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Both sides of the e. U. China summit in beijing hoping for improved trade relations. Plus a heros welcome for frances world cup champions in torrance to be a rock on the showing off the famous rule remain a trophy and a victory parade down the scholems releasing hundreds of thousands of patent something pounds to greet and celebrate. Im still going to welcome to the Program President trump has triggered a storm of controversy in the United States after openly favoring the russias president over his own intelligence agencies standing next to his u. S. Counterpart of their first ever summit in helsinki Vladimir Putin did not say that russia had meddled in the twenty sixteen u. S. Election which mr trump accepted directly contradicting the findings off u. S. Intelligence agencies. The finnish capital sweltered in an uncharacteristic thirty degrees as people gathered to watch the biggest show in town the meeting between Vladimir Putin and donald trump putin though arrived half an hour late trump in turn kept putin waiting before he himself left his hotel yet despite the slights both leaders expressed a desire to improve relations this agreement between our two countries are well known and president and i. Discussed them at length. But if were going to solve many of the problems facing our world then we are going to have to find ways to cooperated pursuit of shared has. Put in and trump spent more than two hours in one on one discussions behind closed doors with only translators present true to trumps word of a summit covered everything from trade to terrorism from nato to Nuclear Weapons to china but there was another question at the top of most minds in this. Region which is not as once again President Trump mentioned the issue of the socalled interference in the american elections and i had to reason right things i said several times including now in a personal context that russia has never interfered but hes not going to go if there are new interim internal American Affairs including the electoral process. We begin the process. Put in denied any knowledge of the twelve Russian Military intelligence agents who were indicted on friday but said he was prepared to help the us president investigate the matter on the. Great confidence in my intelligence people but. I will tell you president putin was extremely strong and powerful. Credible offer he offered to have the people working on the case come and work with their investigators with respect to the twelve people i think thats an incredible thank you. And as helsinki bakes relations also appear to be warming between the usa and russia on some issues but the areas on which the European Union had hoped for solutions remained unresolved including the war in syria and Irans Nuclear program theres also continuing distrust of a Nuclear Disarmament and nato military deployment in countries bordering russia. And the last few minutes President Trump has tweeted what you might call a clarification. It is as i said today and many times before i have great confidence in my intelligence people i also recognize that in order to build up Brighter Future we cannot exclusively focus on the past the worlds two Largest Nuclear powers we must get a lot. More from teri schultz a helsinki welcome terry president to try to contain a backlash. Yeah and its a huge backlash and i dont think one tweet is exactly going to do it as you mentioned earlier much of that press conference focused on allegations that russia interfered in u. S. President ial elections and that President Trump himself and knew about this may have actually acquiesced to some of it so this is not going to go away and its interesting that President Trump says he he doesnt want to dwell on the past because of course there are these investigations going on and those are not going to go away either in fashion indictments continued and you know speculation is that they will lead all the way to the president himself so he may hope one tweet helps quell the displeasure with his remarks when you take a lot more than. Lets hear more from but two men here they are talking about the potential for cooperation in syria. As we discussed at length the crisis in syria. Is a complex one. Cooperation between our two countries has the potential to save. Hundreds of thousands of lives i also made clear that the United States will not allow iran to benefit from our Successful Campaign against isis we have just about eradicated isis. There in shoals in helsinki hows this summit to improve the chances of greater cooperation. Well thats appends on what the goal is what many people here are worrying is that president s trump and putin have exactly the same goal and that is to destabilize multilateral organizations the w t o nato the European Union President Trump has of course lashed out at all of these organizations just last week in brussels. Complaining ticket to chancellor merkel about German Defense spending saying all the european allies are free riders in fact forcing a closed door meeting of nato allies due to his apparent threat to go it alone if they didnt up their spending so all of those moves are and are definitely making president putin much more happy in his goal of destabilizing nato destabilizing the European Union and President Trump seems to be happy if the happy if that happens and so when you talk about further cooperation weve got zero details on what might work in syria with russia supporting of course syrian president assad but we have plenty of details about how President Trump would like to stabilize europe i typed in helsinki thank you. Thats a sad get the view from moscow and washington the new universities to dump these bureau chief in the russian capital i dont american purity if you cited some to fund a well both lets start with you i think sandra how has mr trumps performance been received in the United States. Not good not good at all actually what we have seen so far were predominantly negative reactions ranging from shock disappointment and even outrage the top democrat in the Senate Chuck Schumer accused the u. S. President of the dangerous failure to stand up to his russian counterpart he says for that you ask president s to side with putin against american intelligence agencies against american Law Enforcement is dangerous and we and we actually have seen similar reactions among republicans House Speaker ryan said that there is no question that russia has interference in the ass election and that. We must appreciate that russia is not our ally corker the chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs said that he was disappointed that he thinks trumps remarks trumps comments in helsinki made. The. Push over and senator mccain went so far as saying that what we saw in helsinki was one of the most disgraceful performances by a then american president in the memory but. What do you make of the president putins denial of any connection to alleged russian interference in the twenty sixth president ial election. Well from lima putins perspective there is no contradiction at all he repeatedly is sad what donald trump obviously wanted him to say on election madelyn put in a surety that the russian never have the interest in interfering in the us domestic policy although he had hoped to be in that the president in twenty sixteen because trump has always said he wants to improve u. S. Russian relations but this man said mr putin that he just had a preferred candidate which didnt necessarily mean any state back to difference and if plenty of russians do the same still prefer one of the candidates donald trump is that they also want to better relations with the u. S. Because those people might have nothing to do with the government all in all of like me putin was the big oil for the team at these joint press conference i would say at times it sounded like trump had learned a lesson from clinton and sometimes even sounded like a child saying that eve late there could be no meddling because president Vladimir Putin had assured him of. Something phenomenal President Trump has a new buddy relations with russia seems to be improving but he has troubles at home and they seem to be intensifying. Yes thats true Chuck Schumer a cold on democrats and republicans too wretched. To join in the effort to record sanctions on russia and there are of course a lawmaker among group of republicans now thinking how they can and hence your influence on Donald Trumps Foreign Policy how they can prevent still hold from from changing policy on russia on ukraine there is a mole or and sophistication still going on and the investigation into potential collusion between this one come pain and russia and its not quite sure that we are really going to see improved relations between the two countries because we have seen in the past that there is a huge gift between what the president says and what hes administration trying to trump ministration has impose new sanctions on russia has expelled Russian Diplomats from the u. S. As has. The russian consulate in san francisco. Despite the fact that the president himself has always been very friendly toward. Final brief words you. Must go what do you think this summit is going to be remembered for. I think feel or russia seems to be on a winning streak right now at the football world cup russia received a lot of attention and a lot of positive feedback from the rest of the world for being a wonderful host and todays todays summit will be seen as a big payoff for some successful gambling by the kremlin moscow looks for ways out of its International Isolation there is a real interest in normalizing russian American Relations at this summit was a clear signal at least as a signal to the world to that the gas president strongly supports this normalizing and this symbolism was of the main russian goal i think and housing and that they could make it russia wants to return to their world stage and it wants to do so by making clear deals and clever deals and clever for them means that russia must be rid of its most painful global problems making in the chair in return only minimal concessions and donald trump seems to be fine with allowing russia to achieve the geopolitical goals youre a professor in moscow alexandra phenomena in washington thank you bill. Lets take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world a former u. S. President barack obama is in kenya hes been visiting his fathers home village where he showed off his basketball skills as he opened a sports and Training Center run by his half sister as mr obamas first visit to the confident since stepping down tomorrow he moves on to south africa. And a further side of thawing tensions between the two neighbors eritrea has reopened its embassy in ethiopia if europe is Prime Minister abbe ahmed ahmed any trends at present is that after attended the reopening ceremony in addis ababa the move comes a week after the leaders declared an end to decades of conflict. To reporters from in charge of violence in the country secrecy is a feeling for today the journalist who wrote the Reuters News Agency of pleading not guilty to charges of seeking classified information or reporting on the refugee crisis last year they told the court they had been framed by police and the officers insisted on giving the documents. Hundreds of migrants have disembarked from two ships in the town in result two days of waiting italy agreed to allow the ships to dock only after five in countries including germany france and malta pledged to accept fifty Asylum Seekers each. Study football or world cup winners france half arrived in paris to a heros welcome following sundays four two victory over croatia hundreds of thousands of ecstatic fans lined the shoals elisei to greet them it was revealed that they are too busy for highest civilian award than the usual donna. I think tory is france team touching down on home soil the world cup trophy in the secure hands of captain and goalkeeper hugo lloris on the famous song celies a fence waited patiently for their heroes was included im so happy to be part of this celebration and i was lucky enough to experience it already in one nine hundred ninety eight in two thousand and six when we reached the final now in twenty eighteen its great. The band finally the moment theyve all been waiting for were the twenty eight same world cup champions their champions lapping up the a g. Lation was a lot so weve been waiting for like the whole day and we skate missed it works here he did not just let them have the i dont think we did it because they wanted me yet. That was you were sent celebrating under a tricolor sky united by the peaceful game were a database for us i mean to talk it was in paris for the homecoming she sent us this as the bus and thats victorious passages of past. Let us run through the screening was that i was. Was i was just trying to lose i will. Lose its relevance its science you will see. Was silence. Was silence like there are terrorists i was. Once i was. Nineteen and it. Was. Foul come down to a serious how to win time. That china is taking is trying to the top you know i was in berlin when germany won and it wasnt as shoot a party as that so well done to france but its been a big day for chinese trade relations so lets unpack what happened firstly the country has filed an official complaint with the wall trade organization against United States saying the u. S. Has broken the rules by imposing two hundred billion dollars of tariffs on chinese goods meanwhile at a summit in beijing president all of the European Commission on claudio there he is and courage chinas top politicians to open up the economy to foreigners Chinese Premier Li Keqiang painted his country as a defender of free trade. Im glad to say june china and the e. U. Are willing to talk about reforming and improving the w t o on the basis that it maintains its Core Principles and continues to operate based on rules that foster free trade mostly so on the one hand youve got china saying it wants to enforce global free trade on the other hand the e. U. Has long complained saying chinas intense bureaucracy strict rules and subsidies make it extremely tough for foreigners to access their market so could trade tensions soon have an effect on the country with the latest stats today show the countrys growth as we go to the end slowing slightly as you can see and china thinks that this figure at the end could go down further for the year now much of that is the result of china trying to offload a bunch of debts but with a looming trade war the economy could be lacking the firepower it needs to push forward whats clear from this is is that were seeing headwinds for chinas economy well its not just china thats complained about the u. S. To the w t u t oh yes quarters fall and back and forth for us from wall street so yes we heard that the u. S. Is officially complained launch complete with the w t o against china and others but its actually mean for the countries involved. Yeah well thats what the u. S. Is doing on the other side specially when it comes to the steel and aluminum. Tariffs that the u. S. Is imposing the u. S. Is saying those are justified because National Security is at stake but on the other side the retaliatory measures from the European Union from china from mexico or from canada are not justify and thats why the u. S. Is filing its own complaint with the World Trade Organization for the short term that doesnt really mean much because it will take time at least by the end of twenty nine to get any kind of his decision the World Trade Organization saw there is no immediate effect here so we heard a little already about chinas slowing growth how is all of this trade conflict affecting the prospects for economic growth. Well we had a new report on monday from the International Monetary fund and theyre actually saying that Global Economic growth has told that the greatest risk really are those trade. The trade problems and they have floored the i. M. F. Has lowered the Growth Perspective for the European Union for japan for the u. K. And so far they leave the outlook for the u. S. Stable but to trade. It is specially one of the greatest risk right now but well we have to wait and see will the u. S. For example really impose those tariffs on goods in the amount of two hundred billion dollars by fall or not there is still a slight chance that this might actually not happen and thats why we often see those forecasts revised but will it be revised up or revised down the court will just have to see what happens thank you very much for. Now if youre anything like me you love a good asho the latest and greatest models of all there well one such show in fon brought in the south of england Prime Minister theresa may have her shiny new plan on display the problem is no one knows if its hard plan that will take off really meanwhile businesses are still fearing a bumpy landing. Aircraft makers have been flying high for almost a decade now pushed up by rising demand now theyre showcasing the new a shyness and farm. But a change in Political Landscape could spell turbulence ahead the sector depends heavily on cross border trade in plane parts so a break that related disruption in the movement of goods and services would be costly. British Prime Minister to resign may sought to sue the industry fears that the air show she offered more than four hundred fifty Million Dollars in new funding for the industry and she announced plans to build a new fighter jet doubt the tempus place the eurofighter that speculation brags it could upset cooperation in this field to i want to ensure that the u. K. Remains one of the best places in the world for Aerospace Companies to do business to continue as World Leaders in innovation to make the most of the huge opportunities that exist. Because this is an incredibly exciting time for aerospace not only is the huge Growth Potential but many of the developments taking place have the potential to transform the way we fly airbus for one has announced seventeen billion dollars worth of deals so far at the farm bro air show just last month it said it could quit the u. K. Overprice it but since the release of mays proposal to try and keep a free trade area between the e. U. And the u. K. Airbus has said its cautiously optimistic. The u. K. s main Aviation Industry group echoes the sentiment but insists much is still up in the air. And its not only theresa may whos been busy uncle merkel has been meeting some hardworking germans felt on the telephone if youre just a german chancellor visit a nursing home in the city of possible to see firsthand the challenges facing stuff during her Election Campaign last year the chancellor promised a nurse of the hope that she would accompany him to work one day well today was that germany is currently suffering an acute shortage of care rest the chances government has pledged to create at least eight thousand additional jobs but at the moment thirty six thousand positions in hospitals arent for the elderly. Its a crisis that affects carers every day. Gets a short reports. Rosa lopez is always on the go the spanish born nurse works in berlin she loves her job but its becoming increasingly difficult to deal with well. My mum is there a growing numbers of elderly people who need help and fewer and fewer individuals willing to do the job. Rosa looks after up to thirty people a day. Good a marker for Carla Elizabeth cohen who suffers from frequent bouts of dizziness and can barely leave her bad nurse rosa administers her medication seven minutes are allocated for this task but mrs karner wants to show her the pictures from her daughters wedding which she could not attend. I couldnt get to the wedding. M v he and believe nurse rosa lends a sympathetic ear comforts her and stays an extra twenty five minutes. Were the only people she has contact with and when we go to her she wants to talk but this is what a lot of patients attention someone to talk to you can just sit with them and listen ask questions and help them. So. Mr matters is more straightforward hes quite happy but his wife is away at the moment at eighty one all he needs help with are his compression stockings. Youre not more chewed youre expected id won by that i society has by sickly written you off. If you didnt have your family youd be completely stuck the stockings are on in five minutes but documenting the visit takes extra time. Then nurse rosa rushes to the car as so often its double parked she would love to tell those politicians who so often promise improvements what her daily routine is like such as Germanys Health minister who has Just Announced he wants to create eight thousand caregiving jobs. But we have that sound if he does that ill eat my hat i dont believe it at all there arent any caregivers he have to train them first and that takes years. That sounds like frustration yes it is frustrating when you always have more and more patience and less time and the pay is too low of course thats frustrating to who would want to do this job. And no one but i know. Her next patient is ninety four Year Old Hotel mc who has lived alone since her husband died ok as much but they are cuter women tism makes it impossible to take her own medication shes glad to have this help rather than go into a nursing home. I will not leave my beautiful home it cut and i can cook for myself. I use fresh ingredients every day no canned food. And a home care seven hundred thousand seniors in germany wish to remain in their own four walls for as long as possible and because of this nurse rosa often has to work overtime. But despite the jobs often unrealistic demands she has no intention of quitting. Thats it show up today more of the top off the hour dont forget you can get all the latest news and information around the clock on our web site to talk about. On. Climate change. The state ability. Environmental projects. Give globalization effect biodiversity Species Conservation exploitation quality. Rights displacement. Of the global and current local action. Global three thousand and sixty minutes on. Every journey begins with the first step and every language the first word collusion with the coax in germany to sunshine. Why not learn with telling her. To do stuff its simple minded on your mobile and free. Music learning course speak german made easy. Did brown really love hitler. Or did she love the life he provided for her. She was the dictators mistress. Only an insignificant concert at his side. Who are pursuing her own ambitions. But certainly has no other woman got some close to. Life and death with the future. Starts july twenty first on d w. Its going to talk today the world watched as u. S. President donald trump and russian president Vladimir Putin met in helsinki for a one on one talks with the old with only that translators present two hours later both men stood in front of the cameras and extol the virtues of coffee ration but what they actually achieve im phil gave him the lead this is the day

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