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Because. Here in northern germany the German Armed Forces the bundestag this holding its open day. Fun and games for the entire family say the organizes and a chance for the arms industry to show off its west especially for munitions john to run metal there is hardly a german Weapons Project but does not involve rodman taught by. The German Company goes back a long way and this is one of its main locations like. Five thousand kilometers away bombs are being dropped on civilians in a war that makes a mockery of International Law and despite apparently strict export rules run mittal is making a killing out of it. Tonight they use this playground to be the citys all expanding and. They are all getting new customers as well it will go for the bottom this is an infamous game with dubious roles in terms of legality ethics and morality what would you call that the dutch edition or German Technology and expertise are being used to deal in death we have to do all we can to stop this. Every two years the british capital attracts military delegations from around the world they come to the london docklands to attend the d. S. I ams fact that countries may be at war with each other but here they can bury the hatchet while they buy new weapons. One of the biggest stands of the trade fam belongs to ron matal germanys leading arms manufacturer would just hold off base Company Sells three billion euros worth of military equipment tanks cannons Simulation Systems guns and ammunition. Shells from mortar launchers soft hillary guns tanks and ordnance on display like precious museum exhibits looking so shiny and pretty that an observer could forget that these instruments of death. Many of those inside all familiar with this man on the outside Andrew Feinstein International Arms trade expert and former South African parliamentarian hes not allowed in fortunately my name is well known to be nice is off the obvious fact and so ive never grown to try to take a shine to come inside the sphere since he uncovered a huge arms scandal in his country has been operating from london for his own show. Safety is Research Also focuses on german arms exports germany plays a role through the export of weapons especially into regions that are unstable where there is conflict where there is repression. Most obviously to day the middle east and plays a role in ensuring that those conflicts are remarkably bloody. Like the campaign in yemen it was originally touted as a short aerial intervention led by saudi arabia to defeat the militias who were allegedly terrorizing the country. More than a thousand days later theres been no sign of a let up the who thieves have put up stiffer resistance than expected and the saudis and their allies have responded by raising much of yemen to the ground they bomb schools hospitals and residential areas they destroy infrastructure and apparently aim to starve the country into submission its a war thats claimed thousands of lives and led to a humanitarian catastrophe. Going by the book the german arms industry should have nothing to do with this war. For example it is forbidden by german law to export arms to countries where they can be used to disturb the peace. As the German Security and Defense Industry we completely accept that its all for titles or slaves for. But there are ways and means to turn a profit that all the same one of those ways is by an island in the mediterranean familiar to many germans as a holiday destination. Come out openly is one of saddam is best known politicians he was regional president before he was elected to the Italian Parliament and run a politician who conducts a lot of his research personally including research into ryan met top. It all began just over two years ago when he got a tip off that something incredible was happening at kalyani apple web planes full of vacationers land and take off. That these days that this area here was full of bombs it was quite a show of course the people who saw it got excited that the countless bombs being loaded onto a cargo plane demanded a casus for them the moment that he got their way out of. The cell photos of the operation the weapons of war being loaded up next to the tourist carriers. U. S. General purpose bombs from the mock eighty series being loaded onto a plane belonging to silk way and azerbaijani and one that specializes in transporting weapons to crisis hit regions. What was going on. When he got his balls havent got the only answer i got was from the operators of the airport people you know who said that all the flights were authorized that they dont use but chief no further details both liberal and i asked the same question in parliament and was told the same thing that isnt that it that the flights were authorized. This was official confirmation that bombs were being transported to the bomb but. The bombs are assembled here in rural sond india about forty five kilometers west of. Me in a valley near the town of goma snow bus is an unassuming looking factory that makes bombs by the thousands. It belongs to a Company Called wm italia the abbreviation stands for ryan mittal weapon and munition and it is a one hundred percent subsidiary of german arms manufacturer run mittal. But it kept the days this is a german factory on italian territory that makes a deadly product bombs that are sold all over the world by measurement here germany is exploiting it disadvantaged area this will just something with its high unemployment i dont hear arms are being manufactured for huge profits but a brute i did not is what is happening in this area. When it comes to the course of the. Book where of the bombs made by ron matal inside dania deployed in twenty fifteen an employee of the ngo Human Rights Watch snapped these photographs of bomb components. They were found in sabah in northern yemen city with a population of fifty thousand shortly after a saudi bombing raid. The bomb bears a code number that indicates the type of aman and its origin. The italian island of sardinia. When queried ryan mittal intell dolph admitted that the n. S. A. And code thirteen twenty five fifteen one five zero fifty eight twenty four indicates that it was made by w. M. Italian gradually a coherent picture is emerging he seems to sequester the chain obviously lots of people said nothing yeah i know first the government in rome. In the Regional Government and anyone else who knew what was going on. This factory was all. Used to make explosives but they were used for civilian purposes like the plant used to supply the local mines that once existed here in sardinia. But at some stage the factory was repurposed more or less secretly. Kwesi. Central berlin in may twenty seventeen protesters take to the streets to demonstrate against ron metal as it holds its annual Shareholders Meeting. Despite not lets be clear i never buy shares in ryan mattel to make a profit is guilty of complicity with arms exports and with murder throughout the world. Works for an Italian Foundation he is part of a network that buys run Mittal Shands not for the dividend but to ask difficult questions that shareholder meetings he has heard them run mittal plans to invest heavily in its factory unsought india. To me to get a frog visa i would like to ask why these facilities are being expanded in dont most know of us as we read that there is going to be a new testing range we dont understand exactly what is going on what is being tested and what for which weapons. Where these weapons being exported to. These have often explode. At previous annual meetings of run mental photographs were allowed these are from twenty fifteen. This show rahmatullah chairman baca and behind him the other directors and Supervisory Board members now photos are prohibited when the chairman gets up to talk business his message to this meeting all the trends point to growth especially for rye matal defense the weapons. Sales of almost three billion euros in twenty sixteen fourteen percent year on year growth and a new order for munitions to the tune of four hundred nine eleven Million Euros. The destination is in one of the most conflict regions in the world the middle east and north africa right mittal wont say exactly which country has placed the order. Be fun what did you make of the numbers. At the moment the company is in good shape and it was all very correct and democratic perfect but would you do well the dividend is not bad at all its certainly better than the interest the local bank pays it doesnt although you the palms may buy rahmatullah being used in yemen at least a dozen other me. Thats the wrong question if bombs are being dropped there its not right mattel dropping them. How was the Shareholders Meeting it was good good but what did you like in particular off because the whole atmosphere the whole package is im tight as it is what did you make of the numbers they presented yes promising sorry i have to guess my boss at a time was that does it bother you that bombs made by rahmatullah being dropped in yemen you know. To me yeah it does not everything is put to the right news but there are positives to back you know qantas. Motto major lotto now has confirmation that the plantain sobbed india is growing in importance for run mittal. You flog a new but you know they answered some of our questions about plans to expand the plant and dont most know of us so they said they would invest seventeen to twenty Million Euros in two thousand and seventeen and the same again in two thousand and eighteen. Thousand oxen also it will be. Most know of us is a. Small town with high unemployment and the dwindling population business is booming for one fun run meant tals bomb factory. It is dramatic this is a business based on death. The more people are killed the more weapons are bought macone the more you kill it the more weapons you need its a perverse mechanism that a Democratic State should not tolerate neither for moral nor economic reasons. But have come to a small town in southern sobbed india play such a big role in the International Arms trade lets take a look at a complicated contract from twenty twelve that formed the basis for a major export do. The Saudi Arabian Defense Ministry orders bombs from us from raytheon its british subsidiary subcontracts the rime a town subsidiary w. M. Italia to produce them contract is worth more than sixty three million euro news. The order was delivered from dormice nov us to jeddah islamic seaport from where it was taken to the end customer the Royal Saudi Air force this contract ran until mid twenty seventeen and covered thousands of m k eighty three bombs. Since the start of the saudi at campaign in yemen in twenty fifteen at the very latest it is being doubtful whether the arms exports are in line with italian law. Is that the deep vein these are sales to a country at war two a conflict that has been condemned by the United Nations on numerous occasions yet the italian constitution which condemns war and a law on arms exports totally pretty. With this kind of export. How is it possible for ryan metal to export bombs from sandton into saudi arabia nonetheless when asked the italian defense minister said it had nothing to do with. These are not italian monks theyre covered by a contract signed by a us firm that subcontracted to german firm. That company has factories in italy. Numerous written queries to the Italian Government went. Who then is responsible for the bombs exported by germanys biggest alms manufacturer. In berlin the federal Security Council meets in secret to decide what. Can go ahead. Of the chancellor and important ministers bases its decisions on the governments political principles which say supplying weapons of war shall not be approved to countries involved in Armed Conflict or when there is a danger of such a conflict breaking out. A flexible principle as the latest figures show twenty seventeen the German Government did indeed approve oms exports to some countries that dont meet the requirements German Companies exported submunitions worth four hundred twenty eight Million Euros to egypt two hundred forty nine Million Euros worth to saudi arabia two hundred fourteen million to the United Arab Emirates in the late one nine hundred eighty s. When helmut kohl was chancellor his defense minister Rupert Schultz of the Christian Democratic Union was a member of the federal Security Council the former law professor knows the legal and political ramifications of arms exports. Its a grey area heres one example. Patrol boats to saudi arabia intended for Police Border controls that has nothing to do with the military or military purposes however if the intention is to deploy them for military purposes they do need approval according to legislation governing the weapons of war in other words its a grey area. Grey area the should be no question about exports to saudi arabia for the war in yemen. If arms can be used or intended for use in wars of aggression or for measures that would disturb the peace as the law stipulates then the federal German Government is duty bound to refuse to approve their export time the German Economic Ministry has to say about the bomb sold by iran mittal the matter you describe the assumption is that the export of alms took place from italy in this regard german law petain some sports from germany very easy for the German Authorities to say these particular munitions and equipment are being produced in italy their responsibility of the italians to regulate the italians on the other hand. And therefore will assume that the. That and it is in this way that the global trade in weapons remains less regulated than the global trade. Some deals were approved by neither the italian nor the German Government run the town has found another way around the regulations this time by a south africa. Since the days of apartheid the country has had a powerful arms industry with close ties to politicians. One of the few politicians who lost critical questions about this is copus monterey of the Opposition Party Democratic Alliance in twenty sixteen he learned that an entire time key arms factory had been exported to saudi arabia. We were concerned that you know subs saudi arabia has got a good record in terms of human rights and suppression of human rights especially women and then you know the perception that they are supporting isis and even some rebel forces in yemen and other countries it is in conflict zones and we were concerned that whatever gets manufactured they we you know can be used directly oh in directly in those in those areas the government did not respond to questions about reportedly unchecked use of the arms factory which added to my raise concern. That were not convinced at all i think as ive stated in the in a previous earlier that you know anything can be used and sometimes in the future so its a Saudi Company now so it makes it even more difficult to monitor and control because they would tell us probably i suspect but be doing is not good nothing to do with you we dont use your products to manufacture anything. Despite the fact that your original plan. Was manufactured and installed because. Fifty kilometers east of cape town on the way to the Somerset West township is the headquarters of the company the build the factory its a huge complex with tight security a site of National Strategic importance which is why filming is actually prohibited to watch transparent a familiar blue logo bashing of ryan mittal this branch is called the now munition augie m m presents itself as a premium manufacturing. Procedure. From a. Battle tested you see where every detail to see. When its Mission Critical there is no. Compromise. This is where this should stay in. Their ultimate with. Some transmissions for we should use little to no munition adi aim is may need an export driven company and they are one of the most Successful Companies into africa they have got a lot of billions. Every year they employ over two thousand people and they all crying at. The factories all even running double shifts because theyre also busy. One of staff because Success Stories on the Defense Industry side of. The story began a decade ago when ron metron started a joint venture with a state run South African Company denounced. In two thousand and eight two for middle forces joint South African the now and germanys run matal defense efficiency and quality. Initiative was full there have been constant scandals around. The whole. Africas military infrastructure is constantly. Scoundrel so its origins. And its practices since then have remained criminal to be in partnership with a company that is a state owned enterprise in south africa means that you are effectively engaging in the corruption that is taking place in the South African state today. We are back in northern germany in a village of three thousand five hundred residents one to loose is the nerve center of rime a tough business with bombs and bullets its also home to the biggest shooting range in europe this is where the subsidiary which owns the plants in sardinia and south africa is headquartered. People who like to talk about. Dealings abroad. As the town mayor its my job to look after the interests of the municipality of suit and we are very happy to have a company like ryan mattel with so many jobs justice and to hear. The economic factor for our community is very important. To his. The manner of suit haida to which one to loose belongs and the chairman of the local council agree that ranma tals activities already questioned. One and im afraid i cannot help you on that i am very very rarely hear criticism in this constitute but there is one place in on to list when reiman does come in for criticism the local church one sunday in june the Lutheran Church is peace commissioner has come to to lend his support to the local pastor. Also hey im an outsider ive just come from had a very traditional for the local parish pastor its a sensitive issue because many in his Community Work there you know we have to make clear that we have a position against this yeah. That will be the challenge of todays Service Without rejecting the people themselves and even going to mention it. I know tobar nailed to the cross the desk like piece itself sacrificed sold nailed to the cross. Yes we christians are always good in devout to keep our heads down and stay out of trouble thats the best way to get through life one of the suspects to see i have a lot of respect for anyone attending todays service it is difficult for the parish pastor so it is difficult because many people i dont know if they are here today even rely on the factory for a living still we think something is wrong we must draw the consequences of consequences. Thats easier said than done for many people in a town that has been producing arms for nearly one hundred twenty years and where the church until the one nine hundred ninety s. Was called the Soldiers Memorial church the. Decision to rename this church the peace church didnt go down well with everyone. Who left the church because of it. Period the local christian democrats say the churchs position is not their business. And it wasnt to visit them it will meet again in my opinion its the churchs business this is the for us its important to have a Strong Economy here and to creating keep jobs to encourage people to live here. And live the folk home here who fought the town of going to loose is proud of this company. And as long as it obeys the law we dont have the problem with it it was a listen basically made so. Much. Based in order to use as a majority stake in the plant in Somerset West what it produces that hes covered by south africa. In theory south africa has very tough on what can be exported imported and it is first keep track of all the items that go in and out of the country but the problem with that is that there is no record at all of things like factories cities that all exported so weve seen. Two to which countries exported their. Factories exporting entire factories is an important aspect of body as business strategy. Impressive product food for you includes the comprehensive artillery suite in the world we also empower our clients with to keep plant engineering solutions. All in all. Nations says it has exported a total of thirty nine arms factories the german boss of the ryan metal subsidiary panels the fact that these factories are now clients to make that went. But it is hard to find out who the customers being. South africa actually are. What is known is that the ryman town subsidiary was involved in the construction of a factory in the United Arab Emirates and the one in saudi arabia. A group of syrian hackers released confidential documents including a secret document on a bid for a filling plant each shift was to produce hundreds of shells and mortars as well as bombs of the types m. K. Eighty two and eighty four and warheads for launch missiles. The document appears real with a trove of Technical Details and plans for a turnkey factory. Its incredibly dangerous because if a German Company is not controlling production how do they know walking norms of being it hit in this production process theyve effectively sold the production process. They are effectively saying especially if its into a region like the middle east theyre effectively saying do what you want. Virus on tinea south Africa Germanys run metal is arming the military coalition in yemen with bombs from the mediterranean and entire factories from cape town saudi arabia the United Arab Emirates are among the customers and egypt as we discovered where an arms factory is on the completion. Egypt a country where hopes for democracy after the arab spring were put down with guns about toms where dissidents simply disappear. Where the military has seized back power and general Abdel Fattah Elsisi rules with. A few defeats especially in the city as the man in charge of egypt is mr elsisi who many compatriots say is even worse than Mubarak Egypt is also taking part in the yemen war by helping with marine patrols i dont think we should accept this so its effectively undermining south africas democracy at the same time as being able to get weapons into destinations that might be completely undemocratic that might be engaged in conflict as. We wanted to ask r. D. M. About the allegations and find out about all the other factories but nobody wanted to talk with german media insisting that it was a South African Company but it belongs to a German Company flies a german flag at the factory gate and has a german box name nor bat shorts. The rime at our headquarters in brussels off was also unwilling to tell us what countries its foreign subsidiaries export to the press department issued a statement saying exports by r. D. M. From south africa a carrier. Out in accordance with the countrys laws we cannot comment on possible Customer Relations for reasons of competition and in part due to contractual obligations. To use its foreign activities to circumvent german regulations we spoke to the industry federation. Of the federation of the German Security and Defense Industry. Our First Priority is german arms exports which keeps us busy and will do so in the future. Issues with the previous government and we expect to have them with the next while. Other countries where Companies Operate either alone or as part of joint ventures have other rules i cant tell from here whether they exploit that. Is also president of the federation he declined several invitations to take part in an interview for this report. A presentation on the strategic targets of the arms of Munitions Division the thinking behind the overseas activities one stated goal is to free the company from german export regulations and ensure profitability the two key locations are italy. Projected to reach the one hundred million euro mark in the medium term and south africa. Sales to two hundred fifty Million Euros. Toward the business of death is growing and the fact that its not happening here at the wars are taking place somewhere else does not make it any better everyone on this planet has to live with the consequences of these wars while leaders talk of fences and walls i find that unacceptable and it must be stopped. In this township in the a me. The synergy of the rhine mentality now munition plant investment from germany is most welcome in the battle with massive unemployment if. Anything. It is critically important that we have to look at ways to create jobs. But obviously in a Sustainable Way that is what run matal promises in south africa as it plays the nice alms john that does something for poor communities equipping schools even donating chemistry sets it will enable the children to be able to do hands on experiments themselves instead of just the looking at the pictures and it takes it in expecting them to actually understand when its a practical experiment. Very practical and you have the first i really like a real scientist id like to see thank you to the combine of the brain and i would appreciate what theyve done for us were going to Research Many things and theyve been through we now everything is going to be is were going to achieve results before we see things we think if theres a match we will be with you. In the years to come. Brian mattel will spend a tiny percentage of the profits theyre making in south africa on improving their public image the reality is. The products that this company is. Africa. In many parts of including the middle east. The company does not appear to have any scruples about. In an Armed Conflict. And its allies in the yemeni factories it seems the company also wants to make money arch enemy iran which is on the other side in the war in yemen the United Nations Security Council block the sale of air defense missiles from south africa called. Supplies of the propellant. We wanted to find out what germanys leaders have to say about the countrys largest arms manufacturer trying to evade german laws we asked every Single Member of the federal Security Council from the last legislature for an interview its the committee that decides. Which is being circumvented by tom germanys leading politicians were not willing to comment on the issue. The same goes for those who moved from politics to ryan mehta the former German Development minister. Is now the companys chief. Defense minister. Recently joined the run supervisor. Would give his an interview. Are incredibly close to the government because they play a role in. Defense. Policy. As they would claim in their public relations. Which they are treated differently to other private companies. Frankfurt germanys Financial Hub is where stocks are listed the share price has shot up thanks to the money made by a South African saw gania. In january twenty seventh teen. Worth just on the sixty five euros each climbing to almost ninety by media and almost one hundred ten euros by the end of the year thats a rise of more than seventy percent within a year. Many analysts recommend investing in. Its like this more conflicts equals a greater need for security more defense expenditure this is indeed thats the change in the leader. And in general the Arms Companies in different ways depending on whats in demand will profit from that. Moishe holders probably dont even know that they profit when ryan mittal sells bombs to crisis regions investors with money in the day confound for example the fund which belongs to germanys banks is one of the biggest shareholders of bryan metallic pretty or people with money in Global Investors one major fund did recently decide to divest its run metal shaft. An exception. As long as the majority of investors arent interested it will only play a minor role for the share price. Was a way out friday may be allowed but people keep on investing in it. Because its maybe the state has to intervene it will. So. We join parliamentarian mouth on his way to collieries container poked in search of sardinians run bomb. He is from clues as to who ordered four hundred eleven Million Euros worth of munitions from ryan metallics italian subsidiary w. M. Italia saudi arabia. Essential to change their strategy they used to fly the bombs out now the ships. We knew that this was the best place from which to take photos of the secret operations with no ban on cameras. From here we recorded what actually happened that we dont usually eighteen containers a month were loaded up with one thousand to one thousand five hundred bombs. That you were. And the wall that was. Fundamental meant that they were mainly transported by Saudi Arabian ships three or four belonging to the battery shipping company that was a dock and load up the saudis evidently decided to run the transport themselves to fight. The military coalition in yemen needs a lot of bombs by the end of twenty seventeen saudi arabia and its allies had flown more than fifteen thousand air raids according to International Experts almost a third of those raids that civilian targets. Its a profitable war even for small investors with chaz in germanys biggest arms manufacturer a company that breaks free of german law that manufactures in countries with laxer export rules that finds ways to sell its arsenal of destruction in crisis regions with no questions asked is this something society and politicians just have to accept in this era of globalization no say legal experts and analysts at the German Parliament the bundestag recently concluded that a law could stipulate that German Authorities must give their approval if german citizens abroad help develop or produce arms such a law would at least make it more difficult. But there is no majority for a step like that in the bundestag. To now run Metals Business is completely within the law or in germany a country that prides itself on its lofty principles. After. Gemini which. Any time any place and. Video never. Have had the benefit of pop. Songs to sing along to download it is to come from super the fun seats to do such. A varied course is plentiful into active exercises are again about i d w joe comes to ash documented on facebook in the uk still. Gem in fifth grade but devaney. Raring to me to play. Not everyone who loves books has to go to the same place. To t. W. Literature list one hundred german must reads. Center of the conflict zone come from doing the powerful. After thirteen years in power in some damaging state Election Results im going to start seeing is visibly waning how low can those who do good luck school cling on to college my guess is most gun shy bit one of the most famous and infamous politicians fear in germany. The conflict zone starts october thirty first on detail the good. Players. This is deja vu news live from a world beyond america a day after all america announces her plan to exit from politics she takes germanys Foreign Policy into the spotlight live this hour were covering the speech of the g. Twenty compact for africa conference here in berlin for the german chancellor a chance to cement term legacy as a champion of development in africa

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