And on holidays, too. Only on cspan3. Hello. This is hillary clinton. I want to thank you for letting me speak with you about an issue that is central to our childrens future and critical in our fight to restore this nations economy, solving our nations healthcare crisis. There is no prescription or role model or cookbook for being first lady. The future is created every day. The future is not something that is out there waiting to happen to us. The future is something that we make. I have said and i believe that there is a good possibility that sometime in the next 20 years, we will have a woman president. Hillary clinton experienced many firsted es is her role ast lady. She and her husband have been Political Partners since law school. She has endured several scandals as she considers a second bid for the white house. Hillary clinton, this sunday night at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspans original series, first la ladies, influence and image, examining the public and private lives of the women who filled the position of the first lady. Sunday at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on American History tv on cspan3. Cspan presents, landmark cases, the book, a guide to our landmark cases series, which explores 12 Historic Supreme Court decisions, including march bury versus madison. Landmark cases, the book, features introductions, background, highlights and the impact of each case. Written by Supreme Court journalist tony mauro and published by cspan in cooperation with cq press. Landmark cases is available for 8. 95 plus shipping. Get your copy today at cspan. Org landmarkcases. Im rick pralinger. Im founder of a large collection of historical film located in san francisco. I began collecting film in 1982. I was working as a researcher on a documentary project. This project involved searching for a lot of material that wasnt in conventional collections. Specifically, material about everyday life in the post world war ii period. I became very interested in industrial advertising educational films. These were considered trivial and useless. At that point in time in the early 80s, hardly collected. But as an outgrowth of my work on the film, i began collecting and quite quickly this collection grew extremely large and people began to ask me for access to the material. Suddenly, even though i was still an unschooled film collector with no archival training, i had started something which was by default an archives. Im especially fond of a series of films made by a Company Called centron. It was a Company Started by two men and then helped by a woman named Margaret Trudy Travis who wrote some of the most interesting and unusual educational films that i have seen. That team made a film in 1951 at the height of the cold war called day of thanksgiving. Its about a family that finds themselves too poor to buy a turkey. They have a simple dinner and they sit around talking with one another about what they feel thankful for. You know, its a little bit hokey and gendered in the way we think about these things today. But whats interesting is thats completely nonmaterialistic. They dont equate patriotism with prosperity. They dont equate happiness with buying things. Its a film that i think really moves on a higher level, and its a deceptively simple film that masks some sophisticated, smart, good ideas. Thanks for all the blessings we share thanks for freedom and thanks for our country, our people, our home give thank thanks im bill johnson. Around here they just call me dad. Ive been trying to read, but i just cant seem to do it. I keep thinking about today, thanksgiving day. We johnsons had a good thanksgiving. The best we have ever had. I cant help thinking that what made it better was a feeling a real feeling of thankfulness. Thats odd, too, when you consider the shape things were in when i got home from work yesterday. The kids, dick and tommy and susan were all home from school. Of course, mother and the baby were there. As kids will, mine were living tomorrow right along with today. Looking forward to thanksgiving. Like most men, im glad it was mother instead of me who this h to break the news to them. Tomorrow is thanksgiving. Turkey and dressing and pie and cake. And fruit salad and whipped cream and cranberries. I can hardly wait. Me, too. Well, you know, children, we have had a lot of expenses this month. Well, your father and i thought that well, the truth of the matter is, there just wont be any turkey this year. No occur urkey for thanksgiv . We will have plenty to eat. Well, we will just have to get along without turkey. You dont mean it. It wont be thanksgiving at all. Even the pilgrims had a feast. After all, isnt that what thanksgiving is for . I dont think its fair. And it was right there that i came in, right in the thick of it. Hello, everybody. Hi, pa. Mother, dick, susan. Whats been going on around here . Whats the matter with everybody, anyway . Mom says were not going to have any thanksgiving. No turkey. No good things. A fat lot were going to have to be thankful for. I dont think you kids really mean that. We do, too. We have always had turkey for thanksgiving. Yes. Everybody else on the block will have it this year. Same as always. Yes, we have always had turkey. Just as a lot of americans have had it. And well keep on having it. Turkey on thanksgiving is a Great American tradition. What you kids are saying makes it sound as if the turkey is the only thing we had to be thankful for. No, dad. Its not that at all. I know, dick. With turkey, its easy to lose sight of what thanksgiving really means. Dont think were making excuses. Because we dont have any turkey this year. Well, we know it will mean a lot more to us the next time we do have it. Sure. Suppose we dont have a bankup feast. Well still better off than the pilgrims. Thats it, dick. Do you other kids see what dick is trying to say . Turkey or no turkey, we have got all the free madoms and privile. Out of those have come a lot of things, things the pilgrims never dreamed of. We could make a list a mile long. Why dont we do it . Now hold on a minute. You have the idea. But it isnt something you can write down like a grocery list. You have to feel it down deep before you can really be thankful for anything. I tell you what lets do. Lets take a little more time to think this over. When you get right down to it, there are some pretty tough decisions in making up your mind what means the most to you. Your life, sure. Thats one thing you cant get along without. But do you know that there are some places in the world today where you have to get along without just about Everything Else . Golly, daddy. I guess i kind of got carried away. But i will bet you one thing. If we really think over what we have to be thankful for, when we sit down to whatever mother fixes to eat tomorrow, we will be one family in america that will really have a thanksgiving dinner. Well, thats how it got started. The john ssons didnt have any turkey. Everybody likes to make Something Special out of a special day. So we fell back on something as old as the pilgrims, totaling up the blessings we had to be thankful for. That night i would see dick there building his model airplane and susan playing. Only they werent just playing. They were mulling things over, thinking big thoughts for such young heads. And as for mother and tom and baby janet, and yes, me, too, it was as if we had our eyes opened for the first time. Things werent appreciating any ordinary day in america. When we took our places around the table and we were ready, and then well, we all knew it, there are some things you just cant say. But everybody in his own way knew what he had to be thankful for and that this was the time to think about it. Tom was first. I am thankful for getting plenty to eat all the time, with extras that count like cookies and milk after school. Like mom says, im hungry all the time anyway. And if i didnt live in a country where there was plenty to go around, golly. And im thankful for the free public library, where i can get books about adventure. Jack london, richard halliburton, the way they tell a story its as good as being there yourself. And its free. With only a library card. Yes, tommy thought about some of the things he ought to be glad for all the time. And somehow turkey and trimmings seemed to matter a lot less than he thought they did yesterday. Well, then it was susans turn. Susan is a happygolucky kid. You would never credit her with thinking beyond her dolls. But she got right into the spirit of it. I am thankful we have what we need to ware. Mother says its hard to keep up with us, we grow so fast. I never thought before how many clothes it takes for all kinds of weather, or how it would be to have to do without the right ones. Im glad to be able to go to sunday school or go to any church i want any sunday. Im thankful for my mother and daddy, that they are here with us, that both of them arent too worried about things to take time to have fun with us. Im glad were a family, that families are still important in america. I guess dick, being the oldest, was having some pretty serious thoughts. I am thankful for being able to get an education, for living where schools, all schools, open their doors to a guy who wants to learn. Where school books are studied instead of burned. Where a guy is rated by how much he knows and a community is rated by how well it teaches him. Im glad ive got a chance to play, batting a ball around once in a while. Stuff like that. Im glad its fun growing up in america. Sure, baby janet is too young to understand the big word thanksgiving. Shes too little even to tell us the things that make her happy. But we can tell. Maybe shes thinking about them now. Maybe shes thinking about the fun of splashing around in the tub and about how good it feels to be clean. About play time with mother and the security she feels in mothers arms. And as for mother, seems shes always working, cooking, ironing, tending children, daylight to dark. What does she have to be thankful for . I am thankful that my children had the privilege of being born safely and of growing up healthy and strong. Im thankful that i have the privilege of guiding them as they become useful men and women. And im thankful for all the things our american system makes possible for the smiths and browns and the johnsons, for washing machines, hot water out of a tap and a telephone to call the doctor when one of the family is sick. A car to get dad to work. Yes, im thankful for all the things free people working together can produce. Im thankful that when my neighbor drops in to borrow a cup of flour, we have the right to talk about anything we want to. The Parent Teacher project, the new mayor or jane jones hat. And last of all, im truly thankful for the peace of mind that dads job brings. For knowing that even though there are lots of luxuries we cant afford, there still will always be enough to go around for the things we have have to have. Im glad dad doesnt work slave hours. That there are evenings and sundays and vacations when we can all be together. Thats mother for you. Grateful for what america means to her family. And now for me. Ive got so many things to be thankful for. Im thankful for this house. It may need a coat of paint. It has a mortgage. But its ours. A place where we can be together in privacy. And im thankful for the thing that makes this house our home, the happiness here. Not just today or on Christmas Morning but on a daytoday basis all through the year. For knowing that a knock on our door Means Nothing to fear. A friend calling or maybe a bill collector or a kid selling magazines. You never know what to expect. But you can count on one thing. Its not going to be some Political Gangster coming to drag one of us opff to jail because we believe in freedom. And im glad that that freedom we have got lets me choose the kind of work i like and can do best. Taking a sluggish motor and making it hum again. Makes me feel that somebody got to his work or wherever he had to go just because of me. And feeling like that gives me a lot of satisfaction. And im thankful for my newspaper, just a few cents worth of ink and paper, but more valuable than any amount of money, because in it the he had to editor has the privilege of printing what he thinks and i have the privilege of agreeing or not, however the facts strike me. And both of us, the editor and i, have the right to act on our opinions on election day, to vote for what we believe in. And finally, im thankful for being able to believe in spite of everything that somehow some way, the unity we have here in the Johnson Family will some day spread to men and nations throughout the world. For all these things we are truly and humbly thankful. Amen. Amen, amen, amen you are watching American History tv, all weekend, every weekend on cspan3. To join the conversation, like us on facebook. Born in 1897 pope paul served until his death in 1978. You are looking at scenes of his coronation ceremony. The final pope to be crowned in this manner. Succeeded popes have been inaugurated rather than crowned in a more simple ceremony. Up next on American History tvs reel america, from 50 years ago, october 4, 1965, pope paul visits the united nations. He was the first pope to travel to the United States and the first to address the u. N. General assembly. 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