Of children are forced to work in the farming sector. Every child is entitle to Happiness Health and an education but thats denied to many girls and boys instead of going to school theyre forced to work to help support their families despite the fact that child labor is officially banned in almost all countries images like these are widespread according to the United Nations childrens Agency Unicef there are 152000000 child laborers worldwide more than 70 percent of them work in the Agriculture Sector as well as in the Service Sector and industry nearly all the worlds nations have agreed to aim to end all forms of child labor by 2252025. 00 thats just 6 years from now. Its 10 oclock in the morning in the hover in play. In southeastern turkey noah is 11 years old and should be in school just like most of his 9 brothers and sisters but every year they missed several weeks of school because their family needs them to go out and harvest cotton. Later in the school year and may well miss another month of school because the help will be needed to harvest apricot. Fish. Yet as of the work is quite hard. To get we have to pick cotton for the entire day. Its tough. Neverless told us just as there is 16 years old she tells us she hasnt been to school a tool since she was in the 5th grade. Hi adam gopnik i dreamed of becoming a doctor. Or it was very important to me. Mobile high and i really wanted to go to school because. Who wants to know im very sad that i cant fulfill my dream. But im sad that because of this cotton i cant go to school. To go. To a kitchen lul actually phantoms most forms of child labor children are required to be in school up to the age of at least 15 but here in the higher end playing the authorities have never really come down on child labor no less and sarahs father of losing choco by sends all his children to work in the fields over the course of the school year money is tight and he sees no alternative charges to ben and what other solution is there if the state would help us out it would be different but as it is if we dont all work we wont get by. Those on very low incomes can get state help in some cases but the amount varies and it doesnt necessarily increase with the size of the family as a result tens of thousands of families are forced to put their children to work Regional Development experts said fenech has spent years studying the problem he says many families simply have no choice he warns missing jacobite that he could be fined for not sending his children to school or apologise for disasters from the if we dont work how can i provide for the children and send them to school at all how can i buy food for them where would we get bread or double of them. That i will make i get that im a little benny and asks if you knows about the penalty for child labor. Yes i know about it but we have no choice what else can we do. A check up by family is no exception one turkish labor union estimates that around 2000000. 00 children are forced to work on a regular basis just to survive half a 1000000 of them in agriculture the czech abayas have no land of their own they have to give 30 percent of their income to the landowner. Even once they get home the childrens work is still not done. There is father appears to have told her off for talking to us so openly out in the field perhaps he is worried because he was warned he might have to pay a fine. Now she tells us she does go to school but she still has the tears in her eyes. And children dont spend their childhood and adolescence in school where they belong but out in the fields working temperatures can rise to 50 degree celsius or doctors have diagnosed child workers with sunburn and sicknesses contracted from insects out in the field. Or psychological problems because of the heavy workload. And its not just this generation the parents and grandparents of these children experienced the same thing at all times. We contacted turkeys governing party to ask what is being done to tackle the problem of child labor but we got no answer and the for years president. Has touted turkeys economic upturn citing wage increases and the building of new roads and turkey is indeed one of the g 20 states but its yet to stamp out child labor. These images also show forced labor under inhumane conditions they date back more than a century to colonial africa and era in which the Land Resources and artworks were plundered from much of the continent. Only only administrators and ethnologists brought huge numbers of african Cultural Treasures to europe. Ready Londons British Museum has 200000 artworks from africa and its collection. The royal museum for Central Africa and were brussels has 180000 works. And berlins new Humboldt Forum will feature 75000. 00 african art objects but what should be done with the new. Artifacts. Europes Ethnological Museum collections are full of objects that were plundered from africa simply taken or gained through underhand means other items were bought or bartered by european explorers some 80 percent of africas historical art is thought to be in europe including some of the most Iconic Museum pieces. Should it be given back. Yes a lot of it works taken without consent thats the conclusion of a groundbreaking study of europes colonial era acquisitions the proposals put forward by french art historian Benedict Savoie and the senegalese scholar philip when sour could have far reaching consequences for. Their report was commissioned by french president emmanuel mock home hes pledged to begin repatriating stolen artworks to africa within 5 years. We really hope that mccalls announcements on our report wont just be empty words but will have real consequences. It doesnt only apply to france but to many european countries. They are also invited to look at their colonial past and above all about their present relations with africa which are still shaped by colonialism in my eyes this is absolutely fundamental that. France is leading the way but what about the other former colonial powers. Belgium too has a problematic legacy. The famous royal museum for Central Africa just outside brussels recently reopened after undergoing an extensive make over. It was long overdue. The museum features a magnificent collection of artifacts it was long criticized for being an exhibition of colonial propaganda now it refer. Its the african point of view and highlights the atrocities of belgiums colonial past the museums director general is not ruling out returning artifacts to africa. Obviously i agree with prism micro when he says those sort of normal though they do percent of the African Cultural Heritage is in europe so we have to open the debate clearly the moral owner of these objects all the african countries themselves and its their histories their culture its their identity so we need to assure exist but thats taking step by step and look fall into the trap of. Say all of the 10525000 objects of the ruin should return to congo i dont think anybodys asking for it oh god does not have a National Museum so far but we do not it will have one probably dont win opens the end of next year the moment its a different situation so we can discuss. Critics say its all just delaying tactics they want to get things moving now they argue that for too long its been the former colonial powers who have dictated what happens acting as though they were superior rather than taking responsibility for the sins of the past. The report could also have repercussions for germany berlins Bowden Museum is currently showing highlights of the german capital selection of african art. Soon the works are set to move to the newly rebuilt berlin city palace or Humboldt Forum. But here too there is growing public debate over the exhibits the head of the foundation that runs berlins museums believes more research is needed to ascertain which objects were obtained illegally. When he owns its you do we just want to wash our hands of it or do we want to develop a new kind of cooperation as he has called for new International Guidelines for the restitution of artifacts. One thing seems clear action is needed the question is whether frances initiative will prompt europe to now begin to redress some of the injustices of the past. Has become a Global Industry many of us eat it every day but not many people know where chocolate comes from and under what conditions the cocoa used to make it is grown. Our reporter was in ghana the worlds 2nd biggest exporter of cocoa for our global ideas series she traveled to the a district where Cocoa Farmers have to grapple with a number of problems. Its with a heavy heart that. Is setting to work. Hes cutting down cocoa trees in one part of his plantation. That never properly because of the virus. This is no good for harvesting we cant process it its spoiled. Swollen shoot virus is the name of the disease thats affecting his trees but its not his only problem. All of this is part of my farm i planted plant chain cocoa another crops here just like elsewhere on the farm but the timber contractors have cleared everything and they didnt even compensate me. Many Timber Companies in ghana are involved in illegal deforestation charles breath from the n. G. O. S and he is working with the farmers to at least ensure they dont further exacerbate the problem. We have farm is through. The farm going to. The can really benefit from the water and not to move into the about. What we are seeing the big Timber Companies also trying to degrade the forest and doing this cutting off rocks without really replacing his dutch ngo has rented farm land on the edge of the forest for the past 2 years theyve run a tree nursery here. Or london or some man who was among those who were given seedlings from the nursery. Left by here. The ngo has given him tips on how to boost the growth of his trees damp sections of banana trunks for example can help to strengthen the roots hes also learned how to treat the stumps of the disease trees that hes chopped down. I used to decide to kill off the stump so that he can regenerate otherwise it couldnt fail to new trees that ive planted you have to use herbicide to kill the entire system i didnt realise that before i say. But its not been easy for the ngo that 1st many farmers were skeptical about the experts from the city but that changed as the ngo won some powerful allies. Is a respected and successful cocoa farmer a few years ago he gave his plantation an overhaul chopping down the older trees and planting new ones. 5000. 00 even though hes an expert when it comes to cocoa farming hes not that fond of chocolate hed rather have a plate of rice to eat. If there really were our preferred food was when we did it. Through one yes a frog well for dog. Through our worst food in the capital across this company is trying to change that view to hoping to inspire god hands with exotic creations like hibiscus chocolate. If none of that very helpful read to them and that how we end up developing a lot of our labor we at 1st did it and then we have the. People who pay for our i pad product but the handmade chocolate produced here is more of a luxury product that will sell mainly in the capital or go straight to export to sr set up the company about 2 years ago since then they faced many challenges ranging from constant Power Outages to corrupt officials who made life difficult for the small company. But theyre determined to keep on with their luxury chocolate and not just leave the field to the big multinational food companies. It takes a lot of endurance to definitely run a chocolate business here. And just to represent using our resources at home to actually produce the finished care back to western ghana and orlando as mana with his family this year one kilo of dried cocoa beans will earn him the equivalent of one year of tea but only if the quality is right. As in the case of this pod. Yes. So many of the parts in my harvest have been spoiled. The good ones like this are few and far between but. If you look at parts like this one you think you have a large but actually you havent. Fallen no as man who is in a difficult position his new trees arent yet bearing fruit and the more established ones arrive the diseased will no longer producing good cocoa pods in sufficient quantity but his farm is at least on the road to recovery. Once harvested the beans are left to ferment for a week under banana leaves at the plantation then they spend another week laid out on stands in the village to dry in the sun. The farmers pack the beans in 64. 00 kilos sacks and sell them to companies licensed by the state everything is regulated centrally including the amount of money they get for each sack. For this year there was no price because the market price was falling. Fortunately the government. Producer price of so. Money has been kept at the same rate as last year but the challenge for farmers is to keep up that supply Company Workers check the moisture content of the sacks and grade them according to the size and weight of the beans. All the sacks stored here are destined for export which commands much higher prices. Back in orlando as miners willage theres bad news the engineers project which has helped the farmer so much is due to end the farmers have come together for a meeting at the local church. Where come new to community they all want the Development Project to continue and come with your concerns very seriously i understand that you want the project to be extended for one or 2 years i will forward this information to our donors i hope that something can be done but unfortunately i cant promise you anything right now. At least the ngo is promising to continue advising the farmers. From cocoa to another popular plant marijuana or hemp known by its latin name cannabis some 200000000 people around the world consume it so many ask why not legalize it after all cannabis has a long history it was smoked in china 5000 years ago. In ancient egypt the pharos swear by its medicinal effects. In the middle ages the crusaders brought him to monastic gardens in europe from there it spread to the americas in europe why the sale of cannabis was illegal until 2017. Martin collapse so does not want us to say exactly where we are behind this election fight fence is the marijuana plantation he attends with the other members of his cannabis club. From growing and consuming recreational kind of under strict conditions has been legal in here a guy since 2017. More and more people here except cannabis. Has consumers we now have the same rights as everyone else who consumes other drugs such as alcohol and tobacco no more should be. Secure storage of his kind of this club contains last years harvest more than 120 kilos sorted by variety some mild some strong. There for the exclusive use of the 45 members of the club thats the law. Hes going to deliver a batch of the homegrown week to the club in the capital montevideo a laboratory analyzes samples and the individual packs are clearly labeled as to content and strength but. Its a radical change that we can now grow it legally we used to have to buy cannabis smuggled in from paraguay illegally from dealers it was extremely unhealthy the quality was terrible. But ill tell you. The crowd watches a stock on natural screens in the heart of the city sipping marty and smoking weed. These days its a common scene in europe why. And the police dont bat an eyelid. Consumers who dont grow their own weed either by themselves or in a club by eat at a pharmacy. Alongside their meds and Health Care Products youd expect to see here theres more to pipes and cigarette papers than of that kind of its paraphernalia. He uses 1st have to register with the authorities before they can actually find marijuana. This is my 1st time buying dope at a pharmacy im going to enjoy it straight away. And this is going to have to go to shady dives to get weed on the black market it wasnt easy and it was dangerous to give clarity to. The pharmacists have to do an id take on anyone who wants to buy cannabis thumb scan links to the official database of registered users. Theyre allowed to buy up to 10 grams a week purchases are record it. Wouldnt give me any i must have already bought some this week though i cant remember what funny i must have forgot im a bit absent minded if. This is one of the few pharmacies in the country that have agreed to sell marijuana. Among the general public the legalization of marijuana has been widely accepted even among conservatives but of course theres been opposition still europe why has stuck to the policy. It was the 1st country to legalize pot and the move hasnt led to may have more chaos though some people still think its dangerous if the dope heads are totally out of it all the time. They might kill or steal or rape. Things are totally out of control. Yet. They change the law. But i dont see whats so good about that. No their. Drugs council is the division of the president ial Office Secretary general says opinion polls indicate that when it comes to legalizing marijuana more people are in favor and opposed. That decision was absolutely democratic. Drug dealing on the black market remains illegal. What is now legal is Cannabis Consumption with the help of state registered producers and users. As a state monitor closely. With respect to money laundering. But the black market in other drugs has not yet been white. Lassoed used to come painful legalization. Of this kind of base club. For some of the tensions at home. For those who live here. My parents grew up under the military dictatorship. I grew up in a democracy. But ive seen over the past 15 years how the conflict between the generations or has declined which i want to. Hear from the. My family were all outraged when kind of this with legalized i was thrilled but i didnt tell them he said and when he went. With you required that the way in legalizing marijuana its an ongoing experiment and the results are not yet. But. C thats all from global 3000 today but well be back next week with more stories send us your thoughts and comments below. 3000 and d w dot com see you soon. As long as. I live just another day nothing would change you know the banks claim you know why and so was the language of a bank money. Speaking the truth. That matters w. For minds. Carefully. To get. Discovered. The be. Subscribe to dummy documentary on you tube. Robots are still in the Development Phase of sleep but whats going to happen when they grow up. Will schumanns and mission in spring able to peacefully coexist. For good are we on the verge of collapse play if we just bumble into this totally unprepared with our heads in the sand fusing to think about what could go wrong then the face of this probably going to be the biggest mistake in human history. Artificial intelligence is now spreading throughout our society. Is this the beginning of a cogent digital age. Will we be subjected to continuous state surveillance look ai will experts be able to agree on technical guidelines or will Just Technology create deadly new autonomous weapons systems. Claim. Robot collapse starts aug 14th on t. W. Place. To place. Blame. This is it a meaningless life or. And russian Opposition Leader alexina volley is this charge from the hospital but what made him sick in the 1st place his doctor claims he was poisoned with a toxic agent of all these now back in prison after suffering an allergic reaction also coming up an 8 year old boy is pushed onto the tracks struck and killed by a train at frankfurts main station and suspect is being questioned by police also china condemns the mt goldman protests

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