Biometric features like the iris or fingerprints are unique and cant be changed. Thats why theyre used to provide secure protection for passports mobile phones and Bank Accounts. But these features are easily accessible we leave fingerprints every time we touch something so our biometric feature is really secure after all theyre often used to protect some of our most Sensitive Data. Companies and Government Agencies do a proper job of protecting biometric data from Cyber Attacks or are the criminals one step ahead. What happens when that data falls into the wrong hands. A growing number of people are using biometric data to access digital devices like mobile phones. The data are easy to use and you cant forget that as you might a password. But most people dont realize that when they access their devices they leave a data trail. And how do you unlike your phone which infant my finger fingerprint plays a fingerprint i think its safer i think its safer to buy you said the phone they figure a pretty good print felony but why they figure enough the pin number. Was because its easier and faster yes its all use touch id. Were at Munich Airport to meet i. T. Security specialist going up parata. Governments and private Sector Companies often make use of his expertise for example if their systems have been hacked. Do we place too much trust in the security of biometric data. Given this data is not secure and its vulnerable to attack. We usually have no idea where and how biometric data are stored sometimes this information is encrypted sometimes not. Only did it can also be stored on the device that were using or in an app or in a cloud. Litigious agony and its certainly convenient to just use a fingerprint to unlock a digital device parked the system works well to do until the data falls into the wrong hands this is new technology and we dont have a lot of experience using it because if something goes wrong its often too late to fix it and this is so and so speech. This is how the biometric fingerprint authentication process usually works the image is evaluated converted into digital form and then stored in a database and when you try to access a device with a fingerprint its compared with the image in the database if it matches your in. If it doesnt access is denied but how secure are these systems. To find out more weve arranged to meet a berlin hacker who calls himself star bug. Last year he showed us how easy it is to forge a fingerprint. We meet up with the Chaos Computer Club a german hacker association where starbuck wants to demonstrate a biometric fingerprint hack it involves us swapping fingerprints. Starbucks fingerprint on the phone screen is scanned in. Editors on the computer and then printed out on transparent film. The printer is then smeared with regular glue to create a mold. Is it really very easy to outsmart a high tech scanner. 2 hours later when the glue is dry with the lid off. After breathing on it briefly we attach starbucks fingerprint to our reporters finger. Lo and behold the scanner says user identified and starbuck is in or rather we are. Using a simple glue. Mold to trick the scanner. Thing up we were working with the only detection device that was certified in germany for that purpose the company claimed that the device could distinguish between a fingerprint mockup on the real thing. And so we used a fake fingerprint and the device couldnt tell the difference for an associate a couple coming up and it ended for us thats definitely cause for concern today we want to find out whether there are similar problems with Security Systems that are based on the iris of the human eye. We take a photograph of starbucks iris. He loads the digital image onto his computer and adjusted to the correct proportions. The next step is to print the resized image. And then. Will switch the security setting on his phone to iris detection. As this should allow me to unlock the phone with an image of my iris. Access codes. And is it secure the suits the manufacturer says it is but well soon see that its not the stimulus inches. We bought some generic contact lenses that a drugstore will help to make the iris image more realistic. Ringback to show them so take the image and. Because this all turn it on. You know were in. The unbelievable. High Tech Security system is outsmarted by a simple piece of paper. Cyber attacks on individuals are bad enough but its even worse when criminals hack into databases where extensive numbers of such images are stored. Today might involve just one person criminals can just select a victim and coffee that data and in those databases there are thousands even hundreds of thousands of high quality fingerprint images. You dont have to waste time fixing them up. Because additional. Biometric data is widely available in the dark with a part of the internet that can only be accessed by means of special software. Its a Virtual Meeting marketplace for criminals to. The crooks hide their identity behind pseudonyms ending corruption systems. Millions of personal data records are offered for sale on the dark web. Weve managed to track down some sites used by the Identity Theft mafia. But we uncovered was all kinds of data stolen from people all over the world. Including names addresses credit card information and bank account details. We did a search using the search term biometric and found people were offering guides for 40. Fingerprints. And replica fingerprints used to fool Security Systems we have no idea who this fingerprint actually belongs to. We also saw numerous offers for illegal travel documents either complete forgeries or stolen ideas that had been tampered with. Sports for most countries were on offer including germany. Biometric passports are also available like this one from the u. S. We contacted one of the sellers. Passport with biometric features can you get me one. How much one can you deliver. We wait for their reply. Even the theft of conventional data can become a huge problem for those targeted. Data were stolen vo social media. A company. 1000. 00 euros for electronic goods. She initially ignored the demand for payment. But just a few days later she received a further demand this time from a debt collecting agency. Not again. Yeah you mean im calling about a letter telling me that i had ordered something except i didnt. Start it home. But yes i misses her but thats not me and i already spinning this cancer it should be a 1000 it became several 1000 euros in total one invoice for 300. 00 euros another for 700. 00 and then a 1000. In the mail kept on piling up 3 or 4 letters a week but he failed. Over in school some eventually the bill was over 13000 euros then i thought you have to take action or something and discuss how id like to file a complaint. As i did. Despite being the victim the onus was on her to convince the police that somebody had been shopping using her name if its not to be 3 what we need to know is that you didnt actually order anything and that you cant explain this no i ordered nothing. Im sorry if im repeating myself but we do have to ask you have no explanation for these orders. So the store would not equals no ive asked my friends and my sisters restock so. Although the criminals merely grabbed her name and date of birth from facebook the resulting trouble for claudia her coat was enormous hers was a case of straightforward conventional Identity Theft. But the repercussions brought her to the edge of a nervous breakdown. Going to prada is sadly not surprised we asked him to comment on our research. He is convinced that the growing use of biometric data in Digital Systems will change the nature of Identity Theft with dramatic consequences for victims. Once you. Data have been misappropriated you will not be able to use them again. Users with a stolen conventional password comprising letters and numbers can change at any time what they can never alter is their fingerprint. Theres a good deal of evidence indicating that hackers are specifically targeting biometric data. Our Research Indicates that millions of people have been affected. In 2015 the u. S. Office of Personnel Management issued the following statement it reads in part. All records indicate that your fingerprints were likely compromised during a cyber intrusion 5600000 people were affected. In the philippines in 2016 hackers broke into an official voter database where fingerprints were stored. 50000000 people were affected. In india last year there was a Security Breach in the governments biometric Identification System known as. 1. 2000000000 people were affected. India is the world leader in the use of biometric authentication all citizens are required to submit data for a high tech government passport. People already use that document to register for pensions and benefits if they cant provide identification with an iris image or a fingerprint they cant access the system or their benefits. Last year the government effectively issued a cybercrime alert. Dechen large enormous shown in cyber crimes and cyber the question of Cyber Security one of the see these issues arising in advance economies like american. Indians biometric databases have been repeatedly hacked into. One of our sources tells us where to look on the internet to find the stolen material. We find both conventional and biometric information including digital fingerprints. We also learned that criminals have used this data on the black market to buy state subsidized food. We traveled to the city of about 300 kilometers north of mumbai where the heck took place. We find several people whose data were stolen. One of them agrees to talk to us on camera. Gear is a furniture dealer hes 40 years old. Hes going to show us his government receipt book. It indicates whether someone has received food benefits but there are no entries in the book. Is doing ok financially so he doesnt need government help. But the official online Monitoring System shows that goodyear and has purchased food. Whoever did it used to go jerrys biometric data his hard number. I fear. The amount of peer going to this confirms somebody has stolen my fingerprints. The government these days has been emphasizing fingerprints that wouldnt theyve made it mandatory to link Bank Accounts without hard numbers at the moment there is pressure on the police but im afraid its obscene sitting. Here is prints are now available on the Digital Black market. If someone uses them to commit a crime or could become a suspect. People in the west have largely not paid enough attention to this problem. In india hackers have managed to penetrate the Worlds Largest biometric database which contains information on more than a 1000000000 people. Investigative journal. Discovered the leak in the database she wrote a newspaper article on the story in january 28th seen and described how she contacted some criminals online. This sold her a Software Program that provided access to the governments biometric Identification System with access to the data of 1200000000 people it was illegal for her to buy the program and she faced the possibility of criminal charges but she did it anyway i knew all but shes in a softer it was illegal but i have to do it because. Before me many reporters they tried to highlight this issue they wanted to flood this issue but they couldnt do it because they were not having any concrete evidence to prove they came so i had 2 options either to go 14 for this illegal way to follow this illegal we want to keep unflagging or to keep on highlighting the shows which no one was going to be keeping since it was a trough National Security as well as the privacy of every indian i took. To the decision and i finally went ahead with this software chasing the software. For all. The government continues to deny that someone broke into the system. Shows us the original email that she received from the hackers. This message i received from my previous Anonymous Sources those who were offering these software. Believe in the guys who thought they charge the equivalent of about 5 euros for access to the system at the time just about anyone could buy the Software Program. Analysts say. When Sensitive Data is hacked whether through carelessness security gaps or theft the consequences for those affected can be devastating. Despite numerous serious incidents last year the indian authorities issued another call for citizens to submit biometric data. This letter to an individual was titled enrollment of residents whose biometrics matched that of other residents the recipient was told. If your biometrics are not updated within 15 days your car number will be deactivated. The authority in question refused to comment when we asked how fingerprints and irises can be assigned to a number of individuals. For this amounts to irresponsible behavior. When the state collects data on its citizens they in turn expect the state to take care of those data evidently thats not the case here but to be fair its sometimes not possible. So you have to ask whether its worth conducting a universal collection of citizens data given the risk that it could trigger total chaos this is an absolute. The police have to remain anonymous when investigating criminal behavior on the dark with just as the criminals do. With the family and the police therefore use Fake Identities to make contact a transaction. They need that online deal to be sealed in order to prosecute criminals in the real world. We want to show our findings from the dark web to an expert from the Cyber Crime Task force of the getting in city police in germany. In the meantime we get a response from the person offering Fake Passports they tell us to send them the relevant data and even the desired place and date of issue and fingerprints. The post comes with a price list we pretend to be interested in a spanish passport valid through 2028. The post offers worldwide delivery. Police investigators spend violent specializes in dark net marketplaces and is familiar with how the criminals work. We showed him the results of our research. Its a commercial site not unlike ebay or amazon buyers want to have a logo for recognition purposes and their ratings to. These sites sell identities and buyers determine what data they want to have included a quote for you that might be made up names or those of real people you know im going to come up through. The ongoing. Including photos and fingerprints which criminals used to create a new fake identity while also providing replica fingerprints. Of the irish to them when the tutor them on the go all the criminal needs is a suitable means of reproduction of this biometric feature motion of just riffing up. Weve often seen fingerprints by the good will but more recently 3 d. Printed faces in order to deceive apple face id to torching its a growing trend to include those whom. So far the german black market usually deals only with conventional data you can buy lists of names addresses and Financial Information for 6 to 10 euro was. No one seems to be offering biometric data not yet and it seems to be merely a question of time until they do but the form of the experiences shown that all databases are hackable and have been hacked are good. We finally get a response from the person who offered to sell us a fake passport. He wants various kinds of data a fingerprint scan a copy of our reporters signature and an id photo. He shows us a sample of how the fingerprint scans need to look. We agree to this deal for journalistic purposes only. This person does not operate on the dark web which is unusual we used a Computer Program to generate the fingerprints and the id photos so no such person actually exists. We send off the data and add a query about the passports. Will this data be in the chip. And. They say they can forge passports that have biometric features. But is that really possible. Todays id documents are supposed to enhance security for travelers and speed up check in procedures as here at Munich Airport. Biometric data is integrated into an invisible radio frequency identification chip in the passport. The chip transmits facial data stored in the passport to a monitoring facility. There the data is compared with the digital material thats stored here on the screen at the time of the check. If they match the passenger is allowed through the security gate. The passports from different e. U. Countries may look practically identical but were told the technology involved is often different. You just long to get through these each country issues kids who are these are if i d chips was the so if i have a german passport i need to keep from germany is that the word if i have a french passport and i came from france under the influence is involved something that i insist upon i dont question. Biometric passports are supposed to be forgery proof but the European Border Agency Frontex told us in an official response. There have been some cases in the e. U. And showing an area of forged passports that had a manipulated chip. Another Disturbing Development is that hackers are now able to access facial data included in european passports. Here we use a Simple Mobile Phone app to activate the chip in a german passport. And not encrypted data in some non european passports can sometimes also be accessed. The passport forger finally gets back to us. He says please send the money to the bitcoin address below so he can get started. This is where we break off contact and then hand over our research to the German Authorities we have no idea whether we would actually have received the forged biometric passport that the seller promised. When stolen data appears on the dark web hackers have usually acquired it by exploiting a vulnerability in a Software Program it takes about a week for these security loopholes to be discovered and closed. By then its usually too late to help those whose data have been compromised data flow in many systems is not properly monitored. And Security Specialists say there are between 4 and 8000000 attacks every day. Germany is 4th on the list of countries that have been hit hardest. Ve use new Data Protection regulations called on private Sector Companies to do more to protect sensitive information. But germany remains vulnerable to Cyber Attacks. The u. Regulations dont seem to have helped much when it comes to improving our Security Systems the. Professor is the executive director of the e use agency for network and Information Security. Expertise is widely respected in the i. T. Sector and hes increasingly concerned about the spread of Identity Theft. Right now hes on his way to an i. T. Security conference in potsdam. We asked him why experts cant get a grip on this ominous problem. Isnt it a lot of companies are bringing i. T. Products onto the market but no one seems to know whether they actually provide proper security i think is that possible today to the sort of like unfortunately yes when i buy a product i dont know what sort of security features it might have. You know thats the case was typical fingerprint readers facial Recognition Software and smartphones. But its not theres no guarantee that it will do what the manufacturer claims but it all i can do is hope that it does just come off of. The head of the e. U. Agency for networking Information Security can only hope that a product is safe. I q security will be a key topic of the past 10 conference. A lot of participants say that the new regulations dont go far enough to protect private data which govern the regulations alone solve Data Security problems the private sector and security authorities should adopt Practical Solutions but thats becoming more difficult to do because. As you have to look to see if you have escaped liability for i. T. Products would be a big help when theres Major Pressure on developers to be the 1st to get products on the market that often leads to products that have not been verified being made available were to merge is pretty soon that theyre vulnerable to all manner of attacks that get some fee to feed on custom oakleys guy and that enables hackers and cyber criminals to access the data on that Service Without authorization. Of to dothan the action here would help but i just took life as a decimal to have. E. U. Regulations impose heavy fines for companies that dont protect identity related data. But what if the Data Protection software has security loopholes that make it vulnerable to hackers. If you do buy it and then when the. Verse says that the manufacturers are not liable for this problem. And initiative it is mostly a mother has to be a point where somebody in the chain sells a nonsecure product that does not meet Data Protection stipulations with it off and they have to be made liable somehow. Do you see a chance of comprehensive it. Liability after. A moment is that right now its not politically expedient to keep monitoring the situation. Professor who is on his way to the e. U. Net Security Office in athens where theres plenty on the agenda. The e. U. Is working on a new on line guidelines. Weve come to the university of least in stein to visit. Hes the codirector of the Cyber Security Research Center here. He says German Authorities need to do more to protect personal data despite the new e. U. Regulations. The new agency has been set up to implement those regulations but for other believes that the legislation doesnt go far enough. To make his point that many i. T. Systems are open to attack hes written some Software Code for us. This fingerprint scanner is similar to the ones that are used by German Authorities. As software captures a print. Just open the capture area the fingerprint scan indicator starts flashing for you we put the print on it for you and it scanned into the system the violence was forced or. The image of the printer is transferred to a separate computer for processing. But theres a big Security Risk here because the transfer is not encrypted. Florida has written a Software Program that exploits this flaw in the security system. Its a t. V. Version i like to beat the trojan with a keystroke and when i press a capture the Program Replaces the real data with some random material that we choose. Will use an image of a skull and crossbones for this test. I told. Them this software can also create fake fingerprints that look absolutely real when you put your forms on and they are those. From a hacker who has access to the image data including fingerprints can choose to copy them or alter them stories own purposes or to. Pull you to do this thats how fake fingerprints can end up in id documents that could be used by criminals. Is the sense would a Government Office be able to spot and intercept this sort of malicious software. Weve seen Cyber Attacks on the goodness talk of Nuclear Power plants and energy companies. In any computer is vulnerable to attack. And of course that includes computers and population records offices in computer infancy and could. In germany millions of citizens have submitted their fingerprints in recent years using scanners that dont offer proper security protection. See that in hanover is the worlds biggest computer trade fair. Among the vendors is the Company Behind the fingerprint scanner. What do they know about this serious security loophole and are they. Willing to comment. The company in question is derma log a subsidiary of germanys federal Printing Office and as such a government agency. Will provide biometric authentication for governments who want to ensure that when they issue a passport drivers license or similar document version that individual is unable to engage in Identity Fraud between. Their standing kluges a presentation of a similar scanner we put it to the test this thing Martha Stewart is that photo then encrypted in the device just to know it sent to a p. C. Where its in code it see if it turn to get called it a hot time to spoof as if so photo them about the transfer and then coding coded as a kind of but no exception on the device no thats what this gets into so in future even though the images will be encrypted before they leave the device opposite oh its a demand being made increasingly by banks its just about right now we can do encryption starting with the p. C. Can be up to its up to that say for the so this device right here is also used it does this get the state of health but in on what i meant by the citizens Registration Agency. I can show you ive got no doubt on. My stance that just this is the z f one used by the Registration Agency is this is that the same one its a bit bigger. Does it have encryption likewise starting on the p. C. s often could see opt in pittsburgh a photo here then for all. Of us well be back so what else do banks want to see the book and they want to know who theyre dealing with this machine have these i didnt know your customer thought this is all stuff or talk what do they want to. You know fuzzy on im doing because theyre assuming a huge scope. Criminal minds wish to the fullest extent they want to prevent somebody capturing that fingerprint once its transferred to the p. C. It seems to conceive the notice it ok for. And thats possible yes too much. So the company is aware that the device is vulnerable something the German Government is surely aware of given that the loophole has been around for 10 years. All the more puzzling then is the discovery of this article by a member of germanys federal Administration Agency which recommends this very same fingerprint scanner for the schengen system a scanner thats vulnerable to hackers in germany and worldwide using any fingerprints or other personal data. The problem is one of global proportions. The sheer mr would earn a dont forget we have not been exactly state of the art for the last 10 years. There is room for improvement with encryption and the hardware itself for example in the moment they get it then view of the ordinary citizens have the right to expect top security for our data and thats not the case and this is really is time to take actions that side stuart bowen says its an indispensable. We talked to officials at the German Parliament and at various government ministries about these security problems. And got this response from the interior ministry. The collection and or processing of personal data with or in Information Technology systems can be considered reasonably secure. Not exactly a ringing endorsement. The European Union needs to do more to prevent the misuse of data based on fingerprints. For years e. U. External border facilities have been using a scanner thats not secure. Proved that by creating replica fingerprints that the scanner accepted as real. On a more sinister level terrorists also use these replicas to hide their identities. Last december police in turkey made a shocking discovery after raiding a suspected terrorist hideout in the city of here. The raid was filmed and we managed to get a copy of the video. The authorities arrested 10 members of the Islamic State organization ringback ringback. They also found evidence indicating that the individuals had been using forged biometric identity data. To. Police seized cash identity papers fingerprint molds and replica fingerprints. The investigation later determined that the suspect had used a fake prince to provide identification for money transfers. This suggests that terrorists are fully capable of using forged biometric data. For until its clear that the criminal sense particularly terrorists are using this technology for perpetrators are able to steal fingerprints by hacking a database or they simply forge them. And the fake prints are then scanned into a specific database. That allows them to set up a fake identity profile that can then be used anywhere that uses fingerprints as a form of identification for fingerprint good like airports and passport facilities and if you do 2 things with you. Its aware of. This data can also be used to open various kinds of secure accounts thing up and commit up to him is that dangerous. It will be extremely dangerous because we trust that biometric data for the whole but we often ignore or dont want to believe that its fairly easy to manipulate that data was pussy that. The illegal trade in digitized biometric data is booming the systems have become increasingly vulnerable governments and private Sector Companies are duty bound to protect our personal data because once that information falls into the hands of criminals its gone forever. Not the most powerful engines but theres no sweeter sound for fans than a fixed cost. Eternium scheme to is a perennial best seller once a year to speak to you from around the world gavel to separate. Cars. Your next 30 minutes. Rock n roll. Symphony for the damned by the church. I know the evil feeling that you feel when you fight. Your past to. Stop and no one is more popular than jesus the. Rock and. The clash that springs from many poems too late. For the 2 soldiers are concerned. Gentlemen. June 17th g. W. This is d w news live from berlin hong kongs leader backs down on extradition after massive street protests and the worst Political Violence in the territory in decades shes executive terry lamb says shes indefinitely suspending debate on a divisive law that would have allowed people to be handed over to Mainland China a trial. Coming up iran casts new doubt on the future of its nuclear deal this follows u. S. Accusations that these pictures show Iranian Forces attacking an oil tanker in the pro

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