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A brand new forest in by wanda and remote areas in south africa where little tiny frogs are living well lets not get lost in the details first of all welcome know its timely and i welcome my beautiful colleague from the show in johannesburg hi n. T. Happy to be with you again presenting once again our coproduction from quest set dates from ala and channels t. V. My name is felice endlessly and ill be a cause for the show heres whats coming up in the program. Well show you how slum dwellers in madagascar as capital get clean water. But check out this simple invention that complete the worlds oceans. Well tell you how i cherry and launches a successful business with the subs made from Natural Ingredients. We stopped on the island of madagascar. Frequent droughts and an exploding city population have made clear and Drinking Water a scarce resource in the capital on our evil many of the cities rely on contaminated water collected from swamps and self built wells with simple but effective means the old as ation water and sanitation for the urban poor proves that not much money is needed to provide clean water and the method also has great benefits to the environment. Accrue from Jerome America ask his National Water utility is repairing a broken pipe in then ten an hour if about forty percent of the citys Drinking Water is lost like the. Repair teams are advised and trained on how to detect and fix by the end and sanitation for the been poor aw. As. Members are record is a program. Theyve been resourced doesnt need to be big as creating a new shipment but you need the right room and made him the resource. Management says the rigs. Improve the service but they need to be. Working to improve and turn an area whose will to management the metropolitan areas population has doubled to some three million over the past twenty he is. Two thirds of the people have no access to clean Drinking Water according to w. S. U. About one quarter deaths among children under the age of five here a link to water borne diseases. Members are and her team at w. S. U. P. Help provide basic infrastructure to prevent waste water from polluting the environment and improve access to clean water in partnership with the city the n. G. O. Has already built five hundred will take us that sell Drinking Water. Theyve also built laundry blocks across the city. Remember hanta comes here to watch a familys laundry she also does laundry for a few customers which provides her a source of income. To qualify for the film was one of my own finally this brings happiness my family allows me to any bit of morning now i dont have to go to the river to fetch were trying which makes my life much easier. To go to the river which is for the film for the fun of it was among. Many locals still rely on contaminated surface water to meets that daily needs the river which passes through antananarivo is a citys largest source of water local people fish and do their washin here but the water is contaminated by role sewage and the waste that litters the riverbank. Members are marketers and says providing better infrastructure isnt enough Political Action is also necessary to create a lasting change. The work that we are doing is contributing to to show to the governments how the how will be the impact of this type of a petition to the people who live and how the government proved this peoples life for our work to overthrow our reaction we will show we will influence the government that there is some action that could be taken to void peoples lives destruction. The municipal Water Utility agrees but lacks the resources to take action only a small part of a ten an hour ago is connected to the sewage system. And none of its waste water is properly treated. The director of the municipal waste water facility worries that environmental pollution will soon make it impossible to provide local residents safe Drinking Water. The problem with respect to the quality of Drinking Water isnt. Just. With w. S. U. Peas assistance the city has drafted a proposal to expand its waste Water Treatment facilities these improvements in Water Management urgently needed as many bizarre record knows only too well otherwise the river will not be a source of life but a threat to the local environment and people. Are our friends our precious there are hundreds of beautiful coral amazing whales. Rays and the fish we eat but as you know that up to eight to nine million tons of plastic are dumped in the worlds oceans every year by twenty fifty that might be more plastic than fish in them thats insane so its ocean levels got together and invented a tool called the been which can help clean up the ocean another video in our series doing your bit. Every year we dumped more than eight million tons of plastic trash into the worlds oceans. Small harbors like this one are good places to test a new clean up tobias. On the Spanish Island of majorca Andrew Turton and peterson glinsky are trying out there floating rubbish collector to see been. Heres how it works and external pump creates a vacuum that sucks in water along with the floating trash. The filter bag inside the bin even removes oil and detergents from the water. The designers say it doesnt harm fish because only objects at the surface are pulled into the bin. At present the pump is still being powered by gasoline. But in the future andrew and peter plan to use Renewable Energy sources like wind and solar to run their ocean clean up devices. Like that. You are also doing a good bit tell us about it. This is our website or send us a tweet. As to your bet. Your stories. Now we switch over to south africa where a very small crater is endangered were talking about its highest will frog its only habitat is on a small stretch of wetlands what is so interesting about the pick a girls who read frog and see. Well conservationists are hoping to fade to raw because they see thanks to this progress measured changes in the embodiment the biologist have teamed up with johannesburg zoo to try to save the species through a research and breeding program. This little fellow is less than three centimeters long hes a pickle skills read from an endangered species since last year the johannesburg zoo has been breeding the rare amphibians to increase their numbers. Now some of them are being moved to their native habitat six hundred kilometers away in the coastal wetlands. But boy they. Even do plessy says one of a team of researchers involved in the Amphibian Conservation project. Tonight theyre setting about two hundred frogs three. Units really learned in you know move even here in canada where very rare bali going to put their needs down are we going after spread the biggest deals out there is your goal to level to ensure that but equally spread throughout that area. The project is a collaboration between the zoo another state organization and a private in geo in south africa the only place in the world this species of frog lives is here in these wetlands near the durban airport. The habitat is very small around twelve square kilometers the scientists realised that noise and contaminated waste water from the Agricultural Industry weigh on the wetlands. The future of the tiny frogs is also threatened by urban development in the nearby city according to the researchers. The idea to launch the project came from scientist Adrian Armstrong he and gene terrence from the n. G. O. S have been involved in the field project since twenty seventeen so we knew of some sites with the frog occurred and so we also the jealous big zoo to come and collect some and take them back to the city and breed them in captivity or we dont actually know a lot of our history so whats really great about this project in particular with breeding this because girls really frog is learning a lot more about its biology learning about its breeding behavior and learning about the things that it does in captivity which we would like to think also happens in the wild. The same is true for other amphibians about seven thousand worldwide the scientists know very little about them and a growing number are endangered the conservation project aims to shed more light on the habitats of amphibians particularly from. This so important that we maintain a relational theory its because it is the us in numerous ways. As well as all of the wall. That was helping with the. Six weve created. The field its believed that half the worlds vertebrates have disappeared over the past fifty years thats why the research is in south africa are doing all they can to prevent that from happening to this tiny front and its habitat. I just learned something new on eco africa even the smallest of creatures have their place in the ecosystem but there is no room in nature for certain Chemical Products for example many cosmetic products contain chemicals that can damage your skin and of course the environment in the pursuit of living more simply naturally unconsciously cosmetics made from Natural Ingredients are getting more popular one man in nigerias capital lagos is producing so come on golic products its gotten so popular here that hes now shipping it worldwide. The camp would tree is native to west africa for centuries people here have used it for all kinds of purposes from good working to making diet and health and Beauty Products when ground into powder the coal beneath the bark is good for treating various skin problems. Youre a day needs to wood to make is did you assume black so it is pounded it is ground and its made into a paste to exfoliate the skins of babies is also used as a beauty regimen to make the skin supple. Because a we milled us and introduces into the soup in a very smooth out of form. Three d. And his team are constantly working on improving the formula which also includes honey share butter and alley there all Natural Ingredients harvested locally. Building a Manufacturing Business for ghana quality nigeria has been challenging business for structure. Theres no government assistance. Digital system is dysfunctional. The Government House is to tell you that existed when it comes to manufacture or business so if youre looking for to the government to help you. With your time during the set of his company in one thousand nine hundred ninety five and it now produces more than one hundred forty thousand Dollars Per Day from production to packaging everything is done in the large factory ogrady places great value on Natural Ingredients and tradition we know that people have skin problems around the world people of different races different color but the skin is the same and the healing characteristics of this soap will benefit mankind. Has sold throughout nigeria and it sells well. Even though it is somewhat more expensive than regular soaps. I think it is that close to nature which i admire a lot so we tend to spend more on it and working without t. V. Using something that is caused by you gets in the venue so you even mind the cost of the products sounds right now its a masters have not changed. I dont think im thinking of changing or did you assume its already marketed in several countries but really wants to really establish the Brand Internationally is also gave us a find the portfolio with organic share better and buy the illusions he hopes his success will inspire others to become entrepreneurs who want to provide something that the up and coming dont want to say look i want to be like that person i want to be historical if you can you know be to the arts and successful in the world market we can also do that as the month keeps on growing the company is planning to buy more land where he can cultivate and sustainable fashion the trees and plants he needs for his old natural products. Have you ever stopped to wonder why so many people drive alone especially in europe if they could just get more people to travel together traffic jams and pollution would be reduce there are more than a billion cause worldwide a figure that could double by twenty forty. Wow thats shocking in germany for instance there are already some areas in big cities like hamburg and frankfurt where its forbidden to drive with a diesel car but a life of small and congested roads could be avoided and i dont mean well all be flying around inside while style hover cars many of the vehicles of the future are a lot more modest see for yourself. This is only palins first self driving bus hes not allowed out on the road yet senses on the front of the vehicle allow it to recognize obstacles only has spent three months practicing on the testing Ground Transport Research Event conflict driving vehicles on the future even if falling isnt quite perfect yet. Only needs to practice its got a ways to go the technology is relatively new and highly complex complex. But in a few years time the self driving buses are expected to be in regular operation and thats not all this is what tomorrow cities could look like Autonomous Vehicles of various descriptions bring us to wherever we need to go and well be able to choose between several forms of transport. For the key is in term of dali where various forms of transport are linked but no private cars theyre in a patient for him i think in the medium to long term personal cars will disappear from our inner city. Dancers. Our roads are already full enough. The result is noise congestion and poor air quality thats inspired a number of visionary entrepreneurs to come up with alternatives one Startup Company called clever shuttle operates a taxi sharing service with a fleet of electric vehicles. A Smart Phone App allows you to order a car you are then picked up and taken to your destination other passengers may be picked up along the way its a lot like a classic taxi service but more efficient a much cheaper. The data in that is this month the idea is to bundle short trips in the city of two customers book similar routes by that makes sense to transport them together but that reduces traffic on the roads that each passenger saves a lot of money. In future be shared taxis could become part of the local Public Transport Network they might travel on rails but with no fixed stops youd simply order them by phone and they would cordon a route automatically. That could see the number of private cars in the city drop significantly giving way to more car sharing experts believe the number of car sharing vehicles is set to multiply five times over. The next two decades. So does that mean well have to forfeit our own column. One burning initiative has developed an app called get away which ends to at least make better use of the cards that exist. The idea is whenever you dont need your car your neighbor could use it. But initiative is also introduced a second idea instead of keep calm you could hire a car go bike when you need one equipped of course with an electric motor. Back to africa until just a few years ago forests were being mercilessly cut down what was and is an indispensable fuel source and Building Material for the rural population but things are getting desperate around as one of africas most densely populated countries more and more people are living from fewer resources the government has decided to take action. Its poncing large areas of forests as part of an Africa Wide Initiative that have an ambitious goal to create two million hectares of new forest and i were cultural lead by twenty thirty our ports along so know how close they are to achieving it. These two men have another busy day ahead of them theyre planting a small forest. Is a farmer in eastern rwanda and he uses a lot of wood. For the past few years agro forestry experts like Alaskan Dolly have been teaching farmers and other people here about the importance of protecting the forest and how to plant trees. Has been prepared to plant the seed like ive already put a bit of fertilizer in it once the seedlings in place ill pack some good fertile soil around just enough so that the rainwater wont accumulate on this spot. You know is known as the land of a Thousand Hills and the center of the capital kigali is situated on one of them. But many of the others are covered in forests or whats left of them deforestation has been a major problem in rwanda. The countrys population has been growing rapidly for decades its quadrupled since one nine hundred sixty. What is an invaluable resource for heating cooking and construction through countless trees a failed across the country to meet the demand. A few years ago the government realised that major changes were needed and introduced the ambitious goal of restoring two million hectares of forest land by twenty thirty. Thats why some fast growing nonnative species of tree are playing a key role such as the eucalyptus from australia. Theyre being bred and planted here in large numbers. We have a. Production we get. Very few years like short cycle for four to five years Farmers First harvests and they have this. Without planting. Reforestation at breakneck speed thanks to the eucalyptus two years ago this hill was bare now its a thriving young forest. Other species are also being planted about fifteen percent native or naturalized ones such as the silky oak and the sea olive tree. It may seem overly ambitious to aim to reforest the entire country but rwanda is determined to try. Its a member of after one hundred and initiative of twenty seven african countries to reforest one hundred million hectares of land thats about the size of egypt. Rwandas lands and Forest Ministry takes pride in its accomplishments so far. We pride other countries to commit to played. In commitment this country. To be the leading country in terms of recession and our friend it. What do all the new trees mean for ordinary people in rwanda judyth is a farmer she never had enough firewood now she has plenty because shes been growing her own trees she makes a good living selling wood thanks to reforestation as a Business Model she could afford a new home. She used to send her children out to forage for wood all day now they have time to attend school as well. As in theres a. Im really happy because my life has improved so much that im evil and when is it my kids can go to school and are doing well and we. Managed to save some money from a house to sell and what. And now i can afford a water tap in my own home when im going to move on the bonds. As forests disappear new ones are being created given that selfimposed deadline its a race against time for a while and its going all out to win. And that was it for today we hope you like this show my name is phyllis endlessly and im here in south africa. It was such a pleasure being with you n. C. And i hope to see all of you next week for another episode of eco africa. And its goodbye from me to here in Lagos Nigeria if you want to share your ideas or want to know more about our environmental topics please check out our website and all social media platforms i will be showing on your screen by. The to. Come more. The great. General brinton. Against social norms and evokes a spirit. Until im sixty. And still controversial. Are special on. Board or. I was issued when i arrived here i slept with six people in a room. It was hard. I even got white hairs that. 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Be our guest trends food city managed by from bought. This is the daily news live from berlin a quick hits and found innocent of blasphemy but still not free the husband of christian pakistani woman as your baby tells d. W. I. He fears for her safety after the government strikes a deal with islamist hardliners protesting the decision to. Also coming up u. S. Sanctions are on their way back to iran as promised by u. S. President s donald trump up to vowing to kill the Iran Nuclear Deal the sanctions are set to hit hard on monday

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