To conflict thank you one of the things that western donors didnt expect to be paying for in afghanistan was the frequent mistreatment and torture of prisoners by police and Security Forces why is this still going on. And might be problems which. I will not deny it but the situation has improved big. At least since we are in the government did National Unity government we have taking strong measures. There was there wasnt any about it prior to that there wasnt any any awareness and not were not designed to deal with those issues but. There might be somewhere but it is not like we have been in a situation. In this country were which this was part of the Government Program that yes but youve been promising for years to do something about it and last year the Un Assistance Mission to your country reported the highest levels of torture in Police Custody since two thousand and ten so rather than taking strong measures the situation seems to be going back in reverse getting worse and it is absolutely not right its not but they dont know what theyre talking about the u. N. Mission the u. N. Mission what was the survey that they did in two thousand to two that now they are comparing it with two thousand and seventeen or sixteen. They said that the levels of torture have we seen the highest level since two thousand and ten there are those interests so so eighty eight in the last eight years highest level the Kandahar Police were said to be responsible for the torture of ninety one percent percent of detainees why do you not investigate the Kandahar Police some of these things are worked looking at and we are having. A good level of cooperation with the number which is watching these things in there are other organizations as well including Civil Society which is an oversight over these issues if if. If its not a really rich me today but i can assure you the report that the improvement is being admitted and we are having discussions at the highest level the president and so youre a dogs with the u. N. Assistance mission on this because they exist i declare if you if you look at the complete credible or towards credible report if you if you look at the complete report they will show you they will give you the. Results of the reform which has been carried out as a whole the improvement which is there but will there was that they will have access in two thousand and ten or prior to that today they have access everywhere and and windy and they know the methods that you are using which include forcibly pumping water into detainee stomachs crushing their testicles with clumps suffocatingly till they lose consciousness and apply electric shocks to their genitals are you proud of this and nobody could be proud of this should it be the case but what i mean ill make it up to them you know what i said but its about i can tell you the in this field particular field that you started your interview with there has been a lot of improvement in the type of interactions between as you now mount in the human rights. Situation is such that they raise these issues with us directly if we dont take action then they will do come back to us and yes we need their support we need them to bring cases to us but i can assure you that certain strong measures have been taken on the question of strong measures yet little dogs dont look like they were there to ourself with dollars spect youre describing it that this is going on in throughout the country and were oblivious to that in the end we dont pay any attention to that thats last year you talk about strong measures last year according to Human Rights Watch you failed to prosecute a single senior official for torture. Is that how were supposed to understand your strong measures against this practice. Youre talking about the rule of law and talk and do you prosecuting just getting people to torture do procedures do procedures what is the senior level that we are talking about this on details which has to be seen and has to be discussed the committee against torture last year pointed the finger at the Afghan NationalPolice Commander in kandahar he said it was widely suspected of complicity and if not personal implication and severe human rights abuses including summary killings in the settlement of secret Detention Centers has this been investigated you yourself said suspected. Yes if yes if anybody is and there are widespread suspicions i think his name that he keeps on propping up in the reservation based on that report if anybody was cited as being suspected we think that we have a system that we can be can go through the suspicions of everybody against anybody thats a different issue this is a key person in your Security Forces this is a key figure in your security does that not bother you that is name keeps on cropping up it only human rights document it does but i can assure you that were not learning about the things through media were talking basically to the people responsible and to the authorities as well and as well as the un officials in kabul when there is cases with evidence we have taken it seriously four months ago Human Rights Watch called on you to investigate reports that your special forces some really executed civilians in kandahar province during the period of january thirty first to february the first this year during operations against the taliban they allegedly dragged some men from their homes and shot them is this something that you consider worth investigating anything there such as there have been men of close to a credible human yes or anything their search will look previous reports all of the mob were looking at but to draw a picture that thats the overall situation in our country thats what im what im challenging there have been other cases also by our police or by our National Army or the special forces but i can assure you that have been investigated people and present as a result of that people are being prosecuted as a result of that and thats thats the thats the reality so why does the committee against torture talk about a climate of impunity in afghanistan general climate of culture of impunity in afghanistan illustrated by the large number of alleged Human Rights Violations involving senior state officials this is from the un. Committee against torture are you in committee against torture in their representatives in kabul you now maher we have well you could level of cooperation thats what i can assure you it will seem very complacent but not these things and these are Serious Problems i think it would be for europe to somebody in front of you. Or listen to you. Im listening to you our audience will will will make you make will make their judgment. All my life i have fought for the rights of people in human rights in the have made sacrifices personally the sacrifices in millions of people have made sacrifices in these are not the things that we will take it someplace as such in january last year your attorney general ordered nine guards employed by first Vice President of the russian does two to answer questions about the abduction illegal imprisonment and Sexual Assault on a rival politician achmet ishi dustin refused to allow his guards to be called instead they had to be interviewed in his compound seven of them were later convicted in absentia and sentenced to five years by the end of last year not a single one of them was in jail that suggests that you do not have the power or the political will to enforce even the decisions of the courts and your country doesnt it the same case that youre referring to it has another angle to treat as well. I will not get into details of it but at the same time you see there too. The first Vice President is not in the country at the moment those people which are which are. Suspected of those crimes they are not available to us. And if the fifty fifty if we find them they will be prosecuted. The fact is the legal system is hopelessly compromised isnt it Freedom House said earlier this year that corruption among judges is extensive with judges and lawyers often threatened and bribed by local leaders or militant groups they called it and then changed culture of impunity for the countrys political and military power brokers in other words a situation where the powerful can get away with whatever they want to get in every Single Department in every single report by the you by the un as well as the relevant agencies you will see approval of the reform which has been carried out in the past few years but not of the results of that just just. Before bringing reforms in an institution youre expecting results it doesnt happen that way there has been that culture imbedded for many years but you will see that youll see that in every single report i put my credibility with that the reform of the judiciary sector the prosecutor general Generals Office throughout the country and also as a government we see it the result with the people in our citizens which are approving in february on a visit to power one province you admitted that the National Unity government had failed to fulfill some of its commitments to the people you said lets tell the truth to the Afghan People and confess to our inabilities and shortcomings i would like to tell the people that we failed to do for you what we hoped to do if you made a mess of it why doesnt the government resign. The point is that. It was said in the context there really was that there have been shortcomings for example the elections the parliamentary elections will be in a few months time parliamentary in this the Council Elections this election should have been held a year and a half back. Thats a shortcoming thats the most serious problem what about the human rights abuses and the corruption in the country obviously the better the the nobody had promised that afghanistan will be paradise as a result of two three years of the unity government but we have promised to take steps to to to make decisions which we have done. With the those decisions are not just in brain it has yielded results there has been improvement and each. Say that work is done in dont bother about these things thats not my case thats that what i am how is implying come is any of this helped by the political squabbling going on between you and president gandhi i mean thats the time when youre facing National Emergency and so many fronts this is supposed you say to be a government of National Unity new ping telling him hes unfit for office how does this squabbling help the country youre referring to to a stated statement of mine sometimes back which i with all this twenty sixty which i went into details of what i meant about it but show me one single government that there are no arguments there are no debates there are no discussions there are no differences. You said he didnt have the patience for any discussion with you at that time why does that make him unfit why did that make him unfit for you or the presidency. Yourself or the opportunity to talk to president romney and you have raised questions which was related to him to him directly now if there are questions related to me i am obliged to. Respect for your ideas to address it in address them i would say that we came as a result of a contested elections in order to save the country in order to prevent a complete destabilisation of the country unity government was formed this is for the first time in our history that two contested groups are solving their differences through formation of a common a joint set up but youre only. Criticizing you for squabbling if you are squabbling about i dont employ facing a National Emergency a crisis where you see very survival is in doubt your employees are fighting each other over identity m. P. s are the. Representatives of the people they should criticize us we dont expect all of them to be in agreement with me will president romney thats normal our citizens have the right to criticize and that i accept your reference to my statement in power want what we wish to achieve we have not achieved it but but that does not imply that. The unity government has not achieved anything Abdullah Abdullah is it any wonder the people afghanistan have so little faith in their politicians with all the squabbling last november pinion polls from the Asia Foundation which show that members of parliament and ministers of the parliament as a whole receive the lowest levels of confidence. From the people in the thirty to thirty six percent range compared of course to the religious leaders and even the press which received almost double the levels of confidence from people at the these will be judged in this torah manner when the people go to the polling stations and our focus in thats my emphasis our focus has to be. Clear that will include the ability of elections to happening parliamentary elections in the district Council Elections and also president ial council almost forty percent of the ip was want to leave the country note that says that if they want to leave there was a poll you would be here its not that easy its a prayer that with the number of people which are leaving the year before overrun Million People return back to the country and they come as a choice yes of course they are there there are challenges coupled with that return of refugees we havent been able to make them part of the Development Strategy but we are supporting them encourage him in riyadh creating enabling environment for them to rebuild their lives perhaps so this look at two sides of the story perhaps more would return if you dealt or began to deal meaningfully with corruption one of the biggest problems that you face in afghanistan in january the u. S. Special Inspector General for afghan reconstruction john soccer put the problem in context when he said while president ghana declared a National Jihad on corruption corruption is not just a problem for the system of governance in afghanistan it is the system of governance. Always hardest to do anything about the slivers of a lot as weve done a lot has been done in that respect and cigar john serco we have a good level of cooperation he raises concerns in certain areas about how to need us and we take action about it and thats what unfortunately we have inherited and thats what we have to didnt address you know its our responsibility to do it until how much attention have you taken i mean in two thousand and eleven your country was the second most corrupt country in the world according to Transparency International and now its the fourth so its moved up just two places in seven years is that taking action. Thats not satisfactory but that said that Shows Progress thats not satisfactory or told thats not ideal far from it but that Shows Progress all the signs are of the observe that the security situation is going to get worse the syria you spoke out last month about the wave of recent attacks that have killed scores of people across the country you dont have the troops to do the job do you you dont have sufficient troops to defend territory that you now control or even take back territory that you dont like the a few years back if there were one hundred fifty thousand to International Troops in afghanistan. Doing their job and they have the combat role another fifteenth or there are fifteen thousand in they dont have the combat role their mission is to train support assist but that was always their mission to know there was a good incompetent leadership the convert old came to an end and there before two thousand and forty two they were in full combat role they were doing the fighting and our army National Army in our police a stick and responsibility we have a number of casualties as it was on top of this and the conditions in circumstances were not evolved according to our wishes we would we will deal with the circumstances would what we have that this war is unwinnable sixteen years of intervention by the americans and other forces and the taliban are still there you offer them unconditional recognition you offer them cease fire you offer them even an office in kabul why should why should they come and talk to you when theyve managed to survive in the gauge went with the most powerful army in the world and are still there still fighting why should they talk to you. If they are citizens of this country. In the same time they are being killed in dozens sometimes and the and the lead pieces they are prepared to take the casualties there is no doubt that they have taken casualties but what they have achieved. They have an idea they have an ideology they want to fight for it politically the door is open for them they want to kill innocent people thats not nothing they will gain when im out of afghanistan a few days ago called upon as as the government as well as the taliban to observe cease fire. Our leadership government accepted. The same day that all of us were holding that meeting there was a susu side a letter back these are the type of groups which have been fighting in the country and used terrorist methods they are not unique to afghanistan as well but look at it from their point of view they have survived sixteen years why why come to the table now they control the most forty percent of your Country Candy williams market because they win the war can you win the war can you win the war is merely poured my question is can they win the war in another sixteen years know that they may well not lose it and you may the important thing is you may not win it the point is that it is our responsibility as the government of afghanistan first of all to do our best to protect our citizens but the situation is as it is unfortunately at the same time to keep the door open for talks and negotiations when i have no doubt in my mind that do we groups there will be people who will see that this is an endless war in the should give up violence in the door from our side should be kept open its not just as its not just taliban its where they get support but the answer to you opening the door has been a huge wave of violence and so forth unfortunately yes so you so you miscalculated by leaving the door open you thought somebody would walk through it sit down at the table and negotiate with you theyre not going to edit it hasnt helen going so far killed me in give me one example that the last two were killed in the in the war in that. It has not happened and we were in the world there is no places classical modern. They have shown their utter despair irresponsibility towards the people in towards the fate of their country they continue to do so this would be very unfortunate for us for the people of afghanistan but im sure that there will be people who will think otherwise when they see the chances and when the next president ial Elections Come around again next year well be standing with stanley again you said in february it was time to tell the truth to the Afghan People what successes if you are going to stand what successes can you point to which would make people want to vote for you i havent decided yet in also i havent decided to start my campaign will be here in london to see what they will do for the people but what i can promise that at any circumstances ill be dedicated to the cause of our people and will being of our people at under any circumstances theres still well being to be had among your people will be you you have a population. Where fifty percent is under fifteen yes you have three point five million children who are not going to school more than eighty five percent of them are girls what kind of well being do you offer millions of people millions of people to the these difficult circumstances Younger Generation young an old boys and girls are rebuilding their lives are contributing to the will being of themselves as well as the country its not that youre talking about a massacre field and people are pushed into introduced into streets until are people who can have a future three point five million kids unless they get an education the unfortunately there have been times that no single girl was a lot. And people who have gone through that as well the only two decades back to the same millions of people are going there at this status thinks. It helps us to focus in those areas but. Their percentage. Are all disputed and yes in that area with that taliban created insecurity then they stop people from going to school the point is that even in those areas in throughout the country the main priority of the people of afghanistan first one will be security the second one is education and education for boys and girls and at the same time thats where i see the taliban are already defeated. Their ideals are rejected their ideology is rejected the fact that we are for life was rejected by the absolute majority of the people of our pockets its a good push i wonder if the people are going to buy it if people wouldnt buy it they will not defend they will not send their sons and daughters in the battlefield to defend the system to protect their people in to continue to be and in the in the high moral ground offering peace and defending their Country Dollar bill its been a pleasure having in conflicts of pleasure thank you very much thank you thank you thank you alex thanks to a to e thanks. Thanks thanks. To. You to. Want to. Cut. To you. To. Go out on. What happens when state programs teen mom. With companies. Come great is a conflict of interest between Development Aid agencies and the private sector and profits from such alliances. And you think maybe help the needy. And trust that. The business of development aint. Insistent on d. W. War. On freedom and. Were i come from the region is rich in history and talents much will core into question the trinity and freedom this makes it specially difficult for independent druggists i see many of the younger promising journalists who are now making names for themselves all over the world. Song by the way some might follow some will continue. Their experience of freedom and sense is Life Experience of. Your care and visits but your car come back from. Mining district whatever and i work as you know. This is news live from berlin the twenty eight hundred football world cup kicks off in Moscow Russia is expecting up to one million foreign visitors to the world be willing to look past the politics and focus on the pitch well get the latest from moscow also coming up. Frenzel tower alumina to green bay here its an inferno killed seventy one people downing street and other london landmarks are also king tribute to the shocking scale of the tragedy