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A real life investment you really do have to weigh up the pros and cons if youre not physically able to have children the baby business someones making a lot of money out of this if nature doesnt oblige medical science can do one does a surrogate mother eggs i. V. s and the bill at the end of the whole process can be something of a one to two it can easily reach into the tens of thousands of euros and emotional purchase and easy cash for those delivering the goods and theres an emotional and psychological tag attached as well as the price tag well explain in a moment first meet my neighbors and her son henry the best neighbors one could have shes been through the whole i. B. S. Process a few times now youll be surprised how common its grown my sister also tried unsuccessfully but in this case there was a little surprise waiting around the corner. Yes and so were really happy and thrilled to have a healthy happy child we hope it stays that way. All of them want to vote their own motivation was just realizing we belong together and wanted to become a family and we were lucky enough to have a baby. And kim we both wanted a family and a child and thats why we put ourselves through so much on us thats it no matter what is was in our front albums. Because im here commenced we had our e. V. A. s four times in total. Because we did them one straight after the other we spent a five figure sum in just nine months. From the came out of our savings and our parents helped us along the spot to as a moment of our understood it was a big financial strain but we found the emotional strain much greater than the physical strain because every time its a major homeowner procedure mazak was a home alive for us. Twins are positive i am and im a very positive person and i just thought it would work maybe not the first time but after four attempts i thought when do you say that was the last time blackman and the violence of lets that. The most times its been a physicist i think you have to decide for yourself how long do you want to do this for and how often. And will you be able to live with the decision not to devote yourself to this process forever theres always a mushing that some point you come to attach and financially of course but also psychologically you get to the point where you just cant take anymore and. And. The Global Services market is growing at an annual rate of around ten percent report published by allied Market Research shows it could be worth over thirty billion dollars by two thousand and twenty three. Sided as well as some countries shrinking populations are a drag on many of the advanced economies after all whos going to pay the pensions of an aging population procreation appears on many government agendas in the form of Financial Support when i first came to germany i couldnt get over how many of my friends had no brothers or sisters thats changing but slowly. One point five nine thats the average birth rate per woman in germany. Its the highest figure since the one nine hundred seventy s. Numbers have been rising for years. And children were born in twenty sixteen. Partly because an increasing number of older women became mothers often with the help of i. V. s. And women with a migrant background had more children on average. One point five. Thats something to celebrate. Deaths. Birth rate is below average in europe. And europe is at the bottom of the international rankings. Two point two children and four point six in africa. Germany children are much more likely to have. As youve heard people desperate to have children are a great source of income for many businesses the Fertility Services sector is going gangbusters and we havent even gone into adoption but what about sarkozy time to delve into the legalities and the ethics behind the business of having someone else spare a child for you. And takes us on his next journey. On a path is raced. Down a track how does it feel to buy a child. After turn so. Im looking at the websites of a fertility and surrogacy kinnick. It offers a range of services it has x. It carries out in vitro fertilization and it provides some good mothers. Depending on the package the cost can be thirsty for over fifty thousand euros more than the price of a midrange car so thats a lot of money to. The clinic is in ukraine though the website is in german and targets german women who cant have children i try to reach out to some women in this position by a facebook group. They were basically all very skeptical about me as a journalist joining their group so i could quit. Harked only one woman responded shes looking for some a good mother. How long have you been looking. She says its been two years now. Sandra does not want to be identified she tells me she was born without a womb. Something so natural you know every woman can have a child. From me. Or any chances with the help of a surrogate. But why wont they let us on the whole their sandras eggs have been fertilized with her husbands sperm now she just needs to find a woman who will let an embryo be implanted and carry the child to term and then give the baby back to its biological parents for a fee this kind of service is banned in germany because poor women could feel compelled to rent out their bodies. The ethical issues are certainly complex for all sandra shows me lots of websites offering commercial Surrogacy Services as if it were a business like any other. Side some require a fee just to establish contact clearly. Sandra looked for a surrogate and germany when you negotiate the price how much were talking about as a. Surrogate mothers are spent twenty five thousand euros tolls and although its commitment is that the maximum a cannot go higher this give a much higher. Theres no limit. When it comes to cost there is no limit one woman was asking for thirty five thousand for that price i could do as a broad and legal terms that would be safer. Surrogacy is legal in a number of countries there are clinics in the United States that provide the service for about one hundred thousand euros its a lot cheaper in ukraine laos and kenya. Commercial surrogacy used to be big business in india until it was banned in twenty fifteen for foreigners and then in twenty seventeen for indians as well. Now surrogacy is only allowed among relatives and if no money changes hands rinku tells my colleague how much she earned as a surrogate mother four thousand euros that is as much as a husband and as a rickshaw driver in three years. With the money she has been able to finance her son schooling. With the same. Its estimated commercial surrogacy in india was a two billion euro a year industry at its peak does a legal ban mean it just stops or does that drive the business underground. Ive often me during the whole thing somewhere else like that was not an option just look how the women live there its a total rip off. Sandra tells me that it would have cost her thirty five thousand euros in ukraine but the surrogate mother would only get seven thousand euros. The cleanin would get the rest. To be pregnant just dream but it will never happen. She has however now found a woman here in germany who is willing to be has some records in the autumn bill go to a clinic in the Czech Republic for the procedure to implant the embryo. Shell pay her eight thousand euros. For instance do you feel like a criminal since this is not allowed in germany. For surrogacy is not in fact banned in germany per se and it cannot be punished through what is illegal is the procedure. So theres a bit of a loophole in the law. And were doing the procedure abroad and then well come back to germany with one of them not so it appears we have to do it this way find fertilization and implantation in a foreign country. On this in some and then well have to adopt the child here in germany. Our only child of mine i can. This whole story has left me rather stunned i can totally feel for the women who want to child and i can understand the position of surrogate mother has. But still the commercial aspect is unsettling the whole industry devoted to making and marketing baby swan. And together legalities just explain why that woman had to adopt her own child i mean that straight yes because shes not the legal mother or the surrogate mother the legal mother in germany and the father has spent as the legal father so then at the end she kind adopted by takes time and security the trust factor thats thats a huge think trusting that youll actually get that kid back yeah its a. Trust is a huge thing and that because someone doesnt know if the surrogate mother really gives she gives birth to a child and she doesnt know is if she if you think should be attached to that child she probably is and the same way around. The surrogate mother sure that sandra takes the kids because they have been cases when the biological parents didnt come to get the child anymore you know they just left it because it had disabilities or something so trust and theres no legal no legal basis its just trust that links both what parts. What about actually talking about these things my neighbor for example i never knew that shed gone through i. V. s my sister of course told me all about it but a lot of people dont want to talk about it yeah i dont know actually read if you have two thousand and eighteen and we dont talk about using medical help to get pregnant and using these all that matters its still an i dont know theres still chain distilled shame attached to this topic you probably know that its not easy to talk about these kind of things and i dont understand why this two thousand and eighteen its not. What you think about the methods and the actual principle behind them at the cost yet to be honest im very liberal so might rary personal opinion is its good to have these measures its good to have these possibilities but at the same time you talk about the amount of money just people who can afford to do that get children so its really is it really fair only to get children because you can pay thirty five thousand forty five thousand people thats really its a difficult choice again a good question great thank you very much exciting stuff though. Well lets talk a little more about success rates the return on your investment and if those astronomical prices are justified because the business of assisted reproduction is booming and some people spending small fortunes on achieving their dream of a child. One prick of the needle costs fifteen hundred euros. Officially uniting exile and sperm is an expensive business its also a laborious one first as many emotional sperm as possible have to be collected and then is the eggs. Used as its is our job to isolate egg cells and to identify embryos that have the greatest chance of achieving a pregnancy and can be implanted. Even if there have been big technological leaps forward here or if the camera systems and genetic checkups help us to do just that. With special cameras doctors can identify which eight cells a not viable one indication the cells clump together that means they are on suitable for use in i. V. s treatment. And every day occurrence in the reproduction business. From the laboratory belongs to a fertility clinic in berlin and the clinic itself belongs to one of the biggest provided survive seen europe and to managing director to Sebastian Ahrens turn over the vivian aircrew pez risen by four percent per annum and still he continues to buy up clinics. The shift is if youre. An attractive business you can make money if you run things properly. Thats the same time the level of competition as growing and quality standards are improving its much i wholeheartedly welcome your forms and the venue no group is happy to participate and that. Quality means making as few mistakes as possible for example when removing egg cells for i. V. s therapy. Clinics reputation rates on the rate at which its patients get pregnant the more pregnancy the better for customers the cost is of second dream for. When weve exhausted all possibilities that we have as fertility specialists you can assume that there will be a cumulative pregnancy rate of sixty five seventy or even eighty percent as far as were concerned thats a very very good rate well never manage to achieve one hundred percent there will always be couples who will be unable to achieve a pregnancy and no matter how hard or how often they try. Doing you possible lavin you think business has no really taken off social egg freezing this allows women to have removed and cryogenically stored when theyre young they can then have those aches implanted later in life and thus delay childbearing. The last one to three years theres been a lot of publicity about how we might have expected to be overrun by young women wanting to take advantage of it but thats not the case weve only had the hard consultation and comparison to the volume of our other treatments there are a few women who are interested in social egg freezing. I. D. F. On the other hand certainly has a future as more and more women in germany decide to have a child later in life that makes it less likely that they will get pregnant naturally but its certainly good for business. To look to the future down at a topic that isnt all that far down the road design a babies with precision gene editing already a reality parents they can for example prevent certain inherited diseases what about altering other traits may be possible but its illegal in germany ended many other countries heres a look at just some of the ethical conundrums confronting lawmakers. The baby blue eyes and blond hair or would green eyes be better very soon parents may be able to choose genetic modification could theoretically be used to create the desired appearance but thats ethically problematic and would have to know ramifications for the health of the child but it is possible and in countries like the us legal another scenario trying for an ideal child with the ideal d. N. A. For instance taking agone sperm from men and women with high genetic potential to create a child in the lab. Then theres the chance to scan and embryos genetic makeup for conditions like metabolic disorders to minimize the chance of illness. And suspect embryos are rejected with the aim of creating a healthy child. In germany embryo selection is strictly regulated and genetic modification is banned. Germany is a giant when it comes to industry events hosts of the Worlds Largest trade fairs in everything from electronics to the just sticks but until recently Reproductive Services didnt have one thats because for historical reasons reproduction has always been a touchy subject here we went to have a critical talk with the man whos been breaking taboos. The part of the show is to achieve peoples. Wish for a baby. The idea is to obviously. Create your own family. That is also maybe a bit like a commodity. Now its just a cute picture. Attracts people tracks the eye. You know at the end of the day people are looking at q babies. There was still quite a lot of controversy when it first opened because i guess if. That aspect that you know its seen as basically Offering Services that the germans would say forbidden in germany for a reason a lot of controversy. Germans are already doing it with or without the shah so people are going abroad they are choosing Nice Services and they are bringing children back some of them having complications bringing children back. We dont advocate or ban anything we say here is a range of things are available around the world you choose what you want to do and then we bring the experts together to help them make those choices. But its a fine line between educating and selling right im not allowed to sell so it is forbidden that the show to sell to sell any of the services so it really is about informing people of the legalities in those individual countries. And how those treatments work i guess if you want to be really critical you say ok but you dont have. Anybody who discusses like the ethical implications its really about the project and the baby is that its a probably do have ethical we do have ethical discussions a we do its not it isnt just to pray is about understanding the entire. Fertility universe and whats out there whats good whats bad whats indifferent. Like any industry there are Service Providers that to a great job and their Service Providers that you would not wish to choose. Where do you draw the lines. We draw the lines in countries that are controversial in terms of some of the treatments. There are some countries around the world that have questionable. Services that we. No invite to come in and shot at me any examples where that you can get out of i probably shouldnt but somewhere like thailand there has been many controversies in the Services Available in taiwan and particularly. When it came sarkozy. Its a lot of foreign provided this unfortunately the german. Fertility industry has been a bit slow in supporting the event some fear i think from a lot of the doctors. Are not used to. Presenting themselves in public they dont want to come across as a business they probably dont want to see themselves selling selling their practices now. Do you think its going to in the long run help see to normalize treatments that at the moment. But you creates demand and that might in the long term also change the change a little really what we have done in the last two years is raise awareness of the subject raised the subject raised the topic in germany and got people talking about it again if you take the patients themselves they dont want opinions they want Solutions Solutions to create a family that can only be a good thing. The question is good for whom back at the beginning of the show we met my neighbor got together and her son henry shes been there done that so how does she feel about it now. I think its a big and lucrative business but its also a big dream for many people like getting married to the love of your life and celebrating with the whole family and spending a lot of money on the wedding but theyre going to hamlet thats why people are willing to spend a lot of money on fulfilling that desire for a child and see it as a key to happiness. But i think thats a legitimate. But after four attempts there came a point after nine months of i. P. F. Treatment when this topic was only present when we said lets take a break. And the following year we conceived our child quite naturally. It was a minor miracle and a great relief to no longer have to deal with this topic anymore because i do as an author said this is to. Use the term before. I dont think ive yet for other kinds of fertilizer treatment ought to boom but its not something you talk about with the writer as there is still a bit of stick more attached. But with time you discover that a lot of people have their children with assistance only with a great deal of luck or have adopted children. But you only find that out afterwards. I think it would help a lot of people if society were more open about the subject. That would make it easier for people who have to deal with it as the myself as american so they realize theyre not alone. The whole thing is not something bad. And it can have a happy end. Nice way to end the show and if you want to share your thoughts on the subject get in touch with me on twitter or head for our Facebook Page its always great to hear from you thanks for joining us this week on major catch you again next by fidel. Connecting and. Harmonizing contrasts. Starkly text David Schippers the famous. Now hes explained to them remodeled Londons Royal Academy of box. Hill romance in thirty minutes of. Fake hair and real story. Where i come from a lot of women like me have fake hair sometimes the hair style takes up to two days its a lot of time that needs to be filled so people at the salon talk about whats happening in their lives. I became a journalist to be a storyteller and i always want to find those real authentic stories from everyday people who have something to share. With all the time i spend at the salon i know a good quality hair when i see it and then good story when i hear it. My name is Elizabeth Shoaf and i work at steve allen. Called the germans came together in one nation from show the money going to chancellor ill go from bismarck on. The history of the germans has been shaped by great millers. Nice well known ways to bring my Royal College of best to protect christendom and spread this line truth. Even as we learn to feel and so. We took a look back at people of the enemy. And stand by courageous decisions listed above the mountain strozier masterings we have received the crown of the realm from the from his presumptuous servant to the realms of his holy. Song please. God. We must pull each piece. Of. The germans every week to go. Frank food. International gateway to the best connection self you know road and trail. Located in the heart a few of you are connected to the. Experience outstanding shopping and dining offers triallists services. Biala and asked. City managed by from. The. E. U. Lawmakers have demanded better Data Protection and privacy measures from facebook c. E. O. Mark zuckerberg he faced questioning at the European Parliament in brussels in the wake of a scandal that put data of millions of facebook users into the hands of a Political Consulting firm sucker burke apologized assuring the lawmakers facebook has taken steps to improve security and transparency. U. S. President donald trump has welcomed his south korean counterpart moon j. 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