Distinguished guests and please welcome. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests the president of the night states accompanied by the Vice President of the United States and the 42nd president of the United States the honorable bill clinton. [applause] good afternoon everyone. Please have a seat. Good afternoon. President biden, president clinton, members of our cabinet. Members of congress and our fellow americans, nearly 30 years ago, just outside in the rose garden our nation took a long overdue step to give working people and in particular working mothers the dignity, respect, and support they deserve. Before then, many of us will remember working people face often impossible choices. Impossible choices. The choice either to take care of a loved one or keep a job. The choice either to protect ones health or protect their livelihood. But thanks to the family and medical leave act millions of americans since then have been spared these false choices. Everyone here understands the importance of being able to care for the people we love it. On a personal note when i was District Attorney of San Francisco my mother was diagnosed with cancer. And i spent many hours with her at the hospital and driving her to and from chemotherapy appointments. Fortunately however, i had the type of job than i could take the time i needed to be with my mother. But far too many others cannot. And let us be clear in america on the 21st century every worker should be able to take time off, to care for themselves or for the people they love. [applause] and heres the thing we know. When they are able our entire nation benefits. Consider for example women are 40 more likely to need a family or medical leave because they are more likely to take on caregiving responsibilities. Studies have shown that when women receive the leave they need they are more likely than to stay in the workforce. Which means a stronger economy. Raising wages for workers overall. And by the way raising profits for companies overall. It also means families are more secure and our entire nation is more prosperous. Over the past halfcentury, the womens workforce participation has increased by 30 . That changed alone has strengthened our economy by over 2 trillion. Just imagine and there is still more work to do. So, as we celebrate this important milestone this afternoon, let us continue to fight to build on the family and medical leave act so that every worker. [applause] every worker can take paid family and medical leave. [applause] [cheering] [applause] [cheering] and now it is my great honor to introduce a leader who had a vision 30 years ago that has a benefited generations of american families. Realizing that vision was one of essential promises when he ran for president in 1992. The family and medical leave act was the first film because of his priority president clinton signed into law. And of course it was possible thanks to another extraordinary leader who is also named clinton. [laughter] and a partner to the president , hillary clinton. [cheering] [applause] the work of president clinton and what he did to inspire his entire administration was the work that then went on to include an administration that created the Child Tax Credit which has lifted millions of children out of poverty. It administration that expanded the head start program. [applause] and helps generations of children reach their incredible potential. An administration signed the violence against women act into law. We want to thank joe biden. They found the stage together before. [laughter] and the administration led by a president with an unwavering commitment to the workers and to the families of our great nation. Please join me and while coming president William Jefferson clinton. [applause] [cheering] thank you, thank you very much. Some im supposed to have some notes here. Wont i just give your speech. [laughter] and you can give mine. [laughter] i found it. [laughter] thank you madam Vice President for the introduction for your kind remarks the work we did. Im very grateful to President Biden for many things. But i thank him for asking me back to the white house to celebrate 30 years the federal leave active. And as you showed by your enthusiastic response to the Vice President remarks with the family and medical leave act should tell us about our common future. The bill was the result of years of advocacy and efforts. By so many people. None more than my friend of more years and would like to admit. Chris dodd. [cheering] [applause] so, before i started to run for president i was a governor. God introduces this bill every year. Dodd introduces this bill every year end i think he submitted for six years until it got past. He passed at agape town pretty past again i got beat out again. By the time i started running for president i basically made a part of my stump speech because i thought it both embodied what was wrong then by the polarized politics of washington. And embodied the hazards of overlooking the country when it changed on the ground. What do i mean by that . The president and i and nancy and chris and all of us dare i sent 75 or older. [laughter] we grew up in a different time. [laughter] we grew up in a different time. My mother always worked. And my grandmother did. But they were a typical. By the time the 1992 election unfolded there were more and more families were both a mother and the father had to work to make a living. Or where there is only one parent in the home with the children. In a situation like that, both society and political leaders are utterly hypocritical. He said theres nothing more important than raising children. How about a little help to do it . Well we cant do that. And so the rest of us followed the lead of senator dodd and the others of that were republicans to that were for it. That was a different time. They were more than 200 women, children, labor and faith organizations led by the National Partnership for women and families. [cheering] [cheering] [applause] if you ever feel drifting just as julie what you should do and she will tell you. [laughter] they were all these people in the Business Community who were progressives. They implemented their own forms the family leave. They realize it was good for morale, for productivity, for the longterm health of the business. Still it took eight years, two vetoes and another election before it became law. But today one of the most important things we can do is remember the family leave. And everything thats fundamentally change this country that moved through congress is an embodiment of what i learned from the world war i essay of the great german sociologist who said politics was ace strong and slow and boring of all of these people and we are the beneficiaries and we should all be grateful. [applause] i kept saying that all the time when people wondered why when the president took office we did not have an infrastructure built. The ships act the anti inflation act and all the Climate Change stuff in 15 minutes. [laughter] and a one of the reasons i was so happy when he got elected president as i watched him spend 15 years if thats what it took to make the changes that we needed to make this country a better place to live. So i think we should remember that. I also think you should know and resent dodd will tie the same thing. After all of these years i still have more people mention the family act leave to me than any of the other specific things. No one ever talks about what gets all the press coverage. The political process. How long did it take . What went up . What went down . Nobody. They tell you their story. That is when you know that we have united the country. And my job is to introduce the storytellers. So, i will tell you my story in the point of her story. First time i ever got on an airplane after i left the oval office, boy, what a bummer. [laughter] when do you really know you not president anymore . [laughter] they dont play a song when you walk in the room. You are back on commercial air travel. [laughter] so, im taken this a shuttle from new york to washington. This really compelling Flight Attendant with a very intense stare at looked at me and said may i talk to you . And i said sure. She said you know my husband loves you. Teaches music in school so he was always for you. She said i didnt really care about you one way or the other. [laughter] until the family and medical leave act. She said i have a sister and we had the misfortune both of our parents were dying at once. One with cancer but with advanced alzheimers. There is no way we could support them with. Upset because the family medical leave act. And i just wanted to tell you this. Ive heard all of these politicians give speeches about family values. I know how your parents die its an important family value. It was breathtaking. I never get on a shuttle after 20 years that i dont think about that moment. And then, theres one other story. Early one early sunday morning took a run at the white house i came back. I needed to go up and shower and dress hillary and i were going to church. I got there there is a young person white house giving a tour to a man and his daughter. She was obviously very ill. And i said would you excuse me . Id really like to go up and properly fitting to clean up and get dressed and i had her taken to the oval office. So i went up and took a shower and came down. Went into the oval office gave a little standard two or three sentences to her and took a picture. I was walking them back out onto the south lawn and when the daughter walked out he grabbed it with the elbow in the turned around and said you know, my little girl is not going to make it much longer. But he said because of the family and medical leave act these months i have spent with her i by far the most important time of my life. And he said i am telling you this because i read all the stuff i know the controversies are. It is so easy for you appear to forget that what you do affects the lives of other people in ways you cannot imagine. The last 30 years americans have taken advantage of the family and medical leave act. [applause] we are here because in spite of that, and in spite of the 2020 study that the department of labor did finding that 95 of employers said that the family medical leave act either didnt hurt or actually helped productivity and increased morale. Theres still a lot of problems that cannot be solved without some form of paid leave. [applause] we tried to at least get permission to use surplus Unemployment Insurance funds in the late 90s and there was a lot of opposition like once again the Free Enterprise system would collapse. We actually gave people the chance to take care of their sick relatives or be there when baby was born where there was some other terrible problem so we need more stories. Theres still a lot of people left out. That is the purpose of today. One of the stories you havent heard is Natosha Jackson and shes a pretty good storyteller. So i would ask you to welcome her to the stage. [applause] thank you, president clinton and Vice President harris. Im Natosha Jackson from south carolina. I am here today with my husband. I am honored to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the family medical leave act as well as the pregnant workers fairness act. [cheering] which President Biden, thank you, signed into law over a month ago. This victory im going to try not to tear up. When i was three months pregnant and the only Woman Working at a local rental Furniture Company i asked my employer to let me do less heavy lifting. I thought it would be an easy yes. Instead i lost my job. I was our primary breadwinner at the time. We just made a down payment on a house but without my income we had to back out of all of it. We then ended up homeless and needing emergency Public Housing all in a matter of months. One fellow mom including miranda and lindy, they are here today and we shared our stories and the act. So what happened to us will never happen to anyone else. I have two daughters and nieces and im so grateful that they and millions wont have to choose between starting a family and keeping their jobs and im grateful President Biden keeps fighting for us for workers, families, for our Economic Security and for women like me. [applause] so with that being said i am honored to introduce president joe biden. [applause] thank you very much. As i was sitting and listening to everyone, i was reminded that back during a very important hearing in the Judiciary Committee when i was chairman, we were working on a very difficult subject. It was a justice that was conservative and we were working hard to keep it from being on the bench. We had worked really hard bringing in scholars from all around the country during the entire summer preparing for this hearing and one particular person was in charge of knowing the detail, although significant detail. Just before we started the hearing in a matter of fact the day of the hearing we heard he was having difficulty at home. I told him if he came in he would [inaudible] i remember what happened to me. Nixon won my state by 64 of the vote and i one by a whopping because my sister managed my campaign. But all kidding aside i got a phone call saying my wife and daughter had just been killed and my two boys were badly injured. I didnt want to come to the United States senate. I really didnt. I had my brother and my sister, chris knows them both well. To talk to the incoming governor that we elected as well but the progressive senator that used to be a red state, we didnt call it that but a group of senators that were so good to me saved my sanity starting with Mike Mansfield and from North Carolina they all said come and stay just six months. There were 58 democratic senators. Thats how smart i was. [laughter] but the point was i started commuting every day 260 miles a day to come home with my kids and thats because i was really lucky. I had a sister is my best friend and a brother five years younger. They helped me raise my kids and i thought to myself i was able to continue to work and continue to be paid because i had the option, i had a family that was so supportive and taking care of everything and i scores. You make the decision if youre going to vote or not to vote and sometimes when theres an important event, a teacher meeting, not a joke or a baseball game or whatever i had to look and see what the votes of the day were it if they werent consequential they were going to pass. I thought to myself its in fact i could do that i was going to make sure everybody that works gets a memo and it says if you ever need time you never have to explain why. All you have to do is tell me you cant show up. If you cant show up, you cant show up. Im trusting you that youre not going to play a game. Well, you know, theres so many people who cant. For you and all the families taking care of everybody i want to thank the members of the congress of the working families. Weve been friends a long time, youre the reason for the family medical leave act. [applause] every fiber in his being and when he became president. By the way, welcome home. [applause] we made history by signing that act into law. As a team effort i especially want to thank my friend but also the woman sitting next to him. By the way, stand up for a second. [applause] i learned a long time ago just say yes because then im going to have to say eventually. Please, sit down but all kidding aside. Working with republicans, we still have this weird idea you can still work as republicans and negotiate a bipartisan compromise to get it done and meanwhile along came candidate clinton and law only signed it but convinced people why it was such a good thing to do, and it was. He knew in the United States that in america and no one should have to choose between their job and their family. My dad used to say the job is about more than a paycheck. Its about your dignity and respect and of the American People agree because of the tenacious advocacy of many of you here today of course the first lady is a tenacious advocate as there ever was before this law as well and transformed the lives of literally millions of men and women. A step towards the dignity my dad used to talk about. Dignity for workers and parents and new children. It makes a gigantic difference. Being there for your family is often the most consequential thing you can do. The most consequential thing as an example. Dignity and security because finally for the first time in history the majority of working americans could take time off work and care for somebody they love and care for themselves. To have a little dignity when they needed it most. And by the way family medical leave is it only for workers and families as mentioned earlier and i wont go into the detail but as pointed out by both my colleagues its good for business and its increased the overall gdp by well over a trillion dollars. When workers can take leave when they are able to do that rather than have to stay in their job they are better off because things get done. As a nation weve made a lot of progress. Over time weve expanded the family medical leave act up to 26 to care for Service Members with serious illnesses with active duty and some in the hospital 18 months after coming back from iraq. I dont know if i hadnt had this job i dont know quite well what i would have done. So after 12 weeks to handle the military deployments because it really changes the family and takes it all out of gear. It can be a major adjustment 12 weeks paid for federal employees. [applause] i also signed a law that gives time for private space to pump at work. [applause] what an awful demand. My lord. Remember some of the arguments made . Now teachers, nurses, farmworkers and others were at the mercy of their employers. Folks, it shouldnt be that complicated. It gets down to basic dignity. People can both work and raise a family and today we are taking another step forward. I signed a president ial memorandum to make sure the federal government leads in a way that is supporting workers right now and qualify for family medical leave if theyve been on the job for one year. Getting cancer after six months. You cant schedule when your loved one might need help badly or an infant or a dying parent that you will be there for them next year and when a serious seriousillness strikes you cant reschedule that either. So all federal agencies urging them to let federal employees take leave during the first year of the job. [applause] and office to help federal employees take leave when they need to find safety from domestic violence. Sexual assault, socalled safe leave. That matters. It matters a lot. Additionally it made historic investments to make childcare more affordable so parents can work and provide for the kids. [applause] how can we compete in the Global Economy and especially moms cant join because child care, elder care costs more than a paycheck. The cost has gone off more than 200 over the last 30 years. Most Families Income hasnt grown nearly that much. A lot of parents do the math and realize they cant afford to go to work. The first major piece of legislation the American Rescue plan provided the historic tax rate to millions of families to help cover the cost of the Child Tax Credit and dependent care tax credit. The thing we dont talk about much either also helped 200,000 childcare providers. To help businesses stay open during the pandemic. They continue to serve 9. 5 million during that period. It increases the Child Care Development block grant by 30 helping lowincome families afford childcare. [applause] more than half the women in my cabinet more than half the people in my administration are women. Thirty years ago we ranked number six about advanced economies that the share of women in the workforce. You know what we ranked today, 19th. This is the United States of america for god sake. Women are slightly more than 50 of the population. We cant reach our full academic potential if we leave half the work force behind. I ran for president [applause] i ran for president to rebuild the backbone of america, the middle class as youve heard me say a million times. Wall street didnt build america. The middleclass built america and unions built the middle class. I come from a family that never benefits from the trickledown economics. When you build from the bottom up folks get a shot and middleclass and the wealthy stool do very well. These have been the strongest two years of job growth unemployment when i was sworn in was over 6 . Its now 3. 6 . Black women and Hispanic Women the numbers fell even greater and my first year as president we sold the largest oneyear growth ever in the participation in nearly 30 years. Meanwhile the economy is growing. Wages are up. The last two years more americans have applied to start a Small Business than any year on record. A critical part of that where women have access to jobs, education, training and support while still being there for their families. The legislation we celebrate today was an incredibly important step in the United States still one of the only countries in the world that doesnt guarantee paid leave. One of the only countries in the world. As a result, 94 of our lowest wage workers mostly women and workers of color have no paid family leave at all meaning you can only take time to care for your loved one if you can afford to give up your salary. I remain committed to changing that with every single other major economy by passing a national program. A paid leave act. [applause] and by the way, American Workers deserve paid sick days as well. [applause] wife call on congress to act and i will continue as i know all of you will as well. No american should have to choose between a paycheck into taking care of a Family Member or of themselves. I believe one of the best ways to continue making progress is to make sure women are at every table where decisions are made. Not a joke. I promised my administration will look like america as i said my cabinet is first majority female cabinet in american history. We just heard from the first woman Vice President. The womens Economic Security and equity for all americans and with her help and so many of you in the room we will continue to make progress. I can economically say as i stand here before you ive been doing this a long time. I know you dont believe that, but i have. Ive never been more optimistic about americas future. We just remember who we are. Sincerely from the bottom of my heart we are the United States of america. There is nothing beyond the capacity if we set our mind to it and we do it together. Theres nothing weve failed at when we try. We have a lot of work to do but im so happy to be able to welcome my present back to the United States capital and hes promised me i will be able to sit at my desk tomorrow. God bless you all and may god protect our troops. [applause] [inaudible conversations]

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