This a magical glass cube. We visit the artist behind these optical illusions to discover how he creates them everyone and welcome to another edition of your own max with me, your host. Megan lee. Heres a look at what else weve got coming up on the show. D, theyll be a reporter. Rachel stuart explores the germans love hiking and we meet some chickens who really know how to struggle. Theyre stuck and become models. And but we start off with a story that sounds like a fairy tale. A teenager from a small town on her way to start him. 14 year old singer sarah james comes from poland, but she decided to take her chances, an audition, for one of the worlds biggest talent chose americas got talent. What has followed has been a whirlwind of attention and excitement. We met up with her to hear about her musical journey so far, even at such a young age. Oh, oh oh oh oh hi yes. 7 my name is sarah james and i am 14 years old and i really love music. I really do. So i, sarah james of poland is living the dream, shared by many young female singers all over the world. She made a name for herself with her virtuosity. And collected a fan base of millions upon these things in is just just my life is just the thing that im when im wake up from the bad i be like there are you gonna say no, its just the, you know, nothing for me. And i just, i was born with an is just, you know, it is my life. Oh. In june sarah tried her look on one of the worlds leading cast did shows americas got town in the united states. Even jury member simon cow, the usual poker face revealed how impressed he was and he sent her straight on to the front. It was one in a series of big successes for the young singer. She won the polish merchant of the boys, kids, and represented poland in the Junior Eurovision song contest in paris. Coming in 2nd to be so young in, you know, just before men and little stages and being Different Countries and cities and everything is, its crazy. Its actually really crazy and really surprising because id say its, its just a dream. Its just a dream that im living something and expect. The bombings sarah, james stays in touch with fans around the world on social media. She has more than a 1000000. 00 on tick tock. Her photo was even seen in new york citys times. Square of this year. Her home town in poland is optional. Oboski population less than 4000. 00. But she also has african roots. My that is idea, milan this, her polish girl. Ah, and yeah, im a mixed gown. You see, be in africa is just, its just amazing thing is just, you know, imagings and, and, and my blood and the music that i listen to with african, the musics like kunkle book cook gauge is that the whole wheat. And it did always a hub guzman when i listened. Awful. Yeah. This is my father. It with me looking like earth moped up being b. This is my mommy and me when i was, i dont always. So here we was over my family, a thing in some adventure, you know, you may now not spend a lot of damage time because, you know, im just like and a busy, busy woman. Well, it is sometimes lizzie days like old. You know, this kind of like just a small, small, small baby. Ah, its not easy being a star. Sarah has just completed music school but carries on with singing and piano lessons. Challenges of eunice singer i would say, oh, i think you know, yeah, wake up really early, sometimes a going back from work really, really, really ah, the at night actually im kind of loneliness sometimes because you dont see benches like i dont see like of my friends da much, you know, sometimes it just like you, you just fired a usually just be an exhausted. Yeah. An shes off to the next appearance. Sarah james will be performing alongside to bands and off no lebowski, a summer concert. Shes the star of the show. Her mother attends every concert i let him know is a little bit stress her but so we are happy had that said she is the start of a hand. And this is so old to fast out. Now confess, really her career and all the things to reach a larger audience. Sarah, often things in english. Her latest single is titled my waive pan. Shes already signed with a major record label. Ah, live rooms full. I feature, i would say just be in the state to sue, give people my whole heart with music, you know, and just show people mine just me, you know, just me and my music. And i hope they people love it, you know . Ah, and shell keep on living those dreams that her next performance is in the u. S. Where she hopes to win the hearts of the audiences. Injury in the live shows of americas got talent. And in september, maybe even the big pro ah men, of course we wish for all of luck. Next up, we had to austria, to me, an artist who creates illusions in glass. In his latest works, thomas medicos employs a special technique. As soon as you move the artwork or you yourself move the image completely changes like magic, or we got a sneak peak into the intricate process which goes into these optical anomalies. Ah, works of us in glass. Every side reveals a different subject. The ashes calls these installations, animal fif cubes. My name is time thomas matey course. Im an artist and i mostly work with glass and mit class. The animals move, the ceiling that he most of the animals for cubes consist of a 144 strips. Fixed for images are scattered across these strips and fragments put on. So if you walk around the cube or turn it new images come together every 90 degrees helen on to cut, unless belittle salmon, thomas medic, this has salt his cubes as far afield as the us and canada glass has fascinated the artist ever since he learned how to work with it at a glance, look in technical school, macintosh, vamp glassing. Its harder to work with glass intuitively then for instance, with clay or a canvas m. Like at the same time, its a material thats very closely bound to the refraction of light up and it displays many ambiguities. It has something ethereal about it because its so transparent. So constant is but in alamo, from wilson gets the animal for cubes contained for images, and miss and the 2 opposite each other have to fill out precisely the same area off shore. So when you view one of them that covers up the one behind it each really cut is the difficulty, is to develop images that depict different things, but still cover the same area. For sure all you have to make certain compromises and game of the system. So the 2 image is always share certain aspects lightly, but sometimes they lead you up a blind alley, us will suck, then i realize its not going to work and i have to try something else. Again, this is nice bullion. Miss. Medica has got very different works on display in his hometown, innsbruck, austria, for example, this installation titled kona, kona eyes anchor albert cohen. I started out in a very small format and dampness, old and one day i drove past the entrance to a parking garage and it occurred to me that it could serve as a kind of massive display case next up, the is on das crew by david sculpture in itself is a work that looks back at you, schulty and you look at it and it looks back. I say that in general, art doesnt come into being until a viewer gazes at it. And sean and steve, ah, another recent project is this installation in a d tradition hydro electric plant. The reflections make the old turbine hole and the viewers themselves a part of the outlook the insulator on the die tank. And the installation hanging their attempts to redefine the space from an industrial one to an artistic one in the slee lome and unconcerned edition. Because its now listed as a historic side. And the turbines are very dominant and it was important to take up the theme of the space itself. The theme at his homes of took hyphen in late summer or early autumn, the artist hoped to unveil his newest glass cube in ins. Brooke, in the mean time, hes got a lot of fragments to cut out and paint. Whats that to me that is constantly im. Whats fascinating about painting glass is that its a very old technique dating back to the middle ages entrepreneur and me. I think its exciting to integrate a very old craft into something new and make use of this old technique that you tried and tested for something contemporary taken as it was to preventing. Ah, thomas medical says animal fit glasses, place with perspectives and perceptions. Ultimately, the us is in the eye of the beholder. When it comes to describing certain characteristics about germans, many people might say that they drive very fast are never late, and have no sense of humor. Now, these of course are cliches. But one thing you might not know is that many germans means Serious Business when it comes to walking or hiking. Having all of the right accessories is very important. Now d w reporter rachel stuart, take a look at how germans hit the trails compared to everyone else. Have you ever been now . Youre on holiday and you decide to go for a height, but you didnt really prepare for it. And of course, who do you come across on the trial . A german . Ah, wow. Serious shoes . Check out that practical base rock that the classic leather jacket, whats the special trials of nicholas at the knee . Oh boy, please do a walk in. Ah. The germans loved to walk, of course, was walking and walking as im to expect to see a gang on sunday stroll has long been an established feature in the lives of many german families. But a step up from this is london or hiking. The difference isnt necessarily about gradient or strenuous now is that london involved planning a route, a schedule and equipment. Hiking is the most popular Outdoor Activity in germany, whether its a longer journey with stop. I was in hiking huts or quick data, but the weekend young and old in any season. They just love it. Smart feature makes you happy who my hiking warms the hot 19 good. Its been a lot of time endorse, so its great to be able to nature word as it really helps to relax and it keeps you fit. Germany just has the right climate for hiking someone. I get my best idea hiking. I just thought it had so much tradition. Germany is a hiking nation man. Can. You can relax and get away from daily life. You might need other nice people. Its great all around. Would say that the gentle been raving the hill since time immemorial. Not quite 2nd day hiking with religious pilgrim tradesman scholars and vagabonds in the german mountains and far as seen as uninviting dangerous. It was until the 1800s that german nature got itself some good publicity, courtesy of the romantic poets and painters joined forces to pick up the Great Outdoors people started to realize they could walk for pleasure. The arrival of the railway men even 52 at us, had easy access to the countryside. And then the germans to put the germans do best. They got organized. They formed Hiking Association marked out pause, and even set up the 1st ever youth hostels. Oh, sadly, even the wholesome deceit of hiking couldnt escape the shadow of national socialism. The nazi so hiking as an elitist selfish hobby. And they funneled youth hiking members into the hitler youth. But in the past will, is a renew connection to nature became part of the healing process. The manager evans today hiking is more popular than ever, and its big business. The gemini spent billions of yours every year on hiking trips and funds. The equipment that certainly plenty to keep them occupied in germany, some 300000 kilometers, assign, posted hiking routes along forest trails. Alpine tracks wine, valleys and cuz the for the germans are no longer just hiking a home. What and full will indulge that hiking habit while holidaying abroad as well wherever they are, does another vital element to a gym and hike. Its so important. Its got its own verb. Id kill them all stopping off for refreshment along the way. Maybe a schnitzel them cake or just the cold been to give you energy for the law. Well, the german word vonda last or wonder lust has also made it into the english language. Now what do you most associate with german culture . Go to our website and let us know now were ruffling off a sweatshirt and a bag, but you can get this sweatshirt from d ws and centered collection, which gives tips on how to access band media. Now when i was growing up in the united states, we often ate tortillas, or flat red from corn wrapped around beef or chicken. So you can imagine my confusion when i went to spain and ordered a tortilla, and got a potato. Omelet instead. Now what i discovered was that spanish tortillas are a beloved favorite eaten morning, noon and night. The tortilla can be considered a National Dish in spain. In barcelona, near the secret of amelia, one little restaurant boasts over 25 kinds of tortilla. And isabel color, toyota has been preparing this culinary classic for 40 years now. But i mean, as a lady, mental, its a dish. My grandma would always make up eke ones are you . When i was little, if youd ask me, whats your favorite food . Mostly id always answer grandmas tortilla in yellow at mann to lot to me if so, if he got was more to allah. Hello. My names isabelle keller, to you and im the owner of the restaurant law. Say about your voice. Im going to show you how to make a spanish tortilla on your lap. The spanish tortilla is actually a Pretty Simple dish and has few ingredients. But i want to make a tortilla. You need 3 eggs, maybe a half an onion, and 2 potatoes, not but that though, isabel color tell you to shops for fresh ingredients every morning. Let dr. Young, an event that he is with 1st invented in spain, in the 18th century, as a cheap and hearty meal was call. I dont element of if what are what outdoor, there was already the french, almost all to a tear as we call it. Native just beaten, baked and rolled up eggs, diesel e and oriental set our own eggs, specialty pot. We added potatoes level, ocoee, se. And while awful novilla but the disadvantage tortilla m dorothy espanol it all starts with a potatoes and per potato of choice is the mona lisa variety. If i move in for the great for spanish tortillas the way we make them up, if theyre not starchy, they are very waxy. That make that imperfect to peel cause with and fry. The lot of got a bad faith. If fabian and i used the same normal onions i generally cook with, and so now the coffee not infected with my grandmothers secret, was to cut the potatoes. Very thin, white said that they get old crunchy, and to moisten them with the beat neg, what . Diesel . The most important rule is to pre cook all the ingredients of a tortilla, except the eggs lump at that then love. When you come to put the rule, potatoes, da da. Salvia would ruin everything for this committee because then youd have to roll potatoes in your finished tortilla for you la. You always have to deep fry them before mixing them with the eggs. No part of it takes just 2 minutes and theyre done with it for yes, but then i use some paper to soak up the oil. Get that a little boy. So now the potatoes are done by the, theres a moment, the other emos law, but that by itself, and its time for the onions e out of how much of it they will. Yup. And just like with the potatoes, the thinner you slice the onions, the better the tortilla, he just call you cook them in their own juice. We add a bit of oil, these are fatal. E the venue, let them simmer slowly on. A very low heat will lead bermuda. It takes quite a while, but the result is great at the impulse, but okay, that movie and then the restaurants name, la sabre means onion in catalonia, and here they simmer their onions for 3 to 4 hours to give them the right roasting flavor. And now its time for the eggs. Callisom, salt, pork up. The next task is to beat the eggs and add the deep fried potatoes and stewed onions. Then she carefully mixed as it altogether. An she shares a little secret with us out i. Now the trick is to let everything set for 10 to 15 minutes of continual, tough gothic it up helps the potatoes absorbed the egg flavor level, the potatoes, talk to the eggs, what it will in a coded pan covered with oil. She fries the tortilla mixture, and once the bottom is solid, she flips the tortilla over. You cannot get a little fun, we spaniards couldnt live without potato till t is the other, but that we all ate them as children in your home was coming up. And when youve had to miss a kid, you crave them the rest of your life, your. But at zacalo stanza, i dont know any one who doesnt like to t as it was philadelphia, but that normally every one wants. Some not talked about that the opposite. And the dish never gets boring. You can always spice up the standard tortilla recipe with new ingredients, collect spinach or go cheese. And its delicious, any time of day that does look delicious. Okay, dogs and cats tend to be the motif of choice for many photographers. So it may be surprising to see 2 italian photographers choose chickens as their primary subjects. What they believe these feathery creatures are highly underestimated as pets and as models. So theyve created a book to get people talking rather than squawking about chickens. With proud and self assured, and with elegant feathers. These words describe the ornamental chickens displayed in coffee table books by photographers my tail trying celine, and marino monte. From milan, they both openly admit their fascinated with chickens, and have even acquired a few of their own. Their pets could just as easily struck the cat walk. Ive got that before. We can run them, all right. And it was a love at 1st sight that i never would have expected in any mighty giving on 40 chickens make very good motifs. And theyre very photogenic, urgent, and great model similar that they know right away what theyre supposed to do. Because of that, you dont have to explain it to them with the new faculty tour. Cool. They need hardly any makeup diver from our experience in the advertising and fashion industries. Chickens are the best top models and the most natural up wishes at our mall. And they also seem to be the most patient. They obediently follow whatever directions to photographers give them. For their latest project, my tail trying celine and marino monte post 2 chickens teach from one of a total. 60 breeds as lovers chicken and love as the snappy though somewhat tongue in cheek title. The aspect okesha that i thought to leave you a loss, but we were primarily interested in the aesthetic aspect of the okay boys, which i so they love that explains the beauty and success of the book. Lability project too. So you just dont expect chickens to look so great fit, thought i ballistic was any minute like kevin, the proud rooster and my tail trying, celine garden in milan. He and his hens, shanelle, and samantha, our house chickens of the coach and breed. Queen victoria introduced these unusually large chickens from asia to europe in the 19th century. Oh, for chicken and love, the photographers brought roosters and hens of different races together, as couples. A dutch crested with a bantam wyandotte, a silky with an open 10. Concordia means a visual look as if i not wanted. We went searching for what chickens look best together, but not like a breeder. Would ya think . We mixed the breeds and sexes to get a colorful variety like we have in our human society. The money died guacamole and what about to roosters . Why not . Oh, the rooster may protect his hens, but he doesnt have that great reputation as a romantic lover. Guy loom guessing the roosters the worst example, and absolutely not a role model when it comes to romance. Zeller oh, fine, doesnt do anything. Well, he doesnt produce anything the way, and he dominates hundreds of hands. That will definitely not politically correct at a corner, but it works after a lot of my food seal. Ah, ah, ah right phaser. Now is offended highly. Weve heard his feelings above. Ah, its no real tragedy. Everything always revolves around him. The rooster. But now my tail trying celine and marino monte have proven that hence 2 can hold their own in the spotlight with but have they solve the puzzle of why the chicken crossed the road . Well see next time. Okay. And that was all for today over good to go to our website, to take part in our viewer, draw and follow us on social media. As always, thanks for watching. And we will see you again because with ah, with lebanon crisis. Ah, even after the explosion that rocked, namely to me years ago, not a corrupt ruling class is still driving the country towards bankruptcy aah ramp. Its inflation is making survival id really struggle for the people with 15 minutes on d w. Oh, i thought its a journey across the entire continent is a variety of cod. So would this. So the focus, the movers shake is visionaries and make it when body the meaning of modern africa. That is an egg. And d w a by going to have it in the glistening place of longing, mediterranean sea, a muster, and to follow dual career drift along with more modern lifestyles and the mediterranean meeting. People watching that hearing their dreams, a detouring journey 10 episodes starts august 14th on d, w. Mm. Some people dont care about me because they dont see my beauty. Some people dont care about me because they think i have nothing to give but 2000000000 people due to then i am every day home their food, their livelihood. But day by day i to submit. And so does everything. I get 2000000000 people care about me. Name me. And now i need you. Ah, business dw news and these are our top stories. Israel has hit garza with air strikes for a 2nd day. Its army says the operation against the Palestinian Group Islamic Jihad may last for a week. The militants have been firing

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