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For the. World. And joining me now from our vet in cannes is all man Scott Ross Scott some lovely acting there i thought some heart warming scene in the movie youve seen the whole movie did you as a good. Yeah you know i think its really spectacular i mean if you know talent Terrence Malick films like days of heaven or the tree of life you know he likes take on really big subjects you know morality faith the meaning of life itself and this is the case here as well with an incredible performance central performance by stealing director i was deal as funds this Conscientious Objector who would rather martyr himself then fight for fight for the nazis very very powerful movie it is quite long its 3 hours long and as very slow as malice films tend to get tend to be but it really really works on you in the end packs i know incredible emotional wall up now molly no recent movies by him havent done so well that hes been accused of being selfindulgent is this is this now a return to full. Definitely definitely its last 3 films were incredibly selfindulgent as you said id even say theyre bordering on selfparody but but this film really sees him go back to the the kind of movies he was making back in 2011 with the tree of life which similarly took on issues of of morality of faith and it did it did it beautifully that won the palme dor here in 2011 and this film i think is just as good so maybe now it will repeat the feat this year. Oh wow about be interesting if you want to go now one else has course you or i this year it can. Yeah i like to recommend a great film that i just saw today its for the 1st time american director michael angelo. The film is called the client and its the story of a friendship of 2 guys told through 6 key events in their lives a very simple story but beautifully told very sweet very touching and also laugh out loud funny its by far the funniest movie ive seen here in cannes called the climb definitely mike at the camera used to be ok not a lot of cowman often that can be said that finally school the newtown until you know movie there will will premium. Huge anticipation not only the cost of course. The title idrees rewards upon a time in hollywood sounds interesting i guess youre looking forward to seeing the. Terence you know film is the hottest ticket in town by far yeah its called whats part of time in hollywood we dont know a lot about the movie except that its set in hollywood in the 1960 s. Sort of around the time of the of the manson murders stars brad pitt capital margo roby and its going to premier 25 years to the day here in cannes that pulp fiction premier and of course it launched the question can. I say i dont know a lot about the movie but apparently no always knows no surprises and i really cant wait yeah and i think brad pitt seems to be the stunt double of of live in order to capture it is wonderful i know i know youll be back talking to us about that Scott Ross Perot for now thanks very much. And we stay in france for our next report strands book is sometimes called the heart of europe as its the official seat of the European Parliament and leading up to e. U. Elections this weekend were visiting artists in various e. U. Countries to see what they think about Current Issues and strands Boys National theatre is reflecting the armrest on the streets against emanuel crawlers reform policies. Protests against the president s reforms have been raging on the streets of frances big cities for months now. The neglected province against the rich capitals. The underprivileged against the elites. Day an actor and the director of straw sports and National Theatre decided to explore the social tensions on stage. In france there are no children of factory workers or of Agricultural Workers among the elite theres a kind of sticking together and i think theres a form of blindness but its also indicative of a more general problem in our western democracies in the market. And is all of society really represented by elites. This is a rehearsal for the Edouard Louis play who killed my father. Its a polemical work against frances social policy to sit. Between. You mock the. Leaders in the dock workers as characters on stage. The theatre wants to give all sectors of society of voice and a stage and this approach is also that of the theatres drama school. France is very much behind but here to seen is desperately want this does not render society. So what is also. Not today is working to change the ensemble so that it reflects French Society better with all its ethnic groups and all its social differences if positive discrimination is needed to recruit young people from less educated families so be it he thinks that otherwise everything will stay the same. Strong sports National Theatre is the only one to enjoy special National Theatre status outside of paris many small cities dont have any theatres at all centralisation is one of frances major problems and there is a huge gap between the center and the periphery of. This imbalance is also reflected within europe itself. This is the subject of fall christus play i am europe which studies last nor did a staged at the beginning of the year. Not be in any. Racial year that. We. Saw not only france is in crisis what is no days of his. Of europe. Its a place where people come together because they have something to say to each other not just because they want to trade things cannot make arguments or not enough its not enough to say that france alone wouldnt be able to negotiate free trade agreements thats a bad argument i think people need to have something to dream about. In our continuing series 100 must reads featuring famous german language books that are translated into english todays novel is called the wool by the austrian. Theres a cataclysmic event at the beginning of the novel which means the main protagonist whose name we never found find out is alone in the world behind a kind of wall anyway heres david levitz to explain more. What if my arms were right and you could actually get trapped behind an invisible wall and what if you were trapped behind an invisible wall alone in the forest and you were possibly the only person left on the planet. Austrian author mollenhauer so far wrote about this mysterious invisible barrier almost half a century before stephen king got the idea. The main character in her book the wall writes a journal about survival in this solitary confinement not because she likes to write or has anyone to write for she does it to preserve her humanity. Not that im afraid of becoming an animal that wouldnt be too bad but a human being can never become just an animal he plunges beyond into the abyss. I dont want this to happen to me its out of that fear that im writing my report once ive reached the end i will hide it well and forget about it i dont want this strange thing i might turn into to find it one day. To survive physically she learns to kill animals to survive emotionally she learns to love other animals a cat a cow and a dog as her own children. In the film version actress martina gay dick plays the nameless protagonist the movie was austrias entry for the oscars whether its the 3rd or the book the wall makes us wonder just how little it would take to turn us humans and to beasts. These traps but theyve been back next week thats it for this edition of alts and culture i leave you with pictures from the Cannes Film Festival and the next time you see him on man ascot roxboro will be reporting on Quentin Tarantinos new movie once upon a time in hollywood but here is the glitz and glamour of the red carpet of life and i. Mean. It. Is your house when it comes to young people. And naturally the european option and nobody can. Do that. Young activists are working hard for the european idea. Others are working hard against it. Your ip c. L. E. P. From your obscene chant. Close up 30 minutes on w. 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