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Say. Isnt it time for good news go out africa people and projects that are changing no one fireman for the better its up to us to make a difference he could go to benghazi d. W. Bush doesnt germany is a strong country. That we have achieved so much we can do this and if something hinders us we must overcome it. Going where its uncomfortable global news that matters w made for mines. Consumption of any. Water and decrease the amount of waste and. The target is to keep as much water as possible on the property and to have infiltrate right here so to not lose it to the river and then not to lose it to the ocean. Because theres a shortage of sweet water we need to keep that within our system we need to keep it on the island we need to retain it push it into the ground and use it here where we need it most and right here what you can see is that theres a lot of water coming down from the slide to push the people that are coming down in the tubes down the slide with a lot of velocity and obviously that means that a lot of water has to come in to this calling here and as that water fills it up continuously it goes into these drain pipes here and this drains into a catchment and so what we were doing is were directing that overflow could actively tackle so we came up with as you go talk to. As a set of solutions for Hotels Resorts players in the Tourism Industry to tackle those challenges were running around studying properties and talking to people and continue to looking at the problem and we had this moment where the o. T. S. Makes complete sense so were saving the money and then theyre paying us for the savings what would you really think about the situation in bahrain is comparable to all the just nations in the world well certainly i mean if we start looking at Tourism Destinations in asia or all over the world and i mean we can talk about florida we can talk about california we can talk about thailand bangkok with all of these cities and destinations where tourism goes they have a lot of people consuming a finite resource and the biggest problem is that theres not enough water to feed all these people and so what we see in these big cities is there is Water Shortages theres Land Substance and Salt Water Intrusion thats what we have in many coastal and its only. Those women on the road all of us awful to me me. Me and. The bankers im concerned. Burn we all. I think its we showed. You in the film the men and. Then beyond you in the lead off ball. I remember my grandma was coming from the mountain to get the water from the valley to bring it up and everybody hotdogs and when i went to new zeland in Nine Hundred Sixty nine everything was just saw like heaven it turned out that it got hot water and. Three problems if im to going to be delivering one to the hill wife over there oh im going to be just going to go up or this is going to fall six hundred metres six hundred yes Thats Incredible Yeah yeah thats how fast the really differ on the a six hundred metres. And nobody there have to go here in order to get an order six hundred Million People are thought over here to get water. And save people and its really slippery i can tell you yeah. Interesting is a good song is as good as all of us i can hear when amanda says all the modality of long the alpha moves and. Contain all for them use. Of force in the house of harness. On doesnt do all bending it was on a piece boston for any good bands if you type it all falling for the phone do this it is a. On been done right thing to them before to the leiden stuff d. D. Subsidy mentioned siblings into going through so far im fucking in this towards as in vietnam vets and what about on us mom on this you lot of i must call more limited than you have until we get on board from france and said he and his toy is going to dog comes on my leg from it schools are today. Your blood going to but that is because it would have made me i have been a million so happy even when i. Got some play on the a lot of them but then that is a guy. Who goes home siac well how do you think the markets are selling what is going to develop in indonesia. But i knew. When he got a muslim. Been. Smoking how do. You say i have a lot of yeah. So is water Good Business to be in yes of us out on the other. But up on my back if i could feel the need to say i wish i could be seen by. People to feel them. Securely hardly. The i t. V. This year florida was about honesty given. So much ive heard t. Feels good to talk about to call from stamford. To Act Out For Good would you want to do it before the long. Prison youre going to vote. Does make a mess id studied this total productive. Up to food to flushing some coffee. Its a basic human right to have access to water and what were seeing with privatization of Water Resources is that were losing that access to this basic human right and is creating additional issues visual stresses on the environment and on society. We see the effects of the system taking place its just whole the system is designed today that. Its kind of optimizing for the return of the vest and not carrying a bald substandard bill to you know all the things how could we actually. Expect it to change without having the system to be changed i think like a reason weve. Followed our passes is working with properties in the like we said before we can Design Systems into the properties so that they create a surplus and that surplus can be shared with the community so lets not just look at creating surpluses in the form of money lets look at creating surpluses in the form of water. And maybe you could also add on the local scale there needs to be more democracy which kind of close the loop and saying that we have a beautiful model in bali. Where we have the traditional. Where we have a traditional democracy. Because the water Irrigation Systems that we have in bali that distributes water for the rice fields its organized in a very democratic way thats connected through culture and religion into the villages. It was created about a thousand years ago and it is really the reason why bali has prospered and is what it is today. Wholl. Listen to. Him. In a way there needs to be a merging of the principles of socialism and principles of democracy. To maintain resources because its something for the people belonging to the people and the wealth created from those resources to be used for the people. I go to. Africa all countries in the South Pacific and i go through all three thailand for. China i think its all together for people that i have. It we do our. Own finding what learn to manage what. Learn to protect the. Rebirth or learn how to recycle water probably any energy that we have any idea that we have in order to sell what we have there will be worthwhile project. This is the Hydraulic Ram farm to import. Which is making this bomb working. Which is here again with up and down and this. Here the bunk of it is to create the water hammer so once you are flooded the water into the palm and then that would drag this. To sound like this which is creating what we call the water hammer and the higher and higher then bringing the water in one way valve and then. When they compress by the water and then the air is pushing it back in here but this while here will not allow it to go back so the only way for the war that the go is through this outlet and go up to the top. Is considered. For music. And this is this in this from. On i need to design a loop in the past. Couple of. Days of. This. Year so i mentioned the guns toy guns first in the end and last moments taking one hundred. Or so on but the finding soon is as. Im for the take this thing is good. But as it goes on for tyler has been lost to put going to doff of one of the. On ice is. Not so innocent and if you got. Into this business in the shuffle i did a google. Were. Learning the words in the boat in bali and this is a coworking space its one of its values first coworking space also the biggest court in space and probably one of the most well known coworking spaces in the world because all you got started here is what we actually. Basically went through our breakout stage here for a week before we had an office and we only had an idea of this is one of the places where we need to work right here you know right here this table what you got thing is that is that hard to start a start up here in indonesia very. The Legal Framework for startups here doesnt really exist its very difficult to get through the legal requirements to set up a company nisha. As a foreigner the only way to do it is a big f. B. I. Company a big Foreign Direct Investment company and you require a large start up capital and youve got to show that to the government and weve gone through the legal notions of setting up a limited and you know having an Accounting System and doing all that Ministration Doing Everything by an asian law. And for us being a start up company here that already have gone through the first steps its a great go to place where we can meet again with people and also find new inspiring ideas and also talent that can help us you know get to the next stage is. Everything is water. The world is water food systems water. There is no life without water. So it matters to all of us. I think our overall ignorance is. The core of the problem. Raising awareness and starting to work towards solutions and start investing our time to take care of water is a resources where the solution. Were not going to solve the worlds Water Problem but weve chosen our battle here in bali we we know what the problem is and and were working on it you know every day. Maki omes from school. Team your own business so mom im sitting on a dang visor and im going on a government run flung study from seed. This is true because in five of us of all not sitting in the frenzy to montoyas all odds and best let us be in the gospel no school. My money. And. Im not to be doing him out of. Thank you gibbs. Yes the but. The be. Subdued fyi. The be. The big. Deal. Theyre black and living in germany shes reminded of what that means on a daily basis presenter john updike is if you see the odd stereotypes about africa it would see if she travelled across germany to meet other black people and to hear their stories. Somalia do something for your country but youre still the black eyed. Afro germany. In fifteen minutes on d w. Crime fighters the new season of Radio Crime Thrillers begins. In the. Ocean Domestic Violence cyber and Human Trafficking for investigative cases that will keep you on your toes. Stories of the best idea ever so every young person needs to listen to Crime Fighter and share tell a friend tell us. Crime fighters dont miss it. Your homeland. Because of persecution and society starting from scratch in an unfamiliar country. Hows that supposed to work. Five lives finally people who found a new home in a foreign land. With their stories books and music theyve built bridges to the past. And the future. Starting december seventeenth. You. May know. They know locally. And soon theyll even know how we feel oh im not a real person im still just a piece of. Scientists around the world are working to measure our emotion. So hopefully i can be a helpful piece of saltless. The fortunate person as

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