The city of dirt. And the bone does make a dormant, scored to light goals, to seal and for to victory against fryeburg. That is much more coming up later in our sports the on top of all in the us. Welcome to the program. The uses. Its top official. Ursula fonder line will visit the tale. An island of alarm producer after rome asked brussels for help to deal with a rapid increase in migrant arrivals. Italian prime minister, georgia maloney is now calling for a naval blockade of north africa. This week, more than 8000 people arrived online, produce a overwhelming the islands migration center. Migraines have been forced to sleep in the open as a way to transfer to other parts of emily dw Christine Manuel has more from a producer to many people to little space. These men are desperate to get off of them produce. Theyre trying to board a bus to a series to take them to assist. City will be on of the conditions and the so called migrant reception. Samsung. Ill be coming dia, nearly 3000 people packed here into a space meant for a few 100. This is mission into sent a slow to good because its to cut out in full to get food so you can fight if you dont try to go have food even to fix show is the problem even cloth problem because the population is too much over the past week boats from libya and soon as you arrived and record them. This overwhelming the small island carrying people from africa and the middle east coast conditions and left. The do say, have left to heights and tensions between different migrant groups. We have seen and the time that weve been, yes, im scuffles breaking off between the migrants. Of course, the most part its young been so sitting else indicates scuffles breaking out between sub saharan african migrants and north african migrants some sentient, theyre very difficult conditions even for the funding chairs and the officials who are just trying to maintain order and manage the situation. Here the pressure has also frustrated local officials who say this shouldnt be the problem. And the way to do that, if i said its a message that has to get through is that europe passed to wake up. Then because the European Union has been absent for 20 years, or g mind produced and say enough, the land producers have been suffering for 20 years and we are psychologically destroyed. People have to come in through this through the new arrivals once we move on as quickly as they can produce. That is just one step in the long and often dangerous journey in search of, of basically life. It was due to view corresponding christine. One, do i have filed that report from seduce, joins me from the italian islands. Christine, great to see you. So, as we saw in the sit in your report, the situation is dire in the migrant reception center. So are people still arriving on the island or are more people expected to arrive . Probably just picking up on the points about the conditions and the reception said to this ship that you see behind me is loaded with tents and equipments to build a new migrant reception center. The rate cost is now trying to build another establishment to remove migrants from the Single Center that we have on the island. Creating a another one that just gives you a sense of the fact that really the plans that they had to clear the island. Uh oh, that was 6 and sent to us by removing about some 2000 people to load today has not works. They are now looking to building a not the same test. We have decided more people have been coming, searching the they were more rivals of the night. We will get the numbers at of the full 10 people today in the coming hours. But we also know that there has been a mess of crack down into this yet. That is soon. As you know, ford sees Police Offices minutes. We offices cracking down on migrants networks. The sink boats are resting, migrants holding them back. So we anticipate that perhaps the numbers from tennessee i remember theyre still in the, the, the numbers from tennessee up might slope as a result of that crack down with for the moment. Rift cost is now trying to establish or build up a nother center to remove migrants from that tech facility, hoping to to be lead the situation on that front. That 1st thing you mentioned to me is here theyre, theyre the recently designed to deal with the government in june is to hold people back, but it doesnt appear to be working dentals or and that was quite right. In fact, that was the 1st question we asked when we saw these numbers off a rivals pickup and read your record levels in the last few days. The question was, wasnt the deal signed, but send is it . Well, as it appears that deal hasnt been finalized. We heard the department of stroke easily today saying that the you needs to make good on its promise and really send through the money that it promised and is yeah, so that soon as you can access its end of the deal, we do suspect that perhaps they would have been a phone call from rome or perhaps even brussels uh to to and is today. Uh hence the correct on that were seeing that just a few months ago it was an if on july the commission cheap. And the problem is, so it should be georgia below, the incident is signing that deal between the Europeans Union and soon as yeah, which initially it was meant to hold people back. And now we wait to see if that is going to follow through. Now that there is the pressure that were seeing on this island. Now, you mentioned the European Commission president , the rest of the founder line, who is set to travel to line producer where you are now on sunday. What can we expect from that visit . Pablo it is an important business because the sentiment right now and it today among people, is that the European Union has lift easily to deal with the situation on its own. We were hearing it from the deputy mayor who just heard from him. The reports say we seen a band to inspire them, thats certainly how the government is, is pitching this, this, the situation here pointing the fingerprint supposed to say way is that your opinions on a diety wouldnt be needed. We have been in that day said we are overwhelmed with 10 of code and get nobody is wanting to help. It is important. Isnt a funded line to come get some more and to signal to these honey and people that brussels will step in and help and not leave it alone in this problem. X christine dw is christie mcguire, in lum, producer force sizes of people are being buried in mass graves near the libyan city of durn as resident struggle with the aftermath of last week. Storm many others are now homeless. But as volunteers rushed to recover bodies age groups or warning against mass burials, saying they could have worse and mental distress and to pose health risks around water volunteers kind doing as diva stated coastline. Pulling bodies from the debris nearly a week after floods overwhelmed to nearby dams and the will of water that charged through the sea. The extent of the damage is davis facing that the pace of recovery is slow. Survive is struggling to access me to send and clean water and some families still trying to pull loved ones from the collapsed phones. And that is the reason besides that theres nobody to help. Theres no government. Theyve been very to for 5 days. As the death toll rises, many bodies of being rushed to mass graves, 3000 estimation to be buried here of the world health organization. And all the age groups are urging libby and authorized to use to stop the mass burials. They won the huge on identified graves can cause added meaningful distress for families, as well as social and legal problems. As the clean up continues investigation into the collapse of the dams, me a doing that has begun the piano far as hes a boeing to prosecute those responsible what they needed. And i reassure the systems that whoever made a mistake was neglectful will be prosecuted for a criminal case will be filed and they will be put on trial. And the prosecutors will look into the allocation of maintenance funds for the dams which were built in the 1970s. But the investigation could face major challenges with libby, a split between rival administrations for most of the past decade. In the bonus niga last seasons runners. Operative dormant, have secured their 1st away when of the campaign with a 4 to victory over fryeburg. My tools find the back of the net twice for the visitors who scored too late goes to claim all 3 points. Fryeburg wanted to make amends up the last rounds. 5 mill lost again stood gods adult loans and vet coats et interiors which were desperate for when, as well. 3 below pump performances have put the clap on the pressure early. What they relieve some of that after 10 minutes. Not so most punished, some select private, defending for the leads. 5 look struck back just before half of time. Lucas villas had a perfectly placed into the right corner. And just few minutes late a fright both took the leads. Contents of grief. Those cross was headed home by me for the last 8 oclock to one, a tough time. In the 2nd time, dont youll model and put the finishing touches on the account or a tech to get to it went back level is 3rd goal of the young season and dont minutes tasks go to a lot easier when who fly that central was this tackle the yellow and black took advantage 2 minutes before the end. Im not so remote, some of course the ball over the line for a 2nd go the game. Then monkey moist, put some icing on the cake for dont move in teams every time. A fine finish from the Gemini International for to it, and its dont get there 1st away when of the season. Well, probably about stuff of the 2nd. The last, you know, row in other bundles they get action on saturday, involves for move up to 6th place after beating when you own berlin to one with the score level, add one a little after half an hour so i can mail it. But the words in front less than 2 minutes after noon have equalized. Salzburg scrap their 3rd wave in 4 games this season. Thanks to a fantastic body of denmark. International defense lamarche match up on friday friday night at title holders. Byron. Unique, true to all with League Leaders of labor crews and with the score one old going into the break buyer and dave, what theyve done so often with leon graphs got re taking the lead in the 86 minutes, but labor crews and refused to go home. Empty handed and leveled after being awarded a pendleton stoppage time. Labor cruising remain at the top of the table ahead of fire with only on the only difference was the buyer labor cruising clash featured 2 of the top goals scores in the bonus, niga victor bonnie face failed to score for the visitors board hurricane. Thatd his 4th goal of the season. Kane was asked about the significance of kissing his ring after scoring early in the match to put byron. Yeah, this is just uh, kind of a thank you to, to my wife and my family. Uh, you know, i support and they always like to me, so yeah, ever since ive been married, ive been doing that so hopefully, hopefully a few moments ago this year. So lets take a look now at all the bonus. Niga results so far on launch day for so lights a bead. Alex burkes there are those dormant and vol. Sprague wins stood. Guard defeated mines oppenheim diamond cologne, as we sold buyer and drew with labor cruising. Both of them are battling frankfurt and on sunday hoffman high and take on brandon and tom started lock horns with club for the womans buddhist. The get the womens when this the season got underway on friday with a dramatic to old troll between barn munich and fryeburg and an unusual opening go. It all started with a buyer and defensive mistake and ended with fryeburg and meeting the 3 shots to finally put the boat into the net. But the reigning chimes hit back twice. Katarina nations rang and put buyer and had late in the match. But just when they thought they wanted 5 birds sonya so me scored an equalizer in stumpage time in formula one racing title of science has secured pole position after sundays, singapore ground, pre as reigning champion, max for stopping was laughter, fuming after an unexpectedly sluggish. I think its the 2nd consecutive po for for ari science, but in a frantic session, i saw the red flag out. Several drivers investigated for impeding for stopping, meanwhile, was visibly frustrated with his red bones and lack of performance. After finishing, just 11th. If youre watching the news live from berlin, heres a reminder of our top story. The says its top of visual ursula found her line. Well visit the italian island upon produce that after rome, asked brussels for help to deal with a sharp increase in migrant arrivals. More than 8000 people arrived there in just a few days this thats all for now up. Next we have a documentary about a woman who urgently needs a new long and hard to stay and take care. And ill see you again at the top of the secret slide. Discovered new adventures in 362 and explore fascinating. Both heritage dw World Heritage 360. 00 now hey guys its evelyn charmaya. Welcome to my pod cast. Last the matter is that i invite celebrities influences and experts to talk about all plain

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