4 years from 914918. 00 in europe seemed on course to destroy itself. On august the 4th 1914 germany invaded belgium. Most of the worlds major powers was soon drawn into the conflict. By the time the war ended almost 40 nations in Europe Africa the middle east and east asia were involved. The socalled rich war was fought with unprecedented destructive power a total of more than 16000000. 00 people were killed. The allied powers including the British Empire france the United States belgium italy and serbia had defeated the central powers the german empire austria hungary and the Ottoman Empire. When the armistice was announced in 1900 people in the allied countries took to the streets to celebrate. The french try to see more now described the scene in paris. In the crowd young factory workers and fashionably dressed ladies hugged and kissed each other. The great empires of europe were falling apart i. The wars that have killed millions prompted new demands for independence. In april 19th 16 Irish Republicans in dublin launched an insurrection against british rule. But the uprising was poorly organized and was put down quickly by british troops once again the union jack flew over the irish capital. The australian garion empire a truly multinational stage had ceased to exist by early november at 1918. The empire is larger ethnic minorities including czechs slovaks croats and slovenes demanded independence and hopes that america would help them achieve it. U. S. President Woodrow Wilson sought to create a jury of peace as part of this effort wilson announced that from now on the peoples of europe should be governed only by their own consent i he described selfdetermination as an imperative principle of action. Empires collapse i i people rose up in revolt i. X monarchs fled the last austrian Emperor Charles the 1st step down from the hapsburg throne he and his wife tito were exiled to madeira in 1921. In 1922 turkeys new parliament expelled the last autumn and sultan measured the 6 several new states would emerge from the ruins of his empire. But someone outs was celebrated as here it was. During the war belgiums king ill bet on the 1st. Had fought alongside his troops his wife elizabeth served at the front as a nurse i. Germanys occupation of belgium ended with the armistice that was declared on november the 11918 i. Belgians honored canadian troops who had played a major role in the last great offensive of the war known as the 100 days that operation Canadian Unit suffered more than 45000 casualties. In the flanders region of northern belgium scottish troops seized a german supply train filled with hand grenades. As German Forces retreated from northern france they destroyed everything that lay in their path. And. After the armistice life in europe slowly began to return to normal. The end of the fighting was announced on the morning of november the 11th the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. The armistice remained in force as negotiations on a final peace treaty got underway the talks would be difficult not least because hatred continued to smoke throughout europe. French writer only summed up the situation. I fear that we are hardly more prepared for peace than we were for war the most critical phase begins now fortunately we won the war. How did germany react to the armistice and the peace talks. The germans were ordered to evacuate the territory they dock your pride in belgium and france including the regions of an assassin or gain german troops pulled back behind the rhine river. German troops returning home after the war found that society had been severely disrupted. Emperor of a harem the 2nd stepped down as german emperor and king of prussia on november the 9th 1918 as required by the armistice agreement he spent the rest of his life in exile in the netherlands. Many germans saw the abdication as a humiliation. In germany troops were often welcomed home by large crowds many germans didnt believe they had lost the war on the battlefield but the data being stabbed in the back by politicians. Later at all hitler would use that claim to advance his own political agenda. On november the 9th 1918 a german republic was declared by philip shadowman a member of the new cabinet. I thought i. Thought that. The marxist agitator was our look some bald rose bush was the size he mimics order peace and the rule of law but it is wading in its own blood filthy and a sonnet the Russian Revolution was the honorable salvation of international socialism. Russia november 917. 00 the bolsheviks pledged by vladimir in each lenin seized power the country to send it into a bloody civil war between communist and anti communist forces. British french and us troops were sent to various parts of the country to fight the bolsheviks captured allied soldiers were shown in propaganda films. Lenin did not see the foreign intervention. That. Would. Like what but what. If. I the Russian Revolution divided your loved ones later the entire world. In december 1918 Woodrow Wilson became the 1st sitting u. S. President to visit europe his delegation included Franklin Delano roosevelt assistant. Navy secretary and future president. Wilson attended a series of preliminary negotiations ahead of the paris peace talks. Wilson and his wife edith arrived in the french capital on december the 14th the city gave them a tumultuous welcome i we will build a prosperous world in which all nations will enjoy the freedom for which france america england and italy have paid such a high price i in january 918. 00 wilson presented a 14 point plan for postwar peace in parts it proposed selfdetermination for ethnic minorities and the creation of a league of nations to guarantee as a political independence and territorial integrity of all states. Encouraged wilson met frequently with the french Prime Minister. Josh klim also had been appointed Prime Minister and minister of war in november 917 and called for a complete victory over germany and the return of isis and logon to france. Clearly also also demanded that germany pay she would reparations for the damage it had caused during the wall. But the british and u. S. Delegations were concerned that reparations would ruin the defeated powers financially and could lead to domestic tensions and even civil war as in russia. President wilson. Spent the last 5 days of 1918 in britain and on january the 1st travelled to italy for talks with King Viktor Emanuel and the Prime Minister. Wilson also began preparing for the International Peace Conference Due to open on january the 19th. He continued to push for the approval of his 14 Point Program including the right of selfdetermination for minority people as. Hussein was warmly received by the italians but that had more to do with americas participation in the war than it did with his peace plan. Italian nationalists fear that wilson selfdetermination proposal could lead to territorial losses one of their more prominent spokesman was a journalist Benito Mussolini the future italian dictator called wilson a bandit of international pluralism. That. The paris peace conference was intended in part to conclude peace treaties with the defeated states set up a shared tool of reparations payments to be made by germany and Draft International borders that accurately reflected ethnic pounder it was. A total of 27. 00 states took part in the conference but the negotiations were dominated by the big 4 allied powers. President wilson french Prime Minister also british Prime Minister david lloyd george. And the talian Prime Minister Vittorio Emanuele orlando. For the next several months the participants negotiated the terms of. Peace treaties with the defeated powers the german delegation was not allowed to take part in the discussions. They hoped that the final treaty would be based on wilsons 14 points and would not involve any loss of territory. The germans were deeply concerned that claim a lso would take a hard line and weaken the new german republic so as to eliminate its ability to threaten from us i. At the end of 6 months of discussions the various delegations arrived at the palace of versailles to sign the main peace treaty. The ceremony took place on june 28th 1919 the date was no coincidence. Exactly 5 years before on june the 28th 1914 the heir to the australian garion throne Archduke Franz Ferdinand had been assassinated in sarajevo his murder had plunged europe into war. The choice of that some i was also symbolic it was here that the new german empire was proclaimed in 871 following frances defeat in the francoprussian wall. Klim also had 4 severely wounded french soldiers posted at the entrance to the main hall so that the german delegation would see them when they arrived. The germans took their places a tree in the afternoon they had me a minutes to read and sign the treaty. Dition is opposed by the allies were harsh Germanys Army was cut to 100000. 00 men tanks submarines and military aircraft were banned the size of the navy was sharply reduced germany was also ordered to hand over its former colonies and to pay reparations the final amount was later set at 269000000000. 00 goldmarks. That treaty and its alleged injustices were used by at all fittler to promote his nationalist agenda this footage shows hitler as a right wing demonstration in 1919. At that time he was working as an informer for the german military. Many germans considered the versailles treaty unfair and hitler speeches played to their worst fears. It was a disgrace this dictated piece is plundering our people its outrageous france our mortal enemy has its hands on our throats. Hitler drove home the point that many germans were now living in poverty. Let those shame and hatred of 60000000 germans turn into a sea of flames. The treaty require german soldiers to. Handover their weapons in return they received financial compensation. Provides the destruction of the german aircraft and tankers. Many senior german officers felt humiliated by all this the military began training what was left of its army into an elite force that would one day perhaps be able to take its revenge on france and. The new weimar governments was constantly under threat by right wingers and militarists austrian born soon emerged as one of their most prominent spokesman. As early as 1919 german fried cause started painting swastikas on their helmets. Officer at onst you know roach this war is not the end of violence its the beginning. War veteran feedly phil helm heintz. When we heard that the war was over we just laughed we were the war the flame of war continue to burn in us. A church of about 350000 black troops served on the western front one of the most famous afro american units was the 369000. 00 foot tree regiment known as the harlem hell fighters. Civil rights activist Marcus Garvey demanded racial equality. We believe that blacks should have the same rights and privileges as other people. But president wilson favored a policy. Of racial segregation at the same time that he was promoting the right of european peoples to selfdetermination i will some campaigned across america on behalf of the peace treaty and the league of nations. The treaty would have to be ratified by the u. S. Senate but wilson could not put together the necessary 2 thirds vote. As a Majority Party the republicans were opposed to it mainly because the league of nations would limit the senates power to declare war. Public opinion on the treaty was mixed with most of the opposition coming from republicans ethnic germans and Irish Catholic democrats. Wilson tried to win them over. If we reject the league of nations we will break the world heart. Of the senate by failing to ratify the versailles treaty shattered wilsons dream of u. S. Participation in the league of nations i. Held its 1st session in paris in january 920. 00 and later that year moved its headquarters to geneva. The organizations main goal was to preserve world peace but could it do so if the United States was not a member. Of. Several posts that aside agreements changed the map of europe and the middle east. And 919 treaty formally dissolved the austro hungary an empath and created an independent state of austria 1920 treaty set up the independent state of hungary to new states appeared on a map czechoslovakia and a nation that would later be known as you. Slavia. The new borders paid little attention to ethnic distribution germans were now living in poland and czechoslovakia and garion is in romania and serves croats and slovenes in yugoslavia these ethnic groups have lived together more or less peacefully in the australian garion empire. The Ottoman Empire had been home to a diverse mix of ethnic and religious groups including out of. The treaty of sever signed in 1920 outlines the break up of the empire and the creation of a new state that would mainly include as nick turner. Form autumn and territory in the middle east would be divided between france and britain france was given a league of nations mandate to govern lebanon and syria. A similar mandate for palestine transjordan and iraq was awarded to bristol. There were huge reserves of petroleum in iraq and they would now be controlled mostly by british and. The treaty also provided for enough tone of the scottish region in the new turkish state. Jewish communities had existed in palestine for centuries. Beginning in 1920 large numbers of jews most of them from europe began immigrating to the region. Zionist organizations demanded that a National Home for jewish people should be created in palestine. During the war britain had said that any new jewish state should not disrupt existing arab communities britain made these and other promises to win arab support against the ottomans. The british officer t. E. Lawrence better known as lawrence of arabia served as a liaison between the british and arab forces. In november 921. 00 the Jewish Agency for palestine was created to oversee jewish interests in the region zionist leader and future israeli president hi invites man noted at the time palestine will be as jewish as an england is english and america is america. The seeds of the conflicts between Palestinian Jews and arabs had been so. In 1920 tensions were running high in constantinople now known as istanbul. Immediately after the armistice allied troops occupied the city by this time a nationalist movement was already taking shape. The movement was led by general mostafa mind who had led off from an forces to victory in the campaign the nationalists were opposed to the partition of the country as outlined in the treaty have said. If we accept the allies demands there will be no end to their greed. Came our organized a new army its primary goal was to drive out greek troops that had occupied the coastal city of smyrna in may 919 and then taken over much of western turkey. To bomb us forces launched a counterattack in all this 922. They pushed greek troops all the way back to the aegean coast. On september the 9th 1922 commands troops reoccupied the city of smyrna. 4 days later a fire broke out in the citys armenian district and spread quickly at least 10000 people are said to have died. Evidence indicates that the blaze was started by turkish troops came out later denied any responsibility. Tens of thousands of Ethnic Armenians and greeks fled to the docks to escape the flames at least 150000 were evacuated by british and american ships. Meanwhile officials at the league of nations were actively working to repatriate prisoners of war and to improve Living Conditions for war refugees. One of these diplomats was norwegian explora humanitarian and future Nobel Laureate feature of london in 1921 once and was appointed the leagues high commissioner for refugees. In 1922 he began issuing refugee travel documents that came to be known as nuns and passports. An estimated 450000 of these documents were issued to people who could not obtain passports from their governments the recipients included russian french artist marc shall die at russian composer Sergey Rachmaninoff and igor stravinsky. Many of the refugees wanted to emigrate to the u. S. And made their way to the French Quarter shell board to book passage on ships. Many of them were housed at the newly constructed or tele teak. The facility could accommodate and process 2000 refugees at a time they were given a thorough medical examination and disinfected if necessary the refugees were housed in the hotels do. Metry is until they were cleared to leave. At this time the United States still welcomed immigrants all the restrictions would be imposed in 924. 00. The statue of liberty served as a beacon for many of them a poem written by emma lazarus is inscribed on a plaque inside the statues pedestal. Give me your tired your poor your huddled masses yearning to breathe free the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. In montreal a rally was organized to call attention to the plight of ukrainian jews famine and antisemitic attacks were widespread in ukraine. An estimated 100000 jews were killed in ukraine during the russian civil war mostly by anti communist forces the war would continue until 923. The Bolshevik Red Army defeated a coalition of Opposition Forces known as the white army soviet rule was now imposed across the country. The union of soviet socialist republics was officially declared on december the 22nd 1922 the new states now covered nearly one 6th of the us land surface. There was a major famine from 10212221 major cause the authorities seized commodities from peasants to feed the cities and the military. An estimated 5000000 people died in the famine. Food supplies donated by europe and United States soon started arriving. Will scheffer also an American Relief worker described the situation in one region. People heat waves mixed with ground balls tree bark and clay they also eat meat from horses dogs cats and rats and each strong. There may see it and dozens die every day. The stench is appalling. By the end of the civil war an estimated 1500000 russians had left the country. Many of them settled in france often in paris only just. The emigres were concerned about the spread of soviet influence throughout the world. Economic and social dislocation is caused by world war one prompted many people to join communist parties they believed communism would bring about equality for all. Support for the communists grew in london berlin new york midland and drove. One of the founders of the Italian Communist Party and to a new ground she traveled to moscow in 1921 to study the soviet system. One lives for the party. In italy many anti communist veterans joined a movement led by war hero gabriela done once you. Know opposed the treaty of versailles because it ordered italy to hand over territory to the new yugoslav state including domination and the city of fuming now called being. Our victory has been ruined. Dont you sought to make italy a 1st rate european power. To believe your time has come under 4 years lie ahead i hear the thunder of eagles tearing through the night. In september 919 dont see those troops occupied fuming. I. Was the Italian Government kept trying to drive out of the city and he finally left in december 920. 00. 9 she wrote that europe was in a state of transition. The old world is dying and the new world has not been born in times like these gruesome phenomena appear. Loose phenomena included Benito Mussolini his wife noted that mostly had a certain natural magnetism. His eyes const a spell over you his gaze was wanting his people slouched he knew that his eyes excess had power on others. In the years before the war most leni had been a socialist and worked as a journalist in 1914 he became a fervent nationalist. In milan in 1900 he founded a fascist combat squad which consisted of about 200 men. Mostly copied much from cavalierly dont seal past his supporters wore black shirts. Used the ancient roman salute. Carried daggers and popularized the slogan annoyed with us. By 922 mostly these organization had grown to include 300000 men. His populist slogans helped him to bring together veterans disabled veterans the unemployed and members of the lower and middle classes alike. Muzzling these black shirts off unengaged leftists in street battles their slogan was many for the goal i didnt care. Mostly he promised to restore law and order he enforced his policies by arming his supporters with clubs. Muscling he also promised to put a stop to labor strikes. That helped win the support of industrialists including giovanni oniony founder of the fia total maybe a company. The political situation initially was changing quickly. On october the 28922 about 30000 fascist militiamen gathered in rome to demand the resignation of the Prime Minister speaking known as the socalled march on rome i. Mostly nereid the next day from his headquarters in milan. I he wore a suit and tie instead of his usual fascist. Uniform. On october the 29th King Victor Emmanuel appointed mussolini Prime Minister. As the head of government mussolini chose a policy of cooperation with the Catholic Church and pursued his aim of transforming italy intuited challenged hereon stage. In germany militarist and nationalist factions united around general eerie shooting dogs who had been the de facto 2nd in command of German Forces during the war. Newton doff would later support at all hitler. Hitler said. Our people are miserable we must act now so that they do not join the communists. In january 923 french and belgian troops occupied the rule region because germany had fallen behind in its war reparations payments. Those payments contributed to an economic crisis this included runaway inflation the German Government kept printing more and more money. Plus one point a loaf of bread cost 460000000000. 00 marks. The 13 year old amanda described the situation. When a father brings home his daily pay we spend it right away because the money will soon be worthless. In the rule region tensions increased between the local residents and the occupation troops. These pictures show a french officer assaulting germans who failed to remove their hats during a funeral procession. Called november the 9th 1923 hitler and his cohorts staged a coup attempt in munich. The uprising was quickly put down by police and soldiers. Hitler was arrested. Stefan saya gross at the time. In 1023 the swastikas disappeared and the brownshirts and ad off hitler were forgotten. In his rather comfortable prison cell hitler set about writing his political manifesto to be called mine comes my struggle this work outlines hitlers political and social ideology and maps out his plans for germany. In spain general me gail primo dearly vera overthrew the parliamentary government in september 1923 and set up a military dictatorship. By a young and talented army officer Francisco Franco Rose Steadily through the ranks during the early years of primo to the various regime. Franco was now about to embark on a successful career with the Spanish Foreign legion in morocco. In 1921 franco had been promoted to Deputy Commander of the legion spain controlled a strip of land in northern morocco that included the reef mountains the rest of morocco was a french protectorate during world war one local residents were. Forced to work in the mines that provided role materials for french armaments factories. In september 1021 the people of the reef region declared their independence from spain. Half the uprising was led by Mohammed Abdul karim who managed to unite the various baba tribes. On july the 21st the insurgents inflicted a decisive defeat on spanish troops at the battle of and while. The rebels suffered 800 casualties out of a force of about 3000 experts differ on the number of spanish troops that were killed or wounded but the losses were huge. In september 19th 25 french and spanish supported by warships landed on the northern moroccan coast pushed inland and defeated the insurgence. Atrocities were committed by both sides. In this new iraq and soldier beheaded his brother who had joined the rebels. A number of spanish soldiers were executed by the insurgents after they had surrendered. The french and spanish launched air attacks against rebel positions. Spain used mustard gas a chemical weapon against the insertion of. The combat troops of naval air and Ground Forces finally brought an end to the fighting. May 926. 00 up till cream surrendered to the french news reels of this event was shown in french cinema. Is elderly father and his family who seek the protection of the victors. Historians differ on the significance of the reef war some see it as the last of the colonial conflicts others believe it set the stage for future walls of d. Colonizing. The years immediately following world war one where my my major social and political dislocation. Many people abandoned religion and turned to Political Engagement to try to make some sense of life. By the mid 1920 s. Fascist movements were growing throughout europe. By the late 1920 s. Economic crises threaten to spin out of control and plunge the world once again into a conflict. He believed her mother was one of the close to 1000000 to it seems murder the rwandan genocide happened 25 years ago. But many of the killers have yet to be apprehended to. Their followers or tracking them down. And bringing the murderers to justice. 90 minutes on d w. Education is not only fault im glad im an education his father and palmer but im so old that incoming plans with the war live in a tank. Called through in coker devalues all cauldrons. Loser understanding these things cannot be ignored for have a good cause the fundamentalist forces in the center to close is also acting very deeply and intensely and we cannot undermine their policy the power of communication their power off technology ordinary people who must not modern and support them must not suppose in this report that the International Community has to invest more on their education which can prevent young people to enter into that trap all fall into forces. This is news coming to life from europe is hit by a record heat wave temperatures are forecast to reach their highest level in many countries over the next 2 days we talk to an expert about the dangers that extreme heat produce for our health and what you can do to keep cool also coming up. President trumps son in law tries to sell his new Committee Just peace plan of a conference in bahrain hes calling it the opportunity of the century so what are the bush cheney initially

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