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Berlin. Fairytale island tending the exotic gardens on the same you Michaels Mount. And above the clouds learning to fly the gyrocopter in lubec. But we start of the show with a man who is considered an ambassador of the cello. Like most of virtue of those he began playing at a very early age in his case at the age of four and a half and before long it was clear that he was a star talent couple so has a new album out and so we wanted to sit down and talk to him about it and how the cello has impacted his life. Understands like few others how to get everything out of the cello this evening the fred. Is playing contemporary music by a chinese composer the film only departed. I. His parents actually wanted him to play the violin. But that never came into question for him my parents gave me my first cello at four and a half. These first feeling with with the cello was. Just magical from the beginning the first sound even if theyre not nice you can feel the vibrations in all the body and this is very specific to the cello the cello is a kind of continuation of the body in a way. Into a song is the star cellists current album in it he brings the versatility of his favorite instrument to life. And eat. And the story of this this new album is on one hand. A collection of pieces that i love that i discovered many years ago some of them not so long ago some of the pieces of well known some others are not known and every piece for me reminds me specific souvenirs. A jury of music experts name the cello germanys instrument of the year twenty eighteen. It is the instrument of his life. Those incredible they seized thats really like a. Deep voice but but they also the cello can can go up and rise and sing the cello as also. Became a very. Dear to us all instruments was not the case you know. One hundred years ago so i am very happy that. To share the cello as instrumental to you. The thirty six year old musician plays on a cello made by the seventeenth century venetian lute your Material Girl for who is famous for the high quality of his cellos the virtual so pardon me once played his instruments. Very very special is from seven to no one. And its its also. You know when when when you touch the wood you can feel really the the he story of the cello which is incredible its like its like its like a painting so of course the. The price of those instruments are very high and so but were lucky to be able to play on them. The prize winning cellist is. Rarely at home in paris but he tries to spend as much time as he can with his two daughters and with his friends after all hes not just a music lover. I like good food i like good ts of course in france were lucky to have fantastic cheese i love great wine also so i like to you know go to the cellar and truth in a nice bottle of wine and you know mix it with with great food and and organize a dinner and yeah those those times i import and then i think its important also for the music the music needs to breathe. And go to your cup you song is himself a breath of fresh air for cello aficionados he is at one with his music as he graces the stages of the world with his prized cello. Moving on now into a brief look at other stories making headlines on the culture thing. The sixteenth International Architecture and tradition for being ollie begins in venice on saturday this years title is free space which the organizers say describes a generosity of spirit and a sense of humanity at the core of architecture sixty three countries are taking part with twenty eight hosting their own National Pavilions on the be an ally grounds the others are scattered across the city the german for billion deals with the architectural consequences of the division of germany during the cold war. The french artist philippe no one has mounted his. Exhibition in germany. Has. An. Exhibition. Instillations illustrations. London is currently home to an art installation comprising fifteen thousand bottles space of waste aims to raise awareness of the growing threat of pollution from discarded plastic especially on the worlds oceans the installation by artist nick wood shows the amount of disposable bottles purchased every minute alone. Decided to support the huge sculptures due to the devastating effects of Plastic Waste on the animal world. Orlando is a melting pot of cultures and some visitors to the city like it so much that they decide to stay and open restaurants here from indonesian and macedonian to thai you can get a taste of the World Without having to leave the german capital and for our ongoing series fifty kitchens one city today were going to try a popular curry dish from sri lanka. And some things are very german things germans place a lot of emphasis on like precision and punctuality i learned very quickly if you want to live here you have to learn about german qualities. Decided to live into. Many in the one nine hundred seventy two when he came to britain as a tourist from sri lanka he was nineteen at the time the family friend adopted him which allowed him to study permanent change which is not new study to be a dental technician then in the early one nine hundred ninety s. He turned his hobby into a profession and opened his first restaurant imbalance quites by district it was the first location in germany. When i came to germany i started a car for myself when i invited friends over i cook something nice like a pole some ball or a doll curry various banks. And they all say wow you can really cook. Why dont you open a restaurant in berlin. Wed all go to it. When you. Didnt actually did open his restaurant it was considered quite exotic few people here knew anything about sri lankan cuisine but it is a curious and many of them quickly became regular customers his idea of using organic products in the dishes was also well received so well that he was able to open a second restaurant this ria come in nine hundred ninety seven. Is a small island but a lot of coconuts grow there. So we use a lot of coconut milk in our dishes which makes them different. And when you spices differently too. We use a lot of smoked and roasted spices. Thats something special. So the beverage dish that we make has its own typical taste. But. I give my. Answer lanka curry usually means to fish not the spice. His cool rabbit carry uses not only the stem but also believes. There are hundreds of different ways to make curry using vegetables meat or fish curries are common in sri lankan cuisine. In this Island Country in southern asia people typically eat with their hands food is served lukewarm oco. Traditional sri lankan dishes are usually spicy the spices used often have a medicinal effect. Rice is one of the staple food stuffs its served with every calorie. We have been with and we use these curry leaves. In every dish or everyone. That. These curry leaves serve to detoxify the body. They have a very unusual taste they smell good and theyre also very healthy you can buy them here in berlin but only in Specialty Store slogans. A lot of hard work went into making this country which means sunshine. Richard out now starts we do not she spent a year and a half renovating the former pub he tore down the walls and decorated the remaining ones together with an artist. The color yellow predominates symbolizing both the sun and curry. Benches from old commuter trains service seats. The restaurant isnt prince in the eastern part of the city its an area that has undergone enormous changes since the fall of the wall in one thousand nine hundred nine. What was then a working class district has become a trendy part of town. Not only has the number of she kept phasing boutiques increased so have the rents. On compared to when i started here two decades ago. The difference is like night and day. Back then the buildings were completely rundown and dilapidated. Now theyve all been modernized restored and spruced up the neighborhood its changed completely these are the keys for the. Video thats nashbar to be done actually has spent more of his life in germany than in sri lanka the only thing he hasnt got used to is the german weather. Hi ron. Noble grand interact with a lot of the ground up. Dare him a little has a dream job hes a gardener on the tidal island of st Michaels Mount in england now there you will find no noise and little stress in keeping with island life visitors can only walk there during low tide the island is located off of englands most Southern Coast and has long been an insider tip among holiday makers some three hundred thousand people visit there a Little Castle and garden every year and we were among them. Morning is always the most relaxing part of the day for derek little as he tends to his plants all alone he grew up on st Michaels Mount and has been assistant head gardener of the title and since two thousand. Towering over the gardens is the Priory Church dating back to the twelfth century for over three hundred years its been a home for the st often family builds up one of the most in chanting gardens in the country boasting in a ray of plants from around the world. Just keep a few in the castles in the in for the guns in the morning we just have a look around the gardens make sure theres no late so anything been left on the grand old even the gates open unlocked but yet today the weathers not so nice nobody sunny here especially down here in cool but today we go a little see miss coming in and its quite damp as you can see today which is you know lovely for the garden ive forgotten to do a bit of moisture has been a bit dry this some of the. Not the usual we get here. But nonetheless the plants are grateful for the mild summer rains as are its other inhabitants. The subtropical gardens off the coast of cornwall comprise between five and six hundred varieties of flowers bush is and shrubberies. Just across the water on the mainland the days first visitors are waiting for the grounds to open or rather waiting for the tide to go out and free up the causeway. Unless you can fly or you can pay for the boat service low tide is the only time you can get to and from the island. St Michaels Mount. It was once a pilgrimage site and lives across the bay from the historic little town of penns ants. Its one of the regions most popular Tourist Attractions with around three hundred thousand visitors a year to the castle and gardens the micro climate here in the extreme southwest of england makes it possible to grow both domestic plants and thanks in part to some t. L. C. From the garden or varieties that are extremely exotic yes we do we do we got this one here. Chris the golly its from self america its actually a tree. Normally gross about fall youve been to sixty just so this ones probably about forty or fifty is the old you can see its been grown in the wool. And specially elements we have here because the granite absorbs the heat and radiates heat out and evening weve reflected launch of the sea which is off the gulf stream we call it a natural so whats in the air and all these elements together just means that we can grow these usual plants he would in the gardens. A lot of visitors to the mountain come specifically to marvel at the floral extravaganza derren little devotes eight hours a day to his body and beauties each with its own individual needs a dream job in a dream location by the sea. She used to look down upon the gardens now and how special they are and i think the work in the gardens to me to live on the island as well is actually in your blood so you do really enjoy and this is you know you can get Better Office this if you like you know today we got a lovely clear day now the rain stopped the suns coming out you got a lovely view that the sea is a special place to work. And as the day comes to a close and visitors wade back to shore peace returns to st michaels mounds and daring little has the gorgeous little gardeners paradise all to himself again. That looks simply amazing now all this week weve been asking our viewers. When they like to give flowers now thirty seven percent of you said you give flowers as a thank you and thirty one percent said that you give flowers on birthday so thank you to all for taking part but as always there can always only be one winner of this weeks draw and that is just plain there rico from new zealand so congratulations joslin you have one yourself and eggs gulu save your old max watch so enjoy. Now with those people with dreams of flying they can fulfill them in northern germany by learning to fly a gyrocopter this is an open type of helicopter but apparently it is much easier to operate but one of the pilots will have to dig deep into their pockets because one hour of flying costs one hundred and seventy but after thirty hours of Flight Training gyrocopter pilots can take to the skies on their own. He made it john a markets and takes to the skies for the first time at the controls of a gyrocopter. This it was breathtaking beautiful to see live back from the air my always wanted to fly i think everyone has that desire to take to the skies. But before she could take the flying cabriolet out for a spin a new Flight Instructor band to show her the ropes even valves im very nervous im wondering what it will be like to fly a gyro continental flight of the perseus. She first has to learn how to rotate the rotary plate it has to reach two hundred revolutions a minute otherwise the gyrocopter will tilt. We have for you hold down this but its not ok theres just too you see the ribs on to here thats two hundred revolutions so i only have to press the button exactly and well be communicating minimum good the first to a dr run you on the markets and have to learn how to tilt the roto with the joystick. So thumbs up to release the rotor. Clicking. On the signs up you do it both hands rolls thats right released chilled back. Now fall until forwards ease of of your life will depend on this movement because youve got to remember the funky. The rota needs to be tilted for the wind to propel it for what you are not then release is the break and theyre all. Most often. Because it was a totally positive experience although it was too short of course so i just forgot about Everything Else around me and enjoyed the moment as they were meant to last and. It costs one hundred seventy years and now i shall have to have thirty lets just be cool she can fly on her own should also have to pass a medical and the feehery exam if all goes well shell back and get to gyrocopter license. Here is that even expect too much of me he just said the most important thing is to stay calm and thats what we did and i felt safe the whole time with us. After forty five minutes yana who is studying medicine lands back safely on the ground. Thought i was a great cause it grows on you doesnt it it was wonderful i dont care if you upset over that when i was up there i thought well theres enough doctors out there im going to be a pilot. And you couldnt get much higher price than that for a first flying lesson with us. Congratulations on your first flight. And shes going to need a doctor when she falls out of that thing all right moving on to expression is painter and print maker auto dix now he was known for his harshly realistic and satirical depictions of german life during the one nine hundred twenty s. He captured the mood and the decadence of that time with a critical eye and now for the first time over three hundred of his works are on display in germany under one roof giving visitors a look back into another time. A building filled with works by auto dicks on four floors and in poor young for fans of expression a start but its not just the sheer number and range of works that sets this exhibition apart. We have at least one work of art bell to dicks for each year from nine hundred twelve to nine hundred sixty nine when i could so its a truly comprehensive retrospective. If if you want a real introduction to autistics you have to come to chemists. With nuff cabinet. In two thousand and seven chemists came into possession of alfred gunson hausers collection of german modernist art. Now the dicks works in their collection have been joined by an additional sixty from the now deceased collectors inheritance they include sunday stroll painted in one nine hundred twenty two as well as works on paper which can rarely be shown in public and the two fish can be deeper in the shadow of the paperwork still not be put on permanent display they can only be exhibited under certain light conditions for a limited time so that means special exhibitions only. And here with four floors at our disposal we have the opportunity to show a large number of these paperworks and since i. Meant clearing out the entire museum gunson house or and putting the works by other artists into temporary storage three hundred times dicks is both a tribute to the collections patron and to the departing director of chemists his art collection. Is that of its lovely for me to get him to put on such a marvelous exhibition of the almost twenty two years on the job. Plus we didnt have to get loans from any other collections because we already have everything inhouse that the biggest ever auto dicks. Exhibition is on in kemet until early september. And with that we are out of time but join us tomorrow for our live show as always thanks for turning in big and soon. Next time on your lacks the highlights of the week in full bloom using flowers as tasty colorful additions to meals with full gear service in denmark braved the cold for the perfect way you fully integrated the swedish couples and the usual weekend home in the midst of nature next time on duramax my nights. Before. Im going to. Lose. Whatever percent going to. Think. If i can conquer the problem i got young rappers in gonna are tackling Plastic Waste how its going to cut back. Their weapon how to hijacking the news. Where i go from the news is being hijacked journalism itself has become a scripted reality show its not just good versus evil us versus them thats why and why. In countries like russia china Church People are told that its that simple and if youre a journalist there and you try to get beyond it you are facing scare tactics intimidation. And i wonder is that where work at it is well. My responsibility as a journalist is to get beyond the smoke and mirrors its not just about being clear and balanced or being neutral its about being truthful. Funny is boring golf and i were given the. Time for an upgrade. Puncher grows on buying. A house with. Poor design highlights you can make yourself. Known stoops in tricks that will turn your home to something special. A phrase yourself with d. W. s interior design channel on you tube. Frank food. International gateway to the best connection cells and road and rail. Located in the heart of europe you are connected to the whole world. Experience outstanding shopping and dining offers and try our services. Be allat guest at Frankfurt Airport c. T. Managed by from. This is g. W. News live from berlin a sea change in island initial results indicating that more than two out of three voters in yesterdays referendum voted to scrap a constitutional ban on abortion in the traditionally catholic country the irish Prime Minister is describing the result as historic what weve seen today really is the culmination of a Quiet Revolution thats been taking place in ireland for the past ten or twenty years. Also coming up a surprise meeting between the leaders of north and south korea

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