Cenk young turks, weve got a great show for you Gabby Giffords talking to the media now. Children in the classroom its time to say enough. It is time to say enough. Were going to talk to congressman steve cohen about that. Well talk to one of the kennedys. He has controversial things to say not only about gun control but how Fidell Castro is underappreciated. Weve got some great interviews for you guys. On a. I. G. , these are the guys we bailed out. I cant believe theyre doing this. Turns out theyre going to sue us for bailing them out. It makes me sick. On alex jones youve seen it by now, the crazy flip out but hes also flipped out on the young turks. Our battle with alex jones. Thats nothing but fun. Huge show ahead for you guys. Its go time. [ theme ] 34 americans are killed every day by firearms. How was newtown . Weve got to protect our children, our police, our population. My favorite gun is an a. R. 15, because you can be so accurate with it. The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. When will you find the courage to stand up to the gun lobbyists. Careers would be limited if they go against the n. R. A. Weve little to do something to keep the guns from getting into the wrong hands. What we need is action. The president is absolutely committed to keeping his promise. We have to take action. Its time to say enough. Cenk all right, well a lot of us believe that it is time to say enough, and actually work towards reasonable gun control. Now Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, mark kelly are talking about a group called americans for responsible solutions. How was newtown . Brought back a lot of memories about what that was like for us some two years ago today. You hope that this kind of thing doesnt happen again. You know what . It does happen again. Gabby and i are both gun owners. We are strong supporters of the Second Amendment but weve got to do something to keep the guns from getting into the wrong hands. When it can happen to children in a classroom its time to say. Enough. Cenk come on. Thats got to be reasonable enough. Well mayors against guns have a powerful ad out. The mother of advice tina taylor green, a 9yearold murdered in that same tucson shooting Gabrielle Giffords was involved in. 20 heart broken families lost a child in the Sandy Hook School shooting. I know how much it hurts. My 9yearold daughter was murdered in the tucson shooting. I have one question for our political leaders when will you find the courage to stand up to the gun laws . Whos child has to die next . As mothers, we have to demand a plan. Go to demand a plan. Org and add your name. Cenk lets try to answer that question and bring on congressman steve cohen to talk about this issue. Always a great pleasure to have you on, thank you for joining us. Youre welcome nice to be with you cenk. Cenk she said in that ad, when will the politicians find the courage to take on this issue. Whats your sense of the congress . Will this issue be engaged upon when we have some sort of realistic and reasonable gun regulations . As i said earlier on the show, i dont think we will. I did speak to the chair of the House Judiciary Committee about this issue on the floor last friday, and i was pleased to hear that he said we would have hearings, or some type of consideration, but he didnt give me an indication that he would be in favor or that he thought we would pass a bill that would limit access to any type of weapons including high capacity magazines or, you know, maybe Mental Health laws might come about but i dont think the high capacity and assault magazines would have much favor there. You can get a bill from the senate and ever an amendment to a bill that came from the the house and amend it to have some other subject matter, like guns, and maybe the house would have to deal with it, but we saw Speaker Boehner because of the reticenco of the tea party to tax anybody in america, couldnt get to the floor. He was finally forced to because of embarrassment. Maybe that will happen. If it happens at all it will come from the senate. The American Public will have to rise up and be be a strong, strong force. Im pleased so his gabby and mark start their group. They have got a high profile and a high level of support among the American People that they could attract a great number of people to that effort. And miss greens testimonial was great, as well. Its going to take a tremendous outpouring of support. I was listening to bob dylan sing 12 different versions of blowing in the wind and how long will it take to make people hear and how many people have to die. This is the same kind of thing blowing in the wind and its going to take a tremendous outpouring of Community Support and public support to force republicans to even consider any type of issue. I think the n. R. A. Is part of their d. N. A. Cenk congressman, youre saying you talked to republicans and theyre saying that there will be no gun control legislation, maybe theyll address the issue of Mental Health. Who said that, and are you sure that the republicans will simply not introduce the legislation . Oh, they wont introduce it. Cenk or bring it up, i should say. The impression i got from the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee is that there would maybe be a hearing that they would have to have a hearing. This is i think a step, because two weeks, three weeks ago, i didnt even think theyd have a hearing, but he did say wed have a hearing. We did talk about the other issues. I didnt get any sense there would be a vote. You have a hearing and a mark up if you have a bill. Theres a big difference. A lot of bills or issues can have hearings, but getting a mark up is something else. It depends on the hearing who gets to testify, and the Majority Party which in the house is republicans would pick three of the speaker and the democrats would get to pick one. We might have somebody like a mayor bloomberg or somebody involved with the mayors who are concerned. Cenk or gabby gifford. Goby would be wonderful. I think it would be mark, i dont think gabby is making too much in the way of public statements, but maybe shed come. Cenk if you go through the hearing, they still might bring you the up for mark up. The senate would have to act. Lets say the senate did act. Would the house then be forced to act on it or could they say sad day we dont care at all were simply not going to vote on the senate bill . Which way do you think they are going to go on it . I dont think it would come up. Theres just too many people that would be against it from the republican side for Speaker Boehner to schedule it. You heard senator mcconnell say were going to be dealing with the budget and with spending cuts and our deficit and we dont have time to deal with gun control. I think thats absurd that you cant deal with many issues taillight. You have all kind of different committees and different expertise and different issues come up, but Mitch Mcconnell made that clear. I think thats going to be the republican mantra, no new revenue, no consideration of gun laws its all about cuts, were holding up the government on the debt ceiling for the continuing resolution. I think were going to have an even more difficult 113th 113th congress than the donothing 112th congress at that the 112th congress was the nader of congresses. Not ralph. Eric cant tore wanting to step up its a shakespeareen type thing. Cenk congress has a 9 Approval Rating. Head lice and cockroaches are more popular than congress. Do you have a sense from your colleagues obviously youre a democratic you want to discuss gun control. Twenty murdered kids, apparently as far as theyre telling you didnt do it, theyre not going to bring it up. A congresswoman getting shot in the head didnt do it. Massacre after massacre didnt do it. Is there any amount of murder and mayhem in this country that would actually push the republicans to schedule a vote on this in the house . I dont see it, because i really think the Republican House membership and the caucus is so far out of touch its not anything like republicans used to be that were an alternative party and had a moderating influence. The moderates are gone. You saw steve latarette reach the apex of his exposure at the end of congress as a reasonable republican. He didnt run for reelection, because there arent Reasonable Republicans left. I saw chris sheas get beat by a good democratic. He was a moderate congress person. Those people dont exist anymore. The caucus would vote and theyre on the edge of revolt now. It wouldnt take a lot to have these people put boehner out and cantor in. Its difficult for him to go anywhere because hes kind of a hostage of the tea party. Even though theyre not at popular as some years ago and not as popular as they were when i said something about the tea party on this show that got me into a little stew, but it was the truth and i was the first person to say it, that they still have a tremendous influence on the Republican House caucus. Its on the fringe of american politics, but theyre in the majority in the house and theyre going to hold the American People hostage and not let gun issues that can save peoples lives come up. Cenk unfortunately depressing news out of the house of representatives here. Its unbelievable that these republicans will not bring up any Gun Legislation after all of these massacres and all those kids killed in newtown. Its stunning to see. Thank you for joining us on the young turks and shedding light on this situation. We appreciate it. Thank you cenk. I hope you wont hold it against me. Its like jack nicholson. You cant face the truth. Cenk and the truth is ugly. I know you know that truth and youre opposed to it. Thank you. Thank you happy new year. Cenk you too. When we come back, wither going to keep talking about gun control. Once we get on the issue of the cuban embargo wait until you hear kennedys answer on what he thinks george bush would have done during the cuban missile crisis. President kennedy died at 1 00 p. M. Central standard time, 2 00 eastern standard time. Very, very excited about that and very proud of that. Beltway politics from inside the loop. We tackle the big issues here in our nations capital, around the country and around the globe. Dc columnist and four time emmy winner bill press opens currents morning news block. Well do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning. Liberal and proud of it. You know who is coming on to me now . You know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials . Those types are coming on to me all the time now. vo she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. Ok, so theres wiggle room in the ten commandments, thats what youre saying. You would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. Absolutely. And so would mitt romney. vo shes joy behar. And the best part is that current will let me say anything. What the hell were they thinking . From dallas texas the flash apparently official, president kennedy died at 1 00 p. M. Central standard time, 2 00 eastern standard time, some 38 minutes ago. Cenk well, we all remember that historic day when Walter Cronkite announced that j. F. K. Had been killed. There was gun violence in the past, were still halted by similar gun violence today. I talked you to christopher lovered kennedy, the nephew of j. F. K. And Bobby Kennedy the author of the book recover to live, kick any habit manage any addiction. I talked to him about gun control and Mental Health. I think there are too many guns in this country. The proliferation of firearms leads to increased murder rates. Theres no questioout iries limit guns, they are successful in bringing down gun violence. That is a fact. I mean, the n. R. A. Can talk their stuff all day long, theyre lies. Ok . The f. B. I. Statistics, statistics from around the world are evidence enough that there are too many guns in this country. We dont need assault weapons in this country. These people constantly, you know, they talk about the Second Amendment. Mow of them dont really know the history of the Second Amendment. Thomas jefferson the principle author of the Second Amendment believed that we should relook at the bill of rights every 20 years and see whether they needed to be tweaked. Certainly in my estimation, this amendment needs to be tweaked. Nobody intended, the framers never intended, this was about arming a militia against foreign invasion. It was not about our own government coming to get us, which a lot of these folks are talking about or just the right to bear any kind of arms and as many arms as you want. Its ridiculous. Cenk absolutely. The second component is Mental Health. A lot of republicans saying dont such guns, because the real problem is people who have Mental Illness so lets create a National Database of those people and keep an eye on them. What do you think about that . I dont think thats a good idea. I mean, look, if were going to do it for Mental Health, lets do it for physical health, to. We ought to provide health care for our citizens. I consider health care a social justice issue and i believe that this country has the obligation of providing health care, whether its physical or Mental Health for all its citizens. The truth is that those who suffer from Mental Health disorders, 50 to 70 of those folks are Walking Around with an addictive disease always. Fifty to 70 of the people who present with an addiction also are suffering from a co occurring Mental Illness. You know, i grew up in a family where i lost two very important members of my family to gun violence. I was 12 years old when my uncle bobby was assassinated in los angeles, california. That i have the genetic front loading for alcoholism. We know today from the science that a kid who has the genetic front loading for addiction and suffers trauma in their add less dense is 50 more likely to develop adickive disease later in life and co occurring Mental Illness. This i wasnt responsible for that, ok . We need to get serious about both gun control and treating Mental Illness in this country. Cenk republicans dont want to treat Mental Illness. They just want to register people so they can put them on a list somewhere. Thats crazy. Thats crazy. Cenk you know, then that leads to the question based on what youre saying if Mental Health is connected oh addiction, do they want a list for addicts, as well and what are they going to do with that list . I dont know, but the truth is this is insanity. I mean, we are the richest country on the planet. We, you know, we have an obligation to begin, you know, for every dollar that goes to the National Institute of health only 10 cents negotiation to the National Institute of Mental Health. We are now beginning to really understand Mental Illness and the brain. The pharmacological advances and advances in Brain Science are a brand new era into understanding these things and developing treatment and prevention for them. The answer is not to put people on lists. The answer is not to allow more guns. The answer is to restrict, you know, assault weapons and ammunition and the answer is to begin, you know, reducing stigma and shame for these diseases, these Mental Health illnesses and addiction and treating them. I wrote recover to live because i believe that, you know, everybody has a right to find out good information about what theyre suffering from and if they want the to make changes in their life to have a blueprint for that change and my book does that. You talk about addiction in the book obviously. What degree of moral capability is there. If youre predisposed youre predisposed. If i have a beer, you have a beer, im not going to get addicted and youre more likely to get addicted. Maybe i shouldnt have had as many beers. My attitude is the 12yearold kid who experiments in adolescence and develops an addictive disease because he has absent parents isnt culpable for having it. Once you know you have it, youre responsible for treating it. Cenk he wasnt done yet. We talked to him about a movie hes hoping to make about a cuban missile crisis, but from the perspective of the cubans. How he knows the perspective from our side, because it was his uncle who was the president at this time, but he had some very strong words to say about that and our embargo against cuba. President kennedy resisted the advice of his advisers, otherwise we would have attacked. If george bush had been president , we would have attacked, there would have been a nuclear war no question about it. Nuclear warheads would have landed on the continental United States. Weve had an embargo against that island since 1962 and that embargo. Cenk youve got to admit that the embargoes almost worked. If we give it another 40 or 50 years, i think weve got it. Well, it has worked in strangling the cuban population. The american embargo has inflicted unbelievable damage on the population of cuba. It hasnt worked very well at all in terms of the political culture there, which it was intended to do, but it has infected the population to a great degree. I remember i was there and they were talking to me about because we had built the entire sanitation system in cuba when we initiated this embargo. When that went south they couldnt fix it and there was unbelievable sickness and death from the results of that. We also, part of the embargo that most people dont understand is not only are you not allowed to spend money American Companies arent allowed to do business, but any company, any ship that docks in cuba from any country is then not allowed to dock in the United States for six months. Cenk that will show them. Now that, weve really done some serious damage down there. They think of it as terrorism just so were clear. Cenk wow. I dont want to get into a thing about this, but its really been its unfortunate what weve done down there. Cenk wow and he also talked about how fidel castro was underappreciated in other parts of that interview, as well, saying that weve got all the wrong view of him here in the u. S. So strong and interesting words from him. When we return, youll have strong and interesting words from me about a. I. G. , remember the 182 billion bailout . Heres how theyre going to thank us. The leading Global Insurance company here in america. Weve repaid every dollar america lent us. Everything, with a profit of more than 22 billion. Cenk weve got some Amazing Stories for you guys in this hour. Im so angry about a. I. G. And Michael Savage is a lunatic. Today is full of republican lunatics on this show. Anna has those stories. A. I. G. Is so grateful that the taxpayers gave them a 122 billion bailout. They put out these ads thanking us. Take a look. The leading Global InsuranceCompany Based right here in america. Weve repaid every dollar america lent us. Everything, plus a profit of more than 22 billion. For the American People. Thank you america. Helping people recover and rebuild. Now, lets bring on tomorrow. Theyre so grateful, but theyre planning on joining a lawsuit against the federal government, because they didnt like the terms of that bailout. [ laughter ] cenk theyre considering suing us for 25 billion for bailing their sorry asses out when no one else would. Its Hank Greenburg who used to run a. I. G. Coming back and saying if you let us run it we did let you run it and it made us have to bail you out. Elizabeth warren said a. I. G. Nearly crashed our entire company. It would be outrageous for them to sue. Thats why its important that she is in the congress. They purposely and blatantly put in front an asian guy black woman, White Construction worker were everybody. Theyre liars. My favorite ethnic group by the way is the construction worker. Cenk they said were looking forward to tomorrow when were going to sue you. By the way thankfully a federal judge has already ruled against this lawsuit saying cenk nah that was earlier. Theyre considering going further with the lawsuit, and again, its some shareholders and the board is meeting to determine whether they are going to join the lawsuit. They would bring tremendous resource to say that, resources they have because we bailed their sorry asses out. Ok, by the way lesson learned. Remember that next tile. If you help these people out next time around, what are they going to do . Theyre going to sue you anyway. Its recordbreaking ungratefulness. Its amazing that they dont have a clause for immunity. That would be another lesson learned, to have some sort of immunity built into the loan. Cenk speaking of unpopular folks in the country. Right leaning rasmussen did a poll on the tea party. The tea party is almost obsolete. 8 claim Tea Party Membership in the poll. Thats a tiny little number. Cenk right, the Approval Rating is actually 30 which is, ive seen other polls near 20 , one near half. To be fair to them, their Approval Rating fluctuates, right and sometimes its ok and sometimes its disastrous. Only 8 of the country saying their part of the tea party. Its almost irrelevant. In 2010, they were 24 . In less than two years theyve gone from 24 to eight. Its hard to keep your numbers up when theyre not getting to the places to be polled. Cenk they have outlived their usefulness to the guys who have all the money who brought all the messages to the tea party, go support super rich people and Corporate America. Dont let them Reform Health care. Were making so much money out of it. Give us more and more and more. Did they send any buses to do protests to the bailouts which is what the tea party was for . None, they didnt do that. Now that the tea party is screwing up plans for giant give aways to the rich and cuts to the in titlements by being too obstinate. They are saying move along. Obama gave them basically what they wanted on taxes. The people saying we paid these folks, we got a great deal, shut up already. The only bus we have four is the one going back home. Dont worry though, because Michael Savage, one of the top lunatics in the country who is although, to be fair, the Third Largest radio talk show host in the country has a new plan. What is it . He wants to give advice. He says the nationalist party is what the nazi party was called in germany. Cenk literally. Literally. And they also had a charismatic leader. Seriously, do you think that Michael Savage now that hes calling for the nazi party and doing it anyway, or is he such an unbelievably ignorant person that he doesnt get saying we need a charismatic leader for a National Party is ignorant . Think about it, hes being supportive of the tea party which has 8 membership. At point in fact, people thought at that time that hitler was crazy and irrelevant, as well. Im not likening the two but you have to Pay Attention to what somebody who has the Third Largest radio show in the country says. I dont think hes stupid. I think hes a more rob but not stupid. When youre talking about a nationalist party, i think the associations are obvious. Cenk all right. Lets do one more quick story here. This one slightly uplifting at the end. Yes. There is a palestinian who decided to put together a film to show that there is nonviolent activism happening in gaza. He titled the film five broken cameras. Watch this and well discuss. Ok, my apologies theyre documenting from a small village in the west bank. Its really interesting to see how attitudes are changing, not only in, you know, among palestinians but also among israelis, many arguing that theres no democracy in israel at all. A recent poll by the times of israel says 67 of respondent would support a two state solution based on the 1967 border. Cenk thats encouraging. The movie is discouraging obviously and heartbreaking to see how theyre being treated. On the other hand. Youve got a great majority of the israelis saying lets do a deal. They end up voting for the right wing government of israel instead, but now voting to give away some land to the palestinians. They refer to it as real democracy. The whole point of the Facebook Page is to allow israelis to trade votes with the palestinians. Since palestinians are unable to vote on their fate, these israelis are willing to vote for whom ever these individuals want them to vote for. One wrote of the. Cenk i want people to understand that israel is not monolithic. Theres a wide range of opinion and here are these brave israel eyes saying im going to give my vote to a palestinian in the west bank to live up to the eye deof democracy. I wonder what the response is going to be and what kind of bullying may take place and not going to make any before he dictions, but if they stay in line with the status quo. Cenk voter i. D. Laws in israel. We have that to look forward from their right wing government as we had here from our right wing government. Really interesting conversation, we find out one of those Fake Tea Party groups pretending to be grassroots is getting a tremendous amount of money from the rich, of course. How much of that money are they giving to glenn beck and Rush Limbaugh . Thats super interesting. Well talk about it when we come back. Cenk now if theres one thing i know about glenn beck is that hes a principled guy. He cares a lot about his principles. From time to time he might be talking about Freedom Works which is a Tea Party Group that apparently has a lot of money from rich donors, but he does it out of principle. I heard it on this program june 11, 2012. You need to be standing together. Thats why when Freedom Works reached out to me, i reached back. I am not into the Political Part of it. I dont want to get im not a guy who joins things, im really not. The minute an organization would start, you know, betraying my values, then i would no longer be a part of that organization oh. Now is the time that we need to organization and Freedom Works has that organization and a plan for this november. I want you to see it. Please go to freedomworks. Com. The one thing glenn beck cares about is his values. Its interesting because let me show you dick arm eys quote cenk a million bucks you know how they say youre liberals, you get money. They assume that, because they get money from their rich donors. You think its their actual opinion . Rich people, what do you want me he to say. Give me a Million Dollars and ill say anything you want. Mother jones reports cenk what happened, glenn . You cant make it on your own in the free market, you got to go back to the rich people . Give me money please, i need money for the t. V. Studio. They are giving money to glenn becks radio ads t. V. And Rush Limbaugh contract. What happened to the free market . Amazing that he talked to you guys and amazing how honest he was. So tell me about what dick armey said about paying Rush Limbaugh and whether they got their moans worth. Media matters talked to dick armey last week. He has a bit of a vendetta with his former employer, even though he got a massive payoff. We were curious what are these expenditures that mother jones reported on . Whats this glenn beck, radio fundraising. Dick armey told media matters its what he thought was a waste of money well over a Million Dollars for glenn beck last year, and approximately probably half a Million Dollars for limbaugh. That contract began later in the year. Interestingly, Freedom Works signed up with limbaugh just about the time he was having his scandal problem with the senator fluk situation. He was losing advertisers. Freedom works swooped in and started writing him checks. Cenk i didnt know that part. It almost shows you hey are you sure even though youre saying hateful things and its costing you in the free market, dont worry, heres your reward of half a Million Dollars for saying that. Right Corporate America has abandoned you 100, 200 Companies Said do not put us on the Rush Limbaugh show. Freedom works came in, i think the first salter of ad or spa the marketing branding effort they ran april of last year, right when limbaugh was trying to recover from his fiasco. Youve been in radio. There are live spots the hosts read on the air they get a script and read it and try to make it part of their show. Its obvious theyre reading a commercial. Advertisers like their spots to be part of the program. This wasnt really that. This was a pretty concerted effort to do as minimal disclosure as possible and really as dick armey told media matters, just say nice thing about Freedom Works. Im pretty sure glenn beck would have said nice things about the tea Party Without being paid a Million Dollars but that is sort of this racket that they came up with. It became this closed loop. They are playing again beck and Rush Limbaugh to fundraise for Freedom Works. Theyre listeners would send money to dedom works and they would spend all that money writing checks to are you sure and limbaugh. It was this closed loop that had nothing to do with activism or growing the tea party. It just had to do with stuffing money into the packets of right wing talk show hosts. Its great work if you can get it. I thought they hated subsidies. Who is doing these subsidies . Where does the lions share of the money come from for Freedom Works. Obviously the Koch Brothers major donors, Heritage Foundation has been paying a ton of money to limbaugh and rely on these grass roots donors. Its important to their budget, but it turns out a lot of that money is just going into the hands of talk show hosts. Is a pointed out payola is usually associated with music radio. You cant pay a station to play a song unless you disclose it. They are paying these radio hosts to say nice things about the tea Party Without going out of their way to disclose it. Its kind of a bit of a fraud and again it shows you this sort of main making racket that exists just to raise money to pay these right wing radio hosts who would have said these things anyway. It has nothing to do with activism or grassroots political movement. Again, radio listeners might be curious what else are these people being paid to say that they dont really tell their listeners. Cenk indeed. My guess is youll break that story next. Thanks for joining us. Sure thing is that weve got a lot of fun stories including Charlie Sheen and the mayor of l. A. Hanging out in an interesting place. They have two different versions of that story. Drama. I had a three minute conversation. I took a picture with him. Im in the picture taking business. I take a picture virtually every single day 50 times. Cenk all right. I dont know if youve seen alex jones, but hes a nut. He believes in every conspiracy there is in the world. He went on piers morgan last night. Hes the guy at a started the movement to get piers morgan kicked out of the country and madness ensued. 1776 will commence again if you try to take our fire articles. The republic will rise again. You can become an american and join the republic. Do you understand . How many great white sharks kill people every year, but theyre scared to swim . How many chimpanzees can dance on it is head of a pin . Ill wear red white and blue and you can wear your jolly roger. Mass murder pills cenk i dont know what i like better, great white sharks or the mass murder pills. Were very familiar with alex jose. Hes taken us on before. He did this long video. We made a video of showing the facts. Then he lost it, including his shirt. He has this response video. I saw a video yesterday where the young t under the influence rds were saying theyre the number one news show. Im on 100 stations and look at my website compared to theirs, look at my videos, more views. Youre full of crap. Im number one. Cenk all right two things, one, the piers morgan interview he keeps his shirt on. Here are the real facts. Look at the facts, all right alex. He has a great number of views on is you tube channel. Ok not bad not bad. Young turks, that would be more views. Both of those numbers are from today. Oh so alex, look at the facts and watch out for the murder pills and the great white sharks. All right, guys. I mean, piers morgan whos normally combative said three words in that have view. I know. He was actually my favorite part of that interview because he was cool as a cucumber. He has a smug look on his face, but i really like it. I enjoyed that as well. That probably enraged alex jones more, but to get to more serious comment about this story alex jones feeds into the paranoia that americans have. Not everyone is mentally stable and they hear these conspiracies and think ive got to load up and have my guns and ammunition because theyre out to get me. Peers made the best point letting him speak. He has 50 guns in his house. Do you want that lunatic with 50 guns . It was the best ad for gun control you could imagine. Exactly. A very, very stupid man is alex jones. Cenk were out of time. When we come back, well tell you, but, you know, apparently John Fugelsang is going to tell us whats on next. Good evening cenk. Great to talk to you. Weve got quite on tonights show including alex jones americas sweetheart. Im not saying hes crazy but hes waiting for his next sponge bath from nurse ratchet. Probably now on the phone demanding his refund or it will be 1776 all over again. Were going to talk live with nancy bowman, a real life witness of the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords two years ago today. Today marks the two Year Anniversary of nothing being done after the shooting. Cenk look forward to it. Well take a quick break and be right back. Is a fantastic experience. 30 shrimp for 11. 99. I cant imagine anything better. Youre getting a ton of shrimp and it tastes really good [ male announcer ] hurry in to red lobsters 30 shrimp for just 11. 99 choose any two of five savory shrimp selections like mango jalapeno shrimp and parmesan crunch shrimp. Two delicious shrimp selections on one plate all with salad and unlimited cheddar bay biscuits. 30 shrimp, just 11. 99 for a limited time. Wow, thats a lot of shrimp. Im ryon stewart im the ultimate shrimp lover, and i sea food differently. Hersheys Simple Pleasures chocolate. 30 less fat, 100 delicious. [ voice of dennis ]. Safe driving bonus check . Every six months without an accident, allstate sends a check. Ok. 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