But small bavarian town, nestles and be else with ive come here because i want to spend some time in the mountains 1st on bike and later on. Foot with bavaria is one of germanys most popular tourist destinations. The regions incredible variety of landscapes make it a paradise for those seeking a more active holiday. So it looks like were going to get a lot of exercise. And while im here, and while im added, i want to find out the ways in which the corona virus pandemic and Climate Change are affecting tourism. Here in the apps, what are the challenges mass tourism poses to this mountain is region one big draw . Are the many fanciful castles built by king lewd faced the 2nd . Ah, but will also visit dubrovnik, where a check and your will show us how the corona crisis is affecting her home with my destination is the shock than a scenic point in the vet, a shine mountain range, ludovic. The 2nd had a house build up there for the 1st leg of the journey. Ive reserved a bike. I know. Hi nicole, welcome to make the climb a little easier. Ive decided to rent an e by the bus and then is there anything i should watch out for it . I mean, most things the feelers thinking, probably the most common error people make, is overestimating. The situation got accomplished with the bikes will take you just about anywhere. They offer a lot of power. Well, this is then suddenly youre at the summit and cant get down before this. Its easy to over extend yourself because thats why you should be careful on the descent. Keep your hands on the brakes. Take your time, go slowly and enjoy the nature around, you know, dont come shooting down his throat as she is. As soon as i leave mitten vase, i am immersed in the beautiful bavarian lances. The paths are wide and the ascent is still manageable. After a couple of minutes of riding through the forest, i arrive at a lake lot se, but i still have a long way to go with our destination today is the kings house on shakin that can only be reached on foot or by bike and that isolation suited ludwig the 2nd just fine because to well, he wasnt much of a people person he liked to have the beautiful bavarian landscape, all to himself something that becomes quite apparent. If you look at the various palaces he built in his kingdom. Ah, teams a are the largest lake in bavaria. It was here that king ludovic, the 2nd had his luxurious hale and came se palace built. No expense was spared. Its just one of several residences, ludovic commissioned. At times he labored over plans for 3 palaces at once. Lord, vague admired the absolute monarchs of france. Katlyn came se palace was intended as a replica of versailles, except that it was neither a seed of power nor a hub of social life. King lou vague was trying to create the illusion of a bygone world which he chose to enjoy in solitude. Google, after sunset were 35 servants, had to light all the contents in the palace. After but untruth, they all had to vanish. Beautiful ring for the king whom i could be alone. Hearing you introduce visible from far and wide, yet seemingly unapproachable noise feinstein castle at the foot of the alps. The most famous of all his castles, it too was built for lute vig and loot that alone. He was enthralled by tales of the middle ages. The singers hall was meant to be a tribute to the age of chivalry and its culture. But lute big was also a product of his time. He loved technological innovations, his nights, castle feature, telephones, and Running Water boot vig never lived to see the completion of either noise bunstein or the headland came. Se palace not far away is the only palace the bavarian king. So finished linda hoff. Dude, vig, the 2nd actually lived here for some time, surrounded by a vast park. Its thought to have been his favorite palace and back on the trail. My uphill battle begins with the scenery looks like a painting and the weather today couldnt be better. It made the peak season, but i seemed to have the place to myself. After one last steep climb. I think i deserve another little brain. So its nice to see the better dine out a rustic alpine eatery at an altitude of 1400 meters. Whats it like to live in this city typically overrun by tourists. And how has that changed since the coven 19 pandemic began in this weeks edition of our segment meet a local well find out with the help of a viewer from dubrovnik, the croatian city has been struggling with over tourism for quite some time. Hello, hello and welcome to dubrovnik. My names dora pitcher. Im from dubrovnik, but i lived in frankfort for a few years and returned to my wonderful home country. After finishing high school, im going to show you how beautiful dubrovnik is and why i love it so much yet. Ah, not till his begin moons. What will start her on the city walls . Is there not any the pride of dubrovnik but of all croatia in it . Not in 1979, the old city and these wolves were added to the list of unesco wold heritage sites. Ah, or pull it from, you know, even though it was the unesco World Heritage site, in 1991, the city was attacked by serbian and montenegrin forces, you know, but the walls remained standing until today in my mom. Ah, no, my love as of a normally they would be thousands of people up here at this time of year when i got because of the corona crisis, they are noticeably few a tourist this year than last. When can we local . I dont think its all that bad, though. Now we have the place all to ourselves. Ah, did i buy the best beer . Dubrovnik is from our own mountain. Sit up there, thats all you can walk up and go. You can take the cable car with us. I suggest we take the cable cars today because its so hot, ive been fined by their houses with it. Isnt that amazing . You can see everything from up here, local island to the village of south and the airport behind me, we can see all of dubrovnik. Its a magnificent view. Ah. Oh, yes, and so now were back down in the old city, behind me as the main entrance to the old town, the pillow gay gates. Come on, come smith ah sob ivan fentanyl now were on to broadnix main street and its most famous street called straw to england is on it starts at the big or north rios fountain with its 16 waterside. This thin bothell by on. Ah ah. As a father listen, says jordan is our main street and very important in our lives. Since we do so many things on the street. When i, we shop here, drink coffee and spend time with our friends and families need a coin. We just loved this streets, laws are strong, our book that your mistress was that just imagine last year it was so crowded here. You could hardly move. You had to push people aside just to get through them with my boyish compton hall and to day as you can see, it practically empty. Let fall fast. Complet lefties. Mm. Ah buffalo to low strolling through a dip. Rodnick is competing without visiting the beautiful bulletin. I leave my favorite is i st jacobi yeah. From here i get the history of the broadnix ultimate ah tough. I hope you enjoyed our tour. We look forward to seeing you here in dubrovnik with them. Nick, tell them i d o u v. The most of the little nichol. Mm no rest for the weary. Its time for the 2nd part of my track, but i wont be making the ascent to the kings house on shock and all by myself. Stefan adon will accompany me. Hes a mountain guide from mitten bot. He says the mountains have a calming effect on him and that sometimes you just need to stop. Look and listen. Ah, we got that. How did you come to be a mountain guide . Oh stop. It actually started with my parents on it. We were always in the mountains on concrete of food. And then while doing my military service, my past seemed preordained hope. Brooklyn i became a mountain leader for the armed forces. I just kept spending more time in the mountains, even in my free time to come in, put it back and things just turned out this way. Go into our system. I will say i gave them yet. So can you tell me as a city kid, what a mountain guide does like, and ill seat in, put in, see it has changed a bit of hes been for in that in the past, the people who came here usually had some experience issues. Theyd already done a fair amount of hiking, not on, which nowadays many people are just looking to have an experience and tend to be ill prepared, even boy, on i think. So that poses the biggest challenge. Its to my since so few people come with any previous experience. You have to teach them. Everything was starting without a walk. Does come, sweeney gloated no default. Thats the way it is. What will esna india . Myself . I still see lisa vasquez. What should i look out for if i want to hike around here . The 3 sticks this any. The most important thing is to be in Good Condition and have a bit of energy in reserve so you can enjoy attention oversold that ice named at ceiling. Its possible to rush around, i see a site and then dash off shops to this. The point isnt whether or not you reach your goal, but what you get out of it and him, and were seeing this more and more. Its like most people go to hard, like theyre always pushing themselves to the limit. And thats really a shame because then you dont take it, whats all around you and then pick you need a Little Something and reserve for that. Are the possible for this every time . Ah, and taking the time to veer off the beaten path, add to the pleasure of any hine. All right, before we continue our hike, lets take a quick look at the impact mass. Tourism has on some of the most popular regions here in the ups in a skip pulled to vomit. Unsatisfactory movies. Would you say . Okay, this can quarantine from this to which traffic it puts a strain on the pot seek it. Its really hard. The hiking trails up above lasted the large crowds put a burden on the local population and the communities and the infrastructure, the valley, and the summer director of the streams of visitors and providing useful information was crucial. How much that investing quote, the stampede of visitors to our 2 destinations has noticeably increased in these days of the corona virus pandemic. If visitor counts in the algo alps or anything to go by, as long as people stick to the mountain trails and lead nature in peace of louis and heiner is fine with that, hold on the re, people like to be natural surroundings. Lake van is particularly popular. Its a delicate balancing act, protecting nature, while permitting crowds of people to have some fun in the sun. These days, the rangers only got out in paris. Communing with nature means Different Things to different people. Is veterans, music managing the crowds is getting harder. I one of my colleagues that we are more like people minders than conservation officers. Is that why you hear it . They threatened to call the lawyer who got memory, or the threats are called you names sort of be from an all you want to do was clarify, finish was, was acc, liam protected plant species grow in the nature reserves and conservation areas around the lake. For example, the marsh caliber in in restricted areas, people often build fires which is not permitted or lesser with cigarette baths. The hot in the summer, the more people head into the water as many as a 1000 per day at the book, an egg, a waterfalls in the are going often they get close to sensitive areas and so little consideration for the environment with its rare plant species. The more popular a spot like this becomes the greater the threat to its nature back once, naturally. So he says as this trend towards sharing individual experiences with a large already lives, i think on the social media platforms like instead from intern, give us a sodomy then. Yeah. But its the great information about an incredible sunrise over him until he got to have all these more people come into these spots, even in typically after time, just son dot. So that is a pump there, dan fish thought i cannot run through. And i truly gives me cause for concern that thats actually saga may be one way to help is to avoid those popular spots altogether. Ah, were getting close to the top on the side of the trail, steph, and points out some yellow gentian to me. Its a plant commonly found in the alps. It thrives here at an altitude of some 1800 meters. Ah, doesnt that was worth it. Not bad, not at all. And there it is. I can see my goal. The kings house on shahan at the foot of the better. Dine, maam, the pina back me tourism and Climate Change are said to be threatening. The alpine flora and fauna on is that something you see yourself . Thank you. Spend a lot of time in the mountains and he was a feelin embankment. Ivy ah, tourists move in the case of tourism. Yes, some good. So there are popular spots like the touched bit to summit that are really overrun by masses of tourists. But as you experienced yourself to day, we hardly saw anybody on our way up on phils can you like to get though from this get there are really quiet areas here for instance, in the call vendor range over there. Its all good. Even in peak season, and were at the absolute peak of the season right now. You can be all on your own. And same concept on the key milan does for Climate Change. We havent felt very much yet for life. That maybe its objective because you dont notice gradual changes as much is on the, in the woman net. So doc von him over, but weve always had a few tough winners and some very mild ones having to call. Weve had dry winters and weve had lots of precipitation. Weve, weve had flooding, and then weve had very dry years. Its always changing. But there are things distant for me. I noticed that for instance, with the ozone, im almost soon as they become more sensitive, but maybe that age ah, of in the, of the info. Yeah. In any case i do notice something thats true. I was with you think of what i feel its causing a great deal of change for us on it. Infinities of info he sold us thought the like to london close. Been last these is the one thing thats very different this year is the corona virus school. A lot of people are spending their holidays closer to home. Many germans are staying in germany. What have you noticed here in the region on the us dyna i found out these is ya here in dela gillan given ah, who owns is, is its been somewhat stressful for us because we cant make long term plans and have to react fast to the changes ah, dykus this since, but the guests are noticeably more relaxed than in recent years. I did the stuff relaxed in the sense that most readily accepted when you say that they cant do something or other quotes yet. Theres not so much i want it, and i want it now, which has been something of a trend the past few years ago, and that can get really unpleasant in me. Were not seeing any of that. People seem happy with whatever is possible in school. I hope it will stay that way for a while. Planning a Little Paradise right outside your door. Thanks for showing it to me. Youre my pleasure. I can handle the last stretch on my own. The kings house is now in plain sight. Of course, king lieut vacant, didnt walk up here himself. He had servants to carry him in a litter. Ah, this summer, the kings alpine hide out is closed and compliance with social distancing and hygiene guidelines. But after the long hike, we definitely want you to see what its like inside. Ah, compared to allude bait, the 2nd other residences, the kings house on shakin seems almost modest. It was built in 1872. 00 and the style of a swiss chalet blue, in spite of the beautiful swiss pine paneling the living quarters on the ground floor come across as relatively plain seemingly out of character for the fairy tale king mm. The upper story. However fully reflects its creator. Here moving the 2nd, had a sumptuous hall, built in oriental style, crammed full of gilded carving, lit, through stained glass windows and decorated with fine rugs, magnificent chandeliers, and peacock feathers. Mm. The turkish room with its fountain in the centre provided a spectacular backdrop for the kings birthday celebrations. Isolated high in the bavarian alps, he recreate at the magical world of the arabian nights. Ah, ah well, the kings house remains closed during the pandemic, the former servants quarters, now a mountain in have reopened to the public. Lou back and loot vase time. This building served as a store house. Its also where the kings meals were prepared for over 15 years. Now its been run by the lighten bower family. Mean we didnt want to lighten b. Do many people come here to learn more about the life of king lewd bank, or our most just hikers ready for a break . The yet, it off my this is her, the slow. Its too bad. The house is closed at the moment ago, but the, the hikers are usually keen to see the place least theres. Yeah. And they know theyre Something Special to see any upper floor. So many want to go in as turbos before. That is amused. Mistook stop it, and some days, 250 or 300 people walk through the house. Was he pissed to 240 piece . Thrown up his haunting book. Dish was, im constantly there to guide from the linda of palace or who give hourly tours for up to 30 people. The, you know, p thought of hope strictly maxine, but they tell visitors all about ludovic and his connection to this place with him in the north hope mitchell in the clear to you and boss with him. Can you complete his titled to come out and get it, lance, at what relevance does that all have for you . For z as get diagnosed in thinking crime in this area, theres really no other place comparable to it is is to the quantity of swiss pine is unique in bavaria, for instance in. And the panorama is simply fantastical current deals as it skips. Theres nothing else like it. This is the shock, thats the beauty of it. Home and i am so glad no trains come up here from daddys when otherwise it would no longer be the way it is. Now 60 the antics duties. This is the only lodge that has been preserved in its original condition and has not been replaced with a new one, like the other lodges or your been repainted or is its 2 other weird stuff basically, really pick who can do. Were very proud that everything here, so old, some are exhausted towards testers or is not. So ill talk to you soon. As you probably know, theres usually a spot reserved on the show for your travel experiences. This week well show you a video shot by iraq, krishna. P. Lie from india. Before the pandemic, he visited the yard. Tie, a nature park, and corolla home to the worlds biggest bird statue. Ah lou. Mm. Mm. Oh oh oh, mike marie, i just before reaching my final destination, i have a Close Encounter with a stubborn local as well work. Yet i didnt expect that. Did you see . Quite nicole. One cow. No. Ah, i know many in the house. Ah, this Lookout Point is where my journey and king louis bake had the belvedere built not far from his house. From here, the view of the rhine valley is simply breathtaking. If you havent got anybody to carry you up the mountain, a height like this is pretty intense, but hey, the journey is the destination right . Plus there is nothing like that feeling of satisfaction. You get once you reach the top and you get this view. So extremely exhausting, but also extremely worth it. Mm. Mm. Mm. Ah ah, with a vibrant habitat ended glistening place of longing. The mediterranean sea, its waters connect people of many cultures. Jennifer abdul karim explores the land of the farrells in egypt. Contrast, Shape Society coming up on a d, w. In good shape. Keep your feet fit. After all, you use them along the equivalent of about 4 trips around the world by the end of your life. How can we keep our feet healthy . So we stay pain free. What should we know about them . How can we give them a break . And what can our hands do for our feet in good shape . Or in 30 minutes on d, w. O. Not just another day. So much is happening all at once. We take time to understand this is the day in depth look at current news, events analyzed by experts and critical thinkers. Not just another new show. This is the weekdays. On d, w lab has no limit to love is for everybody. Love is live with love matters and thats my new podcast. Im evelyn sharma. And i really think we need to talk about all the topics that north divides and denied to this. I have invited many deer and well known guests, and i would like to invite you to an in munich 50 years ago. The International Gathering of peace and co operation becomes the scene of a horrible tragedy. Arab terrorists, armed with sub machine guns, went to the headquarters of the israeli team and immediately killed one man. And that this will be the last one was stolen, life or worse fears of the lives tonight. Theyre all gone. How i witnesses experienced the terrible events and this the world should not forget the long shuttle. The 1972 olympic massacre starts september 3rd on d, w. O. This is debbie news. These are our top stories. Pakistan is appealing for International Assistance as authorities deal with devastating seasonal flooding. Nearly a 1000 people had been killed since monsoon range began earlier than usual in june. Hundreds of thousands more have

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