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Washington also on the program tens of thousands take to irans streets in a show of force for the government at the same time the general in charge of the revolutionary guard has declared thats almost a week of protests over. Famous film schools will take a movie about movie music that hes opening this week. Im filled to the program u. S. President donald trump past launched a scathing attack on his former chief strategist steve allen ahead of the release of a new less than flattering book in a statement mr trump said steve allen has nothing to do with me all my presidency when he was fired here not a. He lost his job he lost his mind mr bannon is quoted in the forthcoming book saying that Donald Trump Jrs twenty sixteen meeting with a group of russians was treasonous the president s statement to blames mr bannon for helping to write what he calls phony books White House Press secretary Sarah Huckabee sun this face the press following the release of mr trump statement i think there are a number of factors that played in i would certainly think that going after the president s son in an absolutely outrageous and unprecedented way is probably not the best way to curry favor with anybody furious disgusted would probably certainly fit when you make such outrageous claims and completely false claims against the president his administration and his family lets get more on this from washington correspondent causton from norman no welcome custom lets start by looking at what the president is reacting to steve bannon is quoted in this forthcoming book talking about Donald Trump Jrs meeting in twenty sixteen with a group of russians is one of the quotes even if you thought that this was not treasonous or unpopular logic or bad and i have to think that its all of that you should have called the f. B. I. Immediately causton tell us about that meeting. This was a meeting of the members of the trump team with the russian lawyer and some other russians trump tower and that meeting was convened as you said by Donald Trump Jr the son of the president s he had been offered compromising material on Hillary Clinton the opponent of donald trump in that president ial election and. This son of the president from junior had sent an email and now infamous email to his contact man saying i love it even though that contact man had clearly pointed out that this was part of russian government complain to support donald trump in this election so this was all well known but now for steve benen to come forward and say that he even thought this was treasonous of course is a game changer because donald trump has been claiming for so much time that this is a hoax this is a witch shuns theres nothing to this russia investigation and now even Steve Bennett says no no this was actually treasonous so the president has responded with an official statement rather than one of his infamous tweets lets take a closer look at that response he said steve bannon has nothing to do with me or my presidency when he was fired he not only lost his job he lost his mind and he went on steve spend his time at the white house leaking false information to the media to make himself seem far more important than he was he was really in a one on one meeting with me and only pretends to have had influence coston these two men were at one time close political allies now the president is doing his best to discredit his former chief strategist is he worried. Yes he probably is and especially the people around on the trump quite worried that is why theyve put their Heads Together and they crafted this statement to make sure that donald trump doesnt to shoot from the hip and tweet whatever comes to his mind on this still of the language in that statement is pretty harsh on steve benen so that just shows how angry donald trump is once again also his spokeswoman in a press conference sad that steve benen is not that important that Donald Trumps base is not affected i dont think thats true in the way the white house and on trump are not playing to to trying to downplay the role of steve bannon is ridiculous he might not have been the mosque the mine that some in the media have described him but definitely he played a role in the campaign he played a role after that and he still talked to President Trump even after he left the white house and he certainly played a role in the fact that donald trump eventually supported roy moon bamma the conservative candidate who was accused of Sexual Misconduct would then last that safe seats for the republicans and a democrat won so all this played a role and until now steve benen definitely had some influence on donald trump and the white house and as you say that investigation is ongoing how damaging is this likely to be for the trump presidency. It is going to be damaging because simply because steve benen is clearly. Still powerful he is the head of a bright box which is right wing information platform and he is in that position still he can use broad bots to fight against the president and he might do that even though sarah send us once again said today the base of donald trump is not affected thats not true part of that base is a nationalist populist even all its right wing of the Republican Party and they might be influenced by mr bannon if this break up then turns into open hostility between ben and trump cost involved in washington thank you. To some of the other stories making news around the world from former Campaign Manager paul mother for the challenge the authority of right but more of these special counsel investigating the Time Campaigns alleged russian connections. Charge metaphor to see here in november with Money Laundering and failing to register as a Foreign Agent a man a four has asked a federal court to finally bulldoze probe exceeded his authority. The u. S. Senate has a sworn into new Democratic Senators reducing the republicans majority to two doug jones from alabama won a special election to fill a vacancy towns in a certain state tina smith was appointed to replace al franken resigned amid allegations of Sexual Misconduct. After nearly a week of rioting deaths on arrest song irans streets the general in charge of the countrys revolutionary god has announced what he called the end of sedition general mohammed ali just to clap and many of the arrests many of the arrested had received training from counterrevolutionaries and that firm option will be taken against them the general remarks came as Iranian State media showed footage of progovernment rallies. Irans leadership has mobilize support thousands of demonstrators in of us in southwestern iran took to the streets to show theyre on the governments side protesters yell death to the usa and death to israel state television showed similar demonstrations taking place across the country posters of the ayatollah ali how many were on display everywhere earlier the countrys Supreme Leader blamed foreign powers for the unrest and now some protesters are calling for those who demonstrated against the government to be executed the revolutionary guard has also entered three provinces to try to restore order but that hasnt stopped antigovernment protestors this footage shows a building going up in flames it allegedly belongs to the revolutionary guard in isfahan province. Meanwhile more than a thousand antigovernment demonstrators have supposedly been jailed a Government Spokesperson has emphasized the more liberal message of president Hassan Rouhani saying legal protests are allowed but that those who break the law will be punished and germanys foreign minister has urged foreign powers to be careful how they react. Were for doing and. What we strongly advise against is the attempt to abuse this in iranian conflict internationally it has partly economic backgrounds partly political reasons that we can understand at any rate that wouldnt ease the situation however our position is quite clear in every country people have to have the right to express their political and economic views and to demand their rights and that also has to apply to iran. State run media in iran has now focused its attention on the progovernment rallies in the country rather than on the antigovernment demonstrators. Correspondent Eric Randolph first in irans capital tehran welcome to day w we heard there the general has announced that the sedition has been defeated what does it look like from where you are well aaron to ron it was pretty quiet overnight and weve seen a pretty heavy Police Presence of you revolutionary guards out on the streets in the center of the city. But for the most part it looks it does feel like the wind has come out the so of the protest Movement Today was really about the regime. Seizing back control of that narrative reasserting itself. And getting news things under control well we dont want to rule out the possibility that more protests or a flare up in the nights to come but now it does look like they are there it is a rush to get things done to control Eric Randolph into her thank you. If you o. P. s Prime Minister has announced the country will release its Political Prisoners and close its notorious that make prison camp the announcement comes after months of ime the government demonstrations the protests led to a state of emergency that is since been lifted its the first time the government has admitted holding Political Prisoners but ethiopia has long been accused of arresting critical journalists and opposition leaders. Im pretty sure that you recognize that to immediately his name is bond james bond part of the bald legacy is the James Bond Film which was composed more than fifty five years ago its one of the most famous pieces of music ever written for a movie and is one of a number of legendary pieces of music to feature in a new documentary called skoal which opens in germany this week. Whistling melodies twenty guitars and fatalistic trumpets never before had a movie score set the mood for a series of films the way Ennio Morricone is did for the renowned spaghetti westerns. You know took that sound of that its r. And then put it into that west of the violence. That is the sound of you know spaghetti western still fifty six years after the fact what would cinema be without music composer Marco Beltrami analyzes the famous shower scene in Alfred Hitchcocks psycho music its not that scary. You know it is you know it is a process that music. And a violin is what provided that tortured sound. German composer hans zimmer has created music for more than one hundred fifty movies including the pirates of the caribbean series hes known for integrating electronic sounds with traditional orchestral arrangements every product sells roughly the famed way somebody comes into the room and says i got this idea it will be fun to do your flattered but even considering you me and you have a moment of reflection you go i have no idea how to do this. How does film music work and who is behind it the documentary score answers some of these questions it offers a behind the scenes look for example at recordings for the James Bond Film Casino Royale scored does reveal a few tricks but still leaves the sense of magic intact. Most directors dont know how to convert emotions into musical. Or into music so the composer has to interact almost like a therapist and go through all this mishmash of what the director is saying get the essence of it. And push emotion to the next level whether for johns or for Star Wars Film scores can help us feel a part of the action. Is a reminder of our top stories this hour president denounced his former chief strategist saying that hed lost his mind the u. S. President was reacting to reports that speech pattern is quoted in a forthcoming book of saying the meeting between donald trump and the russian lawyer during the president ial Election Campaign was treasonous. In iran tens of thousands of people have taken part in progovernment rallies following days of unrest targeting the regime the general who heads the revolutionary guard has declared what he called the sedition as defeated. As its your up to date of the day. On freedom and the whole. World i come from the region is rich in history and talent but so poor in education opportunity and freedom this makes it especially difficult for independent journalists

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