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Today were focusing on environmental pollution starting with the plastics gouge scientists with the alan mack Author Foundation recently predicted that by 2050 in terms of weight theyll be more passed take than fish in our oceans were going to take a look at some of the ways we can turn back this tide. Education is a good start School Children in ghana are learning about Plastic Recycling. Replacing plastic is another in uganda women make paper from elephant dung. And how about repair like smartphones manufactured sustainably. Children are especially vulnerable to environmental threats to to their developing organs and immune systems smaller bodies and airways but they can also be very good at affecting change thats why the n g o environment 360 teaches children about proper Waste Disposal and also introduces them to Green Technology and the knowledge they take home usually rubs off on the rest of their families. Saying. If. Once a week at. School the kids have a class on environmental studies. When we are asked around this when the place is whats dead we need to see if you also run this on lots dont know whats happened. Yes the fall sick. Most of those. In the class the young people on things like how to properly separate trash for recycling their mortal harvest the west they discovered that paper and plastic are valuable resources that come the sold for conch income from them has helped finance projects and Study Materials at the school through paris came. Only about recalls home has been used to all rubbish is the simplest realize no says the show banking about the coming weeks know how to fold when to do its. Because of. Such its weird because it generates income from so much. When the content is a food theyre picked up by the engine and barrowman 360 s is said to have been a share to the american intentionally put children at the center of the project. Weve learned that children may not be Decision Makers but theyre great influencers so ill think of the example if youve ever been around a child i think weve all found ourselves doing things just to keep the peace or not to be bothered a little bit longer when as this came to go on a 5 years ago never know how wildest dreams would she have predicted that one day shed be the head of the countrys largest Plastic Recycling film environment 360 is a mixture of n. G. O. S and company and income is reinvested in new programs last year we were cycled right at 150 or so tonnes of plastics not think about 200 tonnes of paper with this as essential he was able to support all 43 schools on our recycling program we employ 13 people and environment 360 so 10 of those have actually been paid from. The rest cycling services. This is a 10 minute town a poor settlement outside accra that has a container port on one side and enough to park on the other this is where environment 360 has sent copies fasts recycling center throughout the day steady stream of people brings material they have gathered in their districts here for sorting and weighing up to 5 tonnes of plastic a month the company pays by kilo caution and interesting rule is make some minute a plastic a plastic with Free Community so the everywhere you go Everybody Knows about Waste Management signal and then didnt know how to manage or even keep waste and we wouldnt see plastics just lying down i dont have to sorts they come in plastic based on color and quality for further processing shes been doing the job longer than anyone else here and helped organize the women in the neighborhood into our west because association oh. Yes sometimes the work is disgusting. But environment 360 provides us with everything we need. We have a shower here and we can wash our clothes after work. So when we go back to the Community Nobody knows how dirty we sometimes are different than the tama has been out and about in this land since early this morning the single mother of 5 doesnt have a lot of options when it comes to making money. I mow it up by the end of my road then i have them and. Model the women in the community some of them sell water at the south provisional fruits others go to the fishing harbor to buy fish which they smoke and sell but now a lot of them pick waste on their way back home to. Me off 1. 00 a day on the. Environment 360 well pick up the food socks later. Got quite a bobby Jr High School is out for the day time to gather up the west thats ended up in the school yard in the cause of the day. Dont forget to wash your hands afterwards nowadays these kids in gonna clean up the west they have produced as a matter of cause. These children already have a clue how plastic can be recycled but not Everybody Knows what to do with the empty plastic bottles plastic bottles are easy to buy but not so easy to get rid of they pop up all over the place littering the streets and nature to all too many end up in waste dumps a washed out. Plastic bottles are made from petroleum they are light practical and can be found pretty much everywhere. Globally a 1000000 are sold every single minute of the day if they were placed into end the plastic bottles sold in 2016 would form a chain stretching all the way to the planet mercury but we dont need to go to mercury so youve bought a drink in a plastic bottle and finished it what happens next in an ideal scenario it will be really used some can be refilled up to 15 times if there washed properly most arent that sturdy though. Many end up in a shredder where there are ground up into flakes of plastic. These can be used to make products like fleece clothing very nice except for the fact that every time the fleeces washed it releases plastic particles into the water. What about the rest of the plastic bottles they get thrown away or dropped right in the street or somewhere out in nature a significant portion of them land in dumps or are eventually carried out to sea. Between 5 and 13000000 tons of plastic garbage end up in the ocean every year a huge problem because plastics can take up to 450 years to decompose. If plastic trash doesnt get caught in propellers on ships or isnt washed up on the beach in the floating pieces grow smaller and smaller as they drift with the currents algae grows on their services and that draws fish and sea birds they think the particles are food and swallow them when too much collects in their stomachs real food. No longer passes through and they starve. And if those fish end up in our nets they enter our food supply directly either is fresh or can see food do we want to eat that no we dont because it certainly is unhealthy. Almost everybody has one but do you know where the metals in your mobile phone come from do you n. T. No not exactly to be honest but mainly i guess they are mine here in africa. For example very often terrible working conditions and high environmental costs thats why i dont start out came up with the idea of the borrower being an ethical smart ball and in the process raises awareness where the metals that go into. Worldwide more than a 1000000000 new smartphones go on sale annually and the old once they get thrown away fair phone a Small Company in the netherlands wants to stop this waste of resources it has developed a smartphone that is longer lasting and more easily repaired than most on the market mikhail banisters one of the companys founders he richly studied industrial design. I always thought that designers were in no way part of the problem of over consumption they lie very fast cycles so i started studying for the strategy behind the production of. Products in general and for fun was a great place to develop my yes for. This is what the companys model a smart phone looks like its easy to disassemble and repair and new parts such as improved cameras can be installed. The founders main idea was to produce the phones fairly that means with fair wages and Safety Standards for the workers and without materials from conflict regions. They had to search widely to fulfill that requirement in northern rwanda they discovered the new book around a Mining Company which operates a Tungsten Mine the small forces see here and measure function and thats made of times and from here. The mine is close to the border. The democratic republic of congo. Since conflicts in the neighboring country flared up again sales of tungsten from these mines plummeted. We got very well we did. In connection again. So that means the mine itself the traders smelter which is in austria but also. Factors in time to come together in working this. Through from the mouth of who are now from that specific mine so we were able to we were able to work with a mind that was out of conflict but also to help them have business again so that they can develop further. The fair phones are manufactured in china which is also where the gold used in the chips comes from. Smartphones contain more than 40 different metals itself their fun is only been able to build up a fair and sustainable supply chain for 5 of them that if it comes at a price a fair phone costs around 600 euros sustainability has become a trend but it will be a while before it goes mainstream this is definitely frontier moderate its definitely a topic but its still a nation topic there is a certain market for fairly produced smartphones but i dont think its mainstream yet but its a topic that may change the moment that manufacturers are able to combine fair production with performance and up to date features. When that moment comes i think demand will rise considerably come to me often off target on board which by their phone has won a number of prizes for its efforts to manufacture and effect conditions. With around 160000. 00 customers in europe it has captured a corner of the Smartphone Market and hopes to keep growing. From every tellin this challenge that we have tried to make mr allen is very open and transparent because we want to talk more about the challenges not. Yes so we have a different approach through to sustainability if you want we dont. See sustainability as a risk you see theres an opportunity. The name fair phone still promises more than the company can entirely deliver but it is helping to make the difficulties associated with fair production play for all to see. In recent years mobile phones have become almost essential for making money transfers and handling business transactions in rural africa and of course you can take your phone with you wherever you go or you also have to keep the battery charged here in nigeria and thats not always so easy because the pass apply is quite erotic but any engineers at the university of nigeria are working to alleviate the problem lets go see what theyre doing. Nigerias National Power supply is notoriously unreliable. There are frequent outages so many people depend on generators. Engineers at the university of nigeria soca are looking for solutions. Theyve constructed a system that converts organic waste into gas. Materials such as corn husks old wood chips are fed into the reactor which is way. Down the chemical process produces gas which in turn powers a generator that produces electricity. We never. Think one is that weve been able to generate electricity. Weve been there would have been lying through which we know is there but i mean. This power plant cost about 25000. 00 euros to build. Because the energy needs for the department of engineering but researchers are working on a larger version. It would take 12 of those larger versions to supply energy for the whole campus that would save the university a lot of money and put waste to good use the people and the environment. And how about you. If youre also doing your bit tell us about it. Visit our website or send us a tweet hash tag doing your beat. We share your stories. From nigeria we are now heading south to check out a Pretty Amazing project believe it or not some women. Community in the western uganda make a living by selling. Dung only after theyve turned it into. The income that enables them to send that children to school also people medicine i mean the long run this woman is about. Also hope that their contribution will help to discover elephant poaching as well. Oh. And the fence dong is a valuable resource for people here members of the Tara Community who live near the Queen Elizabeth National Park collect these drop ins as a rule material for people. Moses is heading up the project he picked up on the idea after a group of tourists explained the process to him. Off the long time suffering because of. Crossing the boundary and destroying our crops well look on how were going to get the composition for the crops are satisfied by that in france. The plants eaten by elephants contain fiber that makes excellent paper the woman 1st soft on the donkey boiling and washing its to clean it orally the remaining fibers are then built into and dried. The Guitar Community uses the paper to make bags notebooks and event cards scraps can be turned into necklaces the communities products are purchased by lodges in the park and sold on to tourists for between 5 and 15 dollars. Then those in the city and we use some of the money to buy school much here as for french children. Thats provides us with loans while the rest we reinvest in our handicrafts ship was supported by. A local woman a woman from the room. Other villages have also turned to collect in elephant dung and these farmers buells makeshift houses in their fields to keep watch over the crops when the elephants come they try to chase them away and keep the drop ins on average to collect about 100 kilograms of dung every week. And when the elephants have headed back to the park we go out and get the dong dry it and sell it to the Tara Community and i am 3. 00 for each bucket and that helps me buy Something Else a. Little bit of. Now you want to numb with. And uganda many farmers are women often they are widows with no obvious source of income their husbands were killed while poaching in the park the elephants pose real threat to their crops but being able to make an income from their dont has helped change their attitude towards the elephants go without. Bad feelings and out of power now were focusing on improving this project itself in us to pay for our Childrens School fees. Grow up to feel the plaque as implanted in us because their fathers are killed there too also such projects like these i was young fools wildlife Authorities Say the qatar communitys help in uganda its population of 5000 elephants to grow back in the 1980 s. They were just 700 of the animals left in the country. Moses a god and the others in the project are committed to the cause at 1st our people our own. I voted for saying and others they they get meat for sale and others they poison because of being annoyed so were also trying to reduce the extinction of elephants you know community because as i talk to people now they are no longer committing an offense that no longer boys are not going to fuss because they are gaining. Income out of course i think that an offense and with the elephant population growing business is booming and most is a godless paper making start up. I am extra support takes us today gyptian capital. Do you know what the population of. Over 9000000 i mean if you include greater cairo its actually over 20000000 that makes it the 2nd most populous metropolitan area in africa after my home lagos city. And as you know n. T. A large cities come with a lot of problems like meeting the citys food needs this plenty of farmland along the nile of course and egypt still imports a lot of food now theres also an initiative it to use the citys rooftops as gardens lets pay a visit to one of these green oasis. Every day mohammed to have tends to his garden for 3 years now the more ways in has been planting different vegetables on the rooftop terrace of his mosque in the quarter of a teen. Its a patch of green in the concrete jungle of cairo. Illinois. Mainly looking to create a clean atmosphere in the area and on the roof. Not much more than that. Of the income generated from this goes into the Charity Trust here at the mosque. He often brings his grandchild along who really loves roll cayle. Mohammed didnt have to pay for the equipment cairo based organization should do installed it for free. Shareef cousin e and his brother set up the n. G. O. S years ago they decided to work with hydroponics because that requires little water and no soil and the space for the efficient system on practically any roof top. Let the lot of us and we did that for families with low income and this kind of project can raise income a little bit. Of them and 3rd be available for that so it doesnt have only environmental benefits. But also social ones. In poorer districts like hell when roofs are often cluttered with old trash show doofus now setting up 500 gardens here instead the residents of this building set up their micro farm 3 months ago and now theyre ready to harvest for the 1st time that i mean its beautiful i wish everyone would do this and those who have the space should get involved and do this to the rooftops are unused here installing a rooftop garden cost the equivalent of 630. 00 euros but the families only have to pay around 20. 00 euros of that. 95 percent of the large scale project is being financed by a Swiss Foundation should do pfizer any surplus produce and sells it in the egyptian capital with the help of other local n. G. O. S. More tasm mustapha installed the 1st rooftop garden 8 years ago since then hes put up over 200 of them. Were in office but her mind was working on this rooftop were working with 2 families. Because each one will receive 2 set ups thats 420. 00 plants in total. After. The stuff from should do explain to the families how often the plants need watering and which strains grow best. Most probably. Around projects where we planted seeds with young girls between 9 and 15. People of any age can learn how to use this Hydroponic System you know where the. Its not complex or hard to maintain that or how we time and im upset. The residents also learn how to get started by placing wicking strips in all the cups they feed water to the roots. Then seeds around it. When theyve chosen malaki a plant whitely cultivated an egypt and lettuce. In a few months when the plants are growing to maturity the families can harvest twice a month. Just yeah i mean were also beautifying our roof people looking out of the window are coming up you will see a lovely scene. The dedication of a few families will hopefully inspire others to follow the rooftop gardens are already helping cairo grow a little greener. And without lovely view its time to say goodbye that was our weekly roundup of environment stories. And you wrote thanks for watching and thats a balmy. In lagos and its goodbye for me to end south africa day to day dont forget to join us on our social media platforms and web page where you can share your comments and suggestions. See you next time. Sometime in the 26th. My great granddaughter people. Might move away like in your lifetime and around a half a century. Its really frightening to have asked. Why arent people more concerned. Little yellow boots 50. Feet up. Something is rotten in the state that mark. Its a quote from hamlet homage to us mom feels like the today. Copenhagen for 30 years and now hes already several officially declared his neighborhood go. Look it up. Its a case of too. Even 90 minutes on w. Rock n roll. Since all of the contestants by the church. Know that evil feeling that you feel when you think. The past is. Going to stop no one is more popular than jesus up book. Rock and religion clash that brings many closer to late. For the 2 really soon to reconcilable come to the devil. June 17th t. W. Sometimes books the more exciting than real life. Preparing to greet. What if theres no escape. List. German must treat. The present hero at its most sedating at its most exciting. Most creative. Class trendy taste of innovative real and charming. Your resistible. On t. W. Staying up today dont miss our highlights. Program. W dot com highlights. Rescuers in budapest say theres little chance of finding survivors following wednesdays boat accident on the river Danube Police have launched a criminal investigation at least 7 south korean tourists died and many more still missing after a sightseeing vessel collided with another boat in bad weather. German chancellor Angela Merkel has been ordered by the university of harvard which awarded her its owner a dr of laws degree in a speech merkel made her

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