from various other. economic analysts they vary if all prices stay up to about $70.00 a barrel the impact very slow for china maybe not so much but for the smaller countries such as korea it can have rough you know point 3 percent impact on g.d.p. but it's not g.d.p. you've got to look at inflation and the likes of korea could add a half percentage point to annual inflation for that country so you know the major importers are going to be the ones that suffer more disproportionately especially in asia and other reporters who are very briefly if you can study arabia said to become a significant importer of refined products who will benefit yeah and saudi arabia given how large it's all export sites actually relatively weak all the refinery and a lot of it's all goes up to the likes of india south korea and japan so most likely you know those products are refined over there and they'll most likely make their way back to saudi arabia in the form of the form of diesel and petrol learned