Therapies and approaches that offer hope. And heres your host dr costin like a tot. The movement walking one of the easiest things for the most of us patients with parkinsons disease have trouble doing it so they have to train it like here in the therapy got me what you can do about parkinsons disease is what im going to talk about today with dr events back here at the new logic a clinic in b. Thats high step in the ability welcome good shape. Parkinsons of the seas which can fortunately be treated well the fairy effect of drugs another thing which is equally important but maybe in. Yes norman is that patient themself can also be affected for instance by exercising physical parkinsons is one of the most frequent neurological diseases in the world more than four Million People suffer from it you cannot Cure Parkinsons disease but you can treat it with slowing down the decline and treating the symptoms. First i had problems maintaining my balance then my right arm stop swinging when i walked into. My fingers and hands became increasingly crowded and wouldnt always to do what i wanted them to do. And eventually i began to experience a slight tremor in my legs too and come down in the biden into this great show has parkinsons disease the fifty one year old was diagnosed with a condition sixteen years ago it had taken several years for it to be confirmed. Parkinsons is not easy to recognise especially when the person is still young. Dr thomas spoke to a neurologist in the german city of mines specializes in the disorder harkins on. Work and since disease is a slow progressing degenerative neurological condition the nerve cells in the brain age before their time and die off and its caused by a deficiency of the neurotransmitter dopamine in our bodies need to over mean to help control physical movements story to push the typical symptoms are muscle stiffness and if you are in many cases trembling in their hands or limbs and sit on the hidden. No one knows the exact cause of parkinsons disease but researchers do already know a great deal about the mechanisms that lead to the cell death theyre putting on this is it an infant parkinsons can be and hear ahead but thats more the exception than the rule for most cases or what is known as the sporadic form today we believe its caused by a particular genetic predisposition the external factors can also play a role such as exposure to pesticides or other toxins in. The fridge believes that toxins are responsible for his condition for years he worked as an auto mechanic. But also meat fish even and. Ive been exposed to several talks in this by Carbon Monoxide in the exhaust emissions of diesel and gasoline and im fine and they were the solvency has decided on coolants does and thats a crock tell me this to me doesnt keep it in germany up to two hundred thousand people are affected by the disorder more or less equally divided between men and women the main risk factor is age the chance of being diagnosed increases dramatically after sixty thats said around thirty percent of all star concerns patients are below the age of fifty some of my patients were diagnosed in their late twentys sponsorship consonant. With ray charles was thirty five years old when he was diagnosed with parkinsons. Since the condition causes different problems in young people than older ones he founded a Selfhelp Group called parkies under forty. Many early onset sufferers are afraid of being stigmatized at work theyre afraid that their relationships our marriages will fall apart theyre also afraid that they wont have enough Financial Security if they have to stop working. Its lungs. The medical treatment for parkinsons has so far been simply to treat the symptoms by compensating for the lack of dhobi much. Theres still no cure for parkinsons but medication and physical activity can offer patients some relief and he with dr events in the Movement Disorder clinic in billets hi and weve got music here patients doing exercises so what we see here well parkinsons is about movement or limb and one of the main problems of the patients is to initiate movements to find the right rhythm and music is an excellent medium to find back to health in those moods and many patients can have a lot more ability to dance. Compared to walking or they can better sing than speak and having a therapist who gives you some advice is of course is very helpful but its not mandatory you can do it also by yourself or there are internet sites where you could divide it wisest and how does it really help is the Movement Getting better after you start dancing or exercising your main parkinsons is getting more and more poverty of movement movements becomes smaller and slower and so by training with the help of music its a thing to again find larger movements quicker movements and a better coordination so theres another kind of therapy which is an exercise therapy you called big b. I g. Because its what we can see here him. Well this is a big means big its about big movements and this is a very strong training you have one hour before seeing a therapist its its quite strenuous its a real exercise and youre a bath and sweat afterwards but with this intensive training you can find back to more. Healthy movement so you can really see that all those small movements which are a sign of the parkinsons disease getting bigger after you train it you know its a matter of intensity its not done with von now or a couple of hours it must be in terms of feel its a minimum is sixteen hours training before one hour before the third person and in the timeframe of four weeks so this is usually sufficient to really recalibrate the patient to find knowledge in more Healthful Movement so if we dont have any big trainer in the vicinity where i live or where all of us live and we dont have any Music Therapy and can we do some kind of other sports and parkinsons disease i mean i always recommend doing some nice walk with the dog probably with the nordic walking states its efficient as well g. P. s are usually very reasonable people and the same what we recommend that i could nordic walking jogging swimming cycling so there are no real limits unless youre not able to do something but theres no reason to put yourself in the limits of this will say that this would be the next question any dangers involved in in recommending sports and exercise to parkinsons patients of course i mean if a patient has valens and is prone to falling in this case you should be careful not to do any exercise that puts him at risk to fall but apart from this you can do any sports and you can if an exercise is stronger than. Yeah. There are different options to treat parkinsons one since this exercise there a p the other is just plain medication and theres a third thing which is called deep brain stimulation this is actually cables and why is a putting into the patients brain connected to a pacemaker and it really helps patients with parkinsons disease. Stephanie was diagnosed with parkinsons disease when he was just thirty seven but despite his condition he still is. Able to cycle to work and lead a normal life in many other ways. When stephan was first told that he had the degenerative disease it was a dreadful shock. It helped with. That first i really couldnt get my head around it it was only at night that it really hit me i used to wake up weeping and then i slowly came to the realisation what it would mean for the future that i would have to give up many things. That ten years ago stephan was fitted with whats often called a brain pacemaker here in southern germany the procedure has helped him remain so active if it switched off his symptoms reappear. The brain pacemaker works by sending electrical impulses that block signals from particular parts of the brain deep brain stimulation is now being used to treat patients it earlier and earlier stages of the disease. Its been shown that the life quality of young patients with pacemakers in particular is significantly better than that of young patients who normally receive medication. Ato clacked is also set to benefit from the technology in four weeks time hell be fitted with a brain pacemaker he hopes that it will make his life a lot easier. Makes you one able to do anything anymore and you cant thank you cant even draw a line on a piece of paper its so frustrating. In germany some eight hundred patients receive brain pacemakers every year and new age generations of implants are becoming increasingly sophisticated. But level of. Currently were trying to adapt the pacemaker to only send impulses when necessary rather than the whole time. You want to get these model should be ready in four or five years making the treatment of parkinsons symptoms even more effective in the future. Because horton without the pacemaker i cant imagine what it would be like to leave the house or even get up and like two completely different people with and without it. Being talked about but weve got a patient with deep brain stimulation here thanks for joining us many patients put high hopes on to those kind of surgery deep brain stimulation so what kind of patients can use this treatment well paradoxically its exactly those patients who have excellent drug effects its not the patients who have sometimes who can be the company solve by anything but the patients which have a good drug effect but which is unstable so patients have response fluctuations they turn from off where their cant move to on when they can move and this up and down this very strange fall for patients in this situation brain stimulator can provide more stable most state of movement so you can actually turn off the deep brain stimulation right now. We can see how your tremor is after switching the thing off if you agree so is it ok for me ok. So using this device here no youre turning off the brain stimulation. And we can see the shaking its getting harder so this is very exhausting substring. It so the talking is difficult and so you can switch it on again. And this is the effect we see after the deep brain stimulation oh its getting better. Its really good that you there that youve got this one is as good as as good as it is about to happen. The normal Gold Standard and treating parkinsons disease is medication so what kind of options to have while we still use leave it open which was introduced into parkinson therapy fifty years ago which is very effective but after some years of treatment becomes unstable when its a fact so you need to develop response fluctuations and patients get off the thing cant move them to get on again and can move again in the internet you can now see video of the patient with parkinsons disease who is using mariana to cure his symptoms and actually it seems to be quite effective so could mariana be treated option well actually i think this is sort of a hyper which is presently occurring of mariana this video probably shows more the vanished in effect of four and it would open those which more than cannabis reflects and there are about four controlled studies assessing the effects of cannabis and parkinsons and they do not provide a very consistent effectiveness so i dont think cannabis will help very natural and parkinsons treatment parkinsons disease not only affects all people it effects younger people to around the age of forty and weve got a viewer question from nigeria jeremy that she wants to. No if american Football Players or boxes have a higher risk of developing parkinsons disease its not cos its not but you can see boxing or football playing has the parkinsons disease in this individual person but talking about probabilities and risks its true. Thanks so much for inviting me today into it thanks for so much for showing us the effect of the surgery and if youve got any questions you like me to ask our experts to write to me and. An upcoming show well be focusing on facia. Fibrous connective tissue around all our muscles and organs will be talking about their medical significance if you have questions on the right who was sat in good shape at d w dot com just put facia in the subject line were looking forward to hearing from you. Up till the sixtys. Was considered healthy food but then the doctor said i can cause heart attacks and arthrosclerosis and they said you should stick to margarine instead now we know margarine has its problems too and its not always the healthy choice and there are different kinds of magic. What should one spread on blunts of bread and butter. Or perhaps margarine instead. They look similar they are both almost pure fat but there are nonetheless major differences. But which of these are not as we know its in butter his its a natural product and it tastes good whose margarine is artificial we have to add vitamins to replace the ones that are destroyed in the manufacturing process we have to add color and flavors and preservatives these are all reasons not to choose margarine feeley. Butter is made with dairy cream and is full of saturated fats they tend to raise the l. D. L. Or bad cholesterol level in your blood which is a risk factor for Heart Disease margarine was invented in the Nineteenth Century the process of hydrogenation turns liquid Vegetable Oil solid or semi solid that makes margarine spread of all that might sound healthy enough but there are issues. Margarine often contains cheap oils such as palm oil or Sunflower Oil which contain a lot of a make a six fatty acid and not much omega three. From the omega six is not good for you but omega three is. I recommend margarine made with rapeseed oil or olive oil. Is. Good oils help protect your heart and order rays the bad ones do the opposite in European Union countries for example the Nutrition Information on margarine labels is often inadequate it doesnt have to specify which particular oils are in the product you can just say it contains Vegetable Oil another problem is the presence of trans fats and margarine they arent good for you there are a byproduct of the process of partial hydrogenation to make margarine semi solid it is however possible to make margarine without trans fats some brands dont contain these harmful substances. Butter or margarine its not possible to say one is clearly and always better than the other. To complicate matters further there are products that combine butter with heart healthy omega three from other sources not hydrogenated and without any trans fat and i can i tell my patients who do not have any disorder of their liberty metabolism who in that respect are healthy to eat what they like butter with added rapeseed oil for example or margarine is also an acceptable alternative. Its different for people with a cardiovascular disease or at risk of developing one at the Nutrition Department at this clinic in berlin and the recommendation is to stay away from butter because of the saturated fats but also to stay away from margarine that claims to lower blood cholesterol doesnt stuff you do and it does contain substances that have been shown to lower about cholesterol but theyre not good for the body they can damage the author feeding. The clinic says if you do eat margarine you should choose kinds with a high proportion of heart healthy oils the Food Industry is coming up with new recipes all the time so remember to check the nutrition labels when you are out shopping. With me and here are some facts from the world of medicine. Its a fact the liver filters around two thousand liters of blood every day thats one and a half leaders every minute one of its jobs is to remove toxins that enter the body when we consume food alcoholic beverages and medication. The liver breaks down toxins into less poisonous compounds so that they can be eliminated safely from the body the liver also asked to convert many nutrients before the body can make use of them its the organ thats most heavily involved in metabolism. Being headache runny nose sneezing and coughing when an elegy hits you its your immune system which is going wild in many cases this is caused by house dust that was mites living in your bed and living in your sheets and you can try to get rid of them by washing the sheets with sixty degree celsius which is roughly one hundred forty degrees fahrenheit and if this doesnt help go and see your doctor and get yourself humanised. You might think youre on your own but likely as not youre sharing your bed with countless uninvited guests house dust mites a tiny you can find up to ten thousand of them in just one gram of just. Child bearing man has an allergy to these creatures he suffered for many years the symptoms are worst at night and in the morning. Actually finish normally up more than i was during the day i would breathe normally but when i went to bed at night my sinuses would fella and i got a stuffed up nose on the country and then i would start to snore i would wake up several times a night and be totally wrecked the next morning. Typical symptoms of a house just allergy bellmans lung specialist recommended desensitization therapy. If the allergy isnt treated the symptoms can spread from the upper risperidone tracked down into the bronx. Allergic asthma can ensue. Sensitization to house dust mite is the house dust my allergy is probably the most common and serious and dangerous of allergies. Worldwide its been estimated that up to fifty percent of children with asthma are sensitized to dust mites and among adults the figure is more like eighty five percent. Its hard to avoid dust mites completely in fact its almost impossible. They feed on flakes of skin but when people crank up the heating in winter the atmosphere gets too dry and the might start. When their droppings disintegrate allergens are set free. Allergy test yielded a clear diagnosis bellman was allergic to house dust mites and certain grasses. His doctor set out the options regarding desensitization therapy which is also called allergen immunotherapy. Other sleep that i there are three forms of immunotherapy. First via the subcutaneous injection of allergens. This can only be done in a doctors office. Second via drops under the tongue and third tablets you let dissolve under the tongue me. One advantage of the injection method is that the dosage can be customized but you have to go to the doctors every four weeks over the course of the therapy patients can take the drops and tablets at home what hell is the thing the side effects are less severe with tablets than injections the. Doc to focus your hands and recommends a new kind of tablet for house dust mite allergy thats also effective against allergic asthma. You can years of work you know give this drug to patients with asthma thats hard to manage that used to be a reason not to give them allergy meds now we can and these are the patients who need the most. Talk to you hand christian their child has conducted a study of patients who are allergic to house dust mites and went on to develop allergic asthma as a consequence their business to do it who is the real breakthrough is that this study showed for the first time. That this new drug can reduce asthma attacks on patients who are sensitized to house dust mites. Until now the lung specialists have been very wary of conducting dust mite desensitisation therapy because of the significant side effects including even allergic shock. From shocks me. Went for the treatment option with tablets the very first one he swallowed at his doctors practice in case he had an allergic reaction. Hes been taking one a day for three months now. And then surely he was bothered by one side effect. Some response him it into clippings or dusty at first so they really irritated my throat. But then i got used to them and now im virtually symptom free. Knowledge in immunotherapy takes three to four years then man would be sure his allergy is gone until the treatment is over. Thats it for today for more information about health and fitness join our Facebook Community its a vivid community discussing all topics about health and fitness and nutrition see you next week and until then lets all try to stay in good shape. For sarah willis for. Us to. Join her journey as musical discover. My musical home the feel of mourning in berlin one hundred one musicians a music lovers not professionals from thirty Different Countries formed a very special orchestra in the b. Field orchestra conducted by simon rattle. To the. Euro max this weeks highlights. And see your presents its luxurious cruise to. The sea fish leather as the fashion industry hopes. And by the water the classic miniature car show and play the ball. The romance in thirty minutes on t. W. We make up oh but we watch as of africa and up much of. The summer some of the same. Want to shape the continents future its harder to enjoy now youngsters as they share their stories their dreams and their challenges the seventy seven percent platform for africa charge. Was. My. Thanks to. All we can be the generation that ends it for good malaria must start so millions can live. Move. To. L. A. Fresh allegations that im going to mug who knew about problems at the german Refugee Agency the german chancellor is undefine off to shes accused of failing to react to reports that the agency was struggling to process the side of claims also coming up a survivors of the affluent a School Shooting for paris a graduate thousands take to the streets in u. S. Cities to protest gun violence and call for stricter gun laws we report from new york

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