A region is situated in. The northeast of iran it is home to a formerly Nomadic Group of people with a long tradition and history that. Tries summers and bitter cold winters dictate their lives for only a few weeks a year they come to life with the pale green of spring its said to be the most beautiful time of the year. Traditionally its also the festive season. Near the border of turkmenistan is a ten hour drive from tehran. Over the last century a town of five thousand inhabitants has grown around what was once a line stop watering sight. No morals to the tuchman poet mark two quickly can be found everywhere in the region. More than twelve million turkmen live in central asia half of them in the young republican turkmenistan. These nomads who were famous for their love of horses only began settling in fixed locations joe nine hundred twenty s. Today their daily lives that the nearly two million iranian turkmen differs little from those of their fellow citizens but the taxman still trying to preserve many of their control traditions. Even the youngest practiced the customs of their ancestors dressed in their traditional costumes their helping hand out invitations in the town to this day when wedding is a grand event for the entire community i must say i met with they say its going to be a totally traditional wedding its said the family is financially very well off. Thats when a wedding like this is best of course otherwise they wouldnt be able to afford to make so much effort in the past turkmen wedding would be celebrated for months today its just a week. Or so ive heard that the family wants to uphold the old traditions for example that the bride will be brought on a camel and theyll be old turk when the games are wrestling. So. It will be wonderful traditional was back then these customs are all very old. Here on the outskirts of. Lies the Family Business belonging to uncle gauguin little. The track to dealership panda joining repair shop has allowed go canada valjean to achieve wealth and social standing. Of the many rainy and turkmen still earn a living from agriculture and livestock farming. Or sponsibility for the family owned business will soon change hands today some caught him about as the familys only he must marry first but. What. Has. The words ive been telling carbon for years good mariya. After his military service i tried time and time again telling him come on get married. But calvin kept saying i have other plans i want to study and work. And so he first completed his degree. He only wanted to get married when he felt the right time and come. But having said afterward i went on and on like this. You know this and. You know it as my biggest wish is that my son marries a girl from a good family as well of a presenting but now his wish is about to come true at twenty nine kadam has kept his family waiting long enough five months ago he met him his bride to be. Sell or sell out darling how are you. What are you doing. Now no news here. Finally im looking forward to later. Have fun at your familys place. By. Then than in the very first time i saw her photo on the internet i knew at once that this was the woman i wanted to marry. Well maybe there are folks drawn to her at first sight and i hoped it would work out with her. Not felt straight away that god found my better half. And its an on going is the last book on and thats how much i felt drawn to her. Just a few days till the wedding gone bad is among the most important turkmen cities and this is where car him and my him have arranged to meet and go shopping together a decade ago such a meeting between an unmarried couple would still have been unthinkable today it is considered acceptable when chaperoned by their family is. Just like car him my him ms ali comes from a tradition bound family modesty and decorum are a top priority only are to the wedding will the couple be permitted to spend time with each other alone. Im only here dont know my job. As i received his proposal via the internet. He was determined to meet me in person the harder i mean the when im trying since i didnt even know him i ignored it at first i was. First a proposal and then the couple gets to know one another this is not unusual in turkmen culture. Intentions must be honorable. Even a low key meeting can be deemed indecent. So cut him quickly let it be known that his intentions were to marry. On the other and i told my family that hes called her him he comes from more of a topic and wants to marry me. Which as a staff. Is clear that i would only marry him if all the requirements were met. Perhaps a. If a drug problem car doesnt have a good job is this family financially well off when the after. Decent boy my family found out all that for me i was worried because i hardly knew him and knew so little about him and. Thats how i made my serious intentions clear from the start. Sisted that we should speak for a few days and slowly get to know each other. During a set i feel we turkmen belong to one of three large tribes in the whole the job or the tech her family belongs to the jam or does does mine but makes things easier because we understand one another better. I insisted that i meet her in person of course i wanted someone from the family to chaperone hug them or heaven forbid i didnt want her to think badly of me so finally we sat together and talked one day. That some day. After a while i realized we had a lot in common and i felt more and more of a bond with him that always thought. Was best for them all. Soon thereafter karriem told his family that they wanted to get married and his family had already turned down three previous candidates but he was able to win them over to my hand. With this purchase of expensive jewelry condoms families confirming their approval. Of the wedding plans. Have various. Now we will just have to set a date for the wedding of course our families will have to agree. Ted this book will not. Only family lives in a collage about two hundred kilometers south of mount of a topic. According to tradition it is the elders the axe a cow who must approve of a marriage. Grandmother bibi and the eldest and other first to arrive at the house of my family. The local clerics are also members of the access for centuries they decided on all Tribal Affairs and they still play an Important Role in the turkmen community the negotiations are led by cams uncle bakhtiari sort of guy. Were gathered here today to ask for the brides hand in marriage so today we will tell the brides father but our son loves his daughter we want to inquire if they find as worthy thats why we the council of elders are convening to discuss it. Moms older sisters are working in the kitchen. Turkmen households are in the womens hands men do none of the cooking. Simple but nutritious dishes are typical fare such as czech dema the Turkmen National dish. Your country sort of sounds obvious. But it does. But it is this is. Actually sauteed the chicken we add water and let it simmer for two hours i get more flush with the thin lamb for three hours. And right at the end we had rice that weve soaked in water. Color in terms little has changed from an attack when still it is nomads but the world beyond the kitchen hands kept moving forward. In the old days a wedding couldnt take place without the consent of the ox or car. Thats how much elders were respected. The bride and groom had no say in it palatable to today the young people are included in the cards decision you have to out. But anyone who thinks the men decide while the women coke is mistaken the women also have a say the most important question is decided by condoms grandmother baby and my hymns mother. This year that weve traveled far to enter into a union of families with you we ask you from our hearts to grant this god has granted this. One of the in little toy our ancient wedding traditions handed down to us by our forefathers comprise our turkmen identity our originality and difference to other ethnic groups or to time fortunately that we keep moving further away from our old traditions never there should be clear that. The families of him and cart him these traditions are a matter of honor. Good after the elders have given their approval we bread and salt after about the hour yo he is tired and from then on my i am using gages and everyone can now see that shes engaged. To a colored braided band symbolizes the bridal couple who according to the elders wishes are now intertwined with each other for i have a. Very happy with my choice and im looking forward to our wedding. After the engagement ceremony martin will remain with her family friend the other week but on the day of the wedding she leaves the home where she was born to start a new life in matter of a topic. But there is still a lot to do before the wedding. In our color my him goes through her dowry one last time together with her family. An entire household has been amassed over the years they dont want. Last and where daughter to lack anything in her new house. Also dropped our daughter on the arm in turkmen culture the mother starts assembling the diaries of her daughters when theyre still young girls how many that what exactly each daughter receives depends on the familys financial means a lot it was whats important is that the number of items must always be divisible by two that. Just as the bridal couple consists of two people so there must be two of everything. The mother just tradition applies not only to us but to all turkmen knew to the last minute or came and i thought one quite a name one whether rich or poor a quran is always part of a dowry. Men are muslims part unlike the majority of iranians they dont follow the shiites but the sunni branch of faith. In. Town was several days before the wedding they come and fetch my dowry and take it to my new home so that everythings in place after our wedding. Halls that i mentioned that a few days later that moment has come. Him sisters and aunts make sure the down is carefully loaded onto the truck. The other eight daughters of the family are already married so them is alice are used to goodbyes though it doesnt make it any easier. Its strange to see that everythings gone now but of course im looking forward to the wedding but at the same time i also feel sad. Just like my mother who can hardly hold back her tears nobody can im not i to doubt. That im care and there was sam horsford said i hope everyone has a nice time at my wedding and that theyll remember it for a long time especially the girls i hope they like my wedding and want to get married like this to. The trunk and soft amount of a topic its the first of many goodbyes from a hymn. In matter of a top am grandmother b. B. Supervises the construction of the the traditional tuckman tent. Today they are just an old custom but for centuries these mobile units provided shelter for entire extended families against the harsh weather on the plains even though they are built of lightweight wood that the family burns dried frankincense to ward off bad luck after on a wedding will take place in this year and. I doubt. That. Eighty one year old go whomp a distant greataunt was born in a year. Older look to own yet dont think ive been putting up your it since i was ten and got married when i was ten. People my age still know how to do it but the youth of today doesnt anymore. Nor the divider from here to the middle the adults slept on one side and the children on the. Either here at the front is where my four daughters in law slept. Here due to the one hundred relatives came we kill a sheep we came the liver and heart here and grill the meat outside for the guests good times were good back then. The next day marks the start of the three day waiting celebration cut in more gallon collect his brine tomorrow today everything revolves around him its his bachelor party. God ive hardly got any stress as far as my wedding is concerned my family my friends and neighbors are taking care of everything i just hope now that everything is to the Guest Satisfaction and that the wedding is a feast of joy and of all things good and beautiful yeah i mean yeah thats what matters most to me but im. Doesnt need to lift a finger of course he wants to look good too in a tight fitting suit out of a hollywood film. The cars are waiting for him and his friends. In on are of the groom the plane outside the city gates has been turned into a wrestling arena this afternoon. His family has invited everyone to the goresh a form of traditional wrestling. The wedding is the most festive moment in a turkmen mans life alongside his circumcision. Family have spared neither efforts nor expense to celebrate their sons marriage in a fitting manner even the miners have come and not just as spectators. Matter for the. Im the only song in the family. And you never see me so we have only this one wedding to celebrate. Sami yeah so weve decided to celebrate this wedding with all the frills it will lack for nothing. After all everyone will be there you know the old the young the devout man as you mentioned has about four thousand guests coming and they are coming to just have an evening meal and then go home again. And. Then the american infant and we want these to be celebrations that will overwhelm everyone. As well and that. Garnish is an expression of the Turkmen National identity as a warrior people and a traditional part of the wedding celebrations but its an event for men only. To. Find out in that. Contest the opponents thailand in pass around each others bodies which they are allowed to hold onto. Not must be tight. Or some of. The rules are simple you score points by forcing your opponent to touch the ground with any part of their body. To. Get it. Whoever lands on his back first as last. I. Looked erics also engage in a contest of strength before the crowd. Wrestling in moms that custom exists only among the tuchman. Has the afternoon progresses more and more visitors come to watch the garnish whether with or without an invitation nobody wants to miss the event. The wrestling matches continue until the sun goes down. In a matter of a tap and that evening the guests are served check them out volunteers help to make sure that all the hungry guests a fat. Cat was. Cut in sparrows will be spending an equivalent of thirty thousand euros on their sons wedding. By custom many guests give small wedding gifts of money which are all duty recorded. Go to our dear friends and guests welcome. Well. Come in and take a seat. After the meal there is entertainment like most everywhere this includes music and dancing. And the family has opted for a modern selection. Im kind of. That i thought it was. Kind of. Sad that any of it though we took one display our customs at weddings especially to close the music. We get together tall can live on our traditions. Getting married here is not a private matter the upholding of tradition as a matter of cultural politics and primed. To. Bear the coachman and we modeled our wedding on ceremonies from the past. And of course we hope that others will model their wedding on ours. Because our most important custom is still a traditional wedding. It is the night before the actual wedding ceremony. Last minute preparations are underway. Traditional garments such as the colorful headscarves are brought out and gift bans are being braided. In everyday life and culture is usually handed down from generation to generation by the women of the family mastering a traditional art is still seen as a virtue among men women and increases the chances of a young woman finding a good match. The first written records that describe these nomadic people date back to the tenth century the turkmen were feared as proud and daring warriors from the backs of their horses they conquered large territories. And independent state turkmenistan did not come about until the fall of the soviet union in the early one nine hundred ninety s. To this day when rarely marry outside their own culture. In a matter of a top pair the second day of wedding festivities is getting underway its the day of the caregiver and bridal procession inside the yurt of presents for the bridal family are being blessed with singing and offerings. The groom and his entourage are dressed in turkmen costumes including the tel pack the traditional sheepskin had. In the past the camels and horses were decorated today its the cars. As soon as the gifts have been blessed a convoy will head to act to collect mayan. Shortly before they leave gifts are brought out of the youre not intended for the family of the bride in exchange for their daughter. Karriem joins the wedding convoy. But the source of the thank you. I miss her very much and im very happy that soon she will be mine for have are more than that. Meanwhile in. Him as the center of attention. Friends and family have come to dress her for the fan while. The wedding jory of intricately worked gold and silver weighs just over ten kilos and no effort suspended to impress the groom to be. About what i want most is for car him to be proud of me were going to spend the rest of our lives together ill do everything i can to be the best bride. Motorcade has finally reached. Carmel have to be patient a little longer he is not allowed to see mark him right away he must first pay his respects to her family. And then the time has come to fetch his bride from the house of her parents. Weve brought you this church oh from our of a topping the cloth was made in mecca medina and in our holy places its been handed down by the elders for many years and will now make you a bride yes yes yes yes yes. Outside anticipation is rising my hymns nephew has also had to say goodbye. To her. Hair. More. Im less nervous im lying and my own is just a few months older than me sitting there which is another reason why were closer than is usually the case with aunts and nephews with them. Shes like a sister and best friend to me we grew up together obama was a child they had let. Us again the time to tell you the truth im very sad shes leaving. Us. And out at the same time i think im glad shell be happy. Im happy for. Me and its not the only one whos struggling to maintain his composure. Right. Now. We. Want. To. Let. You hear and not out of course im very sad that i have to leave my family and move to an unfamiliar place. When people take me a long time to get used to it i didnt have time for shiloh myself but im also very much looking forward to my new life. Raft on the child im on im very happy to have found such a wonderful husband and im leaving with mixed feelings here. That. After a two hour drive the wedding convoy reaches the outskirts of mount of a topic. Here my hymns last test awaits our. Highlight that is celebrated by the wedding guests with exuberance. In the past it was constantly for the bride to travel the entire distance on a camel today most weddings do without this tradition as its too expensive and complicated and especially for the bride rather uncomfortable. I. On the back of a camel mar him has to prove that shes a true tuchman in the turn tradition camels have long played an Important Role as a pack animal that enjoys even the most strenuous of loads it in part is a masculine ideal but usually the camel is regarded as the symbol of the modest girl of a good family and her hard working mother even in the twenty First Century these role models still hold sway. Anyone who defies them risks losing the support not only of their own family but the entire community. Today mar him has demonstrated that she is willing to accept the role that has been assigned to her. Inside the wedding yet the bridal couple is welcomed with traditional singing. Meanwhile more. Guests are gathering outside. Get set handed over inside the unit and immediately unpacked and sauntered quite a task considering there are about a thousand guests. The bridal couple spends the afternoon with close family. Only in the evening when all the guests have arrived in the gifts have been unwrapped him become a married woman. For the turkmen it is not just the ring on her finger but more importantly the ring on her head clearly visible for everyone to see the socalled unagi that makes my him a wife. Caught him and now lead his bride out of the yacht. They are married. The ring still takes a bit of getting used to for the young bride from now on she must wear it every day. And uncles garden the bridal couple presents themselves to their guests. At least for tonight the traditional part of the wedding is over him and caught him can now enjoy their celebration. Was. Just. Everyone up close up close. I can hear you. Come on every water flow. Im very pleased that everything i had hoped for has finally control all thats missing now is grandchildren. And the. Current wedding is also an emotional moment for his uncle. About all the michelle bought it being able to share and express my nephews joy with friends and the family is really indescribable. In on itself if im not a loss for words to describe this truth. But you know why are so many people from the heart of mother of a top a all these kind. They are my treasure. They are my light that i missed out of my own mind and i want to show. A local politician bakhtiari said a gun knows how to win over the community. Now the more relaxed part of the celebrations can begin. Despite irans strict morality laws the celebrating and dancing goes on until night into the night but not before the eyes of the public and a close family will be there. In the early hours of the morning quiet has finally returned to modify a topic. But theres one last ritual to come. On their first shared day of marriage my him and cut him celebrate the alistair man has sarah. Anita translates as hand to hand its a ritual intended to remind the young couple of the duties of match. I hereby give caring to. You my own i give to carry. I wish you both much happiness and your mutual path through life. May god well that. After. Its over. With a piece of sugar my human car i make a vial of marital happiness make their future be equally sweet. This is. By marrying my him and cut him have now attained the status of full adult hood. They are now deemed to be in charge of their own families fortune and destiny. Separation and divorce is frowned upon in turkey and culture told death to us part a commandment that carries weight to this very day. In the co paint our mountains lines the grave of khalid nabil purportedly a Christian Missionary who converted to islam. Here the couple is alone for the first time in days. Its. Go. Yes it feels like the first day of my life it feels so good so new. Im here to pray that my life will always stay the way it is now. And that ill Stay Together with cut him until the day i die. For the. Issue over the little. Boy gets overlooked an amazing feeling that im beginning a new life with my wife now a good long. Hard never felt anything like it before. But. The celebration has come to a happy end the many days of festivities and rituals of what makes a tuchman wedding ceremony a special event. It is a moment of lived tradition and a celebration of cultural identity within the multiethnic state of iran. Elephants may have thick skins theyre still wary of the. Package avoid places when piece of passing or. That cave environmentalists in south africa screw their National Park at night. Using beehives to protect endangered tree species from offense. To today in ninety minutes on d w. Every journey begins with the first step and every language with the first word published in the. Rico is in germany to learn german and why not with him its simple online on your mobile and free shots from d w z e learning course nikos fake german meeting. With the author sponsors of course or. Model. Is a dangerous. Ones and droughts Climate Change become the main driver of mass migration you can write any going to be snide if you want and probably most of them to come to. The. Start of your book thirty years on t w. This is deja vu news live from protesters in sudan demand an immediate transition to civilian rule pressure from demonstrators has already toppled two president s in a week but the people want Democratic Leaders not military. Also coming up officials in South East Africa plead for more aid after cyclone into a month after the storm the u. N. Says hundreds of thousands of people are still at risk. Brazils indigenous tribes say they are facing extinction under president also known as paul

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