved from the water two others are still missing. And donald trump says the Central American migrants who threw rocks at u. S. Border troops would be treated as if they were armed told journalists that a group of several thousand migrants moving north toward the border had already thrown rocks at Mexican Police as if the u. S. Would quote not put up with that. Immigration of. Well politicians in the u. S. Are pulling out all the stops to win over voters ahead of next weeks midterm elections theyre singling out one group for special attention the young most agree that Youth Turnout will play a key role in the outcome of next weeks election in the past millennial have been difficult to motivate but as the w. s my way to reports that may be about to change. Alexander violences one thousand years old First Year University student and shes from new jersey a rather blue Democratic State her vote is a prime target for both of republicans and the democrats are for Young Americans like alexandra who arent gripped by politics the motivation to vote is low i really dont know if im going to vote yeah i want to vote its just theres nothing pushing me theres no one there my parents tell me to vote but i feel like i dont have anything around needs and how you should vote this is the registration this is everything polls show that young people go for democrats over republicans by a wide margin and largely disapprove of President Donald Trump thats good news for democrats if they can convince those voters to show up and in the last midterm elections only sixteen percent of eligible voters from ages eighteen to twenty nine voted new york needs and deserves a Mutation Publicans also know its to their advantage to convince first time voters that their party is young and engaged but it wont stop me from Working Hard America is an exceptional place and its still a Young Country bridget the president of George Washington University Student democrats says her group has been running big Get Out The Vote campaigns on campus sense the first day of the semester their goal is to convince young undecided students to vote in this huge voting bloc i think the largest voting bloc and just the most underrepresented in terms of whether or not we shop to the polls so i think that if we end up showing that well have a large impact recent polling suggested young voters may defy expectations and show up to vote in significant numbers this year if so that might tip the Balance Of Power in congress. The Trump Administration has called for a cease fire in yemen which is facing what could become the worst humanitarian catastrophe in decades thats the warning from the un impoverished country on the arabian peninsula has been a war zone since Two Thousand And Fourteen iranian backed the rebels are fighting the Yemeni Government which is supported by saudi arabia Twenty Eight Thousand people have died and nearly Fourteen Million are threatened by hunger and disease. This is a bitter harvest the leaves of this runoff plant are all there is for lunch no bread rice or noodles to be had anywhere the members of the family have to fend for themselves. But you know Aid Organization has helped us a toll ive been asking for help for families who are suffering in the war. And the money go out of. This family is one of many who have fled to the remote region of how to escape the fighting between the Saudi Led Coalition and the iran back to sleep rebels but the lack of humanitarian aid and means subsisting on less which Dont Really Nourish and life. Now you can shock i know what this woman explains that when her husband still had work they could buy anything for their seven children rice Fish Chicken Milk Juice whatever they wanted. Yet even. The family is far from alone many acutely malnourished children have been brought to her just Central Hospital the idea being i think she says this year the number of malnourished children is higher than in Two Thousand And Seventeen and i think this intervention from. The u. N. Fears that if no ceasefire is forthcoming yet more children will perish. Now the u. S. Which has supported the Saudi Led Coalition in yemen may be rethinking its position thirty days from now we want to see everybody around a peace table based on a ceasefire based on a pullback from the border and then based on she dropped in a bomb it sounds like a clear call to the saudis who have pounded yemen with air strikes for three years in other states is set to impose further sanctions on iran following president trumps decision to quit the Iran Nuclear Deal earlier this year a new set of sanctions will come into effect on monday but some experts doubt that washingtons hard line will achieve the desired result still the white house is determined to forge ahead with punitive measures he has made up his mind down the drum withdrew from the Iran Nuclear Deal and it threatening they ron would think john stop for once then ever before theyve asked president wants to inflict pain on the Iranian Regime to force it to strike in us and better deal i ask all members of the Security Council to work with the United States to ensure the Iranian Regime changes its behavior and never acquires a nuclear bomb. The sanctions will mainly target irans oil and gas industries foreign companies that buy or ship iranian oil can be excluded from your ass markets and the Banking System unless they obtain waivers from the administration some of them have already pulled out of iran and u. S. Officials are optimistic that more will fall on soon. Troubles goal is to ultimately kill the nuclear deal to brink irans economy to the point of total collapse and to contain the regimes involvement in syria yemen and iraq however the question is whether tribal strategy can succeed without the support of americas allies in europe and without china and russia who all oppose new sanctions it will work says James Phillips middle Eastern Affairs expert at the Heritage Foundation but it will need time for the sanctions to bite me when truly i think they will be forced back to the Negotiating Table because theyre paying a very heavy price for. Nuclear technology they say they are going to need. But so far the you asked goal of Cutting Irans Oil exports to zero since on the rela stick and the regime itself remains defiant back by the europeans who together with china and russia are trying to save the nuclear deal and find a way to circumvent you asked sanctions the number of problem is that saudi arabia trumps crucial partner in his and tehran efforts is facing global censure and threats of sanctions from congress after the killing of journalist and saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi penalties against saudi arabia could undermine efforts to keep Global Oil Prices stable just in the end from supposedly on the run will backfire says jared lang under president obama he was responsible for implementing the yuan nuclear deal the former State Department official. Questions the administrations motives i think that there are elements within the Trumpet Ministration that they wanted Regime Change before they came into office they are pursuing a policy using Policy Instruments that certainly look like they are aimed at Regime Change so it seems to me that hes an english expression that if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck its a duck. The Trombetta Mini Thracian has strongly denied the accusation and seems determined to move forward with the thing sions increasing pressure on iran. Spanish Football Club barcelona is opening three Football Schools across chinas Southwestern You Non province in collaboration with u. S. Company ground a Sports Academy project aims to force the next generation of footballers in china but its also seen as a savvy marketing move. On enjoy. For these young lads the dream of being the next messi has just become a tiny bit like. Three barcelona Football Academies promise to bring the beautiful game to chinese youngsters one in the city of cuming has already opened and will admit more than one hundred students aged between six and fourteen every year. The methodology. We will be training the same way with the same guidelines and also with the same values. Barcelona famed for their Player Development will surely also have other benefits in mind china is a massive market for football the English Premier League with its Stoss Studded teams is currently the most Popular League there but the catalan club have begun cultivating the next generation of bossa fans and who knows if they heed the advice of their coaches these youngsters may follow in the footsteps of their idols. Spreading legend you saying bolts quest to become a pro footballer is on hold after his trial at Australian Side central coast mariners officially end the thirty two year old jamaican a league team failed to negotiate a contract all scored twice and in october a Friendly Match but financial considerations meant the club could not afford to sign a time olympic gold medalist. Munich are in hot water over a photograph from a Halloween Party had that defender Jerome Boateng posted on twitter in the photo which the club itself also posted later brazilian defender ruffin yo wore a traditional arab headdress and a Fake Mustache while holding a box that says danger. Social media users have widely criticized the choice of cost zero. Since tweeted that it was not his intention to hurt any feelings its. Tennis news and Roger Federer remains on course for his One Hundredth career title after beating Fabio Fognini to reach the Paris Masters Quarterfinals Suess was a great scene at the top of the screen here dominated throughout and he produced some memorable moments including this delightful dropshot the thirty seven year old progressed in straight sets for his italian opponent double faulted federer is ten Career Victories behind mens record holder jimmy carter. Business with ben a revolt of sorts of the tech elites the high paid engineer google who are emerging from their Comfy Tech Bubble for the first time to demonstrate against the mistreatment of women waves of workers all around the globe walked out yesterday chief executives on the pitch i says his company is grappling with the issue organizers of the walkout for real change have hit out at what they say is a culture of Complicity Dismissiveness and support for perpetrators of sexual harassment and misconduct at the company. At the Tech Giants Headquarters in California Hundreds of employees took part in the hour long walk out. There are so many stories that weve heard for so long and its time for action can change real change thats why were calling this. The one for real change. Similar protests were organized at Google Offices around the world including the web giant you headquarters in dublin last week the company disclosed that it had fired forty eight employees including thirteen Senior Executives for Sexual Harassment in recent years. In london bad weather kept most of the demonstrators inside but some braved the elements to take the protests to the public. So we walking out to support fully any workplace its up to the restaurant to ensure that the right is on protected or will be with the. Google employees in Singapore Tokyo and many other cities also walked out one of the key demands of the walkout is an end to for Starbucks Ration which is used to stop complainants from suing were going public the demonstrations come after a New York Times report allege that google paid a ninety Million Dollar Golden Parachute to a senior employee whos dismissed for sexual misconduct. The american tech giant apple has fallen back below one trillion dollars in market value a warning on Holiday Sales taking a big bite out of its share price leading to a further drop in the Stock Executive said those felt releasing i phone sales of unit sales that is a key indicator of quality quality quarterly rather success if it is becoming less relevant as customers buy bundle products apple c. E. O. Tim cook blames the poor sales for Council House in a budget its. Could this be the trade war truce weve been waiting for Chinas Foreign Ministry says president xi jinping and u. S. Leader donald trump think they should enhance Trade Relations thats for been our financial correspondent to get the european perspective on this Story Daniel Cope How Trade is theyre reacting to the news. Events shares in the u. S. Already made a jump after a tweet of the u. S. President in which he pointed out that there could be an deed as soon lucian for the ongoing trade war between the u. S. And china a trade war that has been dominating the headlines and also the interaction here at the stock market so i whats behind this according to the news agency of. Bloomberg trump has already advised his senior staff to work on a Trade Agreement with china all of this was happening after a Phone Conversation between the two leaders traders have reacted very positive and will most likely see a trump effect happening at the markets today the blue chip index stocks already open with more than One Hundred And Sixty points higher this is also happening after already shares in asia. Saying the nikkei all in the winning zone with a plastic between three and almost four percent it really happens that we see a positive effect on a trunk here at the market you sound all excited about this story is it all too good to be true. Well thats a question because we know that u. S. President donald trump is in Campaign Mode at the moment the very crucial and important midterm elections are just days away and Everybody Knows that the Republican Party of the u. S. President will benefit with good numbers at the stock market so now everybody is wondering how sustainable this news is and thats hard to say investors around the world hoping for a solution but we know that the u. S. President can change his mind every day there just needs to become a new treat of Trade Surplus off china and you might see my tweet something completely different to hope with his fingers crossed that the private Stock Exchange irans poor are expected to bear the brunt of u. S. Oil sanctions The Cost Of Living has sordid recent months leading to protests against the government and the rielle keeps falling because of next weeks sanctions with heavy demand for dollars among ordinary iranians trying to protect their savings iranians earning average wages can afford little nowadays. The value of the iranian currency the reaal has tumbled food imports medication and electronics are becoming more and more expensive many iranians have little hope of finding a good job u. S. Sanctions have frightened away Foreign Investors German Companies that recently opened offices in iran are already pulling out of the country because the Trumpet Ministration is threatening to penalize them the u. S. Market is much larger and much more lucrative. A Minister Today represents the german Packaging Machine Producer Multivac in the gulf region its much more difficult to do business in his homeland because u. S. Sanctions have cut off iran from the International Finance system. A lot of customers now find them difficult to do payment to us and even these days with the current Economic Situation and because of their. Mentality happening in iran market. A currency iranian currency is also depreciated towards europe and it become more difficult. A simple Bank Transfer from iran to germany or in the opposite direction is now a problem few european banks are willing to carry out the transactions because all the major Financial Institutions do business in the us and fear reprisals maku spec a measuring of the federation of german banks says the u. S. Sanctions are not the only reason Doing Business in iran is difficult the a canoe from basically we can do business in iran but we have to be sure that it complies with Money Laundering in Terrorism Financing laws thats very difficult because iran has relatively little transparency in its commercial sector there is a lot of state interference in the economy even by the revolutionary guard. Stott. Garden and im on book soft given these doubts a bank would rather stay away from iran combats bond had to pay billions in penalties for violating u. S. Regulations the choice between iran and the us is clear for the International Finance industry their risk is simply too high compared to the opportunity to turn a profit in iran and the u. S. Market is simply too big and too important. Youre watching deal with your news live from berlin for one more news next hour with terry not. A. Good. Time to. Move. More intrigue International Talk show for journalists to discuss the topic of the week the announcement sent shock waves across germany ongoing battles preparing to leave politics after eighteen years shes stepping down as leader of the cd human twenty twenty one of the latest chancellorship will will it be a bumpy transition and who might sixteenth thats the topic on twitter again. Next on d w. Her. Life originates from and it is itself a living organism. But what happens when the spoiled is exploited. And contaminated how long can this growth continue to feed if you manage to. Movies the last august. Scars Cover Dont Forget Women In Russia have to live with violence sexism and depression love the game and violence is normal in russia. Where putin is petri arche rooms today womens rights were already gaining traction a hundred years ago. People here dont have a clue about feminism but their own women want to instigate change in everyday life for justice and equality. Under the skin of russias women starts nov thirteenth on w. Welcome to quadriga following a dismal show wait until recent State Elections here in germany the Conservative Party woke up to dramatic news this past monday chancellor Angela Merkel is preparing to leave politics after eighteen years shes stepping down as leader of the c. D. U

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