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in february on d. w. ah. in the southwest, a turkey tucked away in a bay near budrum lies a super yacht. almost 80 meters long the titan sails under the flag of bermuda. but it belongs to a russian oligarch. alexander after him, off the king of steel. he is one of a dozen kremlin confidence who have brought a yacht see it. since russia launched its wall on ukraine to avoid international sanctions? local journalist jasa unto tracked down some of the world's most luxurious yachts. to capture his subjects on film, he no longer needs to leave his corner of the mediterranean. this order that roost media if russian billionaires are coming here. because turkey doesn't want to get involved in the war between ukraine and russia, why not as they care? so asha would i know much is the major yet love it though in march, april the 1st year started coming and anchoring in the area code that they didn't wanna live in france, italy, the united states as well as here in spain, dozens of yards belonging to russian oligarchs have already been seized in palm adam, a yorkshire, the guardia severe national police force and worked with american authorities and the f. b. i to seize tango for 78 me to long yacht belonging to a close ally of vladimir putin. many of the oligarchs who were able to leave russia have set course for talking are the gun georgia. the yard you see over there is what. so loris it belongs to roman abramoff, which that it has been here since march and hasn't moved from the bay. no one knows what will happen next in the salarous is 140 meters long and cost over 400000000 euros. it's owner roman abramoff, which is russia's most famous billionaire. his impressive boat is a closely guarded fortress. the yacht is difficult to approach the inner la music that a good in jacksonville, missouri. a ship has a whole of armored steel and is equipped with jammers that use ultrasound to disable the cameras and mobile phones of journalists within a radius of 300 to 400 meters. here in la la limited capacity is on board the salarous. there's even a special security unit, a team of 20 to 25 who received military training, alaska in the mall. miss oscar that with, despite the security measures, a group of ukrainian activists managed to protest the arrival of the salaries in belgium. ah, a handful of protesters will not change the situation in turkey. the owners of russian yachts have nothing to fear yet as symbols of wealth and untouchable power . super yachts, a coming under unprecedented public scrutiny. monica, the super yacht, capital of the globe for the annual international yorkshire over a 100 of the worlds most spectacular yachts dock. here some 530 exhibitors are invited to showcase the industry's innovations including this small support submarine which costs over a 1000000 years. oh, greg obama, them all the civil that we're there's up on our sabbath. all aspects of the soupy ot industry are represented here including interior design, sabrina monte your or, you know, he's one of the most important designers in monica. we accompany her to the mischief, to take a closer look at one of her latest creations, and allowing some charm that we're on a yacht that we've just finished work on. we gave it a general refitting and a fresh look. we're lucky that we are allowed to view it as you know, our customers are very privacy. there's a really nice bar and lounge to the here we went with blue and white colors like the customer wanted, and we had a lot of fun designing the cabins with the customer can. yeah. and the cabins are very simple. this is a very understated bo cancelled. chris sampson stiletto to profess these yachts, all have one thing in common. they consume large amounts of fuel. a super yacht, like this one consumes about 500 liters of diesel. ah, our and there is some 5000 of them, wild white. their carbon footprint is proportionately large, but alternatives do exist. we leave the sunshine for poland to meet fancies lap. the frenchman is pioneering. a new tramp, electric yachts. his boats are powered by solar energy. said this, we have incorporated solar cells into the hull of the ship, but you could hit it with a hammer, it's unbreakable, come people no longer want to be seen on a yard that gobbles up thousands of leaders of fuel to chicken. some dimly visited with his latest model, the marty joseph will undergo its final test phase in dubai. it is expected to be a sensation. gotta come back. no noise, no smell of fuel solar technology promises to revolutionize the yachting sector. so each of the boat charged like a knife, we'll talk about it today. yacht sounds booming and not just in due by the entire array beehan peninsula seems to have caught luxury sailing fever. saudi arabia is one of the sectors most promising countries. port out my gun. i legacy in jetta that countries, 2nd largest city, a marina for hundreds of boats was built in just 6 months. i believe is gonna be the future more going well. they've been by this phase more and more super yachts, like the serenity will be cruising. the red sea in hong kong, french businessman eric noel, has been working in the industry for 10 years. he buys and sells your shares for the a little sample of all to put it simply. this is a yacht, the cost around $6000000.00. the all split 3 ways. a 2000000 on that reveal in order to keep his business going. eric is constantly on the account, but interesting opportunities data. this is an incredible yard. it's 65 meters long . the biggest and hong kong gall i'm trying to get in touch with the owner because i have an interested buyer, lester. you market cutting edge technology and innovation. the soupy ot industry is trying to transform its image. ah, ah. saudi arabia is home to one of the most popular destinations. the yacht lovers, king abdulla economic city, built in a very short time. this place revolves around 2 things business and said. the imposing serenity is moored in the marina. the 72 meter long vessel belongs to a suit, the rich greek, lebanese businessman with room for 30 guests. the boat has 4 decks, 15 luxury cabins, private salons, and even a cinema. he called the yachts that sound to day gregory inspect it clumsily. one last time, ah, how did you check the garbage and i thought it was, i guess last night, originally from greece, gregory has been serenity. is metro hotel since 2017. now he ensures everything's in order to muster. the secure on the top of this, our don. yes. we are going to maneuver the yacht safely out of the harbor. the captain receives assistance from a local, saudi arabian pilot little baby i for that out of laser, a men's allowance for 2 lives on i've been with us and we're fussing on the limits for that is always on the bus exactly in the middle of the candle mister, my look here is what he experienced to do that as here. his job one these by the love, the one this area here. thank you very much captain. thank you with thank you very much, one and one fresh damage mission accomplished. the serenity is headed for the open sea. the captain stats caused by jetta. saudi arabia, 2nd largest city. the crossing will only take 5 hours, but these days, navigating on the red sea can be risky. don't forget that 2 days ago, they had the withdrawn from yemen in i'm go, so starts here and these mean, you know, if you are the kind of danger today we will be going to, let's say, if you are mostly the crew is out and passing from these area, he said wasn't the gun faces named situation. the captain has no choice but to face the danger. before leaving, he felt the yachts tanks with 22000 liters of diesel. on a coat as 0, this would have cost him some $40000.00 euros, super yards, our gas counselors. but now there are alternatives perhaps surprisingly it's in poland on the shores of the baltic sea that the future of yachting has already launched. a good his home to the former lennon shipyard. this was the cradle of black. we're when says solidarity trade union, instrumental in bringing down the communist regime 30 years later, a technological revolution is taking place in the cities shipyards at the forefront is forces lat, born in alsace lap, left his homeland after the fall of the war and earned a fortune in the construction industry, 19 years ago, he got into the yacht business. over 20 years ago, poland was not exactly known to the luxury good news. flukes, fancies lab is a success story. his shipyard can hardly keep up with orders, with 36 ships currently under construction and 10 nearing completion. clean energy and environmentally friendly materials are his selling points. on over, krist, horsham, or kate will no longer want to be seen on your, their consumer. thousands of leaders of fuel collision. it's just not eco friendly or you even have kids say to their parents list. have you seen how much fuel we used? it is a tour forces lab employ some 2000 people. lou, his farm relies heavily on research and development to keep up with cutting edge technologies. ah, the syllabus, this is the model will show you in production. we can show all the detail of october more clearly they are they secret? yes, many secret her law for soccer, the cell is cell strength. it's sunroof, is that we do everything in house on developed. we develop everything on site from the hall to the carbon mass, mac and new technology. so everything is done here to stats our strength shop. many engineering firms have such a large research and development department in the public did their job go to the c one on ccs sun, nikolai overseas technological innovations to power the boats. electric motors, he developed these unique solar panels ah, made on site, and by hand, the solar panels can be adapted to any surface solar. so this is what it looks like. so food, sand, tegler, schuler, the extra flexible panels will later be attached to the whole of a chevy funnel, excuse super ultra light and can be made into any shape. my pleasure will mourn the kissel cap up the atlantic layer because he won. now, in that book, a form of the plates are practically invisible and extremely robust. is household in awe. in his workshop aussies lab shows as his pride and joy, a yacht designed to be completely eco friendly. ala, there it is, an exclusive price is 24 meter catamaran. will be powered solely by wind and solar energy. it should launch in a week said this habit, the solar panels are part of the hollow cook. this is our in house, peyton, discomfort level. the advantage is that they are not simply glued on it. we have incorporated solar cells into the hall of the ship. that is the star in terms of resistance. you could hit it with a hammer, it's unbreakable. after this, she sank us. this allows us to recharge the batteries that supply the 2 engines with clean electricity. a clergy my go motel electric. we are going to visit the heart of the blood curve to barter. then hopefully i'll go 1st alone. ok, we are here in the heart of the boy mental. this room has a ceiling height of 70 to 85 centimeters. when i took leave, housed all the electric elements here divert to but it's the control center of the ship, so to speak. here, you know, we've housed a huge battery pack here altogether, the batteries way, 3 tons. we could fit even more of them in, but it's perfectly adequate for our purposes, which is the only exception to the rule of environmental sustainability is this emergency generator, which provides extra power in case the sun doesn't shine or the system fails soon, the yacht will be cruising the warm waters of the arrows enters her name, marty joseph for mother. why? mary? joseph. my mother is marie marie luis and my father is joseph. i wanted to thank them for the life they gave me. so i named the boat marie joseph. we know that about some other issues with the catamaran. price is estimated at 7000000 euros, but lab has no intention of selling. he wants to keep it for his own use and to advertise his revolutionary technology. a week later, the boat is ready to leave the icy baltic seas for warm waters. the marquis joseph will begin its journey to the amorites on board a yacht carrier. the crossing is expected to take a month and will cost fancies, lap $300000.00 euros. the catamaran is set to be unveiled at the annual do by boat show in march, but as we'll see, not everything goes as planned. oh, 1st to another continent. welcome to hong kong, a dense metropolis of 7.5 is 1000000 people. part of china, this trading harp on the south. china seat has several ports. one is aberdeen harbor, on hong kong island. to get there, you can take a local taxi or junk. i. i won't be in a god. he don't like to be the one. but you know, when eric noel, who his french has lived in hong kong since 2013, he made his fortune in toilet brushes before getting into the big business of yours that go in jazz, which i thought it shows you all the load is on its way it was shipped to the yard to day and should be here by the end of january. i can show it to you in early february. it could be the 1st week of february. okay, perfect. got it on the thanks cedric and see you soon, etc. so they can answer around it was that, that see and best turnkey rush down that dog. cuz else dog that was a customer who would like to buy one of the builds. i have a new boat suncoast credit via see someone i've known for 10 years yet. he lost his boat in a typhoon recently with thank. yeah, he loves both sides. he's a french entrepreneur who owns a big factory nearby. yeah, he wants to see the boat again before sending the check. he says the money is ready to we should all work out, but you never know. so i found the office of an harry coff has different services to his clients. he sells yonce, but he also offers yacht sharing something quite trendy at the moment. several owners shared both the costs and the use of about that the season. all i said is this is the one we have for sale at the moment. it's an incredible bow truck job and that it's owned by the same person as that yacht over there. that got aberdeen. marina club is the largest marina in hong kong, and there are plenty of luxury yachts here. the city's 20 richest families more their boats here. don't go back to sea. bass. i say this is my beautiful office. only. we become partners with a company that is one of the world leaders in supersonic, all that don't listen, all polish, all normal, all know, normal clients. we have normal boats that we ran out all for example, in thailand, hong kong or indonesia. i guess your or a fellow casualty long. oh, how gong on had an easy assess it to school in these are the arts we offer for sale . well, we have new ones from turkey, poland, or great britain, poland, and used ones like saudi by to look as you're the 50 year old entrepreneur leads a team of 15 employees from 6 different countries. bozo, missouri. okay, so eric is meeting with a potential client today. we have to reset, understand what he wants 1st. yep. so he has up 2 laws before the family had a 100 twitter, and he presley had a 50 use. children at salt is 58, i was always a little. he's always had boats at the moment. he still owns a 21 meter yacht, which is already quite a big boat, georgia, but to somebody in his family always had 30 meter long ones. on the last time we spoke on the phone, he wanted to get rid of his family's boat. and by a 40 meter model, what count met, eric is meeting the customer for the 1st time. the 40 year old prospective buyer comes from a family of hong kong restaurant. ers, he knows eric by reputation. we know eric has a very good professional in this industry, so we decided just to have a drink and, and i'd like to know what is our priorities and that's how we're where to get into that today. how old is the moment? it was a 2013 predator 6th and 8th gauge. is that so on? yeah. is it with the chemistry seems good, but eric doesn't want to say to match. so you know, when we go and it's quite confidential, so i can't talk too much, but. busy they're friendly or again that belongs to type of family that can, that we always as always had more than wheel was our lords in this part of the world. and it's so, so it's very important that there we stick though that i understand what they need, what fall in the encounter with the boards and to try to be as helpful as possible . breakable no deal to day. but they will stay in touch. when eric isn't working, he likes to spend his free time on yours. we'll meet up with him again later in pu cat tyler do so. thank you very much. now we're off to the united arab emirates, to, to buy a city built from petro dollars in the desert, sand that place of skyscrapers beaches and excess far from the tourist hotspots. a new revolution is underway. the move from black gold to green energy. an hours drive from the city center lies the mohammed bin. rashid solar park, the world's largest single site. so the park at the wheel of his off road vehicle. we meet once his lap again. this desert is where it all began, far from the freezing temperatures of poland. separate order. it was here that i 1st the idea of integrating solar panels into boats and building environmentally friendly yard. like almost her field is more than 3 years ago. i bought the 1st solar panels and, and we started testing function. but today we have a market ready product and offer fully autonomous bug and on demand know what the demand has grown a 15 years ago. customers, we're mainly interested in earning fast boy. nowadays, speed hardly matters towards them pro, there's an increasing demand for sustainable alternatives with electric motor and whatever they think it now he just needs to win over new customers. the outpatient entrepreneur is on his way to the dubai international boat show which takes place every year in march. a dozen exhibitors have travelled from all over the world to present their latest products. luxury items for a clientele with limit list budgets, policies labs spare no expense for his trade fast, and he had a dozen employees flown in from poland to greet his customers. but there is one small problem. the marty joseph has still not arrived. i recognize, oh, thank you. yes i was just asking which one are you to stay selling this hula? but the sale of the board will be in the end of the may. i guess any time you can open a seller, he wanted to know when the boat will be here, but for sure. of course he wants to see it and touch it. the boat is coming, so i gave him my contact and he will be in touch. then we will organize a private viewing or what's happening with a boat since cove. there have been many problems with pulling up. everything is delayed and no one knows why. oh, sip up will fly our la barto with this app. i can easily find the yard. so i tap on it and i could see the yard, carry it. sure. for sure, it's off the coast of omen, and travelling at a speed of 13, know her love. the woman says, hit bessie navigate. because no cut, e lud will arrive tomorrow at 2 pm. local time, prescott, where i knew that we are here in dubai and the ship is currently in this area. paula: it's just sitting cause for divine is children by the delay of over a month is banned the business still, there does seem to be quite a lot of interest in solar powered yacht. i didn't honestly, i didn't know that it exists in this way. all right, well i caught my eye because then what? i would say i will not feel good. i think he seems seriously interested. i think that he wants a 2nd boat or business. if he comes from the entertainment industry, he can definitely afford it. as the electric motor convinced him, that's really definitely the case. it's a novelty on the market, but i think in 5 years it will be the standard. everyone else will be offering it to, to, to a vote for family family with his electric yard on his lap. is a pioneer in the industry. however, he had to postpone the big reveal the marty joseph, his yacht powered entirely by green electricity will only make its long awaited public appearance in a few days. ah. on the red sea, on the other side of the arabian peninsula, the serene. it is approaching its fort a destination. after a peaceful crossing, jetta gradually appears on the horizon. on the bridge, the captain is preparing to enter the port. ah. yeah, to where she's at on a desolate and on to ski other families motioning the jetta. marina was opened only recently after a construction period of just 6 months home to restaurants, boutiques and sailing clubs. the marina's construction is not quite finished, but there is already space for 100 at the world's most luxurious yachts. valerie, for example, an 85 meter long yard belonging to a russian oligarch. it has since been confiscated in spain. people at jostling on the key to witness the batteries arrival after the boat as docked. it's time for the captain to greet the next passengers. seraphim. we know them. i got off a foot of it for a man of uncovered thump, leg all probably is on the upper leg, but his leg. okay, let's go to today's client, a rich saudi family, specializing in event management. oh hi. how are you? are welcome one word with my father, bob. yes, i remember that the carrier welcome on boarded. now is to see you again during the next formula, one grand prix mohammed and his father want to use the yacht for a few days without even leaving the harbor down there. where, where we're located above that won't go that egg over there. just the one that's right next to them of the immigrant. oh good. okay. oh sorry. okay. you want me to be that out? yes. okay, exactly. again, if you want you on the board of us. oh, it doesn't. okay. we're going to have a nice, a couple of nice events covered today. we have something of life. so there's another another that can lovely evening happening. the best thing about it is the deck space as the crew, the cap and the parties quickly agree. on a right, the family will rent the yacht for $500000.00 euros per week. if there's an investment, we don't. well, so obviously some people dig it for pleasure. we do business here, so we charge the board to do a hospitality. f one, hospitality. you can watch the race from the board to do catering, fivestar, catering, you know, you have screens all over the boards. you can watch the, the race itself. so there's, we do have a business behind that. the slot just for, you know, pleasure. but after we're done, we have 2 days where we take, i think the board for our own pleasure. we are friends, family, and we have a good time in saudi arabia. care is taken to ensure that private gatherings are shielded from both cameras and the public for the people. here, however, yachts are a big attraction onlookers trying to catch a glimpse between the moorings when i'm wishing and only in my dreams to see this boats like that. so it's like got castle. everybody love it, and i have to have one for ordinary people. this dream is probably out of reach. but some get a chance to spend a few stolen moments on a yacht. in thailand, on the shores of the adam and see who cats, long beach is crowded with tourists. eric noel, the french entrepreneur from home comb. he's about to board a luxury yacht that don't shahita the $33.00 meta vessel that can cruise at his feet of up to 30 knots. the crew of 5 is busy with a final preparations every this. okay. it rolls all under control, waiting for the gets to be here shortly. less than an hour later, eric noel arrives with a few friends, accompanied by his wife. you me, co blanket. come away so much for being a lot. today is you me coast birthday to celebrate. eric has taken a week off and organized a small private cruise. yep. john, is this your 1st time here? eric, the co owner of 3 yachts has chosen the don't you better today for a reason, sir? back to her. it is ya. it will be sold soon. we want to enjoy it one last time. lucas, you me close birthday to day. so she's happy that she can enjoy it with her friend and copy of custody of the experienced businessman shows off the yacht to his gas. it demonstrates the latest gadget this down here. don't dress your finger if it is fitting dentistry. like that. that's a good one. moment yeah, control. now you place. oh ha. i wait to talk with that said i must aroma, same this, these brandy maker pretty sleep. boat is no, not the old age, full of food, and heavy and full of misty. this is your because it is white, it's like it's her. you know, it's a, he just get to enjoy the view, which is really what you want. after the tour time for a bit of relaxation on the back deck with a drink or 2 with the gas with now eric and finally let the thing a pull him on his paddle board. but even though the boat trips are primarily for pleasure, business is never far from his thoughts. 0. look, we have a neighbor coming thicker moment after all, super yards are my profession. i know everything that's going on when a boat comes, i look what's a cold and who's is it? where are they from? how many passengers are on board? that eric is well aware that super young are only for the super rich. but i'm was sure that felicia, maybe if i had a lot of money. yeah. but above a certain size, it's no longer financially possible for me. i can afford something that big. so i don't have the money for that. what are yard is a manageable size and you go beyond that, it becomes too expensive. this is even on this. you need a crew of 5. that's already a pretty big boat that came to shove you went to. for the past 2 years, eric has been one of the biggest sellers of york in the asian region. his most lucrative deal so far involved a 50 meter long boat. but the frenchman does not intend to rest on his laurels. yacht saw his great passion. his wife's nurse is almost within there. he's when you asked that question. so i'm glad that when he's in a business that the what please ah, he's a genetically, he's design is not, is not just the, he'd like isn't the right business in french at that point that i had sick even though he was made to be in this business he does have business t o t lee grove is here with him up there you go. many french lesson what you seen those colors, the orange. 2 i agree with the little thing wrong. despite all the beautiful moments that don't j, vito will no longer be his in a few weeks. barsky entrepreneur will soon be sailing on other boats. one of the upsides of his job. back in dubai. we are welcomed by fancy slap, the alsatian entrepreneur. he has settled on the island of palm jemirah on are the cities most upscale areas. he lives here with his wife munoz. we will, i only live here part title, is she both? i have to take care of my 2000 employees in poland. i usually spend one waiting to buy and 3 weeks in poland for no foreign at last and foresees can breathe a sigh of relief. his yacht has just arrived in less than 10 minutes by car, he has reached the marina, the marty joseph forces, his pride and joy left poland over 2 months ago. i. the catamaran is due to arrive at the marina, at any moment for foresees. it's a special moment the boat powered entirely by solar energy makes it spectacular, entry in the marina. how does it feel? my shackleton? well, i'm happy to do that. so it's completely new technology and we the 1st to offer it, it's great sets of him. ah, it's a big channel. oh yeah. it really is. it's bigger than i'd imagine. jesse john, his son who works with him in poland has traveled all the way over. it's named off the grandmother and grandfather marie joseph is here. so are the real marie and jill, so that i would have never dreamed of that. but grandma can do it by herself with with the whole family is moved as a tribute to their homeland. the company logo shows an alsatian pretzel livia tantra verification that she sent is head the seller is here. oh, i loss is so bad. no. wow. oh, is everything, all right? did it withstand the journey? well, everything looks good, doesn't it? you think? yes, definitely. it looks very different inc. a dance here is the dressing laser. i go in the room and i don't know that to you like the color. yeah. it. yes. oh yes. very much. no, no, no. one more thing. i didn't think i would find it. so touching with it's an emotional moment. you know, i never took it too seriously with you, but now it is real. no, cause to prove it with before the yacht sales policies awaits an important ghast. ah huh. so she'd shake rashid, i'll knock to him, the ruler of to buy it. well, yeah, he would dock and come to visit us every day. this dustin nivia shake, rashid alma tomb as one of the united arab emirates highest dignitaries. and you are to well come back with leg combative. i wanted to find find the highness. hello ma'am. how are you? thank you, man. thank you. congratulations. congratulations. this bill to we'll go with everyone on board the crew of 5 chance to work. it's time to set sail the futuristic yards leaves the harbour. this maiden voyage could be opening a new chapter in the history of sailing in the steering cabin, the atmosphere is relaxed. the 2 electric motors are working well. it's nice when you're not even a single diversion. nothing. yes, the fil is to charm figure come now next to you. oh yeah. just to see what is this your 1st. oh, you're going to be booked today? yeah. everybody will talk about it today. isn't receive mode that this new technology. yes. what you're finkel? yeah. is everybody will talk about it as i told you this, the 1st one to come and do the value. so like i said, it bought and 80 feet, not small one. ah, it's a dream come true for fancies. the ma, he shows aft is a success. the yacht sale smoothly without using a drop of fuel. last to so this is what we appreciate. this is luxury at the end of the day until the boat is one thing, but the great luxury is the silence. no by ration is nothing. we're not going back with. no one will want to buy another diesel engine, but clearly the ticket luxury sailing may be heading into the future and away from its highly pollutant present. and electric motors are only one of many alternatives when it comes to leaving behind environmentally harmful fields. indeed, policies, lap and other manufacturers are already working on the next energy alternative hydrogen technologies. ah will i no lifestyle of the super rich? is a nightmare for the climate. the wealthy produce weigh more than their fair share of c o 2. while ordinary people can bear the consequences, could a c, o 2 cap and trade program for individuals help we investigate climate change and the rich close up. in 30 minutes on d. w. for what people have to say matters to us or me, that's why we listen to their stories. reporter every weekend on d. w. a. getting ahead. using tech. as our documentary series founders belly, africa, to meet the founders, impelling their continent through digital innovation, a transformer, work in health, and living conditions in their country. and inspiring the world with their ideas. valley africa started february 13 on the w. o. ah, ah, this is dw news live from berlin, race against time to rescue earthquake survivors. international teams join turkish cruise to reach victim still alive under the wreckage. dw news is on the ground in the claim. meanwhile, survivors in nova syria sift through.

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