Estimate. The 1st few nights i was often a bit scared here on the edge of the forest. I saw 2 eyes glowing in a hollow. I couldnt explain them 6 ah ah, when the corona virus pandemic broke out righty. Lenas high, flynn was desperate to get away out of berlin. He fled to the countryside. Ah, then living in solitude, he had a surprising realization. He shot the canal. No for not to wood. I had no clue about nature of issue. You couldnt say i liked nature either, but i didnt know the animals, for example, are thus i didnt know the birds on all that. I could see that it was a bird only got that, but that was really, it was last week. Maybe i could identify a great hit or something and i and i had no idea what kind of animals there worked. My mind lame, so just being here alone without distractions. These animals took on a certain meaning for the 1st time in my life 3 in to see him big. I started getting interested in them versus what kind of bird is that its a mention. Is it male or female . This emma, do i keep seeing the same one seat or are there several that looked the same like how soon i actually started to get interested in what was in front of me with da, sweetest nature even doll audi, not too high. Flynn School Friend has a small cabin in the woods beyond ohana book and con, the north of berlin. He spent weeks and months living there alone. In a kind of cautious mutual observation, developed the animals watched the strange man. The man watched the strange animals. You knew the im out the room to see the temperament that they have different temperaments goes for example, among the birds. There are huge differences between both inches and not hatches that they have completely different mentalities like italians. And i dont know icelanders barely the both in is our sedate and quiet, all they look around, feel they dont move that much. And so under is the nut hatches are constantly excited. That the sis as soon, thats how it is august indian, their individuals to sing, but its like they also have different cultures or mentality soto mentally. Thank me. Ah. The experience inspired lenise iceland spoke. Im stuck mench invite as city dweller in the forest. Iceland uses the pseudonym h d. Weldon, a reference to the seminal work by american rice, a henry david thorough the writer finds himself in a parallel universe. His previously only heard about nature. Hes shocked and a shame to realize how little he knows this world, surrounded by unknown creatures. His perception and sense of time begin to change. Sounds that are frightening at 1st, like nocturnal cracks snuffles all creeping, become familiar. He realizes that humans are not alone. There is a whole world out there. Ah ah. In an estimation of the 1st few nights i was often a bit scared by liam valdez here on the edge of the forest, i saw 2 eyes glowing in a hollow church. I couldnt explain them. See men, she looked too low down to be human geography, but kind of too high for an animal. Were done awfully good than there were the sounds alive yet, which seem much louder when youre here all alone feeling much louder than they really are. Yes, you see im so i was a little bit scared to cut this from dr. Essex. Miss longs ah, what is nature . What do we mean when we use the word . Where does it begin and end . What should we do and not do to protect it . Some answers to those questions can be found in the upper li, sasha region of east and germany. Here, decades of late night strip mining, turned the land into a landscape of barren aff uncontaminated water. But now its the size of a large scale environmental experiment and life has returned unexpectedly quickly into santa susanna. See, its interesting to see that they crossing the trail of them here in the walls. Territory the day have to be more on their god. On the cement the wolves are they, predators, and predators themselves often light to move a long trial, the swan. This is a great example of it. Why would a wolf walk beside the trail where its hot on solid and on the trail . Everything is firm. Its feet dont sink in so much, so the animal uses less energy. Oh, where is pray . Animals will often just cross the trail that id like to move along them. Whats moniques will gandalf, anglo ah, large parts of this region ill be critically referred to as post mining landscape. Its also wolf country. 20 years after the 1st modern wolf citing. There are now more than 50 parks in the states of saxony and brandenburg. And they are spreading across germany. The predators come back also spells the return of a form of nature. Humans had forgotten how to live with wilderness. The question is, can it still exist in a modern, densely populated germany, in the heart of europe . Of was had can also, as im plot sometime with the wolf has just as much right to a place in nature as any other creature people. We can always think about it in terms of positive and negative. I could say for me, the wolf is a positive because i run nature tours. My people come and want to see the world, the one and for a shepherd, it would be a negative nigger. Thats the wrong way to look at it. It just doesnt work that way of the wolf is there, period thought it has a right to be there just like me and the shepherd and so on. We have to figure out how we live together for them. When the excavate has left apple, you say shes opened cast league night mines, leaving behind massive slack. Heaps. Authorities tried doing something mean nothing. The maltreated earth was simply left alone. It wasnt a miracle that brought nature back to the beaten, but many small miracles. First came some pioneer plants and insects followed by more and more species. To day the li, sation Lake District is home to unusual animals and unusual people, like caston niche who wrote a book about his journey from coal industry worker to nature guide them thus far from each own puts us as which but now it was a process formation english, i am from this region, my words go back to this old ethnic group. Ive watched the villages die out and thats what affected me the most. At the beginning, it was terrible the way this landfill vicki down to the excavators, went ahead and run. What ended up happening was i moved to a Little Village here in the area near where i had worked. And i decided to go and look at the edges of the old strip mining area on to see what the landscape was like. Now. Im on charleston margies elantra fi donna. Come on on the hottest us as somebody whos a high leave. And i had this aha moment in the when i got up to a high place like this, i think i saw that there were loads of small water holes filled with masses of toads and grassland birds. All kinds of birds like lap when lodgers laotian, it was crazy how much was going on. And for the 1st time i realized that nature could reclaim this place. Even the fina told us to will go and come in many places, a concept of untouched nature has become a romantic fantasy. Humans are everywhere and have largely pushed nature aside. Around half of europe, species of trees and freshwater fish are endangered, as are a total of around 60 percent of all protected species. But even in densely populated Central Europe, true wilderness can be found. Even if opinions differ on how to define it. Austrian wildlife photographers, christine, is on villa and mock carved have spent years travelling through europes National Parks and protected areas. For then wilderness isnt only untouched nature, but also respected nature. They are observing the reintroduction and natural return of predators to european forests. Today theyve come to southern slovenia to photograph one of them. The brown bear. Again, ill go and pretend to be the bat and feel just when youre not in frame yet cole. Nathan avenue, this is phillips been off there, icelanders include your hillstone, clearfield. I grew up with the animal stories and films from the serengeti, from africa and north america. There is a little shy. It really is a shame from the point of view of a nature filmmaker not to be able or allowed to tell the stories of Central Europes animals. Besides, the very personal happiness you get encountering bears wolves, or lynx is, is also the urge to act like a sort of p r agent for european nature, for the people shouldnt forget that theres also a wild life behind a house on the outskirts of berlin from hor in the alps in south to roll, and those stories can and should and must be told. Younger sister absolutely will. Cellphone zone villa and coff spectacular photos make the animals themselves ambassadors for they species. At the same time, the photographers are documenting the successful re introduction all resettlement of particular animals. Like scotty, the links who was picked up by a camera trap in the snow of austrias limestone alps. The female lynx is now the cover girl of a book whose title translates as the wild heart of europe in it for tucker says, and all says, christine has on villa and mock cough going. Search of Central Europes primeval forests. They still exist in austria, germany, switzerland, northern italy, slovenia, poland, and slovakia. These are forests left to their own devices where rivers flow freely and were big predators like wolves, bears, and lynx is, are now slowly returning. How is the process going . How much wilderness consensual europe tolerate . How much does it need . And why a forest without lodge predators like the wolf on the bed and the lynx fills somehow empty. Thats what weve lined in recent, isnt it hungry and as beautiful as nature can be . It seems incomplete. Without lodge predators, unfortunately, we know this because weve gotten to know the parts of Central Europe that ah, to exaggerate a bit full of bears like southern st. Lavinia, full of wolves like lu sasha, in germany, or lynx, is like to now harm land, austria, or dr. Lukes in ones or high modern research is this lisa. Its hard to describe since he, if you walk through a forest at home to basil links, isnt wolf wilson. It heightens your senses and maybe you realize that youre not at the top of the food chain. Oh though, actually in the case of the bear, its not really true because the european brown bass here a mainly her before was helpful plants will face of their really not out to proud humans. Because in many still believe that when you walk through a forest, there are a wild animals everywhere ready to jump out from behind the next tree to kill you. Well, and thats not true. I had these animals are always careful to stay away from humans. That includes the big predators and even europes largest predators, the brown, back for men from fans, ohio for a long time, the largest predator india, sasha, was column lining in his book. Cast in neat writes nothing and no one could stop strip mining. It asap the land and everything in it. It was like a black hole, not in space, but here on earth. At the time, people couldnt imagine life ever returning to these barren landscapes of mining waste. But nature found a way we do not was issued the da sweeter to wicker overdoses vet sort of resurgence is no problem for nature. Nature has been doing that sort of thing for thousands and even millions of years right now. Earth and its landscapes are constantly changing. Were come, i compare it to a volcanic eruption one. But when the volcanoes dormant the slopes are full of growth and people might even settle their work, then theres a major option and everything is gone again. I think a lot the landscape looks as hostile as another planets all, but it wont be long until the landscape comes back to life. Thats whats happening here too. Im going to going on guns. Can also it sounds too good to be true. Turning a barren wasteland into a natural paradise just by doing nothing. But its not quite that simple. This animal haven is still dangerous for humans. 60 percent of the mining lands are now forested, but much of the land is inaccessible. Its too dangerous and unpredictable. Ah, it will continue to shift for centuries, and large areas could slide away. It wont stay as it is now. After all, landscapes are always dynamic when viewed over large periods of time. Muslim to listen, but one guy because we have to decide what we want to find at some point after thousands of years on this lake would get more and more clogged by water plants on by animals and so on. And what of it would turn into a bog, and that bug would eventually so top and one day theyd be as far as too much. Of course that takes a very, very long time on monday. Should we have to decide what we do . We permit that process, do we allow nature and landscape to keep changing, ordered or do we want to maintain its condition in order to keep certain species in these areas. Hutton and even species like the praying mantis which is considered extinct in germany. In the last century, only isolated specimens have been cited all of the read the eater. Seeing them return and seeing a research and german wilderness would be a huge success and ecological terms. But is it actually necessary of get ground if the home of the, of it with paulson . Well, its not about whether we need the wilderness. I mentioned thats thinking about it from a human perspective on what we needed for. We can also ask, what does the wilderness need us for them, but because were part of nature, we can see that the question doesnt make sense. Its obvious that Something Like wilderness has to exist and it will definitely do us good. But above all have a responsibility now, because weve developed to such an extent and weve been constantly trying to destroy this system, which works very well on its own government and which has evolved over millions of years for the justification is always that 1st we need to think about jobs or this and that, and eventually well get down the list of priorities. But at some point it will be too late for. And then nature may very well show us our limits under, at some point thats going to happen with a few an hours drive south of slovenia capital louisiana is an area home to one of the densest brown bay populations in the world. Nearly 1000 bears are said to live here in an area twice the size of luxemburg. Their numbers are growing. The best could spread out into neighboring countries, but roads and densely populated alpine valleys block they weigh whats missing, is the willingness among humans to make migrations possible and pressure look fresh tracks, community thinking oh orca. So you can see there were drinking and i think ill be definitely a beer is meant is fallen there also for the really exciting and reassuring thing is that nature is coming back by itself. One example is the, was in germany, lungs, and another is the bears in southern slovenia. You know, theyre returning without human intervention. As of now, its just a matter of finding a way to exist together and demand from as all colinza is keep going. Its conceptual. When there are already ideas that links the economy and Nature Conservation and it and theyre working with being haunted, clapped after a classic example is a soft tourism, or eco tourism, which aims to make nature accessible to people with active bisman. This works especially well in less economically developed regions where theres no large industry warning. Bon scott walls. Kennicott will think it, for example, in the high tantrum mountains between poland and slovakia. The brown bears here are a veritable tourist magnet with 50 animals, drawing millions of visitors to one to the National Parks trails every year. If that kind of coexistence works here, surely it can work elsewhere in Central Europe. In that book zone villa and cath, imagine a europe of protected zones interconnected by green bridges that allow large predators to migrate forests would be left to grow wild and the Forestry Industry would largely stay on the sidelines. In the end, it would benefit every one. The helman middle open at sea are feeling the weakness. We dont have very much real wilderness in Central Europe, but we visited quite a few of these places and they all have one thing in common. Its always cumbersome, or the path is always arduous or impossible. The steep, rocky, or blocked by a fallen tree. Oh, the paths are flooded. And the me, thats the real core of what wilderness is. The uncertainty that nature can bring up the whipping and i think the impetus in europe in the last few centuries, has been to eliminate the uncertainty to tame nature. To know exactly what to expect in the foreign holidays was an in right out that if we leave nature alone, will everything work out for the best zone . Villa and coughs, book argues that we should no longer think of wilderness as something thats only far away. Their photos show the almost unearthly beauty of nature. They right, we must stop seeing it as a consumer good and a backdrop for fun. We are the last generation that can still reactivate wilderness before it no longer exists, become a hopa sale, foolish johnson vendor to europe has many opportunities to become wilder again, that theres even a relatively young Conservation Movement with the english name re wilding. Or the idea is to give momentum to certain landscapes that have the potential to become wilder. Again, were still to help the process along trusting the fulfills organ the for example, by leaving dead wood where it is in the forest. When were allowing rivers to meander more freely again, it does when for so you know, its a way of withdrawing again as humans, as and allowing nature to follow its original impulses knocked, isnt it . Yes, impersonating. The idea is spreading more and more in europe, monia in over hostile python nature doesnt have to be spectacular or exotic to earn the right to exist. Rare species are good, but having many species is better reserves and National Parks are not a panacea either because people have to live somewhere in the middle ages. More than a 1000 pounds were artificially created in the lu sasha region, mainly for fish farming, which is still practiced there today. But theres also wilderness business, a movie each. So most rec, wilderness as i understand it is everywhere. It function, it appears very quickly as soon as we take our hands away and let nature be free, there is a great example in these stones right here on a someone dumped them here at some point. Maybe they were meant for construction work on the pond. Theyve been lying there for several years, and you can see mos, foaming everywhere. If we leave them alone, legions will grow, but leaves will get blown in. Hopefully small trees will take root from all the seeds that are here. And animals, light, lizards or toads, will use them as a hiding place. A mice will colonize them, and already it will have become a little wilderness which one untruths. When a crown of wilderness, when cast and neat finished school and what was lent still communist east germany. His parents wanted him to take up a proper career in the sasha. That meant working in the coal industry. Niche became an electrician at the can up and hold a lik night mine, despite being drawn to nature. The coal has since disappeared, as has the mind and even the state that operated it. But the nature has returned. His life has come full circle. Yar im as you like to run up because as with all the good women, it started when i was a child to give a phone to my bicycle around here which is and of course there was always something to discover, had known. It would always meant i became more aware through my old mentor and ornithologist, in the pre cut, probably cookie worked out a factory making cobra cat sooner. So he was also involved with collins and i thought on it will over not well photograph in his spare time, he was a bird watcher and photographer who i dont have moved at some point when i was a child, i heard about him and saw his pictures blocked after that, i really stopped him because i was very persistent. Eventually, he took me along and we cycled to the ponds. He showed me a few things. I liked the basics of identifying species and bird calls. I learned a lot from him, which dumont philosophically mila. We often speak of getting back to nature. But with part of it, in his book, coslyn writes that while he was reading about forest animals, he looked up an entry full humans. It turns out were happy to rinds. Strictly speaking, wild animals that cannot be domesticated. Today, humans are the most widespread mammal on the planet. That was, once the wolf has returned to Central Europe, we await with mixed feelings. Ah, we long for seemingly untouched and wild nature. Does that stem from a longing to rediscover the nature in ourselves . These authors have tried to answer that question in their books for their own sake, and for the sake of their readers. For the cold, the home with this long lost him while the reason why we do what we do is simply because we find these natural treasures that we have to do even in Central Europe to valuable via to ignore the at for our stuff is yeah. Unfortunately, not blue versus jewish marker is i dont just want to entertain people. Of course, i want to make a difference. I want to show people the beauty of nature. I made them see how important it is that we understand its buffy with us for and that its important how we behave and that we respect nature and maybe that we become a bit humbler again as we have phil ashby, that was steve. Of course, thats a big ambition and its what i want to convey with my book. I do not read off my book transporting ah ins, cuz im sorry to say that overall, i dont think books can change anything. A book might change something in the individual in one individual reader, but even that is asking a lot feeder mm ah, with ah, with ah, protecting the going from corruption in the nepalese village of khaki. They are supposed to be subsidies for victims of climate change, but any of the funding is reaching them. Where is the money going . And how can effective with 3030 minutes on t w, hunting down Islamic State fighters. A network of private citizens and journalists has been trying to track down jihadists from hiding with time and time again for suspect escape. Whose warning them are they being protected by the authorities . The caliph at legacy in 75 minutes on d. W. Ah. A lead of contrasts. Of ambitions of equality ah, 75 years ago Mahatma Gandhi peacefully led the country to independence full of ideas with what has remained of his vision with whats the status of human rights and social justin in whats called the largest democracy. Where is india headed with this is the moment to unleash on violet to pass and re imagine these teachings for relevance to gandhis legacy shorts. August 6th loan b w ah ah ah ah, this is d w. News line from the lead ukraine stead felt its efforts to re tag occupied territory on russian missiles, colace destruction in the countries east. Analysts say ukraine is making gains against the invasion in the south despite the fighting bit, hug. Ryan exports

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