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a birthday present and send jacki. jacki is not a gift to be passed around. >> she's not your steppingstone. [ laughter ] >> she's jacki schechner! >> do we still pop out of cakes? >> stephanie: who knows. >> pop out of what? >> stephanie: we have a lot to talk about especially magical bejay jays. maybe you'll join us at the top of the hour. >> sure. >> stephanie: news with jacki schechner. >> good morning. the deadline for congressman todd akin to drop out has come and gone but the wave of republicans telling him to get out keeps on growing. you know you've got problems when sarah palin tells you it is time to listen to the party and stop the effort. akin speaking out on the morning shows this morning. he admits paul ryan did call him and tell him it was time to get out of the race. he says, however that party voters picked him and it is not up to party bosses to tell him when to exit. he told george stephon op louse on "good morning america," he will listen to reince priebus who asked him not to go to the convention in tampa. >> i honor their particular wishes. my objective here is to be able to show the sharp contrast between myself and my democrat opponent. >> akin has a web site up where he's trying to raise money especially since the national republican senatorial committee and karl rove's crossroads have both said they won't give him any funding anymore. on the web side, akin blames liberals and pundits for trying to push him out of his bid for senate ignoring the fact it is his party that wants him gone. akin not going to tampa for the republican national convention but vice president joe biden is going to be there. he's hold agorally for obama supporters on monday in tampa. it is part of a larger effort by democrats to counter republican messaging during the week. the dnc is setting up a war room not far from the convention site. they'll hold it on tuesday pushing it back against republicans for their opposition to abortion rights. we're back with more show after the break. stay with us. barack was having to work out the fact that people react to him based on his racial make-up. we go back to see the poeple and events that shaped the life of a man who would become president. so... [ gasps ] these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? maybe. rich chocolate chips... i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and, and...and then the awards started coming in, and i became addicted to the fame. topped with chocolaty drizzle... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. fiber beyond recognition. [ voice of dennis ] really? i was afraid you'd have some cut-rate policy. [ kyle ] nope, i've got... [ voice of dennis ] ...the allstate value plan. it's their most affordable car insurance -- and you still get an allstate agent. i too have... [ voice of dennis ] [ roger ] same agent and everything. [ kyle ] it's like we're connected. no we're not. yeah we are. no...we're not. ♪ ♪ ask an allstate agent about the value plan. are you in good hands? what's my secret for sunday lunch? my little helpers... and 100% natural french's yellow mustard. it has zero calories for me, and a taste my family loves. (vo) john fugelsang is filling in on full court press with bill press. >> he caved on the public option, he caved on the bush tax cuts, the guy has caved so many times there are miners trapped inside of him. (vo) this thursday and friday morning starting at 6 eastern. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's "the stephanie miller >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's "the stephanie miller show." ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ and it's time to feel good ♪ ♪ hey, all right now ♪ ♪ and it's time to feel good ♪ >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. i can't look directly at him. it is like looking directly into the sun. ooh, ladies and gentlemen. >> announcer: stephi. >> stephanie: could it be? ♪ the humpty dance do the hump ♪ >> stephanie: hump days with hal sparks. >> yes yes! [ screaming ] >> stephanie: hi, hal sparks. >> hi ya! >> stephanie: how are you? [ applause ] fresh from your triumphant sexy liberal show. >> it was fantastic. >> stephanie: i got raves someone said is hal sparks the best stand-up in the country? i said yes, i believe that he is. >> wow, thank you very much. [ ♪ magic wand ♪ ] you may be right. you may be crazy. >> stephanie: off the buzz from columbus. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] sexy liberal album we're charting again. itunes. look, it is in front of jim there. there's props everywhere. go to itunes amazon. >> i'm for it. look. >> stephanie: all right. >> zod trapped in it. reference. >> stephanie: all right. so now, so much going on. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] george stephanopoulos is saying akin opening the door to a possible exit. he missed the deadline. he said things seemed a little squishy. they're asking him perhaps not to come to the convention next week in tampa. >> please let him speak! >> stephanie: like a hurricane, it's canceled. >> let akin speak. >> i want to go there with a sign. >> stephanie: all right. so much to talk about. i need some girl help in the fort. my bff jacki schechner. >> am i caller 10? what did i win? >> stephanie: you win a magical vajayjay. >> woo-hoo! >> that's better than new kids on the block tickets. >> stephanie: are you hearing this? obviously the story was that he's not going to drop out but did he open the door -- like a little peek or what? >> the headline was a little misleading. my favorite part though is he's like i'm not dropping out but i'm totally going to respect their wishes not to go to tampa. really, that's what you choose to listen to? the airline ticket was too expensive. yeah, i'm totally not going. >> stephanie: i think this is nothing but good news if he stays in. lindsey in texas writes steph i cannot agree with akin that we have magical vajayjays. mine figured out how to make out a credit card and make an online donation to claire mccaskill. we're learning how to do all sorts of magical things. [ ♪ circus ♪ ] >> it is well-known a penis can stop a mugging. >> stephanie: really? >> can fight crime of all sorts no matter what. >> stephanie: lindsey said i was quite proud of its problem-solving skills. lindsey in texas with her magical vajayjay. jacki, it is making us feel insecure about our who-has. >> mine is an underachiever. >> stephanie: i have low self-esteem and now it is all focused in that area. let me just -- chris there are some fun facts -- this is going to make us feel even worse jacki. that's why i needed girl help in the fort. kelly writes steph representative akin was thinking of magical duck vajayjay. representative akin had the details about human lady bits confused with the lady bits of ducks and geese. >> i will never play duck, duck, goose again! >> if you weigh as much as a duck then -- then you -- are made of wood. and therefore -- >> stephanie: this is going to make the guys hot. and you and i really insecure. okay. because as you know ducks can be rapey which is a word -- >> we coin that term a couple of weeks ago under another circumstance. did it feel a little rapey? so apropos this week. >> stephanie: exactly. i frequently coin words by accident like tax hole. mitt romney is a tax hole. you know this, hal because you've been to my house. one of my friends calls fred the rapey one because he can be a little rapey. who knew we would be talking about degrees of rapey. >> because it is consensual rape. >> stephanie: she obviously wants it. okay. the point is ducks really are rapey. did you know that? >> you know -- >> they kind of have to be. >> they're despicable! >> stephanie: jacki did you know this? >> i didn't but now it makes sense because when i was in florida, i used to jog in a particular area around a golf course and there were lots of ducks that lived in the pond there and what they would do is hop up on to the jogging path and attack each other. >> stephanie: were some of the girls asking you to help them? help, take me with you! take me with you! >> what's shaken? >> aren't most animals by nature kind of rapey? >> stephanie: dolphins are rapey. they rape surfers and scuba divers seriously. >> yeah, they do. >> you're making that up. >> they hump them. >> stephanie: swim fast. that's dolphin. like that wet suit had to be that tight. >> for the record though, surfers have a natural way of fighting off dolphin rapes. they're able -- >> stephanie: they can shut that thing down. >> that's why there are no dolphin human hybrids because surfers bodies can naturally shut that down. >> the wet suit makes them slide right off. >> you would imagine wrong actually. >> stephanie: prophylactic of sorts. jacki, from the study some female ducks and geese have evolved complex genitalia to thwart unwanted mating attempts. males such as the mallard have a notorious habit of raping females. in the analysis of duck and goose vaginas -- >> here's my card. you do what now? why? >> makes my job feel inadequate. >> huey, dewey and rapey. >> stephanie: i want to know if you have an actual card. i'm a duck vagina specialist. females have evolved features to thwart unwanted males. some vaginas check this out, it is like disneyland in your who ha. some vaginas had spiral channels that would twist in the opposite direction. >> i said that the other day. >> stephanie: grab it and i will twist it off! >> painful! >> stephanie: spiral channels. >> not this time! sorry, buster! >> stephanie: opposite direction. right? like a corkscrew. >> hey hey hey hey! sorry. my bad. i'm getting mixed signals. sorry. >> stephanie: this is what cosmo, i was telling you about that article that will be stuck in my head. how to control your love muscles. something. exercise your love muscles to control your man. this is in a bad way i suppose for the mallard. >> maybe he's into that. >> stephanie: wait there's more jacki. others had as many as eight pouches that could prevent fertilization by capturing unwelcome sperm. >> sometimes if you go down the wrong -- >> should have made a left at albuquerque. >> ended up having a desk job at an insurance company. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: wow. moreover, the features were found only on in species before sex. >> it is like a new york city street show game. >> stephanie: i'm pretty jealous of the fancy lady parts. i'm stuck with my nonmagical one for now. that's a lot of fancy stuff down there. >> i understand how a man like akin could confuse duck parts and adult female parts. >> stephanie: todd akin has only had sex with ducks? >> maybe he has a duck fetish. >> no. >> stephanie: maybe the first time someone said to you go [ bleep ] a duck. all right. >> hey, that worked out pretty well. >> stephanie: jacki, i hope i didn't ruin your whole day. >> i thought we were going to talk to her about medicare. >> stephanie: we'll get to that later. i wanted to start with the fun stuff. apparently that's -- because now he's made it worse hasn't he? what did he say? he's like oh, well -- >> women are faking it. >> stephanie: chicks lie sometimes. >> what i meanly legitimate rape is a lot of women make it up just to get an abortion. like there is a coupon or something. this is the party that wants to deny you a rape kit. the morning after pill. for rape or incest victims. even children. like young girls who have been attacked by a relative would be denied. this isn't even about abortion down the line when they think oh well, i guess you wanted it on some level or you wouldn't have gotten pregnant. >> stephanie: steve king doubled down. i've never heard of a girl getting pregnant from statutory rape or incest. >> what? >> stephanie: that's the problem, jacki. it is their policies. it is not -- you know, rush limbaugh calling a woman a slut. >> it is a total lack of respect. that's the foundation, right? it is that we're second class citizens. it is that these things aren't possible. it is just a total lack of appreciation for women and women's issues. it is fundamentally ingrained in their psyche. >> stephanie: it is the platform of the republican party. there are no exceptions for rape or incest. >> they're trying to distance themselves from akin said but not distance themselves from the policies of implementing it. they're actually in the process of -- what is it? 90 some odd bills exactly about this stuff. >> stephanie: hey jacki guess who's in charge of writing the republican party platform. >> who? >> governor bob mcdonnell. transvaginal bob. speaking of policies. speaking of state-sponsored rape. >> oh, my goodness. >> he's like a congressional mallard is what he is. >> the gift bag will have a probe in it. >> i'm so glad i'm not going to the rnc. >> scariest gift bag in the world. >> stephanie: i don't think that was news-based information. [ laughter ] i think you were making a joke. >> a probe and a 30-round clip. >> once in awhile i have something worth saying. >> slight chance the gift bag if you open it, will have a face hugger from alien jump out. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: jacki schechner we started with duck vajayjays and we ended on a serious debate to save your journalistic credibility. we'll talk medicare later. see you at the top of the hour. good-bye. >> good-bye. [ applause ] >> stephanie: i needed -- i'll tell the story. i'm going on hannity tonight. i'll tell you why -- >> a lot of people watched the entire show last night. >> stephanie: that's why we sent the e-mail out yesterday. >> not everybody sees the e-mail or facebook. >> stephanie: i'll tell that story. comedy royalty on today's show. hal sparks, wendy malick all on the show. >> and paul. he's funny. >> stephanie: hard to top jacki schechner but you know, 18 minutes after the hour. right back on "the stephanie miller show". >> i don't let those screeches bother me. >> announcer: it's "the stephanie miller show." rrenttv (vo) cenk uygur is many things. >>oh really? >>"if you ever raise taxes on >>the rich, you're going to destroy our economy." not true! ♪ you're so vain ♪ ♪ you probably think this song is about you ♪ >> stephanie miller. ♪ you're so vain ♪ ♪ i'll bet you think this song is about you ♪ ♪ don't you don't you ♪ >> stephanie: yeah. uh-huh. >> mick jagger in the background. >> stephanie: i keep forgetting that jim and i are sharing a headphone jack and i'm using my -- i'm playing with my knob and i forgot it is just a placebo. it is not a real knob. >> if i turned it any louder, my ears would explode. >> kablamo. >> stephanie: pat robertson from the 700 club on the lovely and talented congressman akin. pat robertson. >> this guy is ahead in the polls. they don't like claire mccaskill in missouri. he has a chance to win. the republicans need the senate. and so he screwed up. he made a dumb remark. so don't we all? and it is time to say okay, todd you apologized. you've misspoke and let's get on with life. let's run the campaign. form a circular firing squad. go after each other. not smart. >> okay. >> stephanie: first of all he is ahead one point at this point. >> by the way that's directly because of this. he was actually a full like seven or nine points ahead just a couple of weeks ago. but that's because nobody was paying attention to it. it was one of the rubber stamp elections. yeah, it is kind of how it works. whatever. i recognize the name. there we go. but he didn't misspeak. he spoke openly. that was the mistake he made. >> stephanie: his trying to clean it up has only made it worse. i meant forcible rape. i meant sometimes chicks law. rush limbaugh. >> what i think mr. akin should try to realize here as he makes his decision is all of these things that he truly cares about will be much easier to make happen if we win the senate and the white house and hold the house in november. he must. he must put the nation and its future ahead of everything else that he's considering. and i hope he comes to the right conclusion. >> stephanie: that was a little nudgey. >> he has to stop running for senate because of what he said so that they can control the senate and do what he wants to do. >> stephanie: lora ingram in for o'reilly. >> a michele bachmann or sarah palin never could get away with it. but the willingness to give biden a pass for his incompetence is nothing compared to the leeway it gives the president. >> really? >> stephanie: this is going to be my topic on fox tonight. because joe biden -- so first of all, current. this is what it is. they only focus on -- and excuse me. is that anything analogous to what akin said? >> i don't remember the joe biden at any point during his career trying to put forth a bill that called the republicans want to chain black people bill. referring to -- or the reintroduction of slavery act. or america was better off when we had slave labor bill. >> stephanie: by the way -- [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] stunning representative steve king -- >> stunningly dumb. >> stephanie: he did not condemn todd akin. and he also told a reporter he's never heard of a child getting pregnant from statutory rape or incest. he said i haven't heard of that in any personal way. >> then it doesn't happen. anything he doesn't hear about personally. like the ravenous bug beast who is so ravenous, if you throw a towel over your own head, if you can't see him he can't see you so the world disappears. >> stephanie: at least half of all babies born to minor women are fathered by adult men. so there's that. actual statistics. >> in some cases they're relative. but in that case, that wouldn't help you either. even to get emergency contraception. not even on abortion. >> stephanie: what he was saying was he personally does not know a girl who was raped. he never said i've never heard of that. there is a fine line between i've never heard of that and i don't know anybody. >> therefore it doesn't happen if he doesn't know someone. >> stephanie: he just offered that. >> plus as a legislator, i don't give a crap if you have a personal reaction to something that will occur in life. you may not actually know anybody with leukemia, either but you don't actually produce bills going i never heard of leukemia. who gets that? who gets cancer? i've never heard of that. why do we need a bill helping people? >> stephanie: 29 minutes after the hour. harry shearer on "the stephanie miller show." 50-yard dash against obama. >> stephanie: like he could throw. drop on the pitcher's mound. hi, ricky in st. paul. show." >> this court has proven to be the knowing, delighted accomplice in the billionaires' purchase of our nation. >> and you think it doesn't affect you? think again. ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> they sit around in their underwear and fornicating in the stairwell. >> sounds like fun to me. >> stephanie: boston was fun. 34 minutes past the hour. >> the wilbur theatre stairwell will never be the same. >> stephanie: yikes. mark in newington. connecticut. there you go. >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." 34 minutes after the hour. that guy ought to be in a band. based on the album can't take a hint, harry shearer joins us now. >> good morning, stephanie. do you remember that joe the plumber's name is not joe and he's not a plumber. >> stephanie: right. >> but aside from that, you can believe everything he says. >> stephanie: we have news for him, harry. he did not build that business because he is neither -- >> because he doesn't have one. >> stephanie: because he's not a plumber. did you see his latest cure for illegal immigration to put snipers on the fence and start shooting? >> no, i didn't. >> stephanie: yeah he's a problem solver. >> what if snipers fall off the fence, they might shoot themselves. >> there is that. >> can't save everybody. >> mr. gravity. >> can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs. >> stephanie: 2012. this is just ripe with comedy, isn't it? >> listen. we could stop right now with todd akin and keep rolling through november. he is the fount. he is the lord of comedy right now. >> stephanie: he just keeps making it worse. i didn't mean -- legitimate. i meant forcible. i meant chicks lie sometimes. >> then paul ryan gets plu tonian when he says rape is rape when he's asked to define forcible. >> even though he signed on to legislation. >> i believe co-authored the legislation. >> yes, did he. >> rape is rape. let's move on. please. please! >> stephanie: as a woman it is so enjoyable to discuss degrees of rapiness. >> when you're living in a time when supposedly serious news anchors have to utter the words legitimate rape and pussy riot, you know we're in end times baby. >> stephanie: i thought during the clinton scandal when dan rather had to say penis almost every night. >> semen stain. >> stephanie: i would have given anything to be a fly on the wall in hillary clinton's office because the state department had to put out a statement. with all of bill's monica [ bleep ] i have to say pussy riot? >> indeed. >> stephanie: speaking of serious news anchors. i believe it is time for our brokaw off between you and jim ward. >> this is tom brokaw formerly of nbc nightly news. a submersible has located the final resting place of amelia lockhart's electra near the islands. the fuselage of the plane had completely dissolved due to -- >> it is a problem here on earth, all over the place. the greatest generation encountered many problems with that during the war. the labor department has no policy regarding illegal aliens. >> prince phillip left the scottish hospital after being treated for a bladder infection. buckingham palace asked phillip after leaving the hospital would return to the estate where the royal family is on holiday. >> there's a new report out that -- has been returned to the hospital. >> in other news -- >> an al-qaeda official has been arrested in algeria. according to a member of al-qaeda, they were arrested. they were traveling toward the border in a four by four vehicle according to all sources who also claim they have close links to chief abdel drudal. >> turning to local news from los angeles -- i'm joined by -- >> stephanie: this could go on for three hours. >> you guys crank it up to such a level that you're up against each other that it sounds like you're both drowning. >> hurl things up to -- >> stephanie: love it. as one famous movie said. so yeah, at some point i'm literally going -- the romney campaign, are they working for us? it is like a comedy skit. first of all, the only segment they had left for old white people, he picks the guy that wants to voucherize medicare? it just gets better. then this latest thing, can you imagine mitt going -- this akin thing is bad. who co-wrote the bill with him? what! >> when you look at the akin thing in the long light of history, his great contribution to american politics is for one shining moment he made sarah palin look smart. >> stephanie: it is stunning. and yet, you know, as people keep saying, oh, it's still fairly close. how do you think this is going to play out? >> i'm an old-fashioned kind of guy. i think you look at the unemployment number and you know what the election is. the wisdom among people who look at this stuff has always been it is very difficult for an incumbent to win if the unemployment rate is over 8%. i don't think it has happened. for an incumbent to win with the unemployment rate over 8%. so you know, everybody -- including us, is being entertained by all of this stuff but meanwhile people are out of work. >> stephanie: although, i have to say, i'm looking at polls too, where first of all obama is up and secondly, you know, the medicare, it is just such a losing issue. i think it is something like 80% of people are against paul ryan's medicare plan. i do think it is an issue that's resonating. >> ryan is being george bush about it. this is the fight we wanted. >> stephanie: okay then. >> yeah. i know. it is great. my attention got drawn by the fact the republicans are interested now in -- akin republicans to insert the word "unborn" into the 14th amendment. i think people on the other side would be really well-advised for a couple of reasons to say okay, game on! there's one word we want to insert into the 14th amendment and that word is "natural" because the 14th amendment was the wedge by which a unanimous supreme court without any cue from congress decided that an amendment which was passed to give rights to former slaves now was confirming the rights on corporations. and if you put the word "natural" in the 14th amendment, you've specified the rights belong to living, breathing, dying human beings and then you can tackle the influence of money and politics because we're in the middle of a crap storm of money in this presidential campaign and that's not good for anybody. >> stephanie: well and that is the thing. literally laughing watching the latest romney ad. literally, hal wasn't it saying obama is going to take your wheelchairs and your pacemakers. but he has so much money to put the lies out. >> when i was a kid, they used to say oh, god in years to come, they're going to be selling politicians like they sell soap. and here we are. we should be so lucky because cheer doesn't say tide wants to kill your children. >> they might now. >> well now. i've given the idea. >> stephanie: thanks harry thanks. believe me, what starts as comedy over here, they use over there. it was a joke! >> yeah, i know. >> ironically, clay aiken knows more about lady parts than todd akin. >> stephanie: it is stunning. that's what we were saying is what was more stunning to me is that this wasn't just one doofus misspeaking. this is something that a lot of people on the right have said. >> well, you know, this is not a misstatement. this is the old michael kinsley definition of a gaffe when somebody says what he really means. what he really thinks, you know. he's talked to doctors stephanie. >> stephanie: yes. >> he's talked to doctors. unfortunately they were foot doctors but he's talked to doctors. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: harry, i've been saying i've never been so insecure about my lady parts. i do not have all of that fancy stuff down there. >> you don't have the back-up -- the back-up disk? [ laughter ] >> stephanie: apparently we should have all kinds of super powers including a spidey sense. you should know when you're about to be raped. >> you don't have the rape buffer? >> stephanie: it really -- there is a funny part of it obviously but it also -- i mean obama's already way ahead with women. don't you think this is resonating with women? this is just beyond. >> resonating as in scaring the crap out of them? >> stephanie: yes. >> that kind of resonating yes as opposed to sympathetic vibrations on a string instrument. >> stephanie: harry, tell us about can't take a hint, the new album. >> well, it is a bunch of songs. this is the first time i've had really amazing guest artists perform on one of these records. dr. john jane lynch from glee. nicholas peyton, the great trumpet player. skunk baxter and steve lucas. really amazing players and amazing singers. so i do less of the singing but more of the bass playing and it is songs about everything from certain peculiar people in our culture or politics from madonna to sarah palin. >> joe the plumber. >> joe the plumber. to certain trends like the tendency as bad stuff happens we now -- it is now ingrained in our culture and probably in the japanese culture too. blame the little guy. the big guys walk and the little guys so jamie column sings this song called a few bad apples which is a tribute to that part of our culture. there's one release i'm embarrassed to say sincere song on the record which is what dr. john plays on and sings on is autumn in new orleans. you know, it deserves an autumn song too. >> stephanie: yeah. i've heard great things about it. i appreciate you coming on even though the last time i called you, you were about to do your show. you were like i have to go. i've got a thing right now. i was calling to see if you want to come to a party at my house. >> that's right. your big blowout so to speak. >> stephanie: you were like radio starts at a specific time. i gotta go now steph. love to chat. >> it is never too late to go pro, stephanie. >> stephanie: harry shearer the album is "take a hint." >> you can order that on itunes. >> that's right. [ applause ] >> stephanie: he's hilarious. i love the man. 45 minutes after the hour. back with more hump days with hal on "the stephanie miller show." >> announcer: it's like a mensa meeting with fart jokes. it's "the stephanie miller show." when a carpet is clean and fresh, it's irresistible. experience this in your home with resolve deep clean powder. its moist powder penetrates deep, removing three times more dirt than vacuuming alone while also neutralizing odors at their source. it's a clean you can see smell, and really enjoy. resolve deep clean powder. don't just vacuum clean, resolve clean. >>i jump out of my skin at people when i'm upset. they're doing this this corruption based on corruption based on corruption. >>that's an understatement, eliot. [ ♪ music ♪ ] [ ♪ music ♪ ] >> announcer: stephanie miller ♪ you might think i'm crazy ♪ to hang around with -- >> stephanie miller. ♪ you might think i'm crazy ♪ ♪ all i want is -- >> stephanie miller. >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." this hour brought to you by go to meeting the best way to host an online meeting. try it free for 30 days. type in the promo code stephanie. >> well, well, well. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] guess what i just got in my inbox. i just got canceled from hannity tonight. and i'm going to guess it is hal sparks' fault. thank you, hal. >> you're not a puss. sean hannity is a puss. >> he's a complete -- well, wuss i would prefer. >> stephanie: they wanted me to do it yesterday in pretape so they could edit to make me look bad. i outsmarted them and they just canceled me. ha ha! [ applause ] >> this ain't your first time at the rodeo. >> man up, sean! wear a cup! >> this ain't my first time at the rodeo! >> stephanie: obviously i was already -- i was already scheduled to be live tonight instead of pretaped yesterday. the producer says hi guys, we have to cancel tonight because we rearranged the show a bit. also the entire show is live tonight. >> we rearranged the show to be devoid of confrontation of our stupid ideas. >> stephanie: i'm glad we're in touch. hope we can work something out in the future. forever. we'll be back in touch never. >> we're going in a different direction. get back to the original direction. >> stephanie: we'll be back in touch when paul ryan's budget balances the budget. >> we'll be in touch when we find a more malleable democrat. >> stephanie: a democrat that's a little dumber and knows -- sure, we'll pretape. we only edit for time. we won't make you look bad. don't worry. sorry, kids, mama canceled on fox news tonight. [ wah wah ] love you sean. miss you already. okay. all right. oh somebody, song of mitt going. >> sent to us by listener todd. >> i don't know who i am. i don't know what i believe. i served as governor for four years. it was short and revealing. i was liberal but i was conservative as well. but i'm pro-life but i had no difficulty in supporting abortion. and then i decided to run for national office and don't have an idea why. everybody i talked to said it is a bad idea. but i love debate and disagreement over issues. in the case of obama care, i disagree with myself. i supported the idea of an individual mandate but i oppose what the president did. also with regards to gay marriage, i looked at some of the policies and said gosh, i have exactly the opposite view. one reason, of course is that i hope to represent all americans and i think the american people have different views. and i agree with the american people. i believe in america. i would like to ask you to join with us. volunteer. donate. or just pass this message along to a friend. thanks so much. >> wow. >> stephanie: fabulous. by the way, have you ever heard the sound clip of him talking about why he's pro-choice? when he was running for -- it is -- that actually is the closest i've ever heard him to sounding like has a principle because he talks about his family friend died of an illegal abortion and he said i respect other people's views but i and my family and mother, we've always believed this really strongly. i will never change this view. ted kennedy remember said he's multiple choice. i'm pro-choice. my opponent is multiple choice. i will never change my mind on this. this is one of moy core principles. >> now he's running with paul ryan. >> stephanie: exactly. in the light of this whole debate. >> the guy who wanted the language forcible rape put in the bill specifically because a woman who was drugged or given -- who is roofied at a bar doesn't count. >> stephanie: okay. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] still pockets of support for congressman todd akin. >> really? >> stephanie: steve king as we mentioned, the lovely and talented. >> even the loeschs have turned on him. >> stephanie: steve king said the leftist media paid in cash by george soreis. >> how does it work, steph? >> he needs to bring one of those giant sweepstakes checks. >> stephanie: i think we had -- >> a top hat and a cigar. >> stephanie: we had him on once remember, chris? i did ask him for cash and he laughed. >> he laughed in your face. >> stephanie: apparently i get a lot of cash. i would actually like it. >> he laughed at you. >> stephanie: is the response of leading republicans, how can the american dream survive? i'm sorry george is forcing republicans to -- todd akin's comments are reprehensible. wow, he's got a big payroll so republicans are also on george's payroll? i'm seeing the same thing petty personal attacks substituting for strong policy. adding that pregnancies from rape are really rare. he reiterated that, steve king. tim wildman, president of the conservative -- said the controversy -- it has been overblown. move along. >> nothing more to see here. >> it deals with chicks. >> stephanie: even if he is medically incorrect still that is irrelevant. >> oh, really? >> stephanie: what? >> medical things are irrelevant? >> stephanie: for women's health issues. >> medical doctors will dispute that. >> i think also that he's making policy decisions based on these false ideas is even more important than what those ideas are in the first place. the fact that you could go i believed that we should pass a highway bill immediately or go against a highway bill because i believe goblins under bridges are affected by traffic. you know. that's absurd. >> stephanie: what's your point? okay. >> they would be. >> stephanie: tim wildman said i'm a little stunned at the piling on against congressman akin. what is clearly a simple misuse of the english language. no it's not. he made it worse. >> that's a misuse. >> stephanie: tony perkins. >> not that tony perkins. >> he's a very nice guy. >> stephanie: his group still supports akin because of his long-term abortion position. it doesn't matter what you say. >> strong pro-life, prodeath penalty approach. i believe that anybody who's found guilty by the government must be guilty and therefore could be put to death. but a zygote who has no chance of actually becoming a healthy fetus -- >> should be issued a driver's license. >> a government employee should be making sure she carries it to term and if she doesn't put her in jail. >> stephanie: aiken said yesterday on huckabee, one word, one sentence and everything changed. no! it is because it is the entire policy for your party. including -- [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] 2012 republican platform will advocate an abortion ban without a rape exception. it is the policy of -- i love this. a romney spokesperson said when they were trying to run away from todd akin, the romney/ryan administration would not oppose abortion in case of rape. it would put them at odds are the republican party's platform. the newest unveiled next week in tampa. in spite of a massive public outcry the official g.o.p. platform committee drafted the provision just -- i guess it was monday without the rape exception. and i told you heading the committee. transvaginal bob. [ applause ] >> of virginia. >> when they get to presenting that part of the platform, i hope that's when the hurricane hits. >> stephanie: we were saying yesterday, it is like man with two brains. god -- is there any sign mitt romney shouldn't be president. just give us a sign! [ screaming ] >> i have no confirmation of this but isaac means the laughter of god. >> stephanie: oh really? 58 minutes after the hour. wendy malick and much more. >> representative paul tonko. >> stephanie: much more on "the stephanie miller show." i'm going to be on with the governor tomorrow night. she is awesome. we'll be right back on the "stephanie miller show." [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] all right, jacki schechner, >> stephanie: hello current tv land. welcome to hour number three of representative paul tonko and actress comedienne wendy malick and also jacki schechner had her healthcare geek costume. you sent me a headline. patients would pay more if romney restores medicare savings. there's empty wheelchairs in the ad and the president is ripping pacemakers out of people's hands. >> my latest bout of being furious has to do with the lack of fact check on the ads before they air them on television. i don't understand -- when i worked for the healthcare reform, we had to prove everything we were saying. there had to be a source and a cite for everything. i'm not entirely sure where that department went away. >> stephanie: so you're saying the president is not personally ripping people's pacemakers out of their chests. >> no. that would be incorrect. >> i blame sean hannity for all of it. >> stephanie: stop it. i'm canceled. i'll send. >> thank you basket. jacki schechner in the current news center. >> good morning. next tuesday night at the republican national convention is going to have a theme. the g.o.p. is calling the night we built this. they are trying to play off a twisted interpretation of the president's speech in virginia last month when he talked about how businesses get help from government-funded projects like roads and bridges. the romney campaign has been insisting the president intentionally insulted businesses and entrepreneurs. well, here is a fun fact. as the arena where the g.o.p. is holding this night of the convention, that was built in large part due to public funds. according to a 2001 sports facilities report from the national sports law institute the "tampa bay times" forum arena which is home to the tampa bay lightning was paid for with a combination of team money and public money. $86 million of public money to be exact. there is a new iphone app that is going to help people identify who's behind super pac ads. it is called likely enough, the super pac app that works with radio recognition technology to identify political ads thane pops up information on your phone including who made the ad, what it cost and twhroobt is accurate. it lets you rate the ad aren't scale of love to fail. it is from public sources like the fec and draws a database of political ads uploaded on to youtube and other sites online. with friends like this, who needs enemies. rick santorum telling the "daily beast," mitt romney isn't going to win if the election is about his business record or likability. he has to win on the issues, santorum said. we're back after the break. stay with us. cuts, the guy has caved so many times there are miners trapped inside of him. (vo) this thursday and friday morning starting at 6 eastern. lysol knows the soft places we love could be home to thousands of bacteria. so use lysol disinfectant spray on soft surfaces everyday when you're cleaning up to keep your home healthy. it kills 99.9% of bacteria won't stain, and leaves your soft surfaces with a light, fresh scent. lysol - the number one pediatrician recommended brand. lysol. mission for health. barack was having to work out the fact that people react to him based on his racial make-up. we go back to see the poeple and events that shaped the life of a man who would become president. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's "the stephanie miller show." ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ i'm walkin' on sunshine ♪ ♪ and it's time to feel good ♪ ♪ hey, all right now ♪ ♪ time to feel good ♪ >> stephanie: hello. it is "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. hump days with hal sparks. >> i just realized what your shirt said. the dairy heir. >> stephanie: they said it was in honor of my spectacular ass which i appreciate very much. all right. >> dig your ass. not quite prince william -- well -- >> we'll talk about that later. >> stephanie: i have an important -- 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. lots going on between paul ryan's budget and the medicare debate. representative paul tonko of the great state of new york joins us. >> good morning, stephanie miller. how are you? >> stephanie: i'm good. i know you and i talked a lot about the seat -- kathy hokel up near you. she won really because of paul ryan's medicare plan, don't you think? >> absolutely. it was certainly the litmus test and the ryan plan became very prominent in that special election and kathy hokel won a seat that i think is claim to be the ninth most difficult. >> stephanie: yeah. >> one of the most difficult for a democrat to win. >> stephanie: one of the things you and i have talked about is romney's gain has so much money. we were just talking about this new ad that ran that has empty wheelchairs and the president's going to cut your benefits and take away your wheelchairs. he has so much money to put the lies out there. i was just looking at a new poll though. public policy polling when it is explained about what the plan actually is, do you support or oppose paul ryan's proposal for reforming medicare, when they talk about it is a voucher program, the support erodes to almost nothing. >> oh, yeah. i think the interesting fact here is they named representative ryan as the running mate for governor romney it requires, i think the public -- it really promoting the public taking that bottle, that ryan plan in its hands and reading the labels on the bottle. when you do that, i think the awareness is struck and people understand this is a voucher system. it ends medicare as we know it. it finds seniors digging deeper into their pocket than ever before and it is turning business over to the private sector insurance industry. the general public, i hear from the seniors all the time. they like medicare. they tell you to keep your hands off their medicare and it has provided economic stability. prior to 65, stephanie when seniors were retiring, they often saw their economic stability dip south because healthcare costs would enter in at that retirement phase in their life and it would destroy their quality of life. and so now that security, that foundation that underpinning is there and it is real and it's had a history a track record of performance and you know, even with the affordable care act, we have extended some 8 or 9 years into its life and making it very solvent and working for people. >> stephanie: you know, interesting, the headline -- reading today surrogates admit romney will cut medicare benefits for current seniors. there is no -- this is not at all -- this memo that the campaign released on saturday. romney plans to repeal affordable care act in its entirety unless spends over $700 billion in the coming decade than the government would spend if the healthcare law stands. the commitment would leave medicare poised for insolve is i years before he proposes to phase in the system which means romney would have two options. find new medicare cuts or taxes to extend the life of the program or preside over its demise. none of this makes any sense does it? >> no, it doesn't. all of the efforts that we saw coming our way detail end of session before we broke for the district work period during the month of august was all about repealing the affordable care act. and not coming up with a plan. and basically they love to condemn the fact that we came up with a figure of $716 billion that reduced efforts within medicare but that was -- attacking waste and fraud and inefficiency and overpayment to profit rich -- the profit rich insurance industry. and we took that $716 billion in savings and swept those savings and brought them over to stronger programs, more affordability, closing the doughnut hole, for instance, for prescription drugs. making certain there were free checkups, annual checkups, screenings with mammograms and colonoscopies and making certain that you know, flu shots, all of the efforts that keep the people sound and well -- >> stephanie: we have to hammer that home, representative, that what romney is proposing, it is like okay, you're proposing reopening the doughnut hole and being able to discriminate again? >> absolutely right. they condemn the $716 billion in cuts. they weren't cuts. they were savings and explained where the savings -- >> stephanie: they're saying we're going to put the waste back in. >> fighting for government waste. this is their small government planning. >> after condemning the $716 billion and attacking waste and inefficiency, they swept those savings and used them for their ryan plan in a way that provides for tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires so they did nothing to strengthen, underpin, stretch, make more affordable the senior programs as we do but instead, use that money for cuts tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires. >> stephanie: ronald's reagan's budget director says paul ryan's original budget makes no sense. now if you put the $716 billion back, it really makes no sense and reduces the deficit never on top of it, right? >> absolutely. it balloons the deficit. they come up with a -- what, $5 trillion tax cut plan? this is exactly what drove us into a recession. tax cuts that were never paid for. two wars that were never on budget. this drove us into the recession that was so painful that lost 8.2 million jobs and now they want to do this again with tax cuts that are primarily driven for the upper strata. that trickle down didn't happen. in fact, the reverse. the 8.2 million jobs lost meant that the job creators, given their savings their tax break never performed for the american economy. >> stephanie: right. here's the president yesterday representative tonko. >> obama: would cut financial aid for ten million students a year. and keep in mind, they're not making the cuts to create jobs. they're not proposing these cuts to pay down the deficit. governor romney's proposing the cuts to pay for a new $5 trillion tax cut. >> stephanie: for the rich. that's exactly the point you just made. >> right. you're affecting here pell grants. you're impacting education. cutting it by some 20%. you're looking at impacting major programs that speak to quality of life. that speak to the democratic agenda where people need the programs to move forward and investment and research in an innovation economy that we need to win in that global competition. these are the setbacks to society all so that we can go forward with some sort of insachebly greedy thirst to help the few of us at the expense of the majority of us. and i just think that it is not the medicine the doctor ordered. in fact, it is the medicine for disaster. >> stephanie: here is paul ryan yesterday on the campaign trail. >> we've got to cut spending, get the deficit under control and get this debt under control if we want good jobs today and our kids to have a bright future. >> stephanie: have you watched the video going around of him full throatedly arguing for stimulus to create jobs when george bush asked for it? >> yeah. well, i haven't seen that video. i've heard about it. but i also know of his condemning the stimulus of late and then being there requesting it in his district. you know, everyone knows that there's a need here to belt tighten. but i think cut where you can so you invest where you must. if we don't do the investments that speak to the strengthening of our youngest, if we don't build the human infrastructure for the work force of tomorrow. if we don't invest in research and an innovation idea economy we're falling behind and you know we have made steps forward, major steps forward. falling out of a dark, deep pit that they created with this irresponsible sort of management of the resources. that drove a recession. we need to do better than that and i say we're on the road to progress. it has been incremental but steady upward. let's stay the path. let's stay the course. >> stephanie: speaking of being on the road, this show will be on the road live from the democratic convention in charlotte. guess who will be joining us live on site. you! >> you are! we have already scheduled you. so you're going to be joining us. >> the road show! >> stephanie: stephanie miller, the road show. representative, always a pleasure. >> you take care. see you in charlotte. [ applause ] >> stephanie: very a star-studded extravaganza in charlotte. all right. and my mom's homemade vegetable soup. the best thing about charlotte. [ applause ] >> we need to sit your mom down at our table. >> stephanie: my mom will not be making an appearance. >> no. >> stephanie: she will not. >> what if i tea bag you again? she seemed to not mind that part of it. >> stephanie: she didn't understand what you were doing. >> she sat there through the whole thing. >> stephanie: the president on the campaign trail. >> obama: they're counting on young people sitting this one out. they say well, you know what? obama's grayer now. he's not as new and as fresh as he was in 2008. young people aren't going to turn out the same way. i'm counting on something different. i'm counting on you! [ applause ] >> the guys who go woo! >> stephanie: i don't think romney has ever gotten one of those. >> sound jeres love it when -- sound engineers love it when you do that. >> stephanie: he talked about romney's comments about shopping around for a cheap college and borrowing money from your parents. that's romney's education plan. a few months ago just up the road, governor romney said if you want to be successful and go to college or start a business, you can borrow money from your parents. >> borrow a million dollars from your parents. what's the problem? obama said that's it. that's his plan. that's his answer for a young person hoping to go to college. borrow money from your parents if you have to. you're on your own. >> that's how you maintain -- that's how you keep the lower class, the lower class. what the romney campaign is effectively doing is suborning monarchy. the goal is long-term airist cratic -- airist cratic control. >> stephanie: i think the president said you should have as much education as you can afford. really? is that our goal? >> you can only afford to be this smart. sorry! hey, if you were smart in the first place -- >> you must be rich to go on this ride. >> stephanie: kids, carbonite. i don't know why anyone doesn't have it. it is $59 for the entire year. just for the peace of mind of knowing that you have a power outage a virus a -- >> wine accident. >> stephanie: okay yes. everything in your computer will be backed up. all of your financial documents anything creative you're working on photos, your music, all of it. backing up your computer is the only way to protect all of the stuff from a computer disaster. that's why we have carbonite. carbonite does all of the work for you. continually backs up everything in there on the cloud. hey, hey you. it is on the cloud. >> hey you! i know you! >> stephanie: harry shearer this morning. unlimited for your pc or mac. $59 for the entire year. >> that's a bargain. >> go to and type in stephanie for a trial. two months free with your subscription. and the offer code is stephanie. 19 minutes after the hour. we continue hump days with hal. >> my opinion is you're nuts. >> announcer: it's "the stephanie miller show." we know that back to school time means back to school germs. that's why lysol partners with schools all across the country providing resources designed to help teach healthy habits. so make sure you add lysol no touch hand soap and lysol wipes to your "back to school" list. that way, the healthy habits they learn in school will reinforce the good habits to learn more, visit lysol. mission for health. 45 what the current audience can expect from my show is the unexpected. >>stephanie miller challenges the system, now it's your turn. >>it's a little bit of magic. >>connect with "talking liberally with stephanie miller" at and on twitter at smshow. [ ♪ music ♪ ] >> this is a vintage arizona state university shirt. ♪ i believe in miracles ♪ >> stephanie miller. ♪ you sexy thing ♪ >> stephanie: i'm feeling much happier now that i'm not doing hannity. >> mwah, mwah! >> january nis new york is really upset. hi janice. >> caller: hi, steph! >> stephanie: how are you? >> caller: i was so disappointed last night when you didn't show up on that sean hannity. >> stephanie: well, i was supposed to go pretape. it was going to be aired tonight then i realized oh, they can edit so i said i would do tonight live and now they canceled me for tonight. >> caller: you know why? they're afraid of you. they have no balls anyway. they're just sitting over there. is it is so funny. i would have never watched that show because i forbid to put him on in my home. >> yeah. >> stephanie: sorry i think i forced a lot of people to watch against their will. i'm probably responsible for his ratings last night. >> caller: we were all lined up waiting for you to come on. >> stephanie: i'm sorry honey. we were saying i bet you it is exactly what hal was saying, they were going to play a clip from whatever, the comedy tour or something because the topic is civility and i'm sure they figured i got wise to that. >> caller: i didn't want to watch ole blue eyes. i didn't want to look at him so i would just turn it off. >> stephanie: i had to watch him because i didn't know when you were coming. >> stephanie: ryan was on. blue eyes. >> caller: the devil. >> there's the clip they'll play. >> stephanie: there is an example of civility. stephanie miller show wishes to say we don't necessarily think that paul ryan is not an actual zombie devil. hard to find the little horns and whatever. anyway as we were saying, i'll bet they were going to play a clip -- >> insert it afterwards. >> stephanie: so i wouldn't be there. when sean found out today i was smart enough to show up live -- [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: okay. let's go to steve in virginia. you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi steve. >> caller: good morning, stephanie. >> stephanie: hello. >> caller: jim and hal and chris. it is an honor to speak with you. if you'll indulge me for a second. i have comments on two issues. one is the -- the other is the idea of date rape drugs and stratification, level of consent. the comment that akin made was followed up by the head of the missouri republican committee that she made a comment that said that the victim of rape may be blessed with a child. >> stephanie: it is the sunny side of rape. >> caller: that implies that god has created a person as a result of this rape which follows the conservative christian evangelical concept of life beginning at conception. >> i think it goes further than that. i think it says that the rape itself was part of god's greater plan. and that you can -- >> stephanie: god is pro-rape. >> you can excuse the act in and of itself. >> it was zimmerman's idea. it was god's will that he shot trayvon martin. >> stephanie: awesome. i think joe biden was supposed to be the focus of tonight's segment on incivility in politics. to which i was cordially disinvited moments ago. actually that's why i love joe biden for how nuts he makes the right wing. >> they sound like squealing pigs. over the objections of romney and all of his allies, we passed some of the toughest wall street regulations in history. >> that's so uncivil. >> stephanie: exactly. >> squeal louder. louder! >> stephanie: all right. virginia in virginia you're on "the stephanie miller show." hello. >> caller: hi. i love you. >> stephanie: i love you. >> caller: oh, my gosh, let me see. where do i start? i want to say one word. let's not forget that men get raped, too. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: you didn't hear anybody telling sandusky -- >> stephanie: if men could make a baby in their butt, there would be an abortion clinic on every corner, right? >> you never heard anybody say sandusky's victims, they should have relaxed and enjoyed it. >> blessed by this act. >> stephanie: who was that, virginia that said that? which republican? >> somebody from texas. >> stephanie: who was that? i know, we went back through -- republicans historically and comments about rape. if it is inevitable, girls lie back and enjoy it. that guy. >> eww! >> stephanie: patricia in los angeles. you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi patricia. >> caller: hi. i feel that it's time for us to move on. mr. akins, whatever he said about rape, he's not going to change. he can apologize all he wants. we need to move on to medicare, social security and jocks. >> stephanie: well, we're going to be doing that in about 15 minutes with jacki schechner healthcare geek. you say it there it comes out here on the show. >> deal with both issues. >> stephanie: 29 minutes after the hour. >> wendy malick is next! >> stephanie: right back on "the stephanie miller show." 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[ ♪ music ♪ ] >> announcer: stephanie miller. >> we were actually looking for a cheap miller but you're a sexy >> sharon stone's baby is afraid of -- >> stephanie miller -- >> just like the rest of us. >> stephanie: it is "the stephanie miller show." welcome to it. 34 minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. you're on "the stephanie miller show." hi susie. >> caller: two comments, rush limbaugh is king of creepy. and i'm worried about akinnish republicans in missouri. i think that they're all maybe home schooled and then those home schoolers are taught by other home schoolers who are taught by other home schoolers -- >> educational inbreeding. >> stephanie: not all home schoolers are bad. now i'm going to get letters and calls because -- >> can they write letters? >> stop it! >> stephanie: send those letters right to >> stephanie: the budget munster on the campaign trail. here he is. paul ryan. >> when the president says things like this, it's this belief that success doesn't come from tony tresser that success first and foremost comes from the government. it is attacking success. [booing] >> stephanie: you mean like when your family has built their success with government money to build roads and stuff like that? >> you know, that's the big opening theme of the rnc is we built this. they're going to play -- >> stephanie: jefferson starship. are they really? ♪ we built this city ♪ >> in saying we built this, that's a collective statement. we didn't open it with i built this. that's the ayn randan way to go. >> stephanie: get ready to make the noise. wendy malick. >> squeeze! >> stephanie: all right. >> i'm all right. okay. >> stephanie: okay. and fabulous actress extraordinaire joins us. wendie. >> the boys are making sounds about you. sorry. >> what? moaning, groaning? >> sorry. >> i know how to take this. >> stephanie: i, however am doing this about your talent because i've been a big geeky fan. >> that was a wonderful show. >> stephanie: i thought i discovered you. no one knew about you except for me. >> you probably stayed at a motel because they were the only ones who had hbo in the '80s. >> it was a show that made hbo. it really was. >> stephanie: so we're having jean smart on tomorrow. you're in a play with the most amazing cast. you and amy and cloris leachman. >> joe man mantegna is going to narrate. i'm keeping very good company. >> stephanie: right. it is called recipe follows the exploits of the morning glory baking circle for revolutionary self-defense. >> yeah, you know, one of those. >> as do you. >> episode 97. >> stephanie: black panthers with a little betty crocker thrown in. >> their voices aren't being heard right now. we're going to give them a voice. >> stephanie: so they bake to raise funds for revolutionary causes. that's the theme of the play? >> a little baking for freeing america and the masses. >> do the theatres smell like it? >> we're doing this at the will gar theatre. the most beautiful gorgeous outdoor theatre. it has been historically known for doing kind of wild revolutionary rebellious, in your face kind of work. woody guthrie used to perform there. >> stephanie: it is awesome. >> you walk into the place and you feel the viables of all of the people who were on the cutting edge. >> the things they used to bake there probably -- >> stephanie: we know what that was about. >> organic, good baked goods. >> stephanie: the brownies are delightful. wendie, when is it? >> this sunday at 8:00. staged reading of the new play. we all read it and thought this would be so much fun. >> stephanie: you said 8:00 this sunday. is there an earlier one because mama needs that? >> mama, i'm sorry you'll need to take a nap. you can come and drink at the reception and eat organic baked goods at 6:30. >> stephanie: i love the character descriptions. amy's character, a gentle soul who may feel passionately about social justice but doesn't want her comfortable lifestyle disturbed with the messiness of an actual revolution. you play helen more stylish but set in her comfortable ways. she and lillian are also lovers. that's where you got me! now you caught my attention! hello! [ ding ding ] >> sure we can't move past. >> you heard the l word. no, i think it is interesting that so many people who have been sort of on the edge or professing to want to take down the system, when it comes right to it, very few people are willing to do that. it is kind of interesting to see what goes on in these elections and how people are out at these rallies and saying we're going to take it all down, burn it down and start over again. the reality is very few people have the nerve and will to follow through. >> stephanie: interesting, i remember i did actually a political rally last time in 2008 at that theatre what timing to do this in the midst of the todd akin stuff and war on women. >> ellen has her finger on the pulse feed, the undercurrent of the political scene here. they're very much champions of the underdog. you know, i think it is represented in the work they produce. >> stephanie: have you -- have you been paying attention much to this todd akin controversy and his comments about rape? >> i have so much listened to his show -- i have so much trouble listening to his voice because he sounds like mister rogers to me. ♪ it is a rapey day in the neighborhood ♪ >> is he still in? >> he's still in. >> as of last night the last time i heard the news. it is sort of fascinating to me he's bucking that monolithic powerful law that seems to control everything. >> stephanie: yeah. we were saying though, wendie, it is not just one guy saying something, this is going to be the platform of the republican convention. no exceptions for rape. >> they would prefer to just write it down and not have people say it out loud. >> stephanie: yeah, you're not supposed to say it out loud. >> how are we supposed to get it through if you talk about it? shh. >> planned parenthood was the first group i ever marched with when i was in college in delaware ohio. actually it was in -- columbus was the march. it was such an enormous fight for young women because abortion was illegal in ohio as in most states in this country and young women today, i don't think realized how hard these freedoms that they earned were fought for and what's at stake here. i think this is good this is all coming out. >> stephanie: are you calling from a piano lounge? are you laying on a piano right now? >> can you hear that? it is one of those systems in our house and i yelled for my husband to please turn it off. i don't think he heard it. >> stephanie: i thought maybe you were playing lucy and you're good man charlie brown and you're on the piano. so now -- >> sorry. >> stephanie: because you're a real -- that's what i love about you. i tell the story, you're a real girlfriend because when i interviewed you live on oxygen, you're the only guest you actually pulled hair out of my mouth because my hair had gotten on my lipstick. >> that's what friends are for. >> stephanie: i was a little startled but it a it helper thing to do. >> it was like the heimlich. >> preheimlich. >> it was called preventative. >> stephanie: every now and again i run into you hiking and i geek out all over again. this is -- how do we find out about getting tickets. chris, we have a link? >> and at your facebook page. >> you can probably just google the theatric and botanic and pictures of all of us. >> this is a benefit, isn't it? >> it is a benefit for the theatre. so many great things for this community and for so many good causes. >> stephanie: awesome. piano player our compliments. >> i'm going to tip him right now. >> stephanie: wendie, always a pleasure. >> we actually worked together on secret files of the spy dogs. >> oh, my gosh. >> wasn't that magnificent? [ laughter ] >> stephanie: a high point. >> we'll always have secrets. >> stephanie: wendie, always a pleasure. talk to you soon. >> bye-bye. [ applause ] >> yea! >> stephanie: husband the buzz kill for me. [ buzzer ] >> she's obviously not afraid to play gay. >> stephanie: that's good enough for me. laugh let's go to dan in denver. you're on the "the stephanie miller show." >> caller: the reason the right wing weasels keep whining about biden is he was right on with his statement. they're sucking the equity out of everybody's house. >> stephanie: by the way dan -- i was just going to say for all -- he was talking about it because romney had used the phrase unchain wall street. and so -- but the other thing is -- >> unshackle wall street. >> stephanie: the other thing i was going to say -- unshackle but it was a mixed audience. it wasn't like it was an all black audience. >> he meant the general public. he meant the 99%. he meant the middle class. we're going to shackle you guys. you guys have to play by the rules and follow the regulations and rules in the tax filings and in everything you do but romney, those guys don't have to. they can hide their money in switzerland and get huge bonuses and use all of the money. >> that's warfare. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] >> stephanie: we've been talking about the republican platform. they're pounding it together right now as we speak. tampa next week. >> they agreed on it. >> during a meeting of the rnc platform on tuesday. kansas attorney general chris who wrote the horrible arizona immigration law he spoke out against an amendment that was struck down the long-standing support for the defensive marriage act by comparing homosexuality with drug use. some poor rnc from nevada argued every american gets treated equally under the law. [ cuckoo clock chimes ] kovac who is best known as the arizona blah, blah, blah -- by comparing lbgt to drug users and policyition mists. it was defeated by a voice vote of homophobes. polygamy and drug use. >> stephanie: okay. well, there's that. >> remember, you make a choice. to be. >> gay. >> stephanie: that happens. 45 minutes after the hour. right back with jacki schechner and jacki's healthcare corner next on "the stephanie miller show." >> i guess that makes our naughty parts tingle. >> announcer: it's "the stephanie miller show." barack to be the best in everything. >>as barack obama seeks a second term, with campaigns trading attacks and pundits predicting we go back to see the people and events that shaped the life of the unlikely man who would become president. >>barack was having to work out the fact that people react to him based on his racial makeup. i felt he identified with other outsiders and that was a good story. it starts at $59 for the entire year for back up. put in code stephanie for your subscription. 18 minutes after the hour. nah, he's probably got... [ dennis' voice ] allstate. they can bundle all your policies together. lot of paperwork. [ doug's voice ] actually... [ dennis' voice ] an allstate agent can help do the switching and paperwork for you. well, it probably costs a lot. [ dennis' voice ] allstate can save you up to 30% more when you bundle. well, his dog's stupid. [ dennis' voice ] poodles are one of the world's smartest breeds. ♪ ♪ bundle and save with an allstate agent. are you in good hands? (vo) john fugelsang is filling in on full court press with bill press. >> he caved on the public option, he caved on the bush tax cuts, the guy has caved so many times there are miners trapped inside of him. (vo) this thursday and friday morning starting at 6 eastern. [ ♪ music ♪ ] >> announcer: stephanie miller ♪ ♪ if you'll be my bodyguard, i can be your long lost pal ♪ ♪ i can call you -- >> stephanie miller. ♪ you can call me al ♪ >> don't call me al. >> you can call me the boss. >> stephanie: "the stephanie miller show." 50 minutes past the hour. speaking of awesome people that also work for al. ♪ long intro on this one. ♪ i think she gets up in the night and burns the light ♪ ♪ the only one who didn't -- and got it right was jacki schechner ♪ ♪ so happy ♪ ♪ i can see me hearing nothing but news ♪ >> stephanie: we're talking healthcare stuff. [ ♪ "world news tonight" ♪ ] thank you very much. yaqui, did you see this poll. a public policy poll shows 45% of registered voters opposed to ryan's medicare plans 36% support. here is our mission if we choose to accept it. when the pollster explains what it actually is. it is a voucher program, then 63% of voters say that they're not for that. >> that's a problem with all of the polling with regard to healthcare, right is when people vote on what they think or they weigh in on what they think healthcare is. they hate it. when they find out what it really is, they like it. in this case, the opposite way around. they find out what the voucher program really is. >> stephanie: this must have made you crazy. >> coupon care. >> stephanie: see? >> clip your savings and get your tumor taken care of. 50% off for my appendectomy. i'm going to rush down and get it today. even though i don't have it. >> stephanie: when you were trying to get healthcare passed, that must have driven you crazy. a poll said most people opposed then when you explain it, they get it. >> everybody hates it and the president is jamming through something everybody hates and then when the polling breaks down the components of healthcare reform, people go oh, no pre-existing -- i like that! your aonly as aware as you're paying attention. >> stephanie: "the new york times" piece patients would pay more if romney restores medicare savings, analysts say. you don't say that commercial we just saw is not true? >> no. i like this when the news organizations are catching on and starting to report it as actual fact as opposed to he said, she said. i like this. "the new york times," i was mistaken, i tweeted out they were finally coming on board. they had an editorial that i missed where they were really good about laying out the facts. the news article was strong today explaining how actually it would make -- if they roll back all of the cuts in the -- all of the savings in the affordable care act, we would make medicare insolvent earlier. as ryan touts the fiscal responsibility of everything he wants to do, he's actually lying about that. >> stephanie: yes. i love how they have to phrase it in "the new york times." his promise to restore the cuts that president obama quote-unquote robbed from medicare has some healthcare experts puzzled. >> it is bogus and puzzling. >> stephanie: right. >> really nothing puzzling about it. it is entirely untrue. >> stephanie: that's what i mean. in a way -- the way people talk about this to not quote-unquote call someone a liar. but you're right. it is false. >> what's wrong with calling somebody a liar? if somebody is lying why can't you just say they're lying? >> stephanie: this guy is the director of the center -- there are only two explanations, either they don't understand how the program works which is hard to imagine or there is some deliberate misrepresentation because they know how politically potent the shot is. >> it doesn't make any sense. really, i mean let's reiterate this. when did republicans become the big defenders of medicare? since when do they want to advocate for government healthcare program? that's not something that republicans have ever wanted, supported, advocated for. now all of a sudden, they're the great defenders of medicare? >> stephanie: hal said it earlier. so the small government people are proposing to put waste back in government. >> yeah. >> stephanie: we can't say enough. what he proposes is not additional cost but it is higher payments for hospitals insurers and other providers. >> all of these providers with the exception of the insurance companies agreed to take a slower rate of payment in exchange for the 30 plus million people who are now going to be part of the healthcare system. this wasn't -- this was -- not the individual, of course, you can't pull everybody but the trade organizations that represent the hospitals and the healthcare providers again with the exception of the insurance companies, okay, we'll agree to slowing down the rate of growth. >> stephanie: i think, you know, chris van hollen is quoted in here. he says the bottom line is romney is proposing to take more money from seniors and higher premiums and co-pays and hand it over to private insurers in the medicare system. >> the cuts when he presented them, these are similar kinds of cuts. these are not egregious -- $716 billion over the course of ten years but they want to give the savings -- in the form of a tax cut to the upper 1%. the obama administration wants to take the savings and actually use them to extend the health of the people in the system. >> stephanie: yep. jacki, here is another example of why we love jacki schechner and hate everyone else. [ ding ding ] [ applause ] >> stephanie: this is what happens, both sides do it. there are untrue charges. president obama, he actually said he addressed this ad that was not his ad. that a super pac did. he said i don't think romney is responsible for the death of the woman in the ad. nora o'donnell said this is the question that obama has to answer for which is about the tone of the campaign. she doesn't say mitt romney is putting out ads in his own name that he's paying for that are blatantly lies right? >> i'm not seeing a particularly negative personal attack tone to this campaign. let's be honest here. he's attacking him on the issues and romney and ryan are so lousy on the issues that -- it makes them an easy target. nobody is attacking anybody's family. nobody's going after anybody's integrity. if i remember correctly in 2008, there were a lot of personal attacks on the president. jeremiah wright, a lot of palling around with terrorists. it was a heck of a lot more negative. >> stephanie: nora said many people believe obama was about hope and change in 2008. he ran a very negative campaign in 2008 as well. [ scooby-doo's "huh?" ] >> huh? >> they have selective amnesia. i'm not sure what campaign we're talking about. >> you have to show what your opponent is about. this is par for the course for mitt romney. >> stephanie: i think she was referring to the primary. most negative attacks came from the -- clinton up against obama. >> that went back and forth. but i think as far as personal attacks or negative tone of mudslinging, this is tame compared to stuff we've seen in the past. it doesn't make it true. >> stephanie: want to go out drinking to celebrate my canceled from hannity. >> you got canceled again? seriously? they're scared of you! >> stephanie: you heard it. jacki schechner said it. [cat meowing] >> all right i'm leaving you to do the news. >> do the news. [ applause ] >> stephanie: did i not mention. sean hannity is a giant -- [cat meowing] >> your tone is so negative. >> stephanie: because i'm so uncivil. it was a segment on civility. >> some people say you're incivil. >> stephanie: all right. that's it for us. >> hal sparks. >> at the madhouse comedy club in san francisco friday and saturday night. that's true. that close to the mexican border. >> stephanie: for tickets for upcoming shows in seattle and new york city! >> whoa! new york city! >> stephanie: we'll see ul tomorrow on "the stephanie miller show."

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