Various topics each week on instagram. Germany state by state. The most colorful. The liveliest. The most traditional find it all at any time. Check in with a web special. Take a tour of germany state by state on d w dot com. D w turn diversity. Where the world of science is at home in many languages. And they will be. There with us our innovations magazine for asia. Every week and always looking to the future fund d w dot com science and research for asia. The retreat of the Ottoman Empire from europe lasted more than a century but its final disintegration took just four years a consequence of the First World War. Its last territories in a Rabia Mesopotamia Syria and palestine became the modern day middle east borders and states were formed resulting in conflicts that periodic lee flare up to this day. I had to come back. On april the twenty fifth one Nine Hundred Fifteen french and british troops attempted to land on the good little peninsula in the dungeon and straight. The ultimate empire had been at war since november Nine Hundred Fourteen as an ally of germany the austriahungary an empire and the bug area. The ottoman army led by the german Commander Lehman from sound us and the young autumn an officer Mustapha Kemal was able to force back the allies on gill italy half a Million People lost their lives and yet it literally was a victory for the ottomans. One of only a few in a war in which they only reluctantly participated. Since Nine Hundred Thirteen the ottoman government had been headed by an all for a Tarion Nationalist triumvirate that had emerged from the young turks revolution. Jamal pasha the minister of the navy. Pasha the interior minister. And the passion the war minister. He was the strongest advocate of the alliance with germany. When war became inevitable the three passions aligned the Ottoman Empire with germany from istanbul to the border of anatolia from palestine to Yemen Mobilisation occurred in all the remaining autumn and provinces. Biggest like those nineteen fourteen was supposed to bring about the turkish revenge on the history They Story Go Turning To Poland but from the very first battles the turks fared badly and neither the first nor the Second World War saw
the turks avenge their history they began clotho give them until the last half of the stuff. The ottoman stood their ground in the west but they faced a debacle in the east. In one Nine Hundred Fifteen and bipasha went on the offensive against russia he wanted to conquer back lost territories in the caucasus and expand the empire into central asia. Winter became a Trap Typhoid Cholera and hunger decimated the poorly equipped Ottoman Troops at times even before any fighting had occurred. But rather than accept responsibility for this disaster the ottoman high command sort of scapegoat in the armenians. Political long allegedly the armenians had collaborated with the russians in turkey somewhat to the much exaggerated number of eight and a half thousand armenians who it said had collaborated with the russians i think every. Kind of forsaken going to take a cousin given that around Thirteen Million soldiers on the russian side and several million muslim soldiers on the ottoman side fourteen World War One eight and a half thousand people of is a drop in the ocean a second group dawdled in front of the vault on a sound ah me. Oh the end china i mean young population was accused of these Quote Chronons the thought that they were going to be targeted for collective measures by the ottoman state that would lead to the eradication of the armenian population of eastern at a tortilla and effectively the first modern genocide of history. On april the
twenty fourth One Hundred Fifteen some two hundred primarily armenian intellectuals were arrested and murdered in istanbul an event that marks the beginning of the genocide. Armenians in anatolia were deported to the Syrian Desert where they were murdered the German Military mission stood by without intervening two thirds of the armenian population more than a Million People were killed. The slaughter of the armenians is evidence of the Ottoman Empire as National Chauvinism there was no room for christians any more Its Hard Core was turkish and its margins exclusively muslim. In his role as kali sometime messmate the fifth called for jihad islamic holy war
jamal pascha had his sights set on Reconquering Egypt and expanding the arab and muslim margins that protected the turkish heart of the empire but his campaign against the British Forces on the suez canal failed. The cole for holy war failed to unite muslims in support of the Ottoman Empire quite the opposite resentment was staring in its arab provinces over the increasingly centralized and thora tarion government of the young turks more than anything jamal pascha feared Subversive Activity by opposition movements. In melbourne lay the minister. Maintained an Extensive Network of spies in an effort to discredit arab intellectuals and politicians with all means possible. The Opposition Ottoman Administrative Decentralisation Party was very. Prominent at the time. Yeah but. Rather than folk ating independence for the empire as arab provinces it sought to regain their prewar autonomy. But on that they told so demanded to officially languages in each region. Turkish and the local language. To end the dominance of turkish in the Education System and the judiciary i lot of. Jamal pascha responded to these demands with a heavy hand in spring nine Hundred Sixteen Arab intellectuals and activists were arrested and executed as traitors in Damascus Beirut and jerusalem. In a very concentrated four year period peoples in the air provinces suffered. In an unprecedented way that had made the burden of the thing under autumn and will unbearable for the average arab autumn a citizen it made them very angry with their state and it made them want out. The ottomans banked on Hussein Bin Ali the sheriff of mecca to throw the weight of his moral authority behind their holy war as an heir of the Hashemite Dynasty Hussein was the guardian of the sacred sites of mecca and medina. But his agenda so to liberate the arab lands from ottoman rule and establish a single independent and unified arab state. The young turks rejected negotiations and threatened to remove him. The british on the other hand offered him everything he wanted the independence of the Ottoman Arabs from mesopotamia to palestine under his leadership if he rebelled against turkey. Jamaal passions reign of terror a spurt into action in june one Nine Hundred SixteenSheriff Of St Called Upon The Arabs to revolt against the empire. Though. It was. His son emir faisal was put in charge of the rebellion. A young englishman stood by his side an archaeologist who was now working as a secret agent. Thomas and who had lawrence better known as lawrence of arabia. They conquered and pinned down the troops of the empire on several fronts enabling a British Advance to palestine. In december Nine Hundred Seventeen the british general edmund allonby. Made a triumphant entry into jerusalem. Can fear that with the arrival of general allen b. Hundred days indian troops they formed the foundation of the british army at the time the war was practically over and with it all the suffering it had cost had hope
well i have a look at the heart of the that some also saw this as the end of the Ottoman Empire in particular the end of the oppression by cheney pasha and his military administration. Damascus found at the end of september nine Hundred Eighteen Faisal immediately installed a provisional government. After just four years the break between the arabs and the Ottoman Empire was complete the ottoman army and is german allies capitulated on all fronts from palestine to mesopotamia. The. Young. Demonstrate to the outside world that they are responding to the war crimes of the young turks with severity that they would have a sort of suitable punishment imposed on them by the outside powers as part of the war as part of the settlement its largely unknown in the west that it immediately after the armistice the ottoman government convened a tribunal to put on trial those held responsible for the organization or for the perpetration of the massacre of Armenians Hundreds of leading officials from the provincial level right up to the Central Government were arrested over tried in absentia. Dozens were found guilty and convicted to death three were actually hanged for their crimes some quite senior in the Chain Of Command leading to the murder of thousands of armenians though obviously those most responsible architects
of the genocide had already fled autumn in domains and would not be subject to ottoman justice. As much as the new ottoman government tried to distance itself from its young turk predecessors it was unable to prevent the fragmentation of the empire. The Paris Peace Conference began on january the eighteenth one thousand nine hundred nineteen. Faisal arrived with Thomas Edward lawrence to remind the british of their promise the prize of an arab kingdom. The promise is only bind those who believe in them during the war britain had secretly reached an agreement with its ally france against ottoman interests. Mark sykes a british agent and francois pico a french diplomat had negotiated a plan to divide the ottoman provinces. In the South Britain took mesopotamia where it had secured several oil concessions. In the north france wanted to extend its area of influence in syria it had a long history of ties to the region having protected Christian Maronites in lebanon since the Nineteenth Century. The sykes pekoe agreement made no mention of fisons kingdom. The secret deal carried more weight than the promise made to the emea. France was given a mandate for syria the british withdrew and the final to fend for himself against
france. On july twenty fourth one Nine Hundred Twenty Eight the final battle took place near my saloon four days later faisal was forced into exile. It was the ultimate british betrayal of the promises that they made to the hashemites and was to remain what for arab nationalists would prove the and resolved failure of the british to uphold their promises to the arabs to their right to shape their own future and in so doing of course created the problem that would be deviled the arab world right through the Twentieth Century reconciling the legitimacy of the frontiers in which the states of the arab world would be made to this not just in syria but in iraq in jordan in palestine in let in on it was to shape the into war years as a moment of National Struggle by divided arabs against their european colonial
masters. It was to distort arab politics rather. France going to. Use their design independence independence from the Ottoman Empire and the rest of syria. On september the First One Hundred twenty the new state of great eleven and was founded in beirut. To make it more economically viable the state also incorporated the coastal cities of tire and tripoli as well as the first town to come. Further treaties followed the Paris Peace Conference in San Rima Seven every treaty further divided the remnants of the Ottoman Empire. When french british and Italian Forces occupied istanbul the ottoman government had to accept renewed territorial losses. With you in a shark. Many of us more on the loss of the time when the arab world and the middle east werent yet geographically divided. Yet he had the. Southern lebanon and galilee where one region. The people traveled through transjordan as if it were all one country. The same thing was true of syria and palestine. For. People never knew anything else but when the british came and severed palestine from its arab
neighbors not was over there were a lot of whichever. The british received the mandate to administer the form of the Ottoman Palestine a mandate which also provided for the creation of a Jewish National home in palestine. The move up held a different war time promise one made to the Zionist Movement its sorta refuge for jews driven out of europe. In november Nine Hundred Seventeen the British Foreign secretary of the balfour stated his majestys Government View with favor the establishment in palestine of a National Home for the jewish people. The Ottoman Sultans had rejected any deal with the zionists even though large jewish communities had existed since antiquity in Palestine Jerusalem Hebron and saf and. The british mandate supported the immigration of European Jews fleeing Anti Semitism and the girls in Russia Ukraine and poland new communities with a european background began living alongside the locals rooted in muslim culture. Well to that end there was virtually no difference between muslims relationship to jews and christians. There was no answer going to stick differentiation between jews and arabs in the Ottoman Empire my country I Dont You Know would nobody would have talked about the jews or the arabs. There were different regional groups and in some villages it was christians who made up the majority in others it was julia. Lao was sure that. There was a coexistence that irish. Officially got. To this day we assume that the Old City Of Jerusalem encompassed four quarters of a Jewish Quarter muslim one an armenian and a christian but we view every quarter as exclusive but no historically it was unlike a lot of jews lived in the Muslim Quote The British not the ottomans introduced this categorization and segregation. Of money it was the british who divided Up Jerusalems Old City and issued passports noting citizens religious affiliation jews and muslims were separated and if john mortice nineteen twenty marked the start of the in twenty minutes of
the religion and nationalism then that live in religion land to additional impetus to an ethnic nationalism. But its not a religious belief and thats the difference from the middle ages its not a theological conflict its a nationalist conflict between ethnic religious. Look at them with their own which a lot of the other your religion one Hundred One Avenue Group against the others. At new york show had that i think it represents a missed opportunity. Like school see if you need to feel. Zionist and hellerstein your nationalism only reinforce each other at the philistinism the opportunity of an arab zionism and the an arab jewish identity
mixing was not seen me even though it existed in what instead of one movement for the other exclusive deal. For they were fired up in. Its an irony of history that the First World War was to end the divisions and the tragedies they had caused. But in reality it only cost new divisions and. He meant having that. It strengthened separatist movements and fostered a new religious conflicts phil gordon why there should
we see across the middle east pressures emerging from a state system that are a direct legacy. Of the First World War and have marked the middle east as a zone of conflict for the past century its a sad truth that there really never has been a peace that has been brought peace to the other for. What could be done about the chaos that ensued from the division of the Ottoman Empire. When the british failed to reconcile zionist an arab aspirations they decided to partition palestine with the Jewish National home assigned to the west bank of the Jordan River The East Bank and therefore three quarters of Ottoman Palestine became transjordan modern day jordan it was put under the command of finals brother abdullah. That quieted one front while another opened up. In june one Nine Hundred Twenty a major rebellion erupted in mesopotamia also british mandated territory. Its thought that one uprising the test series of uprising tribal leaders revolted for Different Reasons religious holy cities revolted two Different Reasons it only to say no to the british for a different reason tiber leaders were angry because they were not paid by the british while their latest obvious went and no jeff and couple i was angry because of the events taking a place in the neighboring irans was religious establishment was again this
british presence in iran. The strategically important region of mesopotamia modern day iraq consisted of three ottoman provinces. The one around baghdad where Sunnis Shiites Jews and christians all lived together. The largely Kurdish Mozilla and bands which was majority shiite. The ottomans had conquered mesopotamia to protect themselves from their major shiite rival the persian. Empire modern day iran. Since the Nineteenth Century britain had been interested in the region both because of its oil reserves and its position on one of the Communication Routes to india. After the rebellion of Nine Hundred Twenty colonize ation was no longer an option the issue now was to retreat while maintaining british interests. This
was the task faced at the conference in cairo in march nineteen twenty one by the new Colonial Secretary winston churchill. There was only one woman among the forty Conference ParticipantsGertrude Bell she would draw up the lines of modern iraq. After the war london assigned her the task of devising a plan for mesopotamia she presented its outline of the Cairo Conference and autonomous Kingdom Of Iraq was to be established one that was loyal to the british Headed By Faisal the son of sheriff Hussein Faisal ally in the british had turned their back on. That was the argument of well we knew this group loyal Reliable Group to
rule iraq to form the new rolling native class by thumping was how to select a person as a king of the new king of that was really only fourteen issue so they hell. I thought they were import of army like in europe so they imitated this idea for the very stupid north to elect someone with from within iraq so they brought someone from. J. C. L. Out of fear from the other a Banana Seller and they thought this was sick see if they will he will be a some will of unity but he did not have any popular basis nor place in our history or our many we were divided society were to govern by force in august nineteen twenty one
crowned king of iraq in the absence of an Iraqi National anthem the orchestra played god save the king. How you can create a state with different two groups of people different entire nations different languages different cultures and traditions so you have to use force. To kill force and physical force they failed she had a lead in a very tiny group of seventy harvest Army Officers to a belt or to create an artificial state she thought these people are more
than this force and they wall. Succeeded in creating a more than a state. You know by passage of time its turned out to be a mis two thousand or three put an end to bells project. In Two Thousand And Three the us invaded iraq it was the end of an era during which a sunni clan ruled a shiite majority and the start of an eight year war that fueled unparalleled sectarian violence. Later places certainly dont mean it army with any dominated army so the dirt learned from past mistakes. The chaos of postwar iraq fostered a rise in islamic militancy and the emergence of jihadist groups like islamic state. The civil war raging in syria facilitated the advance of an army of sunni jihadists from iraq. One. In twenty fourteen its leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi declared a new caliphate in the territory of iraq in syria. The old borders set up by the psychs pekoe agreement were to be swept away the new order forced upon the ruins of the Ottoman Empire was to be destroyed. In both iraq and syria kurds found themselves on the front lines in the war against us. It called attention to the plight of an ancient people with its own History Culture and language arabic nor turkish the. Just scattered across modern day iraq syria and turkey the people without a state forgotten during the division of the Ottoman Empire. Until the Nineteenth Century the kurds didnt have a National Identity they merely saw themselves as subjects of the Ottoman Empire as part of ottoman society. On an Empire Identity who is defined by religious rather than National Terms theyre going was members and no muslims since the kurds were muslims they were treated like the majority of muslims although they had Semi Autonomous Status they too had to pay taxes and do
a Military Service that prevented the development of a National Consciousness until the end of the Nineteenth Century only when the autumn an era came to an end did this consciousness arise in reaction to the empires tough to vacation. Time and tells us that when they realized they were different they were oppressed they had been assimilated and extinguished. Only and they are developed that would tunnel under this pressure. After the autumn ins were defeated there were plans to create a state for the kurds thats what it says in the treaty of seven which settled the details of the breakup of the Ottoman Empire. An autonomous Kurdish Region was to be established in Eastern Anatolia neighboring. State. The also an empire would then be limited to the region around istanbul and Western Anatolia but the provisions of seven were never implemented. Resistance to autumn and rule grew in anatolia a weakened and discredited regime because it had accepted the humiliating peace treaty of seven. And. It wasnt long before a National Liberation army emerged as a Result Attack a shammy that fought for the restoration of serenity it was led by the hero of deliberately was stuff that came out. He established a provisional government in ankara in anatolia he no longer recognized the authority of the sultan nothing could stop his army. In september one Nine Hundred Twenty two he marched into greek occupied smilin a modern day is mia the town was razed the greek population massacred. The last troops loyal to The Sultan Surrendered Meth made the sixth was forced to step down the imperial ottoman family sent into exile. Mustafa kamal abolished the sultanate and on october the twenty ninth One Thousand Twenty Three he proclaimed
a new turkish republican state the treaty of luzon replace that of seven and recognize the existing borders there would be no kurdish state. The turkish National Identity was as nuclear defined. Anatolian and sunni muslim the former hard core of the Ottoman Empire. Mustafa kemal wanted to create a modern secular state that put the past behind but just as in the previous century religious identity continued to inform National Identity. For the very first time is emerging in the modern era a muslim state that can tell Christian States where to stop which it had done that was the achievement of attitude so i think for the republicans the turkish
national pride in the consolidation of the National Consciousness is bound up from the start with this sense of having done something that the ottomans for several centuries had been able to do which is to hold western power. At the same time as becoming west. After the First World War the nation state asserted itself but what was to be done about minority ethnic groups. Greece and the newly established turkish republic opted for a radical solution. Starting in one thousand Nine Hundred Twenty four Five Hundred Thousand muslims were expelled from greece and almost a million Greek Orthodox christians from turkey. A claim is made a state must be founded it can but on what basis on an ethnic. Linguistical concessional basis. Its a sign but i think the ottoman russian and Austria Hungary and empires werent able to resolve this question if theyre not wish it could lock up in the Historical Context of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries this decline was inevitable it didnt have you cant take it in a bit though it didnt necessarily have to proceed in this way. Shouldnt the end of the Ottoman Empire with its long history of chaos and violence make us think about states nations and borders. About other models of living together about types of unions to heal the wounds caused by the division of the empire. Wounds in the balkans and in the middle east that still undermine hopes for stability in the world today. Space Age Technology for our streets. Driverless cars still encounter real obstacles in traffic but on mars rovers have been moving Autonomy Sleigh for years. Now a japanese automaker wants to use their technology to create Self Driving Cars that
are out of this world. To borrow today in thirty minutes on d w. Yeah. And i think one day this war will be considered a cruel and unjust war where you know and certainly all citizens of ukraine every man woman and child if she will defend their homeland if the enemy invades. No one wants russia here which is. Rebel against the mighty global news that matters. D. W. Made for minds. Your children like chocolate. You cant live without your smartphone