Migraines. The south africa, these hills are known as the cradle of human kind. They tell the story of evolution. Nowhere else as so many of our ancestors puzzles being discovered. But one mystery remains. When exactly did the 1st humans a pen and walk with our lives . Like thats one patio anthropologist, josie, but ive gone once to find out at the chrome dry audiological site in south africa. He aims to give a voice to the bones of ancestors, the, [000 00 00;00] the paleo anthropologist, josie, but a guy is a well, the expert in his field, whether with the state of the art lavar tree equipment or in the dusty savannah, he is searching for the origin of human kind and the missing piece of the puzzle. Most sapiens family tree go to so device i believe it was a space allocated to is not true to this general consensus that all human beings living on the planet today have the origin in africa around 100000 years ago in west let me go back in some seo tools and one of the se, but if you goes further back around 2000000 use, its a different story. To have done calls about us. We still dont know exactly where the home again and so much and whether it was 2 or more like 3000000. 00 use, it goes good idea of us to develop units of the year in chrome dry. Close to johanna is back. Protocol aims to solve the mystery. The scientists, ponce of the trade live human kind. And the many fossils in this landscape have revealed the story of evolution. It has been listed as a unesco welled. Heritage science since 1999 the humanities family tree, bronze tall from the gray tapes. 7000000 years ago. We and our ancestors are descended from that new genus. The home in any one of those ancestors is aust charlotte pethel because of whom several skeletons have been found. Some of them over 3000000 years old. But about 2000000 years ago, they spaces died out the transition from australia pits because the human still counts as a blind spot in evolutionary history. The no false soul has yet been found from the period between 3 and 2000000 years ago. That will give us any clues but a god became site manager of the chrome dry audiological site in south africa in 2002 to try and so face mystery the at the time the region was mainly living on its reputation. The last relevant discovery came from the 19 seventys, the end of the 1st regard to find nothing new, but he doesnt coupon. He trusts his instincts and to modern technology. Richard varies. The 16th june choose the brick off things. Chrome dry is much bigger than originally assumed to find new excavation sites. He uses aerial photo grama tree to carry out 3 d survey. By combining this and chemical soil analysis, he plans to track down on discomfort fossils. The and the new survey shows that this soto lie, are really task stretch far into the no problem dr. Is 5 times as launches originally. So the percentage of pulse on treasure in the unexplored region begins the, the team gathers a launch number of samples. Nobody has any idea yet how significant the new fines will be. The gentleman who can go, this percentage of them gets a piece of i choose from a prime age and im already in the drawer here. So you dont like see this even before its taken out of the ground, its clear that this is an entire tool that you send from a home in any. Its extraordinary. I see the data off to cancel the cleaning. It becomes clear that this isnt a most perfectly preserved language. All of a child. Its a small sensation. But does it belong to a human child, or an auster le pipkins might even have originated in the mysterious transition period between the 2 general boucher models. I know specializes in medical imaging. He makes a computerized model of the tool to find some ounces for the donations are communities. But im wondering if you were using your data to create a model of the job, the child of come dry with a tooth bones on till 6 called. You know, its extraordinary up. So we might use any resource you want. Ive never seen anything like this in australia vegas, so im just touching up. They never have these long, central, lateral and sizes hung up on winter long as you know. So. So can i talk to these facts of my initial impression quote and im question would be good because, you know, lets add some more criteria to make sure this is really a human mandible. Dixie desk to promote that. Partial me jump off you on me. Cool. Nice, yes, i know he put him in the, the teeth and side to low. A jewel have remained unchanged since the death of the child. The shape and position suggests the genus is home. But from which precise stage of evolution the should be data from the eyes, lane, and associates, one guy just to explain digits. What special about the child of crum dry is that it combines modern and primitive characteristics in a way weve never seen before. With such old fossil or through why, because you can see very primitive australia pacific is characteristics in this i to got the confidence either caught them time with them. But then we also have very clear human characteristics. Seals, if the child had been out a bit moment to a stage of development, we would not have been able to see this and you dont see that it can cause increase on the way, passing up on a so called successful right. And the fact that its a small child gives us some key information. These alternative is what we dont yet know what constituted a human from a couple of 1000000 use the guidelines. I think it was the way they grew up and but to be able to say that was such and t, we have to find more human infants from this period. We like this one or not home. What makes these fine so valuable is its early stage of development, but it is something that an image, although a joint will provide indications of this patience. This would not be the case in a fully develop, jones. Everything points to the fact that the joint originated in the transition period between australia, pentecost and humans. Nope, but no, i think no d b and this is where the problem started with that crumb dry child. We enjoy some of them. Others not so much. I love this one, but it will still be complicated. We have to date the fossil, the specially whether its older or younger than 2000000 is is yep. So im sudden, its all the, but thats not enough. We need proof in front of the police. Everything depends on the fossils age. But 9th is a dna analysis. Know the radio, comp and method is able to date such an old fall. So theres only one thing left to try and determine the age of the soil in which the fossil was found. The, to do this for a gall, put together a team of geologists to look the indications of which era, the soil and tasks the china. Its joel came from the 1st. The team has to learn about the composition of the sewing in the new the dunk area. The, the almost square side is voted by line stuff. The deluxe, or whether the weight, yes, totally service. Then you said it will go completely way and it will be, you know what i mean . So we definitely want to, but its not 2nd 19 the standing want to is a bit of a mystery. It as an entire story behind it. A story from the time this child lived in chrome dry. The, the secret lies in the stuck fontaine caves close to chrome dry. They found little thoughts in these limestone caves. The most complete skeleton of an australia pay because f a discovered it took several years to estimate dates age. It was 3700000 years on the home blue cell headed up the team at the time in new these cave labrenz edits, history inside out all night. You dont need to go, he can go the other thing one year for my son. Like whats here, we have small passages but not the creation of the caves. To feel that you can see the process that she just says were below ground water level. So everything is under water pump. The water drift slowly and gradually dissolves bits of carbonate and magnesium she wants to do with sand. And anything that dissolves easily is washed out to do this when you get because this is how lab renting grotto is form and that equal thousands of kilometers long. Its on the Central Office of phillip sees discoveries from the stuck fontaine caves. False, the team in chrome try to think again. The geologist found the same disintegration process in the rocks of both. Okay. So the 2 locations seem to be connected on the ground. The opening to the surface has to be a remnant of collapsed car adults. That means that the citing come dry was once an underground k full, but a guy and his team. This is an important realization they want to understand when and how the cave filled up. Is this the key today . Doing the child of chrome dry to an indication of the origin of human kind. The only signals in the goal instead of the spectrum 10, you said so were in want to strip on teens larger halls individual thats about 30 meters long and 20 meters wide. And about 30 meters high. Thats exactly the same size as calm dry iphone meant this one. This is interesting because here we have an unfilled caves. For 1st we still have a boat separating us from the surface. A good 10 meters of rocks are really good to so we have to imagine that geological changes are making the roof thinner, and at some stage it will open stones will fall in soil and also animals that were finding now as possible. Gradually, a pile of rubble will form called tell us like an an hour glass. So to submit that to the opening of the tribe, but over thousands of years catches was used to be on the surface. One said that its a time capsule of what was happening outside at the time to meet the need. Let me more, just especially at least tell you the tireless rises until the opening is clumped again, perhaps due to a collapse. Once the whole closes, everything below it becomes fossilized. At the same time style it might grow slowly in the case. As soon as the whole reopens a 2nd part of the screen, foams on top of the fast, the in chrome try to fall in the cave roof was completely eroded. So the screens at the fossils were embedded in was exposed to here we have a snapshot of what com drive must have looked like 45 or 6000000 years ago just before the cube opened it to the surface of the crystal 1st. At 1st sight, everything seems to come from one song. But electromagnetic measurement show that there are actually different lands each from a different e polk. The geologist trying to date the lat in which the human join was found. Regard hopes to then be able to estimate the age of the chrome, try child, because people dont the size of it both in june, but tease to full. Val specializes in animal fossils. He identifies the type and evolutionary stage of the fragments of the bone fragments help. Thanks the animals patience. This is a fema from what i believe it. Yes. Of l things. This was a small one and to learn from the same period as the child of chrome dry. But walters done talents easy to what im trying to put the puzzle together piece by piece, not from the depth of this animal to today. These fines help us understand the ecosystem to him in, in a, developed with, in the both it fossil suggest open no voided savannah, but that says little about the age of the land. Since todays antelope, the 2 similar to that ancestors 2000000 years ago, to determine the age, the teams need to find animals whose anatomy has changed to mall. After a few hours, they find a solid block containing fossilized phones of an unknown animal. The full valid, candidly exposes the sample with a dentists content. He has to be very careful not to damage the fossil. This 160. 00 down for you now me signing up for the the one i thought it might be a fee line credit uh off the cleaning its i have the complete comes in sight, but taste of a 2000000 year old bee line credit and again, terry and they dont tell you its the breakthrough. They were hoping for. This save the tooth tiger appeared about 3000000 years ago in africa and died down to about 2000000 years ago. The lay of the animal gums and the childs joel was found in is in fact, from the transition period between australia, pentecost, and human bond. The team has to day to day even more precisely the geologists get to walk again. They use a static mind from the phone. Ok to measure the time i want to like the less that i need to come by. So this is these to lag might from from dry. The cradle of human kind is the only one we know were still in place and it can be back, data is the only civil difficult. And they told me the static mindset foamed from drops containing tiny amounts of uranium. A good time, the uranium tends to let, the ratio of the 2 elements reveals the age of the stone. This direct mind must be between 2 and 2300000 years. So the baton us under the static might, must be owned. This proves that the fossils from the thomas below the static might also molten 2000000 years old. The found the indications that the childs jewel comes from the transition period from australia pickets to human animal is conducting officer to come by. So im try gives us exactly what we were missing. Instruct fontaine, the you the connecting piece between ulster, i looked at the coast and how many instruct fontaine these layers have been lost due to erosion in chrome drive. They are still there. Here we can bring together the links between all the stories from the cradle of human kind, then also the new doesnt even use it. Its a spectacular discovery. The challenge of come dry is the oldest human child ever excavated. An examination of the lower joint discloses the age of the 1st humans. It also shows as well differentiated them from australia. Pivot goes on to do you told me the need to do for sema, and ill tell you. Suppose we can count on the fingers of one hand, the number of funds we have from the period before 2 to 3000000 years ago, and never a child and a phone buddy in chrome drive. We have this infant who is showing as what humans would like to me and years ago, pruitt on your mail using the older name. When i see uh send the domain to the office, i thought to the linux user for me to call volume, we made a 3 d image from the data to compare the lower job of a 2 year old today with a chrome dry child and the tongue child dental phone to come, i a, a, they come on and off of the icon. It goes through all the basic is child clinic. The tone child was discovered in 1924 in south africa at the time. It was the 1st and only australia pentecost, and it didnt generate much interest since it was thought the parcels of children did not provide much information. Its usually important that regard. However, as it helps to differentiate modern day humans from earlier general, the style of music is child in read, read chrome dry and blue to be true, and thats what it looks like today. We notice that you can tell them if you dont require improving, such as telling me, dont want to compare. You can get into about half of a job here on the c panel to write the tongue. Child really has no chin. It slanted and could not be receding, tend to the beginning under the decline, the crumb dry child has quite a vertical profile. Very different to this here. When you do this, i know some of us do the gym does not receive as strongly as the tongue. 1 may remember that long ago, just that this synthesis area is also less broad. So the actual awesome t and the more apology of the 2 is one digit, which deepest a lot from the astrology. As it goes, i feel like shes going to deduct you off that we have a series of characteristics here that suggest it is closer to a modern day child then to in australia pace. It goes something planted when he changes everything. Its much more modern than we thought, you know, dont sound a priest because of the needs of the city on the opposite side of the criteria that defined what humans and now outdated, the young walking upright using tools, the large brain. Lets see. Now we know the, the start of the piece, it goes to also use tools and walked up for right most likely to use it. Also to protect the lodge. Bryan didnt develop until after the 1st humans appear to say they put museum up. Because often today, the belief is more that the criteria for the coming human have to do with the development of the bio vision. You only depend with the fossil of this insensitive we are able to answer that for the 1st time 1st through the d. Oh, good point. My point was that gets to the paleo anthropologists realized that this find will revolutionize that research. The problem, try they hope to find out want originally made humans humans the while. The 3 d images of being analyzed to search for more information continues that the chrome dry science. Geology provides the researchers with new details. The cave filled up until the time has reached the ceiling. Its possible that predators then moved in the fall, so it was from the thomas will probably that pray. And they tell us about the lives that the 1st humans, the scene on subject to domino the need to many in years ago, we were primarily scavengers, benefiting from others, leftovers. And it was at the same time when we what price it was easy to eat to it. And i didnt know. So its exciting to find the remains of ancestors who, what pray. It brings up and you questions around how we continue to develop from and change from enable me to find out more about the 1st humans, the researchers look for new phones, a comparison. If the 3 jones of the australia pit took us to chrome dry child, and modern day, humans alone is not enough to rewrite Human History for comparison is also needed with the run trip us. Another home in gene is around for post means alongside humans and is considered close relative is around the same time as the homo genus. There is disagreement about whether it is and how strong the pip occurs or descends from the 1st. The rancher post was discovered in 1938 close to chrome dry to the point is my duty, plenty of ballparks. So to pretty much show the 1st humans and 1st representatives of the genus a very different from one another aspect of the parental purpose. Hesitate to take a look facial features with an overdeveloped investigatory, f, a rod, as the deed was vegetarian and specialized in consuming hot plants. Contrary to the 1st humans only 52. 00 studies suggest that they ate both plants and meat. Courtneys email utility shot so much made in fact, that traces of it can be found as a g, a chemical signature inside the table. In costs, you can go to a horse and you can tell you all they dont simple means, you know, the recall wants to unravel the origin. So if human kind to do this, he would have to compare how human children and the rent for best children developed over 2000000 years ago. The problem is that no parental pest child has yet been discovered. Regard hopes to find one in chrome trying the he brings a specialist on boeing to find out when to drink. And tell him b. Lloyd well use the latest technology to lead him to the right place. She can predict weather launches, number of fossils to be found. To my specific area studies is on the 3 the reconstruction of the site and understanding spatial patching. Using 3 d does is tire rotation method. Visa, actually the fossils whose coldness we have collected using that socialization and read you have the buffets and in green you have the humans and in yellow we have kind of was. So what we found some of the 3 d special analysis as that we actually have 4 main testers close to 1. 00 and 2. 00 contained the most fossil. So this is the most dense region of the site. Actually, ology is very destructive process. And part of the discovery is destruction, but my focus within my ph. D is to ensure that we can actually preserve data in such a way that future generations can have an image of what it looked like before it was removed compared to the fi 2 times. I think now theres a lot more knowledge and awareness of this. And a lot more representation as well. So me, for example, being a black woman studying this. Thats very rare. But we are pioneering and opening spaces for us to know our history and disseminate and as well regarding sweat, im going locates the highest probability of finding home and in the fall so searchable. So the photo most of the false keep this aside part of the task completely just integrated on presented the most of the walk you going to dont results the ivory goes in all directions. The typical find that tells us absolutely nothing for simple. Strict ammonia feel the set of delete any shows is the inclination angle of the lay of the poles n g come over here. Well, i think we have an inside the here thats in the opposite direction to the layer with the parenthesis together. Tonys if so far, so we, we like the us thats clearly know to sound or it fits the hypotheses that we have. Another entrances into another source of materials. Here we go. Can know told you about this, even older people. Yes. Ok. That indicates a much longer, more complex history. The fantastic is important. Talk during aids position at right angles to the author of fines reveals that it belongs to a different thomas. Presumably from another opening in the k for this thomas is partially covered by the one that contains the 1st humans and parenthesis. So its folder, but how owned exactly the excitement grows. So need, we change this layer is very risky, unless the other parts of binds. Dont conform to know what they are. You have to take them out and you can put all that together. But its too hard for the tool. Will need other tools for that. And im finally home when you the, the recovering the false old from the solid ground takes time. But too much air exposure can damage the bones. To avoid this launch box at countertop and taken to the step fontaine, the bar and tray. Bands of fossils are extracted, the vista fontaine land belongs to the wrong clock, the discount for of little foot. He rarely opens his lap. Buck regardless find awakens his curiosity, the why this piece corresponds to the rights lexia of that space. And so it still needs some preparation. Yeah. So its dense, but wow, lets see 0. This is all ready taking my interest this doesnt look like a parenthesis. Yeah. And at the moment in the matrix, its that easy. So if you look at the p, if you look at the payment, so that doesnt mean to you and also to 50. 00 twos roof. The more either to this i feel is one of these for the 1st time now chrome dry. You have to know strong because a single. Im sure that im so pleased for, you know, you least, im pleased for the science because this, this so much to know which of the way these harmonies were developing and the different species has existed at any one time. So well then, the, the last also brings the real sensation chrome dry is the only site in the well, the present, the transition from ulster, the pits, it goes towards parenthesis and mind. These are the 3 crucial pieces of the puzzle. To unravel the origin of humankind, set us on a particular, the typically post domestic, this astrology. I think a specimen is very close to the folk and the family tree on the may be one of the last before parenthesis separated from humans. And what so interesting in from dr. Is that in the la with this go, we found both the oldest parenthesis and the oldest humans. So it really records the moment when the transition happened to find in those draw the piece that gives us that lived well before the split up for parents, for those long after that is quite interesting to mount pleasant. The most goals you have, the better. But im more interested in the blank page and the history books and the moments when the space is separate, those little moles i sit on sacrament for god knows hes witnessing an historical moment. One that many of his colleagues will envy him full so that we dont say that were touching our emphasis here. And the defendants, chrome dry is a time machine. A bob berg is missing one essential element. What exactly was the difference between human and parental children . 2000000 years ago these convinced that this is the key to understanding how humans came to be finding another parents or post baby towards the end of the dig seems online click the will from dr. Reveal its last secret. After a look, i have the bottom teeth and other ro obtain progress settles into this. I have the and sizes got plenty of time for the 1st time we had coming face to face with the parental post baby. Hold on a sec flows and every time im here because i hope to find either a human baby or a parental perspective on set them in to develop the whole point of the the you know, the welcome. Literally, parental person was up on the controls, will learn a lot from this child when we compare it to what youre doing. Baby is joel. We also found that im only read the basic joy is the pinnacle of brick oswick. At last you can compare a parent purpose baby with the human baby that he found at the beginning the what kind of parental purpose baby tell us about becoming human. If at his job is to then use the of south african paleo anthropology is the 1st parental this child scroll ever discovered worldwide. The because im at no cost what i was mostly supplement. Holtzie. I tell you, using a particle accelerators called a synchrotron, we are creating a 3 dimensional x ray image of the inside of the to give us with the posey. Shes on be these all publishers . I mean, honestly, these 5 micro meters stick structures correspond to the enamel that is deposited in a baby in 24 hours depos hillman capital, similar to the annual rings of trees from this ticket, the deposit the foster. The tooth has grown a ballpark. We found that the teeth of the smoke parenthesis grows significantly faster than the teeth of small human to the shows. You know, those, you shall see that you should, you guess you do call. We also saw a differences in g or chemistry. It was a short took the ratio of calcium isotopes and the human and korean surface teeth. Well, gave us information about nutrition as the tooth for them. Not to you. To do that for me, i sort of said this is important because the isotope ratio changes during the transition from lactation to solid food intake as you also need. If you also have to weasel to feed best on a little fed, scroll that you can rest includes analysis, show that the parenthesis where we in the very early just a moment, was that all did and this also can probably shortly or a few months of to but if its, you know, humans, on the other hand, were waiting to much, later. Not until about age 3. So, so it is not because the only them on this had implications for social life. Since raising a child that was waned, much later required much more effort from the parents and the group. Then a child waned early. I smelled it. I found you will be in the a car relation between the duration of childhood and social structure can already be observed in great takes a connection. So may be transferable to the 1st humans. Sabrina 3, s. Started the behavior of different primates in the jungle and supports for gone in his analysis. So regardless of the degree, yes. So the higher shed korean is uh, waynes much earlier than chimpanzee no longer as long as the women metabolism focuses on Brain Development and cognitive skills. Do you have a key, baker . Messed with never been in any capacity, couldnt they learn to work and climb later . Or the from showing oakland between white and hes also they have a website down because the young chimpanzee clings to his mothers money and is completely dependent on her. So the interest of looking through the, the Community Helps to defend the youngest one because youve been doing it because youre in a 100 and then go, the social compete really is on the other hand, could become independence, much 30th. And chimpanzees, fit within any pre pre country to what you might think. This shortens them any period to it. And its under unusual busy pools in washington d. C. Chimpanzees, starting to use tools during a longer learning phase. This takes time and this sport is the big one, and thats one of the the cause of sale. The, when i watched him pansies, i feel very close to them. Why introduction to like part of my family. See if i could go to. And if you imagine the 1st humans how they lift together the noise that was like this, youve also some good people better. The more that, like on the big difference with humans, is that the chimpanzees to which remain the same to this day. And as far as the initial guess what, they pass on the knowledge to the next generation as it pulled up at the moment. But there was no progress, no further development of utility men to function mute. And thats probably the difference which human of ethics in the culture grew steadily too high. We put that through the tools ive been to virginia has for more than the last year. So primitive humans, childhood was much longer than that of the parental. The, the analogy to todays great types allows conclusions to be drawn about how many organized society is 2000000 years ago. The 1st groups of people seem to be united by one main go to protect that off spring. This makes the group vulnerable but apparently favors the passing on of knowledge folder guy and his colleagues. This is the long salt topped a key to being human the these problems at home. Sometimes i see it as close as you did. You make a tablet from dry is the proof that humans strategy was the best one. Since the parents are both disappeared, 1000000 years ago its going to include humans on the other hand, have evolved in an original way, means you compared to the astrology. As it goes and parentheses, i found the human reproductive strategy means giving birth to off spring that need a lot of energy and attention to develop that brains. This strategy prevails the idea, such as you can get a lot of space is to populate the entire planet. Ill tell me on as descendants of a space is that i am convinced not from already lived as we dont see on this specified t v. At least as far as the relationship with the children was concerned, alter, call us equal sound, a little hoppel. If you have, you dont know, phone are gone. Spectacular find spring is close to 2 and sentence. The fossil motor is show that the secret of on species is the long lactation pairing. This evolutionary step is what made the unique development of humans possible, the choosing the joy of the ride over the annoyance of the traffic gunners b like revolution. Nissan foxes, id like to verify thing is the good news about you but but now that unions was check it out. The 77 percent in 30 minutes on d w the the to the special hot spots in germany 0 dw, extremely worth a bit. The Frankfurt International gateway to the best connection, solstio, road and radio. Located in the heart of europe, you are connected to the world experience outstanding shopping and dining offers. Antonios services to be our guest at frankfurt and bought cd managed by from bought the. This is dw news live from berlin. President bloated, theres a landscape, confirms that ukraines counter offensive is now underway. So lets he says counter offensive operations are taking place but refuses to go into details. Both sides