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With jacki healthcare corner in addition. Thats the plan. Stephanie because shes the spokes model healthcare geek. Good morning everybody. Happy friday. Its busy day for general David Petraeus who is testifying at this hour in closed door meetings. What comes out of that is up to the Committee Members and what they want to share with you. Lawmakers want to know why there wasnt tighter security in benghazi when it was attacked on september 11th, they are also looking for initial explanation to the attack and why it was relateed to an antimuslim movie rather than a preplanned act of terror. There are talking poison but u. N. Ambassador susan rice. There were notes made four days after the attack and made no mention of terror top chair woman feinstein said shes interested in what general petraeus may have learned when he went to libya after the talk. General petraeus went to tripoli and interviewed many of the people who were involved. The opportunity to get his views is very important. General petraeus is also now under investigation from the c. I. A. Inspector general who has launched an investigation into the affair that led the former direct for resign last week. The agency is looking into the matter to make sure that there was no official wrongdoing, and also that general petraeus didnt use Agency Resources improperly. Also the fbi investigation about the affair is still open about classified information that Paula Broadwell had now they want to know why. If you ever raise taxes on the rich, youre going to destroy our economy. Not true the chill of peppermint. The rich dark chocolate. York peppermint pattie get the sensation. Youve heard stephanies views. No bs, authentic, the real thing. Now, lets hear yours at the only online forum with a direct line to Stephanie Miller. The only thing that can save america now Current Television. Join the debate now. [ theme music ] [ theme music ] announcer ladies and gentlemen, its the Stephanie Miller show. Stephanie yahoo, happy friday, its the Stephanie Miller show. Comedian lewis black joins us today. How exciting is that . Its very, very exciting stephanie i bet hes very happy about the election. Im so happy. Cant you tell actually he kind of is. Stephanie i still savor the beleaguered right winger when lewis black was in the studio. Youre an idiot. Stephanie great, Stephanie Miller. Com is the website and 1800steph12. Now that the election is over, yesterday, i think it was britain sent this from crocodile hunter. Sound bite this beaver would have a big enough bite to remove a large section of my bone. You wouldnt want to have that bite. Stephanie steph, i see the beaver sound bite and raise him one paul lynn. Sound bite beaver face. Paul, can you get an elephant drunk . Yes, but he still wont come up to your apartment. Stephanie oh, boy. Speaking of paul. Another paul. I hear things romney mentions as gifts from obama, but those are a function of government. No one is making the obvious statement that it was romneys campaign was promising cash in the form of a 20 tax cut. There is no better gift. Thank you paul. Stephen with some new thinking on the fiscal cliff. Steph, how about if we push the republicans off the fiscal cliff and we ride our ponies back counsel the hill of multi Racial Community picnic event. What did a dressage pony. Im going to name nine mine stormy. It took a big bite out of my bone. Stephanie who is the biggest sore loser. Mitt romney or john mccain. Sound bite oh, my god. Stephanie susan rice is not qualified to be secretary of state because shes not very bright. But sarah palin was the best choice to be Vice President. [ bell ringing ] there is that n. Did you see this, he got in a spat about why he was having a press conference instead of going to the Committee Meeting where he would get the information that he was screaming for. Here he is screaming at the reporter. Who the hell are you telling me whether i can or not. Im not giving you an answer for the tenth time. Stephanie its not policy. Who the hell are you. [ aah hello. Angriyest man in the world. John mccain. He just gets bitterer and bitterer. We thought he was angry in the original campaign. He needs a take his pill and take a nap. I hate you and i hate your face. Stephanie lets review shall we . John mccain has promiseed to filibuster susan rice. Randy roads, my radio bff who was talking about the different between Condoleezza Rice and susan rice and our rice is better than your rice. The San Francisco treat. Sue an rice was getting her information directly from the c. I. A. Which i smell a very large rat. Stephanie this was the information that was out there. Whereas dontwhereas Condoleezza Rice knew there no wmd. Stephanie many times the worst National Security failure happens on her watch and she gets promoted to secretary of state, and john mccain has no problem with that. Hell block do whatever to block the nominations that our power and said hes not very bright although shes stanford educated. I came in aahh this was over my head. Shes like sydney allen, she was way out of high league. Interestingly, john mccain took a far different approach to another rice in 2009. [ magic wand music ] when bush nominated Condoleezza Rice to the post, mccain supported it saying that Saddam Hussein was developing weapons of mass destruction. He said we can disagree on policy and lots of things, but i think Condoleezza Rice is a person of integrity. Yes, i see bitterness over a very tough campaignreally not like we would see subsequently. Wow. Stephanie yeah. Any way. Who the hell are you. Stephanie well thanks for asking. Announcer Stephanie Miller. Stephanie there was a set of talking points that was provided to congress, grampy. The video had been cited as being the impetus for the attack in recent weeks challenging the republican narrative. This is what the reporter was asking about. And mccain skipped the Committee Meeting on benghazi to cry about not getting information been benghazi. All of the Senators Press available may be interviewing with his ability to gather information about the event. And like that was too obvious so he has this little sidekick Lindsay Graham with him and then he brings kelly iot. I dont want to look like im picking on the chicks, so lets bring on a chick. That was the that was the exchange we just played. Theyre calling it an intense exchange. The mccain spokesperson said mccain was absent from the benghazi meeting due to a scheduling issue. Stephanie the schedule to have his face in front of the camera every moment. Oh grampy. Angry men yell at clouds. Stephanie i see that cartoon in my head every time he talks. Sound bite cancel the apple pie on the seat. Oh grandpa. Are you sitting on the pie . I sure hope so. Stephanie heas long as ive known him he has another wavered on class classified information. He made it clear that his he is rig nation was over an extramarital affair and not classified information or benghazi. You said at the closed hearings. Its closed hearing. Its classified information is probably being discussed. We wouldnt want to be like Paula Broadwell and have classified information downloaded into our brain. Stephanie accidently. Okay. So general petraeus cant keep it in his pants, therefore, obama must be impeached obviously. Stephanie yeah right george bush appointedyeah thats obamas fault. And that eric cantor didnt say anything about that, even though you knew something about it but didnt leave hisnever mind. Stephanie diane in chicago. Hi diane. Caller how are you this morning . Stephanie good go ahead. Caller john mccain has post election syndrome like sometimes it may not hit them until four years later and this is what is happening with him. So you know stephanie normally you get too hold to old to hold a grudge . Im too old to care about anything. No, they dont. No, they dont. Hes thinking, oh, i should have reacted like this four years ago. Let me get them now. Stephanie exactly. It gets worse and worse. You think hell be over this by now. I think imwould you love to be a fly on the wall in his living room Election Night . Hes the angriest dog in the world because it further validated obama. It was not a fluke. Im sure he might have even wanted to hit something. Stephanie interesting. Not a bit like ed harris. Stephanie la von, am i saying this right . Welcome to the Stephanie Miller. Caller its laverne. Stephanie were sorry laverne. Caller my question stephanie is this. In 2001 when the terrorists did attack the u. S. Where were all these republicans then demanding answers . I understand the situation that went on in benghazi, and my heart goes out to all the families. But where was this anger in 2001 when we needed them to be angry . Stephanie exactly. I think his partisan stripes have never been, like you say when you compare Condoleezza Rice. Its so ridiculous. 17 minutes after the hour and known unsolicited testimony to soda stream. Just in time for the holiday. Stephanie thank you jim. I was doing other stuff. Stephanie that was un uncharacteristically helpful of you jim. Stephanie two years ago we bought soda stream and thought it would be great but two years later we love it any more. I dont buy soda any more, and with the coupons that bed bath and beyond are always sending they cost very little. You are so many flavors and you can have any flavor you want. There are over 60 flavors right, chris. Even stuff like country time and the crystallite. Stephanie whats that you say . Theyre your favorite blinds. One for every second. Stephanie country time, diet all Natural Energy drinks, regular. And you could just make sparkling water. Hmm. [ magic want wand music. [. And no bottles to throw away. Stephanie and my favorite, you could have alcohol. Im sure they dont encourage that. Stephanie sure they do. Do you know that every theater that sexy liberal has ever played at has said thats the most alcohol we have ever sold. Get your soda stream in time for the holidays. Prices start at 80 and it saves you money over time. And no lugging. Were not lugging people. Stephanie no target, walmart, kohls beth bath and beyond, you can find stores near yew. And sue from rockwell loves it. Sound bite can you positively guarantee that it will give me an orgasm . Yes. Announcer its the Stephanie Miller show. [ music ] with the bestinclass fuel economy. Engineered to move heaven and earth. Guts. Glory. Ram. From silver screens. To flat screens. Twizzlerize your entertainment everyday with twizzlers the twist you cant resist. vo she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. Ok, so theres wiggle room in the ten commandments, thats what youre saying. vo shes joy behar. Current will let me say anything. [ music ] announcer Stephanie Miller. [ music ] stephanie its the Stephanie Miller show. Welcome to it. What is that . Stephanie its a bean. I brought crou u detat. Did you bring enough for everybody welcome . Stephanie mmhmm. Oh, its the john and pam show. I dont think we talked to them post election. Its the john and pam show john and pam show stephanie good morning john and pam show. Caller good morning. Caller good morning, baby. Aah. Caller i dont know if youre having it out here there, but we have groups setting up tables in front a couple of post offices. Theyve got obama painted up as hitler, and theyre taking signatures to impeach him. Stephanie based on what now . Caller come of it is overis over what happened at benghazi. Some of it is coming down to that they just dont want him in office. You cant impeach Somebody Just because you dont want them in office. Stephanie these two groups are at cross purposes. People want to secede and they dont want obama. They need to work that out within themselves. Caller theyve got these signs, im so upset. These tables, like john said, obama dressed as hitler, and they have 9 11 2012. I told john i want to go back today and maybe take some pictures. Stephanie oh dear. Caller but, steph, you know, i saw it. As a nation we have we havent grown up. Every state in the nation has a petition to secede. When has this ever happened . Well right. Caller where were all these people when bush was in office and he said there were weapons of mass destruction and all our men and women over there were killed. Stephanie yeah. Caller and nobody did anything. Stephanie it really is like a national temper tantrum. These employers theyre lashing out at their customers or their employees. Caller im just soim disappointed stephanie. Im just so disappointed. Stephanie oh, i know honey what can you say . You just hope that time will heal this because its really incredible. There is always going to be an extreme i cant yahoo in this country. Caller i thought after the election there would be some unitedness, we have come so far with our president. And now i stephanie you got to take some heart in the Election Results. We are in the obviously the vast majority. Thats the onlylets think about if the election turned out the other way how we would feel. Caller steph, i just hopei hope that these few people that are out there doing this, they stop. Because they wont allow the president to make this a better united United States to unite us. Stephanie pam, i dont know if you heard me yesterday there is definitely a sad side. Last week we were all about celebrating and good fun. But im telling you to the woman who disfigured her husband, ran over him with a car because he didnt vote and she was upset about obama getting elected. And a gay guy killed himself. A gay guy killed himself. His partner said he left a note saying fobama. Are people losing their minds . I dont know. Caller i was so joyous that we hadwe had elected obama again. I thought we were going to move forward. Stephanie we are, we are, we are. Caller i feel like im slipping back in the 50s. The 1860s actually. That didnt work out so well for them last time. Caller no, i dont think so. From everything i ahead. Stephanie some commissioner said thati dont know where in the south that they were finally going to enact the healthcare exchange. Going up against the feds, we tried that and didnt work out so well last time. 29 minutes after the hour right back on the Stephanie Miller show. To some degree won the spin cycle in the last wisconsin election. I heard Rush Limbaugh, oh, theyre asking the unions to give up a little bit. They already agreed. Thats not what this is about. Scott walker testified to that it wont do anything for the budget. He just wanted to strip their collective bargaining rights. [ music ] people when im upset. Do you share the sense of outrage that theyre doing this, this corruption based on corruption based on corruption. I think thats an understatement, eliot. U im not prone tot. Understatement, so explain to me why that is. I think the mob learned from wall st. , not vice versa. [ music ] [ music ] friday is hawaiian shirt day. Stephanie is it passage free friday . Has Jacki Schechner declared a pants free friday . 34 minutes after the hour. 1800steph12 the pom then the number tollfree from anywhere. Caller why is he talking to speaker boehner. Wasnt he tried to get everybody paid off. Stephanie from the tobacco companies. Caller from the cigarette companies, i mean for years. Ive watched politics for years and i mean it was always like a joke two and three years ago always drunk all the time. Well, yeah. Caller you know, a political joke. Ive heard people say that. I just want to make a comment. I was watching David Schuster the last show, and i canti just want to make a comment because ive watched him for years, too. My friend have sisters in college, and i guess hes really popular in dorms. Stephanie hes dreamy. Caller in dorm rooms. People have pictures of him in their dorm rooms. Stephanie really . I cant wait to tease him about that. Caller politics, im just a housewife, and i hear stories about college but were not there. Stephanie hes like a political geek liker beat. Like Shawn Cassidy of the political world. Caller they were talking about religion on the last show, and i just wanted to make a comment. It seems that all the republican ministers, you know, like the evangelical people their ministers are more like glenn beck, what they were taught. They probably had ministers like glenn beck in their churches. Im lutheran so i just had a pastor like a regular he didnt do anything but read out of the bible. He didnt act like glen we glenn beck. If youre raised you dont know the difference. But people who have religious parents that are taught in the traditional way from their grandparents are different than born again people. Stephanie i dont much caller either you have parents, grandparents or great grandparents who taught you or a minister you dont know anything about religion, and you have glenn beck. Stephanie i dont know much about lutherism except you have great hot dishes. Caller its your traditional catholic or traditional methodist, its all from catholic. Im swedish. Im practiceing catholic. I practiced so good im not practicing any more. Thats easy to do on pants free friday into. Stephanie it is. Youre much quicker than usual. Like chris buying jesus. What. Stephanie former Navy Chaplain gordon clingenscmidt. I wonder if he noserings knows knows Reince Priebus. Priebus. Stephanie he argues that samesex marriage is hastening end times. People who support samesex marriage are ultimately the same as those who crucified christ. Who said nothing about homosexuality. He had been on. Clingenscmdit. Stephanie schultz, clingenscmdit is here. Stephanie he was on some radio show, and he claimed that lgbt rights and samesex marriage would receive a stinging rebuke in the next election. Hes like dick morris. Mitt is going to lose in a landslide and then im going to lose 140 pounds. Stephanie those who condone destruction as much as those who are getting married. Bringing destruction to the earth thats a common fallty. Did he elaborate. Stephanie he said new testament christians are exempt from all of the Old Testament you scriptures. Who chose the exceptions . Reverend clingenscmdit. Stephanie reverend clingenscmdit. It was my understanding it was all or none thing. Cenk he has written a selfpublished book the demons of barack obama. We get sent a lot of self published books. Stephanie i publish them myself. Would you like to have me on . No. Stephanie no. We bills himself as an exorcist. There is a job waiting for him. Does it involve hitting a pillow with a tennis racket. Stephanie what do you say . Why did you do this to me yeah, its hilarious. Thats the video has etched itself in my brain. This is the guy who degays homosexual men by cuddling them. Clingenscmdit. Stephanie this is my favorite part. He claims that gay demons can affect animals explaining why homosexuality is in the animal kingdom. It happens in every species. Where does that say that in the bible. Stephanie i think fred has been playing with the gay demons. Fred is more affectionatethats all im saying. He always has a guilty look like hes just been in the park getting, you know. That happens a lot in parks. Stephanie he looks aao. You think fred is a little bit of a whore. Stephanie a little bit of a man whore. Spreads his legs for everyone everyone. Stephanie max is straight. I love both of my sons equally. Max plays football. Stephanie this one female friend i have, max goes like the arc of the lost covenant right to the nose. Right to the mmhmm. Stephanie crash rocket nose. Take your or organ back out. Clingenscmdit [ laughing ] stephanie because i just thought this was awesome. Gay marriage and marijuana legalized the same day. If a man lays with an another man like a woman must be stoned. Everybody loves my point. Lets go to wayne in text. Texas. Caller hey mama, life your show. It is very refreshing, i got to tell you. Stephanie thank you. Caller after your last reference to the right wing, have you ever noticed or is it me that as they try to bring fascism to america it comes wrapped in a flag and carried on a cross. But what i really called about is john mccain. I feel so sorry for john mccain. Hes not just a grumpy old man. Hes senile. Stephanie i felt bad for mitt romney until he talked again. Caller he should wander away to the Old Folks Home and drool all over his bib instead of all over us. I expect you want to see my angry crotched grandpa disco card. Sound bite sir this is expired. Sound bite its good for a lifetime. Its expire. Weve been working together almost 20 years. Stephanie its kind of sick. You complete me. Oh god. Stephanie not like that was a good thing. Back when you were a lad with no guns. Stephanie hello dana. Caller good morning. I have my my girlfriend watching. Her first time watching, a shout out. And petie is objecting. Stephanie petie is handsome and romantic. Caller we wanted to be the First Official turner rocks fan of the Stephanie Miller. Get out of my panties. Stephanie your girlfriend is a little trollop. Whats going on there. Caller shes in big trouble. Whats going on with bill 298 . Did i fall asleep during the election . Now theyre right back on the Defunding Planned Parenthood bandwagon. And the heartbeat. Stephanie dont you love how boehner and others think the election never happened . Caller are we in a time warp. Stephanie and the states who voted to legalize marijuana. Thats whats going on. Theyre high. Aaaaaa rock on. 45 minutes after the hour. Right back on the Stephanie Miller show. Sound bite that happened and we all let it happen. Announcer its the Stephanie Miller show. [ music ] vo cenk uygur is many things. Oh really . If you ever raise taxes on the rich, youre going to destroy our economy. Not true [ music ] [ music ] announcer Stephanie Miller. [ music ] stephanie this is the Stephanie Miller show, welcome to it. 1800steph12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. I dont know if he has done it yet david he canner man. Theyve requested security more than you wanted to provide. A quarter of a billion dollars in security upgrades that you refused to make in this committee. Stephanie in benghazi. Then you have the audacity to come here and say why wasnt the protection of these people provided for. The answer is because you damn didnt provide it. Stephanie whew go on. Stephanie good for him. And they responded . Ha ha, ha i got to go. Stephanie is this responsible, are they saying stuff like this. What is clear is this administration, including the president himself has intentionally misinformed the American People in the aftermath of this tragedy. No, sir it is not clear. Stephanie its clear that the president lied . So there is no need for investigation or anything. Because he knows. Stephanie right. Representative. President obama has the gall to float the name as possible secretary of state the name of the person who is the actual vehicle used to misinform the American People during this crisis. The arrogance and dishonesty reflected in all of this is breathtaking and its about time that the president of the United States decide to level with the American People. List find out the facts. Lets not stone wall this issue and cover up mistakes. This is no stone walling, no cover up. She got the information directly from the c. I. A. Stephanie they know full well. This is not unintentional. He got the exact same briefing that susan rice did. He got the same information from the c. I. A. If someone stuck a camera on dana robacker face, he would have said the same thing. Hes an ahole if. Stephanie i wonder if he knows clingenscmdit. Stephanie Reince Priebus is on the phone for you. No, Reince Priebus does not have the energy to shout like that. Stephanie you doesnt have the energy to dial. Whining voice im going to go lie down. Stephanie shes the vehicle of misinformation . You are an idiot ha, ha, ha, ha stephanie i cant believe dana robacker comes from california. Stephanie hi. Caller im upset with when congressman Jesse Jackson has been gone so long in a Mental Health hospital i think there should be some rule that a republican has to go away to a Mental Health hospital too there are so many candidates i think john mccain ought to be the one. Stephanie lets not make fun. All right. Representative jackson we wish him well. Stephanie yes. Hello, marlene. Youre on the Stephanie Miller show. Marlene, by the way, i dont think john mccain is mentally ill. Hes just cranky. Like old men generally are. Stephanie exactly. I was going to update on you the the. [ world world news music ] stephanie the finding appears to bolster assertions by petraeus and his lova. His biographyerslashlova. His thang. His boo. Stephanie his good thang. Their affair did not put National Security secrets at risk. Wow, did you see that. [ music [ world news music ] he hadwow, broad well told petraeus republican money men approached her about a senate run in north carolina. Why her . Stephanie she volunteered what happened to six new acquaintances at an aspen conference that evening over drinks. She had told a small group that she had been arguing with her mentor. Lover. Stephanie about the direction of her career. The republican money men approached her. She was tempted, but she ignored the idea. Because she knows Lance Armstrong . Stephanie is it the lack of body fat. You chicks are so obsessed with her lack of body fat. Stephanie shes that kind you should learn not to beat with me. You know what i mean. Look at my arms. You dont have to where sleeveless every time. Show off. Sound bite you dont have to compete with me i always win. Its snowing you should have sleeves. Stephanie i went running with general petraeus. He thought he was going to test me. I tested him blahblahblah. Thats name dropping. Stephanie i went running with Lance Armstrong. Isnt she like 40 years younger than petraeus. Stephanie 20 but whose counting. Petraeus is 60. Stephanie yeah, shes 40. How do i know every detail. This is like andrea thing for you. Stephanie right . I hardly get anything right. I cant pronounce anything but i know every detail from the bill oreilly sex scandal. Ask me anything. Glen from wisconsin. Youre on the Stephanie Miller show show. Caller hi Stephanie Jim chris. I have a syndrome, obs obama beat down syndrome. The founding members are john mccain and mitt romney. They belong to the obc club. Stephanie the sore loser. Im down with obc. You know me. Stephanie yeah, you know me. Caller i think that theyre just both bitter as hell that they got beat by a black man. Stephanie oh, i dont know. I dont know if itsthats just the icingthats just the black icing on on the cake. Getting beaten is bad enough. We officially enjoy ourselves way too much. I think so. Stephanie we enjoy each other, we enjoy ourselves. Way back in the election scandal 2004. I said we need to learn to hack it back . Somebody has. The protectors who took down o rca. Stephanie allegedly. Allegedly. Stephanie that would be kind of funny. Yes, its great. Stephanie 58 minutes after the hour. Were right back with lewis black coming up. Weve got jackis healthcare corner. And weve got all kind of stuff on the Stephanie Miller show. [ music ] american and they dont pay taxes. Good to know. Theyre the ones destroying the private sector. Right back with the former and future alan grayson on the governor tomorrow night. She is awesome. Well be right back on the Stephanie Miller show. [ music ] stephanie hello Current Television land. Representative peter welch coming up and lewis black. Jacki schechner were going to jackis heat care corner. There are so many right wing douche nozzles trying to obstruct healthcare. We have a new one. I have more restaurant i need to boycott now. Stephanie you barely eat anyway, you teeny little thing. Some republican states are start to go warm up to the healthcare law. Yes my mother is florida rick scott news correspondent and he seems to be coming around. Stephanie well talk about that. There has to be something in it for him as we said earlier. Well get to Jacki Schechner in the current news center. Budget negotiations start today as the president and Vice President welcome congressional leaders to the white house on the list. Majority leader harry reid, Mitch Mcconnell and House Speaker john boehner and nancy pelosi. Theyre all going to try to make some progress in coming to an agreement in how to increase revenue and decrease spending before the tax cuts expire for everyone and predetermined spending cuts kick in automatically. The president said hes willing to compromise but not if it means protecting the top 2 from paying their fair share. Huffington post reports that a coalition of labor groups are mounting a campaign to put pressure on coming to a progressive solution to avoid the fiscal cliff. They would air ads targeting House Republicans and some Senate Democrats they say protect healthcare, education Social Security and rely heavier on higher tax it was. Peter king spoke briefly with report he is this morning following general David Petraeus testimony behind closed doors. Did he not give many details stating its an ongoing investigation. They now clearly believe that it did not arise out of a demonstration. It was not spontaneous and it was clear terrorist involvement. Shes talking about the september 11th attack on our consulate in benghazi. General petraeus went from the house directly over to the senate where the hearings started this hour. Hes answering more questions behind closed doors about that attack. Well see what kind of information we get out that have meeting in the next hour or so. More stuff after the next break and comedian lewis black. You dont want to miss him. [ music ] governor tomorrow night. She is awesome. Well be right back on the Stephanie Miller show. [ forsythe ] we dont just come up here for the view up in alaska. Its the cleanest, clearest water. We find the best sweetest crab for red lobster that we can find. [ male announcer ] hurry in to red lobsters crabfest the only time of year you can savor 5 succulent crab entrees all under 20 dollars. Like a halfpound of tender snow crab paired with savory grilled shrimp, just 12. 99. Or our hearty crab and roasted garlic seafood bake. [ forsythe ] if i wouldnt put it on my table at home, i wouldnt bring it in. My names jon forsythe and i sea food differently. vo she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. Ok, so theres wiggle room in the ten commandments, thats what youre saying. vo shes joy behar. Current will let me say anything. [ music ] announcer ladies and gentlemen, its the Stephanie Miller show. [ music ] stephanie it is the Stephanie Miller show. Happy friday, 1800steph12 the toll free number from anywhere. Apologies to your friend rob reiner and princess bride. They keep using the word compromise. I dont think it means what it means. Stephanie compromise, we lose in a landslide. And then you do what we want. Stephanie and then youre the republican losing tax plan. How about that. Huh . Yeah. Stephanie how about we stay as obstructionist as asbleepbefore the election and pretend it didnt happen. How about that. Tony in tennessee. Its a brief complaint can i be so bold to make a discussion. Can you get a bigger garbage can. It kills me to see you struggle with that little can. That is a recycle bin. Its not a trash can. Stephanie its not big enough. Thank you. Thank you tony, for looking out for me. I appreciate it. [applause] okay wow i love the headline. Republicans, get off the stage mitchmittmitch. Thats what Dave Letterman calls him. Stephanie oh god. First of all what a dufus. Apparently he didnt know there were reporters on the conference call. This guy just doesnt learn. He was doubling down on the 47 comments that got him in so much trouble in the first place and like Everything Else he said in his campaign, completely untrue. I kept trying to unpack what he said and its like nobody is getting free healthcare. What is he talking about . It just doesntlook here he was again. What i would do if i was a democrat running four years from now . Dental care ought to be included in obamacare. Immigration we can solved but giving away free stuff is a hard thing to compete with. Stephanie what . Seriously. This is from salon. What a great piece about the sore loser club. Cry baby, sore losers. Stephanie as sean hannity would say. And did say. Stephanie yes, and did say. Romney is disparaging obamas coalition behind closed doors. It reinforces the worst image of romney who is a sneering plutocrat with contempt for the common man. The man who defeated him has publicly saluted him twice. This is the time for romney to show grace humility and humor too. Instead hes coming across as as a sore loser rather than giving his opponent any credit. Its incredible ego. Ann romney said this man does not fail. Its like he cannot fathom, he cant get his mind around what happened. Literally, these are the excuses of a sore loser. The same can be said for paul ryan. The president should get credit for achieving recordbreaking turn out areas from urban areas. First, completely not true. This smacks of sore loser. Getting lost in swing states rhode island, New Hampshire and if ryan was using urban as a substitute for blacks, yes, he has had votes but also from other areas. Romney this is bad form, the sort of thing that might sound good to conservativers, and comes across as tone deaf from just about everybody else. Here are some fun fact. Urban areas like janesville, wisconsin. Would you like the fun facts there welcome only 37 of ryans hometown voted for him and his running mate. 62 of the jamesville vote went to president obama. That greedy urban area of jamesville wisconsin. The hood. Stephanie yeah. Enough of the failed president ial numberee. They had an enough of him a long time ago. After saying that he claims obama won due to gifts bestowed on women and minorities, romneys comments have not been well received. Romneys theory is not just wrong, its pernicious. Heres hoping that he finally rides over in the political sunset. Bobby jindal excoriateed romney. And if he didnt eliminate enough hispanics look in the mirror. This is not the way we want the Republican Party to go. If you want voters to like you you got to like them first. Its not helpful to tell vetters voters that you think that their vote was bought. We need to stop. Even kenneth the page makes sense. People who are on food stamps, government assistance. They dont want to be there. Theyre there because they dont have the ability to get better paying jobs. Its our responsibility to grow the economy, give them the education and opportunities to have a better quality of life. Stephanie yikes. Republicans starting to make senseno. David fromm held up romneys latest comments as emblematic of his failed campaign. This is why you lost. He wrote mitt romney was very wrong to see 2012 as a ref ran dumb on stuff. It was a referendum of creating jobs. We lost votes because voters did not believe the magic of upper upperwow. I love the latino vote. You just probably lost it for the next decade, thanks, mittens. Romney i love firing people. Stephanie making it harder for the party to move forward. The gifts comments getting play in the Hispanic Media will be well aware of what republicans are saying as romneys president ial misstep. Hes gaffing even after hes done. What a fufus. He needs some gaffers tape over his mouth. Stephanie romneys gift comments indicates he misread the election as a results. That view of the American People of the election is at odds of the truth of what happened last week said jay carney. Thank you. [applause] haley barber at the republican governors convention. We have to give our political organizational activity a very serious enema . Proke toproke to go proctology exam. Stephanie listen to this guy. Suspected voter fraud because dozens of black people voted. Dozens . Dozens . Stephanie the outgoing main Republican Party chairman. Outgoing. Stephanie dozens of black people that were unfamiliar to me voted on november 6th. Dozens of black people. Stephanie city Officials Say i dont know anybody who knows any black people in town. In some part of the state there were dozens of black people who voted. Nobody in town knew them. Where do z they come from. Black people know in maine, too. Stephanie 56 of the main vote. Mitt romney won 40. 9 . That would mean 107,000 blacks voted illegally in little towns in maine. Nicely done. Nicely done, my friends. Stephanie i love this, what is this, progress . Websters methodology is flawed. Not knowing any black people isnt evidence that they dont exist. [ laughing ] having a piece of mail bounced back does not mean that voters lied intentionally about their address. He said, lets see hes going to mail people a letter, hes going to mail them a letter and thats how hes going to catch the sneaky black people who voted in rural maine towns. So there is that guy. 16 minutes after the hour comedian lewis black coming up, and then representative peter welch as we continue on the Stephanie Miller show show. Eek i just puked on my dashboard again. Its the Stephanie Miller show. [ music ] the chill of peppermint. The rich dark chocolate. York peppermint pattie get the sensation. [ music ] [ music ] announcer Stephanie Miller. [ music ] stephanie it is the Stephanie Miller show. Welcome to it. 21 minutes after the hour. Comedian lewis black coming up. Speaking of black people. N. World news music ] oh, my god. Stephanie no, i had to laugh. I just love this. This is like americas funniest racist pranks. As i mentioned, he thinks there is voteer fraud in the state because no one he knows know anyone who is black. He intends to find those who committed voteer fraud by sending thank you notes to sender and see if theyre sent back. Thats not prove of anything. Stephanie dozens of black people voted and there is a scandal. He said im not politically correct, and maybe i should not have said these voters were black, but to say that im biased against any group thats sleazy. Youre just sleazy. Thats funny. Jim in New Hampshire youre on the Stephanie Miller show. Hi jim. Caller good morning, stephanie. I want to thank you and current for being the voice of republican during this last election. There was no joy in romneyville when the mighty mitt struck out. Stephanie no. Caller i think the republicans ought to point those douche nozzles back to themselves. When i grew up, the america love it or leave it. If you dont like it, leave it. Thank you very much. Stephanie yes, thank you. Well he suggested the libertarian paradise of somalia. No gun control. No laws of any kind. Stephanie no government up in your face. Just be. Do what you will. No stop lights. No fire departments. Stephanie just go. Go when you want to. Betty in south carolina. Welcome. Caller hello. Stephanie hello, betty, go ahead. Caller yes, stevie, i was calling in about the episode in benghazi. I dont take death lightly but it seems that there is a whole lot of rhetoric going on about this episode. Chris andersen was appointed ambassador. He was asked if he wanted to accept this post. Nobody forced him to take this post. This was a matter of choice. Stephanie right. Caller and we have service men over in afghanistan and iraq and different places, and they are being attacked every day stephanie thats the sad thing. He really loved the people of libya. He pleased they were ready for democracy. They loved him back. You saw people there protesting with his picture after this whole tragedy. All right eric cantor talking about the petraeus situation. The information that was sent to me sounded as if there was a potential for a national National Security vulnerability. Stephanie mmhmm, and eric holder on the whole situation. We follow the facts. We do not share outside the justice department, outside the fbi the fact of ongoing investigations. We made the determination as we were going through the matter that there was not a threat to National Security. Stephanie aah, yeah. By the way sean hannity blames him for everything. Yes, its his fast. Stephanie because they did not go after fast and furious. It must be his fault. There he is. Comedian lewis black. You must be so happy clapy as you normally are after this election. Im just happy its over and we have a fiscal cliff. Ive forgotten about the fiscal cliff. They didnt talk about the fiscal cliff. It was never discussed. Not in any of the discussions about the discussions. Before the discussions did they discuss the fiscal cliff. So how come no one brought it up during thatnot one of the questioners, not nothing. And then literally the day after oh were in a fiscal cliff really . Stephanie you say it sounds like an event from the xgames. Yes. Stephanie you made a good point. This is when both parties Start Talking to each other and stops talking to us. Im a strong believer they better shut up soon or im going to do something bad. I cant stand it. I really cant stand it. The democrats have to learn how to talk. And the republicans have to learn how to stop talking. Its appalling. Stephanie it doesnt seem like some republicans learned anything from what happened last week. John boehner is saying, oh no, im not going to do the middle class tax cut compromise. No, you know, john boehner isfirst off partly it would help him if he doesnt allow them to shoot him in high high def. The orange looks creepy enough, but it looks creepier. Stephanie there is a national freakout. Every state has a petition to is he succeed. Good, let emgo. Im not new york isnt, then we can start invading them again and get them back as what they should be, which is territories. There go. And then they can try to become states again. Because theyre going to do really well on your own. Stephanie were you surprised by the Election Results . No. I knew that. Thats weird because im never right. I said dont worry about it as long as ohio was holding. Those numbers never changed. Once i saw that i said, ballgame over. Stephanie isnt that further evidence about why they shouldnt have been president and Vice President and how clueless mitt romney and paul ryan seem . Its unbelievable. Ryan is not only clueless, i think hes crazy. Because if you look at his eyes, he had the eyes of a wolf that hadnt eat no one three days. [ laughing ] stephanie he has zombie eyes. Plus any person who is basing their political in ayn rand is politically insane. I read ayn rand when i was 16. Thats a really good book to read when youre 16 and youre trying to form your ideas of the individual versus the group. We used to say collective, but you cant say that any more. The individual or the group. Thats a great thing to read at 16. But you realize by the time youre 17 that once you come to your conclusion you cant really base it on that book because its fiction. These are fictional characters. She made the world up. Thats how come it reads the way it does, schmuck. Then in the end this guy blows up his own building. Which makes him what, a terrorist. Stephanie there was something great by putting forth the catholic candidate who was supposed to help with that vote, who reports an atheist ayn rand. It was perfect. Stephanie and didnt even take his own state. The president said he only won becausehe said that the president won because he won urban areas. He doesnt look like anybody from wisconsin. Okay. I love wisconsin. And i trust wisconsin. And the one thing wisconsin doesnt care about is health. [laughter] this is the first state that i ate a hamburger that was fried in a stick of butter. Stephanie awesome. The 2013 running onture. Lewis black. See the most funniest man in the world. I love you. You too stephanie. Stephanie i love him. 29 minutes after the hour. Right back on the Stephanie Miller show. This corruption based on corruption based on corruption. I think thats an understatement, eliot. U im not prone tot. Understatement, so explain to me why that is. I think the mob learned from wall st. , not vice versa. [ music ] announcer Stephanie Miller. Sound bite thank god its friday. Is that lewis black back back on the show. Stephanie current tv we have a current feeding the need initiative. Were going to talk about the farm bill and much more with representative peter welch. Who joins us now. Good morning representative. Caller good morning. Stephanie i have to ask you first, weve been talking about john boehner rejecting the president s request to extend the middle class tax cuts. Dont you feel like, here we go again, like the election didnt happen. Caller im fearful of that. I think its more complicated because i think my sense boehner would like to reach an agreement because he understands the real world, and there will be yet another huge price for his conference. But if you remember when he was negotiating the grand bargain with the president during the debt ceiling negotiations, and was willing to include revenue wehe went back to his conference, and they literally cut his legs off. Hes filling that position. Thats the dilemma. This fiscal cliff stuff is extremely important, but this is the moment of opportunity to have revenue as a very significant component of any Debt Reduction deal, and it has to be. The president is on strong ground, and hes holding firm, rightly so. He campaigned very specifically on new taxes on folks earning more than 250,000. He won and half the romney supporters in exit polls say that makes sense to them. Boehner has a problem. His conference doesnt support that, but theyhe is trying to lead them to political reality. Stephanie thats the thing it seems to me that its really time to drop the talking points when youve lost analect an electoral landslide. Thats exactly right. Its time to get specific and leave behind the vague campaign platitudes. Heres the valley. The president has put a very specific plan on the table above 250, you go back to the clinton rates. You can do the math and figure out how much it is, 800 billion to 1 trilliondollar. Boehner is talking about yes we can have new revenues, but he is vague. He said well do tax code reform. The problem with that is he has got to get specific. Show me the money. Thats what the president needs to ask of mr. Boehner. Once you get into the tax code changes in all likelihood what theyre talking about is taking away the healthcare deduction in ways that would hammer the middle class. Stephanie representative, it doesnt make much essential to me. They talk about compromise, but the compromise ive heard them offer is mitt romneys plan that was roundly rejected by the American People and as you said and the president said, the math doesnt work. You put it very nicely. Youre right. Theyre offering a compromise by letting the president accept the plan that they ran on and lost. Stephanie thats very nice of them. Representative, lets talk about the farm bill. Obviously once again republicans were not helpful. Tell us where we are on it now. Its up to eric cantor and john boehner whether to put that bill on the floor. We passed that in the senate, the bipartisan bill. We passed it in the agriculture committee. The bill has problems. There is a lot to debate but it is essential for instance in vermont dairy, its important that we have nutrition programs and conservation programs. The con conservation programs and farm bill is another reason why we didnt have another dust bowl in this ferocious drought we had in the midwest. These things are controversial. How much will you paying on price supports, but weve got to vote yes or no. All of us should be held accountable for those votes. The one thing we cant defend is not voting at all. Weve got to bring this bill to the floor and a number of us are doing whatever we can to persuade mr. Boehner and mr. Cantor to put it on the floor. This farm bilker whatever criticisms folks make it saves money. Its good for the taxpayers and provides in the case of dairy more security. Stephanie it provides nutritional programs and talking about jobs small farming businesses to provide jobs. And it has school programs. Provisions to grow our organic farming industry, grow local. You know there is a whole new ethic in farming that young people are pushing where its local production, its best practices, its not so energyintensive. Its not all these pesticides and chemicals that theyre pushing. This farm bill pushes us along the way. Thats an economic, nutrition benefit if we can incorporate more of those policies in our pharmacy bill. Stephanie what is the dairy safety net. I must ask because i know youve been trying to get a fix for that. There is none now. But heres what the change was in our bill. Its called dairy stabilization. What it does is if the price of milk goes down under the current situation, the only way farmers can make up the lost income is increasing production. When they do that, the price of milk goes down even more. It sends a market signal to farmers where the price started to go down and farmers are encouraged to reduce production to stabilize the price. The benefit of it by making adjustments much like Apple Computer would make if they were manufacturing more ipods that people were buying they would cut down on production. It allows farmers to get more price stability and buyers to save money it would stabilize that price. Its an Insurance Program that the farmers pay into, and taxpayers pay into, but its less expense to the taxpayers than the current Safety Net Program for farmers called milc. Stephanie i dont know what youre going to deal with, first, but how do you think the fiscal cliff is going to play out . Not well so far. The most important thing is that the president stand firm in his campaign position, that revenues have to be a significant part of it. Hes flexible. He wants a deal. Hell probably do things to get it that some democrats wont like. But where hes holding firm and understands the urgency is to have revenue be significant part of it. Whether we get the resolution before december 31st or january january 15th in our, quote over the cliff, its par more important for the benefit of this country that we get a good, durable deal as opposed by the date that we achieve it. Stephanie do you feel some democrats durban and murray saying if we have to go over the cliff, lets go over it, and then the bush tax cuts expire and then there is a whole other conversation. I do. Thats where what we need to do to get where we need to be. We dont want to sell out. So if we set out on revenues, which is probably what the republicans would require. Stephanie right. Caller then were going to have a deadend situation that will dig the hole deeper. If we have to wait until after the first, by the way, its a slope. Not a cliff. Stephanie right, right. Caller well put legislation on the floor that would allow everybody in congress to vote for a tax cut at that point for 100 of the people. Even the top 2 who would go back to the clinton rates would still enjoy the lower rates on their income up to 250,000. Stephanie i mean, lets hope because obviously we would have all of leverage if we do in fact go over the slope cliff or dirt hole, whatever you said. Good luck with all of it, vermont where the cheddar is delicious and the congressmen are awesome. Caller thank you. Stephanie bye bye. There we go. The congressman is awesome. Stephanie its a teeny tiny little state. They have more senators than congressmen. Stephanie hi wayne. Caller hello ms. Stephanie how are you . Ed. Cenk good, go ahead. Caller i have a couple of thoughts. One, im going to eventually read you a short email that i got from ai thought it was a friend of 55 years. Turns out he was just an acquaintance because youll want probably get a kick out of it when i read it to you. Stephanie is it long, wayne . Can you just give me the gist . Is it a republican friend you lost because of the election . Caller yeah, yeah, thatshe no longer wants to be my friend or have anything to do with me because i might have voteed for obama. Stephanie yikes. Caller 55 years down the road, but hey. Stephanie that is sad. That is really sad wayne. Im not a big fan of reading letters on the air. Youre sayinga lot of people saying on facebook losing friends. Are we going to collectively regain our minds at some point are or people going to stop spinning on their backs . Herpderp. Stephanie thats the best argument ive heard. A lot of mayday friends said if you vote for romney you can defriend me now. Guys stop it. Its just one election. Stephanie carolthe republicansif therepublic withstood eight years of bush. We can stand it. Good morning carol. Caller thank you and for your whole team. Without it i think i would lose my sanity. Stephanie oh. Caller the last time we had this much hate and vitriol we lost a president you know who that is, kennedy im so afraid for president obama. Stephanie i heard someone say this on the radio i hope he sacrifice this next four years. Believe me. We have to quadruple the secret service e because there are a ton of crazies. Since when have we seen every state sign a petition for secession. Youre right there is some really bad mix of racism and i dont know what, hatred. Stupidity. What else is thrown in there, a little bit of dill . Im sorry thats my sauerkraut recipe. You know my point. Its anger spite, a toxic mix. And dill will not make it better. No, it wont. Sound bite thats a big fing dill. Sound bite that happened and we all let it happen. Announcer its the Stephanie Miller show. The golden years as the conservatives call them, we had the highest tax rates, and the highest amount of growth, and the highest amount of jobs. Those are facts. If you ever raise taxes on the rich, youre going to destroy our economy. Not true then howd i get this. [ voice of dennis ]. Allstate safe driving bonus check . What is that . So weird, right . My agent, tom, said. [ voice of dennis ]. Only allstate sends you a bonus check for every six months youre accidentfree. But im a woman. Maybe its a misprint. Does it look like a misprint . Ok. What i was trying. [ voice of dennis ] silence. Ask an allstate agent about the safe driving bonus check. Are you in good hands . [ male announcer ] its that time of year again. Time for citi price rewind. Because your daughter really wants that pink castle thing. And you really dont want to pay more than you have to. Only citi price rewind automatically searches for the lowest price. And if it finds one, you get refunded the difference. Just use your citi card and register your purchase online. Have a super sparkly day ok. [ male announcer ] now all you need is a magic carriage. Citi price rewind. Buy now. Save later. vo she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. Ok, so theres wiggle room in the ten commandments, thats what youre saying. vo shes joy behar. Current will let me say anything. [ music ] [ music ] announcer Stephanie Miller. [ music ] stephanie it is the Stephanie Miller. 1800steph121800steph12 tollfree from anywhere. Caller im calling from the great blue state of michigan. Stephanie wahoo. Caller the Jennifer Granholm state. Stephanie yeahyay, yay. Go ahead. Caller im calling you from my hospital room. Oh, are you okay . Caller yes, and i love this show. I started watching it in here. One of the nurses was telling me about it. So i started watching it, and i love this show. Stephanie thank you. Caller but she was also sharing with me about the states wanting to secede from the union. Stephanie right. Caller i think thats what really prompted me to call. I hear all my life how far weve come in racial issues in this country. I guess thats only the case when we dont have a black president. Its just disappointing. Thats why i love your show and shows like it. You know, your show is an example of how far we have come. Stephanie there wasnt one petition during the bush years. A lot of people feel he was a war criminal, frankly. Caller absolutely knew and should have been prosecuted. Caller absolutely. And no one complained about the theno one wants to secede or anything. And you and i both know that gore got the screws. Stephanie as we said on al gore network. Get better. Lets dive in the rightwing world and see whats doing. Fred barns. Fred barns. This is a world of barack obama. He wants to raise taxes on the wealthy. He doubled down on it. This is in had his second term he wants to do. I dont think he cares about the economy. He wants to raise taxes on the wealthy. What . Stephanie yes, he ran on the rich paying their fair share and he won. Fyi. Big time. Stephanie Rush Limbaugh. I have waxed eloquently here on this program. I have longed for the day where people understand what liberal liberalism ideologically. I have begged the Republican Party to campaign on ideology and to explain to people what liberalism is. Stephanie yeah, they did. By pointing liberals out. You want to see liberalism. Look at detroit. You want to see liberalism, look at california. You want to see liberalism, look at cuba. Stephanie another cword. I think you did, and guess what, we won Neener Neener glenn beck. Thank you nonchoir. You have given our permission to programbarack obama and his evil nasty crew to lie to our faces for another four years. To put our country our freedoms, all of our hardearned money, our businesses. Stephanie in glenn becks mine. All at stake so we can be comfortable with lies, deceits and deceptions. Thanks to the americans who made the worse choice in the history of of this land. Stephanie i can understand why the ratings plummeted to zero after he covered my time slot. Really . Who wants to listen to that. All of that negativity. Stephanie thats really fun. This is called the hate sack. Its a fact that people hate. Everyone loves santa claus on christmas morning. But no one wants the credit card in january. Until that bill is due which will probably come in mandarin. The guy who doesnt have the bill and hes stingy white stiff. Thats what it was. You see the bush tax cuts were meant to expire two years ago, and youre still crying about it. Stephanie and you know who set them to expire . George bush. Your guy. Stephanie thats why its called the bush yeah. Stephanie Gary Bernstein on hannity. They want to take what they perceive to be even handed but what theyre doing is encouraging the obama administration, and what theyre really doing is encouraging radicals. You think the world radicals were emboldened by the election . They didnt support romney. They were encouraged by obama. Stephanie there is trouble now with israel and that never happened before. Back in 1972 Richard Nixon denied anything to do with a low levelhad the press not been aggressive nixon would have gotten away with it. And the break in the Watergate Hotel was not nearly as important as failing to define a terrorist attack that killed four americans. Obama made a mistake not getting ahead of the story. He should have given the facts weeks ago and the press let him get away with it, but now the heat is coming down, as it should. Stephanie i heard this on limbaugh. Worse than watergate. Worse than watergate. Third rate burglary. If i had a nickel every time the far right said something obama did was worse than watergate. Stephanie clearly. Jim, what are you going to say . It can be a terror attack that was inspired by that stupid movie. Stephanie which is what people on the ground said. Its not one or the other. Stephanie i dont dwelt get where this scandal is coming from. All these factors have been reported. The scandal is cutting funding for security that the congress had voted for. Stephanie lets play that again. Representative Gary Ackerman from the great state of new york. They requested for worldwide security 440 million more than you guys wanted to provide. A quarter of a billion dollars in security upgrades that you refused to make in this committee. And then you have the audacity to come here and say why wasnt the protection of these people provided for . And the answer is because you damn didnt provide it. Stephanie wahoo. Go representative ackerman. The president didnt say it was a terror attack right away. Stephanie do you know who congressman ackerman is brought to you by . Hes brought to you by granger today. Hes getting it done. Granger with over 900,000 products for the ones who get it done. Bam, nothing but radio net my friends. Wheel of right wing hypocrites. Stephanie republican u. S. Representative scott testified during Divorce Proceedings that he and his wife decided to have two abortions. The abortion guy. Stephanie he practiced medicine before going to congress and easily won a second term in tennessees district. He once encouraged a patient with whom he was having an affair to have an abortion. He espoused an antiabortion position saying all life should be protected. We are prolife. He has campaigned and not returned messages. Funny that. Right back. Hypocrisy. Stephanie the Stephanie Miller show. The governor tomorrow night. She is awesome. Well be right back on the Stephanie Miller show. [ music ] all right happy friday tv world. We have coming up a Jacki Schechner healthcare corner which is jam packed and also we will hang over the back fence and do the latest revelations in our obsession with the petraeus scandal. Double fun. Stephanie yeah, just the headlines are funny businessmen. Jill kelley wanted 80 million to broker a korean deal. It didnt medical right. And there is skydiving now. Jacki will give us the details. Stephanie it doesnt smell right. The 80 million. I got your invoice. It doesnt smell right. Something is off. What threw you off the miscellaneous line. Like potato salad that was left in the sun. Stephanie it began to turn. All that coming up after news with Jacki Schechner in the current news center. Senate majority leader harry reid said he wants to tackle filibuster reform stating that the rules as they stand now say it its too easy for the minority to block the will of the majority. He hears from the progressive across the country, make them talk and then make them keep going and going. The idea is to make senators engage in a traditional filibuster. That would force objections out into the open, into the public and put pressure on lawmakers to defend their positions and objections. Senator murphy is looking on a plan with senator reids backing it could pass. Reports that they would cut a deal with Mitch Mcconnell back in 2009 when mcconditional mcconnell said he would make sure things would run smoothly if reid didnt pass the reform. Reid said he should have pushed for the changes back then. Chris coombs has is introduced the fast voting act, he would use federal grants an incentive to reward states that improve their voting processes. The bill has a cosponsor and that would be senator mark warner. On the house side representative miller would require states to have 15 days of early voting and require them to have enough resources to voter and contingency plans in case lines gets too long. We are back with for after the break. See you on the other side. [ music ] [ forsythe ] we dont just come up here for the view up in alaska. Its the cleanest, clearest water. We find the best sweetest crab for red lobster that we can find. [ male announcer ] hurry in to red lobsters crabfest the only time of year you can savor 5 succulent crab entrees all under 20 dollars. Like a halfpound of tender snow crab paired with savory grilled shrimp, just 12. 99. Or our hearty crab and roasted garlic seafood bake. [ forsythe ] if i wouldnt put it on my table at home, i wouldnt bring it in. My names jon forsythe and i sea food differently. We tackle the big issues here in our nations capital. [ theme music ] [ music ] announcer ladies and gentlemen, its the Stephanie Miller show. [ music ] stephanie no kevin in rochester, the headphones on my shirt are not plugged into my hoo ha. Stephanie silence of the hoo ha who my girlfriend, jodie foster who im dating. She appreciates your hoo ha. Stephanie tell them to shut up about it. Happy friday. 1800steph12 the number toll free from anywhere. Oh my goodness, fiscal cliff in miami. He changed his name to fiscal cliff. He was known as formerly the artist known as cliff in miami. Noticing some things. I hardly think its a coincidence that some affiliates are switching to sports right after president obama won reelection. I remember the same thing happened in miami by the way where we had terrific ratings switching to a sports format right after the president won election in 2008. In 2008 i decided buy an i iphone and never went back to i heart radio. Prerogative voices. Com. You can get that right now. Technology wins. Stephanie a big build up to progress pitch. Com. And progressives are listening online and smart phone apps. I recommend for 7. 95 a month or 4. 95 a month if you have a fear of commitment. Best money i every spent. And we may be this far away from making an announcement about another way you can listen to the Stephanie Miller show on your iphone. Stephanie yeah, you can stop an idea whose idea has come. There is technology kids. Robert writes the same thing right after the 2008 election, now they have a think about itwhat is a fraction of an iota of the ratings that we have . The corporate powers to be are paying to hear progressive talk. Online subscription or podcast to hear opinions or facts or alternative voices. You would think people might be are interested in public interest. What half the country thinks. Seems the legislatures could under the fact that you could hear one dial or going to progressive voices. Com. One of the many ways as you said. There is a lot of tricky subversive ways. There not tricky or subversive. Its like being in occupy pied france listening to bbc. Stephanie can anyone access the internet to listen to you and other progressive shows. Go to u stream. Tv stevie miller. Stephanie thats where you were supposed to do your progressive voices. Progressive voices. Com. Or you stream Stephanie Miller. Stephanie and it might do well to jump on the bandwagon because we have a lot of great affiliates including this Clear Channel affiliate right here. How often do i have to report spots . Lots of times. Stephanie we have awesome sales here a clearly channel. Come join us if you would like to make money. Some broadcasters would like to lose money just to try to keep people from hearing the Stephanie Miller show. Stephanie this is something i heard. We lost a lot of money from the Rush Limbaugh so we have to pitch to sportsswitch to sports . What . I didnt do it . Youre one of the he was talking about. Save the. Stephanie thats right. I would like to thank my friend sean hannity who featured me. This is why were done away with because were left wing hate merchants. Thats what he thinks. Stephanie jim, you know how many people commented on mitt romney sweating profusely in the third debate. Al brooks said if he sweated any more he would have to get a royalty. Stephanie right. A lot of jokes. I said he was sweating like a whore in church. He was not calling mitt romney a whore. Although stephanie however. And a lot of women agreed with me about them being the rapey party. Because of all the comments because of rape. Stephanie alec baldwin knows you had a bad election chen you when you say the rapey guy lost and you have to say which one. The rhetoric hit the airwaves current to liberal talk radio Stephanie Miller. Got 5 million from paul ryans pack. Thats the problem john, its not just one guy. They have become the rapey party. Literally, did you see mitt romney sweat like a whore in church. He was trying to sound like some weird hybrid hippy with all this people with friendship. Rapey party, sweating like a whore in church about mitt romney. Shocking. Exactly. Its the movement. I think conservatives have had this wrong for a long time. What they said, sean, while we canning ignore these guys because they dont have any ratings. No one is listening. Really . He thethe truth is theyve been able to get their message out better than we ever thought and election day showed that. To ignore these people, ignore their ratings Pay Attention to what theyre saying. A lot of times what they say on the shows end up on website, etc. There is no reason to just disregard this and say they dont have enough people listening. Please, talk about us a lot. Stephanie gee, somebody is listening. You two are listening. [applause] that was a minute and a half of them giving you a commercial. Stephanie for people only listening to sports stations. [applause] i love one time, i told you this story sean hannity whined to me at a Radio Convention and ed schultz show was on opposite of him and ed schultz ran about every market he was beating shanahantyseanhannity. Sean said thats not fair. Im in places where there are lowwatt signals. Sucks to be you. Cry baby, soar lauders. Stephanie sore losers. Stephanie that was so much fun. Sore losers. Up rising. Lashing out. Cry babies and sore losers. Stephanie Jacki Schechner. [ music ] good morning Jacki Schechner. Oh, is it my turn now. Stephanie its your turn now. Ohic look at that. Stephanie lets first of all. [ world news music ] well get to the healthcare stuff but this is more fun. The latest allegation gas. I love this headline. Businessman jill kelley wanted 80 million to broker korean deal. It didnt smell right. What was it the 80 million or the fact that she has absolutely nothing to offer towards the 80 million. She met her at the Republican National convention in tampa. Somebody wondered if she was at the rnc. Granted, she lives in tampa. Its probably not that difficult for her to attend. The question was did she go to the convention . The answer is yes. I blame general petraeus for lapse of judgment for appointing her honorary council. Which is the protection that shewhat is the word that im looking for. She called upon when she called and said im an honorary consul and i need diplomatic protection protection. I have inviobility. She knew that word a little too well. Stephanie get these people off my lawn. Thats hilarious. We have Jacki Schechner. You dont want the skydiving . Stephanie yes. There is an article out from usa today that apparently jill kelley went skydiving with the special Operation Command team. Is that what the kids are callingcalling it today. It was one of the perks of her access, apparently there is a program some sort Community Outreach to local celebrities athletes and the media and she was allowed to participate. Yeah. Stephanie its like Paula Broadwell went running with Lance Armstrong. Now its a sex doping ring scandal. I dont know what is happening. All the scandals are emergeing. Fame whore scandal. These girls are fame whores latching on anybody with fame. Shell get her Tour De France medals. And then there is an article about her sister borrowing 300,000, she lent her the money and she was unable to pay that back. What was the money borrowed for, do we know . It doesnt say. The bankruptcy records show that he loaned her 300,000. She couldnt pay it back. It said that they dated at some point. Thats a heck of a dating gift. Jacki schechner as you know im a single elderly shutin loser. But these gals have lives i dont recognize. Skydiving, and who . Running with Lance Armstrong . How easyis it that easy to borrow 300,000 . I hang out with you on the weekends. Do you think i have insight into this . Thats not jackis lifestyle. Im with you. Are we doing something wrong. 300,000 . I have that in the cushions of my couch. Stephanie lets nominate healthcare douche nozzle of the day. We have a new enentrant dennys owner plans to add a surcharge an barack obama surcharge. The ceo of denny. Hes walking that back. Stephanie i teased that we were going to be doing this later on in the show. I thought it was because dennys had such a great reputation. Add another 5 to that moons over my hammy. Stephanie this is another guy who said he also plans to cut employee hours. You know, this is just like a bad boss parade. This is what i dont understand the people who are supporting these decisions what exactly is it that you support . Are you supporting poor treatment of employees. Are you supporting greedy employers . Unfair workwhat is it exactly that youre in favor of if your youre backing these guys. There was a papa johns blow up where papa johns John Schnatter said he was going to charges for more pizza if there was healthcare reform. What are with you supporting. Stephanie screwing your employees while you live in a 40,000 square foot mansion. And the papa johns stock tripled under president obama. And now its going down because of the lawsuit against them for spamming people with text messages. Its basically catchup on a cracker. Have you ever had papa johns . Not recently. Yuck. Stephanie Jacki Schechner, can you stay in the side car. When we come back, well get into the serious stuff of senators who are starting to warm up to obamacare. Sure, why not. Stephanie there she is in a helmet, jaunty scarf in the side car. Back to the Stephanie Miller show. Sound bite oh god that felt weird and good all at once. Announcer its the Stephanie Miller show. A lot of hersheys happiness in little drops of milk chocolate. And cookies n creme. Pure hersheys. The trucks are going farther. The new 2013 ram 1500. With the bestinclass fuel economy. Engineered to move heaven and earth. Guts. Glory. Ram. But when joint pain and stiffness from Psoriatic Arthritis hit even the smallest things became difficult. I finally understood what serious joint pain is like. I talked to my rheumatologist and he prescribed enbrel. Enbrel can help relieve pain, stiffness, and stop joint damage. 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Its a little bit of magic. Connect with talking liberally with Stephanie Miller at facebook. Com stephaniemillershow and on twitter at smshow. [ music ] [ music ] [ music ] announcer Stephanie Miller. [ music ] announcer Stephanie Miller. Stephanie it is the Stephanie Miller show. 24 minutes after the hour. Jacki schechner. Yes. Stephanie before we get to thewe have to do a little healthcare corner. Just on what mitt romney said. What the hell was he talking about . I mean, his comments werent even basednobody is getting free healthcare. These comments that people voted for obama because of free stuff . I would say the biggest gift the president gave me was winning. Stephanie thank you. This guy is our president that is a gift. Stephanie obama healthcare reform is a huge gift for latinos and blacks. In what way . I have no idea. I mean, there is a tag for all of this. Were not handing outyou get a healthcare plan. And you get a healthcare plan. Stephanie yeah hes oprah. I dont even know what hes talking about. Imagine you get 30,000 a year and you get free healthcare. Whats he talking about. You dont get free healthcare healthcare. He should know that. He doesnt understand that. He doesnt know what it means not to have aga a gabillion dollars. And then he said free contraception was a big hit for collegeage women. This must warm the cockles of your little geek heart. Appearing in the republican resistence to obamas healthcare law the deadline is today. There was a hard deadline of today where the states had to say whether or not they were going to set up the statebased healthcare exchanges themselves or if they were going to turn it over to the federal government but theyve extended a that now to december 14th. They have to indicate that theyre on their way to planning but they have until December December 24th. A lot of states said they would not do anything until after the election hoping that mitt romney would win and they wouldnt have to deal with healthcare reform which all along we said was a bad idea because if the states dont set it up, the federal government would. Stephanie what are they saying now. They want leeway to work on it and others are handing it over. I dont know. Maybe they think the government cant do it . Maybe the idea is that they dont want to take it on. Theyre standing on some ideological principle. I dont know why they wouldnt want to do it themselves, its counter intuitive. Stephanie some says rights are stating that theyre doing it on their own exchange. We wanted a federal exchange because we thought there would be more Bargaining Power and more control set up nationwide. When you have states doing individual exchanges there is more opportunity fori hate to use the word corruption or bribery, but thats the word that comes into play. On a state level you can bend the rules than if you have national oversight. What we wanted was that. We felt it would be stronger consumers if it were a national exchange. The benefit on the state level is if you needed to tailor something that was state specific, that would be a benefit. Some say they know what is best for their states. Let them show it. Stephanie i love even in Mississippi Republican insurance commissioner said about trying to fight the feds. We tried to do that 150 years ago in the south and it didnt work. In new mexico. The opposition is over. Whatever states didnt think they were going to do, they will have to do, like it or not. Its a done deal. Between the Supreme Court and the Election Results i dont get it there are some places like texas. Like louisiana south carolina, others, they didnt change their opposition. What happens to those people. Thats the sad part, right . A lot of states that are the poorest where people do need the most help when it comes access to healthcare are used to implement the changes that will help the people of their state. It really is suppressing in that regard, especially the Supreme Court ruled the federal government cant mandate that states adjust medicaid. What medicaidthe Medicaid Expansion is do cover people up to the Poverty Level which gives people who dont have access to healthcare would give them coverage. States say that will be a burden on them which is silly because the federal government picks up the tab for the first three years. Its more ideological than fiscal on their part. Its depressing and sad because were giving people access to affordable coverage but were not giving it because people are standing on ceremony. Stephanie what is your reduction this postprediction that this tantrum will be different. I wish it were over. Stephanie lets drink to it this weekend. Like we do every weekend. 29 minutes after the hour on the Stephanie Miller show. [ music ] to me now . You know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials . Those types are coming on to me all the time now. vo she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. Ok, so theres wiggle room in the ten commandments, thats what youre saying. You would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. Absolutely. And so would mitt romney. vo shes joy behar. And the best part is that current will let me say anything. What the hell were they thinking . [ music ] announcer Stephanie Miller. We were actually looking for a cheap miller but youre a sexy little trash, the second you [ music ] announcer Stephanie Miller. Sound bite im your typical little girl. I like dancing ponies, and fighting knights. Stephanie yay. It is the Stephanie Miller show. Welcome to it. 434 minutes after the hour. 1800steph12 the tollfree income. Renee in nashville. Caller stephanie. So good to talk to you. Stephanie you, too. Caller welcome to nashville. Welcome to current and youre new to the nashville area. Ive never heard you before, and you have view changed my viewing habits. Youre helping us change this state purple. And you mispronounced the name, its dagrle. But apparently they didnt notice. Stephanie yes, hes prolife congressman who just won reelection even though his wife had two abortions and allegedly the patient he treated and also got pregnant and wanted to have an abortion. Caller you would be amazed, the local news, the people they spoke to for comments that were voting early. They said it was more of the lies. They said he became the victim instead. Sad but true. Help us change, steph. Stephanie im on it. Another unsolicited testimonial. Were improveing cleanliness in america. I have to revise my morning schedule now that your show is on tv. I cant justify and watching so i found sitting down jobs while watching sowing hems, darning socks, you dont even know what that is, sure i do. Thats what poor people do. Stephanie something. Thats when you shame a sock darn you. Stephanie one that normally throw out when the hole appears. Were helping her not have to buy more socks. Dusting with a hundredhandled swiffer. You dont clean. Stephanie i just dont have a swiffer. Bringing a dressing dresser drawer to the tv and organizing my unmentionables and it is more difficult to find odd jobs now that everything is in order. Linda in minneapolis. Her house is incredibly clean and orderly. And her socks are darned. Stephanie darn socks. And she located a bond villain. Stephanie womans swings nunchakus out of a sunroof while leading the police on a highspeed chase. I dont know if we know anything more about the story than that. How do you do that throw the sunroof. Stephanie thats my kind of gal, thats all i know. The police tried to pull over bonnie, 46. He spotted her throwing nunchakus out of her sunroof and she led police on a high speed chase swinging the nunchakus all the way. Never swing nunchakus through the sunroof while driving on their list of safe driving tips. After texting. Jim has a bugaboo while texting at red lights. Stephanie have you ever seen nosomeone swinging nunchakus. No, theyre very effective against guns. Stephanie thats an Indiana Jones movie. And theyre effective against whips. Stephanie hi andrew i do not good morning stephanie. How are you doing. Stephanie good, go ahead. Caller i have two thoughts for you. The first short and quick. Sexy liberal tour on a three day cruise ship. Stephanie oh dear, mama cant do cruises. I get boat sick. Caller drinking helps. Stephanie oh, well, go ahead. Caller my main thought here all these republican talking heads and mitt romney complaining that obama won because he was ready to offer all these gifts to everybody. Stephanie right. Caller yet, mitt romney was running on great big tax breaks and eliminating inheritance tax. Stephanie gifts for the rich. Caller and Capital Gains tax. Thats not a gift . Thats not a santa claus for the rich. Stephanie exactly. Smartest boy in class. Through you go. Romneys analysis is on the spectrum of incomplete to inaccurate. Obama didnt win jamesville or New Hampshire because of gifts because those areas are white. Who said that. Politico. Caller good morning, stephanie. Im one of dozens of black women who voted in maine. Voted for obama. Stephanie youre one of those sneaky black people who sneaked into the rural towns. Caller i snuck right into my city office where i pay my property taxes and i said im voting. And im voting obama. And im voting the new revolution. A clean correct rainbow revolution. Passed the jobs bill. Pass the farm bill. No more money to these big money grubbing businesses. We here, are going to boy boycott walmart. Stephanie how could you exist . Caller they dont want to see us because were smarter than they think. Im telling you were going to boycott. I want to you help us boycott black friday. Boycott business selling us garbage, and making huge profits. Boycott walmart dennys all of these big money grubbers who want us to feel bad for them as theyre creating jobs and sucking the wealth right out of the working people. Stephanie do me a favorite. Introduce yourself to that republican chairman and say hello, im a black person from maine. Caller im a black person from maine. There are at least a dozen of us, at least. Stephanie shell be like, there is an unicorn on my porch. Sandy in california. Youre on the Stephanie Miller show. Hi, sandy. Caller hi, yes, i wanted to say that i think people need to stand up against racism, and those tables with those pictures of president obama as hitler, what you need to do is take a video, then go inside and complain and ask them to make them leave. If they dont post it on youtube asking does this establishment support racism . Stephanie yep, yep, well exactly. Who supported racism, the nazis, hitler. Well, yeah, portraying a black man as a nazi is stephanie historically inaccurate and weird and the nazis were extreme right wingwhite supremacists. Stephanie yes. Get brains. Stephanie the president said america must seize the moment to overall immigration reform. The expects the work to start soon. Hes right. There are obviously doing it for political purposes and theyve said as much. But who cares. Good, if you feel like we can finally get something done, which we should have done a long time ago. Thats what i never got when theyin george bushs term when the republicans voted down immigration. You just gave amnesty to millions of people because you did nothing about it. I say we have to celebrate our differences. No celebrate our differences stephanie fine, fine, dont play it. Fine. Goofy attorney look. You keep playing it. Stephanie i didnt. You did it. You did it. Stephanie steve in virginia. You told me to get oogoogboo. Caller our wonderful military leader who knowing knows nothing about military and surprise as karma has it or call it god, the day after our bp settlement, we just had another rig blow up in the gulf of mexico. Stephanie i know. I know. Caller are we stephanie by the way the president the bp had to pay an unprecedented settlement because of the president , remember . By the way that is breaking news. There are two dead and two injured from an exploded rig in the gulf of mexico. Were monitoring that situation as it develops. Stephanie cindy in missouri. Hi youre on the Stephanie Miller show. Caller good morning. I love you guys so much. Stephanie i love you back. Caller i was diagnosed with skin cancer six weeks ago. No no, its all good. They got it all. You guys were just never ending source of entertainment for me. You guys just kept me laughing so hard. Stephanie thank you. Caller and my favorite part of the show is rightwing world. Stephanie me too now. Because theyre so angry screamy, yelly and bitter. Caller i love the whiney baby thing. [ crying baby ] caller thats it. Anyway ive been listening to this for the past week. Theyre saying the reason why we voted for obama is because were going to get free stuff. Stephanie i have a sneaker phone. What due get . Caller i havent gotten anything yet. Im bummed. Ill wait by the mailbox. The thing im noticing today is what theyre doing is calling over half of the people in this country stupid. How do they get away with this stuff. Stephanie who want to listen to this negativity, calling people stupid for the next four years . Gene, youre on the Stephanie Miller show. Caller i think the greatest gift president obama gave me was mitt romney not being able to appoint Supreme Court justices. Stephanie thanks. Caller thats the most important. Stephanie yes. Caller i have three daughters and three granddaughters. Thank god they cant get ahold of them. Stephanie exactly. Yay, yay mr. President. 44 minutes after the hour. Wee, back with the remaining moments of the Stephanie Miller. Sound bite that woman is about as subtle as as a rhino. When my son has to pee, [ music ] [ music ] we still have the puppy. For lifes bleachable moments theres clorox bleach. Im not against boogers i just prefer theyre not stuck in my clothes. My granddaughter repeats everything i say. Everything i say. For lifes bleachable moments theres clorox bleach. From silver screens. To flat screens. Twizzlerize your entertainment everyday with twizzlers the twist you cant resist. [ male announcer ] its that time of year again. Time for citi price rewind. Because your daughter really wants that pink castle thing. And you really dont want to pay more than you have to. Only citi price rewind automatically searches for the lowest price. And if it finds one, you get refunded the difference. Just use your citi card and register your purchase online. Have a super sparkly day ok. [ male announcer ] now all you need is a magic carriage. Citi price rewind. Buy now. Save later. [ forsythe ] we dont just come up here for the view up in alaska. Its the cleanest, clearest water. We find the best sweetest crab for red lobster that we can find. [ male announcer ] hurry in to red lobsters crabfest the only time of year you can savor 5 succulent crab entrees all under 20 dollars. Like a halfpound of tender snow crab paired with savory grilled shrimp, just 12. 99. Or our hearty crab and roasted garlic seafood bake. [ forsythe ] if i wouldnt put it on my table at home, i wouldnt bring it in. My names jon forsythe and i sea food differently. [ music ] [ music ] [ music ] [ music ] announcer stephy. Stephanie check it out. It is the Stephanie Miller. Show. Happy friday. We missed some of the headlines from the election season. Textile is inflated. From San Diego College board said his textile business was blown out of proportion. Hey hey. Stephanie hey, speaking of comedy. Oh no. Stephanie the white house scrub edition. This is funny. Stephanie the white house has a texas calling for antitax lobbyist Grover Norquist to be punched in thebleep. They allow americans to sign petition for action by the federal government on a range of issues facing our nation. That is a big issue facing our nation. Following his reelection the we the people petition a popular outlet for disaffected americans. Thats where the secession petitions are. This one is productive. This would be hard to find. Stephanie allow everyone to punch grover another norquist in the thebleep. In the cheney. I think he drowned in the bathtub. You wont be able to find him. Stephanie robert di di deniro was not happy with jayz. Because he had not returned his phone call. Even beyonce could not have broken the truce. I want him dead. I want his family burned to the ground. Stephanie i dont think so. A little bit. Little bit. Little bit. Stephanie in honor of states finally warming up to obamacare here are some bad doctor stories. This is kind of squeezy stuff for you jim. Chiropractor has license suspended over vaginal allegations. Trust me. Im the doctor. Stephanie he told two of his patients that intravaginal ma damage wouldmassage would benefit them. He told one of the women that it would prevent scar tissue from forming and alleviate pain. Its the only way to get to a part of the back. There is a disk that has to be accessed from the front. Trust me. Im a doctor. Stephanie part two. It was a harrowing event of cleanteeth cleaning. A woman swallowed her toothbrush. How . Stephanie she has no gag reflex. Hey now. Stephanie happy endings for jim. Shes fine. They got the toothbrush out. How does one brush their teeth so far back that they swallow their toothbrush youre not supposed to brush your larynx. Stephanie when you have no gag reflex. These a toothbrush. Yes, i know. What . Stephanie a jury has accused a syracuse doctorsee, your mind goes there. Im talking about cry baby republicans. [ baby crying ] and you thought it was something bad. A jury decided that a doctor is not to blame to a mishap that caused a pregnant woman to catch fire during a csection delivery. That would be hard to do. Stephanie i hate it when that happens. Well done. Stephanie i apologize in advance for this last medical stack story because youre going to have to do americas funny vaginal mishaps, but i just dontheadline is man injects penis with olive oil and bad things happen. Why would you do that . Stephanie his coconut sized genitalia was just the beginning. He was admitted to a bangkok hospital. Oh, bangkok. Stephanie one night in bangkok, nads the size of coconuts. He was admitted to a bangkok hospital after unlicensed olive oil injection. Can you get a license to inject olive oil. It doesnt seem like a good idea. At least it wasnt hot sauce. Stephanie it caused his testicles to swell to the size of the aforementioned coconuts. Why why why . Stephanie i dont know. Bob in philadelphia. Youre on the Stephanie Miller show. Hi bob. Caller hi, stephanie. Stephanie hello. Caller i just wanted to talk to you about wing nazi programming. Its amazing to me a couple i know that you would think you know them. Stephanie right. Caller im trying to qualify for Social Security disability, and they have that, you know, its up to that free stuff thing. Stephanie its not free. You paid into it. Caller they dont understand, i applied in february. I was initially denied in august, which my lawyer tells me 90 of all cases are being denied. You got to wait 12 to 16 months to get an appeal. Even if you do qualify, from what i understand you cant even get access to medicare for another 18 months afterwards. You know, all you get is that, again, i dont know. That thousand yard stare what did Bruce Springsteen call it, the glare of a cobra. Its like cats. Stephanie he lost me there. Paul, welcome to the Stephanie Miller show. Caller hi, i enjoy your show. Stephanie thanks, go ahead. Caller john mccain is railing against the president about benghazi and everything, and susan rice. Stephanie instead of attending the hearing. Caller i know, i know. Stephanie and attending the briefing. Caller back in 2005 when Condoleezza Rice was up for nomination you know, he was defending her when she said, you know, that our warning was going to come as a Mushroom Cloud and wmds. We dont want the smoking gun to be a Mushroom Cloud. Caller not only did she mislead us into iraq, but concerning all the new information that has come out about the early warnings about 9 11 the initial tack attack in 2011 this guy is reprehensible. He should not be in the senate any more. Stephanie i agree. Very bitter. Very bitter. Sound bite by the time i got to the fifth grade, i was very bitter. Very, very bitter. Bitter bitter person. Stephanie okay. Eddie in massachusetts. Hi eddie. Caller happy friday. Stephanie you, too, go ahead. Caller i just wanted to know why papa johns give their employees Health Insurance when he can give away 120,000 free pizzas a week during football season and 2 million for the whole season. Stephanie i know. Thats a lot of extra change laying around. He could insure a person or two in your employ. Debby youre on the stephanie on the Stephanie Miller show. Caller thank you for your presence on the air. Stephanie i thank you for your presence on earth as well. Caller youre very kind. Im calling because ive been on the phone this morning with as many dennys restaurant as i could find and please note everyone that the dennys employees, at least the five i sound like a pollster calling five people and thinking thats the result. Stephanie your work is done because he has backed down on charging 5 on everybodys bill as an obamacare sure charge or whatever. Whatever. Have a great weekend. Well see you monday on the Stephanie Miller show. [ music ] ttv

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