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Truth now police are investigating the unexplained death of yet another rush. Its good to have you with us even in the chaos of the Trump Administrations adays exit has shocked and stunned much of the world u. S. President fired his secretary of state Rex Tillerson the president broke the surprise news on twitter announcing cia director peo as his new choice to be americas top diplomat well a short while ago tillerson made a statement in which he warned of the challenges that his successor will face around the world specifically from russia and much work remains to respond to the troubling behavior and actions on the part of the russian government. Russia must assess carefully as to how its actions are in the best interest of the russian people and of the world more broadly continuing on their current trajectory is likely to lead to greater oscillation on their part the situation which is not it in ones interest. Or healers is mourning again following a tour of africa during which he found out that he had been fired but to washington insiders televisions departure really doesnt come as a big surprise they have known about friction between trump and his secretary of state since day one. Rex tillerson initially seemed an unusual pick for secretary of state. The former head of exxon mobil was an oil man from texas with no Foreign Policy experience but as a washington outsider he also fits him with the unconventional nature of the new Trump Administration at the start of trump appear to have great confidence in him. Retro be a fierce advocate for americas interests around the world and has the insights and talents this is to help reverse years of Foreign Policy blunders and disaster i barely six months into the job reports started to circulate that to listen to relationship with the president had soured let me say this is a very low goal he. Was. Already. At least right. But the two men were known to be at all its over a number of issues including the Iran Nuclear Deal trump said this was one reason for his dismissal but we disagreed on but when you look at the iran deal i think its terrible i guess it was ok i wanted to use a break it would be something he felt a little bit differently. Tran was also accused of publicly undermining tillerson on several occasions went to listen talks about the possibility of direct dialogue with north korea last december trump said he was quote wasting his time to listen also appeared to be caught off guard about the recent offer of talks to pyongyang on his trip to africa last week or perhaps the lowest point was when to listen failed to deny outright reports that he had called trump a moron even so he said he was not expecting to be fired and had wanted to stay in the job. I want to pull in our correspondent in washington carson phenomena good evening to you karsten we know that rumors had been rife while asked year heard that Rex Tillerson was probably on his way out so why the firing now good question the white house. President trump ones to restructure his Foreign Policy and National Security team had of a potential summit with a north korean dictator kim jong un so you could say that it makes sense if you want to make such a change and of Rex Tillerson should no longer be pounce of that steam then to make that change as soon as possible of course theres a counter argument there especially if you have such an important meeting coming up it might not be a very good idea to change horses in midstream and its also not always a good idea only to have people around you who agree with you and Rex Tillerson on several occasions on several topics like north korea like iran this agreed with the president and that might be a very important corrective in the process leading to such a summit but what really surprised me and what makes this timing particularly on it was that trump announced the change just after Rex Tillerson came back from an important trip to africa where he tried to mend fences. Many African Leaders felt insulted by remarks of President Trump concerning african immigrants to the United States and then to fire Rex Tillerson just hours after he comes back that looks pretty bad i mean many African Leaders might think to themselves why did i spend time with a man who clearly had no leverage at the time anymore and the trumpet ministration yeah the very good point i mean this is an International Story theres a lot of reaction coming from around the world one about from in washington. Well from the republican side most people who have commented on this have concentrated on welcoming the decision to pick a mike pompei or as the new secretary of state there was very few. Mentioning of Rex Tillerson i mean just to have one example nikki haley the u. S. Ambassador to the United Nations in a tweet praised also the decision to have my compare you as the next secretary of state but there was no mention not one word of Rex Tillerson on the opposition side to democrats in congress they said this is another. Symbol or element of the chaos in the white house and they also hope that my comparable might indeed and at least be a bit tough on russia the next to listen had been. Are there correspondent in washington on the story for us tonight carson phenomenon carson thank you very much. All right theres a lot to unpack with this story especially right here in europe and to help us make sense of all of it now im joined here at the big table by boris for me to my far right he is professor of Political Science at bard college here in berlin and to buy near right my friend and colleague christophers brigades from our parliamentary studios gentlemen welcome aboard let me start with you. Tell us who was fired and he was certainly not the first i think if you looked at the all the number of people who have fired or have quit youre looking around thirty nine people since the office so why didnt the big surprise oh its interesting you mentioned it i mean this is close to the midterm elections after two years hes now saying trump is now saying hes approaching what is a perfect cabinet so after the midterm elections normally we speak of the president almost as a lame duck so its a little late in the game to do these kinds of kinds of things was it a surprise in a way it was because Rex Tillerson himself was surprised maybe the method of doing a pretty tweet is also an orthodox but nice way to put it yes a very unorthodox but on the other hand yes there have been tensions all along there have been a lot of contradictions Rex Tillerson was the last man standing as a moderate to india and in the cabinet and so in that sense we know that donald trump doesnt like to be contradicted and so maybe was the only one whos still to. Christopher what kind of reactions have to be getting here in germany well i was in palm and there today and i sort of have people scratching their heads and the mood was sort of just when he thought it couldnt get worse. We have the Deputy Foreign minister of the German Government michael wrote saying you know this doesnt improve things the leader of the liberal free democrats krista and lynn saying this is a fresh sign of volatility that theres certainly a lot of warre that most of the reactions a pretty muted by. I think that there is a tone of warre simply because Rex Tillerson was seen by german politics as a moderating influence in the trumpet ministration sort of one of the adults that you could talk to in washington thats exactly right i mean one of the moderate voices now hes gone weve got mr pohnpei now boars what can we expect from him. Well hes been hes west point graduate also went to Harvard Law School has all the credentials hugh was sort of swept into office in two thousand and eleven two thousand and twelve with the Tea Party Movement so he is a hard liner and hes been from the start from the beginning of his political career hes contradicted tillerson pretty much on every issue about Foreign Policy that that we saw in the last one and a half years hes certainly seen as a hawkish kind of state secretary so probably would see a rougher stance is the biggest difference would you say would be on the stand with the Iran Nuclear Deal or north korea or both of those really both of those are probably the most important ones i think overall what were seeing is the beginning we had rains priebus and steve benen as the ultra right Party Establishment two axes in his cabinet no this has entirely disappeared evaporated and so what were seeing is a series of old generals ex generals and hardliners so the outlook has changed quite a bit. Tomorrow a big day here in germany as the new German Government is going to be sworn in start getting to work weve got ugly americans going to be sworn in as chancellor for a fourth time are they going to you know one day one of they faced with a major crisis from whats supposed to be their biggest ally well its interesting of course because its going to be a new german from a cycle must not a man with a long record of Foreign Policy experience so itll be very interesting to see how hes a social democrat more to the left of his party so hows he going to. Quit them mike pompei oh that will be him as an aging to watch i think what is most deeply worrying for german politicians at the moment is the fact that donald trump in words of one syllable today said the reason that he got rid of to listen is because he disagreed with him about iran. And the Iran Nuclear Deal and politics you know is very invested in securing and saving that Iran Nuclear Deal and that the signal coming out of washington is that the trumpet ministrations going to ditch it as certainly it leaves us wondering unite is there anyone left in that inner circle whos going to say no we have to keep that deal intact because well find out the next couple of weeks chris for spring gate and boris for me but the gentleman thank you very much welcome our police in britain tonight are investigating a mysterious death of a russian exile in london the Counterterrorism Police are looking into the incident but they do not believe that its linked to last weeks nerve agent attack on a former russian spy of the body was found in a suburb of southwest london british media have identified the man as nikolai coffee he was a former associate of Russian Oligarch boris barrows off a ski who himself died in mysterious circumstances at his home near london five years ago. They joining us now from london is our correspondent of it good evening to you charles so so what do we know so far about the investigation into death so he has been found yes of the night probably by its doctor but these requests have not been confirmed there was a report that he had traces of strangulation on his neck and even the name has to now not been confirmed at police so we have to wait a long way and requests of me was that he lived a very quiet life it was nice he came back two weeks ago from an operation on his leg with an kratos so he didnt seem to have the easiest periods of his life right now. Tell us more about scalds background and why its important he was not an associate in friend of or a spare izhevsk who was not only in a Russian Oligarch an ex and might want to most pronounced putin critics of the past eighteen years and. Because he was in this. Had lots of problems also till today was a russian authorities he first when barry suskind moved to london in two thousand. Was put in jail for fraud for a few years in russia and after he was released moved to. Great britain asked for political asylum got it and state and but two thousand and seventeen he had new cases coming up in russia against him he was again committed for fraud in absence and he was supposed to come to a court here in london and on monday and did not do so so there might be a connection with these cases. But we do not know that at the moment all right a correspondent has just given its on the story for us tonight in london to say thank you very much. For or in the case of the boys in the russian spy and his daughter britain has told moscow that it has until the end of today to explain why a deadly nerve agent produced only in russia was used in the apparent attempt to murder Prime Minister to resume a has threatened extensive retaliatory measures but moscow insists that it will only cooperate with the british investigation if it receives samples of the nerve agent in question a substance called no vigil. The kremlin has escalated a standoff with the u. K. Over the poisoned ex by the foreign minister said britain isnt complying with moscows requests to see some plots of the nerve agent which he called a violation of the convention to ban chemical weapons delish. Russia is not guilty russia is ready to cooperate in accordance with the Chemical Weapons Convention only if the United Kingdom is deigned to fulfill its legal obligations to the same convention as that was the part of the cuban. But keep british allies have cost out on claims that russia wasnt involved. It sounds to me like they believe it was russia and i would certainly say that finding is that. British police say theyre not ready yet to name a specific suspect in the crime or even a person of interest. Hundreds of office says continuing their investigation in the english town of saulsbury the British Government has vowed to retaliate terry measure as if russia fails to allay suspicions that the kremlin was behind the attack. Its very important to people to understand the gravity of what has happened and the outrage that the British Government feels about the use of nerve agents use of chemical weapons or against innocent members of the public against Innocent Police officer. Newcastle. British Prime Minister to resign may is set to outline the governments further response on wednesday. And heres some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world turkeys army has surrounded the northern syrian city of offering the move marks a major advance in turkish efforts to oust kurdish fighters that he views as terrorists some seven hundred thousand civilians are now trapped in a free the un verified footage that youre looking at purports to show a road block preventing residents from leaving. At least four people have died and many are injured after a suicide car bombing in the southern yemen city of aden the bomb targeted a military kitchen linked to Government Forces there backed by the Saudi Led Coalition fighting in the countrys civil war socalled Islamic State has claimed responsibility and explosions struck the convoy of the palestinian Prime Minister as he made a rare visit to the gaza strip romy home dollah is understood to be safe and has attended an event as scheduled the palestinian presidency has blamed hamas for the explosion. Of our rights u. S. President has blocked a deal which was set out to be the biggest takeover in the Tech Industry christoph but it aint going to happen aint gonna happen were talking about a deal worth one hundred forty six billion dollars and that deal is off the table now after imposing tariffs on steel and elementary m u s President Donald Trump has stopped the proposed mega acquisition of u. S. Chip maker qualcomm by singapore based broadcom again citing National Security concerns now mr trumps decision might come in quite handy four oclock am the company had been trying to fend off the takeover bid for months. Welcom is the words largest producer of mobile phone chips licensing it signal logy which apple for example depends on for its i phones is a real cash cow that brought in five billion dollars and twenty seventeen. This makes qualcomm an attractive targets for its competitor broadcom based in singapore to one hundred twenty one billion dollars deal would have been the Technology Industries most costly takeover of or it would have also created a new semiconductor heavyweight samson intell have to largest market share individually welcome as the fifth largest producer of semiconductors and broadcom occupies the sixth place combined the companys would have had the Third Largest market share in the Semiconductor Industry broadcom singapore connections in china as potential future influence over the u. S. Chip maker immediately arrest National Security concerns when the bid was announced last year broadcom it hoped its decision to move its headquarters to the u. S. What dispel those concerns. And lets get the markets view on this with our man on wall Street Corner yes President Trump is rushing in to protect the market shares of a u. S. Tech company is that good news for technology stocks. Not necessarily it might be understandable to a certain degree that you do not want to sell a key to good knowledge to asia but on the other side a lot of the u. S. Corporations also depend on Foreign Investments and we have seen quite a lot of Foreign Investment from china for instance in the past couple of years so there is a certain question mark what this announcement and now decision might mean for the Broader Technology Sector we did by the way see to ignore the g. Shares among the biggest losers here in the tuesday session if thats because of the qualcomm dear is hard to say but its not necessarily good news for Us Tech Companies and qualcomm wasnt really excited about the prospect of a takeover in general right well but be careful what youre wishing for yes to a certain degree members of quiet probably at least thats what speculated actually called for the u. S. Government to step in and try to block this deal that said the biggest market for qualcomm is not the u. S. Its actually china they make about two thirds of their revenue in china and we have to wait and see what this decision all means if china will for example block certain dealings of qualcomm over in china so its not necessarily. An easy and good deal for qualcomm and the stock actually sold off quite a bit last a good four percent in value on one side probably because the deal is off and those hundred seventeen billion dollars but on the other side also it is really the big question what will it mean for doing business in china in the future yes court in new york thank you. Well at a European Parliament debate on tuesday e. U. Officials urged the u. K. Government to speed up brakes of negotiations with just one year to go until britain is to exit the block Prime Minister theresa may has mainly been repeating the red lines that have been known for years even official say germanys main in the Street Association is urging politicians in berlin to make their voices heard in brussels and avoid a harbor exit which would cost german businesses billions of euros bricks it will change aspects of germanys export trade it will not only be more complicated but also cost up to nine billion euros more per year according to xpect estimates the extra costs will be due to terrorist registration procedures and waiting times at borders and german industry representatives hyper deal can still be reached between the e. U. And great britain. Yes talked a few were calling on both sides to reach an agreement and on british leaders to support the transition of things but us but that would give companies until twenty twenty before they have to adjust their Business Models with most business amended to satisfy tolls and so on so. The car industry will be hardest hit according to a study the industry will have to shoulder at least three billion euros in extra costs cars are among germanys most important export products last year germanys exports to britain totaled around eighty four point four billion euros that made britain germanys fifth largest export market and german imports from britain came to around thirty seven point one billion euros. Brics it will be especially hard on smaller German Companies up until now many have had very little experience with trade outside the e. U. But just how complicated the post brics that trade groups will become is not yet clear if thats still being negotiated. The sultan of oman on the Arabian Peninsula is mainly known for its vast oil reserves but its economy also benefits from its fish in particular sardines they are popular at home and abroad and the fishing methods have hardly changed over the centuries but when dealing fish stocks now pose a threat to the sector. Technical progress has been putting camels out of work here on the Southern Coast of oman nowadays the diarrhea used to help them haul in their sardine catch. But in spite of all that motor power worked on the beach and in the flat waters there is hard with not much to show for it. Not. All this equipment is expensive and then theres the fuel i hope the government will support us somehow like with the nets the rope the machines or the boats we hope it will all work out god willing. But. For hundreds of hears the sardine fishers have used the same fishing method using two boats they go out to sea stretching a net around the entire school and then bring it to land. Ninety nine percent of fishing in oman is manual the government forbade the use of trauma thats seven years ago but the fishermen say that there are still not enough fish out there if the catch is meager they just sell them at the beach to farmers. This you know people sometimes take what we bring and then pack it up to dry them out in order to feed cows camels and sheep yet they buy it up guys you see here with the refrigerators theyre doing the same thing. The fishing. The Old School Style of fishing attracts many tourists but its contribution to the omani economy is only zero point seven percent a study by the World Bank Shows investments in the processing industry mean the country should in future get more return from its fisheries but with dwindling fish stocks can it be a viable alternative to the income from the countrys oil reserves. And thats all ive business for now thank you brant thank you very much the return of Serena Williams to big has been derailed for the time being by her sister venus six months after the birth of her daughter serena met her big sister in the third round of the indian wells tournament in california and venus continued her top ten for taking care of business in two sets it was the first match up between the sisters since serena won in the final of the twenty seventeen Australian Open youre watching t w news live. Back to take you through the day tonight an extensive look at the fallout from the firing of rockets what will it mean for europe and for germany. The divide between rich and poor is massive. And then the quality of opportunity and loans is a global issue and. Chains possible. Concert ever be quality in a globalized world. Made in germany in sixty minutes t. W. G. W. Trudeaus versity. Where the world of science is at home in many languages. On top of that i mean go on do it with me. Now lets cut our innovations magazine four in just six of us from every week and always looking to the future on d w dot com of science and research for a show. Every journey begins with the first step and every language for the first word published in the book. Rico is in germany to learn german why not learn a little simple online on your mobile and free yourself from the w z e learning course nico speak german meetings. Climate change still. Waist length pollution. Isnt it time for good news eco africa people and projects that are changing elements are meant for the better its up to us to make a difference lets in a split church. Equal it took the environment magazine. Long d. W. Early this morning donald trump took to twitter and fired us a good theory of state Rex Tillerson there was no phone call from the white hells mr tillerson found out just like you and i did tonight terminations by tweet americas top diplomat sacked and blindsided europe in asia are their eyes open for what could come next

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