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Youre. Going to tell you account. For the last sixty. Four mines. You accidentally shot at some. Time in the field. Can you get out. With code telling syria. This week on d w. Welcome to focus on europe i Michelle Henery turkey is only weeks away from snap elections called by the ruling party in april whoever is elected will assume sweeping powers critics say president. The clear favorite is the term and to use the upcoming vote to once and for all silence any dissenting voices these turks are part of the glenn movement a group that is openly critical of arda one despite living and working in kosovo they were kidnapped and returned against their will to turkey. President earlier one blames the preacher at the two legoland for the coup attempt in turkey in the summer of Two Thousand And Sixteen amid a wide ranging Government Crackdown on dissent that led to the imprisonment of many of his followers thousands fled abroad turkeys Extradition Requests are often viewed with skepticism in the west particularly since comments network is not considered militant thats why this recent abduction in kosovo has left many people wondering how far will order one go. It took only seconds the teacher from turkey bundled into a car by water believed to be elite Kosovar Police on behalf of turkish intelligence. The abduction took place just outside capitol prishtina. The crime was caught on Surveillance Cameras on The Morning Of March the twenty ninth it plunged the kosovo government into chaos. Yes im in quetta bina the wife of the victim and also a teacher was on her way to school with her family when her husband was snatched before her eyes copyright shiro covers the jag my son from the car you know if you know you can hear i ran after them. They had him by the throat and threw him to the ground but i ran to him and in the meantime there overpowered my husband i tried to help him too i was flagging down cars on the road and crying for help but. She now knows that her husband was brought to turkey along with four a third of the population. So france claims to be a defender of human rights and democracy but were being pushed against the wall. Well we need our own economy and our own businesses with our friends. So more than half of young corsicans think and vote like these students they want corsica to go its own way. John wants out right independence. Like a big family a course that exists on its own. He denies that such separatist ambitions are a step backward quite the contrary in fact. As the young generation we have to fight this fight. Because we want to determine our own future. Conquered republic was one of the first places in the western world to Grant Women Suffrage her sisters mothers and cousins are all proud of elisa and her work that too is a type of corsica nationalism. Air pollution affects most urban areas in britain but london is hardest hit by the end of january this year a major road in the capital had already reached its annual legal limit for toxic Nitrogen Dioxide high levels of the noxious gas are estimated to cost thousands of early deaths a year across the nation spurred on by European Union targets the government is now taking action by Two Thousand And Twenty half of the more than Twenty Thousand taxis across london will abandon traditional Diesel Engines for electric ones londons famous black caps are going green. Steve kenton is proud to be a london taxi driver hes been behind the wheel of one of the citys Iconic Black Cabs for twenty seven years now and he loves his job. When you look at. Pictures of lund whether it be unfair or what you say is Telephone Box in black taxis identify like you know when when you see one of these vehicles you automatically know that youre in london but a change is coming to combat Air Pollution london is spacing out diesel powered cabs as of Twenty Eighteen only eat cabs are issued new Operating Licenses not to everyones liking. If you lose the Lawsons London taxi you lose part of londons identity is. So recognisable londons black cabs have cult status but there are also major polluters unlike these new cabs Paul Chrysostom who drives one of them the quiet and much cleaner than diesel powered taxis and much more. Weve got the door open in completely the opposite direction. Past is coming this way so they can get fit and it would bear our traffic. U. S. P. Poor here what for as well its all connected over here controlled by the driver you have the power of a roof or a good seeing the sights along the. Its been a revolution custom actually for the bentley because the badge looks a little bit lighter and seats are as i always use taxi or were in a bentley was it was a little bit you know the experience was completely different so yeah its been its been different steve cantons older diesel taxi cant compete with these kinds of fancy features all he can do is keep his cab spotless hes all for cleaner air too but thinks the new luxurious for london and at a cost of about twenty five percent more than regular diesel cabs too expensive a Sixty Two Thousand pounds vehicle which is what the new taxi is to put perspective it puts it into the same price correct as a matter of say or a mid range porsche a hefty price tag but london has the ambitious goal of becoming a zero emission city by twenty fifty the government gives the grant amounting to One Thousand Five Hundred euros towards buying a new. And Paul Chrysostom says he saves on fuel this is a Car America Moment but you can see that. Theres a. Thats the charging point. Finding a Charging Station can be difficult as a backup he cant also runs on gasoline but soon enough hes found a spot to recharge his battery he saves an additional One Hundred Euros each week because recharging the battery is cheaper than filling up on fuel but it requires patience. How long does he usually have to wait. And see and forty five minutes to pin on how much you may see how much you want to charge him for the charges to be site i would say thirty four forty five minutes and how much does he save for its three lb i am six pounds depending on the provider youre using. Jim im a heartsore and wants dirty diesel cabs to disappear from the. Ondon streets sooner rather than later shes concerned about the health of londons children which is why she founded the mums for lungs initiative. Into a long like Council Templer On Traditional Black Cabs are among the biggest contributors to Nitrogen Oxides and fine particle emissions in Central London theyre all diesel powered. So its great theyll gradually disappear from our streets but every one of those old taxis has a fifteen year operating losses. So it will be twenty thirty three before theyre all replaced by each taxis. But steve kenton thinks the change is happening too fast he feels overwhelmed and hes not alone. One of his colleagues owns Eighty Diesel powered cabs and a garage to service them hes worried he would have to start from scratch when theyre banned from London Streets which i personally have about One Hundred Fifty Thousand pounds if the government wanted to come in or give me a grower or i could see the state of the trade be able to study me spending that money and earning it back potentially at this moment and so im not. But londons Taxi Transformation keeps ticking along gradually making the cities air cleaner. And requests for the new ecards are coming from other cities as well. And. It was only a few short years ago during the height of europes Refugee Crisis that images of people drowning as they attempted a dangerous crossing of the mediterranean appeared on practically every screen and newspaper overwhelmed by what he saw salaam and decided to do something about it working with the greek coastguard he has saved thousands of people from the same fate but now hes being tried for smuggling and faces ten years in prison on the greek island of les boss now its up to the law to decide if his humanitarian work was an act of mercy or criminality. This course unless bonds normally i mean tries money cases but today the International Media is outside its a love for others face charges of illegally bringing migrants in to create. Services that. Those were The Good Guys he was too good to be anything with he was executed lots of. The photographs changed the teens life a photograph that made global headlines of on quality the syrian toddler who drowned in the mediterranean. It came only because of all including us all i mean its me and it shocked me i want to do something so i can form we can let me change my life if you find the child in the scene and then you have to bury the child in something you will never. Never forget in your life. To thirty five year old danish volunteer ended up spending five months on the spots eldin saved countless lines his iraqi route served him well he could address the refugees on boats in arabic and help calm them down. With donations he acquired a rescue vessel. That was in. The way it was so big. There was forty five people in the water which took them out but the last person i remember it was in the water he had the rope around in an instant he was holding his body with his teeth. And this is something i never forget in my life it was a dead body whats in the water it was so hard to get enough. Dean shows me the site with the man lies buried together with other Child Migrants the field thats become a cemetery. I hate this place. The first one to a year old seven years old four years old and six years old. He buried six people here with his own hands then he could no longer bear it it is took over the town for him. One night in january twenty sixth dean again and his team got word of another migrant boat in distress. Suddenly they were stopped by the greek coast guard and arrested on charges of smuggling migrants. Allegations that Nico Squids Attorneys calls absurd he lives and works on the coast and has gotten to know him well he often assisted him in rescue operations. She going to the me of once we rescued forty five people from the sea The Coast Guard was there but they couldnt even approach the sinking boat because they were afraid it was capsized. In that incident The Coast Guard actually asked the two volunteers to rescue the Refugees Nico says he testified to that effect in court. The mostly being that i fear. Is like what will this war become to be you from criminalize the military war. You cannot even save people without going in jail them if i go in jail. And my life is this going to change nothing i was in jail a lot form a new year is almost time. Allowed to my family. Its going to be very hard. But elgin was spared that night when the court cleared him and his fellow volunteers of criminal charges. You dont have a Value Addition you get but this is a great victory for all of the people who risk their lives every day to embody what our society needs. Humanity. Some d. And has since returned to copenhagen to build a new life his resolve to continue helping refugees is unshaken. What makes you happy in a city in the north west of the netherlands they really want to know believe in the feelings of contentment were a key component for a Cohesive Community the town installed a finance and Happiness Department two years in and all reporter visited the city to see if they are still smiling. What makes dutch people happy for many its going to the beach. Yun state and van dyke has been officially tasked with making the residents of scotland i mean its a palate he in Northwestern Holland happier. When he first took on the job he wasnt sure what it would entail. To be Meditating Playing singing bowls drinking tea or lighting incense and that was all pretty foreign to me. But now ive realized that happiness is about making the residence more content. Are going to supply all that he needs to improve Living Conditions and give people more opportunities. Vandyke applied a systematic approach to his new job polling the locals about what happiness meant to them. And what they expected from their city. Its important for people everywhere not to feel lonely to have a roof over their heads and food to feel safe and to have a say in what goes on. The idea is that if locals can decide what happens in scotland they will move to bigger cities that have more on offer the Happiness Counselor has already made some changes now when roads get repaired locals are asked what they should look like. And the municipality is giving away land for free for Housing Construction to keep rents low vandyke says the City Administration is there to serve the people. It sounds so logical. But we. Tend to get caught up in our red tape on our status in our regulations. And we focus on happiness it shifts our attention to what our real objective should be barbers i want to look for. What to the people of scotland make of this most were critical at first but soon enough they began noticing changes. I heard they do things like you can adopt your own patch of greenery. Which is communal now and you can make that euro which is a good thing. Im not sure if that makes people extremely happy but its good to. I think happiness is something very personal people need to do something for their own happiness i think its always good so yeah if you can support happiness. Through its. Then take himself feels happiest when hes on the beach. And hes also happy doing his job soon other dutch municipalities will install Happiness Counselors of their own. That dike has advice for them. Love stories that are. To the Locals Dont Sit around a trip desk wondering what to do go out onto the street talk to people and listen to what they made. In old ever. Listening to what others have to say a good solid piece of advice not just for promoting happiness. Talking and making personal connections with people that sounds like good advice indeed thats all for today thank you for watching. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah but. The boat. Comes. Up the. Cut. The the. Law. The kitchen while you sit come on the lamb the bureau back series is a very simple recipe but its well maintained its like the Beat International dishes chips obstructs submissives for the bun cigs the romans thirteen. The bullies at full speed the lead. The but always on the mubarak and in the future. Drive it. On d. W. This is you get me a Country Life Somebody lets go right to our correspondent he is essentially is double im joined by the shellac up thirteen of his political correspondents on the stories in just a minute but first this news just in about the perspective closer d. W. News. Wouldnt have been fighting for the case to be taken seriously in the world of work heres whats coming up. Were going to talk on t w they are the female superhero on a Mission Smart women smart talks smart station a legend these are by no means missed out on it were increasingly dangerous stuff w. Makes for minds. Time for an upgrade. From the church their clothes all buy. 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