When i lower the stylus on to the record in gwinnett county, theres evidently friction there. One of which creates a tiny particles is available to the implanted tie and those tiny particles can turn into a big problem being done. Our resident d j is christian f, osh, his daytime job professor of ecology called the edelman. If i did a lot of deejaying while i was at college and beforehand starting with the vinyl than cds and finally, digital, i spent 20 years deejaying and Immunity Club audit of cooper mentor teacher. But now hes playing a different to hoping to rid the world of micro plastics. Ah, by right famous for its crecia, wagner oper, house and annual festival. But while the town looks immaculately clean on the surface, there is a less visible problem lurking on the streets that christian la force has his sites on wherever he and his colleagues go. They find the immediate culprit Plastic Waste up here in bama underneath on one day back when i started looking at the issue of plastic pollution, my uncle, i decided to count the number of plastic fragments between my home and the supermarket. It does me, but if you are going to offend over those 2 or 300 meters, i spotted 52. 00 fragments of plastic with the naked eye while walking. Havent been able to protect those of you. And if i had bent down like this, i would have found a lot more that there simply everywhere as this in victory, i get the want. You can see how abrasion is creating more and more micro plastic physical bowl. The white bits, science did mostly by a mass of tiny particles decomposing into micro plastics and speak with. So does this pose a danger to us moment on getting rid of all right. Now we believe its the small fragments that present the greatest danger for dinner with the smaller particles in theres a bigger risk, but that instead of just staying in the digestive tract and being excrete it, they could pass into body tissue. So them a mouth done and that could lead to inflammatory reactions. And once a stock price visited with soon and few in front of visible Plastic Waste is unsightly but relatively easy to dispose of once it reaches the microscopic scale, however, it contaminates rivers, soil, and the air all vital for our survival. And this is precisely the issue. The 2 men are investigating what effect do micro plastics have on the environment and on us its a problem affecting the entire planet. Micro plastics have now even been found in snow on a small bard archipelago in the arctic circle. A disturbing discovery hand Sewage Treatment plants at least filter out micro plastics from our water. Professor christina far from the university of bye white is on a field trip. Behind the municipal sewage works where the filtered waste water is discharged into the local river. His team has devised their own manta drawl, a net for picking up the plastic particles. Good. Okay. Time to launch manta, with little Data Available until recently, its a pioneering field of research that requires innovation on the part of the scientists ramos. If you are like other research groups, new to the issue, we thought it would be pretty straightforward. Its just a matter of going out. Taking samples and performing an experiment is a party. But these particles behave differently when theyre a completely new class of substance and incredibly complex. People talk about micro plastic in the environment on black, but it comes in a range of different shapes and sizes, different compositions and different basic plastics. Its a really complex subject for freshly wound, coon stuffing them with metallic soon as i vine vans and complexes tim a challenge for the Young Research assistant, but also for a renowned professor whos not shy of pitching in on the physical side of research to these the particulars and globe if these particles are incredibly hard to capture. Because when you need different analytical methods and different forms of experiments and completely different sampling scenarios, its a lot more difficult to detect them and to do risk assessment. So its really exciting that we from the 1st step in each survey is a distinctly low tech affair. Collecting and rinsing samples by hand. But actually finding the minute particles can be easier said than done for it all in london. There you go there called papa. Think of lyrica with a few particles you can see with your own eyes that theyre plastic. Plastic condra thought on the decline. Look. That little blue on here tomorrow. And well see what all the white stuff is in the lab for jim shown. But theres quite a lot in there to show them. Ah, germans tend to think of their country as a clean one. But take a closer look and youll find this. And thats just one part of the problem. The researchers believe that micro plastics enter rivers via an untold array of roots. They want to know what impact they have once they get there. To assist their investigation of conditions on the bottom of the river bed, they brought along a special pump. Another instrument they developed themselves now carefully place it on top. The palm presses the water from down below through special aluminum filters. Their perforations are a fraction of a millimeter wide, enabling the researchers to fish out particles that are invisible to the human eye. Theyre hoping to gain new insights, almost like on a mission to mars. Back in the university lab, its a question of rinse and repeat. The aim is to reduce the filtrate so that it only contains the microscopically small plastic articles. Ah, the sample is now put under the microscope. Doctoral student, julia mila, uses the pat to distribute the substance in small portions onto specimen slides. Now that theyre visible, she can read out the plastic articles by hand, one at a time, an extremely laborious task. But if the only option she has for a precise examination of the isolated fibers in does it run days. But you can tell from the peaks that its polyethylene Global Research into micro plastics is still a fairly new field. But one where the by what University Team is leading the way it boasts scientists from all manner of disciplines. Among them is sima. Are galvan, a professor of chemistry. Hello there, sima. Hi christian. How are you . Good. How are you . Oh, are gov all is interested in the global perspective. Shes familiar with the problem of Plastic Waste from her native india, which has given her an added incentive wisconsin if its not solely about pure research. So we also want to develop new Solution Solutions on that to and begin. Sema archival has been looking at where the plastic pollution chain begins and hopes to find alternative materials to prevent micro plastics being created in the 1st place. She regularly consults, colleagues from various scientific disciplines. This is very interesting to work with other people because sometimes the same mid, tedious seem program you, you see from different angles. And it really makes then, boss. But theres no sparse or fun for the professor when it comes to the root of this growing global issue at american our garbage. And what we do with it . Yes. Could it . Yes, plastic muellers of a long problem in the problem is when the dorm manage of, of lusty vase properly, it is like cleaning my own yard and towing this blast these into neighbors yard. So i dont see my problem myself, but the problem is still via and this was happening. So its a very long problem because the plastic vase was not disposed properly, but it was torn some via or same to some other country and they were disposing not to properly. So this is the problem to me. Is it possible to combat Plastic Waste with chemical formulas . Sima aga vall says yes, they enable the development of new substances with superior properties, a challenge she sees for all her fellow chemists. It is the chemistry that makes plastics and thats why does chemistry should solve dogs are in the chemistry console radon. So this b e d, for example, be used for what a lot does a lodge him hours. And this is a big problem. It is, if it goes by chance, it leaks in that environment, it stays an environment for a long time. So chemistry can provide a, a nice meteor that works like b, e, d. But by chance, if it leaks in that environment, it does not state you know, that might have environment for long time. But how dangerous or micro plastics for the environment . And for us, professor la portia search for answers also features. Algy and daphne are commonly known as water fleece dollars, even where there are the algae, p r, which the daphne of feed augers kicked off roonan hibbon from london own you can see the haze of algae warmth. And the 1st daphne to notice it are the lucky ones because theyre able to swim into this big cloud of food and get their fill. But why water flees for francine long with fossil from. Ive been working with water police for quite some time, but were looking for and theyre one of the model organisms and ecology and has been especially in aquatic ecology, rental because theyre the link between uni cellular algae and higher trophic levels off again decides to submit ticket one, so lot of like beating on water fleece wants to making them a stock component of the oceans, nutritional network then august. The 2nd is 5. The 2nd factor behind using water, believe softening is that these are all females in the interest. Besides, daphne i reproduce, parthenon, genetically or a sexually the she dentist did. This provides us with genetically identical individuals for experiments by the for, which means you can rule out genetic variability, austins, its a fantastic model organism, because you can work with naturally produced clones get the clue order, houghton with him and all that become that work involves a series of constantly repeated experiments using a variety of instruments. The researchers are still at a very early stage of their mission, but theyre convinced that theyll be able to find answers and solutions. And also that we all have to change our habits. Vicki in light of what disputes of our treatment of the Environmental Needs to be a lot more sustainable. And that is that its up to us and the next generation to ensure that were able to maintain our modern lifestyle. Of course, we also want to have comfortable lives, but we need to take a more sustainable and mindful approach to all the Resources Available on a small its on. The professor and diving enthusiast asks whether at some point in the near future, what we see in an aquarium will seem like a dream world with nature destroyed by toxic substances created by human kind. I. I am anyway. Sima argo, val shows her students how to analyze the level of toxins contained in plastics, a vital step in assessing the dangers, posed by micro plastics to find out and it is for them. But in michael blessed day, this machine can smell pollutants, especially the additives in synthetic materials. A primary focus in the work of the chemist and her team. And you can see the samples rather be because with one with if you talk of our thoughts, is it like a plastic . So its not only the plastic lativia, so the pristine plastic materials generally the are not toxic because the as long molecules. So its the abductive, which we put in plastic for in using is tell, musty ability, you receive ability, giving the color to it, or blast his eyes or to it, they might be dancing. Mm. Professor christian laugh osh and his team are on the road to the next hotspot. After taking those water samples, they now head out to a patch of farm land, again on the lookout for micro plastics. Taking samples here is far more straightforward than time Consuming Lab tests and working outdoors makes for a refreshing change of environment. You, william mila, is doing her doctoral thesis on micro plastics in soil. What impact do micro plastics have on soil . Where did they come from . And where do they end up . Do they eventually just disintegrate . And are they really dangerous for us . My name is natalia mercer, we cant even say how much plastic is actually out there, which is why were doing this research and good luck for sure. And were not the only consumers here, were not releasing miss, nor via look at all the soil organisms living in our fields that are mostly beneficial. Hayden, leave, we need to know how much of this plastic is in the soil and what damage it does to those tiny creatures child this on the climb you him, he and border the field samples are sent straight to the lab at by white university. You are young villa then transfers them to a sick system in order to sort out the larger particles. The procedure thats not as sim as it might sound. The steps are placed in a vibrator device which shakes up the contents over a period of several hours in order to ensure a strict separation of the composite elements. Its only the tiniest particles that the researcher is interested in. Over in the adjacent lab sema are gov all and her fellow chemists are developing a new biodegradable synthetic material. Assuming theyre successful. The aim as for it to one day be tested in a composting facility. Both a lot of the facilities in this region only come paused for 2 or 3 months, so it should be possible to completely decompose or biodegradable polymer. In precisely that time frame quotes finish up. The bulk of the team is constantly working on new methodologies in the process of discovering new insights, elect with cutting edge. And tim devise a plastic not breakdown to minuscule, this and harm to live in, isms here before we can run matea liberty. Were seeking the, the silica mit, how much is bio the in house and that he bought it cummins room if you hit the market this day, they porter. Mm hm. And after what soil which time to air for this, the teen to special a master it twice built by and at the universe is dedicated. Bob. Later to the priest requirements, scientists we all know about the exhaust fumes and for that matter here that we read about those in the micro class pose a danger ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, in order to take human intake master has risen till basket at head on ecology, plastic specialists cub hasta, also free vendors, whether constantly in the tiny calls flights. Maybe its a thing well as major more of the things where its gary ah ah ah ah ah, ah, ah, still left is for enough hours as streams baskets. Net, the t back it will, behind some of micro scott small plas particles. The smaller the pickles are, the bigger this it went, child the lab, the various test 7 spent several hours refining, improving its and im disco. Combined f have proof duct of our not the micro cloud has improved efficiently compared to just it ago. Thanks also searchers in it and sense of the, the new technology yakobelli uses an electron, a scope to invisible stick, visible the machine to both count particles and men. Theyre considered it elements british rece for it brings to the range of toots at cations all working. Im subject this is for the future that is also went to day for the result. Now available, the samples are in the field from wastewater. It can days if not, to process real for the pictures to access actual. Mike asked a content and a detailed system. It was a summary shows clearly that we larger but a bubble, or was it meant at all . Or neither was the average and the sample from around the microns. I left 1000 millimeter, but its the part content thighs that the pictures are into that ethylene b. B can see here nicely and percentage of the chemical ration as it identified as p b and poly or p as an extra long life, making it a italy adversary, searchers and is the signal source of nasa. But there are the progressive era, andes from china, wrapped in bryce paper. It is itself like its a and the idea never be that we start bring this back in then be a very bad. No, youre not really the thing so that if the biggest thing and then no b i g relevant thing that can recycle that can be met the least management for good. Like the last thing if by this intention and it gets li lineman because not, but like on the defensive and india. So how bodies ria and we take the plastic here. Searchers are cussing images, animal cell today that are digest tracks. Can i cro plastic but then some of these show how plastics are warped by the cell. In this case in a mouse hungry. But weve shown those absorbed goals and take his hire was already plastic in the, in the and it was a big question whether theres this, but humans owe him to give us a deal. We also owe even the reasons why they thought, oh, called gut, grow biome inches dependent pipes of plant in the colon. This thumb, the gut, my elm, is really poor for take particular new sit than yourself. Its also a st. Brown immune said course via we do know that the defects the mission of our co micro organ its for whatever and this and that can happen get of impact. The answer disturb the natural i probiotic in from getting answers diversity of the center of the research here there are so its working in pro plastic laboratory. Likewise, look to what plastic parts have in the cells like the long consequences for our health. And how is the risk causing, can purchase from by to present edges of the mouth was to prevent of anatomy, please polish, and at these fine be applied. Huh. After look at the chill influence, juma develop more fuel it promotes disease. It did pretty change. Sanchez, magic condition, a generative is affecting the comp kilo scale system, the small boxes companies, so on board and will research and how is a made to National Buyer of pop his product and is also in ellen and matthew sima. While is he going forces . History did you ident, and develop so i knew that from one of factoring me at how to micro plan actually created houses. They inability, they as yena, explains the michelle of garden hose. The pleasant as of the law firms that the mature can be rid of. But there is a work to be done here, where is the source of plastic in a prop play . How is tackling its work . Filter that stalled in drainage so in order to the particles halting from that blue blue here and research have the car full of ensure our environment is a healthy and they see from Police Michael at all over the is everybody has opinion have to do with it says that a few nations, the vision, think this is one, the finishes of inability all that we waste of or is is we should we should and this is sacrifice future is jennifer back on the road to look at an exciting new and hes come to oh, dear bye. Want to meet in sebastian direction floyd where the to seize the most least, need a suit. Men plot the machine is typically does a filter out. Plastics, taste water as a living in the log has also he timidly, but i let facility that 1st Bastion Point to load his ingenious dimple, sound sion of the the issue occurred to me of the night. I work 3, i am having read an article. Christian love was clear, but i dont give it a try. Ive been out on the next day i made which of how it might think its and that we built it actively. I did. And to that school site it up. Yeah. Was for till kind of the cyclone the cleaning it. Thats the water, massive st. Bugle force that pushed it particles side. They can be set off initial test, the treatment as produced. Thing result with image give the micro being removed from the waist while closed it. If it is perfectly normal, the beutten by season as an investment in the are of his can live in a bit of this is how they go to the nikhil grew up las vegas dish. Both mike replaced, not visible people are, are, have done it on the totally pot feedback in favor upon the pilot deal. You saw ms willingly. Its a great say good for them to revisit this cost. Thats a couple of more a yet water bell. Cindy, not every one can of soup call them. So this plant at lee should say no more. My plastics, the cleaning is what butter to fit the supervisor. Because our, if was always finding salut, its not just hot all the bad that when and even the same print, but with our special search project for them from the, for a focusing on research. Also look for their citizens. When it comes 1st to personal thing of the new bas inventor is realised, vision, feel as if it isnt, it can feel tilting at wind or that youre near as when i got the plastic under control. Im sick, an hour is going to miss you. Forced trees on the house. What i was finding, minimizing is of current mission. I thought so many new task. Joyce, total pittman from the pictures at university a face on the road ahead with no further in there for solution i always in return for them to make a group place and i making my sticks. 000000000000, the was stored so long for pine. Oh. Oh. Culture info. This is what ive been looking for. And what and hell, boom boom. During the period. Beautiful. The evil under mustang dick who say, oh oh and an artist which still says today fear faith and genie ah 70 its on. Will you please go to dorothy b 0000000. This is the menus and brought up story. The official said sir has launch missiles strike critical in a crop tree. The power and the supplies. The attacks followed