Fight for justice to shake things up thats our topic today on made rebellion. If youve been following the news of late you may have noticed that rebellion is taking hold all over the European Union followed up by social media people have voted populist parties into government and they are making their influence felt take italy for example it is severely in debt two point three trillion euros in the red to be exact thats one hundred thirty two percent of their g. D. P. The e. U. Rules only allow sixty percent so in theory italy should be counting their pennies but theyre sick of the seemingly never ending all stare at the end decided on a budget for twenty nineteen that goes against your rules all right tell you in businesses reacting towards the fuse we went to italy to meet some rebellious entrepreneurs. This father and son team are protesting against taxes which they say are so high they strangle business. But to a behind a nonprofit ngo that offers tax advice to companies in northern italy. Spain if youve got unless the situation and italy changes in the coming years i think more and more young people will go abroad to look for work and a more secure future for italys economy is flat and its new government is battling the e. U. Over its Spending Plans it says austerity is making the countrys problems worse. Yes our economy is being penalised by all the new taxes that are introduced and theyre being justified by the fact that the e. U. Is asking us to do so. Well then maybe this europe isnt so convenient for us is that. Its not clear how the conflict between the e. U. And italy will play out italy says the blocks fiscal rules are counterproductive economists are concerned. That the current proposed budget is not in line with the e. U. Requirements on the fiscal deficit and saw. The commission has asked italy to revise its budget our words of the revised the deficit down would reduce the deficit. And i think it has done so in a pretty strong way. The conflict is escalating and there is no solution in sight. The owners of this Stone Masonry business also complain about all the new taxes. Now and the brother and sister who run the family owned business or worried about the ongoing budgetary fight. They are forcing europe on us its only some of them were happy to Stay Together but only up to a certain point. I dont think its so great but actually leave the e. U. I dont know about that. The farm sells marble and granite a lot of the work is done by hand and it struggles to compete on price. But glass is need to buy new machines but cant afford to do so. Although my did. We used to make enough profit to be able to invest in materials and staff and in going to trade fairs but now what with taxes banks that charge exorbitant rates of interest competition from emerging markets we no longer have the margins that we used to have and i do that. Its a vicious circle the conflict with the e. U. Is weakening italys economy even further the immediate negative consequences were seeing is its the Economic Growth has been slowing down we probably will see a recession in italy we already have the first negative quarter Growth Numbers so what we are seeing here is already a save flicked at recession in italy was negative consequences for for employment and for for jobs in italy. So the conflict is scaring off investors. And the frustration in italy grows and grows more and some rebellious minds are saying its no longer just about taxes and that italys radical Coalition Government which they once supported is no longer a radical enough. The owner of this restaurant for instance wants venice to become an independent republic one that doesnt tax its citizens at all. We have nothing to do with the italian state. The combination of economic problems and a spark of rebellion in italy could prove to be an explosive mix. Here in germany average city dwellers are increasingly fed up with frequent and steep rent hikes Real Estate Investors are feeling drawn to places like berlin like bear some honey after buying and renovating buildings they often jack up the rents forcing out long term residents in the process as a result many renters feel theyre being driven from the city but rebellion is in the air the tenants are not going quietly. I moved to berlin five years ago the citys image then was poor but sexy different from other capitals but now im wondering whats happened to the berlin that was rebellious and countercultural the neighborhood of kurtzberg used to be a bastion of radicals and squatters but is it still. There was this house has a new owner is tenant so worried about rising rents and whether theyll be able to stay that planning a peaceful protest. And. The boy blues i dont want to be mean or unpleasant. We sing a lot we want to have fun and im sure sells but were aware that were david with the sling shot and just hoping that were going to hit goliath. Obviously we cant expect a positive outcome we know the buyers dont care about us as people about our lives. So far no ones been in touch with us we dont have any reason to think they care. Theres isnt an isolated case the Property Market is in flux and when houses get new owners rents all too often go up in berlin rents are rising as alarming rates theyve doubled in a single decade. That sounds like a lot so how does but then compared to other cities. The average thirteen year is for square meter is a lot lower than in paris but kearney a little higher than my hometown walsall. Thats partly because their people tend to buy their own homes in berlin eighty five percent of people still rent the Property Market is vast and that makes it attractive to investors and also to speculators who buy real estate only to leave it empty waiting for it to go up in value. Tenant think kreisberg have occupied the building. Where occupying the house and challenging the idea of ownership where against property speculation having somewhere to live is a basic need so its wrong for anyone to cash in on that need as were reviving an old tradition here squats are part of berlins history. There are lots of initiatives like ours that address issues like rental policy and living space for instance in the middle to money. Came from them and right now were dealing with a ton of complaints filed with police this year alone there were one hundred seventy nine of them filed against waters but we refused to be intimidated were going to carry on and well occupy the building until we dont have to anymore. Im not as optimistic as. Population continues to grow with people like me still moving here in. The long time residents are losing their homes and their neighborhoods then deckard is a popular nightspot in the up and coming nyco neighborhood run as a collective its a local institution thats existed since the one nine hundred eighty s. But now its days are numbered. Officially were a bar but were more than that its a living room a social space for us the collective running years and also for our guests in the evenings its like being at a friends place everyone is welcome everyone knows each other people discuss their problems. Everyone chips in with advice its a Meeting Place were long in the neighborhood weve always been here. He looks out have pulled. Some members of the collective have what over thirty years theyre not going to leave without a fight but so far its been a peaceful fine night no one is throwing stones but lynn is a common less rebellious place than it was thirty years ago but maybe this is the dawn of a new protest culture. The next report features a man whose career began as a student working on construction sites later he began buying real estate and now hes a property tycoon investing millions and making even more back with his projects he says there is no legal provision that states people can live in desirable urban areas on the cheap for anti gentrification campaigners like the ones weve seen in the report a many politicians up makes cost of good public enemy number one. Its late but christophe clear now is just calling it a day on this Berlin Building site the real estate tycoon is always busy but hes found time for a brief interview. Is one of the richest men in germany and he didnt inherit his money he made it himself his company is turning this High Rise Office building into luxury apartments. Do you think gentrification is going to change berlin a lot. I think poland will retain its identity theres no law that says we have a right to live in beautiful old apartments with stucco on the ceiling for a mere six euros a square meter its not a fundamental right. Theres a fundamental right to housing yes to housing but who says it has to be cheaper and in the heart of the city in future of fordable housing might be on the outskirts rather than downtown. And in time. Considered by the might tell us about the building how did you find it. And nobody was interested in it its an old Office Building and was riddled with asbestos so we approached the local off artes and proposed turning it into apartments. For. The Purchase Price was twenty one million euro. Company is investing a further fifty million on transforming at ripping out the old offices installing a new facade and building all those Luxury Interiors and the building will have a generous for haiti and a doorman of course the lower stories will sell for five thousand euros a square meter higher up twice that amount. Going to see some self as a pioneer of very High End Construction projects in berlin. Typos and after two thousand and eight everybody said stay away from berlin its a nightmare so i headed to berlin and invested lots of money they said i was not. I invested counter sickly and had been proved right by twenty twelve at the latest it became clear that berlin was set to boom boom boom grip isnt it have you doubled in size and way more than doubled since the financial crisis of how much bigger are you ten times as big. As investments in several cities across germany he says he has a staff of five hundred and builds about fifteen hundred apartments a year two thirds are to rent one third he sells. He also part this direct Office Building in berlin and the local authority said a condition some of the apartments in the building will have to be rent controlled housing for low income people. Says the terms are excessive because do you have any obligations to society yes capitalists have obligations my Company Never invest in property where people are already living for we only buy empty buildings high rises and Office Buildings or we launch greenfield projects and start from scratch and i make it easy for myself by avoiding the issue and the corresponding conflicts. But is it really so simple more and more luxury housing is going up across per learn more and more ordinary people are being pushed out because of soaring brands is this the kind of city berliners want or deserve. Everyone loves a rebel rebellion is cool marketing departments and advertising agencies have known that since the dawn of the mob. The image of the maverick the lone hero sells products but whats so radical and rebellious about a luxury watch or breakfast cereal in most cases its all a matter of perception. Rebellion rising up against the old order its youthful edgy exciting many brands adopt a rebellious image like rebellion timepieces that one hundred thousand years each for the rebel series of welding machine. In Marketing Communication nowadays you have to distinguish yourself from the competition or you dont get noticed so if there are five yogurt ads next to each other each depicting Alpine Meadows and cows and then theres a sixth one with an image of oh Say Something like che guevara. Then its the sixth one that will get noticed the six to get in from. Value and has even hit the breakfast cereal market the upstart Brand Revolution is taking on the major producers organic cinnamon flakes to the barricades the message anything the Major Players can do we can do better. Weve made it our mission to be a little bit provocative not too well behaved were aiming for something a bit more edgy. Revelations says its place contain just fifteen percent sugar similar products from nestle for example are about one third sugar its a difference but is it really revolutionary. And if were a Small Company with a small budget our branding has to show parents were trying to change things. French fashion brand that our clothes in english has also adopted the mantle of rebellion one of their biggest hits a t. Shirt with a Delivery Service logo for two hundred fifty euro. Just but of its worn it fashionable parties thats known those things that other brands havent done yet people like that the brand breaks the rules which makes them creative and rebellious theyve managed to turn that into a trend. That it intends. But marketing agree that claiming the spirit of rebellion for a very expensive watch is taking it a bit far. I mean putting the word rebel on a one hundred thousand euro watch is just embarrassing. A luxury product for the super wealthy just doesnt seem very revolutionary. Its a small inexpensive component and its essential for industry the resistor electrical resistance plays an essential role in devices from light bulbs to power lines the simple physical relationship describing resistance was discovered by german physicists on all in the two hundred years ago we thought its time to give them a little celebration. Resistance is useful a letter call resistance that is the comes in the form of a small component that cost as little as fifty three cents resistors put up with a lot and dont make a fuss. With resistors industry what grinds to a halt. Theyre essential in all kinds of circuitry. Theyre found not only in laptops washing machines and loudspeakers but also in winter binds power lines even in bucket wheel excavators the filament in an incandescent light bulb is a kind of resistor one that generates both light and heat electrical resistance is a measure of opposition to the flow of electrons that move as a current through a conducting cable driven by the voltage between positively and negatively charged poles the magnitude of the current depends on the rate of electron flow the thicker the conductor the more electrons can pass in a given time. And what contain the wild flow of current a resist or how much resistance it will put up can be easily calculated the voltage denoted as you and measured in volts or v. Divided by the current i am pairs or a gives the value of the resistance are the unit is the arm symbolized by omega. This famous relation is known as ohms law its named after the german physicist georg cmon. Where would we be without his discovery in a state of constant short circuit with all resistors all of our cables our steam irons and televisions would start blowing their fuses so resistance is useful indeed. If theres one country in europe that is famous for its revolutionary spirit it is from its just right now hundreds of thousands of people in yellow vests going on the berry cades that is itself a french expression to protest against high taxes and all sorts of other things and their revolution is bearing fruit president michael has already made some concessions so resistance can have an effect heres another small scale example in twenty ten the multinational oh no the for early tea factory in Southern France wanted to close the facility and move production elsewhere in the united effort the workers occupied the plant for three years today they own it although the business is making a loss. This factory doesnt really have a house and everyone earns about the same the fifty people who work here are the owners. Of next generation socialism. Is no question its a pretty revolutionary set up. We were living proof that things can be done by people said workers with impossible while weve been running the company for four years and weve shown that it is possible. The factory used to belong to the multinational unilever in twenty decided to close the plant and shift production to poland the workers protested and occupied the facility for three years the case went to court several rulings later the corporation had to hand the factory over to the workers and they got a twenty million euro payout. Im so proud we could set up this cooperative. Through multinational. Human beings real people. Mainly for the domestic market when the facility belong to the director made three hundred twenty thousand euros a year now all the owner workers make about two thousand a month thats less than when they work. But at least its their enterprise and they make decisions together. The internal structure may be radical but the Company Still has to hold its own within a system thats resolutely capitalist. I didnt think it would be so hard to run a coop its a struggle to survive because of the big supermarket chains you always have to fight them over prices. Patients for exploited people. To go. Its expected that. We have to develop products and make them and once we deliver it still takes two months to get paid. So we have a liquidity problem. We need working capital so we can fill our orders. With one and a half to two Million Euros but the banks wont lend us any money its ard actually for. The company is operating at a loss theyre using up their reserves and depend on donations. Some of the collective owners are worn out the struggle is proving too much for them but most still believe theyll eventually beat the capitalist system so. We have to carry on and defend our economic model which protects ordinary working people were just one tiny element of a larger structure aiming for real social change thats what were working towards. But for now the goal is just to make more money the revolutionary spirit alone wont pay the wages. Its christmas time in many parts of the world but for more and more people christmas has become synonymous with excessive consumerism my colleague is among them and as you might know he often takes a very small for docs u. Of things and now hes asked the spirit of krieger over the season to be jolly. Sorry alan details about you just dont get it i dont want this stuff. And if it. Its not easy to give presents thats happening out here what you should not be buying should that be useful and usual or Something Else a break perhaps. I got it. Back. Dont do it to yourself theres much more to christmas than combers. Loves the best gift that you dont even need wrapping paper. Thats a must for now i hope we have put you in a bit of a revolutionary moves many thanks for watching. Six. Six. Six. Six. Six. Six. Enter the conflicts from the powerful two years ago. The philippines began a brutal force against the drug gangs which thousands of people have died human rights activists just charge the police with illegal killings judges which president detest it has vigorously denied ferguss we here in manila is Legal Advisor salvador congo welcome to come to the conflict zone. Thirty minute spot d w. How do you live Sustainable Way discover the bo house you told mouse work starts generally thirteenth on t w. Earth home to millions of species a home worth saving. Googling dias tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world like deals to protect the climate goosed Green Energy Solutions and reforestation using interactive content to inspire people to take action google audience the environment series of global three thousand on t w and online. Hundred small feeds in my clubs. Where i come from roggio remains an import fountain soft transmitting new ones and for mish and when i was young my concert was in drawing. The war people most people would cause a mountain to see. It was my job to two in one of the not just say so as not everyone in that column. And listen to the games. Nothing has been from incident my unknown cardiac enjoyment more of them. So even if its not by us i was its written for me to mourn. My choice you scott because youve been there way to transmit to the troops. Men in the brush my much and i will. Keep up your. Union or an. Enemy or an idiot. This is you dont use live from berlin the United States begins a sobering drawl from syria President Donald Trump claims victory over socalled Islamic State there were reports a state Department Officials will be home within the next twenty four hours but american backed kurdish an arab troops are still battling to oust the the hottest also coming up what is a good chance by me to get an opportunity to gain ground on League Leaders dortmund slowly distant third hand and dont win their first defeat of the season and now while youre at me take out the lions as think host

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