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With aat fragile paintings huge sculptures pieces worth millions of euros need special care when transported sometimes using climate controlled crates with so much at stake the logistics involved are not in themselves. The end of an auto see a shipment of paintings worth a fortune has just arrived at the barber rini museum in pa stop carefully wrapped and boxed up. The journey began a few days earlier at the braman specd on was a famous german painter graphic artist and skulker who died nearly seventy years ago his work is highly sought after in the International Art world every one of these works could easily fetch over a Million Euros at auction. The exhibition devoted to my expect months spent four months in braman and then was slated to move to pot stop transporting such a fragile and valuable cargo is a challenge and has an comps for today over one hundred years old the German Company is europes leading fine arts logistics specialist. Muttiah serato could have retired long ago but he loves what he does he can talk for hours about transporting art how in the old days paintings would be shipped wrapped in nothing more than a piece of fabric. I always say i might not be able to discuss it but i can transport it through you have to factor in the science of obstacles the size of the space elevator steps all these hurdles need to be addressed and dealt with. Sometimes the officer goal is nothing more than a jammed container fast enough. To. Tell you its in the one nine hundred seventy s. And comp developed climate controlled crates they provide airtight protection against moisture and temperature fluctuations if the fragile surface of a work of art were to suffer any kind of damage it would be a disaster. For. Shipping masterpieces is a highly delicate business the works lenders have sent experts some from is far away as the u. S. To examine the paintings together with the museums own specialists. Are there any scratches that werent there before any tears the slightest change is documented. Once their work is done its time for them comp to take over. Three days later these eighteen ton trucks will be transporting the artworks from braman to pots. In the last eighteen years truck driver thomas beer has crisscrossed europe hes an old hand the crates containing the back lawn paintings way around two hundred kilos only experienced workers can do this sort of heavy lifting. But it takes one and a half hours to load the first two trucks. The third has a flat tire the Breakdown Service has been called but will take a while. To arrive it wont be the only incident today. The truck set off well behind schedule according to the sat nav it will take four and a half hours to get the pot stopped but speeding isnt an option most safety is the First Priority given whats in the back of the truck. They get in but just getting really equally careful with every single painting a dodge object a handle regardless of whether its worth a Million Euros or just a few hundred like we handle everything with the cave clubs however valuable im not interested in that specific value those are just going to what. Each truck is carrying are insured to the tune of around seventy Million Euros and accident on the autobahn as a horrifying prospect. The convoy hasnt been on the road for very long what a tire on one of the trucks bursts. Out of. The clouds i must. Fly to everyones alarmed including the experts from abroad who are supervising the transport could be artworks have suffered any damage. Theres got exposed Nothing Happened it could have come off the road and nothing would have happened the oughts completely safe because of. The rest of the journey is plain sailing. The convoy reaches the barberini in the evening and the housing comp team unload their freight its been a long day. For the artworks are only unpacked a couple of days later hans a vault schneider had a pause on comp is on hand to make sure everythings all right. With the help of a mock up of the Gallery Museum director all crude vest hider shows him where the paintings will hang and yes thats why this month is and were still unpacking the first crates but im really looking forward to seeing how the work goes with the rooms we planned it all with a mock up. Its very exciting. This is the best part i think. I missed that moment from the artwork stand up to scrutiny schneider from hudson com can devote himself to the next big job is in costume kyle we have a team in cairo and were packing up a major exhibition about truth and common dealing with wood thats three thousand years old is a major challenge of the work is always very varied and nothing is ever the same in the world of. Just. Packing the crates will take another few days mock spec man will be glad to know how carefully the house and comp team looks after his work as it travels the world. And if you can afford any of that os and have a clever idea you shouldnt have a problem launching a startup but as soon as the product gets complicated and needs a long time to develop the only quite a lot of cash not always easy to find as a young entrepreneur but some organizations are willing to step in like the European Space agency. It looks like a paddle boat but this wooden box is in fact a mobile hydroelectric power station when installed in flowing water it will generate Cost Effective and environmentally friendly electricity. It can be located with the help of g. P. S. Which can also help calculate the rivers water levels which to me or for. This is a hydroelectric power plant we call it twenty First Century technology you can supply rural areas with telecommunications and electricity and as you flood warnings thanks to built in sensors. The entire system is satellite based in collaboration with the European Space agency and were very proud of it. The students at the university of darmstadt founded a company to develop the many mobile hydroelectric power plants. Theyre designed to be used in places that are off grid for example Rural Regions of africa or south america. Who want to connect people to the rest of the world and improve their prospects mobile phones can help people become better educated and help them read but for that you need reception. Today is a milestone for the young company. Theyre unveiling the prototype of their design at the European Space Operations Center in dumb start. Their. E. S. O. C. Is part of e. S. A. The European Space agency. Its been involved in almost eighty satellite launch is over the past fifty years satellites used for telecommunications weather earth observation and navigation. E s o c also controls the satellites and analyzes the data they collect. Outer space rarely feels as near as it does here. These days a number of startups are developing products that use aerospace or satellite navigation technology. E. S. A. Supports these fledgling entrepreneurs with seed capital know how and networking opportunities. They get to present their ideas at found us fair as. Goal is to help transfer Space Technology to where their industries Space Technology has become part of our everyday lives whenever we use an intelligent travel app for example were using g. P. S. And these days the galileo satellite Navigation System too we might not really be aware of it happening but its very exciting and will be a huge benefit to us in the digital world. To. Take this navigation belt it uses g. P. S. And has a built in compass function its why brayshaw and steers the user in the right direction. Does not mean that cleanliness navigation belt has sixteen inbuilt vibration elements but they vibrate around your metal signaling which direction you should go. And so you literally follow your gut feeling. If it vibrates on your front or you walk straight ahead when you reach an intersection youre told which way to turn as i did you get that. Users just have to type their destination into their smartphone its a really useful tool if youre on a hiking or cycling trip it also has benefits for people who are visually impaired. And its quite a hit with visitors at this founders fair. To erase founders hope their river turbines will be equally popular. Now imagine going on a hike or cycle with a brick in your backpack one of those original mobile phones which couldnt do much besides actually calling someone the smart phones of today have come a long way but of the networks that carry all that data keeping up. This is my i phone it uses four g. Or l. T. E. Network technology its not that fast but five g. Is set to change all that and to revolutionize mobile connectivity it might even transform our lives well at least thats what some Tech Companies are claiming. Autonomous vehicles can only function properly with five g. The same is true for remote robotic surgery. Thats because five g. Is expected to be ten times as fast as four g. And is going to support many more devices at the same time. It will make a huge difference when you download big files with three g. It took about seven hours to download an h. D. Movie with four g. It takes about three minutes but with five g. It might take just two seconds. That annoying wait while a page loads will be a thing of the past four g. Has a latency or Response Time of about thirty milliseconds five g. They say will have a latency of under one millisecond doesnt sound like much and emergencies during autonomous driving minimizing the Response Time could mean the difference between life and the same goes for remote surgery. Whats more five g. Will support at least one million devices per square kilometer a thousand times more than now at least according to Service Providers by twenty twenty but currently there are not nearly enough cellphone towers many many more are needed for five g. To work that could cost five hundred billion euros in europe. Well ill believe it when i seen yet. You know him bill Advisors Network providers and is also involved in risk minimization which well get to in a moment first of all id like to know when were going to get five g. Well actually the Telecommunication Companies tell us that well start with rollout in two thousand and twenty so quiet nearby ok two thousand and twenty but thats when the rollout starts so little how long does the role that take well it depends well we have mainly two big challenges for the rollout one challenge is about the broadcast with the actual stand that you have one mobile broadcast tower would reach hundreds two hundred three hundred five hundred meters up to one kilometer in the landscape and with a new technology the five g. You have now you need very short distances like you need a transmitter and very street lamp to get a coverage on the street so this is the what the first picture and the other picture is about cable based broadband if you have now a new high velocity speed in the mobile broadband then you need to to some to stay on the velocity you have to also use the Newest Technology in the cable base proper which is fiber and the coverage with fiber in germany is under ten percent and this is one of the big problems for the rollout of five g. In germany ok what about the service itself whats going to be different to four g. When it comes to five or the first things the loss of the last city and velocity becomes you know is the difference between driving a fall folks are going beetle and you are changing into an ad with a three hundred forty it gets much much faster if you say when you get a video for example youll be up to see immediately immediately movies as well should be a problem streaming yes theres a problem stream anymore and even though a bigger advantage is the socalled latency which means its the reaction time between one device and another and this is a requirement for example for an honest driving where you need to transform information immediately in real time for example in case of breaking ok yeah you dont want a delay in that information to drive you know what about the internet as we know it right now is five g. Going to change the. The incident in any way it is changing the internet its going more and more for mobile devices the trend as you see it now is in the mobile phone and she will have the internet of things which is mainly based on the mobile. Radio standard and all the things that will come in in the future will be have an Internet Connection with sco through these new mobile radio standards five ok will you mention connected cars before what about security because your job involves minimizing risk you know what you have to say on that front yeah well security is a topic as well because you have like the internet over the s. O. That means if you if you are not taking care about security there will be new risks but i think we can solve this problem first of the bigger problem is the infrastructure and the rollout and the second thing is the security thing and the actual infrastructure and hardware as well that youve been talking about. What about the costs involved the time involved is not going to be quite a big challenge oh yes for germany its a quite a big challenge theres a big disadvantage compared to other countries like singapore and singapore you have a five or five a broadband coverage of two hundred percent of all the country and germany as i said on a ten percent and we need to invest eighty billion euros to have coverage hundred percent coverage on five a broadband infrastructure and this is nobody knows where the money could come his and see where the government does manage to dig up that money considering a regular infrastructure is such a challenge as well right now you often believe thank you very much for coming in thanks well having no signal might be annoying but its definitely what youd call a first world problem hundreds of millions of people in Subsaharan Africa live with no electricity the current figure is around five hundred eighty eight million thats more than every second person a study by the International Energy agency predicts that number will rise to well over a six hundred million in the coming is. A german entrepreneurs doing his bit to bring electricity to these pots with mobile solar power stations and hes stopping at nothing. A village in the desert of me share gets electricity fine and. Solar plants like this one bring power to hundreds of homes each plant can fit inside a cargo container. German entrepreneur Thorsten Schreiber has installed a number of such plants across africa even in places where conflicts are raging. In countries like nigeria mali and somalia is because we believe our systems have the most impact their impact. In such conflict Zones Development is usually lacking and power is urgently needed from a business side theres also less competition than. At present the company is preparing to install a further fifty solar containers. The next project is in somaliland an autonomous region of somalia that declared itself independent nearly three decades ago. Think the current conflict centered around the mogadishu region they have a lot to do with. A terrorist group that wants to topple the government stopping. In the shadow of that conflict. Which has a lot to do with kenya to. Dish region has continued to develop of guns and were. Residents of the village benefiting from the power plant will pay fifty euro cents per kilowatt hour that contributions will finance the project. Schreibers local partner has roots in somalia for him the project was a way of giving something back. This is. All happened during my first trip to somaliland was in twenty twelve during the University Holidays i flew there with my grandmother. When i got one of the First Time Since my birth was a demo meant. Was when it really clicked that i really wanted to do something in my home country that i wanted to have a positive impact of to what i was really lucky to grow up in europe to get an education there since then ive wanted to go back to my roots. The stakes are pretty high though in unstable regions like these the risk of attacks on the solar containers is fairly high. And as happens when you get when somethings brewing we usually know about it and can respond within a few days we can transport several containers by truck to a neighboring country or bring them to the harbor for example of the best. Schreibers wife plays a role in communicating with the local partners. Dont know where you. Point you know the solar containers and the electricity that we bring to local areas for people opportunities it means that young people who might otherwise leave can stay because they can find work. Can then blamed you thought tribe or needs investors who are willing to take risks a single solar container costs around one hundred seventy five thousand euros with transport hes already borrowed millions of euros mostly from foundations and socially oriented investment funds. Its in south bones all the names on the Interest Rate on a Corporate Bond is six and a half percent and thats quite high for german investors but from a Subsaharan African perspective six and a half percent is very low. Companies there often have to contend with double digit Interest Rates twenty to twenty five percent isnt unusual. So we weigh up the risks against the returns german investors seek. And was told. Some of his employees in germany among them engineers get paid the german minimum wage of just under nine year as an hour voluntarily that helps keep costs low schreiber pace himself an annual salary if the tween forty and fifty thousand euros. Right now business is beaming that risk needs to be factored into an attack on a plant could scare investors off the project altogether. Now you dont want to scare away your colleagues or boss because of the way you dress of work for what is suitable on the job when the dress code is smot casual or smart casual some companies have a dress down friday for example a regular viewers will already know our style guru and as usual he has some strong views on the matter. Actual. There is no such thing as a casual friday. Honestly casual friday is a myth that a lot nice monster. Free lunch or the city of beautiful old look at us. Just doesnt exist why would you lower your sartorial standards on a friday why not on a wednesday lets do. That. Its a conspiracy against the. Casual is for the home. If youre a man over thirty five and youre watching this video you probably understood a long time ago you look your very best in a well cut suit and. Wind serious Successful Companies force this nonsense on their employees is beyond me no question appears more often on the my videos than this one im not going to wear on a casual friday. One guy wrote to me from mexico and said in his company hes not even allowed to wear a suit on a friday while has the world comment. But i hear you so if you must go carol heres what you dont do do not ever wear anything you can wear a bra or to the. Train is all sleek as either ever jeans if permitted by your Stupid Company only darva denim will get no creased press faded no holds no action otherwise. Off why. In the summer or in climates in blue in colder climates grey flannel is the classiest option speaking of classic at. But like jump up theres always good casual it goes perfect the view of trusted navy blazer played for a while. But keep it simple and if youre feeling really long maybe a buck and dont call and. Talk and if you live with. The other members of the dress code brotherhood will appreciate it as a sign of your civil disobedience against the tyranny of bad taste that is casual friday. When a well gad says about me see you next time. You come. Home. The movietone time seems seems the best angel it also mentions mention. Of the four announcing. The celebration thinking small most relieving. The tourists a mule team and knows that from personal experience. In their lives a car like this. New romantics and thirty minutes. Takes football personally with the wonderful people and stories that make the games so special youre waiting. For the truth. Kickoff was. Introduced. To w. The dangerous battle for images. Five women. Five exceptional stories. A satire i want to look at the. Play and maybe nothing not easy one calling more photography dramatic pictures from the front lines capturing street film moments in time and even risking death. She gave her life to tell the stories of people who ended up. Playing women in war photographers starting may third on t w. Some people dont care about me. Because they dont see my beauty. Some people dont care about me because they think i have nothing to give. But two billion you can do. To them i am everything. Their home. Their food. Their livelihood. But day by day i disappear. And so does everything i gain. Two billion people care about me. Me me me. And now. French president emanuel mark wrong has been addressing the European Parliament in strasburg for the first time he urged europeans to reject populism and defend their democracy he warned that divisions in europe were becoming like a quote civil war. The u. S. State department has cast doubt on earlier reports that International Weapons inspectors have entered duma the site of an alleged chemical weapons attack in syria the u. S. Has accused the Syrian Government and its all i rush of delaying the visit and trying to

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