Editorial journey this week on d. W. Ah, german piggy to protest is french yellow vis. British brags that he is for years now. Anger has been brewing and spilling out in protest, united by a common question. Where does my tax money go . Mostly by dont understand taxation, mon, about it. Think it needs to be lower. Have no idea what proportion is spent on lot in many ways. I think taxation is one of the most extreme actions by a government, but its also the definition of government because without taxation, theres no government. Oh, peoples distrust in government is growing at the center of the conflict taxes in france, carbon taxes have provoked the most controversy for months. It drove thousands of people to the streets ah, many who feel abandoned to protesting and discovering a strength in numbers. Community because you will not crush us, the people will not put up with this was treatment for ela, you know, all around france, the yellow vests a sparking a democratic debate. Taking up the symbols of tax revolts from history. They list their grievances in writing, outlining their demands and complaints, like in the french revolution. 400000 pages in total address, 2 elected officials, all over france. These open bel, people are afraid to call it a revolution, but i think its just the beginning of the revolution. No taxation without representation with this basic principle of democracy, the yellow vests of vocal tradition. Going back to the middle ages, when citizens all over europe revolted against taxes and duties. Mm. Ah, way back in 1215, that was very unpopular king king john. And he wanted to raise money to fund his army for various expeditions, and he turned to his aristocrats, his nobleman, and he had given me the money and they said, ready for the 1st time in english history. No, we will only give you the money if you in future consult us all things we are involved in your decision making. And that was a very small beginning of democracy in britain with the magna carta or the great charles or the bush were the 1st in europe to lay the foundations of a parliamentary democracy. In france, kings secured their budget in all the way through school or to get them set until the 13th 14th century. The french kingdom did not finance itself primarily through taxes on demand that the french kings had real estate and Agricultural Land that brought an income with new revenue from royal Land Holdings was the main source of income for the state budget. A little therapy monia moon. However, this was no longer enough to cover state expenditures with people, especially because of the very high cost of warfare. There again, it was use of the kings, therefore, used their power to impose duties on their subjects in order to balance the state budget multi law. Her lobby, this was a specific strategy of philip the fair known as one of the occur said kings. Of course, the financial motivation was at the time a parrot. If the more quickly is almost at the book. With the 100 years war, leaving francis coffers nearly empty. Charles, the 7th claimed the Royal Prerogative to impose taxes, wielding absolute power. He bypassed taxing the clergy and nobility instead targeted the peasants and craftsmen these communist, known as the 3rd estate, found themselves suddenly squeezed by foil taxes. That exec to more such a book, yet, it was at this time that the gabriella was created, and franz is on the pool. The tax on salt, which was an indirect tax, which was extraordinarily unpopular at the time at text salt was a basic necessity. And as such, the tax was a heavier burden for the poor than for the wealthy will of new preserve it. The king sent out tenant farmers to collect the taxes the poor of the poor people work constantly, all that remains of their labour is sweat and abject poverty. So everything goes to paying his majestys taxes and do majesty the thought tax provoked a great many revolts as to the tie, a direct tax based on land and income. We are calling for the extermination of these leeches, death to the profiteers and collectors of land tags who are ruining the provinces. All over the empire, peasants rose up to revolt against their rulers. They had nothing to lose and clashed head on with the kings soldiers. With the revolt was violently suppressed when louis the 14th didnt hesitate to demand new taxes to finance his conquests and build the chateau de versailles old. While the french people fell into extreme poverty. Ah, no. Early 18th century france, the royal taxes were no longer enough to cover the states expenses. Having squeezed the people for all they had, the state was forced to borrowed by the end of the century. The death amounted to a 110000000 louis door. The french currency at the time to repay the dis, louis the 16th, had to agree to reform. He summoned the estates general, made up of the clergy, nobility and representatives of the 3rd estate. But in doing so, he opened pandoras box consent to taxation in exchange for Political Representation left also at a booky company key to become a trance at that time was a country that a bit like today was passionate about the idea of reform, but couldnt bring it about capacity, it was this inability to bring about tax and Justice Reform and insure efficiency as well which led to the french revolution eva law have would, is dont, can it bactrim . It wasnt only a tax revolt but was born to a large extent out of the anger at the injustice of the tax system. You do donors, disney system fiscal. And for the 1st time in europe, the people finally had to say, and they didnt wait to be heard. Lists of grievances in the thousands was sent to representatives in the a states general. Mm. Kalis uncle, prison, a present, and future taxes shall be shared by all citizens of every order, according to their ability healed it without distinction of rank to birth or privilege. It the privilege is in the inhabitants of a, grew hall, and demand the abolition of the compulsory tax with they paid 1300. 00 leave upper roads far away while all the roads around their town are awful and impassable. Well put together a common complaint found in the letters of grievances both in 17892019 unfair taxation tax equality for every one. Every citizen mustnt contribute even a small sum. We want the protection for the commoner, the end of the privilege, dignity to present our tax hikes and social hearts have fossil. The politics is our mission and social needs. You, lighter, raise awareness, about tax revenues and Government Spending. About we discuss everything, the economy, politics, money, unemployment, oil, it follows on oh, on the body shop. People are not being listened to, to and that drives them crazy with at the close of the estates, General Assembly in 1789. 00 revolution broke out. The king was beheaded in the 1st republic was born. Ah, let him go to shuffle, says way its fed just to move what you go. The french revolution was about taking the power to impose taxes from the kings and giving it to an elected chamber. So the taxation system goes hand in hand with democracy, lou, democracy was established, so the citizens could worked on taxes. Were key vote lump citron vulgar, shaw voting, our taxes. Its an essential task of parliamentary de la ample articles, 13 and 14 of the declaration of the rights of man as it got to find that all quite wonderful. Millions on dont. After drew close article 13 justifies taxation as indispensable to fund the administration and the army gibberish. Montgomery newton tional, so it says it should be shared by all citizens. Equally a god. This refers to the uniformity of taxation to them. And as it says, according to each persons a bill, if i could, he locked the group, got those in. And article 14 says that its the citizens themselves or their representatives who must disgust the necessity, the amount of the duration, and the exact terms and conditions of taxes. Youll do more than the both. You fair taxation, a wonderful idea, but what exactly would be taxed ah, mercy, florida. She scheduled a key clay romando to sure, since shes going to take you put the tax system created at the time of the revolution was based on property. So what we today call property tax was created at that time, that the dominant theorists were the physio crafts, who believed that the conditions for the creation of wealth came from land and agricultural asked them to custom, lucius. Mm mm. But this theory would face opposition in the form of another revelation. The Industrial Revolution, which began in england with the invention of furnaces and steam engines, now wealth was being created from investing in this new machinery and through exploiting the newly created working class. With throughout europe, tech systems were adapting to this new economy. In addition to property taxes, revenue was raised from consumption taxes on products such as wine matches and tobacco. This tax applied to every one, no matter their income, which is why it hit the working class. The hardest me but these taxes alone couldnt cover the cost of capitalism. Aah states had to borrow to invest in roads and railways. Been sanitation and colonial conquests. The interest on the growing kid made the rich credit, his even richer debt, became an obsession. And the Industrial Revolution opened a new chapter in the history of taxation. In the 19th century, the ruling conservatives in britain were asking the same question as the french revolutionaries of 1789. How can it be paid back in the government needed to raise revenue . Now an easy way of doing sar, i would be to raise taxes on consumption. But also there was a sense that perhaps excise taxes were not particularly fair. And the idea of fairness was in poor sense. But the shares mainly by popular movements in britain, in the 19th century, which really tried to bring forward the idea that income taxes were more fair than the excise taxes. And they should be implemented and, and raised on the larger number of people. Because the income tax supposedly at least has the potential to be progressive, right . So in the sense that those that have a higher income for example, will be charged a higher marginal rate. But the u. K. Government defined the demands of the Labor Movement while they didnt raise consumption taxes, they refuse to create a fair tax system. Ah, bernoulli introduced income tax did nothing to change. Wilson equality as it was not progressive. It became law in 1848, for before any european neighbours adopted the system. The 2nd country to implement such attacks was germany, albeit 20 years later, just after having been unified into the right, my auto form. Bismark, bismark had 2 objectives to consolidate the new german stays, and to keep in check the demands of the working class, who were now leading the struggle for social justice. Ah, i hated debate was held in the newly elected parliament of francis 3rd republic on the one side with the defenders of the status quo, who feared to redistribute of tax system that reduced inequality. But on the other side, with those who increasingly wanted the nation state to play a protective role, not only militarily, but socially, between 18701906, no less than 210 taxation bills were put before the low house j. U. Luke over k u, theyre great reform or French Public finances and the tax system came up with and tried to push for 3 taxes through parliament, through the senate. Oh, and the lower house until it broke income tax law. Well, taxes new and inheritance. Tax electric says he proposed the 1st income tax bill in 19 i 1. 00 and 4. 00 very hard for it. Leave us with in 1987, he introduced the idea of a progressive scale via and with the 1st world war. In august, 1914 for the income tax was finally introduced because they had to finance the war russia survey through friday, march good, ample show of new breski full financially folder. Gail. Because of the 1st world war and income tax was established in france in the summer of 1914, it was based on both the british and prussian taxation systems. But it was more symbolic than anything bringing in very little money, especially because declaring income was voluntary and high, earnest werent taxed at high rates. And as the expensive watch and on government, once again had to fall back on loans. Appealing to patriotism, governments convinced the citizens of france, germany, and britain to finance the 1st world war the highest price was paid by indian soldiers with their lives. But on top of that, it was the vos debt, that, of course, the people would have to pay back later. Ah, for the defeated germans, the bill was even steeper, since the victors forced them to pay war reparations. Hauling death on top of debt meant the german people were stripped of all they owned. In addition to old, i had lost in the trenches, one could hear the rumble of revolution. Germany in ruins teetered towards bolshevism. The state was quick to react, 1st with brutal repression. Then with the weimar constitution, the 1st democratic constitution in german history adopted on the 11th of august 1919, and finally with a large scale tax reform designed by matisse s bega. It is a, stella form, devotion, im shock. This tax reform was a shock of a food, especially for the higher classes in those with high incomes and asset life. Yet because now they suddenly had to pay significantly more taxes. Somebody should be in prussia for example. The top tax rate was 4 percent off. 1900 more often. 1919. It was 60 percent. So for those with high incomes that was definitely noticed thrown us, grew about korea, date of when else beggar him or i. So i know of his speech by at baca in the right stock. Indeed in which he shouted at those in parliament who represented his side of the wealthy trade knob. You havent shed any blood up, your sons didnt fight this war. The young you didnt pay with your blood and it was the Little People who did. We brought us up the woods, bizarre, left the glide. So now its time for you to help us recover from the consequences of a war. Evade for which you were response and voting up. This didnt make him popular with everyone during the troubled years of the Weimar Republic and my mother. But in fact, he once told his wife is the bullet that will kill me. Who has already been forged adviser for there had already been several attempts on his life. Nissan dish meet it before he got to see the results of his tax reform. But he was assassinated on the 26 of august 1921 by far right . Militant, on top of that, the allies presented germany with a new bill. 133, b and german marks. Germany said it couldnt pay into 1923 french troops moved in and occupied part of western germany. The german mar, collapsed, and hyperinflation and shoot basic staples became affordable me despite the differences, the french and germans agreed on. One thing, those who survived the war must pay was the only way of keeping the dish in check. The left wanted to use taxation to reduce inequality and as a means of redistribution. And many agreed with the idea right after the war. In the interest of national unity, the tax reform adopted in france in 1920 rubber stamp the principle of progressive taxation. The wealthiest would have to contribute movement. Those with modest incomes across the channel in britain he opposite happened. Ah, soldiers returning from the war had been promised home financed with public money. But these homes fit for heroes to the eye of the establishment, which didnt want to pay the owner of the populace daily. Man, lord rather mia launched a vicious press campaign, attacking what he saw was government waste. He created this, this outfit. So this Organization Called the anti waste league and the anti waste leagues, rather than talk about home the times for harris, the anti waste league seems to have said that we, we cant afford homes the heroes because the government waste a lot of money id started this campaign against against the government, the government of the day apiece him and they set up something called a committee on national expenditure. And this committee was headed by sir eric, get his the transport minister. So eric kiddies implemented a series of deep spending cuts, which became known as the getty sacks mm. The getty stocks was kind of the most severe piece, time cutting of Government Spending on record. So. So over 2 years, i think 1921 to 1923 Government Spending was caught by about a 3rd which is savage. And, you know, and instantly they cut the Government Spending the crash, the economy, they cause deflation. It procedures a decade of unemployment, of about 10 percent. During the 1920s in britain, many came to believe that the state should have a little role as possible. What came to be known as the minimal state. Contrary to britain, the french tax system was experiencing its childhood growing pains, rich and poor alike struggled to accept the income tax, which they called the suckers tax. The wealthiest discovered the benefits of tax evasion, and found safe havens for their fortunes. Ah, the loan is an evil girly bulk streets of commerce and the 1920s of the purest swiss banks started advertising in the french prices. Also the proof for selling the wealthiest people in france, you can put your money in a swiss bank who is a bit of in order to avoid the newly introduced income tax and on digit moreland pool. So you can see that tax evasion underwent or research on the remote ones. The wealthiest started to be taxed more newly presented in which germans used switzerland as a hub to avoid high tech sation and inflation soon. The amount of equity managed by swiss banks was equivalent to the german debt, which nearly 930. 00 was the largest in the world. Ah, by allowing such huge sums to be hidden away in swiss. Both these countries were betraying the principle of tax equality. The Little People had no choice but to obey the rules, while the wealthy felt entitled to evade them. Less and less money found its way into state coffers and resentment grew among the middle class. Then in 1929, the stock market crashed. Following the wall street trash, europe was left really the Great Depression plunged millions into unemployment list and nations devalued their currencies as a form of debt relief. Once again, it was the people who picked up the tab in france, a policy to reduce the public deficit, increased unemployment hurting the middle class. This social crisis was followed by a political one as anti parliamentarians and became more popular. The French National federation of tax, pious fuel to bring move opposing workers unions lambasting Civil Servants and threatening members of parliament who opposed them. Mm. The vehement demands of these techs protests played into the hands of farmer. I shall, denies ations. Parties on the left came together in the front populace to fight for fair a text distribution and social justice. Decades later, the 2019 jello vest protest is a fighting for the same thing. Well known plan to duplicated that, the little guys are always getting rod it had ruin also the rich pay nothing and are always protected. Looking pretty good or any dicky solidarity is incredible. Inquires yellow bass is white, cold pink vasily, kindergarten teachers. Yellow. Every one is united to non violently and the street didnt budrum. We wont back down. Ashley i am wondering. Oh, for months the yellow vis. Hoped alliance is, could be made with other social movements like the kind that made the election of the full popular possible back in 1936 it wanted to find a solution to the economic crisis. After being voted in from popular decided on higher taxes for the upper middle class, the party became a force to be reckoned when. Finally pushing through legislation on some of its most important issues. Workers were happy with their brief success. I at the same time in germany, there was much less cause celebration, chancellor bruning strict austerity policies brought the country to its knees and provided the knots, the route to power. Me not says use taxation as a weapon into opposite ways. Lowering taxes for some while ruthlessly raising taxes to choose i mean, thats an i looked at this time just as this team, the National Socialist then use the taxes and the criminal agenda. And i just success. If expropriation of the Jewish Population took place, 1st of all via the flight tax, this had already been introduced under cleanings and before the nazi regime floor in order to discourage people from playing abroad ought to imagery and walton was if people wanted to immigrate, they had to handle the 25 percent of their asset base. Then in 1938 after the violent riots, especially, taxes levied on the Jewish Population. And another 25. 00 or 30 percent in. And then during the deportations, assets were taken away. Moment of the assets were basically confiscated by the state, but sometimes by party organizations, whole party bigwig provides a vicar norman. Despite the threat of war, the United Kingdom still continued dreaming of a minimal stage. The briefcase contained details of britons draft budget in rituals known as budget de the chancellor. The exchequer deflated in front of their official residence. But in 1938, like everywhere else in europe. Lord simon had to call for investments in the war, texas only popular with people who havent got to pay them. Contributions them making to the countrys defense are the contributions of a free people. Determined to maintain its freedom and ready to pay it, but in promoting peace by making britain safe and strong. The final consequence of the Great Depression. The 2nd world war in 1942 as bombs fell on london. William henry beverage presented a report bearing his name is advocated for full employment with the states intervention. He turned on its head the economic concepts from the Great Depression and proposed model as complete odds with the get his acts. With this report, the United Kingdom would put the minimal stays on home. The people having survived war were about to be on the receiving end of previously unimaginable generosity. The same time beverage also introduced another new revolution. Social security

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