Transcripts For CSPAN3 Vice President-elect And Sean Spicer Preview Presidential Inauguration 20170119

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Years. When were the inaugural balls established as part of the ceremonies . It happened when George Washington was looking forward to this day for a long time. I wasnt sure i was going to be able to get through today so i brought a special guest with me. It is my distinct honor to introduce the head of the Transition Team, our next Vice President , mike pence. [ applause ] thank you. Thank you sean and good morning. It is a momentous day before a historic day. And im pleased to have a chance to report to the American People and to all of you the progress that we have made at the president elects direction, preparing a team that will be ready to serve the American People and make America Great again on day one. Im grateful to be with all of you today. Before i give you a brief summary let me First Express our thoughts and prayers on behalf of the president elect and myself for president bush and barbara. They are on the hearts of every american. This morning we understand they had a good night last night but we encourage every american to remember president bush and his wonderful wife barbara in their prayers. 72 days ago we elected donald trump to be the 45th president of the United States of america. 71 days ago donald trump set an ambitious schedule prior to this inauguration and asked me to chair the transition effort. I was grateful and honored to be given the opportunity to do just that. When we took over i was impressed with the work that governor christie and the Transition Team had done prior to the election, more than 170 interviews had already been done prior to election day. Im pleased to report that as of this mornings announcement for our secretary of agriculture all 21 cabinet nominees have been named, 27 total individuals have been named that require the consent of the senate. We have 536 beach head team members that will be reporting for duty at agencies following the inauguration bright and early on monday morning. There are many people, many people to thank in this regard. I am really here just to do that. There is a memorandum that will be in your possession by the end of this briefing that ill be conveying to the president elect today to give him a full report on the transition efforts and the progress that we have made. Allow me to give you a couple of top lines. In addition to the hundreds of interviews and meetings that the president elect has conducted in the course of this transition im pleased to report that the president ial Appointments Team has conducted more than 170 interviews prior to the election, more than 200 people since the election. I have sat down with what we call our tiger teams for full vetting and full review. Im happy to say the interests of the American People in this administration has been overwhelming. More than 86,000 resumes have been submitted and over 4,000 candidate referrals. On the eve of the inauguration our beach head teams are ready to land and go to work in these various agencies of the Incoming Administration. On legislative affairs we organized more than 90 volunteers to create and execute a confirmation strategy to support the 27 publically announced Senate Confirmed nominees, designees attended so far more than 370 visits with senators and will continue to work very, very closely to support their efforts as they move towards confirmation. There has been work on agency action, as i mentioned. Policy implementation has been very brisk in the course of this transition. Specifically we focussed at the president elects direction on a day one, a day 100 and day 200 action plan for keeping our word to the American People and putting the president elects promises into practice. 14 policy implementation teams attracted over 110 active team participants. 90 experts have been serving in an advisory capacity as we formulated executive action and policy to pursue the goals of this administration. In addition to that we have been listening. We established through the course of the transition the office of nationwide engagement, one for short and they have been busy. 28 listening sessions conducted december 1 through january 13. 22 Business Days met with and heard top policy issues and concerns for more than 1,200 organizations, associations and various interests and entities. Its an awful lot of people to thank and more details that you will see in the memorandum that i will be conveying to the president elect today. Let me begin by expressing my appreciation first and foremost to president obama and Vice President joe biden. The cooperation that the Outgoing Administration has extended in this transition effort would make every american proud. I know the president elect has expressed his appreciation not just for the hospitality but collaboration of the administration in supporting our teams transition efforts. I would reiterate that today. Grateful to the gsa administrator Denise Turner roth and her Outstanding Team for the work they have done to support our efforts. Also grateful for the vice chairs and the executive committee of the transition effort who put in very long hours. A number of them are with us today. Ben carson is with us. Rudy giuliani, jeff sessions, tom reed represent a part of the vice chair team and we express our appreciation on behalf of the president elect for the many, many hours that you put in helping to assemble this day one team. We express appreciation to the members of our executive committee who donated literally hundreds of hours in assisting us in preparing the recommendations to the president elect over the course of this. Lastly, two more things to mention. Number one is just to thank my team. You know, there is an old saying back in indiana when you see a box turtle on a fence post one thing you know for sure is they had help getting there. I can tell you that while it has been my privilege to chair this transition effort, the team that we have had around us and the extraordinary seven day a week hours that they have put into this effort is greatly to their credit. I want tothank the executive director who has done a masterful job, extremely grateful for energetic leadership for reince priebus, incoming general counsel at the white house literally working almost around the clock in supporting the efforts of this transition effort. For our team here, bill hagerty, andrew brimburg on policy, jamie burke and Elizabeth Pinkerton on personnel, and a balance of a team that would make anyone proud, the progress that we have made in the course of this transition and the brisk pace with which it has been conducted is a tribute to integrity and work ethic of these men and women. I know the president elect is grateful for their efforts and as chair i am as well. The office of white house personnel will take over the official duties as we continue in the weeks and months ahead to fill out the balance of the administration. But this is the team that got us here to this day at the direction of the president elect. Lastly, im especially pleased and i know the president elect is especially pleased that we are wrapping up this transition on schedule and under budget. We will actually return some 20 of taxpayer funding back to the u. S. Treasury and that is just exactly in keeping with the president elects expectations going forward. He is a businessman who knows how to sharpen his pencil. I am pleased to report that we were able to do that and restore those dollars to the treasury. Let me say ive been very honored to serve as chair of the transition effort but all that we have accomplished here, credit goes to a great team. Our volunteers, literally hundreds and hundreds of volunteers who have put in hours and hours to support this effort. Our executive committee, vice chairs, staff but really the credit i can tell you goes to our president elect. Sometimes people stop me on the street and they say how are you holding up, i cant imagine how busy you are. I tell them you have to understand the energy and enthusiasm of donald trump is contagious. His energy and his expectation has driven this transition effort. Im proud to say to be at a place where we named our entire cabinet before that historic day tomorrow. Our job really was to make sure that the president elect had the opportunity to make decisions, to assemble the team around him that will make America Great again. Im humbled to have been a small part of that. Our job is to be ready on day one and the American People can be confident that we will be. So let me say to all of you, we look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Going to be a very humbling and moving day for the president elect, his family and for mine. Let me tell you, we are all ready to go to work. In fact, we cant wait to get to work for the American People to make America Great again. Thank you very much and we will provide that information for you at the end of the briefing. Can i ask you how many nominees you expect to have confirmed by the end youre up. Thank you. Thank you mr. Vice president elect. I think he speaks for all of us when we say we are truly excited for tomorrow. There is an historic change coming and it is infectious. The president elect continues to make edits and additions to his inaugural address. We will have further updates for you on that. I know it was asked yesterday. In the speech it will be a very personal and sincere statement about his vision for the country. He will discuss what it means to be an american, challenges we face as members of the middle class. He will talk about infrastructure and education, manufacturing base. I think it will be less of an agenda and more of a philosophical document, a vision of where he sees the country, the proper role of government, the role of citizens. Look forward to that tomorrow. With respect to the action on capitol hill i think the nominees continue to go up to capitol hill and impress the American People and the United States senator with the caliber and quality of people that the president elect has chosen. Of scott perut, the best choice for the epa. Leader mcconnell mentioned of wilber ross he has experience to help turn the country around. John thune said his business know how will make him a great commerce secretary. Senator marco rubio said nikki haley will stand up for american values. Dr. Tom price is someone to help towards patient centered health care. Rick perry and Steven Mnuchin testifying. I think no one understands the American Economy and Energy Industry than former governor rick perry of texas. He is well known to the senate and American People. There is a great deal of reform coming to washington and nothing sends the messa age stronger th nominating a leader like rick perry. Steven mnuchin solutionoriented leader and excellent communicator. These qualities will serve him well as he works with congress and the administration to hamper out a tax passage to spur economic growth, create jobs and help hard working americans and help businesses compete. I mentioned yesterday but we have further staff announcements today on the commission staff, the special assistants, deputy assistants and assistants to the president and will release some noncommissioned support staff. This morning as the Vice President elect noted we have officially filled the cabinet with the announcement of sonny purdue. A few more notes. We will announce that dab concern will return as deputy to assistant of president and director of white house military office. He has been serving in an acting role during the Obama Administration. The president elect intends to make that a permanent position for him. The president elect understands how it is important to ensure the continuity of government so the president elect asked over 50 individuals to stay in posts. Robert work the deputy of defense. The dea administrator, tom shannon, the under secretary of state for political affairs. Susan coppage in department of state. Brett mcgurk who is special envoy for Global Coalition to counter isis. The assistant secretary of management ad some individuals who will be staying aboard. Here is the run down for events occurring today. Please keep in mind that all timing is approximate and continue to check the official schedule. Today at 12 30 the president elect, chief of staff reince priebus, sarah armstrong, Senate Majority leader mitch mcconnell, Kevin Mccarthy and cabinet designees will attend a leadership luncheon at the Trump International hotel. That is a pool event. At 3 00 p. M. There will be the president elect, Vice President elect and families will attend a wreath layer ceremony. At 4 00 p. M. Will attend the make America Great again rally and concert at the lincoln memorial. Tomorrow big day for everyone. Its inauguration day. It will begin with president elect, his family, Vice President elect and his family, family and friends attending 8 30 Church Service at st. Johns church. At 9 30 the president elect and his family, Vice President elect and his family will attend a white house tea. At 10 30 they travel to the capitol for swearing in. At 11 00 the president elect, trump family, Vice President elect and his family attend the swearing in on the west lawn of the u. S. Capitol. At 1 00 p. M. The president elect, Vice President elect will attend joint Congressional Inaugural Committee luncheon. At 2 30 p. M. The military review located at the u. S. Capitol. At 3 00 the inaugural parade in stands just outside of the white house. At 7 00 p. M. President trump, Vice President pence will attend the liberty and freedom ball. Following that they attend the military ball. On saturday at approximately 10 00 a. M. The Vice President , president and families will attend National Prayer service. Over the weekend the incoming staff will be located here at the ptt to help support the transition. On the eve of the inauguration one point that is important we have over 536 beach head team members, the individuals being placed into agencies and departments throughout the government. They have been identified to support those things. This is an unprecedented number of individuals that will be ready on day one as far back as we can see. I think that is important as well as individuals to ensure continuity of government. We intend to have the first briefing at the white house on monday in the james brady briefing room. Time will be announced. I would just say that during this weekend we intend to we have worked with White House Correspondents Association to secure a camera to be here should there need to be a briefing. I know some of you are interested in getting your passes. We are working with the current white house. They have been very helpful. Make sure you email our team. We will had facilitate reporters who dont have hard passes throughout the weekend. On monday the greater leeway we have in terms of timing is appreciated. With respect to the cabinet before i turn it over, i think that there is no question we have noted before the high quality and caliber of the individuals that the president elect has selected to lead his government. I think even the Senate Leadership on the democratic side admitted so much. They talked about going after just a few of them. Its i think what is a shame is to see some of those individuals who we call consensus candidates, people like ben carson, nikki haley suddenly not be part of senator schumers list that he will work with us to get done on day one. These are people who are highly qualified who were considered consensus candidates. I think it speaks volumes that the democratic leadership is not working with us to ensure continuity of government. This was not the precedent that was set by Senate Republicans when they worked with the Obama Administration in 2008 to ensure that president obama gaut cabinet of his choosing because they were qualified individuals. I expect same standard for our individuals. I think senator schumer should do the same, recognize that this is more about continuity of government and insuring that these qualified individuals get voted on so we can lead this country forward. With that i will be glad to take questions. Yesterday you promised that you would be able to shed more light on the first orders that the incoming president will sign on friday and maybe give us an idea of what is coming up on monday. I will have to continue to update you on that. The president elect is continuing to get briefed on some orders he wants to do. I think weve talked about that for a few months now. Obama care, the fight against isis. He talked about immigration. Key issues that have been important to him throughout the campaign that will continue to be important to him in this administration. He is committed to not just day one but day two, day three of enacting an agenda of real change. I think you will see that in the days and weeks to come. He is trying to ensure proper sequencing. I think you will see activity on both tomorrow, over the weekend and then monday, tuesday, wednesday. Its going to be a robust not just day one but first week, first month and probably first term. Do you know how many of tomorrows orders are processed . I dont want to go there yet. I think the president elect is still working through which ones he wants to deal with tomorrow versus monday or tuesday. Well try to get a read out of those going forward. It is a work in progress. There is a lot to be done. I would like to know if we are going to the White House Press corps . I think that has been asked and answered. As you can tell by today there is a tremendous interest in covering this president. The demand and enthusiasm to understand the agenda that he has is frankly unprecedented. We have tried to be accommodating and looked at additional room space. We are going to continue. We will host the first meeting in the james brady briefing room. It will be a little cramped. That is where we will hold the first couple of briefings for now. I hope that answers. Can you confirm that the president elect has the plans to go to the cia in the near future . And is it to make nice after everything that has happened . I would say im sure at some point shortly he will visit not just cia. I mentioned yesterday that the president continues to be humbled by the people who serve this nation and the work that they do so many times without proper recognition for sacrifices they make. I think the enthusiasm to serve in government and be part of this administration has gotten greater by the day. There are so many people that have submitted a resume or said i want to go back into Public Service or join the military because they have been inspired by the president elects message. I think not just cia but several departments he will visit and make sure he tells them how much he appreciates their service to our country, commitment to enacting agenda of change and recognize how much they do for this country. It is not just the cia but a lot of activity throughout not just the first week, first month and first year of making that a priority to thank so many of the people who serve our government and then again not just federal servants but so many people who volunteer their time in various ways to serve this nation paid and unpaid. Is there a feel to have fence mending . I think he has been very clear his statement he put out the friday he got the briefing. He respects the work and diligence of the Intelligence Community. The men and women who so often serve without recognition because of the nature of the work they do is something he has a true understanding of the sacrifice they make. He has been clear while he may have differences sometimes with the leadership of the Intelligence Community that the work of the individuals, men and women who tirelessly support the analysis and readings of the Intelligence Community is something he will continue to show his support for and thanks. Your list of cabinet picks is the first since 1988 that doesnt include hispanics. What do you say to hispanic groups who are concerned bet that . What do you say more broadly about the criticism that this under cuts president elects argument that he is here to serve all americans . I think when you look at the totality of his administration, the people that he has talked to, the people that he has met with and appointing you see a president who is commit today uniting the country and bringing the best and brightest together. Look at the cabinet. Elaine chow, dr. Ben carson. The number one thing i think americans should focus on is he hiring the best and the brightest and hiring people committed to enacting real change, respecting taxpayers and an agenda to create jobs and lift up wages. I think what you are seeing and you will continue to see not just through the cabinet is a diversity in gender and thinking and diversity of ideology. It is not just about skin color or ethnic heritage. You look at the totality of the cabinet, indianamerican, africanamerican, asianamerican. You c if you look at the totality of people he is bringing in for senior staff positions, cabinet, we will have 5,000 positions. So i think you can pick out one subset but if you look at the totality of the diversity that he is bringing in this i would say it is probably something to hold up second to none. Given that some of his comments about latinos and immigration is such a hot topic during the campaign why not make that a priority . I think it is a priority. I think it is a very narrow way to look at it and say if you dont appoint people to this particular position thats a problem. I just mentioned the level of diversity throughout the cabinet and staff. As we continue to announce this that problem will be something people look at and respect the level of diversity throughout his administration. [ inaudible ]. Im not going to get ahead of the italian government. How many nominees do you expect to have confirmed and what conversations are you having to get the process moving . The Vice President has been in contact with senior leadership. Senator mcconnell has been working tirelessly to get the situation going. There is really no excuse for the delay tactics and the partisanship that is being exhibited by the democrats. There is a time and a place for it, i get it. If you hold them to the standard they were held in 08 you recognize the fact that they are continuing to employ delay tactic after delay tactic which isnt good for the government. I prese the idea that they are delaying that further calls into question the desire to have a government of continuity. It sends not just a signal to the folks in the United States but around the world that we are not that they are questioning the ability of continuity of government. We have taken the proper steps to secure critical positions. We have a key individual ready to go. I think it is disappointing that they have chosen to do this. If you look at the questions that are being asked in these confirmation hearings its not about substance or policy or the issues in front of that department, it is about partisan hacks and attacks and ethical questions. These people have had their paperwork in. To see some of these attacks and the focus not be on issues like schools and teachers and Homeland Security is a problem. There are so many issues facing this country that we need to get moving on. And the idea that Democrats Use these stall tactics is not in the countrys best interest. Do you think anybody will be confirmed on monday . I hope so. Senator mcconnell has been working tirelessly to get as many nominees confirmed as possible so that we are ready to go. As soon as senator schumer and other democrats are willing to work with him. You look at the comments they made. They came out with their socalled hit list. There are individuals mentioned that werent on their political hit list. They are consensus candidates. While everyone of them is qualified to lead the country in their Respective Department the idea that they are expanding the list is unacceptable. They owe an explanation on those individuals at the least. Why are they delaying . Why are they not moving on governor nikki haley. The other ones there is no question their qualifications. Those individuals werent on their political hit list. Why are they holding up those individuals in particular . The question on global trade, the chinese president lauded merits of free trade. What is your message to beijing about the role america will play in global trade . Are you willing to work with beijing in places where you have commonalities . I think the president s message on trade has been fairly clear. He is going to fight for American Workers and american manufacturing. That is going to be the number one thing that guides him going forward. He has talked about bilateral deals. He will make sure every deal he cuts puts American Workers and american manufacturing, american services, america first. Whether china or any other country that is going to be the priority. With respect to china alone its a huge market place for American Workers and Small Businesses. You look at the commitment that alibaba when they met with him. It is important that individuals who might have a craft or a product that they are working at home at or maybe just a Small Business have the opportunity to access those market places that at one point might be too far for them to reach. Through technology that we have available to us now. He is going to continue to fight whether the Chinese Market or other places around the globe for market access. But again the guiding principle is always going to be the American Worker and american manufacturing. Getting back to your idea that the president wants to work with and for people who werent with him in the election, how long will he continue trying when the other side is boycotting and not helping with nominations until he says i will just work with the people who got me there . I dont think that will happen. He has a commitment of uniting this country, bringing people together, republicans, democrats, people that were for him, against him, ag nostic during the campaign. He continued to meet with people who have ideas on how to move the country forward and create jobs. If people have a good idea about how to do that he is not really concerned with what they have said or done in the past if the commitment is about the future. Had an entire meeting with the tech industry. Sat down with 25 tech titans. I dont think some individuals are going to get into past statements they may have made. If you google you find folks who may have not been entirely focussed on supporting him. I think it has shown through his actions in terms of who he has appointed and met with. This is about moving the country forward. I think he has shown a deep concern for putting getting america back on track. He is not concerned with the past. Can you reconcile the Vice President elects statements that you are ready on day one . You cant have it both ways. Sure you can. Absolutely. I think there is a difference. We have appointed over 50 people in critical positions to maintain their office until we can find a successor for this administration. We have looked through the entire government and found areas where there is a critical need to maintain someone. In an area where a department the secretary wont be available. There is a continuity to ensure that the highest level person assumes the duties. They cant carry out mandate of the president there is a difference between enacting an agenda and making sure if there is issue or concern. Continuity of government is if there is an attack or some kind of weather incident that occurs where each Department Needs to be called into action. Make no mistake, we are ready to go on day one. There is a big difference between being ready to go and enacting things. There are limitations to what individuals can do. In terms of being ready to go and being able to respond to an incident we are ready to go. Are you going to keep him for the entire duration . Our focus was on continuity of government and case by case basis we work with the individuals in the departments. On trade is the president elect going to wait until his cabinet is in place before beginning negotiations with mexico a canada . Or if they are not in place will the president go and contact those countries . I think im not going to get ahead of him but i will tell you that he is part of what he announced in the executive order list around the thanksgiving time included actions on tpp and nafta. I think you will see those happen very shortly. When and where in terms of where the cabinet piece falls in some has to do with senate democrats. He has made it clear that some of those things are huge priorities for him. Im wondering, you said yesterday there will be a couple of visits next week. I was talking specifically about agencies and departments. But there are no foreign leaders expected next week . Nothing is expected next week in terms of foreign leader visits. We will have an update on that at some point. You talked about agencies can you address National Security council in the without . Only a couple of people have been appointed so far. Are there more appointments before tomorrow or the weekend or what are you doing . Im not sure that that is true. We have a great group of folks in Constant Contact with National Security council and Homeland Security council. You have general flynn, tom bausert. As i mentioned there are several individuals within Homeland Security council and National Security council that are held over in critical positions. There are a lot of individuals who are detailed and staying on board. The contact and level of support pack and forth with National Security council alone has been tremendous. We have had reams of briefings and people that have come over and met with the incoming National Security council. That is one area where frankly they have been very, very aggressive and robust with both meeting with counter parts and insuring that the team is ready to go day one. Ethics experts and former white house lawyers have expressed deep concern over Donald Trumps plan to separate himself from his business. The o. G. Director said handing over control is not enough. Given that he hasnt released his taxes, given that 74 of americans want him to release his taxes, will he at least give a list of who he is in debt to . If not, why not . I think that question has been asked and answered 100 times. I heard the question. So i think the president elect has made it very clear he has no conflicts by law. He has gone above and beyond in terms of making sure he separates himself from his business and hands it over to his kids and put in place a very, very rigorous plan to ensure no conflicts of interest occur. He has gone above and beyaupd. What he has done is extraordinary to ensure his focus is on helping this country move forward. Thank you. Could you give us a little more information on how the president plans to spend his first weekend in the white house and more information on what he plans to do in the first week and clarify that departmental meetings will be taking place next week . Im not going to get into the schedule in terps of what he is doing. He is going to there will be time carved out for executive order signings as he chooses. There is work in terms of meeting with staff and getting prepared. As we get closer to monday we will have an update on the schedule in terms of where he might be going or other signings he will be conducting. I was wondering, there is a lot of rumors about the executive orders. Can you clarify whether or not he will issue an immigration executive order on monday or sometime next week . I know you promised you would give us more details. I know you have already gone over the ones that deal with logistics and Government Operations but there is a lot of concern about what he will come out with in terms of immigration. As i said earlier we will have an update on the schedule. The president elect is still working with the team. He laid out very clearly what his Top Priorities are going to be. No surprise that immigration, job creation rbs manufacturing, tax reform are at the top of that list. Its a question of sequencing. He is committed to getting those things done and working on the timing. In terms of the campaign against isis, the ongoing strikes, u. S. Troops are on the ground. Will all of those [ inaudible ]. With respect to isis i think he talked about very clearly that he wants a plan from the joint chiefs very quickly. How we look at the whole government approach to that. He continued to meet with National Security team about what is in place and what he needs to do. Im not going to get in front of what decisions he will make tomorrow. I think what we have insured is that for the time being we have a team in place that will continue to advice him and make sure the country remains safe and our priorities are carried out. Last week trumps lawyer talked about separating from his business interests both last night and today scheduled a visit in his own locale to promote the dining room there. He is going to his own hotel . I think that is pretty smart. I think the idea that he is going to his own hotel shouldnt be a shocker. Its a beautiful place. It is somewhere he is proud of and symbolic of the kind of government he is going to run, ahead of time and under budget. Same theme the Vice President elect expressed. He is very proud. Its absolutely stunning hotel. I encourage you to go there if you havent been by. I dont think the idea that president elect trump is having a reception at the trump hotel should be a shocker to anybody. Now that the cabinet nominations are filled what message do you have for senators on capitol hill when it comes to speed of confirmations . I have talked about this before. Its important that we get these individuals up in front. No one is questioning their qualifications or their caliber or ability to lead their department. These are amazing individuals that have a commitment to enacting an agenda of change. So my message is simply lets get it done. This is not time for partisan politics. This is time to ensure that the American People have a government in place and can get that done. Coming from israel regards middle east plenty that president might move American Embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. The president made clear that israel has not gotten the attention it deserves or respect. He intends to really show his respect for israel, the importance of it in the middle east and i think he has continued to talk with his team about how we are going to work with israel. I think first and foremost how to make sure that we continue to support our ally, israel. That is going to be a priority of this administration. You said the president was finding the best and brightest people for his government. I wonder can you understand that with 56 million of hispanic people in the u. S. Its like adding offense to the injury to say there was nobody bright enough for the president he has tremendous respect. I think you have to look at the totality of diversity that exists within the cabinet. There are so many ways to express this both in terms of gender and background, race, ideology. He continues to put together an amazingly diverse cabinet. If you are looking specifically at hispanics i think as we move forward we have 5,000 jobs to fill. There is going to be a tremendous number of hispanic americans that fill those posts. I caution people to stay tuned. Are you guys going to send anybody to syria talks on monday . I will have an update for you soon. One other thing on numbers. I want to make sure we are not conflating different things. You talked about 536 people on beach head teams. What does that mean in terms of 4,000 political . Thank you for clarifying that. 536 individuals that are on these teams. They are temporary employees that serve as assistants to the secretary office. Those individuals are able to work in the various departments as temporary officials for i think up to 120 days. In some cases they stay on. It will be up to the secretary or the administrator of the department or agency to decide whether to maintain them on. Maybe they choose to not stay on board. In any case that will be a decision that gets made. If they stay then they are counted as part of that overall. That is a mutual decision that the incoming secretary or administrator or director would make in consultation with the individual whether or not they wanted to stay on board. What does that mean in terms of where you guys are on the 4,000 number . So those people are temporary. So in some cases until the secretary or administrator or director is confirmed they are unable to make a permanent appointment. We are working, as i mentioned before, very aggressively at the deputy secretary, assistant secretary and ambassador levels to have individuals ready to go. Now that the cabinet is filled i think you will see a lot more activity at that level. The president elect wanted to make sure that his entire cabinet was locked and loaded before he started getting to the deputy under an assistant level. Now that that is complete as of this morning with sonny purdue i think you will see a lot more activity at the lower level. Once the individuals are confirmed they will make a decision whether or not they become part of the overall package. Thank you very much. It has been a pleasure. I look forward to seeing you on monday. Have a great weekend. Tomorrow is going to be a very special day. Thank you. The president ial inauguration of donald trump is friday. C span will have live coverage. Watch live and listen live on the free app. Live picture from trump tower which has been a bee hive of activity as the Team Continues to shape the administration. President elect tweeting out ready to leave for washington, d. C. The journey begins and i will be working and fighting hard to make it a great journey. I have no doubt that we will together make America Great again. We understand the president elect will be leaving new york for inauguration ceremonies today at about 10 40 eastern. Today will be the last day that donald trump will travel as a private citizen. And the tweets related to the Incoming Administration and the inauguration as preparations continue at the white house donald trump will be taking up residents there tomorrow. This is a look at some of what happened earlier today. Also Howard Mortman sent out a picture giving a sense of crowd control being put in place for the inauguration. We got this from our capitol hill producer craig kaplan as he tweeted out a picture of commemorative metro cards that riders will get. Historian and author sat down with steve skully to discuss history and tradition of president ial inaugurations. He talked about how former president s approached writing their addresses and predicted what president elect trump would include in his first speech as commander in chief tomorrow. As we prepare for the 58th president ial inauguration, we were looking

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