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Europe with military hardware and Tens Of Thousands of troops from all twenty nine member countries russia says the maneuvers are an anti russian exercise but is it truly preparation for twenty First Century conflict also coming up hacking democracy ahead of next weeks midterm elections in the United States officials are on high alert for a cyber attack what will it mean for counting the vote and tired munich survived a scare in footballs german cup the record holder is labor two one victory over Semi Professional sides rooting hols and well bring you the highlights and look ahead to todays match. Im sara kelly welcome to the program we begin with breaking news a court in pakistan has freed a christian woman sentenced to death by hanging for blasphemy i see a p. B. Who was on death row since Two Thousand And Ten was the first woman in the country to receive a Death Sentence for insulting islam her case has caused widespread outrage among both human Rights Groups and hardline islamist extra Security Forces were deployed in the capital after islamists threatened violence upon her release. Oh meantime in other news nato has been holding its Largest Military exercises since the end of the cold war dubbed Trident Juncture the vast gathering is taking place in norway parts of the North Atlantic and the baltic sea all twenty nine nato Member States plus finland and sweden are taking part its taken months to get everything into position Fifty Thousand troops and support personnel Two Hundred Fifty aircraft sixty five nasal that naval vessels and up to ten thousand military vehicles are now in the Region Moscow has called The Maneuvers Quote An Anti Russian exercise and our reporter lars schleck to stick accompanied the troops on the tanks and said this this report. Why. I know. Blowing up obstacles. And building bridges in just a few minutes to capabilities that the german army is bringing to try to juncture. But ive these old School Skills still needed in times of hybrid warfare and Cyber Attacks as a result after the ukraine crisis we saw that it is more important to change back from Stability Operations to hire Tens Of Thousands of what we see and as an interest to move larger formations and heavy equipment thats had not been trained and done with within the last ten years far from the russian Border Germany has set up its operational headquarters in the region into lands together with troops from france The Netherlands belgium and. Germany alone has brought ten thousand soldiers up here to norway and tanks weapons and other supplies its a massive logistical challenge designed to improve the speech with which nato members could in a worst Case Scenario come to each others rescue. This huge influx of people and equipment more than Fifty Thousand soldiers from thirty one countries is a true test for the host nation norway. But the attitude among the public is there are only positive support for nato here is among the highest of all Member States and not just because no way shares a border with russia theyre not so afraid that there will be a war nothing but thats a lot of things happening in the world so you never know how so nato is important for us of course well i believe russia has become a big threat in the last two years and i wouldnt need new we need to show where our power you know this war and the world and i know i could be part of it but its not like its something i think about but some of nato is testing. Capacities are hidden from the population. Remote controlled Weapon Systems. Self driving vehicles. Military drones. So is this the future of the workfare all those capabilities have to be reversible or it means that. The forces can rely on this capability and have have to know how to do without those capabilities because. The system can be jammed all destroy or taken by. Someone else so the military have to to remain reversible. And thats why the airlines are still banking on tanks and boots on the ground battling daunting logistics and the elements here in the frigid no wage and climate. Lets get more now were joined by did have you Correspondent Teri Schultz who has the latest from brussels terry why was this huge nato trial scheduled right now. What youd be surprised how far in advance and nato starts planning these things in fact it was before that he year of twenty fourteen when russia annexed crimea that norway actually bid to host these exercises so the norwegian military is very much pointing out this is not only a reaction to the most recent actions by moscow but theres no question that the way the exercises are shaped now what kind of forces they bring what kind of things theyre practicing are very much determined by what weve seen next door to nato as boarders in the Baltic States this is why there are Fifty Thousand troops more than Fifty Thousand in fact and another ten thousand was just added in the last weeks of planning its why theyre very much practicing Military Mobility as lars mentioned in his piece they want to make sure the that the tanks the equipment stationed all over europe can get very quickly to any ally that might come under threat and in this case we know that it would most likely be norway in the far north or the Baltic States in the east so these exercises are very much shaped by what we have seen russia do in the past years even though theyve been scheduled for several years before that so is it just a massive show of force here or does it also have a military use as well. Its very much both of those things nato wants to show russia that if it dares to dip its toe into nato territory that all twenty nine allies would rush to that spot that they can get there and that they have the force once they get there to hold off any threat but the other thing we need to be very much aware of and you saw some of that in lars this piece is that theres a very high tech threat from russia youve got the Cyber Attacks youve got the possible jamming of all of these very advanced Weapon Systems that nato is now testing so theyve got to do both and one nato officials told me that russia is testing them on every level so youve got to very much worry about your soldiers on the ground as well as your drones in the air and we know that the russian response has been swift theyve called this an Antique Russian exercise russia itself plans to test Military Navy missiles also starting tomorrow off the coast of norway is this an escalation of Tension Terry Well Russia is right to think that this is this is aimed at russian Capabilities Even though nato very very stoically says its an unnamed aggressor these missile drills that russia has announced very belatedly are of course a response to try to juncture but nato secretary general Yen Stolzenberg pointed out yesterday that russia followed the rules in notifying the alliance that they were going to conduct these tests and hes put out the warning to them that he expects russia to stay in International Waters waters and not to over overrun the boundaries of the legal limits on this these kind of tests d. W. Corresponded teri schultz thank you terry. Well now we turn to the United States where President Donald Trump was greeted by heavy protest in pittsburgh as the fewest first funerals of victims killed in last weekends Synagogue Shooting got underway donald trump had traveled to the city to offer his condolences despite being told to stay away local jewish leaders had written an open letter to the president saying that he is not welcome in the city until he fully denounces White Nationalism a letter was signed by more than Sixty Thousand people trump stirred further controversy yesterday by stating his intention to scrap the right to citizenship for u. S. Born children of noncitizens and legal immigrants. Correspondent on the debate regarding the trump visit to pittsburgh on Tuesday Morning pittsburgh buried the first victims from the Mass Shooting at The Tree Of Life Synagogue On Tuesday Afternoon the president and the first lady visited the community over the objections of several of pittsburghs prominent jewish leaders they condemned the president for what they say is his emboldening of the White Nationalist movement which spurs these types of hate crimes the white house has said its Quote Outrageous to suggest any kind of link between the president and his antisemitic attacks and for his part the head rabbi of The Tree Of Life Synagogue has said the president is welcome there. That was greater were joined now in the studio by irwin called their expert on u. S. Politics at bard college and berlin and i want to talk a little bit more about trumps visit to pittsburgh because as weve seen you know he most certainly did not get an welcome there you know many said that they actually did not want him to come until he denounces White Nationalism why did he go. This is really an interesting case because i cannot remember when a us president has not i mean has been really not asked to come to such an event now hes damned if he does damned he would have been damned if he did to the president belongs there in such a moment so how do you make the best of a difficult situation he brought molony up he tried to surround himself with fellow politicians none of them took that bait and i think his handlers did the next the third best thing which was keep him from talking and let him put his mouth foot in his mouth later after going to pittsburgh so in that sense he handled a difficult situation for him personally but its really historically unprecedented that a president of the United States would be explicitly asked not to attend it is a moment for the country that is unprecedented as you mention it is politically charged it is emotional and charged in the country right now we have midterm elections coming up donald trump also stating the following ahead of us midterm elections that he can overrule the constitution and birthright citizenship what in practice with that or when and why would he say this now well clearly theres an election in a week and so hes hoping with his dog whistle or fog horn whatever hes using now to appeal to his base in the strongest way possible the idea that the president United States with an Executive Order can reverse an amendment to the constitution is really just an another indication that he talks without a brief. When i know youre going to stick with us but i want to get a little bit more on these midterms and one issue that is really perhaps set to affect the vote because millions of millions of americans as we mentioned are gearing up to vote in those crucial midterm elections authorities there theyre stepping up Cyber Security awareness drives ever since the u. S. Intelligence community concluded that russia interfered in the Twenty Six Thousand president ial Election Officials on the ground have been on high alert to prevent this Information Campaigns and Voting Systems in compromised and our correspondent in washington d. C. Has sent us this report. The National Museum of American History in washington is housing an exhibition called American Democracy Showcasing Objects and artifacts used in u. S. Elections through time its gaining popularity with visitors these days as Many Americans are not so sure anymore that their vote is safe from tampering unmanipulated and to alice miller executive director of the washington d. C. Board of elections ms miller is ultimately responsible for the election process in the district of columbia for miller and her team that means long days filled with plenty of overtime hours focusing on one thing and one thing oh we want to make sure our systems are secure we want to make sure poll workers are trained no you see test protecting the upcoming midterm elections from any form of Cyber Interference has been declared a National Security issue the white house and congress across party lines are on the same page no one wants a repeat of what happened in the Two Thousand And Sixteen president ial elections when socalled russian government cyber actors managed to gain access to u. S. Election infrastructure im here to say the Warning Lights are Brick Blinking Red again. Today the Digital Infrastructure that serves this country is literally under attack Congress Approved three hundred eighty Million Dollars in march this year for all fifty states to share so they can beef up Cyber Security measures look the u. S. Department of Homeland Security has formed Special Task Forces and offer services to State Officials responsible for the cyber safe conduct of the november elections alice miller is thankful for the help and we work very closely with us we have Homeland Security advisers always on each level we have Cyber Security advisors that we work with we have smaller groups within our own network that we work with we always cool cool when. However some critics say all of this is a step in the right direction but comes too late case in point this years def con in Las Vegas Nevada conference for what are known as White Hat Hackers also focused on election Cyber Security the defcon hackers fighting the good fight in the Cyber Security battles have released a Report Pointing out remaining vulnerabilities that are unlikely to be fixed before November Sixth one example a type of Voting Machine currently in use in twenty six states is vulnerable to remote hacking and another machine still used in eighteen states was able to be hacked in just two minutes maybe not for alice miller and her team but for many u. S. States Making Voting safe again remains a major challenge. So Cyber Security very much a concern ahead of this lets bring back our own collyer from bard college or when we talk about Cyber Security we also perhaps also have to talk about Information Warfare as well how big a threat to you see this not only to the u. S. Vote coming up on November Sixth but also to western democracies and again to use that word unprinted warfare as well how big a threat to you see this not only to the u. S. Vote coming up on November Sixth but also to western democracies and again to use that word on precedent were in. A new time where it is possible for foreign actors at relatively low cost to get involved we know that attempts to payoff Political Parties and the like to influence the elections in other countries that this is been a big part of Foreign Policy of a lot of countries including the United States but now this capacity really to have a broad front. Is something new and you know we just have to live with the fact that there has been corruption in elections before somehow the democracies have come up with solutions but this is. You know itll take more than a technical solution i think i think it takes really a will to maintain the integrity of democracies also i would of Party Machines to also exploit loopholes its not a coincidence when defect Voting Machines are not removed and emergency measures like Peeper Ballots are introduced so you know yes the foreign element is certainly important theres every reason to watch that but we are in this world where everything is connected informationally speaking of it we just have to be on our guard and you know little more than a better education young people can tell the difference between fake news and real news better parent really than older people and less than a week ago week to go until that crucial vote next tuesday when collyer from bard College Joining us with his analysis thank you so much thanks for the invitation. Lets get a quick check now of some other stories that have been making news Around The World the u. S. Is set to send more than Five Thousand troops to the u. S. Mexican border to stop a caravan of Central Americans the convoy of migrants is Sixteen Hundred kilometers from reaching the United States the Troop Deployment is greater than the u. S. Military presence in iraq and syria. At least seven people have been killed in a Suicide Bombing in the Afghan Capital Kabul Officials say that the attacker had targeted a Bus Carrying Employees of the citys largest prison the blast comes just days after a separate Suicide Bombing on afghanistans independent election commission. Indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi is due to unveil the worlds biggest statue on wednesday a One Hundred Eighty Two metre tall tribute to independence hero Siddharth Patel local communities in the countrys remote northwest are angry at the destruction of Natural Resources and the cost of the four hundred Million Dollar Community Statue and have told modi to stay away. Time now for Business News with Steven Gerrards lee who has the very latest on a big anniversary Thats Right Syria Today is the tenth anniversary of bitcoin founded at the outset of the Great Recession the cryptocurrency was supposed to usher in a digital revolution in payments just about a year ago at the price of one of its life before falling back Down To Earth now today theres still a lot of hope and because and plenty of hype sometimes even those who want it arent sure how it works. In the heart of moscow theres a small and conspicuous shop it may look normal but inside its a different world the world of bitcoin. There are a fake chocolate bitcoins as well as virtual bitcoins on servers for many of the Crypto Currency remains a great mystery even though russia produces more bitcoins than almost any other country. It weighs. Get the good it yeah actually customers come to us and say. But i dont know what it is and here like in an apple store we explain to them that its possible to make bitcoins on these machines theyre told that they can buy it or equip themselves to make it anywhere. And i feel. The Crypto Currency is created in heavily guarded block chain data centers like this one in St Petersburg bitcoins are bought and sold and the transactions are recorded here currently there are more than Seventeen Million bitcoins in circulation each worth more than Six Thousand Dollars at the end of last year the currency was booming its value rocketed to almost Twenty Thousand dollars before collapsing even after a decade in circulation the big coin is still not a mainstream currency even though many say its just as secure Chain Technology allows highly encrypted transactions to be carried out and recorded more than a bit more than you can believe it or not but from an economic Point Of View third companies and for individuals will currencies a much more effective than any exchange that countrys economy is now depend on economically. But the Crypto Currency is not one hundred percent secure hackers have stolen large sums a bit points in several countries authorities often warn consumers about whats called Crypto Jacking and that has weighed on bitcoins reputation and value. Now today is also how when the holiday has its roots in a Pagan Celtic Ritual from two thousand years ago and its now celebrated Around The World thanks in no small part to u. S. Commercialization these days halloween is a multibillion Dollar Industry and not just for candy sales before Movies Pumpkins and of course costumes. Nine billion dollars. Thats the revenue for the National Retail federation expects for hollow weekend a record high. The lions share goes to surprise costumes of literally any kind. Like Pop Stars Witches Superheroes and monsters my by about three outfits i go to multiple parties i have about thirty two costumes in my house and i always buy new outfits every year because i dont like the way to something once no one is safe during hollowing not even doggies so funny when they do it because i like the little hands on them to polish. It its so cute. Historically how we know has been a big hit for companies the reason affordability compared to the Winter Holidays where the Average American spends around A Thousand Dollars colleen is a real bargain. Thats it for us the business will go back to sara now with more news of thank you so much stephen if you think you had a bad day have to check this out with were going to right now to toronto canada where an employee of the citys Transit Agency has his car literally swallowed up by a sinkhole in the citys portland Industrial Area check this out going down. Now apparently the thing call appeared after a water main broke unleashing a torrent of floodwater the driver was able to escape the car just in time before it was partially submerged. The second round of the german cup is underway and i have max merrill here in the studio to analyze the results we have to begin with that game between byron munich and Writing House and it was your pick of the game so far have turned out well leading housing for a small Semi Professional village team who managed to give the eighteen time record cup winners far munich a little bit of a scare should have been a walk or the really for them judging on the outset but theres an all too easy lets take a look. Byron munich needed to avoid a cup stumble against a fourth tier side and they could breathe easy in the eight minutes some nice work from and Renata Sanchez and Sancho Wagner tapped into make it one nil. And just minutes later sanchez had his shirt and the ref pointed to the spot so much miller converting to make it two nil. And ten minutes later another penalty this time sanchez stepped up but he hit the woodwork. Putting housing came out swinging after the break and they hit the net. Elvin longer with the cross the most mire with the finish after that both teams were playing it safe for include barely missing the chance to seal the victory in the seventy fifth minute. A lackluster two one win puts byron through to the next round and it leaves tiago injured. The easy cup tie the buying months of expected and after four winless games then i went on a run of four straight wins but still not really convincing for me the coach unlikely to lose his job but also still not unlikely to shed the criticism and elsewhere all the favorites won in the first half of the cup games of the second round ok so the big sides ultimately they won yesterday as you mentioned do you think that we might see an upset though tonight well theres definitely to see for it for instance veta braman abundance of a side thats troubling to vice flynn spoke for. German Speaking View is weisz is the german word for railroads which so called Railroad Switch but plans for a Fourth Division team they could shock braman and are also full of born to go side who are now struggling low in the leagues they faced current when the sickest ive known back and when your in bed lean one of the two Capital Clubs travel to heavyweights Borussia Dortmund now theyve been a bit tricky for dortmund in the past and nobody in heaven lets hear from their coach fisher just now. Think this team only its important for me that the team go out there to have fun and really enjoy the game. We have nothing to lose i dont see any things possible in the cup i knew because we just have to go out there believe in ourselves. Rose fisher i think you know hoping that they can get a sneaky when theyre theyve done very well so phone number liam so it could be a tricky one if they dont do so you think our men might have a tough time well beaten by the old adult men have been averaging about three goals a game this season and that top of the table in the bundesliga so i think judging on that dont win all the clear favorites could still be very entertaining game in front of a crowd of Eighty Thousand the best bunch to go well we look forward to it next meryl from thank you so much. Quick reminder of the top stories that were following for you here at the end of the unions a court in pakistan has freed a christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy aasia bibi has been on death row since twenty ten her case caused widespread outrage among all human Rights Groups and hardline islamist. And with that youre up to date this hour im sara kelley in berlin dont forget you can follow us on social media and you can also check out the very latest on our web site d w dot com. A good move. To suit his dolls in kenya. The only tools of a generation of heroes she jones. The comic tells of the trials and tribulations of growing up finding a job and love the heroes speak the language of young can use and give them the courage to shape their own future. Results next. Move was to sneak through the streets of pushes one of a kind of nine eleven time good fortune to yes most active in the Bush Exclusive Money for those who own this is. Back in the day like the shows stuck to. The job who can. One of the most popular cars of its nearest. Hundred sixty minutes on t. W. Opinions and give them the courage to shape their own future. Global Three Thousand next. List to sneak through the streets. Poses one of a kind of nine eleven ta the fourteenth yes fix it in the push excuse of my foot into a column say. Back in the day it was quite this show stuff that. Can be. One of the most popular cause of its nearest. Hundred sixty minutes on t. W. Scars Cover Dont Forget Women In Russia have to live with violence sexism and oppression a lot of the same and violence is no my brusha. Where putins Petri Our Jeanne Moos Today Womens Rights were already gaining traction a hundred years ago. People here dont have

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